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Whole-body and organ-level transcapillary filtration rates and coefficients are virtually unexamined in ectothermal vertebrates. These filtration rates appear to be greater than in mammals when plasma volume shifts and lymphatic function are analyzed. Gravimetric techniques monitoring whole-body mass changes were used to estimate net systemic filtration in Bufo marinus and Rana catesbeiana while perfusing with low-protein Ringer's and manipulating venous pressure. Capillary pressures were estimated from arterial and venous pressures after measuring the venous to arterial resistance ratio of 0.23. The capillary filtration coefficient (CFC) for the two species was 25.2+/-1.47 mL min-1 kg-1 kPa-1. Isogravimetric capillary pressure (Pci), the pressure at which net fluid is neither filtered nor reabsorbed, was 1.12+/-0.054 kPa and was confirmed by an independent method. None of these variables showed a significant interspecific difference. The anuran CFC and Pci are significantly higher than those found using the same method on rats (7.6+/-2.04 mL min-1 kg-1 kPa-1 and 0.3+/-0.37 kPa, respectively) and those commonly reported in mammals. Despite the high CFC, the high Pci predicts that little net filtration will occur at resting in vivo capillary pressures.  相似文献   

A previously developed Krogh-type theoretical model was used to estimate capillary density in human skeletal muscle based on published measurements of oxygen consumption, arterial partial pressure of oxygen, and blood flow during maximal exercise. The model assumes that oxygen consumption in maximal exercise is limited by the ability of capillaries to deliver oxygen to tissue and is therefore strongly dependent on capillary density, defined as the number of capillaries per unit cross-sectional area of muscle. Based on an analysis of oxygen transport processes occurring at the microvascular level, the model allows estimation of the minimum number of straight, evenly spaced capillaries required to achieve a given oxygen consumption rate. Estimated capillary density values were determined from measurements of maximal oxygen consumption during knee extensor exercise and during whole body cycling, and they range from 459 to 1,468 capillaries/mm2. Measured capillary densities, obtained with either histochemical staining techniques or electron microscopy on quadriceps muscle biopsies from healthy subjects, are generally lower, ranging from 123 to 515 capillaries/mm2. This discrepancy is partly accounted for by the fact that capillary density decreases with muscle contraction and muscle biopsy samples typically are strongly contracted. The results imply that estimates of maximal oxygen transport rates based on capillary density values obtained from biopsy samples do not fully reflect the oxygen transport capacity of the capillaries in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Venous occlusion capillary pressures (Pcv) were simultaneously compared with isogravimetric capillary pressures (PcI) in the same isolated perfused dog lung preparations. For 26 determinations, PcI averaged 1.23 +/- 0.22 (SE) mmHg higher than Pcv. However, the two measurements of capillary pressure were highly correlated (r = 0.99), and the following regression equation was obtained: Pcv = 1.12 PcI - 2.1. Pcv could be easily measured several times in the same preparation, either by total venous occlusion or regional venous occlusion using a Swan-Ganz balloon catheter. In addition, Pcv did not require an isogravimetric state for its determination. These data suggest that the major sites of filtration and vascular capacitance in the pulmonary circulation reside in the microvessels and that the more easily determined Pcv is an adequate measure of the average capillary filtration pressure in the lungs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and cross-validate predictive equations for estimating skeletal muscle (SM) mass using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Whole body SM mass, determined by magnetic resonance imaging, was compared with BIA measurements in a multiethnic sample of 388 men and women, aged 18-86 yr, at two different laboratories. Within each laboratory, equations for predicting SM mass from BIA measurements were derived using the data of the Caucasian subjects. These equations were then applied to the Caucasian subjects from the other laboratory to cross-validate the BIA method. Because the equations cross-validated (i.e., were not different), the data from both laboratories were pooled to generate the final regression equation SM mass (kg) = [(Ht2/ R x 0.401) + (gender x 3.825) + (age x -0. 071)] + 5.102 where Ht is height in centimeters; R is BIA resistance in ohms; for gender, men = 1 and women = 0; and age is in years. The r(2) and SE of estimate of the regression equation were 0.86 and 2.7 kg (9%), respectively. The Caucasian-derived equation was applicable to Hispanics and African-Americans, but it underestimated SM mass in Asians. These results suggest that the BIA equation provides valid estimates of SM mass in healthy adults varying in age and adiposity.  相似文献   

