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S Sazer  P Nurse 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(3):606-615
The isolation and characterization of the mutant dcdts (defect in chromatin decondensation) has led to the identification of two conserved proteins required for the re-establishment of the interphase state following the completion of mitosis. The gene that rescues the dcdts mutant encodes a protein similar to the human chromatin binding protein, RCC1. A suppressor of dcdts encodes a protein nearly identical to the human GTP-binding protein, RAN, encoded by the TC4 gene. These results indicate that completion of mitosis is regulated at least in part by a GTPase molecular switch. The gene and suppressor of dcdts are identical to the previously described Schizosaccharomyces pombe genes pim1 (premature initiation of mitosis) and spi1 (suppressor of pim), but the dcdts mutant does not enter mitosis prematurely, a phenotype that has been reported for the pim1-46ts mutant. Based on our studies we propose that the pim1 gene product is required for regulating chromatin condensation with a primary role at the end of mitosis and pleiotropic effects on other aspects of cell behavior.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the nuclear lamins during interphase and mitosis   总被引:68,自引:0,他引:68  
The nuclear lamina is a polymeric protein assembly that is proposed to function as an architectural framework for the nuclear envelope. Previous work suggested that phosphorylation of the major polypeptides of the lamina (the "lamins") may induce disassembly of this structure during mitosis. To further investigate the possible involvement of phosphorylation in regulation of lamina structure, we characterized lamin phosphorylation occurring in mammalian tissue culture cells during interphase and mitosis. Phosphorylation occurs continuously throughout all interphase periods (coordinately with nuclear envelope growth), and takes place mainly on the assembled lamina. When the lamina is disassembled during cell division, the lamins are modified with approximately 1-2 molecules of associated phosphate. This level of mitotic phosphorylation is 4-7-fold higher than the average interphase level. Lamin phosphate occurs predominantly as phosphoserine, and is distributed over numerous tryptic peptides, many of which are modified during both interphase and mitotic periods. Significantly, phosphorylation is the only detectable charge-altering postsynthetic modification of the lamins that occurs specifically during mitosis. The results of this study support the notion that phosphorylation is important for regulation of interphase and mitotic lamina structure.  相似文献   

We have developed specific antibodies to synthetic peptide antigens that react with the individual subunits of casein kinase II (CKII). Using these antibodies, we studied the localization of CKII in asynchronous HeLa cells by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. Further studies were done on HeLa cells arrested at the G1/S transition by hydroxyurea treatment. Our results indicate that the CKII alpha and beta subunits are localized in the cytoplasm during interphase and are distributed throughout the cell during mitosis. Further electron microscopic investigation revealed that CKII alpha subunit is associated with spindle fibers during metaphase and anaphase. In contrast, the CKII alpha' subunit is localized in the nucleus during G1 and in the cytoplasm during S. Taken together, our results suggest that CKII may play significant roles in cell division control by shifting its localization between the cytoplasm and nucleus.  相似文献   

Rad52 is essential for all homologous recombination and DNA double strand break repair events in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This protein is multifunctional and contains several domains that allow it to interact with DNA as well as with different repair proteins. However, it has been unclear how Rad52 enters the nucleus. In the present study, we have used a combination of mutagenesis and sequence analysis to show that Rad52 from S. cerevisiae contains a single functional pat7 type NLS essential for its nuclear localization. The region containing the NLS seems only to be involved in nuclear transport as it plays no role in repair of MMS-induced DNA damage. The NLS in Rad52 is weak, as monomeric protein species that harbor this NLS are mainly located in the cytosol. In contrast, multimeric protein complexes wherein each subunit contains a single NLS(Rad52) sort efficiently to the nucleus. Based on the results we propose a model where the additive effect of multiple NLS(Rad52) sequences in a Rad52 ring-structure ensures efficient nuclear localization of Rad52.  相似文献   

