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通过EMS(ethyl methane sulphonate)诱变从拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)突变体库中筛选到一个叶绿体分裂突变体(c)hloro(p)last (d)ivision 111 (cpd111).遗传学分析表明,该突变体的表型是单基因控制的隐性性状.与野生型相比,突变体植物细胞的叶绿体数量少,叶绿体形态和大小多样化,并且细胞体积与叶绿体数量之间无相关性.利用图位克隆的方法确定cpd111的突变基因为FtsZ1.进一步的分析表明,该突变影响FtsZ7基因mRNA的正常剪切和稳定性,使蛋白质翻译提前终止,最终导致叶绿体分裂异常.该工作为研究FtsZ1在叶绿体分裂中的作用提供了新的材料和线索.  相似文献   

pd137是经甲基磺酸乙脂(ethyl methane sulphonate, EMS)诱变并通过筛选得到的一个拟南芥叶绿体分裂突变体。该突变体的叶绿体表型与野生型相比有很大差异: 叶绿体面积显著增大, 细胞中叶绿体数量明显减少。遗传分析显示pd137的突变表型受隐性单基因控制。本研究通过遗传作图将该突变基因粗定位于拟南芥2号染色体的分子标记CH2-13.70和CH2-16.0区间内。该区间内已知的与叶绿体分裂相关的基因只有FtsZ2-1。对FtsZ2-1基因的测序结果显示pd137突变体的FtsZ2-1基因第505位碱基发生了无义突变, 使蛋白质翻译提前终止。该突变还严重影响了FtsZ2-1基因的mRNA水平。转基因互补实验进一步验证了该突变体表型是由于FtsZ2-1基因突变引起。本项工作为研究叶绿体分裂的机制提供了新材料和一些有用的线索。  相似文献   

Pyke KA  Leech RM 《Plant physiology》1992,99(3):1005-1008
We have isolated three mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana in which there is a sevenfold change in chloroplast number in fully expanded leaf mesophyll cells and increases and decreases in chloroplast number are compensated for by changes in chloroplast size. The changes are stably inherited in sexual crosses for three generations and mutant phenotypes are effected by changes at single recessive nuclear loci, termed arc loci. This is the first report of large, stably inherited changes in chloroplast number in higher plants, and represents a major advance toward the genetic dissection of the control of chloroplast division.  相似文献   

The chloroplast is the site of photosynthesis and many other essential plant metabolic processes, and chloroplast development is an integral part of plant growth and development. Mutants defective in chloroplast development can display various color phenotypes including the intriguing virescence phenotype, which shows yellow/white coloration at the leaf base and greening toward the leaf tip. Through large scale genetic screens, we identified a series of new virescent mutants including virescent3-1 (vir3-1), vir4-1, and vir5-1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. We showed that VIR3 encodes a putative chloroplast metalloprotease by map-based cloning. Through site-directed mutagenesis, we showed that the conserved histidine 235 residue in the zinc binding motif HEAGH of VIR3 is indispensable for VIR3 accumulation in the chloroplast. The chloroplast localization of VIR3 was confirmed by the transient expression of VIR3-GFP in leaf protoplasts. Furthermore, taking advantage of transgenic lines expressing VIR3-FLAG, we demonstrated that VIR3 is an intrinsic thylakoid membrane protein that mainly resides in the stromal lamellae. Moreover, topology analysis using transgenic lines expressing a dual epitope-tagged VIR3 indicated that both the N and C termini of VIR3 are located in the stroma, and the catalytic domain of VIR3 is probably facing the stroma. Blue native gel analysis indicated that VIR3 is likely present as a monomer or part of a small complex in the thylakoid membrane. This work not only implicates VIR3 as a new factor involved in early chloroplast development but also provides more insight into the roles of chloroplast proteases in chloroplast biogenesis.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation is a major mode of regulation of metabolism, gene expression and cell architecture. In chloroplasts, reversible phosphorylation of proteins is known to regulate a number of prominent processes, for instance photosynthesis, gene expression and starch metabolism. The complements of the involved chloroplast protein kinases (cpPKs) and phosphatases (cpPPs) are largely unknown, except 6 proteins (4 cpPKs and 2 cpPPs) which have been experimentally identified so far. We employed combinations of programs predicting N-terminal chloroplast transit peptides (cTPs) to identify 45 tentative cpPKs and 21 tentative cpPPs. However, test sets of 9 tentative cpPKs and 13 tentative cpPPs contain only 2 and 7 genuine cpPKs and cpPPs, respectively, based on experimental subcellular localization of their N-termini fused to the reporter protein RFP. Taken together, the set of enzymes known to be involved in the reversible phosphorylation of chloroplast proteins in A. thaliana comprises altogether now 6 cpPKs and 9 cpPPs, the function of which needs to be determined in future by functional genomics approaches. This includes the calcium-regulated PK CIPK13 which we found to be located in the chloroplast, indicating that calcium-dependent signal transduction pathways also operate in this organelle.Key Words: Arabidopsis thaliana, chloroplast, chloroplast transit peptide, protein kinase, protein phosphatase, protein phosphorylation, proteomics.  相似文献   

