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We examined the auditory response properties of neurons in the medial geniculate body of unanesthetized little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus). The units' selectivities to stimulus frequency, amplitude and duration were not significantly different from those of neurons in the inferior colliculus (Condon et al. 1994), which provides the primary excitatory input to the medial geniculate body, or in the auditory cortex (Condon et al. 1997) which receives primary input from the medial geniculate body. However, in response to trains of unmodulated tone pulses, the upper cutoff frequency for time-locked discharges (64 ± 46.9 pulses per second or pps) and the mean number of spikes per pulse (19.2 ± 12.2 pps), were intermediate to those for the inferior colliculus and auditory cortex. Further, in response to amplitude-modulated pulse trains, medial geniculate body units displayed a degree of response facilitation that was intermediate to that of the inferior colliculus and auditory cortex inferior colliculus: 1.32 ± 0.33; medial geniculate body: 1.75 ± 0.26; auditory cortex: 2.52 ± 0.96, P < 0.01). These data suggest that the representation of isolated tone pulses is not significantly altered along the colliculo-thalamo-cortical axis, but that the fidelity of representation of temporally patterned signals progressively degrades along this axis. The degradation in response fidelity allows the system to better extract the salient feature in complex amplitude-modulated signals. Accepted: 9 January 1999  相似文献   

Integrative processes in the auditory cortical zone were studied in three dogs by EEG and EP parameters during the formation of a defensive reaction to clicks (four clicks, two per second) after the extirpation of the medial geniculate bodies. In the operated animals information is transmitted to the cortical end of the auditory analyser by compensatory paths with a larger number of relays. In the auditory cortex EPs are recorded with a longer latency (12 to 16 msec), and the duration of the negative EP component is increased (up to 40 msec). It is split mainly on the ascending front. The cortical end of the analyser participates in the formation of processes of afferent synthesis. In the active period of reflex elaboration the inflow of information increases: the EP amplitude and the duration of its main negative component become greater (up to 45-55 msec), as well as the splits on its fronts. In the course of preparing for a decision, before the achievement of the conditioned reaction, a "double EP" appears, which is due to enhanced reverberation of excitations in the compensatory paths.  相似文献   

The total electrical responses and action potentials of the neurons in the medial geniculate bodies in Vespertilionidae and Rhinolophidae were investigated. Maximum sensitivity to ultrasonic stimuli was recorded inMyotis oxygnathus (Vespertilionidae) in the range 10–40 kc/sec and 65–80 kc/sec, and in Rhinolophidae in the ranges 10–70 kc/sec and 81–86 kc/sec. Low thresholds were observed inMyotis oxygnathus for the frequencies covered by their echo-location cries, whereas the thresholds recorded in Rhinolophidae in the 80 kc/sec band (the principal frequency of their echo location cries) were 15–30 dB higher than those for adjacent frequencies. Minimum thresholds of off-responses were observed inMyotis oxygnathus in the range 50–60 kc/sec, and in Rhinolophidae in the range 78–80 kc/sec. The regions of neuronal response in both species of bat were generally similar in form to those of responses recorded in the medial geniculate bodies of other mammals. Some of the neurons in Rhinolophidae with a characteristic frequency of about 80 kc/sec were also sensitive to stimuli with one-half and one-third of the principal frequency. In Rhinolophidae the greatest selectivity for frequencies was possessed by neurons that responded within the range from 80 to 90 kc/sec.A. A. Zhadanov Leningrad State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 138–144, March–April, 1971.  相似文献   

Calculation of numerical density of neurons in ventral part of cat's medial geniculate body (vMGB) was made. It was shown that 1 mm3 of vMGB tissue contains 29,460 neurons. After 6 months from unilateral removal of the auditory cortex the quantity of large (supposedly thalamocortical) neurons in ipsilateral vMGB reduced on average by 78.1%, but of small ones--only by 10.7%.  相似文献   

