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Abstract: This study examined changes in composition and concanavalin A (Con A) binding of axonally transported glycoproteins and their pronase-generated glycopeptides in regenerating garfish olfactory nerve. A previous study had demonstrated a regeneration-related increase in the proportion of [3H]glucosamine label in lower-molecular-weight Con A-binding glycopeptides derived from transported glycoproteins. Further analysis of carbohydrate composition shows that these molecules resemble mannose-rich oligosaccharides in composition and are increased in absolute amount in regenerating nerve. Subcellular analysis shows that the Con A-binding glycopeptides are enriched in membrane subfractions, particularly in a high-density fraction that morphologically resembles isolated cell surface coat. Regeneration-related changes in intact axonally transported glycoproteins were also detected. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis of transport-labeled glycoproteins disclosed growth-correlated increases in radioactivity associated with 180–200K, 105–115K, and 80–90K components, while a 150–160K molecular weight class of glycoproteins was diminished in relative labeling. Intact glycoproteins displaying an affinity for Con A were also augmented in regenerating nerve, the increases occurring primarily in molecules in the 50–140K range.  相似文献   

Long-Evans rats at 45 days of age were injected intraocularly with 25 mu Ci of [3H]glucosamine. Incorporation of radioactivity into retinal gangliosides, glycoproteins, and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) was determined at various times after injection. Portions of all three classes of radioactive macromolecules were committed to rapid axonal transport in the retinal ganglion cells. With respect to gangliosides about 60% of those synthesized in the retina were retained in that structure, 30% were committed to transport to regions containing the nerve terminal structures (lateral geniculate body and superior colliculus), and about 10% were deposited in stationary structures of the axons (optic nerve and tract). With the exception of ganglioside GD3 the molecular species distribution of gangliosides synthesized in the retina matched that committed to transport. In contrast to gangliosides a smaller fraction of newly synthesized retinal glycoprotein (less than 12% of that synthesized in the retina) was committed to rapid transport to nerve ending regions and only about 0.5% was retained in the nerve and tract. The molecular-weight distribution of glycoproteins committed to transport differed quantitatively from that of the retina. With respect to GAGs an even smaller portion (1-2%) of that synthesized in the retina was committed to rapid transport; of this portion almost all was recovered in nerve terminal-containing structures. A constant proportion of each retinal GAG species was transported to the superior colliculus. We suggest that most of the retinal gangliosides are synthesized in neurons and preferentially in ganglion cells (possibly a function of the large surface membrane area supported by these cells). Subcellular fractionation experiments indicated that transported gangliosides, glycoproteins, and GAGs may be preferentially distributed into different subcellular compartments.  相似文献   

Axonal transport of glycoconjugates was studied in the motoneurons of rat sciatic nerve following injection of [3H]glucosamine into the lumbosacral spinal cord. After varying time intervals, the sciatic nerve was exposed, and two ligatures were tied for collection of materials undergoing anterograde and retrograde transport. Gangliosides and glycoproteins were found to undergo fast anterograde transport, estimated at 284-446 mm/day. Both classes underwent retrograde transport as well, with labeled glycoproteins returning slightly ahead of labeled gangliosides. Only minor quantities of labeled proteoglycans were detected. Purified gangliosides extracted from nerve segments were fractionated according to sialic acid number on diethylaminoethyl-Sephadex; the distributional pattern tended to resemble that of brain gangliosides. The similarity between anterograde and retrograde patterns suggested absence of metabolic changes in gangliosides entering and leaving the axon-nerve terminal structures.  相似文献   

Abstract: Following intraocular injection of [3H]fucose in the rat, radioactive glycoproteins are rapidly transported to the nerve terminals in at least two waves, one with a peak at 8 h and a second with a peak at about a week. The molecular weight distribution of radioactive peptides in ach transport wave as determined by gel electrophoresis in buffers containing sodium dodecyl sulfate is very similar. Most of the many glycopeptides in the first wave of rapid transport pass through the optic tract in unison (apparent half-life of about 15 h) and are preferentially destined for the nerve endings. However, two proteins of apparent M. W. 28,000 and 49,000 are preferentially retained in the axons. The remaining proteins, after reaching the nerve endings (superior colliculus), decay with apparent half-lives ranging from 17 to 34 h. During the second wave a large amount of the 28,000 and 49,000 M. W. peptides are again preferentially retained in the axons. The remaining proteins, on reaching the nerve endings, decay with apparent half-lives ranging from 5 to 9 days. Subcellular fractionation of the superior colliculus supports the hypothesis that the 49,000 and 28,000 M. W. peptides are the predominantly labeled glycoproteins present in myelinated axons (representing over 50% of the radioactive glycoproteins 7 days following injection), although they are probably also present in membranes of the nerve endings. A comparison with glycoprotein transport in other tracts (geniculocortical and nigrostriatal tracts) suggests that glycoprotein transport in these pathways has many similarities to glycoprotein transport in the retinal ganglion cells, and that the optic system is a good general model for axonal transport in the CNS.  相似文献   

