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本文记述了陆龟科甘肃龟属的一新种——济源甘肃龟和三个该科的未定种。标本皆产自河南济源济源群,时代为始新世。新种的主要特征是:个体较大,背甲高凸,椎板大多为六角形,短侧边朝前。肋板内、外缘长度交替变化。倒数第二上臀板分叉,包围后面一块上臀板。尾盾分离为二。上腹甲内面增厚,略突出于背甲之前。喉盾位于内腹甲之甚前,喉肱沟和肱胸沟都不割切内腹甲。腹盾长度为胸盾的六倍。骨桥宽,腹甲后端锐凹。腋柱、鼠鼷柱徽弱,前乌喙骨突与肩胛骨本体夹成钝角。  相似文献   

一小的甲龙,作为甲龙科(Ankylosauridae)中一新属新种,明星天池龙(Tianchisaurus nedegoapeferima gen. et sp. nov.)被记述。化石是1974年,新疆大学地质地理系的师生在新疆阜康县三工河地区作野外实习时采得,其产地的地层层位经新疆石油管理局东疆石油指挥部彭希龄核对为中侏罗世头顿河组。化石包括破的头骨碎片,五个颈椎,六个背椎,一个完整荐部(由七个椎体组成),三个尾椎,和许多膜质的甲胄,甲板,以及一些四肢骨。标本编号:V.10614,新属新种的特征是:一个小的,原始的,体长约三米的甲龙;头骨较高,有小的膜质的甲片复盖;下颚高,外侧无甲片复盖,有纵的饰纹,环椎与枢椎不愈合;颈椎椎体短,双凹型;背椎椎体较长,双平型,横突与背肋不愈合;荐部由七个愈合脊椎组成:前两个是背椎,形成一个荐前棒(presacral rod),最后的一个是尾椎,四个荐椎的椎体是整个椎柱中最大的,荐椎的神经棘愈合,形成一个纵的板状脊,远端的尾椎愈合形成小的,扁的尾锤。股骨直,骨干上有饰纹,第四转子呈嵴状。蹠骨和趾骨为甲龙型,与晚期甲龙的蹠骨和趾骨比较显得瘦小。在肩部有一个由四对大的膜质的甲板愈合形成肩甲带,甲板厚有发育的中嵴。在身体覆盖着许多大小不同,形状各异的甲片。Tianchisaurus nedegoapeferima的种名是应著名科幻电影导演Steven Splelberg之约请赠送给大型科幻电影片-侏罗纪公园之明星们:Sam Naill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough, Bob Peck和Martin Ferrsro.我们称之明星天池龙(Tianchisaurus nedegoapeferima gen. et sp. nov.)。Tianchisaurus nedegoapeferima是目前甲龙亚目在亚洲的最早纪录。它的发现将甲龙的化石记录推到中侏罗世。  相似文献   

记述了产自四川自贡大山铺中侏罗世峨眉龙属一新种——焦氏峨眉龙(Omeisaurus jiaoisp.nov.)。新种为大型蜥脚类恐龙,以如下特征区别于其他蜥脚类:前、中部背椎为典型的后凹型,后部背椎为双平型,背椎神经棘呈高大棒状,不分叉;尾椎为弱双凹型,第一尾椎不具扇形尾肋;第一脉弧短小且与第一尾椎关联;锁骨长大;肱骨和股骨细长而圆实;肱骨与股骨长度之比为0.83,尺骨与肱骨长度之比为0.72,胫骨与股骨长度之比为0.63。  相似文献   

