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In vitro versus in vivo genetic divergence in potato   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The objective of this study was to compare the genetic divergence pattern in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Twenty two potato genotypes were evaluated for ten morphological characters under four in vitro conditions, and for 20 characters under four in vivo seasons. Mahalanobis’ generalized intra- and inter-group genetic distances, and the distribution of genotypes into different clusters, led to the same conclusions under both in vitro and in vivo conditions: (1) genetic diversity was not related to geographic diversity, (2) genetic distances were higher between Tuberosum and Andigena than within Tuberosum and Andigena, and (3) present-day Indian varieties have more resemblance to Tuberosum than to the Andigena group. The in vitro approach was more effective than the in vivo approach for differentiating the genotypes per se, although its effectiveness for cross prediction is known to be low. Received: 15 September 1997 / Accepted: 15 July 1998  相似文献   

Summary Protoplast fusion allows the transfer of both mono- and polygenic traits between species that are sexually incompatible. This approach has particular relevance for potato, and somatic hybridisation has been used to introduce a range of disease resistance genes from sexually incompatible wild species into the cultivated potato gene pool. In addition, protoplast fusion allows the resynthesis of tetraploid genotypes from pre-selected diploid or dihaploid donor parents. A limiting factor for the efficient exploitation of this technology in potato breeding is the difficulty of unequivocally identifying nuclear hybrids (heterokaryons). In order to facilitate the identification of hybrids at an early stage following fusion, Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs) have been used to characterise molecularly both inter- and intra-specific somatic hybrids of potato. RAPD markers detect naturally occurring polymorphism in the donor genotypes and utilise short oligonucleotide primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequence in combination with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The exploitation of RAPDs in the characterisation of both somatic and sexual hybrids is discussed.  相似文献   

A protocol for in vitro propagation was developed for Viola pilosa, a plant of immense medicinal value. To start with in vitro propagation, the sterilized explants (buds) were cultured on MS basal medium supplemented with various concentrations of growth regulators. One of the medium compositions MS basal + 0.5 mg/l BA + 0.5 mg/l TDZ + 0.5 mg/l GA3 gave best results for in vitro shoot bud establishment. Although the problem of shoot vitrification occurred on this medium but this was overcome by transferring the vitrified shoots on MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l BA and 0.25 mg/l Kn. The same medium was found to be the best medium for further in vitro shoot multiplication. 100 % root induction from in vitro grown shoots was obtained on half strength MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l IBA. In vitro formed plantlets were hardened and transferred to soil with 83 % survival. Additionally, conservation of in vitro multiplying shoots was also attempted using two different approaches namely slowing down the growth at low temperature and cryopreservation following vitrification. At low temperature retrieval rate was better at 10 °C than at 4 °C after conservation of in vitro multiplying shoots. In cryopreservation–vitrification studies, the vitrified shoot buds gave maximum retrieval of 41.66 % when they were precooled at 4 °C, while only 16.66 % vitrified shoots were retrieved from those precooled at 10 °C. Genetic stability of the in vitro grown plants was analysed by RAPD and ISSR markers which indicated no somaclonal variation among in vitro grown plants demonstrating the feasibility of using the protocol without any adverse genetical effects.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters, character association and path analysis for yield components of microtuber production in vitro and their field performance were studied in 37 potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes. Among the microtuber yield components, average microtuber weight had maximum genotypic (or phenotypic) coefficient of variation, heritability and predicted genetic advance; however, the estimated values of these genetic parameters were maximum for tuber yield among the field yield components. The heritability estimates of field yield components were higher than that of their corresponding in vitro yield components of microtuber production. The highest correlation coefficients between average microtuber weight and microtuber yield suggested that microtuber weight was more important than microtuber number in determining microtuber yield potential in vitro. However, tuber number was found to be more important than tuber weight in determining tuber yield potential under field conditions. Average microtuber weight had maximum direct effect on microtuber yield, whereas tuber number had maximum direct effect on tuber yield under field conditions. The study showed that the relative importance of the components of microtuber production in vitro differed from that of corresponding field yield components. The expression of a genotype for microtuber production in vitro is different from that of tuber production under field situation i.e. the performance of a genotype in vitro is not a measure of its field performance.  相似文献   