Rapidly transported fucose-labeled glycoproteins from axons of rabbit retinal ganglion cells were solubilized with nonionic detergents. The solubilized components were subjected to affinity chromatography on three different fucose-specific lectins. A recently characterized fucose-specific lectin from Aleuria aurantia bound reversibly approximately 60% of the applied protein-bound radioactivity. The lectins from Lotus tetragonolobus and Ulex europaeus bound are very small proportions of the labeled rapidly transported glycoproteins.  相似文献   

The distribution of axonally transported gangliosides and glycoproteins along the sciatic nerve was examined from 3 h to 4 weeks following injection of[3H]glucosamine into the fifth lumbar dorsal root ganglion of adult rats. Incorporation of labeled precursor into these glycoconjugates reached a maximal level in the ganglion within 6 h. Outflow patterns of radioactivity for glycoproteins showed a well-defined crest with a transport rate of approximately 330 mm/day. In contrast, the crest of transported gangliosides was continuously attenuated, implying a significant deposition along the axon, and an alternative method of calculating velocity was required. Analysis of accumulation of labeled material at double ligatures demonstrated both anterograde and retrograde transport of glycoproteins and gangliosides and allowed for the calculation of an anterograde transport rate of about 270 mm/day for each. Additional evidence of ganglioside transport is provided in that the TLC pattern of transported radioactive gangliosides accumulating at a ligature is significantly different from the pattern seen in the dorsal root ganglion or following intraneural administration of the labeled precursor. These data indicate that gangliosides are transported at the same rapid rate as glycoproteins but are subject to a more extensive exchange with stationary material than are glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Fast and slow axonal transports were studied in the optic nerve of the garfish and compared with previous studies on the olfactory nerve. The composition of fast-transport proteins was very similar in the two nerves. Although the velocity of fast transport was slightly lower in the optic nerve, there was a linear increase in velocity with temperature in both nerves. As in the olfactory nerve, only a single wave of slow-transport protein radioactivity moves along the nerve. The velocity of slow transport also increased linearly with temperature, but the coefficient was less than in the olfactory system. The composition of slow transport in the optic nerve was significantly different from that in the olfactory nerve, a finding reflecting the different cytoskeletal constituents of the two types of axons. The slow wave could be differentiated into several subcomponents, with the order of velocities being a 105-kilodalton protein and actin greater than tubulins and clathrin greater than fodrin much greater than neurofilaments. It can be concluded that the temperature dependence of fast and slow axonal transport in different nerves reflects the influence of temperature on the individual polypeptides constituting the various transport phases. The garfish optic nerve preparation may be advantageous for studies of axonal transport in retinal ganglion cell axons, because its great length avoids the complications of having to study transport in the optic tract or in material accumulating at the tectum.  相似文献   

Axonal transport of slow component a was studied in dorsal root afferents of the sciatic nerves of hypo- and hyperthyroid rats. Three experimental groups of rats were made hypothyroid at the age of 12 weeks by the administration of 131I. From the age of 22 weeks to the end of the study, the groups were treated with daily subcutaneous injections of thyroxine in various doses to make them hypo-(0 microgram/100 g), normo- (1 microgram/100 g), and hyperthyroid (6 micrograms/100 g), respectively. The hypothyroid group had a moderate thyroid hormone deficiency (a serum triiodothyronine level of 0.19 +/- 0.10 nmol/L and a heart/body weight ratio of 1.87 +/- 0.09 g/kg at time of killing compared with 0.60 +/- 0.09 nmol/L and 2.18 +/- 0.06 g/kg, respectively, for the control group). The hyperthyroid group was severely deranged, with serum triiodothyronine being 3.30 +/- 0.37 nmol/L and a heart/body weight ratio of 3.11 +/- 0.16 g/kg. The hypothyroid rats showed a reduction in mean velocity for the transport of slow component a (0.80 +/- 0.07 mm/day compared with 0.91 +/- 0.05 mm/day in the controls). The width of the wave of activity was smaller for the hyperthyroid group than for the control group (6.6 +/- 0.7 mm compared with 8.1 +/- 1.2 mm), suggesting an increased clearance of the axonally transported activity in the proximal axon. A decrease in transport of slow component a in hypothyroidism may be the explanation of peripheral neuropathy with axonal degeneration occasionally seen in patients with severe myxoedema.  相似文献   

