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In the Hymenoptera, single locus complementary sex determination (sl-CSD) describes a system where males develop either from unfertilized haploid eggs or from fertilized diploid eggs that are homozygous at a single polymorphic sex locus. Diploid males are often inviable or sterile, and are produced more frequently under inbreeding. Within families where sl-CSD has been demonstrated, we predict that sl-CSD should be more likely in species with solitary development than in species where siblings develop gregariously (and likely inbreed). We examine this prediction in the parasitoid wasp genus Cotesia, which contains both solitary and gregarious species. Previous studies have shown that sl-CSD is absent in two gregarious species of Cotesia, but present in one gregarious species. Here, we demonstrate CSD in the solitary Cotesia vestalis, using microsatellite markers. Diploid sons are produced by inbred, but not outbred, females. However, frequencies of diploid males were lower than expected under sl-CSD, suggesting that CSD in C. vestalis involves more than one locus.  相似文献   

In the Hymenoptera, males develop as haploids from unfertilized eggs and females develop as diploids from fertilized eggs. In species with complementary sex determination (CSD), however, diploid males develop from zygotes that are homozygous at a highly polymorphic sex locus or loci. We investigated mating behavior and reproduction of diploid males of the parasitoid wasp Cotesia vestalis (C. plutellae), for which we recently demonstrated CSD. We show that the behavior of diploid males of C. vestalis is similar to that of haploid males, when measured as the proportion of males that display wing fanning, and the proportion of males that mount a female. Approximately 29% of diploid males sired daughters, showing their ability to produce viable sperm that can fertilize eggs. Females mated to diploid males produced all-male offspring more frequently (71%) than females mated to haploid males (27%). Daughter-producing females that had mated to diploid males produced more male-biased sex ratios than females mated to haploid males. All daughters of diploid males were triploid and sterile. Three triploid sons were also found among the offspring of diploid males. It has been suggested that this scenario, that is, diploid males mating with females and constraining them to the production of haploid sons, has a large negative impact on population growth rate and secondary sex ratio. Selection for adaptations to reduce diploid male production in natural populations is therefore likely to be strong. We discuss different scenarios that may reduce the sex determination load in C. vestalis.  相似文献   

Zhou Y  Gu H  Dorn S 《Heredity》2006,96(6):487-492
The parasitoid Cotesia glomerata usually produces female-biased sex ratios in the field, which are presumably caused by inbreeding and local mate competition (LMC); yet, sibling mating increases the production of males, leading to the male-biased sex ratio of broods in the laboratory. Previous studies have suggested that the sex allocation strategy of C. glomerata is based on both partial LMC in males and inbreeding avoidance in females. The current study investigated the presence of single-locus complementary sex determination (sl-CSD) as a sex-determining mechanism in this species through inbreeding experiment, cytological examination and microsatellite analysis. Cytological examination detected diploid males in nine of 17 single pairs of sibling mating, thus in agreement with the proportion of matched matings predicted by the sl-CSD model. Sex ratio shifts in these matched sibling matings were consistent with the sl-CSD model with less viable diploid males. The haploid males have a single set of maternal chromosomes (n = 10), whereas diploid males possess a double set of chromosomes (2n = 20). Microsatellite analyses confirmed that diploid males produced from the matched matings inherited segregating genetic materials from both parents. Thus, this study provides the first solid evidence for the presence of sl-CSD as a sex-determining mechanism in the braconid genus Cotesia.  相似文献   

菜蛾盘绒茧蜂卵携带的免疫抑制因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抑制寄主昆虫的免疫反应是内寄生蜂存活的关键。菜蛾盘绒茧蜂Cotesia vestalis(Haliday)寄生小菜蛾Plutella xylostella (L.)幼虫后,蜂卵如何逃避和抑制寄主的免疫攻击,尚未得到全面揭示。本文采用电镜技术系统观察了菜蛾盘绒茧蜂卵表面的超微结构。结果显示:蜂卵表面覆盖有纤维层和絮状的类病毒样纤丝(VLFs),同时携带了含多分DNA病毒粒子(PDV)的萼液。在寄生初期,包裹在蜂卵表面的纤维层和VLFs首先起到保护蜂卵不被小菜蛾血细胞包囊的被动防御作用。随后,PDV发挥主动的免疫抑制作用。通过假寄生手段,证明了菜蛾盘绒茧蜂PDV (CvBV) 具有较持久的克服寄主免疫攻击的能力,是主要的免疫抑制因子。在假寄生后连续8 d的观察时间内,菜蛾盘绒茧蜂的蜂卵均未被包囊。结果提示,在菜蛾盘绒茧蜂-小菜蛾寄生体系中,菜蛾盘绒茧蜂采取被动防御和主动攻击两种方式应对寄主小菜蛾的免疫攻击。  相似文献   