The age‐related loss of skeletal muscle mass and function (sarcopenia) is a consistent hallmark of ageing. Apoptosis plays an important role in muscle atrophy, and the intent of this study was to specify whether apoptosis is restricted to myofibre nuclei (myonuclei) or occurs in satellite cells or stromal cells of extracellular matrix (ECM). Sarcopenia in mouse gastrocnemius muscle was characterized by myofibre atrophy, oxidative type grouping, delocalization of myonuclei and ECM fibrosis. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase‐mediated dUTP nick end‐labelling (TUNEL) indicated a sharp rise in apoptosis during ageing. TUNEL coupled with immunostaining for dystrophin, paired box protein‐7 (Pax7) or laminin‐2α, respectively, was used to identify apoptosis in myonuclei, satellite cells and stromal cells. In adult muscle, apoptosis was not detected in myofibres, but was restricted to stromal cells. Moreover, the age‐related rise in apoptotic nuclei was essentially due to stromal cells. Myofibre‐associated apoptosis nevertheless occurred in old muscle, but represented < 20% of the total muscle apoptosis. Specifically, apoptosis in old muscle affected a small proportion (0.8%) of the myonuclei, but a large part (46%) of the Pax7+ satellite cells. TUNEL coupled with CD31 immunostaining further attributed stromal apoptosis to capillary endothelial cells. Age‐dependent rise in apoptotic capillary endothelial cells was concomitant with altered levels of key angiogenic regulators, perlecan and a perlecan domain V (endorepellin) proteolytic product. Collectively, our results indicate that sarcopenia is associated with apoptosis of satellite cells and impairment of capillary functions, which is likely to contribute to the decline in muscle mass and functionality during ageing.  相似文献   

Skeletal (striated) muscle is one of the four basic tissue types, together with the epithelium, connective and nervous tissues. Lungs, on the other hand, develop from the foregut and among various cell types contain smooth, but not skeletal muscle. Therefore, during earlier stages of development, it is unlikely that skeletal muscle and lung depend on each other. However, during the later stages of development, respiratory muscle, primarily the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles, execute so called fetal breathing-like movements (FBMs), that are essential for lung growth and cell differentiation. In fact, the absence of FBMs results in pulmonary hypoplasia, the most common cause of death in the first week of human neonatal life. Most knowledge on this topic arises from in vivo experiments on larger animals and from various in vitro experiments. In the current era of mouse mutagenesis and functional genomics, it was our goal to develop a mouse model for pulmonary hypoplasia. We employed various genetically engineered mice lacking different groups of respiratory muscles or lacking all the skeletal muscle and established the criteria for pulmonary hypoplasia in mice, and therefore established a mouse model for this disease. We followed up this discovery with systematic subtractive microarray analysis approach and revealed novel functions in lung development and disease for several molecules. We believe that our approach combines elements of both in vivo and in vitro approaches and allows us to study the function of a series of molecules in the context of lung development and disease and, simultaneously, in the context of lung's dependence on skeletal muscle-executed FBMs.  相似文献   

The relationship between exercise-induced focal muscle fiber degeneration and changes in capillary morphology was investigated in male Wistar rats. Untrained animals ran on a treadmill for 1 h at submaximal intensity and were killed 0, 6, or 24 h after running. Nonexercised rats served as controls. In situ perfused soleus muscles were prepared for electron microscopy. Micrographed cross sections were quantitatively analyzed for parameters indicative of capillary blood flow or transcapillary exchange. Capillary lumina were ovally rather than circularly shaped, and no indications for obstruction of blood flow at the capillary level were found. Endothelial cells and their organelles had a normal appearance in all groups. However, immediately after exercise, capillaries showed a decreased thickness of their endothelium and basal membrane, probably caused by dehydration. Six hours after exercise, muscle fibers were swollen (28% increase in cross-sectional area), resulting in a slightly increased diffusion distance. This fiber swelling was not associated with an increase in muscle water content, a finding for which no explanation could be found. Twenty-four hours after the animals ran, capillaries located near degenerated muscle fibers had an increased cross-sectional luminal area and an increased luminal circumference. This effect decreased gradually with increasing distance from the degenerated fiber area. The present morphometric results do not support the hypothesis that changes in capillary morphology primarily contribute to exercise-induced focal muscle fiber degeneration.  相似文献   

The ability of lung expansion to reflexly decrease skeletal muscle activity was tested in anesthetized dogs. In animals whose left lung was vascularly isolated but neurally intact, the left lung was inflated statically to 40 cmH2O pressure or cyclically with tidal volumes of 10, 20, or 30 ml/kg. Responses to these stimuli were compared with those of injecting 120 or 240 micrograms capsaicin into the left pulmonary artery. Skeletal muscle activity was assessed from the electromyogram (EMG) response of the left hindlimb muscles and from the monosynaptic reflex response to a periodic patellar tendon tap of the right leg (knee jerk). Static inflation and cyclic inflations above 10 ml/kg resulted in significant decreases in both EMG and knee jerk responses. The results indicate that lung expansion is capable of initiating a reflex decrease in skeletal muscle activity. Capsaicin injections caused responses that were similar to those caused by lung inflation, suggesting that at least part of this skeletal muscle reflex response to lung inflation can be attributed to the stimulation of pulmonary C-fibers that could be caused by stretch of the lung.  相似文献   