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum and Axonal Transport   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:4  

Axonal Transport and Metabolism of Glycoproteins in Rat Sciatic Nerve   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
The distribution of 5'-nucleotidase activity, dopaminergic [3H]spiperone binding sites, and [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) binding sites in different subcellular fractions of bovine caudate nucleus has been studied. Each activity was enriched in a microsomal (P3) preparation from that tissue. The microsomal preparation was further fractionated by different techniques. First, the P3 fraction, or a sonicated P3 fraction, was fractionated on a discontinuous sucrose density gradient. Second, the P3 fraction, or a digitonin pretreated P3 fraction, was fractionated on a continuous sucrose density gradient. The results obtained demonstrate that 5'-nucleotidase activity does not cofractionate with radioligand binding activity, although no difference between the distributions of [3H]spiperone binding and [3H]QNB binding were seen. It is concluded that the two radioligand binding activities are located on nonglial membranes.  相似文献   

Rapid axonal transport of glycoproteins was examined in the retinofugal projections of hypothermic and normothermic adult male Long-Evans hooded rats previously receiving intraocular injections of [3H]fucose. The amount of retinal fucosylation appeared normal in the hypothermic animals 3.5 h after isotope injection, but glycoprotein transport was reduced relative to normothermic controls. This reduction was especially pronounced in the most distal structure of the retinofugal tract (superior colliculus). We conclude that rapid axonal transport decreases with reductions in mammalian body temperature. This finding emphasizes the importance of controlling body temperature in in vivo studies of mammalian axonal transport.  相似文献   

Abstract: Using the highly sensitive HPLC-fluorophotometry technique, anterograde and retrograde axonal transport of carboxypeptidase H (CPH), a putative pro-hormone processing enzyme that removes a basic amino acid from the C-terminus of a precursor peptide, was measured 12–72 h after double ligations of rat sciatic nerves. CPH-like activity in rat sciatic nerves was 60-fold lower than that in the pituitary gland. CPH-like enzyme activity was rapidly accumulated in the proximal segment and peaked 48 h after ligation. The axonal flow was 100 mm/day, indicating that CPH in rat sciatic nerves is rapidly transported to the nerve terminals as an active form. The properties of the enzyme were similar to those of CPH in the brain: The pH optimum is at 5.5, and the molecular mass is ∼50 kDa. These results suggest that active CPH in the PNS is transported by a rapid anterograde axonal flow and may play a role in converting proneuropeptides to active neuropeptides under the axonal transport.  相似文献   

Axonal transport of peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) activity was studied in rat sciatic nerves from 12 to 120 h after double ligations. The anterograde axonal transport increased and reached a plateau between 48 and 72 h and then decreased. The flow rate was 100 mm/day, and the molecular mass of the active entity was 70 kDa, which was determined by gel filtration. In contrast, there was no evidence for significant retrograde axonal transport. Anterograde axonal transport of immunoreactive cholecystokinin, a carboxy-terminal-amidated putative neuropeptide, was also found. These results suggest that PAM is transported by a rapid axonal flow and may play a role as a processing enzyme during transport or in the terminals of rat sciatic nerves.  相似文献   

