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A transient electric birefringence computerized spectrometer inducing Kerr effect in anisotropically polarizable solutions as DNA has been used to investigate, at ambient temperature, the mechlorethamine-DNA interaction in presence and in absence of the WR-1065 radioprotector. The birefringence, and the time relaxation variations versus drug concentration are reported. An interpretation including DNA electrooptic properties is proposed.  相似文献   

High levels of DNA polymorphism were detected in 27 Solanum tuberosum cultivars examined. Combinations of at least two c-DNA clones have been identified which in conjunction with EcoRI allow important UK potato cultivars to be characterised by their molecular profiles. The widely grown North American cultivar Russett Burbank was also successfully fingerprinted. Estimates of genetic diversity based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) data indicate the important role that wild potato species and exotic germplasm have played in the development of the cultivars studied. A graphical method for simultaneously highlighting similarities and differences between genotypes for individual hybridising fragments is presented. This approach is particularly useful in identifying and recording fragments which are unique to certain genotypes. Two potato cultivars: Fiona and Morag produce unique RFLP profiles when digested with EcoRI and EcoRV and probed with a flax ribosomal DNA sequence. Both Fiona and Morag possess incomplete or partial (quantitative) type resistance to G. pallida which was transferred from S. vernei. The preferential transmission of the r-DN A fragments from S. vernei may indicate that this locus is associated with genetic factors controlling resistance to G. pallida.  相似文献   

The relative levels of autoantibodies to native and denatured DNA (nDNA and dDNA, respectively) in the blood were compared in 55 patients with tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). Compared to healthy donors, the titers of antibodies (Ab) to nDNA and dDNA were significantly higher in 31% and 40% of TBE patients, respectively. The proportion of patients with an increased concentration of anti-nDNA Ab in the case of TBE (32%) was higher than among patients with multiple sclerosis (18%) and some other autoimmune diseases (6–18%) but comparable with that among patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (38%) and polymyositis (42%). In contrast to the patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and multiple sclerosis, the level of antibodies to nDNA in TBE patients was higher than that of anti-dDNA Ab. The coefficients of correlation between the levels of Ab to nDNA and dDNA were estimated for the entire group of TBE patients and for subgroups with different forms of the disease (temperature reactions, febrile form, and meningeal form). Analysis of correlation between the anti-DNA antibody titers and three standard biochemical markers of TBE (aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase activities and total bilirubin) was carried out for 22 patients. A statistically significant correlation was revealed only between the level of Ab to nDNA and the marker enzyme activities, with the respective correlation coefficients being +0.44 and +0.48, respectively.  相似文献   

The interaction specificities of Co(III) with DNA were investigated via consideration of thermodynamic characteristics of the duplex to single strand transition for DNA oligomers incubated in the presence of [Co(NH3)5(OH2)] (ClO4)3. It has previously been demonstrated that incubation of the DNA oligomer [(5medC-dG)4]2 with this cobalt complex leads to coordination of the cobalt center to the DNA, presumably at N7 of guanine bases [D. C. Calderone, E. J. Mantilla, M. Hicks, D. H. Huchital, W. R. Murphy, Jr. and R. D. Sheardy, (1995) Biochemistry 34, 13841]. In this report, DNA oligomers of different sequence were incubated with [Co(NH3)5(OH2)] (ClO4)3 via protocols developed previously and the treated oligomers were subjected to thermal denaturation for comparison to the untreated oligomers. The DNA oligomers were designed in order to investigate the sequence specificity, if any, in the reaction of the cobalt complex with DNA. The values of Tm, ΔHuH, and Δn (the differential ion binding term) obtained from the thermal denaturations were used to assess the sequence specificity of the interaction. For all oligomers, treated or untreated, Tm and ΔuH vary linearly with log [Na+] and hence the value of Δn is a function of the Na+ concentration. The results indicate no significant reaction between the cobalt complex and oligomers possessing isolated -GA- or -CG- sites; however, the thermodynamic characteristics of DNA oligomers possessing either an isolated -GG- site or an isolated -GC- site were altered by the treatment. Atomic absorption studies of the treated oligomers demonstrate that only the DNA oligomers possessing isolated -GG- or -GC- sites bind cobalt. Hence, the changes in the thermodynamic properties of these oligomers are a result of cobalt binding with a remarkable sequence specificity. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 42: 549–599, 1997  相似文献   

