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FACTA is a text search engine for MEDLINE abstracts, which is designed particularly to help users browse biomedical concepts (e.g. genes/proteins, diseases, enzymes and chemical compounds) appearing in the documents retrieved by the query. The concepts are presented to the user in a tabular format and ranked based on the co-occurrence statistics. Unlike existing systems that provide similar functionality, FACTA pre-indexes not only the words but also the concepts mentioned in the documents, which enables the user to issue a flexible query (e.g. free keywords or Boolean combinations of keywords/concepts) and receive the results immediately even when the number of the documents that match the query is very large. The user can also view snippets from MEDLINE to get textual evidence of associations between the query terms and the concepts. The concept IDs and their names/synonyms for building the indexes were collected from several biomedical databases and thesauri, such as UniProt, BioThesaurus, UMLS, KEGG and DrugBank. AVAILABILITY: The system is available at http://www.nactem.ac.uk/software/facta/  相似文献   

Text processing through Web services: calling Whatizit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: Text-mining (TM) solutions are developing into efficient services to researchers in the biomedical research community. Such solutions have to scale with the growing number and size of resources (e.g. available controlled vocabularies), with the amount of literature to be processed (e.g. about 17 million documents in PubMed) and with the demands of the user community (e.g. different methods for fact extraction). These demands motivated the development of a server-based solution for literature analysis. Whatizit is a suite of modules that analyse text for contained information, e.g. any scientific publication or Medline abstracts. Special modules identify terms and then link them to the corresponding entries in bioinformatics databases such as UniProtKb/Swiss-Prot data entries and gene ontology concepts. Other modules identify a set of selected annotation types like the set produced by the EBIMed analysis pipeline for proteins. In the case of Medline abstracts, Whatizit offers access to EBI's in-house installation via PMID or term query. For large quantities of the user's own text, the server can be operated in a streaming mode (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/webservices/whatizit).  相似文献   

Coral skeletons: storage and recovery of environmental information   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Understanding the nature and causes of past global change is a key to understanding what may happen in the future. The discovery, nearly 25 years ago, of annual density bands in skeletons of long-lived, massive corals promised high-resolution proxy climate records for tropical oceans. The tropics are regions of major importance to the global climate system and they are poorly represented by high-resolution proxy climate records such as tree rings, ice cores and historical documents. In this review we examine the principles and procedures underlying routine recovery and interpretation of information from proxy environmental recorders. We summarize an extensive literature which indicates that coral skeletons are excellent archives for considerable and diverse environmental information. We show that this potential has not been fully realized, largely because corals seemed to yield inconsistent, sometimes conflicting, information. We discuss ways in which much of this confusion is resolved by new understanding of coral skeletal growth mechanisms. We also examine several records which indicate that corals can meet requirements for reconstruction of useful, reliable environmental information.  相似文献   

Data integration is key to functional and comparative genomics because integration allows diverse data types to be evaluated in new contexts. To achieve data integration in a scalable and sensible way, semantic standards are needed, both for naming things (standardized nomenclatures, use of key words) and also for knowledge representation. The Mouse Genome Informatics database and other model organism databases help to close the gap between information and understanding of biological processes because these resources enforce well-defined nomenclature and knowledge representation standards. Model organism databases have a critical role to play in ensuring that diverse kinds of data, especially genome-scale data sets and information, remain useful to the biological community in the long-term. The efforts of model organism database groups ensure not only that organism-specific data are integrated, curated and accessible but also that the information is structured in such a way that comparison of biological knowledge across model organisms is facilitated.  相似文献   