保存种群的遗传多样性和进化潜力是成功拯救保护濒危物种的关键。云南蓝果树(Nyssa yunnanensis W.C.Yin)是国家I级重点保护的极度濒危野生植物,也是国家实施极小种群野生植物保护工程的目的物种。为了制定针对性的保护措施,采用ISSR分子标记方法对64株极度濒危物种云南蓝果树子代个体进行遗传多样性分析。从100条引物中筛选出12条ISSR引物,共扩增出77个稳定、清晰的条带。其中58个为多态性条带,物种水平上的多态性条带百分率(PPL)变动范围为50.00%~87.50%,平均值为(74.65±0.01)%;等位基因观察值(Na)为1.7532;有效等位基因观察值(Ne)为1.5804;Nei's基因多样性指数(He)为0.3206,多态性信息含量指数(PIC)变动范围为0.15~0.44,平均值为0.27±0.01;Shannon's遗传多样性信息指数(I)随着样本数的增加而升高,但当样本数达到24及以上时,Shannon's指数的数值基本不再变化。基于遗传多样性分析结果,从地质历史原因和人为干扰因素等方面对云南蓝果树的濒危机制进行了探析,并提出了有针对性的云南蓝果树保护措施。  相似文献   

Summary Agrobacterium transformation of stem internodes of four monohaploid (839-79, 849-7, 851-23, 855-1) and two diploid (M9 and HH260) potato genotypes using hairy root-inducing single (LBA 1020, LBA 9365, LBA 9402) and binary (LBA 1060KG) vectors is reported. Various media and successive culture steps were tested for plant regeneration from different transformed root clones. The fate of introduced genetic markers in root clones and regenerated plants (hairy root phenotype, hormone autotrophy, opine production, kanamycin resistance, -glucuronidase activity), the ploidy stability and protoplast yield were analysed. The transformation efficiency of stem internodes (hairy root production) and the regeneration capacity of the transformed root clones greatly differed within and between the various potato genotypes. The regenerated plants obtained after transformation with both types of vectors often showed the absence of one or more genetic markers. However, transformation with the binary Agrobacterium vector generally resulted in the stable presence of the opines in all transformed root clones and most regenerated plants. In HH260, transformation efficiency, plant regeneration of transformed root clones, protoplast yield and ploidy stability were the highest as compared to the other genotypes. The application of these transformed plants as marker lines in gene mapping and gene expression studies is indicated.  相似文献   

生物技术的发展为枣种质资源的研究、创新及新品种培育提供了更多的途径。本文综述了近年来我国枣生物技术的研究进展,主要包括离体培养、分子标记、基因工程3个方面的内容。目前,生物技术是枣传统育种的有效补充,已成为枣遗传改良、种质资源创新和科学研究的重要技术。  相似文献   

Summary Sugar, fodder and garden beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plants have been regenerated in culture from a range of expiant material. Of the regenerants 764 were subjected to isozyme analysis using eight enzyme-specific stains, and 60 were subjected to RFLP analysis using three cDNA probes. Both molecular techniques allowed the identification of somaclonal variant plants. Assessment of the numbers of variant isozymes and restriction fragments has allowed the calculation of the approximate percentage of variant alleles occurring in any one somaclonal regenerant, namely between 0.05% and 0.1%.  相似文献   

Construction of a genetic linkage map for roses using RAPD and AFLP markers   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
A segregating population of diploid rose hybrids (2n = 2x = 14) was used to construct the first linkage maps of the rose genome. A total of 305 RAPD and AFLP markers were analysed in a population of 60 F1 plants based on a so-called ”double-pseudotestcross” design. Of these markers 278 could be located on the 14 linkage groups of the two maps, covering total map lengths of 326 and 370 cM, respectively. The average distances between markers in the maps for 93/1–117 and 93/1–119 is 2.4 and 2.6 cM, respectively. In addition to the molecular markers, genes controlling two phenotypic characters, petal number (double versus single flowers) and flower colour (pink versus white), were mapped on linkage groups 3 and 2, respectively. The markers closest to the gene for double flowers, Blfo, and to the gene for pink flower colour, Blfa, cosegregated without recombinants. The maps provide a tool for further genetic analyses of horticulturally important genes as, for example, resistance genes and a starting point for marker-assisted breeding in roses. Received: 22 September 1998 / Accepted: 12 March 1999  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to determine the genetic stability of long-term (more than 10 years) micropropagated shoots of Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.). Thirty-six shoots consisting of three morphotypes (short, medium, and long needles) were randomly chosen from about 4,000 micropropagated shoots regenerated from the explants of a single nematode-resistant mother plant. Out of 126 primers screened, 30 gave 134 clear reproducible bands. A total of 4,824 bands obtained from these studies exhibited no aberration in RAPD banding patterns among the tested shoots. Our results show that regenerants from our plant micropropagation system are genetically stable. Received: 5 December 1997 / Revision received: 17 May 1998 / Accepted: 1 June 1998  相似文献   

High output genetic mapping of polyploids using PCR-generated markers   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Summary The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with arbitrarily selected primers has been established as an efficient method to generate fingerprints that are useful in genetic mapping and genomic fingerprinting. To further increase the productivity of mapping and fingerprinting efforts, we have altered existing protocols to include the use of the Stoffel fragment, which is derived from genetically engineered Taq polymerase. We also optimized the thermal profile of the reaction to increase the number of useful primers. In mapping of the genome of Saccharum spontaneum SES 208, a polyploid wild relative of sugarcane, these modifications allowed for an increase of 30% in the number of loci screened per primer, and an 80% increase in the number of polymorphisms per primer. Furthermore, the enzyme cost per reaction was decreased approximately 1.6-fold. Finally, there was an increase from about 70% to about 97% in the number of primers that were useful (i.e., gave a reproducible fingerprint) using our protocol. We have placed some of these markers into linkage groups.  相似文献   