The axonal transport of proteins, glycoproteins, and gangliosides in sensory neurons of the sciatic nerve was examined in adult rats exposed to acrylamide via intraperitoneal injection (40 mg/kg of body weight/day for nine consecutive days). The L5 dorsal root ganglion was injected with either [35S]methionine to label proteins or [3H]glucosamine to label, more specifically, glycoproteins and gangliosides. At times ranging from 2 to 6 h later, the sciatic nerve and injected ganglion were excised and radioactivity in consecutive 5-mm segments determined. In both control and acrylamide-treated animals, outflow profiles of [35S]methionine-labeled proteins showed a well defined crest which moved down the nerve at a rate of approximately 340 mm/day. Similar outflow profiles and transport rates were seen for [3H]glucosamine-labeled glycoproteins in control animals. However, in animals treated with acrylamide, the crest of transported labeled glycoprotein was severely attenuated as it moved down the nerve. This finding suggests that in acrylamide-treated animals, axonally transported glycoproteins were preferentially transferred (unloaded or exchanged against unlabeled molecules) from the transport vector to stationary axonal structures. We also examined the clearance of axonally transported glycoproteins distal to a ligature on the nerve. The observed impairment of clearance in acrylamide-treated animals relative to controls is supportive of the above hypothesis. Acrylamide may directly affect the mechanism by which axonally transported material is unloaded from the transport vector. Alternatively, the increased rate of unloading might reflect an acrylamide-induced increase in the demand for axonally transported material.  相似文献   

Anterograde slow and fast axonal transport was examined in rats intoxicated with 2,5-hexanedione (1 g/kg/week) for 8 weeks. Distribution of radioactivity was measured in 3-mm segments of the sciatic nerve after labelling of proteins with [35S]methionine or [3H]leucine and glycoproteins with [3H]fucose. The axonal transport of the anterograde slow components was examined after 25 (SCa) and 10 days (SCb), in motor and sensory nerves. SCa showed an increased transport velocity in motor (1.25 +/- 0.08 mm/day versus 1.01 +/- 0.05 mm/day) and in sensory nerves (1.21 +/- 0.13 mm/day versus 1.06 +/- 0.07 mm/day). The relative amount of labelled protein in the SCa wave in both fiber systems was also increased. SCb showed unchanged transport velocity in motor as well as in sensory nerves, whereas the amount of label was decreased in the motor system. Anterograde fast transport in motor nerves was examined after intervals of 3 and 5 h, whereas intervals of 2 and 4 h were used for sensory nerves. Velocities and amounts of labelled proteins of the anterograde fast component remained normal. We suggest that the increase in protein transport in SCa reflects axonal regeneration.  相似文献   

We studied the axonal transport characteristics of major cytoskeletal proteins: tubulin, the 69,000 molecular weight protein of chicken neurofilaments, and actin. After intracerebral injection of [35S]methionine, we monitored the specific radioactivity of these proteins as they passed through a very short nerve segment of the chicken oculomotor nerve. Specific radioactivities were assessed by quantitative sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. The transport patterns obtained for tubulin and the neurofilament protein were very similar, corresponding to transport rate ranges of 1-15 and 1-10 mm/day, respectively. A narrower velocity range of 3 to 4.3 mm/day was found for actin. Tubulin and the neurofilament protein appeared to be largely dispersed during the course of their transit along the nerve. The radioactivity associated with the proteins studied persisted in the nerve segment for a long time after the bulk of the labeled molecules had swept down. Finally, none of these proteins was observed to be transported with the fast axonal transport.  相似文献   

Abstract: Adult rats were injected intraocularly with [35S]methionine and killed from 1 to 10 weeks later. Optic nerves, optic tracts, and superior colliculi were dissected and then homogenized and separated into soluble and particulate fractions by centrifugation. Radioactivity coelectrophoresing with tubulin in buffers containing sodium dodecyl sulfate was determined (in cytoplasmic fractions, preliminary enrichment was achieved by vinblastine precipitation). Accumulation of radioactive tubulin along the optic pathway occurred in parallel (and in approximately equal amounts) in cytoplasmic and particulate fractions. Transported tubulin peaked at approximately 2 and 4 weeks in the optic nerve and tract, respectively, corresponding to a transport rate of ~ 0.4 mm/ day. There was little diminution in the amount of transported tubulin between optic nerve and tract, suggesting tubulin was not degraded in the axon. Accumulation in the superior colliculus reached a plateau by 4 weeks at less than 20% of the peak in the optic nerve, indicating turnover of tubulin at the nerve endings. The α/β subunit labeling ratio (radioactivity distribution between the tubulin subunits) was 0.57 for both cytoplasmic- and particulate-transported tubulin. In contrast, this ratio was 0.69 for whole brain tubulin prepared by vinblastine precipitation of soluble material. Isoelectric focusing and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that the subunit compositions (microheterogeneity of the α and β bands) of transported tubulins in the cytoplasmic and particulate fractions were very similar. However, some differences relative to whole brain tubulin were noted; a tubulin subunit not identifiable in whole brain tubulin preparations but present in both soluble- and particulate-transported tubulin was observed. Because of the compositional and metabolic similarities of transported tubulin in the soluble and particulate fractions, we conclude that they form a common metabolic pool. This suggests either that, at least for some membranes, the well-characterized tight association between particulate tubulin and membranes may be artifactual or else that an equilibrium exists between soluble and particulate tubulin.  相似文献   

