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实验动物树鼩和人类疾病的树鼩模型研究概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
动物模型在生物医学领域(如回答人体各种重大生物学问题、解析人类疾病机理和新药研发等方面)已经做出了不可替代的巨大贡献。转化医学存在的问题使得树鼩(Tupaia belangeri chinensis)实验动物重新得到重视;人类疾病的树鼩模型也再次受到越来越多的关注。该文综述了国内外特别是近年来我国树鼩研究进展,包括树鼩基础生物学及动物模型方面取得的成绩,并分析了该领域目前存在的困难和问题,探讨了未来的一些研究方向。  相似文献   

实验动物是现代医学研究中的重要基础和条件,随着我国实验动物科学的迅速发展和实验动物和动物实验质和量的不断提高,对实验动物兽医的需求越来越大,对实验动物兽医的要求和期望也越来越高,本文简要阐述了兽医在动物实验中的作用.文章就实验动物兽医应该具备的资质、实验动物兽医的基本职责以及实验动物健康与兽医管理等方面进行了讨论,明确了实验动物兽医的各项基本职责及任务.兽医在实验动物的管理以及动物实验的过程中有着非常重要的作用,在动物实验中应充分发挥兽医的作用.  相似文献   

垫料与实验动物关系密切,是对实验动物产生直接作用和影响的环境因素.本文从实验动物垫料的种类和消毒、垫料质量控制与评价体系的建立、垫料的商品化等方面的问题进行探讨.为实验动物垫料的研发和完善实验动物国家标准提供重要参考依据.  相似文献   

为促进我国实验动物科学的发展,迎接新世纪高新技术的挑战,展示我国实验动物科学事业的研究进展,加速实验动物产业化、社会化进程。中国实验动物学会第三届理事会常务理事会决定,于2000年10月在北京召开“中国实验动物学会第五届学术年会暨首届实验动物设备工程展会”。会议主题:“跨世纪的中国实验动物科学”。现已开始征集学术论文和参展厂商。会议有关事项通知如下:一、征文内容:1实验动物质量监控和检测技术、方法的研究;2实验动物相关支撑条件的研究;3人类疾病动物模型及实验技术研究;4实验动物保种、育种新技术的研究;5实验动物替代法…  相似文献   

实验动物作为生命科学研究的基础和重要支撑条件,其产业化程度已经成为一个国家科学技术发展水平和能力的重要标志,在国民经济中发挥着重要作用.实验动物产业领域主要包括实验动物培育及生产供应、实验动物相关产品研发和生产供应、动物实验技术服务三个方面,其服务于各个科技领域.我国实验动物产业起步较晚.随着我国生命科学研究的发展和综合国力的提升,我国实验动物产业也得到快速发展,实验动物产业化初具规模.但是,我国目前实验动物产业发展还存在一些问题,主要体现在产业规模化不够,缺乏具有一定规模、在国内外占主导地位的企业;产品质量和服务质量有待进一步提高;质量管理和监督体系不健全;人才队伍不足.建议加大政府支持力度,合理布局,培育产业化集团;加强质量管理和监督体系建设,提高产品或服务质量:加强人才队伍建设,提高服务能力.以提升实验动物科学发展水平,推动人类健康事业的发展.  相似文献   

正简介中国医学科学院医学实验动物研究所成立于1980年,是从事实验动物学和比较医学科研与教学的专业研究所,是国内唯一的集实验动物和疾病动物模型资源创制、保种和生产供应、比较医学技术研究及实验动物技术培训于一体的研究单位。研究所使命是为生物医药研究提供实验动物资源、人类疾病模型资源、比较医学分析和评价技术服务和人才培训,实现实验动物资源、技术、信息交流和人才的支撑。  相似文献   

实验动物标准化由实验动物生产条件的标准化、实验动物质量标准化、动物实验条件的标准化以及与之相适应的饲养管理规范化和动物实验规范化几个部分组成。实验动物法制化管理是实验动物标准化的保证。动物实验是医学生物学必需的是实验手段之一,用标准的实验动物进行标准的动物实验是科研实验的基本要求。  相似文献   

实验动物是从事科学研究、教学、生产、检定等的重要工具和支撑条件.随着科学技术的飞速发展,科学研究中使用的实验动物和实验用动物的种类、品系越来越多,生物安全问题已经明显地威胁到生物多样性、生态环境和人类健康.本文分析了实验动物的潜在生物安全危害,探讨了实验动物生物安全管理方面存在的问题并就应对实验动物生物安全提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

目的 进行临床前研究的主要原因在于,保证研究中新药探索实验中尤其是研发早期试验人群的安全,因为只是减少健康志愿者身上的风险无益于保证(所有)受试者的安全.内容 本文从新药研发的两个阶段分别对病理学在临床前风险控制研究中的作用进行了讨论.结论 在非临床前新药研发阶段的风险控制中,让病理学家参与到新药研发的风险管理队伍中来,帮助研发、监控研发,是成功研发与优良的风险管理策略相衔接的关键.  相似文献   

一个药物的价值如何,不仅要看它的疗效和毒性,而且要从作用机制方面进行研究和评价。如果一种新药能通过和老药不同的机制影响某种生理功能或治疗某种疾病,那么它就开辟了一个新的研究领域,能够促进人们对机体功能调节或对该种疾病的发病学和治疗学的原则产生新的理解。即使其疗效和毒性比老药并无特殊,那么此种新药也是很有价值的。药理研究工作,特别是作用机制的研究,离不开动物实验。本文拟就药理研究工作中有关动物实验问题,浅谈几点意见。一、初筛实验的质量与效率无论是合成的新药还是从生物中提取的药物,在初筛时应该采用多指标来作实验筛选,这是比较公认的  相似文献   