Condensin is a 5 subunit complex that plays an important role in the structure of chromosomes during mitosis. It is known that phosphorylation of condensin subunits by cdc2/cyclin B at the beginning of mitosis is important for condensin activity, but the sites of these phosphorylation events have not been identified nor has their role in regulating condensin function. Here we identify two threonine residues in the CAP-G subunit of condensin, threonines 308 and 332, that are targets of cdc2/cyclin B phosphorylation. Mutation of these threonines to alanines results in defects in CAP-G localization with chromosomes during mitosis. These results are the first to identify phosphorylation sites within the condensin complex that regulate condensin localization with chromosomal DNA.  相似文献   

The LINC (linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton) complex forms a transcisternal bridge across the NE (nuclear envelope) that connects the cytoskeleton with the nuclear interior. This enables some proteins of the NE to communicate with the centrosome and the microtubule cytoskeleton. The position of the centrosome relative to the NE is of vital importance for many cell functions, such as cell migration and division, and centrosomal dislocation is a frequent phenotype in laminopathic disorders. Also in mitosis, a small group of transmembrane NE proteins associate with microtubules when they concentrate in a specific membrane domain associated with the mitotic spindle. The present review discusses structural and functional aspects of microtubule association with NE proteins and how this association may be maintained over the cell cycle.  相似文献   

To study phosphorylation of D. melanogaster nuclear lamins in vivo, we used Kc tissue culture cells. Kc cells contain products of both lamin genes, the lamin Dm0 gene encoding constitutive polypeptides expressed in almost all cell types and the developmentally regulated lamin C gene. We grew Kc cells in low phosphate medium and labelled them with (32P(H3PO4. To obtain mitotic cells we used vinblastine to arrest cells in metaphase. Cells were collected, washed, lysed and resultant extracts fractionated in the presence of protein phosphatase inhibitors. D. melanogaster proteins were then denatured by boiling in SDS plus DTT, followed by immunoaffinity chromatography and SDS-PAGE purification. As anticipated, we found that a CNBr fragment derived from the N-terminal part of lamin Dm0-derivatives (amino acid residues 2-158; fragment A) was phosphorylated during both interphase and mitosis. Interphase but not mitotic phosphorylation was found on an internal CNBr fragment (derived from the end of the central rod domain and the first part of the C-terminal lamin tail; amino acid residues 385-548; fragment D). Interphase only phosphorylation was also detected on another CNBr fragment derived from the extreme C-terminal portion of lamin Dm0-derivatives (amino acid residues 549-622; fragment E). To supplement these data, we used 2-D tryptic peptide mapping followed by phosphorImager analysis. We routinely detected at least seven 'spots' derived from interphase lamins but only a single mitotic lamin phosphopeptide.  相似文献   

L1 cell adhesion molecule (L1-CAM) is a transmembrane cell adhesion molecule initially defined as a promigratory molecule in the developing nervous system. L1 is also overexpressed in a variety of human carcinomas and is associated with bad prognosis. In carcinoma cell lines L1 augments cell motility and metastasis, tumor growth in nude mice and induces expression of L1-dependent genes. It is not known whether L1-signaling requires ligand binding. The RGD motif in the sixth Ig domain of L1 is a binding site for integrins. In the present study we analyzed the role of RGDs in L1-signaling using site-directed mutagenesis combined with antibody blocking studies. We observed that L1-RGE expressing HEK293 cells showed reduced cell–cell binding, cell motility, invasiveness and tumor growth in NOD/SCID mice. The RGE-mutation impaired L1-dependent gene regulation and antibodies to αvβ5 integrin had similar effects. Mutant L1 was unable to translocate to the nucleus. Our findings highlight the importance of the RGD site in L1 for human tumors and suggest that nuclear signaling of L1 is dependent on integrins.  相似文献   

