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罹患头颈部肿瘤的患者在接受放射治疗时往往会发生放射性唾液腺损伤。射线的照射使患者唾液腺结构破坏、功能减退,患者的生活质量严重下降。对于放射性唾液腺损伤,临床上尚无有效的治疗方式。骨髓来源细胞(bone marrow-derived cells,BMDCs)最早用于治疗血液系统疾病。随着对BMDCs认识的逐渐深入,BMDCs的应用领域日益广泛。近些年来,一些动物实验的研究结果表明,利用BMDCs治疗放射性唾液腺损伤能够有效地保护腺体内各种实质细胞,促进腺组织再生,恢复唾液腺功能。本文主要对利用BMDCs治疗放射性唾液腺损伤的治疗方式、治疗效果及其主要的治疗机制进行综述,并对该领域今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The activity of enzymes involved in the conversion of sucrose to starch together with the distribution of 14C-labelled photosynthate and 4C-sucrose was studied in potato tubers showing a range of growth rates and growth patterns. Within a particular tuber the uptake of 14C from labelled photosynthate and the conversion to ethanol-insoluble 14C was greatest in the apical tissue where both the rate of production of new storage cells and starch synthesis were likely to be greatest. Uptake and conversion of 14C was lowest in the older tissue of the tuber base. Pre-treatment of tubers with gibberellic acid reduced the total input of 14C from labelled photosynthate, reversed the gradient in 14C uptake between apical and basal tuber tissue, increased the amount of 14C per g fresh weight in the basal tissue and decreased the conversion of labelled sugars to starch. For tubers with different growth rates both the total uptake of 14C from labelled photosynthate and the ratio ethanol-insoluble 14C/ethanol-soluble 14C appeared to be correlated with growth rate. In contrast when tubers were fed directly with 14C-sucrose via the tuber surface, total uptake was independent of growth rate but the correlation between growth rate and the ratio ethanol-insoluble 14C/ethanol-soluble 14C persisted. Within a particular tuber there was a decreasing gradient in sucrose synthetase activity between youngest tissue of the tuber apex and the older tissue at the tuber base but there was no clear correlation between mean enzyme activity and tuber growth rate. ADPG-pyrophosphorylase and the ratio ADPG-pyrophosphorylase/starch phosphorylase showed some correlation with tuber growth rate. Starch synthase, starch phosphorylase and UDPG-pyro-phosphorylase activities per g fresh weight of tuber tissue appeared to be relatively constant. The results suggest that the transport of sugar from the phloem sieve tubes to the tuber storage parenchyma cells, in particular the phloem unloading step, and the conversion of sugar into starch are subject to separate regulation in the potato tuber.  相似文献   

In the mid to late 1990's several groups identified DNA damage-dependent focal accumulations in nuclei of both DNA repair factors and the phosphorylated form of the histone variant H2A.X. The term "repair foci" has since been used to describe these protein accumulations. As a molecular marker for DNA damage, they have been immensely useful in the study of signal transduction pathways triggered by DNA damage while aiding in the identification of new factors involved in DNA repair. In spite of their importance, many other changes in the nuclear landscape correlate with DNA damage and repair processes. These include dramatic changes in chromatin ultrastructure and epigenetic modifications, which occur at the site of DNA breaks as well as globally throughout the nucleus. Besides chromatin, DNA damage also affects the dynamic behaviour, morphology and biochemical composition of various subnuclear domains, including the nucleolus, promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies and Cajal bodies. These changes in the nuclear landscape, the topic of this review, appear to be intimately linked to the cellular response to DNA damage and may prove as useful as repair foci in elucidating mechanisms of DNA repair.  相似文献   


Background and Purpose

This study was conducted to determine whether a secretome from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) modulated by hypoxic conditions to contain therapeutic factors contributes to salivary gland (SG) tissue remodeling and has the potential to improve irradiation (IR)-induced salivary hypofunction in a mouse model.

Materials and Methods

Human adipose mesenchymal stem cells (hAdMSC) were isolated, expanded, and exposed to hypoxic conditions (O2 < 5%). The hypoxia-conditioned medium was then filtered to a high molecular weight fraction and prepared as a hAdMSC secretome. The hAdMSC secretome was subsequently infused into the tail vein of C3H mice immediately after local IR once a day for seven consecutive days. The control group received equal volume (500 μL) of vehicle (PBS) only. SG function and structural tissue remodeling by the hAdMSC secretome were investigated. Human parotid epithelial cells (HPEC) were obtained, expanded in vitro, and then irradiated and treated with either the hypoxia-conditioned medium or a normoxic control medium. Cell proliferation and IR-induced cell death were examined to determine the mechanism by which the hAdMSC secretome exerted its effects.


The conditioned hAdMSC secretome contained high levels of GM-CSF, VEGF, IL-6, and IGF-1. Repeated systemic infusion with the hAdMSC secretome resulted in improved salivation capacity and increased levels of salivary proteins, including amylase and EGF, relative to the PBS group. The microscopic structural integrity of SG was maintained and salivary epithelial (AQP-5), endothelial (CD31), myoepithelial (α-SMA) and SG progenitor cells (c-Kit) were successfully protected from radiation damage and remodeled. The hAdMSC secretome strongly induced proliferation of HPEC and led to a significant decrease in cell death in vivo and in vitro. Moreover, the anti-apoptotic effects of the hAdMSC secretome were found to be promoted after hypoxia-preconditioning relative to normoxia-cultured hAdMSC secretome.