发现并描述产自中国四川的寄蝇科1新种,张氏尼寄蝇Neaera zhangi sp.nov.;给出修订的古北区该属分种检索表;新种模式标本分别保存在中国科学院动物研究所(IZCAS)和沈阳师范大学昆虫标本馆(SYNU).张氏尼寄蝇,新种Neaera zhangi sp.nov.(图1~9)新种外形近似分布在我国内蒙古、中亚、中东、欧洲和俄罗斯西部及东西伯利亚的宽角尼寄蝇N.latiornis (Meigen),但新种翅前缘基鳞黑色;中足胫节具有7根(其中4根强壮)前背鬃,6根后背鬃和1根腹鬃;腹部背板无黑色中纵条,第3背板的前1/2和第4背板的前1/3覆灰白色粉被,第4背板与第5背板几乎等长.正模♂,四川德格柯洛洞(31°58′N,98°41′E),1983-07-05,张学忠采.副模:1♂,1♀,四川康定折多塘,2006-07-07.冯立勇采.词源:新种种名源自正模采集者张学忠先生姓氏,纪念他对中国双翅目昆虫研究的贡献.  相似文献   

1982—1983年,我们在浙江省天目山和重庆北碚采得一批甲螨,经鉴定其中一种属洛甲螨科Lohmanniidae,混居甲螨属Mixacarus;另两种属菌板鳃甲螨科Mycobatidae,点肋甲螨属Punctoribates。前一种为新种,定名为天目混居甲螨Mixacarus tianmuensis;后两种为中国新纪录。记述如下:  相似文献   

记述了产自四川省自贡市的一具蜥脚类幼年个体材料。根据枢椎极短而高,颈神经棘低、上缘平直、前后延长,背神经棘呈横宽的板状,中部颈肋的前突分叉等特征将它命名为一新属新种——张氏大安龙Daanosaurus zhangi gen.etsp.nov.,并将它归入巧龙亚科Bellusaurinae。  相似文献   

绿海龟背甲盾片的变异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周婷  张飞燕 《四川动物》2004,23(3):285-286
通过对 2 92只 1龄绿海龟活体和 114只当年龟标本观察 ,发现 6 0只龟背甲盾片有变异现象。变异部位表现在椎盾、肋盾 ,颈盾和缘盾 ,未发现臀盾变异现象。各部位变异频率依次为椎盾 >椎盾和肋盾同时变异>多个部位同时变异 >肋盾 >颈盾 >缘盾。测量正常龟和变异龟各 15只的背甲长、宽和高 ,经t值检验 ,差异均不显著 ,说明正常龟和变异龟的背甲形状无明显差别 ,盾片数目的变化属个体变异。  相似文献   

蛇颈龟化石在上禄丰群的发现及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1971年冬,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所云南野外队在云南峨山县甸中上禄丰群地层中发现一些龟板碎片和一件部分完整的龟类化石。据该队赵喜进同志称,化石产自上禄丰群下部斑点砂泥岩段的暗棕红色粉砂岩中。有关地层方面问题,云南队另有专文讨论,本文只就龟化石作一系统位置鉴定,附带谈到它的生活时代问题。标本记述蛇颈龟科 Plesiochelyidae蛇颈龟属 Plesiochelys峨山蛇颈龟,新种 Plesiochelys oshanensis,8p.nov.(图1,2;图版Ⅰ)材料一件不完整的背腹甲,缘板大部缺失,仅前部和左前部保存;右第3—5对肋板部分残缺。腹甲前后两端都已破损,左骨桥缺如。此件标本因曾受挤压,采集时可能又有破裂,经粘补复原后,有的骨板业已错位,特别是背甲。野外地点号71092,古脊椎动物与古人类研究所标本编号 V.4444。  相似文献   

记述斑舌甲属1新种,即海南斑舌甲Derispiahainanana sp.nov.,绘制了雄虫头部、前胸背板、鞘翅、足、腹部和阳茎特征图,并提供了体背、腹、侧面照片。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。海南斑舌甲,新种Derispia hainanana sp.nov.(图1~13)新种与D.octomaculata(Westwood,1883)在外形上相似,但可通过下列特征与后者区别:该种鞘翅有刻点;鞘翅侧缘由背面观可见基部4/5;阳基基板与阳基侧突近于等宽,基部弯曲,薄片状。正模♂,海南乐东尖峰岭,2006-07-12,王继良采。副模:5♂♂,5♀♀,标本信息同正模。词源:新种种名取自模式标本产地海南。  相似文献   

