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The functional transition of glyoxysomes to leaf peroxisomes occurs during greening of germinating pumpkin cotyledons (Cucurbita sp. Amakuri Nankin). The immunocytochemical protein A-gold method was employed in the analysis of the transition using glyoxysomal specific citrate synthase immunoglobulin G and leaf peroxisomal specific glycolate oxidase immunoglobulin G. The labeling density of citrate synthase was decreased in the microbodies during the greening, whereas that of glycolate oxidase was dramatically increased. Double labeling experiments using different sizes of protein A-gold particles show that both the glyoxysomal and the leaf peroxisomal enzymes coexist in the microbody of the transitional stage indicating that glyoxysomes are directly transformed to leaf peroxisomes during greening.  相似文献   

The development of glyoxysomes during germination has been studied in isolated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cotyledons and in maize (Zea mays L.) scutella. In peanut cotyledons isocitratase, malate synthetase, and protein associated with the glyoxysomal fraction increase simultaneously from the 3rd to the 8th day of incubation. In scutella of germinating maize seeds the specific activities of isocitratase, malate synthetase, and catalase associated with the glyoxysomes rise until the 4th day of germination and then decline while the total amount of protein present in the fraction stays constant during the first 5 days. If the peanut cotyledons are cultured in 2% glucose, the development of isocitratase and malate synthetase is severely inhibited, but the level of the glyoxysomal protein is not measurably affected.  相似文献   

The properties of the microbody malate dehydrogenase (EC (MDH) isozyme from cotyledons of Cucumus sativus L. were compared during development. It is concluded that the isozyme remains unaltered, despite the transition from glyoxysomal to peroxisomal function that occurs during greening of the cotyledons. This conclusion is based on electrophoretic behavior, chromatographic elution from DEAE-cellulose, molecular weight, kinetic behavior, and immunological identity. In most cases, the distinct properties of the other MDH isozymes in the tissue during development provide additional support for an unchanging microbody isozyme. A method for assaying specifically the microbody isozyme was developed; a diluted preparation was assayed spectrophotometrically before and after complete immunological precipitation. The turnover of the microbody MDH isozyme was investigated by a radioactive labeling study. There is incorporation into both glyoxysomal and peroxisomal MDH. Degradation rates do not correspond with either decline of glyoxysomal activity or the continuation of peroxisomal activity. Apparently, the microbody MDH isozyme is continually turned over throughout cotyledon development.  相似文献   

The presence and activities of isocitrate lyase (EC [EC] )and malate synthase (EC [EC] ) were studied during senescenceof pumpkin cotyledons (Cucurbita sp. Amakuri Nankin). Afterincubation of detached cotyledons in permanent darkness, theactivities appeared and increased up to the eighth day and thendeclined, while the activities of catalase (EC [EC] ), glycolateox-idase (EC [EC] ), and hydroxypyruvate reductase (EC [EC] )decreased dramatically. After fractionation of cell organellesby sucrose density gradient, we detected isocitrate lyase andmalate synthase activities in peroxisomal fractions. The activityof the two key enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle also increasedduring senescence in vivo and we confirmed the presence of thetwo enzymes in the peroxisomal fractions after sucrose gradientcentrifugation. At every point examined, the level of malatesynthase was demonstrated by immunoblotting. It is concludedthat the development of isocitrate lyase and malate synthaseactivities represents the transition from leaf peroxisomes toglyoxysomes and that such a phenomenon is associated with senescence. (Received January 25, 1991; Accepted March 22, 1991)  相似文献   

The changes in activities of glyoxysomal and peroxisomal enzymes have been correlated with the fine structure of microbodies in cotyledons of the cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) during the transition from fat degradation to photosynthesis in light-grown plants, and in plants grown in the dark and then exposed to light. During early periods of development in the light (days 2 through 4), the microbodies (glyoxysomes) are interspersed among lipid bodies and contain relatively high activities of glyoxylate cycle enzymes involved in lipid degradation. Thereafter, these activities decrease rapidly as the cotyledons expand and become photosynthetic, and the activity of glycolate oxidase rises to a peak (day 7); concomitantly the microbodies (peroxisomes) become preferentially associated with chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Density-labeling with 10 millimolar K15NO3/70% 2H2O has been used to investigate isocitrate lyase synthesis during greening of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cotyledons when the glyoxysomal enzyme activities sharply decline and the transition in cotyledonary microbody function occurs. A density shift of 0.0054 (kilograms per liter) was obtained for the profile of isocitrate lyase activity in the CsCl gradient with respect to the 1H2O control. Quantitative evaluation of the density-labeling data indicates that about 50% of the isocitrate lyase activity present towards the end of the transition stage in microbody function is due to enzyme molecules newly synthesized during this stage.  相似文献   