These results show that the hAdMSC secretome from hypoxic-conditioned medium may provide radioprotection and tissue remodeling via release of paracrine mediators.  相似文献   

Desktop‐grade fused deposition modeling (FDM) printers are popular because of compact sizes and affordable prices. If we are moving toward a future where desktop FDM printers are in every school and office, like conventional printers, then these machines will consume a large amount of energy and material. However, it is very difficult to evaluate the environmental impacts of FDM printers since there are so many different brands and types of printers using different raw materials under different scenarios. This study uses data from two different printing sites to evaluate the scenario and parameter uncertainty and variability in energy and material balances for FDM printers. Data from the two makerspaces provide insight into the material and energy consumption data using polylactic acid and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) with four types of printers. The use of actual performance data allowed for the additional study of scrap ratio. Regressions provide insight into predictive factors for energy and material consumption. Monte Carlo simulations show the range of energy life cycle inventory values for the desktop‐grade FDM printers. From the regressions, Type A Pro was the most energy‐intensive machine. For material waste, an open‐access makerspace using ABS was associated with higher scrap ratio. Regression analysis indicates that the rate of material usage is not a strong predictor of waste rates. The amount of waste generated across both sites indicates that more ubiquitous access to FDM printing may create a significant addition to the waste stream.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence imaging assays have become a widely integrated technique to quantify effectiveness of cell-based therapies by monitoring fate and survival of transplanted cells. To date these assays are still largely qualitative and often erroneous due to the complexity and dynamics of local micro-environments (niches) in which the cells reside. Here, we report, using a combined experimental and computational approach, on oxygen that besides being a critical niche component responsible for cellular energy metabolism and cell-fate commitment, also serves a primary role in regulating bioluminescent light kinetics. We demonstrate the potential of an oxygen dependent Michaelis-Menten relation in quantifying intrinsic bioluminescence intensities by resolving cell-associated oxygen gradients from bioluminescent light that is emitted from three-dimensional (3D) cell-seeded hydrogels. Furthermore, the experimental and computational data indicate a strong causal relation of oxygen concentration with emitted bioluminescence intensities. Altogether our approach demonstrates the importance of oxygen to evolve towards quantitative bioluminescence and holds great potential for future microscale measurement of oxygen tension in an easily accessible manner.  相似文献   

Stem cell derived cardiomyocytes generated either from human embryonic stem cells (hESC-CMs) or human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC-CMs) hold great promise for the investigation of early developmental processes in human cardiomyogenesis and future cell replacement strategies. We have analyzed electrophysiological properties of hESC-CMs (HES2) and hiPSC-CMs, derived from reprogrammed adult foreskin fibroblasts that have previously been found to be highly similar in terms of gene expression. In contrast to the similarity found in the expression profile we found substantial differences in action potentials (APs) and sodium currents at late stage (day 60) of in vitro differentiation with higher sodium currents in hiPSC-CMs. Sensitivity to lidocain was considerably reduced in hESC-CMs as compared to hiPSC-CMs, and the effect could not be explained by differences in beating frequency. In contrast, sensitivity to tetrodotoxin (TTX) was higher in hESC-CMs suggesting different contributions of TTX-sensitive and TTX-resistant sodium channels to AP generation. These data point to physiological differences that are not necessarily detected by genomics. We conclude that novel pharmacological screening-assays using hiPSC-CMs need to be applied with some caution.  相似文献   