Availability of molecular markers has proven to be an efficient tool in facilitating progress in plant breeding, which is particularly important in the case of less researched crops such as cotton. Considering the obvious advantages of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertion-deletion polymorphisms (InDels), expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were analyzed in silico to identify SNPs and InDels in this study, aiming to develop more molecular markers in cotton.


A total of 1,349 EST-based SNP and InDel markers were developed by comparing ESTs between Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense, mining G. hirsutum unigenes, and analyzing 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) sequences. The marker polymorphisms were investigated using the two parents of the mapping population based on the single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Of all the markers, 137 (10.16%) were polymorphic, and revealed 142 loci. Linkage analysis using a BC1 population mapped 133 loci on the 26 chromosomes. Statistical analysis of base variations in SNPs showed that base transitions accounted for 55.78% of the total base variations and gene ontology indicated that cotton genes varied greatly in harboring SNPs ranging from 1.00 to 24.00 SNPs per gene. Sanger sequencing of three randomly selected SNP markers revealed discrepancy between the in silico predicted sequences and the actual sequencing results.


In silico analysis is a double-edged blade to develop EST-SNP/InDel markers. On the one hand, the designed markers can be well used in tetraploid cotton genetic mapping. And it plays a certain role in revealing transition preference and SNP frequency of cotton genes. On the other hand, the developmental efficiency of markers and polymorphism of designed primers are comparatively low.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1046) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Genetic mapping with RAPD markers has been initiated in Citrus. Reproducible polymorphism of amplified DNA fragments was obtained with approximately half of the 140 random primers tested, revealing 266 segregating loci. These were tested for linkage using 60 BC1 progeny from an intergeneric cross of Citrus grandis (L.) Osb. x [Citrus grandis (L.) Osb. x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.]. A core linkage map was constructed that consists of nine linkage groups containing 109 RAPD markers and 51 previously-mapped RFLP and isozyme markers. A further 79 markers that could not be ordered unambiguously because of their allelic constitution were associated with individual linkage groups and are shown in relation to the core map. The core map has a total length of 1192 cM with an average distance of 7.5 cM between loci and is estimated to cover 70–80% of the genome. Loci with distorted segregation patterns clustered on several linkage groups. Individual clusters of loci were skewed in allelic composition toward one or the other parent, usually C. grandis. This relatively-saturated linkage map will eventually be used to identify quantitative trait loci for cold and salt-tolerance in Citrus. As a beginning we have mapped three loci detected by a cold-acclimation-responsive cDNA.  相似文献   

Reliable and easy to use techniques for chromosome identification are critical for many aspects of cytogenetic research. Unfortunately, such techniques are not available in many plant species, especially those with a large number of small chromosomes. Here we demonstrate that fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) signals derived from bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) can be used as chromosome-specific cytogenetic DNA markers for chromosome identification in potato. We screened a potato BAC library using genetically mapped restriction fragment length polymorphism markers as probes. The identified BAC clones were then labeled as probes for FISH analysis. A set of 12 chromosome-specific BAC clones were isolated and the FISH signals derived from these BAC clones serve as convenient and reliable cytological markers for potato chromosome identification. We mapped the 5S rRNA genes, the 45S rRNA genes, and a potato late blight resistance gene to three specific potato chromosomes using the chromosome-specific BAC clones. Received: 19 January 2000 / Accepted: 27 March 2000  相似文献   

 Efficacy of silver thiosulfate (STS) in reducing ethylene-induced culture abnormalities during minimal growth conservation of microplants was studied in seven potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes. Different concentrations of STS (0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, 7.5 and 9.0 μg ml–1) were tested in minimal growth medium based on MS medium supplemented with 20 g l–1 mannitol and 40 g l–1 sucrose. STS improved the microplant growth and reduced the culture abnormalities during prolonged maintenance of potato shoot cultures in vitro. The beneficial effect of STS was most prominent for number of green leaves per microplant and leaf senescence. After 16 months of storage, desirable microplant growth was observed in cultures conserved in medium containing 6.0–9.0 μg ml–1 STS. The profile of the peroxidase isozymes of conserved cultures did not show any apparent genetic variation due to the presence of STS in the conservation medium. Received: 2 September 1998 / Revision received: 20 November 1998 / Accepted: 12 December 1998  相似文献   