梁峥 《植物学报》1989,6(3):141-146
本文叙述了利用完整的过氧物酶体和乙醛酸循环体,研究其结构与功能取得的新进展。  相似文献   

Dense vesicles mediate the final step in the delivery of seedproteins to vacuoles in developing pumpkin (Cucurbita sp.) cotyledons.To explore the vesicle-mediated transport system that is targetedto vacuoles in plant cells, we isolated the dense vesicles andexamined then for the presence of guanine nucleotide-bindingproteins. GTP-binding proteins of 25 kDa and 27 kDa were detectedon the isolated vesicles. The 25-kDa protein had dithiothreitol-dependentGTP-binding activity, but binding of GTP by the 27-kDa proteinshowed no such dependence. Binding of [  相似文献   

Antibodies specific for nodule uricase were used for immunocytochemistryto demonstrate the presence of uricase in cotyledons of soybean(Glycine max) during germination and early seedling growth.The enzyme was localized exclusively in peroxisomes. 1Permanent address: Department of Plant Cytology and Cytochemistry,University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland 2Current address: Department of Plant Science, University ofArizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The cotyledons of Cucurbita maxima provide a system which permitsthe isolation of chloro-plasts in various states of structuraldisintegration. These states are defined and corrlated withthe morphological appearance of the cotyledon and its electronmicroscopic and biochemical parameters. Removal of growth abovethe cotyledons results in cotyledons whose chloroplasts do notchange in pigment composition. The connection between light-harvestingapparatus and electron transport components remains intact inthese plastids while the electron transport chain undergoesage-induced alterations. The implications of these observationson studies of structure-function relationships in photosynthesisare discussed.  相似文献   

When glycolate was metabolized in peroxisomes isolated from leaves of spinach beet (Beta vulgaris L., var. vulgaris) formate was produced. Although the reaction mixture contained glutamate to facilitate conversion of glycolate to glycine, the rate at which H2O2 became “available” during the oxidation of [1-14C]glycolate was sufficient to account for the breakdown of the intermediate [1-14C]glyoxylate to formate (C1 unit) and 14CO2. Under aerobic conditions formate production closely paralleled 14CO2 release from [1-14C]glycolate which was optimal between pH 8.0 and pH 9.0 and was increased 3-fold when the temperature was raised from 25 to 35 C, or when the rate of H2O2 production was increased artificially by addition of an active preparation of fungal glucose oxidase.  相似文献   

The activities of the two unique enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle,isocitrate lyase (EC [EC] ) and malate synthase (EC [EC] ),were undetectable in petals of pumpkin (Cucurbita sp. AmakuriNankin) until the end of blooming, but they appeared duringsenescence. The activity of catalase (EC [EC] ) increased,glycolate oxidase (EC [EC] ) activity did not change, whilehydroxypyruvate reductase (EC [EC] ) activity peaked at fullblooming stage and declined thereafter. After fractionationof cellular organelles on a sucrose density gradient, we detectedisocitrate lyase and malate synthase activities in peroxisomalfractions only from petals at the senescing stage. Northernblot analysis revealed that malate synthase mRNA increased duringpetal senescence. Citrate synthase (EC [EC] ) and malate dehydrogenase(EC [EC] ) activities were also present, while aconitase(EC [EC] ) was not detectable in peroxisomal fractions. Moreoverthe presence of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC [EC] )and urate oxidase (EC [EC] ) in the peroxisomal fractionsfrom senescing petals indicates that peroxisomes could be involvedboth in the ß-oxidation pathway and in the purinecatabolism during petal senescence. (Received May 25, 1991; Accepted September 25, 1991)  相似文献   

Two different aconitases are known to be expressed after thegermination of oil-seed plants. One is a mitochondrial aconitasethat is involved in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The otherparticipates in the glyoxylate cycle, playing a role in gluconeogenesisfrom stored oil. We isolated and characterized a cDNA for anaconitase from etiolated pumpkin cotyledons. The cDNA was 3,145bp long and capable of encoding a protein of 98 kDa. N-terminaland C-terminal amino acid sequences deduced from the cDNA didnot contain mitochondrial or glyoxysomal targeting signals.A search of protein databases suggested that the cDNA encodeda cytosolic aconitase. Immuno blotting analysis with a specificantibody against the aconitase expressed in Escherichia colirevealed that developmental changes in the amount of the aconitasewere correlated with changes in levels of other enzymes of theglyoxylate cycle during growth of seedlings. Further analysisby subcellular fractionation and immunofluorescence microscopyrevealed that aconitase was present only in the cytosol andmitochondria. No glyoxysomal aconitase was found in etiolatedcotyledons even though all the other enzymes of the glyoxylatecycle are known to be localized in glyoxysomes. Taken together,the data suggest that the cytosolic aconitase participates inthe glyoxylate cycle with four glyoxysomal enzymes. (Received December 1, 1994; Accepted March 17, 1995)  相似文献   

