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In the central High Atlas, the Toarcian Stage is represented by a marl and marly limestone series of variable thickness. Two sections have been studied: Amellago (500 m) and Aït Athmane (100 m). Ammonites from the two sections allowed to characterize the Polymorphum, Levisoni, Bifrons, Gradata, and Speciosum zones. The Polymorphum Zone provided, among others: Dactylioceras (Eodactylites) mirabile, D. (E.) pseudocommune, Dactylioceras (Orthodactylites) aff. crosbeyi and Neolioceratoides aff. hoffmanni; the Levisoni Zone provided a rich ammonite fauna composed of, Calliphylloceras nilssoni, Dactylioceras (Orthodactylites) cf. semiannulatum, Eleganticeras exaratum, Harpoceras falciferum, H. pseudoserpentinum, H. serpentinum, H. subplanatum, Hildaites cf. forte, H. levisoni, H. cf. serpentiniformis, H. cf. subserpentinus, H. striatus, H. wrighti, Lytoceras siemensi, Lytoceras sp., Maconiceras soloniacense, Phylloceras sp., Polyplectus pluricostatum et Polyplectus sp.; the Bifrons Zone provided Eleganticeras sp., Harpoceras subplanatum?, Hildoceras bifrons, H. lusitanicum, H. semipolitum, H. sublevisoni, Hildoceras sp., Porpoceras gr. vortex verticosum; the Gradata Zone was characterized by Pseudocrassiceras bayani, P. frantzi, Pseudocrassiceras sp., Pseudocrassiceras sp. indet.; and the Speciosum Zone provided an Hammatoceras aff. insigne. These species have been described and illustrated for the first time for the central High Atlas. Most of them are common to several basins of the north Tethyan margin and the Subboreal Domain of NW Europe.  相似文献   

Summary Liassic sponge mounds of the central High Atlas (Rich area, northern Morocco) have a stratigraphic range from the Lower/Upper Sinemurian boundary interval up to the lower parts of the Lower Pliensbachian (Carixian). The base of Liassic sponge mounds consists of a transgressive discontinuity, i.e., a condensed section of microbioclastic wackestones with firm- and hardgrounds, ferruginous stromatolites, sponge spicules and ammonites. The top of Liassic sponge mounds is an irregular palaeorelief covered by cherty marl-limestone rhythmites, namely hemipelagic spicular wackestones with radiolaria. In the Rich area, section Foum Tillicht, the sponge mound succession has a total thickness of about 250 meters. Within this succession we distinguished between three mound intervals. The lower mound interval shows only small, meter-scale sponge mounds consisting of boundstones with lyssakine sponges, commensalicTerebella and the problematicumRadiomura. This interval forms a shallowing-upward sequence culminating in a bedded facies withTubiphytes, calcareous algae (Palaeodasycladus), sponge lithoclasts, coated grains, and thin rims of marine cement. The middle mound interval is aggradational with decametric mounds and distinct thrombolitic textures and reefal cavities. The mound assemblage here consists of hexactinellid sponges, lithistid demosponges, non-rigid demosponges,Radiomura, Serpula (Dorsoserpula), Terebella, encrusting bryozoa, and minor contributions by calcareous sponges, and excavating sponges (typeAka). Thrombolites are dendrolitic and may reach sizes of several tens of centimeters, similar to the maximum size of siliceous sponges. The upper mound interval appears retrogradational and geometries change upsection from mound shapes to flat lenses and level-bottom, biostromal sponge banks. The biotic assemblage is similar to that of the middle mound interval and there is no difference between mound and bank communities. The demise of sponge mounds is successive from regional spread in the Sinemurian to more localised spots in the Lower Pliensbachian. This reduction correlates with an increasing influence of pelagic conditions. At Foum Tillicht, sponge mounds lack any photic contribution and there is virtually no differentiation into subcommunities between mound surface and cavity dwelling organisms. There is some evidence that the heterotrophic food web of mound communities was sourced by oxygen minimum zone edge effects, namely microbial recycling of essential elements such as N and P. Basin geometry suggests a waterdepth of several 100's of meters, well below the photic zone and possibly only controlled by the depth range of the oxygen minimum zone. Palaeoceanographic conditions of well-stratified deeper water masses diminished gradually during widespread transgression across the Sinemurian to Pliensbachian boundary culminating in the Lower Pliensbachianibex ammonite zone.  相似文献   