The limited availability of sugar sources (e.g., flowers) in greenhouses may affect biological pest control by parasitoid wasps. However, few studies have focused on feeding devices to provide parasitoids with sugar foods. We investigated the accessibility of a yellow-colored bottle-type feeding device to adult Cotesia vestalis (Halliday), a larval endoparasitoid of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (L.). All parasitoids died within four days in a room with no sugar source, whereas 66.7 % of individuals survived if a bottle-type feeding device providing honey solution was installed. We also investigated female longevity in response to different sugar solutions presented in a bottle-type feeding device. Honey and sugar mixtures (glucose and fructose) improved female longevity (38.4 and 39.2 days, respectively) much more than water (3.1 days), indicating these feeding devices containing sugar foods to be potentially useful for maintaining C. vestalis in greenhouses where natural food sources are limited.  相似文献   

In hymenopterans with single locus complementary sex determination, sex depends on the genotype at one polymorphic locus. Haploids are always male, while diploids are female when heterozygous and male when homozygous at the sex‐determining locus. Brothers and sisters have a 50% chance of sharing a sex allele (i.e. of being ‘matched’), and hence half of all sibling matings are expected to produce diploid males at the expense of females. Nevertheless, observed frequencies of diploid males are often lower than predicted, as diploid males may succumb to pre‐imaginal mortality, or because unmatched mates or sperm enjoy a competitive advantage. We counted diploid males in broods of the parasitoid wasp Cotesia glomerata sampled in the field, and in broods produced through controlled laboratory crosses. Consistently, the frequency of diploid males fell below expectations based upon the estimated occurrence of sibling mating. In the staged broods with diploid males, females made up a disproportionately large share of the diploids. Broods with and without diploid males were of similar size. Hence, the shortage of diploid males cannot be accounted for by differential pre‐imaginal mortality alone. Instead, we postulate the existence of a mechanism that leads to preferential fertilization of eggs by sperm bearing unmatched alleles. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   

Protandry, the earlier adult emergence of males, is explained as either an adaptive strategy maximizing male mating opportunities at the same time as minimizing female pre‐reproductive mortality, or as an incidental by‐product of sexual dimorphism fuelled by selection for other life‐history traits. Adult emergence sequences are monitored of broods of the gregarious larval endoparasitoid Cotesia glomerata L. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) undergoing pupal development under different temperature regimes. As a haplodiploid species with single‐locus complementary sex determination, gender in C. glomerata is determined by the genotype at one sex locus. Haploids are always male, whereas diploids are female when heterozygous but male when homozygous at the sex locus. Sibling mating promotes homozygosity and thus the production of diploid males. Diploid males are produced at the expense of females, and impose a genetic burden on individuals and populations, despite their exceptional fertility in C. glomerata. Emergence of broods is typically completed within 2 days. Irrespective of temperature, males emerge earlier and within a shorter time interval than females, and a majority of the males in a cluster emerge before the first female. The implications of an incomplete temporal segregation of the sexes on the incidence of inbreeding in C. glomerata are discussed in the light of its sex determination mechanism and its patterns of mating, host exploitation and natal dispersal.  相似文献   