First order rate constants for the degradation (degradation constants) of catalase in the cotyledons of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) were determined by measuring the loss of catalase containing 14C-labeled heme. During greening of the cotyledons, a period when peroxisomes change from glyoxysomal to leaf peroxisomal function, the degradation of glyoxysomal catalase is significantly (P = 0.05) slower than during all other stages of cotyledon development in light or darkness. The degradation constant during the transition stage of peroxisome function amounts to 0.205 day−1 in contrast to the constants ranging from 0.304 day−1 to 0.515 day−1 during the other developmental stages. Density labeling experiments comprising labeling of catalase with 2H2O and its isopycnic centrifugation on CsCl gradients demonstrated that the determinations of the degradation constants were not substantially affected by reutilization of 14C-labeled compounds for catalase synthesis. The degradation constants for both glyoxysomal catalase and catalase synthesized during the transition of peroxisome function do not differ. This was shown by labeling the catalases with different isotopes and measuring the isotope ratio during the development of the cotyledons. The results are inconsistent with the concept that an accelerated and selective degradation of glyoxysomes underlies the change in peroxisome function. The data suggest that catalase degradation is at least partially due to an individual turnover of catalase and does not only result from a turnover of the whole peroxisomes.  相似文献   

Density-labeling with 10 mm K15NO3/70% 2H2O has been used to investigate catalase synthesis in different developmental stages of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cotyledons. A mathematical approach is introduced for the quantitative evaluation of the density-labeling data. The method allows, in the presence of preexisting enzyme activity, calculation of this synthesized activity (apparent enzyme synthesis) which results from the balance between actual enzyme synthesis and the degradation of newly synthesized enzyme at a given time. During greening of the cotyledons, when the catalase activity declines and the population of leaf peroxisomes is formed, the apparent catalase synthesis is lower than, or at best equal to, that occurring during a developmental stage when the leaf peroxisome population is established and catalase synthesis and degradation of total catalase are in equilibrium. This result suggests a formation, in fatty cotyledons, of the leaf peroxisomes by transformation of the glyoxysomes rather than by de novo synthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract: The natural compound, coumarin, caused a change in protein pattern and influenced the phosphorylation status of some ribosome-associated proteins of pumpkin seedlings in vivo and in vitro. Low concentrations of coumarin stimulated ribosome-associated protein phosphorylation only in cotyledons but not in roots and stems. Two phosphoproteins whose phosphorylation state was influenced upon coumarin treatment could be isolated and characterized by their relative molecular weight of about 58 and 65 kDa and pl-values at 5.2 and 5.7, respectively. These phosphoproteins are not major constituents of small or large subunits of ribosomes. We did not find any influence of coumarin on phosphorylation of ribosomal proteins S6, LAO and LAI–3.  相似文献   

The effects of lipid degradation on proteins of smooth microsomalmembranes isolated from young bean cotyledons have been examinedby three techniques, viz. fluorescence energy transfer fromtryptophan to cis-parinaric acid; protein spin-labelling with3-maleimido PROXYL; and SDS-PAGE. Lipid degradation was inducedin isolated membranes by activating phospholipase D and phosphatidicacid phosphatase through the addition of Ca2+, by treatmentwith exogenous phospholipase C to simulate the concerted actionsof phospholipase D and phosphatidic acid phosphatase or by treatmentwith exogenous phospholipase A2 to generate endogenous substratefor lipoxygenase. All of the treatments induced time-dependentchanges in lipid-protein interaction and in protein conformation,and the treatment with phospholipase A2 also engendered proteolysis.The effects of the Ca2+ and phospholipase C treatments on lipid-proteininteraction and protein conformation can presumably be partlyattributed to an accumulation of diacylglycerol in the membrane,whereas the induction of proteolysis by phospholipase A2 appearsto be due to activated oxygen derived from the lipoxygenasereaction and ensuing lipid peroxidation. Lipid degradation inducedby these treatments simulates that which occurs during naturalsenescence of the cotyledons and hence these observations suggestthat loss of protein function and proteolysis in senescing membranesis facilitated by lipolytic and peroxidative activity withinthe lipid bilayer. Key words: Activated oxygen, lipids, membranes, proteins, senescence  相似文献   

Intracellular Distribution of Proteins in Pea Cotyledons   总被引:19,自引:10,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

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