利用实验动物或细胞模型完全模拟人类的中风十分困难,动物模型与临床的拟合具有重要意义。本文对目前缺血性中风动物模型研究中的实验动物选择、模型评价标准及造模方法 ,以及主要局灶缺血模型的优缺点进行述评,为缺血性中风的基础和应用研究选择合适的实验动物模型提供参考。  相似文献   

Mackta J 《Lab animal》2000,29(2):38-40
Why should busy lab animal professionals become embroiled in the increasingly bitter debate about animal use? The Executive Director of NJABR makes the case for communicating about animal research and provides strategies for countering the animal activists' media war against animal research.  相似文献   

人类疾病动物模型对医药研究起着支撑作用,是进行医药研究的必备工具之一.本文阐述了人类疾病动物模型在医药研究中所能发挥的作用,以及在医药研究的历史中所做出的贡献.最后,对疾病动物模型在医药创新研究中应用的前沿进行了展望.  相似文献   

Federal animal welfare regulations and policies require compliance during animal research. But the methods used to oversee, assess, and ascertain compliance are left in the hands of the research institution and its institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC). Differences in institutional cultures, research goals, individuals responsible for animal care and use activities and oversight, and availability of financial and personnel resources have given rise to a variety of institution-specific mechanisms for ensuring compliance with the federal requirements and specifically with IACUC-approved animal research activities. In recent years one such mechanism, postapproval monitoring (PAM), has risen in popularity. An often cited topic in animal welfare-related conferences and periodicals, it is well on its way to becoming a compliance standard. However, it is but one mechanism for ensuring postapproval compliance and is not required by the federal animal welfare regulations. In this article we describe alternative mechanisms for ensuring compliance with IACUC-approved animal research through the use of program oversight enhancements (POE) in the context of an institution's animal care and use program. We present these enhancements in a way that allows readers to pick and choose those of interest. While these methods may not be feasible at all institutions, adopting even a few should improve a program's ability to ensure compliance with approved animal research and reduce the need for an aggressive and formal postapproval monitoring process.  相似文献   

转基因动物研究新进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
我们曾对转基因动物的制作方法、转基因动物研究的应用、转基因的表达特征及提高转基因表达的策略等作过专题综述^「1」。而这之后在转基因动物的研究方面又获得了许多新进展,其中转线粒体动物的问世拓宽了转基因动物的研究内容。在制作转基因动物的方法上,1998-1999年世界上先后报道了三种新方法:即由Schniek等报道的体细胞核移植技术实现转基因,由Anthony W.S.C等报道的通过用逆转录病毒载体感  相似文献   

The growing use of genetically engineered (GE) mice in scientific research has raised many concerns about the animal welfare of such mice. The types of welfare concerns may differ within the three stages that comprise the establishment of GE animal models: development, production, and research use. The role and impact of the members of the research team on these concerns may also vary with each stage. To make both scientific and animal welfare decisions at each stage, it is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of the animal model-in this case, the phenotypic expression of the GE animal. Phenotype screening is the analysis of visible or measurable characteristics of an animal that result from the genotype and its interaction with the environment. Phenotypes expressed that are relevant to the research program are usually carefully investigated; however, those that may have an impact on the animal's welfare but have little or no impact on the disease process under study are often less carefully studied. Thorough analysis and documentation of the animal welfare aspects of phenotype provide the research team with the information they need to control the environment to minimize negative animal welfare effects. Such information is also essential to allow members of the institutional animal care and use committee to perform necessary cost:benefit ethical review of proposed GE animal studies. Investigators who submit information about models for publication should document all aspects of a phenotype, including the area of scientific interest as well as those areas that affect animal welfare, for clarity and for subsequent research with the respective models.  相似文献   

DNA指纹图谱技术在动物行为学研究上的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DNA指纹图谱技术于80年代末在国外已被广泛应用于行为学尤其是动物繁殖行为学研究中,国内在此方面的应用尚少。综述了DNA指纹图谱技术在动物行为学研究中的作用,介绍了DNA指纹图谱的产生、实验操作方法、应用实例及其优缺点。  相似文献   

阿尔采默氏病(Alzheimer's Disease,AD)是一种病因不明的脑部退行性疾病。建立适合的AD动物模型对研究阿尔采默氏病的发病机理和相关药物筛选有十分重要的意义。本文将目前常用的AD动物模型分为两类,即以模拟AD症状为主的动物模型和以模拟AD病理改变为主的动物模型,并对相关文献加以综述。  相似文献   

The use of rodent models for research and testing on endocrine-active compounds necessitates an awareness of a number of laboratory animal science issues to standardize bioassay methods and facilitate reproducibility of results between laboratories. These issues are not unique to endocrine research but are particularly important in this field due to the complexities and interdependencies of the endocrine system, coupled with the inherently sensitive and variable nature of physiological endpoints. Standardization of animal models and the control of animal environments depend on the establishment of strong scientific partnerships between research investigators and laboratory animal scientists. Laboratory animal care and use programs are becoming increasingly complex and are constantly changing, fueled in part by technological advances, changes in regulations concerning animal care and use, and economic pressures. Since the early 1980s, many institutions have moved to centralization of animal facility operations concomitant with numerous changes in housing systems, barrier concepts, equipment, and engineering controls of the macro- and microenvironment. These and other changes can have an impact on animals and the conduct of endocrine experiments. Despite the potential impact of animal care and use procedures on research endpoints, many investigators are surprisingly naive to the animal facility conditions that can affect in vivo studies. Several key animal care and use issues that are important to consider in endocrine experiments with rodent models are described.  相似文献   

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