Immature Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) and parasitoids were sampled for 39 months in an unsprayed cabbage field near Cotonou, Benin, to determine how and when host-parasitoid interactions influence the population dynamics of the moth in a tropical environment. Eighty-three samples were taken at approximately two-week intervals. There were no seasonal patterns in the abundance of immature moths, which was not correlated with weather variables, although heavy rainfall during the principal rainy season may have temporarily affected the population. The host-parasitoid system consisted almost exclusively of P. xylostella and its larval parasitoid Cotesia vestalis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), both species occurring at similar levels of abundance (on average 7.5 ± 0.3 and 7.2 ± 0.3 individuals per plant, respectively). The tendency for host-parasitoid dynamics to cycle was apparent in the field. P. xylostella and C. vestalis showed coupled oscillations in abundance, with a time lag of about two weeks between host and parasitoid peaks. High parasitoid abundance resulted in significant decreases in moth abundance over several weeks. However, the parasitoid population in turn decreased, could not prevent the moth from rebounding, and there was no stable control of the pest. We conclude that under tropical conditions in which P. xylostella populations grow rapidly, combined with a high probability of recolonization from surrounding areas, biological control by a well-established specialist parasitoid reaches its limits and additional control measures are necessary.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors influencing host-selection behavior of parasitoids is essential in studies on host-parasitoid ecology and evolution, and in combining sustainable strategies of pest management, such as host-plant resistance and biological control. The effects of host-plant resistance on the olfactory response and parasitism success by Cotesia vestalis, a parasitoid of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) larvae were examined. Here, it was demonstrated that host-plant resistance can strongly influence foraging behavior and parasitism success of the parasitoid. In olfactometer experiments, C. vestalis did not differentiate between crucifer plant types with similar levels of susceptibility or resistance to P. xylostella but showed a strong preference for susceptible compared with partially-resistant host plants. The influence of previous oviposition activity varied with the host-plant type experienced by the parasitoid. In cage experiments, C. vestalis preferred to parasitize P. xylostella larvae on a susceptible plant compared with larvae on a partially resistant host plant when exposed to hosts for 24 h. However, this preference appeared to be transitory, and was not found after 96 h exposure. The present study suggests that combining partial host-plant resistance with biological control by C. vestalis for the control of P. xylostella may in some circumstances be antagonistic and negatively affect parasitism success.  相似文献   

The effects of the insecticides etofenprox, malathion, diazinon, methomyl, alanycarb, clothianidin and emamectin benzoate on the foraging behaviour and survival of Cotesia vestalis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a larval parasitoid of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) were investigated in the laboratory. The period required for C. vestalis females to reach P. xylostella‐infested Komatsuna (Brassica rapa) plants treated with etofenprox, methomyl or malathion was significantly longer than that to infested plants treated with emamectin benzoate or clothianidin; and the period to reach alanycarb or diazinon‐treated plants was intermediate between them. The period to reach emamectin benzoate‐ or clothianidin‐treated plants was not significantly different from that to distilled water‐sprayed plants, suggesting that etofenprox, methomyl and malathion have strong inhibitory effects on the flight response, whereas the inhibitory effects of alanycarb and diazinon are relatively weak. By contrast, emamectin benzoate and clothianidin showed no inhibitory effect. The time of residency on the clothianidin‐treated plants was significantly longer than that on other insecticide‐treated plants (etofenprox, methomyl, alanycarb, malathion or diazinon), with the time of residency on emamectin benzoate‐treated plants being intermediate between them. These results suggest that etofenprox, methomyl, alanycarb, malathion, and diazinon have a strong inhibitory effect on host‐searching behaviour, while emamectin benzoate and clothianidin have a relatively weak effect. Furthermore, the mortality of wasps after foraging on the clothianidin‐treated plants was significantly higher than after foraging on other insecticide‐treated plants (etofenprox, methomyl or malathion), with subsequent mortality on alanycarb‐, diazinon‐ and emamectin benzoate‐treated plants being intermediate between them. Our results suggest that subsequent mortality increases with decreased inhibitory effect on the foraging behaviour of C. vestalis.  相似文献   



In species with single locus complementary sex determination (sl-CSD), the sex of individuals depends on their genotype at one single locus with multiple alleles. Haploid individuals are always males. Diploid individuals are females when heterozygous, but males when homozygous at the sex-determining locus. Diploid males are typically unviable or effectively sterile, hence imposing a genetic load on populations. Diploid males are produced from matings of partners that share an allele at the sex-determining locus. The lower the allelic diversity at the sex-determining locus, the more diploid males are produced, ultimately impairing the growth of populations and jeopardizing their persistence. The gregarious endoparasitoid wasp Cotesia glomerata is one of only two known species with sl-CSD and fertile diploid males.  相似文献   

