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To understand whether genotypic variation in acid phosphatase (APase) activity in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) induced by phosphorus (P) deficiency has impact on P efficiency, soil APase activity in the rhizosphere for rapeseed P-efficient genotype 102 and P-inefficient genotype 105 was measured against organic and inorganic P sources in the pot experiment, and the activities of root-secreted APase and leaf intracellular APase were investigated in different P-starvation periods in the nutrient solution. Higher activity of root-secreted APase in B. napus was induced under low P conditions. However, P nutrition and P uptake efficiency of the plants supplied with organic P were not directly related to the activity of root-secreted APase due to several confounding factors affecting APase availability. The higher activity of leaf APase improved P remobilization in plants and played important roles in enhancing P use efficiency, shown by the significant correlation between leaf APase activity and P use efficiency in a rapeseed recombinant inbred population of 135 lines.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to identify the aluminum (Al) tolerant cultivar of Brassica juncea. We examined the changes in antioxidant enzymes, proline level, chlorophyll a fluorescence and psb A gene expression at vegetative and reproductive growth stages of B. juncea cultivars (Bio-902, CS-14, Pusa-Tarak and Laxmi). The selected cultivars were exposed to soil (pH 5.2) supplemented with Al (0, 50, 100 and 150?mg?kg?1). We observed the lowest decline in photosynthetic efficiency (ΔF/Fm′), ETR, PPFD values and psb A expression to Al stress in the cultivar Bio-902 (tolerant cultivar) followed by CS-14 and Pusa-Tarak whereas the highest decline was observed in the cultivar Laxmi (sensitive cultivar). The improved performance of the cultivar Bio-902 under Al stress was accompanied by an increase in proline level, CAT and APX activities but without any increase in SOD activity. However, significant increase in SOD activity was observed in Laxmi.  相似文献   

采用分解袋法,研究了长白山次生针阔混交林内9种树种叶凋落物34个月的分解过程.结果表明:在次生针阔混交林中,不同树种叶凋落物的初始N和P浓度存在很大差异,叶凋落物分解速率(k)与初始N浓度和C/N显著相关.有机物剩余百分率与C剩余百分率呈显著的线性正相关关系,与N和P剩余百分率之间呈显著的二项式回归关系. N和P剩余百分率在初期阶段随有机物分解而增加,达到峰值后逐渐降低. 随着有机物剩余百分率的下降,C/N和C/P均呈逐渐降低趋势,各种叶凋落物之间C/N和C/P的差异逐渐减小,分解末期分别趋近于23和350. 随有机物剩余百分率的降低, N/P变化不明显,当有机物剩余百分率低于25%时,不同树种叶凋落物之间N/P差异显著下降. 有机物剩余百分率可用来预测C、N和P的剩余百分率.   相似文献   

洞庭湖湿地土壤碳、氮、磷及其与土壤物理性状的关系   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
以洞庭湖3类典型湿地的8个土壤剖面为代表,研究了土壤碳、氮、磷,微生物量碳、氮、磷和土壤物理性状的分布特征.结果表明,土壤表层有机碳含量为19.63~50.20 g·kg-1,微生物量碳为424.63~1 597.36 mg·kg-1,微生物量碳占有机碳的比例为3.17%~4.82%;土壤表层全氮1.85~4.45 g·kg-1,微生物量氮5.90~259.47 mg·kg-1,微生物量氮占全氮的比例3.13%~6.42%;土壤表层微生物量磷含量顺序为:湖草洲滩地(200.99 mg·kg-1)>垦殖水田(163.27 mg·kg-1)>芦苇洲滩地(24.16 mg·kg-1),微生物量磷占全磷的比例为1.09%~11.20%;土壤表层容重0.65~1.04 g·cm-3;土壤表层粘粒(<0.001mm)26.24%~39.48%.土壤表层有机碳、全氮、微生物量氮、微生物量磷的含量,湖草洲滩地>垦殖水田>芦苇洲滩地.土壤表层微生物量碳,垦殖水田和湖草洲滩地接近,而大于芦苇湿地;土壤表层容重,芦苇洲滩地>垦殖水田>湖草洲滩地;土壤表层<0.01 mm、<0.001 mm粘粒,湖草洲滩地、芦苇洲滩地>垦殖水田.湿地土壤剖面中有机碳、微生物量碳、全氮、微生物量氮、微生物量磷、容重以及微生物量碳占有机碳的比例、微生物量氮占全氮的比例、微生物量磷占全磷的比例均随深度的增加而降低,至一定深度稳定,而土壤全磷在剖面上下的差异很小.湿地土壤微生物量碳、氮、磷之间呈极显著的正相关关系;土壤容重与有机碳、全氮、微生物量碳、氮、磷之间呈极显著指数负相关关系.湿地土壤<0.001 mm粘粒与有机碳、全氮、微生物量碳、氮、磷含量呈极显著对数正相关关系.  相似文献   