RCC1, a regulator of mitosis, is essential for DNA replication.   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
Temperature-sensitive mutants in the RCC1 gene of BHK cells fail to maintain a correct temporal order of the cell cycle and will prematurely condense their chromosomes and enter mitosis at the restrictive temperature without having completed S phase. We have used Xenopus egg extracts to investigate the role that RCC1 plays in interphase nuclear functions and how this role might contribute to the known phenotype of temperature-sensitive RCC1 mutants. By immunodepleting RCC1 protein from egg extracts, we find that it is required for neither chromatin decondensation nor nuclear formation but that it is absolutely required for the replication of added sperm chromatin DNA. Our results further suggest that RCC1 does not participate enzymatically in replication but may be part of a structural complex which is required for the formation or maintenance of the replication machinery. By disrupting the replication complex, the loss of RCC1 might lead directly to disruption of the regulatory system which prevents the initiation of mitosis before the completion of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Regulator of chromatin condensation 1 (RCC1) is the only known guanine nucleotide-exchange factor for the Ran GTPase and has pivotal roles in nucleo-cytoplasmic transport, mitosis, and nuclear-envelope assembly. RCC1 associates dynamically with chromatin through binding to histones H2A and/or H2B in a Ran-regulated manner. Here, we report that, unexpectedly, the amino-terminal serine or proline residue of RCC1 is uniquely methylated on its alpha-amino group. Methylation requires removal of the initiating methionine, and the presence of proline and lysine at positions 3 and 4, respectively. Methylation-defective mutants of RCC1 bind less effectively than wild-type protein to chromatin during mitosis, which causes spindle-pole defects. We propose a bimodal attachment mechanism for RCC1 in which the tail promotes stable RCC1 association with chromatin through DNA binding in an alpha-N-methylation-dependent manner. These data provide the first known function for N-terminal protein methylation.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) establishes a life-long latent infection in humans. In proliferating latently infected cells, EBV genomes persist as multiple episomes that undergo one DNA replication event per cell cycle and remain attached to the mitotic chromosomes. EBV nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA-1) binding to the episome and cellular genome is essential to ensure proper episome replication and segregation. However, the nature and regulation of EBNA-1 interaction with chromatin has not been clearly elucidated. This activity has been suggested to involve EBNA-1 binding to DNA, duplex RNA, and/or proteins. EBNA-1 binding protein 2 (EBP2), a nucleolar protein, has been proposed to act as a docking protein for EBNA-1 on mitotic chromosomes. However, there is no direct evidence thus far for EBP2 being associated with EBNA-1 during mitosis. By combining video microscopy and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy, we demonstrate here for the first time that EBNA-1 and EBP2 interact in the nucleoplasm, as well as in the nucleoli during interphase. However, in strong contrast to the current proposed model, we were unable to observe any interaction between EBNA-1 and EBP2 on mitotic chromosomes. We also performed a yeast double-hybrid screening, followed by a FRET analysis, that led us to identify HMGB2 (high-mobility group box 2), a well-known chromatin component, as a new partner for EBNA-1 on chromatin during interphase and mitosis. Although the depletion of HMGB2 partly altered EBNA-1 association with chromatin in HeLa cells during interphase and mitosis, it did not significantly impact the maintenance of EBV episomes in Raji cells.  相似文献   

The fly homeodomain (HD) protein EXTRADENTICLE (EXD) is dependent on a second HD protein, HOMOTHORAX (HTH), for nuclear localization. We show here that in insect cells the mammalian homolog of EXD, PBX1A, shows a similar dependence on the HTH homologs MEIS1, 2, and 3 and the MEIS-like protein PREP1. Paradoxically, removal of residues N-terminal to the PBX1A HD abolishes interactions with MEIS/PREP but allows nuclear accumulation of PBX1A. We use deletion mapping and fusion to green fluorescent protein to map two cooperative nuclear localization signals (NLSs) in the PBX HD. The results of DNA-binding assays and pull-down experiments are consistent with a model whereby the PBX N-terminus binds to the HD and masks the two NLSs. In support of the model, a mutation in the PBX HD that disrupts contact with the N-terminus leads to constitutive nuclear localization. The HD mutation also increases sensitivity to protease digestion, consistent with a change in conformation. We propose that MEIS family proteins induce a conformational change in PBX that unmasks the NLS, leading to nuclear localization and increased DNA-binding activity. Consistent with this, PBX1 is nuclear only where Meis1 is expressed in the mouse limb bud.  相似文献   