目的:探讨原发性高血压患者心率变异性(HRV)及血压变异性(BPV)与血管损害的相关性。方法:选取2014年12月到2017年12月期间在我院接受治疗的原发性高血压患者94例,根据脉搏波传导速度(PWV)的不同分为对照组(60例)和血管受损组(34例)。比较两组患者的HRV、BPV指标,并分析PWV与HRV、BPV指标的相关性。结果:血管受损组的5 min心搏R-R间期平均值的标准差(SDANN)低于对照组,低频(LF)、高频(HF)、低高频之比(LF/HF)高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05);血管受损组的24h平均收缩压(24h SBP)、24h平均脉压(24h PP)、白天平均收缩压(dSBP)、白天平均脉压(dPP)、夜间平均收缩压(nSBP)、夜间平均脉压(nPP)高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05);PWV与LF、HF、LF/HF、24h SBP、24h PP、dSBP、dPP、nSBP、nPP均呈正相关(P0.05)。结论:原发性高血压患者部分HRV、BPV指标与PWV呈明显的相关性,说明HRV和BPV与患者的血管损害密切相关。  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation (UV) from sunlight is the primary cause of skin and ocular neoplasia. Brahma (BRM) is part of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex. It provides energy for rearrangement of chromatin structure. Previously we have found that human skin tumours have a hotspot mutation in BRM and that protein levels are substantially reduced. Brm−/− mice have enhanced susceptibility to photocarcinogenesis. In these experiments, Brm−/− mice, with both or a single Trp53 allele were exposed to UV for 2 or 25 weeks. In wild type mice the central cornea and stroma became atrophic with increasing time of exposure while the peripheral regions became hyperplastic, presumably as a reparative process. Brm−/−, Trp53+/−, and particularly the Brm−/− Trp53+/− mice had an exaggerated hyperplastic regeneration response in the corneal epithelium and stroma so that the central epithelial atrophy or stromal loss was reduced. UV induced hyperplasia of the epidermis and corneal epithelium, with an increase in the number of dividing cells as determined by Ki-67 expression. This response was considerably greater in both the Brm−/− Trp53+/+ and Brm−/− Trp53+/− mice indicating that Brm protects from UV-induced enhancement of cell division, even with loss of one Trp53 allele. Cell division was disorganized in Brm−/− mice. Rather than being restricted to the basement membrane region, dividing cells were also present in the suprabasal regions of both tissues. Brm appears to be a tumour suppressor gene that protects from skin and ocular photocarcinogenesis. These studies indicate that Brm protects from UV-induced hyperplastic growth in both cutaneous and corneal keratinocytes, which may contribute to the ability of Brm to protect from photocarcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Abstract: The modifications caused by genetic down-regulation of the enzyme cinnamoyl CoA reductase (CCR) from monolignol biosynthetic pathways on tobacco and Arabidopsis thaliana were investigated at the ultrastructural level. A typical result was that the same transformation led to similar abnormality in secondary wall formation of fibres in both plants. The cell wall alterations mainly consisted in an important disorganization and loosening of cellulose microfibrils in the inner part of the S2 layer. This inability of the transformants to form a coherent cell wall coincided with a lack of synthesis of non-condensed forms of lignin in this disorganized region of the wall, as demonstrated by immunolabelling of lignin subunits. A similar disorganization was observed during fibre wall formation in the differentiating tissues of young Populus and A. thaliana plants. The transitory lack of organization of cellulose microfibrils, also coincided with a depletion in non-condensed forms of lignins. These results suggest that such lignin substructures may be involved in the cohesion of secondary walls during cell wall biogenesis. The mutual influence of the cellulose-hemicellulose environment and monolignol local polymerization is discussed.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell variability in the molecular composition of isogenic, steady-state growing cells arises spontaneously from the inherent stochasticity of intracellular biochemical reactions and cell growth. Here, we present a general decomposition of the total variance in the copy number per cell of a particular molecule. It quantifies the individual contributions made by processes associated with cell growth, biochemical reactions, and their control. We decompose the growth contribution further into variance contributions of random partitioning of molecules at cell division, mother-cell heterogeneity, and variation in cell-cycle progression. The contribution made by biochemical reactions is expressed in variance generated by molecule synthesis, degradation, and their regulation. We use this theory to study the influence of different growth and reaction-related processes, such as DNA replication, variable molecule-partitioning probability, and synthesis bursts, on stochastic cell-to-cell variability. Using simulations, we characterize the impact of noise in the generation-time on cell-to-cell variability. This article offers a widely-applicable theory on the influence of biochemical reactions and cellular growth on the phenotypic variability of growing, isogenic cells. The theory aids the design and interpretation of experiments involving single-molecule counting or real-time imaging of fluorescent reporter constructs.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell variability in the molecular composition of isogenic, steady-state growing cells arises spontaneously from the inherent stochasticity of intracellular biochemical reactions and cell growth. Here, we present a general decomposition of the total variance in the copy number per cell of a particular molecule. It quantifies the individual contributions made by processes associated with cell growth, biochemical reactions, and their control. We decompose the growth contribution further into variance contributions of random partitioning of molecules at cell division, mother-cell heterogeneity, and variation in cell-cycle progression. The contribution made by biochemical reactions is expressed in variance generated by molecule synthesis, degradation, and their regulation. We use this theory to study the influence of different growth and reaction-related processes, such as DNA replication, variable molecule-partitioning probability, and synthesis bursts, on stochastic cell-to-cell variability. Using simulations, we characterize the impact of noise in the generation-time on cell-to-cell variability. This article offers a widely-applicable theory on the influence of biochemical reactions and cellular growth on the phenotypic variability of growing, isogenic cells. The theory aids the design and interpretation of experiments involving single-molecule counting or real-time imaging of fluorescent reporter constructs.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes suspended in plasma, or in phosphate buffered saline (PBS), were exposed to ionizing radiation. Potassium leakage from irradiated erythrocytes is significantly higher in PBS than in plasma. The potassium leakage decreases when PBS is gradually replaced by plasma. These findings suggest that some of the plasma constituents have radioprotective properties. The potassium leakage per cell is independent of the hematocrit, Hct. The potassium leakage is attributed to the formation of radiation defects in the membrane. Analysis of the effect of radiation dose, plasma and cell concentrations on the product of the number and surface area of the radiation defects indicates that the radiation damage is mainly due to the direct formation of free radicals in the cell membrane. The radioprotective effect of plasma is attributed to surface reactions of these free radicals with plasma constituents adsorbed on the membrane.  相似文献   

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