描述了产自四川内江晚侏罗世的中国龟科(Sinemydidae)化石一新属新种──叶氏香港龟Hongkongochelys yehi。它以椎盾较横宽、第7、8椎板较退化、上臀板缺失、具腹甲后窗等特征区别于中国龟属(Sinemys)和满洲龟属(Manchurochelys)。这是中国龟科化石在四川的首次发现.  相似文献   

Although we are starting to understand the molecular basis of shell development based on the study of cryptodires, basic comparative ontogenetic data for the other major clade of living turtle, the pleurodires, are largely missing. Herein, the developmental and phylogenetic relation between the bony shell and endoskeleton of Pleurodira are examined by studying histological serial sections of nine specimens of three different species, including an ontogenetic series of Emydura subglobosa. Emphasis is given to the portion of the carapace in which ribs and vertebral spinous processes become part of the carapace. Central questions are how neurals and costals are formed in pleurodiran turtles, whether costals and neurals are of endoskeletal or exoskeletal origin, and what ontogenetic factors relate to neural reduction of some Pleurodira. The neurals and costals do not develop as independent ossification centers, but they are initial outgrowths of the periosteal collar of endoskeletal ribs and neural arches. Slightly later in development, the ossification of both shell elements continues without a distinct periosteum but by metaplastically ossifying precondensed soft‐tissue integumentary structures. Through ontogeny, ribs of the turtles studied are closely associated with the hypaxial intercostalis musculature while epaxial interspinalis musculature connects the neural arches. We here propose an alternative structural hypothesis for the neural reduction and, ultimately, the complete loss of the neural series. The complete reduction of neurals in Emydura spp. may be linked to heterochrony, accompanied by a restricted influence of epaxial musculature and epidermal–dermal interaction in shell bone formation. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

新疆首次发现的侏罗纪龟类   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文记述了新疆准噶尔盆地的一件龟化石,名为准噶尔新疆龟,新属、新种 (Xinjiangchelys junggarensis, Gen. et sp. nov.),其时代可能为中侏罗世.这是新疆地区侏罗纪龟类的首次记录.早、中侏罗世是龟类的早期进化阶段,国外材料甚少.文章在讨论了新疆龟的系统分类后,综述了我国早、中侏罗世的龟类记录,并结合泰国近年发现的晚三叠世的龟类,认为亚洲是迄今所知拥有龟鳖类进化各时期记录最完全的地区,是探索龟类起源和早期进化的重要地区之一.  相似文献   

放射纹蛇颈龟 (Plesiochelys radiplicatus) 系1953年杨钟健、周明镇所建,由一不完整的背甲和部分腹甲为代表.本文记述了一件可归该种的基本完整的背甲,补充了种的一些特征.并结合目前资料,对龟甲上的某些幼体特征,以及蛇颈龟类的系统分类和我国的蛇颈龟等问题,作了探讨.  相似文献   

A new, thin-shelled fossil from the Upper Triassic (Revueltian: Norian) Chinle Group of New Mexico, Chinlechelys tenertesta, is one of the most primitive known unambiguous members of the turtle stem lineage. The thin-shelled nature of the new turtle combined with its likely terrestrial habitat preference hint at taphonomic filters that basal turtles had to overcome before entering the fossil record. Chinlechelys tenertesta possesses neck spines formed by multiple osteoderms, indicating that the earliest known turtles were covered with rows of dermal armour. More importantly, the primitive, vertically oriented dorsal ribs of the new turtle are only poorly associated with the overlying costal bones, indicating that these two structures are independent ossifications in basal turtles. These novel observations lend support to the hypothesis that the turtle shell was originally a complex composite in which dermal armour fused with the endoskeletal ribs and vertebrae of an ancestral lineage instead of forming de novo. The critical shell elements (i.e. costals and neurals) are thus not simple outgrowths of the bone of the endoskeletal elements as has been hypothesized from some embryological observations.  相似文献   