The effect of retrograde axonal transport of doses of acrylamide ranging from 50 to 500 mg/kg was studied in sensory nerve of rats. Accumulation of trichloroacetic acid-phosphotungstic acid-insoluble label was measured in a collection segment distal to a double ligature placed on the sciatic nerve at intervals 9-15 h and 9-24 h following injection into the dorsal root ganglion of the fifth lumbar root of [35S]methionine and [3H]fucose. After a dose of 100 mg/kg of acrylamide no neurological signs of neuropathy had yet appeared, but retrograde buildup of protein label was significantly reduced for the long interval (2.20 +/- 0.49 arbitrary units (AU) (mean +/- SD) versus 2.81 +/- 0.57 AU in controls, 2p = 0.034). No abnormality of the short interval appeared before a dose of 500 mg/kg was reached. The retrograde transport abnormality was dose-related (r = -0.85, n = 28, and 2p = 1.2 x 10(-8)), as was the degree of neuropathy evaluated by "blind" neurological scoring (r = 0.88, n = 14, and 2p = 2.8 x 10(-5)). After a dose of 500 mg/kg, when the rats were severely disabled with almost total incoordination of the hindlegs, the retrograde accumulation of the long interval was profoundly depressed (1.08 +/- 0.28 AU versus 2.81 +/- 0.57 AU in controls, 2p = 1.2 x 10(-7)). Similar changes were seen in accumulation of glycoprotein label. After the rats had recovered for 4-10 weeks neurological signs of neuropathy had disappeared and the transport abnormality had improved. To test the specificity of acrylamide on the retrograde transport defect N-hydroxymethylacrylamide and methylene-bisacrylamide, which do not induce neuropathy, were studied. None of these related compounds influenced the transport. These observations imply that in acrylamide intoxication a defect in the amount of material carried by retrograde axonal transport rather than in "turnaround" time or in transport velocity is present, that the transport abnormality precedes the development of neuropathy, and that it is related to the degree of the neurological disability. We suggest that the retention of protein in the distal axons in the functional counterpart of the well-known accumulation of vesicular organelles in the preterminals.  相似文献   

Anterograde Axonal Transport in Rats During Intoxication with Acrylamide   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
Abstract: Anterograde axonal transport was examined in sensory nerves of rats intoxicated with a low dose (group I) or a high dose (group II) of acrylamide. After injection of either [35S]methionine and [3H]fucose or [3H]proline into the dorsal root ganglia of the 5th lumbar roots, distribution of protein label was measured in 3-mm segments of the sciatic nerve at intervals of 2 h, 4 h, 10 days, and 26 days. No difference in ganglion incorporation was present at 4 h, and the fast transport velocity of methionine label also remained normal [14.7 ± 1.3 mm/h (mean ± SD) in controls versus 14.6 ± 0.3 mm/h and 15.4 ± 1.2 mm/h in acrylamide group I and II, respectively]. Neither was there any decrease in transport velocity of proline label of slow component b (4.18 ± 0.29 mm/day in controls versus 4.29 ± 0.17 mm/d and 4.22 ± 0.29 mm/day in acrylamide group I and II, respectively). In slow component a, however, a significant reduction in the fractional amount of proline label was found (20.8 ± 4.0% in controls versus 17.6 ± 14.9% and 9.7 ± 5.9% in acrylamide group I and II, respectively). Again no decrease in transport velocity was observed (1.03 ± 0.02 mm/day in controls versus 1.06 ± 0.08 mm/day and 1.07 ± 0.03 mm/day in acrylamide group I and II, respectively), and closer inspection of the activity along the nerve did not reveal any alteration in skewness or ‘peakedness’ of the distribution curve. The reduction in amount of protein carried in the slow axonal transport component in rats with severe acrylamide neuropathy (group II) could be associated with fibre breakdown at a late stage of the neuropathic process. The most important consequence of the study is, however, that in contrast to previous suggestions, during acrylamide intoxication no changes are present in protein incorporation or in anterograde axonal transport which can explain the initial pathological or functional abnormalities of the distal axons.  相似文献   

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