Summary The high-plateau of the Jbel Bou Dahar, situated in the Central and Eastern High Atlas of Morocco, represents a Lower Jurassic carbonate platform that drowned at the beginning of the Toarcian. Three phases of platform evolution can be distinguished: During thepre-drowning phase (upper Sinemurian— upper Pliensbachian) the platform interior facies reflects a restricted-marine lagoonal environment, protected by scattered buildups and cemented debris at the platform margin. Upper and mid-slope are dominated by coarse-grained, poorly sorted limestones, deposited through debris flows during sea-level lowstands. Sea-level highstand deposits occur at the toe of slope and are formed by an alternation of fine-grained litho- and bioclastic pack- to grainstones (turbidites), marls and mud- to wackestones (hemipelagic oozes). A condensed section, reflecting an abrupt and fundamental environmental change along the entire platform, characterises thedrowning phase (upper Pliensbachian— lower Toarcian). Within the platform interior densely packed biosparites represent the switch to high-energy environments, causing erosion of the former pre-drowning lagoonal sediments. These erosional products were redeposited on the platform slope, leading to the formation of coarse-grained non-skeletal sparites and micrites. Both platform interior and slope successions show a series of cyclic variations in sediment composition that could have been triggered by small-scale sea-level fluctuations. In contrast to the abrupt facies change at the pre-drowning —drowning boundary, the transition to thepost-drowning phase (lower Toarcian—Aalenian) is gradual. During this phase, biopelmicrites and pure micrites were deposited in all platform sections, followed by the deposition of calcistiltites. The facies point to quiet-water conditions below storm-wave base and display a uniform deep-marine sedimentation. This analysis shows that the drowning of the Jbel Bou Dahar carbonate platform was caused by abrupt and fundamental changes in the shallow-water realm. After exposure of the platform, these changes prevented the carbonate factory from re-establishing itself and made it impossible for the platform to keep up with the subsequent rise in sea level. These local changes were probably triggered by high-frequency sealevel variations in combination with regional or even worldwide changes in ocean circulation patterns.  相似文献   

Diverse tetrapod track assemblages with Scoyenia invertebrate traces were discovered in the Triassic Timezgadiouine and Bigoudine formations of the Argana Basin (Western High Atlas, Morocco). The ichnofossils occur in alluvial plain sandstones and mudstones of the Irohalène Member (T5) and Tadart Ouadou Member (T6) considered Carnian-Norian in age by vertebrate remains and palynomorphs. Tetrapod footprints are assigned to Apatopus, Atreipus-Grallator, Eubrontes isp., Parachirotherium, cf. Parachirotherium postchirotherioides, Rhynchosauroides ispp., and Synaptichnium isp. They can be referred to lepidosauromorph/ archosauromorph, basal archosaur, and dinosauromorph trackmakers. Apatopus, represented by 11 tracks of a more than 4 m long trackway, is recorded for the first time outside of North America and Europe. The assemblage concurs with the proposed Late Triassic age of the track-bearing beds by the occurrence of Apatopus, Atreipus-Grallator, and Eubrontes. If this is accepted, the stratigraphic range of Synaptichnium and Parachirotherium, hitherto known only from Early or Middle Triassic deposits, has to be extended to the Carnian-Norian. The occurrence of Eubrontes in the Irohalene Member (T5) provides further evidence for large theropods in pre-Jurassic strata. All assemblages are referred to the Scoyenia ichnofacies indicating continental environments with alternating wet and dry conditions.  相似文献   

Wetlands are a very important universal heritage; in the Moroccan High Atlas mountains the geomorphology and the slopes evolution determine the existence of the numerous projecting ledges of pozzines on plateaus and oozing. This is particularly the case in Oukaimeden site located at 75 km south of Marrakesh. These wet grasslands have been developed on small surface areas supported by soils water accumulation; and close to the sources and on some banks constitute wetlands of high floristic richness, which makes them very coveted pastures by local populations. These wet pastures are highly sensitive to climatic factors. Recent climatic changes, the anthropic and pastoral pressures and the global environmental changes, affect these zones at the level of their structure (areas, soil characteristics…) and their ecological functions. In the Oukaimeden plateau, the use of aerial photography made it possible to carry out a detailed follow up of the hydraulic adjustments (dam construction in the 1970s) as well as the setting up of new adjustments (tracks, paths, drain channel) on the structure and functioning of these grasslands.  相似文献   