This article surveys efforts on text mining of the pharmacogenomics literature, mainly from the period 2008 to 2011. Pharmacogenomics (or pharmacogenetics) is the field that studies how human genetic variation impacts drug response. Therefore, publications span the intersection of research in genotypes, phenotypes and pharmacology, a topic that has increasingly become a focus of active research in recent years. This survey covers efforts dealing with the automatic recognition of relevant named entities (e.g. genes, gene variants and proteins, diseases and other pathological phenomena, drugs and other chemicals relevant for medical treatment), as well as various forms of relations between them. A wide range of text genres is considered, such as scientific publications (abstracts, as well as full texts), patent texts and clinical narratives. We also discuss infrastructure and resources needed for advanced text analytics, e.g. document corpora annotated with corresponding semantic metadata (gold standards and training data), biomedical terminologies and ontologies providing domain-specific background knowledge at different levels of formality and specificity, software architectures for building complex and scalable text analytics pipelines and Web services grounded to them, as well as comprehensive ways to disseminate and interact with the typically huge amounts of semiformal knowledge structures extracted by text mining tools. Finally, we consider some of the novel applications that have already been developed in the field of pharmacogenomic text mining and point out perspectives for future research.  相似文献   

Currently, literature is integrated in systems biology studies in three ways. Hand-curated pathways have been sufficient for assembling models in numerous studies. Second, literature is frequently accessed in a derived form, such as the concepts represented by the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and Gene Ontologies (GO), or functional relationships captured in protein-protein interaction (PPI) databases; both of these are convenient, consistent reductions of more complex concepts expressed as free text in the literature. Moreover, their contents are easily integrated into computational processes required for dealing with large data sets. Last, mining text directly for specific types of information is on the rise as text analytics methods become more accurate and accessible. These uses of literature, specifically manual curation, derived concepts captured in ontologies and databases, and indirect and direct application of text mining, will be discussed as they pertain to systems biology.  相似文献   

Arguably, the richest source of knowledge (as opposed to fact and data collections) about biology and biotechnology is captured in natural-language documents such as technical reports, conference proceedings and research articles. The automatic exploitation of this rich knowledge base for decision making, hypothesis management (generation and testing) and knowledge discovery constitutes a formidable challenge. Recently, a set of technologies collectively referred to as knowledge discovery in text (KDT) has been advocated as a promising approach to tackle this challenge. KDT comprises three main tasks: information retrieval, information extraction and text mining. These tasks are the focus of much recent scientific research and many algorithms have been developed and applied to documents and text in biology and biotechnology. This article introduces the basic concepts of KDT, provides an overview of some of these efforts in the field of bioscience and biotechnology, and presents a framework of commonly used techniques for evaluating KDT methods, tools and systems.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: A vast amount of information about human, animal and plant pathogens has been acquired, stored and displayed in varied formats through different resources, both electronically and otherwise. However, there is no community standard format for organizing this information or agreement on machine-readable format(s) for data exchange, thereby hampering interoperation efforts across information systems harboring such infectious disease data. RESULTS: The Pathogen Information Markup Language (PIML) is a free, open, XML-based format for representing pathogen information. XSLT-based visual presentations of valid PIML documents were developed and can be accessed through the PathInfo website or as part of the interoperable web services federation known as ToolBus/PathPort. Currently, detailed PIML documents are available for 21 pathogens deemed of high priority with regard to public health and national biological defense. A dynamic query system allows simple queries as well as comparisons among these pathogens. Continuing efforts are being taken to include other groups' supporting PIML and to develop more PIML documents. AVAILABILITY: All the PIML-related information is accessible from http://www.vbi.vt.edu/pathport/pathinfo/  相似文献   



The rapid proliferation of biomedical text makes it increasingly difficult for researchers to identify, synthesize, and utilize developed knowledge in their fields of interest. Automated information extraction procedures can assist in the acquisition and management of this knowledge. Previous efforts in biomedical text mining have focused primarily upon named entity recognition of well-defined molecular objects such as genes, but less work has been performed to identify disease-related objects and concepts. Furthermore, promise has been tempered by an inability to efficiently scale approaches in ways that minimize manual efforts and still perform with high accuracy. Here, we have applied a machine-learning approach previously successful for identifying molecular entities to a disease concept to determine if the underlying probabilistic model effectively generalizes to unrelated concepts with minimal manual intervention for model retraining.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Protein-protein interactions play critical roles in biological processes, and many biologists try to find or to predict crucial information concerning these interactions. Before verifying interactions in biological laboratory work, validating them from previous research is necessary. Although many efforts have been made to create databases that store verified information in a structured form, much interaction information still remains as unstructured text. As the amount of new publications has increased rapidly, a large amount of research has sought to extract interactions from the text automatically. However, there remain various difficulties associated with the process of applying automatically generated results into manually annotated databases. For interactions that are not found in manually stored databases, researchers attempt to search for abstracts or full papers. RESULTS: As a result of a search for two proteins, PubMed frequently returns hundreds of abstracts. In this paper, a method is introduced that validates protein-protein interactions from PubMed abstracts. A query is generated from two given proteins automatically and abstracts are then collected from PubMed. Following this, target proteins and their synonyms are recognized and their interaction information is extracted from the collection. It was found that 67.37% of the interactions from DIP-PPI corpus were found from the PubMed abstracts and 87.37% of interactions were found from the given full texts. AVAILABILITY: Contact authors.  相似文献   