The small GTPase Ran has multiple roles during the cell division cycle, including nuclear transport, mitotic spindle assembly, and nuclear envelope formation. However, regulation of Ran during cell division is poorly understood. Ran-GTP is generated by the guanine nucleotide exchange factor RCC1, the localization of which to chromosomes is necessary for the fidelity of mitosis in human cells. Using photobleaching techniques, we show that the chromosomal interaction of human RCC1 fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) changes during progression through mitosis by being highly dynamic during metaphase and more stable toward the end of mitosis. The interaction of RCC1 with chromosomes involves the interface of RCC1 with Ran and requires an N-terminal region containing a nuclear localization signal. We show that this region contains sites phosphorylated by mitotic protein kinases. One site, serine 11, is targeted by CDK1/cyclin B and is phosphorylated in mitotic human cells. Phosphorylation of the N-terminal region of RCC1 inhibits its binding to importin alpha/beta and maintains the mobility of RCC1 during metaphase. This mechanism may be important for the localized generation of Ran-GTP on chromatin after nuclear envelope breakdown and may play a role in the coordination of progression through mitosis.  相似文献   

The localization of small nuclear ribonucleic acids (snRNAs) during mitosis in Amoeba proteus was studied by high voltage (1,000 kV) electron microscope autoradiography. By suitable micromanipulations, the snRNA's, labeled with [3H]uridine, were made to be the only radioactive molecules in the cell and thus easy to follow autoradiographically. During interphase the snRNA label, which is almost exclusively nuclear, is distributed fairly uniformly through the nucleus with a slightly higher amount of label over chromatin than over nonchromatin areas. During prophase the snRNAs, which continue to be largely nuclear, become highly concentrated in the condensing chromosomes. At metapase, almost all of the snRNAs are cytoplasmic and essentially none are associated with the maximally condensed chromatin. Beginning in early anaphase, the snRNAs resume their association with the chromosomes, with the degree of association increasing throughout anaphase. Most of the snRNAs are back in the nuclei by telophase, but the intranuclear localization is hard to determine. We conclude that snRNAs have a great affinity for the partially condensed chromosomes of prophase and anaphase, but none for the maximally condensed chromosomes of metaphase. A minor amount of snRNA localizations in association with nucleoli and the nuclear envelope are also reported. On the basis of these findings a role of snRNAs in genetic "reprogramming" or chromosome organization is proposed.  相似文献   