Marine crocodylomorphs were particularly abundant in Europe during the Middle Jurassic, but were very scarce in Africa. New finds of thalattosuchian cranial remains in Morocco suggest that this scarcity is probably related to poor sampling rather than original diversity. These remains pertain to the coastal thalattosuchians, the teleosauroids, and particularly to the clade grouping the blunt‐toothed ‘Steneosaurusobtusidens and the genus Machimosaurus. A new tribe is erected grouping these two taxa: Machimosaurini. Until now the machimosaurins have been known from the middle Callovian. The new material extends the presence of this group further back to the lower Bathonian, nearly 5 myr earlier. The machimosaurins are the only teleosauroid group that has been recently reviewed, and the difference between the revised diversity provided herein and that previously reported is large. A review of other teleosauroids and clear establishment of their phylogenetic relationships are also likely to have considerable impact on their observed diversity. So, until a complete review of the teleosauroids is carried out, the results of crocodylomorph diversity analyses should be treated with caution.  相似文献   

In the Jajarm area (eastern Alborz Mountains, NE Iran) the ?Upper Triassic — Lower Bajocian siliciclastic Shemshak Formation is up to 2000 m thick. Whereas the lower third of the formation is nearly exclusively non-marine, the upper two-thirds are fully marine. The middle part is characterized by several levels containing a relatively diverse and well preserved assemblage of ammonites of the Toarcian to Aalenian stages. Two sections of the ammonite-bearing strata, spaced 20 km, are presented and correlated by means of ammonite biostratigraphy. The ammonite fauna consists of 27 taxa, some of which are recorded for the first time from the Alborz Mountains. The ammonites are briefly described and their palaeobiogeographic context is reviewed. The ammonite fauna of the Shemshak Formation at Jajarm, as elsewhere in North and Central Iran, is exclusively Northwestern Tethyan in character and is closely related to the faunas of Northwestern and Central Europe.  相似文献   

An updated checklist of the mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) recorded in Morocco from 1916 to 2016 is provided, including synonyms and synonymous usage for each species. Forty‐three species belonging to seven genera are recorded so far: Anopheles (9), Aedes (12) Coquillettidia (2), Culex (12), Culiseta (5), Orthopodomyia (1) and Uranotaenia (2). Traditional and equivalent names in the polyphyletic concept of Aedes are provided for the aedine species. The historical importance and current potential threat of mosquitoes to human health in Morocco is reviewed.  相似文献   

This article compliments the S18 session (transmission of traditional ecological knowledge and conservation of medicinal plants) at the 13th International Congress of Ethnobiology (ISE) in Montpellier, France (May 2012). The aim of the article is to provide an insight into the livelihoods of a Berber community, a village of the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco, of the local biodiversity and most importantly, the prevalent use of medicinal plants for primary health care. It seeks to demonstrate the value of traditional ecological and herbal knowledge for the subsistence of the community and emphasises the vital role that family and community connections play for the transmission of traditional herbal knowledge within the community.  相似文献   

Eighteen species of Limoniidae and two species of Pediciidae are recorded for the first time in Morocco, of which 15 species are new to North Africa. An updated checklist of Moroccan short-palped craneflies (Limoniidae and Pediciidae) is appended, containing 73 species in 25 genera.  相似文献   

With an aim of characterising the genetic structure of the Berber population, of the Western High Atlas (Marrakesh), and of locating it compared to the other known populations, a preliminary study of the digital dermatoglyphes relating to a sample of 100 individuals (50 men and 50 women) non related taken at random in the population of the commune of Asni (Wilaya de Marrakesh) was carried out. The frequencies of the digital figures obtained in this population are respectively 50.2% of the ulnar loops, 40.6% of the whorls, 7.7% of the archs and 1.5% of the radial loops. No significant difference between the two sexes has been observed. Compared with other Moroccan populations, while basing, oneself on the relatively frequency of the arch, one raises more resemblance of our population (9.2% among women and 6.2% among the men) to the Arab population of the region of Doukkala (8.85% at the men and 7.2% among women) that with the Berber population of the Middle Atlas (5.26% at the men and 5.63% among women). Compared with other Mediterranean populations, the Berber of the High-Atlas remain among the populations which present a higher arch percentage. The analysis of affinities of the digital figures between the population object, of the study and those of the Mediterranean by the Euclidean distances show that this one presents characteristics which differentiates, it from the other populations. One can not however, that conversely with other Moroccan populations analysed, the one becomes attached more to the group, of populations of south of the Mediterranean (Arab and Berber) than to the group of the north populations of mediterranean area (Spain, France and Italy).  相似文献   