Historical ecology of the Raja Ampat Archipelago, Papua Province, Indonesia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This work presents a review of the status of marine resources of the Raja Ampat Archipelago, Papua Province, Indonesia, based on narratives of early European expeditions in various museums and libraries in Europe, Canada, and local archives in Papua. More than 500 pertinent documents on the study area were identified and located in various European museums and at the University of British Columbia library. About half of these were scanned (25,000 pages), which yielded the equivalent of 900 pages of text (or 4% of the total number of pages scanned) with observations on abundance and impact of the human population on the marine ecosystem within 2 degrees North and 2 degrees South between 127 degrees and 132 degrees East. In general, these observations, which spanned the period from 1810 to the present, suggest a decrease in the perceived occurrences of turtles, fish, and invertebrates; perceived abundance of turtles, fish, and algae; percieved subsistence exploitation of marine resources; and an increase in perceived commercial exploitation of marine resources. We conclude with a discussion of the problems and potential of contents analysis, and its use in the historical reconstruction of broad biodiversity trends.  相似文献   



Due to the rapidly expanding body of biomedical literature, biologists require increasingly sophisticated and efficient systems to help them to search for relevant information. Such systems should account for the multiple written variants used to represent biomedical concepts, and allow the user to search for specific pieces of knowledge (or events) involving these concepts, e.g., protein-protein interactions. Such functionality requires access to detailed information about words used in the biomedical literature. Existing databases and ontologies often have a specific focus and are oriented towards human use. Consequently, biological knowledge is dispersed amongst many resources, which often do not attempt to account for the large and frequently changing set of variants that appear in the literature. Additionally, such resources typically do not provide information about how terms relate to each other in texts to describe events.


This article provides an overview of the design, construction and evaluation of a large-scale lexical and conceptual resource for the biomedical domain, the BioLexicon. The resource can be exploited by text mining tools at several levels, e.g., part-of-speech tagging, recognition of biomedical entities, and the extraction of events in which they are involved. As such, the BioLexicon must account for real usage of words in biomedical texts. In particular, the BioLexicon gathers together different types of terms from several existing data resources into a single, unified repository, and augments them with new term variants automatically extracted from biomedical literature. Extraction of events is facilitated through the inclusion of biologically pertinent verbs (around which events are typically organized) together with information about typical patterns of grammatical and semantic behaviour, which are acquired from domain-specific texts. In order to foster interoperability, the BioLexicon is modelled using the Lexical Markup Framework, an ISO standard.


The BioLexicon contains over 2.2 M lexical entries and over 1.8 M terminological variants, as well as over 3.3 M semantic relations, including over 2 M synonymy relations. Its exploitation can benefit both application developers and users. We demonstrate some such benefits by describing integration of the resource into a number of different tools, and evaluating improvements in performance that this can bring.  相似文献   

Text mining and ontologies in biomedicine: making sense of raw text   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The volume of biomedical literature is increasing at such a rate that it is becoming difficult to locate, retrieve and manage the reported information without text mining, which aims to automatically distill information, extract facts, discover implicit links and generate hypotheses relevant to user needs. Ontologies, as conceptual models, provide the necessary framework for semantic representation of textual information. The principal link between text and an ontology is terminology, which maps terms to domain-specific concepts. This paper summarises different approaches in which ontologies have been used for text-mining applications in biomedicine.  相似文献   