在后基因组时代,蛋白质组学技术已成为鉴定植物蛋白质功能的有力工具之一,以模式植物拟南芥为材料进行蛋白质组学研究是大家关注的焦点.叶绿体作为重要的细胞器,在植物蛋白质组学中已有较多的研究,本文对近年来拟南芥叶绿体蛋白质组学的研究加以综述,并对未来发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

Chloroplast division is performed by the constriction of envelope membranes at the division site. Although constriction of a ring-like protein complex has been shown to be involved in chloroplast division, it remains unknown how membrane lipids participate in the process. Here, we show that phosphoinositides with unknown function in envelope membranes are involved in the regulation of chloroplast division in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLASTID DIVISION1 (PDV1) and PDV2 proteins interacted specifically with phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P). Inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (PI4K) decreased the level of PI4P in chloroplasts and accelerated chloroplast division. Knockout of PI4Kβ2 expression or downregulation of PI4Kα1 expression resulted in decreased levels of PI4P in chloroplasts and increased chloroplast numbers. PI4Kα1 is the main contributor to PI4P synthesis in chloroplasts, and the effect of PI4K inhibition was largely abolished in the pdv1 mutant. Overexpression of DYNAMIN-RELATED PROTEIN5B (DRP5B), another component of the chloroplast division machinery, which is recruited to chloroplasts by PDV1 and PDV2, enhanced the effect of PI4K inhibition, whereas overexpression of PDV1 and PDV2 had additive effects. The amount of DRP5B that associated with chloroplasts increased upon PI4K inhibition. These findings suggest that PI4P is a regulator of chloroplast division in a PDV1- and DRP5B-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Chloroplast chaperonin 20 (Cpn20) in higher plants is a functional homologue of the Escherichia coli GroES, which is a critical regulator of chaperonin-mediated protein folding. The cDNA for a Cpn20 homologue of Arabidopsis thaliana was isolated. It was 958 bp long, encoding a protein of 253 amino acids. The protein was composed of an N-terminal chloroplast transit peptide, and the predicted mature region comprised two distinct GroES domains that showed 42% amino acid identity to each other. The isolated cDNA was constitutively expressed in transgenic tobacco. Immunogold labelling showed that Cpn20 is accumulated in chloroplasts of transgenic tobacco. A Northern blot analysis revealed that mRNA for the chloroplast Cpn20 is abundant in leaves and is increased by heat treatment. To examine the oligomeric structure of Cpn20, a histidine-tagged construct lacking the transit peptide was expressed in E. coli and purified by affinity chromatography. Gel-filtration and cross-linking analyses showed that the expressed products formed a tetramer. The expressed products could substitute for GroES to assist the refolding of citrate synthase under non-permissive conditions. The analysis on the subunit stoichiometry of the GroEL-Cpn20 complex also revealed that the functional complex is composed of a GroEL tetradecamer and a Cpn20 tetramer.  相似文献   