Olive (Olea europaea L.) is one of the economically most important fruit crops for the Mediterranean area, with production being mainly destined to oil extraction. In Sicily, olive has been cultivated since ancient times and its germplasm is characterized by a wide genetic diversity that could be related to its domestication and spread in ancient times, and to some reproductive biological peculiarities as self-incompatibility. This analysis was conducted on 65 genotypes with the purpose of characterizing a large collection of Sicilian accessions (47 genotypes) and to compare them with varieties coming from Southern Italy and from the most important countries of the Mediterranean basin. With this aim we used 8 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, which detected a total of 74 alleles and identified an average of 19.5 genotypes in the population investigated. A larger variability than expected was found in the analyzed genotypes, some synonymies already reported in literature were confirmed, but also some cultivars considered as identical were discriminated such as in the case of Castriciana, Ogliarola messinese and Passalunara. The whole study revealed a wide intraspecific variability within the gene pool examined, independently from the geographical origin.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity present in crop landraces represents a valuable genetic resource for breeding and genetic studies. Bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) landraces in Turkey are highly genetically diverse. However, the limited genomic resources available for this crop hinder the molecular characterization of Turkish bottle gourd germplasm for its adequate conservation and management. Therefore, we evaluated the efficacy of 40 SSR markers from major cucurbit crops (Cucurbita pepo L. and Cucurbita moschata L.) in 30 bottle gourd landraces, together with 16 SRAP primer combinations. In addition, we compared the genetic relationship between bottle gourd and 31 other cucurbit accessions (11 Cucurbita maxima, 3 C. moschata, 5 C. pepo subsp. ovifera, 10 C. pepo and 2 Luffa cylindrica). Twenty-seven Cucurbita SSR markers showed transferability to bottle gourd. SSR markers amplified 59 alleles, in bottle gourd genome with an average of 1.64 alleles per locus. Together, SSR and SRAP markers amplified 453 fragments across the 61 accessions, and clearly discriminated L. siceraria and L. cylindrica from the other cucurbit species. Genetic diversity analysis separated edible cucurbit from ornamentals, while population structure analysis classified L. siceraria in two subpopulations defined by fruit shape, rather than geographical origin. The results indicated that the genomic resources available for Cucurbita species are valuable to study and preserve the genetic diversity of bottle gourd in Turkey.  相似文献   

A maximum-likelihood approach is used in order to estimate recombination fractions between markers showing segregation distortion in backcross populations. It is assumed that the distortions are induced by viability differences between gametes or zygotes due to one or more selected genes. We show that Bailey's (1949) estimate stays consistent and efficient under more general assumptions than those defined by its author. This estimate should therefore be used instead of the classical maximum-likelihood estimate. The question of detection of linkage is also discussed. We show that the order of markers on linkage groups may be affected by segregation distortion.  相似文献   

In a panel of seven genotypes, 437 expressed sequence tag (EST)-derived DNA fragments were sequenced. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were polymorphic between the parents of three mapping populations were mapped by heteroduplex analysis and a genome-wide consensus map comprising 216 EST-derived SNPs and 4 InDel (insertion/deletion) markers was constructed. The average frequency of SNPs amounted to 1/130 bp and 1/107.8 bp for a set of randomly selected and a set of mapped ESTs, respectively. The calculated nucleotide diversities (π) ranged from 0 to 40.0 × 10−3 (average 3.1 × 10−3) and 0.52 × 10−3 to 39.51 × 10–3 (average 4.37 × 10−3) for random and mapped ESTs, respectively. The polymorphism information content value for mapped SNPs ranged from 0.24 to 0.50 with an average of 0.34. As expected, combination of SNPs present in an amplicon (haplotype) exhibited a higher information content ranging from 0.24 to 0.85 with an average of 0.50. Cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence assays (including InDels) were designed for a total of 87 (39.5%) SNP markers. The high abundance of SNPs in the barley genome provides avenues for the systematic development of saturated genetic maps and their integration with physical maps. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Both R. Kota and R.K. Varshney contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The variation in transposition history of different Ty1-copia group LTR retrotransposons in the species lineages of the Pisum genus has been investigated. A heterogeneous population of Ty1-copia elements was isolated by degenerate PCR and two of these (Tps12 and Tps19) were selected on the basis of their copy number and sequence conservation between closely related species for further in-depth study of their transpositional history in Pisum species. The insertional polymorphism of these elements and the previously characterised PDR1 element was studied by sequence-specific amplification polymorphism (SSAP). Each of these elements reveals a unique transpositional history within 55 diverse Pisum accessions. Phylogenetic trees based on the SSAP data show that SSAP markers for individual elements are able to resolve different species lineages within the Pisum genus. Finally, the SSAP data from all of these retrotransposon markers were combined to reveal a detailed picture of the intra and inter-species relationships within Pisum. Received: 23 January 2000 / Accepted: 24 March 2000  相似文献   

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