The parasite hypothesis for sex is one of the many theories that have been suggested to solve the mystery of the widespread occurrence of sex despite its high short‐term costs. It suggests that sexual lineages have an evolutionary advantage over parthenogens because they can frequently generate new genotypes that are temporarily less prone to coevolving parasites. In this study, we looked for further supporting evidence for the parasite hypothesis of sex in an attempt to understand the coexistence of sexual and parthenogenetic bagworm moths (Naryciinae). The bagworm moths and their parasitoids form one of the few natural host–parasite systems where sexual and parthenogenetic hosts are apparently not separated by ecological or geographical barriers. Furthermore, in support of the parasite hypothesis for sex, parthenogenetic presence is negatively correlated with parasitism rate. We specifically tested, by identifying the reproductive mode of the parasitized individuals, whether parasitoids preferentially attack the parthenogens in sites with both sexual and parthenogenetic forms, as predicted by the parasite hypothesis. We collected hosts from sites with different frequencies of parthenogenetic and sexual moths. A DNA barcoding approach was used to determine the reproductive mode of the parasitized hosts. Furthermore, we investigated whether differences in host and parasitoid phenology could provide an alternative explanation for the variation in parasitism rates between parthenogens and sexuals. Our results contradict the prediction of the parasite hypothesis because parthenogenetic bagworm moths were less parasitized than sexuals in sympatric sites. Our findings can be explained by differences in phenology between the parthenogenetic and sexual moths rather than genetic incompatibility between parthenogenetic hosts and parasitoids. The stable coexistence of sexual and parthenogenetic Naryciinae despite the many apparent costs of sex in this system remains a mystery. Our work adds to the list of studies were the assumptions of the parasite hypothesis for sex are not all met.  相似文献   

Zayed A 《Heredity》2004,93(6):627-630
Complementary sex determination in the haplodiploid Hymenoptera leads to the production of inviable or effectively sterile diploid males when diploid progeny are homozygous at the sex-determining locus. The production of diploid males reduces the number of females in a population and biases the effective breeding sex ratio in favor of haploid males. This in turn will reduce the effective population size (Ne) of hymenopteran populations with complementary sex determination relative to the expected reductions due to haplodiploidy alone. The effects of diploid male production on Ne in hymenopterans with complementary sex determination when diploid males are either inviable or effectively sterile are assessed theoretically. In both models, low allelic diversity at the sex locus reduces the Ne of hymenopteran populations, and this effect is largest when diploid males are effectively sterile.  相似文献   

The ability to learn plant volatiles in Cotesia kariyai females was examined by wind tunnel bioassays. Searching experience on a host-infested corn plant increased subsequent flight responses of females to the infested plant. Females experiencing host by-products together with the volatiles extracted from infested leaves one time showed an increased response. However, such behavioral changes were not observed in females which experienced only the host by-products or the volatiles. Thus, the increased response is considered to be preference learning. Multiple experiences of C. kariyai with host by-products together with the volatiles did not increase their flight response to the volatiles. Furthermore, this learned response gradually decreased within 2 days. These behavioral modifications based on experience would be advantageous for C. kariyai to locate their polyphagous hosts efficiently.  相似文献   

1. To maximise their reproductive success, the females of most parasitoids must not only forage for hosts but must also find suitable food sources. These may be nectar and pollen from plants, heamolymph from hosts and/or honeydew from homopterous insects such as aphids. 2. Under laboratory conditions, females of Cotesia vestalis, a larval parasitoid of the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) which does not feed on host blood, survived significantly longer when held with cruciferous plants infested with non‐host green peach aphids (Myzus persicae) than when held with only uninfested plants. 3. Naïve parasitoids exhibited no preference between aphid‐infested and uninfested plants in a dual‐choice test, but those that had been previously fed aphid honeydew significantly preferred aphid‐infested plants to uninfested ones. 4. These results suggest that parasitoids that do not use aphids as hosts have the potential ability to learn cues from aphid‐infested plants when foraging for food. This flexible foraging behaviour could allow them to increase their lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

A study on the dispersal of the exotic larval endoparasitoid, Cotesia flavipes Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), was conducted in a maize field in the northern Kilifi District in the coastal area of Kenya. Because C. flavipes did not previously occur in the release area, it was possible to use a unique indirect method to estimate dispersal by examining the distribution of parasitised hosts. Parasitoids released in the centre of the field moved as far as 64 meters during their life span, and dispersal was dependent on wind direction. The level of parasitism was influenced by the location of hosts in plants. The majority of parasitised stemborers (88.4%) were found inside the plant (stems and tassel stems), where 74.3% of the suitable hosts were found, which indicates that female parasitoids were not searching randomly for hosts. Aggregation of parasitoids in response to plants with different host densities was not detected. Implications of the release of C. flavipes on stemborers population in the agroecosystem of East Africa are discussed.  相似文献   

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