拟南芥白化突变体心口的基因定位与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
EMS30是拟南芥经甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变得到的白化突变体。该突变体的叶绿体结构存在严重缺陷,同时伴随叶绿素缺失。遗传分析显示EMS30突变体的突变表型受隐性单基因控制。采用图位克隆的方法对EMS30突变基因进行定位的结果显示,该基因位于拟南芥第一条染色体的分子标记F21M12和F14N23之间的96kb区间内,该区间包含25个基因。通过生物信息学分析发现,该区间内有3个基因定位在叶绿体或与叶绿体发育相关。这些结果有助于该基因的克隆,为阐释叶绿体发育提供线索。  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are highly dynamic organelles involved in various metabolic pathways. The division of peroxisomes is regulated by factors such as the PEROXIN11 (PEX11) proteins that promote peroxisome elongation and the dynamin-related proteins (DRPs) and FISSION1 (FIS1) proteins that function together to mediate organelle fission. In Arabidopsis thaliana, DRP3A/DRP3B and FIS1A (BIGYIN)/FIS1B are two pairs of homologous proteins known to function in both peroxisomal and mitochondrial division. Here, we report that DRP5B, a DRP distantly related to the DRP3s and originally identified as a chloroplast division protein, also contributes to peroxisome division. DRP5B localizes to both peroxisomes and chloroplasts. Mutations in the DRP5B gene lead to peroxisome division defects and compromised peroxisome functions. Using coimmunoprecipitation and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays, we further demonstrate that DRP5B can interact or form a complex with itself and with DRP3A, DRP3B, FIS1A, and most of the Arabidopsis PEX11 isoforms. Our data suggest that, in contrast with DRP3A and DRP3B, whose orthologs exist across plant, fungal, and animal kingdoms, DRP5B is a plant/algal invention to facilitate the division of their organelles (i.e., chloroplasts and peroxisomes). In addition, our results support the notion that proteins involved in the early (elongation) and late (fission) stages of peroxisome division may act cooperatively.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis in plants involves the formation of unique cellular structures such as the phragmoplast and the cell plate, both of which are required to divide the cell after nuclear division. In order to isolate genes that are involved in de novo cell wall formation, we performed a large-scale, microscope-based screen for Arabidopsis mutants that severely impair cytokinesis in the embryo. We recovered 35 mutations that form abnormally enlarged cells with multiple, often polyploid nuclei and incomplete cell walls. These mutants represent seven genes, four of which have previously been implicated in phragmoplast or cell plate function. Mutations in two loci show strongly reduced transmission through the haploid gametophytic generation. Molecular cloning of both corresponding genes reveals that one is represented by hypomorphic alleles of the kinesin-5 gene RADIALLY SWOLLEN 7 (homologous to tobacco kinesin-related protein TKRP125), and that the other gene corresponds to the Arabidopsis FUSED ortholog TWO-IN-ONE (originally identified based on its function in pollen development). No mutations that completely abolish the formation of cross walls in diploid cells were found. Our results support the idea that cytokinesis in the diploid and haploid generations involve similar mechanisms.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis requires the ability to identify the genotypes of individuals in a segregating population. This task is straightforward if each genotype has a distinctive phenotype, but is difficult if these genotypes are phenotypically similar or identical. We show that Arabidopsis seeds homozygous or heterozygous for a mutation of interest can be identified in a segregating family by placing the mutation in trans to a chromosome carrying a pair of seed-expressed green and red fluorescent transgenes (a “traffic line”) that flank the mutation. Nonfluorescent seeds in the self-pollinated progeny of such a heterozygous plant are usually homozygous for the mutation, whereas seeds with intermediate green and red fluorescence are typically heterozygous for the mutation. This makes it possible to identify seedlings homozygous for mutations that lack an obvious seedling phenotype, and also facilitates the analysis of lethal or sterile mutations, which must be propagated in heterozygous condition. Traffic lines can also be used to identify progeny that have undergone recombination within a defined region of the genome, facilitating genetic mapping and the production of near-isogenic lines. We produced 488 transgenic lines containing single genome-mapped insertions of NAP:dsRED and NAP:eGFP in Columbia (330 lines) and Landsberg erecta (158 lines) and generated sets of traffic lines that span most regions of the Arabidopsis genome. We demonstrated the utility of these lines for identifying seeds of a specific genotype and for generating near-isogenic lines using mutations of WUSCHEL and SHOOTMERISTEMLESS. This new resource significantly decreases the effort and cost of genotyping segregating families and increases the efficiency of experiments that rely on the ability to detect recombination in a defined chromosomal segment.  相似文献   

拟南芥叶绿体DNA全序列微卫星分布规律的分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为进一步以拟南芥为模板,开发果树通用的叶绿体微卫星或称简单序列重复(chloroplast simple sequence repeat, cpSSR)引物,对拟南芥叶绿体DNA全序列cpSSR进行了统计分析.结果表明,拟南芥cpSSR以单碱基重复为主,占总数的78.6%,二碱基重复占总数的19%,三碱基重复占2.4%,三碱基以上重复为零.在单碱基重复中,又以A和T重复为主,占98.5%.二碱基重复全部为AT重复.单碱基重复中的纯粹重复41个,占总数的62.1%.间断重复数为23个,占总数的34.8%.复合重复数仅为2个.  相似文献   