The interaction between NaCl and 1,2-dimethoxyethylene is used to model ion binding to a neutral polymer. The relative binding energies involving different ion-polymer structures were calculated using minimal basis STO-3G and split valence 3-21Gab-initio and CNDO/2 semi-empirical wavefunctions. The results obtained are consistent with an adsorption model in which the cation is primarily adsorbed on the oxygen sites. The counter ion is then bound by the charged polymer in a form consistent with an ion pair structure. These results are consistent with recent experimental studies on polyoxyethylene (POE). Additional calculations were performed to include specific interactions with the liquid environment. Electrostatic solvation effects, introduced through the self-consistent reaction field (SCRF) model, appear to be significant in the stabilization of a solvent-separated ion-pair structure. However, the global stabilization produced by both specific and electrostatic solvations predicts the preferential stabilization of an externally hydrated intimate ion pair.Dedicated to the memory of the late Professor Luis Sepulveda (1988).CMCA Contribution No 3.  相似文献   

A chemiluminescence (CL) determination of adenyl compounds is described. CL derivatization of adenyl compounds with methylglyoxal dimethyl acetal was performed in the presence of tungstosilicic acid and propan-2-ol. CL from adenyl compounds was produced by hydrogen peroxide and L -cysteine ethyl ester in DMF and water. The proposed method is highly sensitive and specific to compounds containing adenine. Adenine was determined in the range 1.0 × 10−3 −5.0 × 10−8 M with the detection limit of 3.0 × 10−8 M (150 fmol per assay). The method was applied to the determination of DNA and detection limits of a few nanograms of DNA achieved. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

RAPD assays were performed, using 34 arbitrary decamer oligonucleotide primers and six combinations of two primers, to detect inherent variations and genetic relationships among 12 Indian and 11 exotic B. juncea genotypes. Of 595 amplification products identified, 500 of them were polymorphic across all genotypes. A low level of genetic variability was detected among the Indian genotypes, while considerable polymorphism was present among the exotic ones. Based on the pair-wise comparisons of amplification products the genetic similarity was calculated using Jaccard's similarity coefficients and a dendrogram was constructed using an unweighted pair group method was arithmetical averages (UPGMA). On the basis of this analysis the genotypes were clustered into two groups, A and B. Group A comprised only exotic genotypes, whereas all the Indian genotypes and four of the exotic genotypes were clustered in group B. Almost similar genotypic rankings could also be established by computing as few as 200 amplification products. In general, a high per cent of heterosis was recorded in crosses involving Indian x exotic genotypes. On the other hand, when crosses were made amongst Indian or exotic genotypes, about 80% of them exhibited negative heterosis. Results from this study indicate that, despite the lack of direct correlation between the genetic distance and the degree of heterosis, genetic diversity forms a very useful guide not only for investigating the relationships among Brassica genotypes but also in the selection of parents for heterotic hybrid combinations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the DNA intercalating characteristics and the DNA damaging capacity of four alkaloids extracted from Chelidonium majus L, as well as their toxicity towards murine NK/Ly lymphoma cells. Chelerythrine, sanguinarine and coptisine were found to be intercalated into the DNA isolated from NK/Ly cells, meanwhile, chelidonine exhibited no affinity to DNA. Sanguinarine exhibited the greatest toxicity toward NK/Ly cells, and the toxicity of the other three decreased in descending order: chelerythrine, coptisine and chelidonine. Chelerythrine and sanguinarine caused DNA damage, illustrated by the formation of comets of the third class. Coptisine was less toxic than chelerythrine and sanguinarine, and affected the formation the same class of comets in higher concentration. The quantity of comets induced by chelidonine were negligible, a finding consistent with its inability to intercalate into DNA structure. The ability of four main alkaloids of Chelidonium majus L., to intercalate into DNA isolated from murine NK/Ly lymphoma cells, correlated with their ability to induce breaks in cellular DNA and with their toxic effect towards those cells.  相似文献   

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