Categorization of biomedical articles is a central task for supporting various curation efforts. It can also form the basis for effective biomedical text mining. Automatic text classification in the biomedical domain is thus an active research area. Contests organized by the KDD Cup (2002) and the TREC Genomics track (since 2003) defined several annotation tasks that involved document classification, and provided training and test data sets. So far, these efforts focused on analyzing only the text content of documents. However, as was noted in the KDD'02 text mining contest-where figure-captions proved to be an invaluable feature for identifying documents of interest-images often provide curators with critical information. We examine the possibility of using information derived directly from image data, and of integrating it with text-based classification, for biomedical document categorization. We present a method for obtaining features from images and for using them-both alone and in combination with text-to perform the triage task introduced in the TREC Genomics track 2004. The task was to determine which documents are relevant to a given annotation task performed by the Mouse Genome Database curators. We show preliminary results, demonstrating that the method has a strong potential to enhance and complement traditional text-based categorization methods.  相似文献   



In biological and medical domain, the use of web services made the data and computation functionality accessible in a unified manner, which helped automate the data pipeline that was previously performed manually. Workflow technology is widely used in the orchestration of multiple services to facilitate in-silico research. Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG) is an information network enabling the sharing of cancer research related resources and caGrid is its underlying service-based computation infrastructure. CaBIG requires that services are composed and orchestrated in a given sequence to realize data pipelines, which are often called scientific workflows.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Genes and proteins are often associated with multiple names. More names are added as new functional or structural information is discovered. Because authors can use any one of the known names for a gene or protein, information retrieval and extraction would benefit from identifying the gene and protein terms that are synonyms of the same substance. RESULTS: We have explored four complementary approaches for extracting gene and protein synonyms from text, namely the unsupervised, partially supervised, and supervised machine-learning techniques, as well as the manual knowledge-based approach. We report results of a large scale evaluation of these alternatives over an archive of biological journal articles. Our evaluation shows that our extraction techniques could be a valuable supplement to resources such as SWISSPROT, as our systems were able to capture gene and protein synonyms not listed in the SWISSPROT database.  相似文献   

Shang Y  Li Y  Lin H  Yang Z 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e23862
Automatic text summarization for a biomedical concept can help researchers to get the key points of a certain topic from large amount of biomedical literature efficiently. In this paper, we present a method for generating text summary for a given biomedical concept, e.g., H1N1 disease, from multiple documents based on semantic relation extraction. Our approach includes three stages: 1) We extract semantic relations in each sentence using the semantic knowledge representation tool SemRep. 2) We develop a relation-level retrieval method to select the relations most relevant to each query concept and visualize them in a graphic representation. 3) For relations in the relevant set, we extract informative sentences that can interpret them from the document collection to generate text summary using an information retrieval based method. Our major focus in this work is to investigate the contribution of semantic relation extraction to the task of biomedical text summarization. The experimental results on summarization for a set of diseases show that the introduction of semantic knowledge improves the performance and our results are better than the MEAD system, a well-known tool for text summarization.  相似文献   

Today, scientific data are inevitably digitized, stored in a wide variety of formats, and are accessible over the Internet. Scientific discovery increasingly involves accessing multiple heterogeneous data sources, integrating the results of complex queries, and applying further analysis and visualization applications in order to collect datasets of interest. Building a scientific integration platform to support these critical tasks requires accessing and manipulating data extracted from flat files or databases, documents retrieved from the Web, as well as data that are locally materialized in warehouses or generated by software. The lack of efficiency of existing approaches can significantly affect the process with lengthy delays while accessing critical resources or with the failure of the system to report any results. Some queries take so much time to be answered that their results are returned via email, making their integration with other results a tedious task. This paper presents several issues that need to be addressed to provide seamless and efficient integration of biomolecular data. Identified challenges include: capturing and representing various domain specific computational capabilities supported by a source including sequence or text search engines and traditional query processing; developing a methodology to acquire and represent semantic knowledge and metadata about source contents, overlap in source contents, and access costs; developing cost and semantics based decision support tools to select sources and capabilities, and to generate efficient query evaluation plans.  相似文献   

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