Genetic structure and evolution of RAC-GTPases in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Winge P  Brembu T  Kristensen R  Bones AM 《Genetics》2000,156(4):1959-1971
Rho GTPases regulate a number of important cellular functions in eukaryotes, such as organization of the cytoskeleton, stress-induced signal transduction, cell death, cell growth, and differentiation. We have conducted an extensive screening, characterization, and analysis of genes belonging to the Ras superfamily of GTPases in land plants (embryophyta) and found that the Rho family is composed mainly of proteins with homology to RAC-like proteins in terrestrial plants. Here we present the genomic and cDNA sequences of the RAC gene family from the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. On the basis of amino acid alignments and genomic structure comparison of the corresponding genes, the 11 encoded AtRAC proteins can be divided into two distinct groups of which one group apparently has evolved only in vascular plants. Our phylogenetic analysis suggests that the plant RAC genes underwent a rapid evolution and diversification prior to the emergence of the embryophyta, creating a group that is distinct from rac/cdc42 genes in other eukaryotes. In embryophyta, RAC genes have later undergone an expansion through numerous large gene duplications. Five of these RAC duplications in Arabidopsis thaliana are reported here. We also present an hypothesis suggesting that the characteristic RAC proteins in higher plants have evolved to compensate the loss of RAS proteins.  相似文献   

Shade-avoidance syndrome is characterized by the formation of elongated petioles and unexpanded leaf blades under low-intensity light, but the genetic basis for these responses is unknown. In this study, two-dimensional mutational analysis revealed that the gene for phytochrome B, PHYB, had opposing effects in the leaf petioles and leaf blades of Arabidopsis, while the ROT3, ACL2, and GAI genes influenced the length of leaf petioles more significantly than the length of leaf blades. Anatomical analysis revealed that the PHYB and ACL2 genes control the length of leaf petioles exclusively via control of the length of individual cells, while the GAI, GA1 and ROT3 genes appeared to control both the elongation and proliferation of petiole cells, in particular, under strong light. By contrast, both the size and the number of cells were affected by the mutations examined in leaf blades. The differential control of leaf petiole length and leaf blade expansion is discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of salt-tolerant mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Quesada V  Ponce MR  Micol JL 《Genetics》2000,154(1):421-436
Stress caused by the increased salinity of irrigated fields impairs plant growth and is one of the major constraints that limits crop productivity in many important agricultural areas. As a contribution to solving such agronomic problems, we have carried out a large-scale screening for Arabidopsis thaliana mutants induced on different genetic backgrounds by EMS treatment, fast neutron bombardment, or T-DNA insertions. From the 675,500 seeds we screened, 17 mutant lines were isolated, all but one of which yielded 25-70% germination levels on 250 mm NaCl medium, a condition in which their ancestor ecotypes are unable to germinate. Monogenic recessive inheritance of NaCl-tolerant germination was displayed with incomplete penetrance by all the selected mutants, which fell into five complementation groups. These were named SALOBRENO (SAN) and mapped relative to polymorphic microsatellites, the map positions of three of them suggesting that they are novel genes. Strains carrying mutations in the SAN1-SAN4 genes display similar responses to both ionic effects and osmotic pressure, their germination being NaCl and mannitol tolerant but KCl and Na(2)SO(4) sensitive. In addition, NaCl-, KCl-, and mannitol-tolerant as well as abscisic-acid-insensitive germination was displayed by sañ5, whose genetic and molecular characterization indicates that it carries an extremely hypomorphic or null allele of the ABI4 gene, its deduced protein product lacking the APETALA2 DNA binding domain.  相似文献   

Bentolila S  Elliott LE  Hanson MR 《Genetics》2008,178(3):1693-1708
We have analyzed the mitochondrial editing behavior of two Arabidopsis thaliana accessions, Landsberg erecta (Ler) and Columbia (Col). A survey of 362 C-to-U editing sites in 33 mitochondrial genes was conducted on RNA extracted from rosette leaves. We detected 67 new editing events in A. thaliana rosette leaves that had not been observed in a prior study of mitochondrial editing in suspension cultures. Furthermore, 37 of the 441 C-to-U editing events reported in A. thaliana suspension cultures were not observed in rosette leaves. Forty editing sites that are polymorphic in extent of editing were detected between Col and Ler. Silent editing sites, which do not change the encoded amino acid, were found in a large excess compared to nonsilent sites among the editing events that differed between accessions and between tissue types. Dominance relationships were assessed for 15 of the most polymorphic sites by evaluating the editing values of the reciprocal hybrids. Dominance is more common in nonsilent sites than in silent sites, while additivity was observed only in silent sites. A maternal effect was detected for 8 sites. QTL mapping with recombinant inbred lines detected 12 major QTL for 11 of the 13 editing traits analyzed, demonstrating that efficiency of editing of individual mitochondrial C targets is generally governed by a major factor.  相似文献   

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