Capillary pressures in isogravimetric lung and skeletal muscle measured with the double vascular occlusion technique (Pdo) were compared to those measured using the traditional gravimetric technique (Pc,i). Pressures were measured using both techniques in isolated blood-perfused canine lungs (n = 18), blood-perfused rat hindquarters before (n = 8) and after (n = 6) maximal dilatation with papaverine and in rat hindquarters perfused with an artificial plasma (n = 6). In both organs, regardless of vascular tone, the double vascular occlusion isogravimetric pressure was the same as the gravimetric Pc,i, and the two measurements were highly correlated. Lung: Pdo = -0.22 + 1.06 Pc,i (r = 0.85, P less than 0.01); hindquarter: Pdo = -1.03 + 0.99 Pc,i (r = 0.91, P less than 0.01). In addition, Pdo was the same at every combination of isogravimetric arterial and venous pressures tested. The results indicate that the more rapidly applied double vascular occlusion pressure yields an accurate measure of isogravimetric capillary pressure in isolated organs over a wide range of isogravimetric pressures.  相似文献   

For improving Ostwald's viscometry, which is time-consuming and requires a relatively large volume of specimen to determine viscosity, we developed a capillary microviscometric method with an appropriate mathematical model, and have compared this method with Ostwald's method.  相似文献   

Estimation of pyruvate decarboxylation in perfused rat skeletal muscle   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A total of 46 E. coli strains showing mannose-resistant, P-blood-group independent hemagglutination of human erythrocytes were tested for binding to neuraminic acid. Nine of the strains completely lost their hemagglutination activity after the erythrocytes were treated with neuraminidase. To characterize the receptor structure, different neuraminic acid containing glycoproteins, their desialylated derivatives and neuraminyl oligosaccharides were tested for hemagglutination inhibition. These studies showed that the nine strains had binding specificity for alpha 2-3 linked neuraminic acid.  相似文献   

Pulsatile pressure and flow in the skeletal muscle microcirculation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although blood flow in the microcirculation of the rat skeletal muscle has negligible inertia forces with very low Reynolds number and Womersley parameter, time-dependent pressure and flow variations can be observed. Such phenomena include, for example, arterial flow overshoot following a step arterial pressure, a gradual arterial pressure reduction for a step flow, or hysteresis between pressure and flow when a pulsatile pressure is applied. Arterial and venous flows do not follow the same time course during such transients. A theoretical analysis is presented for these phenomena using a microvessel with distensible viscoelastic walls and purely viscous flow subject to time variant arterial pressures. The results indicate that the vessel distensibility plays an important role in such time-dependent microvascular flow and the effects are of central physiological importance during normal muscle perfusion. In-vivo whole organ pressure-flow data in the dilated rat gracilis muscle agree in the time course with the theoretical predictions. Hemodynamic impedances of the skeletal muscle microcirculation are investigated for small arterial and venous pressure amplitudes superimposed on an initial steady flow and pressure drop along the vessel.  相似文献   

In six open-chest dogs, electrocardiogram- (ECG) controlled pulmonary arterial occlusion was performed during the control period and during the infusions of serotonin and histamine. A temporal series of instantaneous pulmonary capillary pressure and the longitudinal distributions of vascular resistance and compliance were evaluated in the intact left lower lung lobe. In the control period, we found a significant phasic variation of pulmonary capillary pressure (Pc) with the cardiac cycle. The ratio of arterial to venous resistances (Ra/Rv) was 6:4, and the ratio of arterial to capillary compliances (Ca/Cc) was 1:11. During the infusions of serotonin and histamine, Pc showed similar phasic variations, despite significant hemodynamic changes induced by these agents. Serotonin predominantly increased Ra, whereas histamine predominantly increased Rv. The ratio of Rv to the total resistance decreased significantly from 0.42 to 0.32 during the infusion of serotonin and increased significantly to 0.62 during the infusion of histamine. The data suggest that phasic Pc determined by ECG-controlled arterial occlusion reflects the pulsatility in the pulmonary microvascular bed under control conditions and after alterations of the pulmonary vascular resistance by serotonin and histamine.  相似文献   

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