Summary The ventral nucleus of the medial geniculate body has been examined electron microscopically 2–5 days after destruction of the inferior colliculus. In both the ipsi- and contralateral ventral nuclei, degenerating collicular afferents are of medium diameter (1–5 ) and their degenerating terminals are distributed mainly to synaptic aggregations (glomeruli) in which they end axo-axonically and axo-dendritically. Their distribution and mode of termination indicates that these terminals belong to a class which in normal material is large, contains round synaptic vesicles and ends by means of asymmetrical synaptic complexes upon dendrites and upon the second (pale) type of glomerular terminal. It also ends by means of adhesion plaques on the same dendrites.As the terminals of corticothalamic afferents to the nucleus are already known, only the origin of two types remains to be determined: the pale terminals, which arise from structures resembling dendrites and which end only axo-dendritically, and a small, less common terminal which ends axo-axonically, axo-dendritically and axo-somatically. Both types contain flattened synaptic vesicles and end by means of symmetrical synaptic complexes.Correlative Nauta and Golgi studies suggest that the collicular afferents have a very specific spatial distribution within the cellular laminae composing the ventral nucleus.The terminal degeneration commences as a neurofilamentous hyperplasia and quickly passes to one of increased electron density. There is evidence for early removal of degenerating terminals from the postsynaptic membrane.This work was supported by a grant from the Bank of New Zealand Medical Research Fund.We are indebted to Professor J. A. R. Miles for use of the electron microscope.  相似文献   

Yao XH  Xiong Y 《生理科学进展》2004,35(4):345-348
内侧膝状体 (medialgeniculatebody ,MGB)是听觉系统在丘脑的重要接替核团。MGB的丘脑 皮层神经元 (thalamocorticalneuron)发出上行性纤维投射至听皮层 ,同时接受听皮层的皮层 丘脑神经元 (corticothalamicneuron)发出的下行性纤维投射。因此 ,听觉信息既受到MGB上行听觉通路的编码和整合 ,也接受皮层下行通路的调控。同时 ,MGB还参与声音定位、听觉可塑性等过程。本文总结近年MGB的解剖与生理学研究进展 ,着重叙述MGB与听皮层的纤维联系及其在听觉信息调控中的作用。  相似文献   

In experiments on two dogs it has been found that testing electric stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus reproduces instrumental movement in case of elaborated alimentary instrumental conditioned reflexes (CR) to a tone and does not reproduce it at elaborated acid-defensive instrumental CR. Under testing electric stimulation of the medial hypothalamus the instrumental movement practically is not reproduced neither in alimentary nor in defensive situation. Appearance of instrumental movement at LH electro-stimulation in alimentary situation is connected with activation of backward conditioned connection from motivation "alimentary" LH centre to representation of this movement in the motor cortex.  相似文献   

Responses of medial geniculate body (MGB) neurons to pure tones and clicks were studied in acute experiments in immobilized cats, preliminary operations being performed under calypsol anaesthesia. MGB units were identified by their reactions to cortical zone AI and brachium of inferior colliculus stimulations. When tonal stimuli were applied relay neurons of pars principalis of MGB usually demonstrated either unimodal tuning curves with narrow frequency band or fragmental ones with several narrow bands. On-response with subsequent inhibition of the background activity or without such an inhibitory period was most frequent type of the reaction (66.6%) of relay MGB neurons to tonal stimulation. The group of relay neurons with the tonic type of reaction (9.1%) was classified for which the duration of tonic response depends on the duration of tonal stimulus. Change of the excitatory reaction to the inhibitory one when the characteristic tone frequency is changed by non-characteristic++ ones is supposed to be a mechanism supplying sharpness of tuning at relay MGB neurons. It is concluded that responses of acoustic cortical neurons to sound stimulation depend to a great extent on the pattern of impulsation that comes from MGB relay units.  相似文献   