This article compliments the S18 session (transmission of traditional ecological knowledge and conservation of medicinal plants) at the 13th International Congress of Ethnobiology (ISE) in Montpellier, France (May 2012). The aim of the article is to provide an insight into the livelihoods of a Berber community, a village of the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco, of the local biodiversity and most importantly, the prevalent use of medicinal plants for primary health care. It seeks to demonstrate the value of traditional ecological and herbal knowledge for the subsistence of the community and emphasises the vital role that family and community connections play for the transmission of traditional herbal knowledge within the community.  相似文献   

The Early Toarcian is marked by a global perturbation of the carbon cycle and major marine biological changes. These coincide with a general decrease in calcium carbonate production and an increase in organic carbon burial, and culminate in the so-called Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event. It is believed that the environmental crisis was triggered by the activity of the Karoo-Ferrar large igneous province. In order to further document the Early Toarcian palaeoenvironmental perturbations, carbon isotope, total organic matter, calcareous nannofossils and phosphorus content of the Amellago section in the High Atlas rift basin of Morocco were investigated. This section is extremely expanded compared to the well-studied European sections. Its position along the northern margin of the Gondwana continent is of critical importance because it enables an assessment of changes of river nutrient input into the western Tethyan realm. The carbon isotope curve shows two negative excursions of equal thickness and amplitude, at the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary and at the transition from the Polymorphum to the Levisoni Zone. This confirms the supra-regional nature of these shifts and highlights the possible condensation of the first “boundary” shift in European sections. Phosphorus content is used to trace palaeo-nutrient changes and shows that the two negative carbon isotope shifts are associated with increased nutrient levels, confirming that these episodes are related to enhanced continental weathering, probably due to elevated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In the High Atlas Basin, the increase in nutrient levels at the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary is moreover likely to be the main factor responsible for the coeval demise of the Saharan carbonate platform. A middle Toarcian event, centered on the boundary between the Bifrons and Gradata Zones, characterized by a positive carbon isotope excursion and nutrient level rise, is documented in the Amellago section.  相似文献   

A single bedding surface was identified along the roadside close to an important road junction at Tansikht and north of Zagora in southern Morocco. This bedding plane has concomitant interference ripples and distinct horseshoe shaped concave epirelief ichnofossils dispersed across the surface. The sandstone bed belongs to the upper middle Cambrian Azlag Formation. The Azlag Formation occurs above the Bailiella Formation, with its distinctive trilobite fauna, in this section. The traces provide evidence of the ethology of an organism that was inhabiting the shallow waters during this time. Body fossils are rarely preserved in a clastic setting. The traces, assigned to the ichnogenus Selenichnites, and the new ichnospecies, Selenichnites tesiltus, are proposed, identified, diagnosed, described and illustrated herein. Possible tracemakers and behaviors are considered.  相似文献   

Lackner T  Hlaváč P 《ZooKeys》2012,(181):11-21
TheSternocoelis marseulii species group is proposed based on antennal and prosternal characters. Five species are included in the group:Sternocoelis marseulii (Brisout de Barneville, 1866)(Spain), Sternocoelis viaticus Lewis, 1892 (Algeria), Sternocoelis vaucheri Lewis, 1896 (Morocco), Sternocoelis berberus Lackner & Yélamos, 2001 (Morocco)and Sternocoelis yelamosisp. n. (Morocco). The external morphology of Sternocoelis yelamosisp. n. is described and illustrated, the illustrations of genitalia of all species of the group (except for Sternocoelis vaucheri) are provided and a key to the species of the group is given.  相似文献   

A new species, Isolepis namaquana Muasya & J.Viljoen, is described and illustrated. It is known from two localities in Namaqualand: near Kamieskroon and at the foot of the Matsikammaberge, where it grows in ephemeral wetlands. The tufted annual species is diagnosed by floral and fruit characters including glume size, bifid stigma and colliculate nutlet surface ornamentation.  相似文献   

All published records for the 49 species of moth flies known from North Africa are reviewed and discussed: Morocco (27 species), Algeria (33 species), Tunisia (18 species) and Egypt (five species). In addition, records of seven species of Psychodinae new to the fauna of Morocco are added, of which three are new mentions for North Africa (Table (Table1)1) and one is a new record for Egypt. Telmatoscopus squamifer Tonnoir, 1922 is transferred to the genus Iranotelmatoscopus Ježek, 1987, comb. n. Satchelliella reghayana Boumezzough & Vaillant, 1987 is transferred to the genus Pneumia Enderlein, 1935, comb. n. Pneumia aberrans Tonnoir, 1922 is transferred to the subgenus Logima.