戚德辉  温仲明  王红霞  郭茹  杨士梭 《生态学报》2016,36(20):6420-6430
研究黄土丘陵区植物碳氮磷生态化学计量特征及其对微地形变化的响应,对于深入理解植物对丘陵山地环境的适应策略具有重要的意义。以黄土丘陵区森林草原带不同微地形环境(坡向、坡位)下的不同功能群植物为研究对象,对不同功能群植物叶片和细根的C、N、P含量及其化学计量特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)叶氮含量(LN)、叶磷含量(LP)、根氮含量(RN)、根碳含量(RC)、叶碳/叶氮(LC/LN)、叶碳/叶磷(LC/LP)、叶氮/叶磷(LN/LP)、根碳/根氮(RC/RN)和根氮/根磷(RN/RP)在科属间差异显著(P0.05),而叶碳含量(LC)、根磷含量(RP)和根碳/根磷(RC/RP)在科属间差异不显著(P0.05)。(2)不同科属植物生态化学计量特征对微地形变化的响应不同,禾本科细根C/N在阴坡、阳坡差异性显著,豆科植物根N含量在不同坡位间差异显著(P0.05);菊科植物叶N含量、叶C含量、根N含量、叶片C/N和细根C/N在不同坡位间差异显著(P0.05)。(3)禾本科植物在中坡位受N、P元素共同影响,在其它坡位主要受N元素限制;豆科植物在中坡位和上坡位主要受P元素限制,在下坡位和峁顶受N、P元素共同影响;菊科植物上坡位受N、P元素共同影响,在其他坡位主要受N元素限制。研究表明,不同科属植物在不同微地形条件下受限的营养元素不同,对丘陵多变环境也存在不同的适应策略。  相似文献   

Echolocation behaviour and the structure of calls of Pipistrellus pygmaeus and Pipistrellus pipistrellus were studied by using a time expansion bat detector. Echolocation signals were recorded in the field in south-eastern Moravia and northern Bohemia (Czech Republic) and in an ad hoc experimental laboratory. For each of the species, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated significant differences in calls produced inside the experimental room and in the open. Paired t -tests and MANOVA were also used to reveal influences of interindividual contacts in each of the cryptic species on the spectral patterns of call variables. Differences were found in the spectral variables of echolocation calls of an individual flying in the room alone and in a group of conspecifics. The possibility that bats use their flexibility to avoid mutual disturbances of echolocation calls was tested. We found that bats flying in a group modify the parameters of their echolocation signals according to the presence of other individuals of the same species. These differences can indicate jamming avoidance and recognition of own echoes. However, they did not change the parameters if individuals of another species were present. Social calls are more numerous when bats fly in a mixed-species group than in a monospecific group.  相似文献   

During my PhD thesis research (1946–1949), I explored the effects of light on the uptake of 32P-labeled inorganic phosphate (Pi) by cells of photosynthetic bacteria and microalgae, and the dynamics of P turnover between low and high molecular weight cell constituents. The results were interpreted as evidence for the conversion of light energy to the chemical energy of phosphorylated compounds. The experimental results also suggested to me that the precursors of the P in DNA bacteriophages of Escherichia coli must be low molecular weight phosphorylated compounds present within the host cells and led to the design of an experiment to determine the conservation of 32P of an infecting phage particle in its numerous progeny. The experiment envisaged was never conducted because phage labeled with 32P of high specific activity showed unexpected loss of viability. Thus, by serendipity, ‘suicide’ of phage due to 32P-β decay was discovered. 32P-decay ‘suicide’ provided a technique that was useful for analysis of phage genetic structure and replication. This memoir describes the unusual circumstances leading to the decisive role of serendipity in revealing an extraordinary phenomenon. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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