Responses of 98 auditory cortical neurons to electrical stimulation of the medial geniculate body (MGB) were recorded (45 extracellulary, 53 intracellularly) in experiments on cats immobilized with tubocurarine. Responses of the same neurons to clicks were recorded for comparison. Of the total number of neurons, 75 (76%) responded both to MGB stimulation and to clicks, and 23 (24%) to MGB stimulation only. The latent period of extracellularly recorded action potentials of auditory cortical neurons in response to clicks varied from 7 to 28 msec (late responses were disregarded), and that to MGB stimulation varied from 1.5 to 12.5 msec. For EPSPs these values were 8–13 and 1–4 msec respectively. The latent period of IPSPs arising in response to MGB stimulation varied from 2.2 to 6.5 msec; for 34% of neurons it did not exceed 3 msec. The difference between the latent periods of responses to clicks and to MGB stimulation varied for different neurons from 6 to 21 msec. Responses of 11% of neurons to MGB stimulation, recorded intracellularly, consisted of sub-threshold EPSPs, while responses of 23% of neurons began with an EPSP which was either followed by an action potential and subsequent IPSP or was at once cut off by an IPSP; 66% of neurons responded with primary IPSPs. Neurons responding to MGB stimulation by primary IPSPs are distributed irregularly in the depth of the cortex: there are very few in layers III and IV and many more at a depth of 1.6–2 mm. Conversely, excited neurons are predominant in layer III and IV, and they are few in number at a depth of 1.6–2 mm. It is concluded that the afferent volley reaching the auditory cortex induces excitation of some neurons therein and, at the same time, by the principle of reciprocity, induces inhibition of others. This afferent inhibition takes place with the participation of inhibitory interneurons, and in some cells the inhibition is recurrent. The existence of reciprocal relationships between neurons in different layers of the auditory cortex is postulated.A. A. Bogomolets' Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 23–31, January–February, 1972.  相似文献   

Unit responses of the lateral geniculate bodies (LGB) to polarization of the cells through the recording microelectrode were investigated in acute experiments on cats anesthetized with Nembutal. Under the influence of anodic polarization the firing rate of the LGB cells clearly increased. Complete adaptation of the cells to the polarizing current was not observed during the time intervals investigated (5–10 min). Cathodic polarization by a current of 5–50 nA induced inhibitory effects; neurons with a single type of spontaneous activity under these circumstances generated volleys of 2–5 spikes. Off-responses were recorded in 75–85% of neurons. It is postulated that complex changes in unit activity produced by polarization may be due to the structural characteristics of the functional connections of the LGB neurons investigated. The change to grouped activity on the part of many of the neurons under the influence of cathodic polarization is evidently explained by the specific functional pattern of the synaptic system of the LGB cells.Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 130–140, March–April, 1972.  相似文献   

Extra- and intracellular reactions of 280 neurons of the pars principalis of the medial geniculate body (MGB) and of 408 auditory cortical neurons in area AI to stimulation of the inferior brachium of the midbrain and geniculocortical fibers were studied in cats immobilized with D-tubocurarine. Single electrical stimulation of the inferior brachium was shown to evoke a long and complex neuronal response in MGB in the form of excitation of some and inhibition of other neurons. The initial component of this response lasted 13 msec. Excitation of 72% of neurons participating in the response took place during the first 3 msec after the beginning of stimulation. In the same period 84% of IPSP arose. The inferior brachium was shown to contain a certain number of descending fibers. Some of them are axons of MGB neurons. Many fibers of the inferior brachium reach the auditory cortex without synaptic relay in MGB. Of all cells of MGB excited by stimulation of the inferior brachium monosynaptically, 76% are thalamocortical relay neurons; the rest are interneurons. Of the relay neurons of MGB 90% are excited monosynaptically, the rest by impulses passing through two or three synaptic relays in MGB. During stimulation of the inferior brachium, responses consisting of EPSP-IPSP and primary IPSP are recorded in many neurons of MGB. About 20% of primary IPSP arise monosynaptically, evidently in response to stimulation of inhibitory fibers of the inferior brachium. Most IPSP arise disynaptically, with the participation of an inhibitory interneuron located at the entrance to MGB. Inhibition observed in this case is direct afferent in nature.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 515–523, November–December, 1979.  相似文献   

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