The carapace of turtles consists of characteristic dermal bones (neurals, costal, and pleurals) and epidermal scutes. The variation in neural bone configuration in the Indian Ocean giant tortoise genus Dipsochelys is assessed. Study of 42 specimens supports earlier reports that variation is largely restricted to the anterior and posterior bones. Each species of Dipsochelys possesses a distinctive arrangement of neural bones. The configurations are related to the carapace shape with the relative width of the bones and interdigitating processes influencing structural stability. An exceptional configuration is described for the saddle‐backed species D. arnoldi, wherein this configuration arises from musculoskeletal adaptations for browsing in this species. J. Morphol. 240:33–37, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The postembryonic development of the turtle carapace was studied in the aquatic Еmys orbicularis and the terrestrial Тestudo graeca. Differences in the structure of the bony shell in aquatic and terrestrial turtles were shown to be associated with varying degrees of development of epidermal derivatives, namely, the thickness of the scutes and the depth of horny furrows. Sinking of the horny furrows into the dermis causes local changes in the structure of the collagen matrix, which might precondition the acceleration of the ossification. Aquatic turtles possess a relatively thin horny cover, whose derivatives are either weakly developed or altogether absent and thus make no noticeable impact on the growth dynamics of bony plates. Carapace plates of these turtles outgrow more or less evenly around the periphery, which results in uniform costals, relatively narrow and partly reduced neurals, and broad peripherals extending beyond the marginal scutes. In terrestrial turtles (Testudinidae), horny structures are much more developed and exert a considerable impact on the growth of bony elements. As a result, bony plates outgrow unevenly in the dermis, expanding fast in the zones under the horny furrows and slowly outside these zones. This determines the basic features of the testudinid carapace: alternately cuneate shape of costals, an alternation of broad octagonal and narrow tetragonal neurals, and the limitation of the growth of peripherals by pleuro-marginal furrows. The evolutionary significance of morphogenetic and constructional differences in the turtle carapace, and the association of these differences with the turtle habitats are discussed.  相似文献   

The turtle shell is characterized by a high degree of conservatism of the fundamental model and, at the same time, a high variability at the individual level. The components of the bony shell vary in origin. The costal and neural plates of the carapace are modified elements of the axial skeleton (ribs and neural arches) and the plastral plates are transformed dermal ossifications of the shoulder girdle and gastralia, peripheral, pygal, and suprapygal plates are similar to osteoderms of other reptiles. The variability of the structure of particular parts of the turtle shell is manifested differently. Most anomalies have been recorded in the caudal part of the carapace. The plastron is relatively stable in morphology. Variations in the bony shell structure are observed in (1) unusual shape and size of plates combined with normal number of plates, (2) presence of additional plates, and (3) absence of regular plates. Based on the morphogenetic characteris-tics, anomalies are subdivided into (1) variations caused by changes in the number of elements of the axial skeleton or their contacts with the dermis (neurals and costals); (2) variations due to changes in the number of horny scutes (peripherals); (3) variations connected with irregular osteogeny or disturbed growth of bones  相似文献   

化石闭壳龟的新发现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
闭壳龟(Cuora)是龟科(Emydidae)中的一个现生属,有6个现生种,分布于东亚和东南亚,我国产4种。为该地区龟类动物中的一个小类群,以前未有化石发现。本文记述的是闭壳龟属的一个化石新种(Cuora pitheca,sp.nov.),时代为上新世早期。这是该属龟类的首次化石记录。它的发现,不仅把闭壳龟属的历史从现代推至上新世早期,并为探讨该龟类的进化和分布提供重要资料。  相似文献   

四川中侏罗世的龟化石   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对产自四川自贡中侏罗世的三件龟甲标本作了鉴定,认为均可归成渝龟属(Chengyuchelys)。一为自贡成渝龟,新种(Chengyuchelys zigongensis,sp.nov.),一为似贝氏成渝龟(C.baenoides, Young et Chow),一为成渝龟未定种(Chengyuchelys sp.)。在形态描述的基础上,讨论了成渝龟属的系统分类。  相似文献   

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