Thin sections of mouse 3T3 fibroblast nuclei labelled by immunoperoxidase with anti-nuclear antibodies I1, PI1, PI2, anti-peripherin, -lamin, and -centromere have been examined in the electron microscope. Staining was compared with the corresponding immunofluorescence labelling patterns, and was correlated with nuclear ultrastructure in conventionally fixed and uranyl-lead stained samples and in unlabelled immunoperoxidase controls. Peripherin was detected at the nuclear rim in a band broader and more irregular than the lamins/lamina. The peripheral components of PI1 and PI2 appear to be localized at nuclear pores and the nuclear envelope, respectively. The internal component of PI1 staining consisted of irregular patches and strands in the nucleoplasm, closely resembling snRNP staining as reported by others. Internal P12 labelling consisted of spots distributed apparently at random in interchromatinic regions. The spots resembled labelling by antibody I1, but were fewer and more irregular in size. Neither the PI2 nor the I1 spots were centromere associated, nor could they be correlated with specific interchromatinic structures in conventional preparations and in unlabelled controls. The results support the hypothesis that the nucleus is segregated into function-specific domains, distinguished by morphology and (or) composition from surrounding regions of the nucleus.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that the activity of the long myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) is cell cycle regulated with a decrease in specific activity during mitosis that can be restored following treatment with alkaline phosphatase. To better understand the role and significance of phosphorylation in regulating MLCK function during mitosis, we examined the phosphorylation state of in vivo derived MLCK. Phosphoamino acid analysis and phosphopeptide mapping demonstrate that the long MLCK is differentially phosphorylated on serine residues during interphase and mitosis with the majority of the phosphorylation sites located within the N-terminal IgG domain. Biochemical assays show that Aurora B binds and phosphorylates the IgG domain of the long MLCK. In addition, phosphopeptide maps of the endogenous full-length MLCK from mitotic cells and in vitro phosphorylated IgG domain demonstrate that Aurora B phosphorylates the same sites as those observed in vivo. Altogether, these studies suggest that the long MLCK may be a cellular target for Aurora B during mitosis.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade is a ubiquitous signaling module that transmits extracellular stimuli through the cytoplasm to the nucleus; in response to activating stimuli, MAPKs translocate into the nucleus. Mammalian MEK MAPK kinases (MAPKKs) have in their N termini an MAPK-docking site and a nuclear export signal (NES) sequence, which are known to play critical roles in maintaining ERK MAPKs in the cytoplasm of unstimulated cells. Herein, we show that the Wis1 MAPKK of the stress-activated Spc1 MAPK cascade in fission yeast also has a MAPK-docking site and an NES sequence in its N-terminal domain. Unexpectedly, an inactivating mutation to the NES of chromosomal wis1(+) does not affect the subcellular localization of Spc1 MAPK, whereas this NES mutation disturbs the cytoplasmic localization of Wis1. However, when Wis1 is targeted to the nucleus by fusing to a nuclear localization signal sequence, stress-induced nuclear translocation of Spc1 is abrogated, indicating that cytoplasmic Wis1 is required for nuclear transport of Spc1 upon stress. Moreover, we have observed that a fraction of Wis1 translocates into the nucleus in response to stress. These results suggest that cytoplasmic localization of Wis1 MAPKK by its NES is important for stress signaling to the nucleus.  相似文献   

During the transition from interphase to mitosis, proteins are recruited into forming spindle poles [Leslie, Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 16:225-228, 1990]. Antibodies which recognize these recruited components clearly label spindle poles during mitosis but the location and character of such proteins during interphase remain a mystery. Competition assays using an antibody to a recruited spindle pole protein show that in its disperse form the spindle pole protein is a highly insoluble component of the cytoskeleton which is dispersed to such an extent during interphase that it is difficult to identify by immunolocalization. The function of recruited spindle pole proteins is unknown but the aggregation/dispersion cycle and the antigen are highly conserved, appearing in sea urchin embryos and tissue culture cells.  相似文献   

Whether chromosomes maintain their nuclear positions during interphase and from one cell cycle to the next has been controversially discussed. To address this question, we performed long-term live-cell studies using a HeLa cell line with GFP-tagged chromatin. Positional changes of the intensity gravity centers of fluorescently labeled chromosome territories (CTs) on the order of several microm were observed in early G1, suggesting a role of CT mobility in establishing interphase nuclear architecture. Thereafter, the positions were highly constrained within a range of approximately 1 microm until the end of G2. To analyze possible changes of chromosome arrangements from one cell cycle to the next, nuclei were photobleached in G2 maintaining a contiguous zone of unbleached chromatin at one nuclear pole. This zone was stably preserved until the onset of prophase, whereas the contiguity of unbleached chromosome segments was lost to a variable extent, when the metaphase plate was formed. Accordingly, chromatin patterns observed in daughter nuclei differed significantly from the mother cell nucleus. We conclude that CT arrangements were stably maintained from mid G1 to late G2/early prophase, whereas major changes of CT neighborhoods occurred from one cell cycle to the next. The variability of CT neighborhoods during clonal growth was further confirmed by chromosome painting experiments.  相似文献   

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