Table 1.

Species (in alphabetical order) of Psychodinae known from the North African countries. Libya has been omitted because no information exists in the literature from Libya.
Bazarella atra (Vaillant, 1955)X*X
Berdeniella lucasii (Satchell, 1955)X
Clogmia albipunctata (Williston, 1893)X**XX
Clytocerus kabylicus Wagner, 1987X
Iranotelmatoscopus numidicus (Satchell, 1955)X
Iranotelmatoscopus squamifer (Tonnoir, 1922)X
Lepiseodina tristis (Meigen, 1830)X
Mormia tenebricosa (Vaillant, 1954)X*XX
Mormia riparia (Satchell, 1955)X
Mormia similis Wagner, 1987X
Panimerus goetghebueri (Tonnoir, 1919)XX
Panimerus thienemanni (Vaillant, 1954)XXX
Paramormia ustulata (Walker, 1856)X*XX
Pericoma barbarica Vaillant, 1955X*XX
Pericoma blandula Eaton, 1893XXX
Pericoma diversa Tonnoir, 1920X*
Pericoma exquisita Eaton, 1893XXX
Pericoma granadica Vaillant, 1978X*
Pericoma latina Sarà, 1954X*X
Pericoma maroccana Vaillant, 1955X*
Pericoma modesta Tonnoir, 1922XX
Pericoma pseudexquisita Tonnoir, 1940X***
Philosepedon beaucournui Vaillant, 1974XX
Philosepedon humerale (Meigen, 1818)X**X
Pneumia nubila (Meigen, 1818)X***
Pneumia pilularia (Tonnoir, 1940)XX
Pneumia propinqua (Satchell, 1955)X**X
Pneumia reghayana (Boumezzough & Vaillant, 1986)X
Pneumia toubkalensis (Omelková & Ježek 2012)X*
Psychoda aberrans Tonnoir, 1922X
Psychoda (Falsologima) savaiiensis Edwards, 1928X
Psychoda (Logima) albipennis Zetterstedt, 1850XX
Psychoda (Logima) erminea Eaton, 1893X
Psychoda (Psycha) grisescens Tonnoir, 1922XXX
Psychoda (Psychoda) phalaenoides (Linnaeus, 1758)X
Psychoda (Psychoda) uniformata Haseman, 1907X
Psychoda (Psychodocha) cinerea Banks, 1894X**XX
Psychoda (Psychodocha) gemina (Eaton, 1904)X***
Psychoda (Psychomora) trinodulosa Tonnoir, 1922X
Psychoda (Tinearia) alternata Say, 1824X*XXX**
Psychoda (Tinearia) efflatouni Tonnoir, 1922X
Psychoda (Tinearia) lativentris Berden, 1952X
Telmatoscopus advena (Eaton, 1893)X
Thornburghiella quezeli (Vaillant, 1955)XX
Tonnoiriella atlantica (Satchell, 1953)XX
Tonnoiriella paveli Ježek, 1999X
Tonnoiriella pulchra (Eaton, 1893)XX
Vaillantodes fraudulentus (Eaton, 1896)XX
Vaillantodes malickyi (Wagner, 1987)X
Open in a separate windowX***: new species for North Africa; X**: new species for Morocco or Egypt; X*: new species for the Rif Mountains.  相似文献   

The presence of oocytes in the testes of several males indicates that the redbanded perch Ellerkeldia huntii exhibits protogynous hermaphroditism. All males appear to be secondary in origin; however the structure of the testes differ from most other protogynous serranids. In samples collected from the Poor Knights Is., New Zealand, males outnumbered females 2.7: 1 ( n = 52). The numbers in each sex were equal until a length of 100–110 mm, after which the male proportion increased to 100%. The oldest female was aged 2+ years, whereas males were found as old as 5+ years. There were no colour differences associated with sex. The mean testes weight was only 7% of the mean ovary weight. Both sexes grew at the same rate. Observations during December indicated that although many individuals were solitary, some were paired. The larger individuals of pairs were males, the smaller females. Individuals foraged in the algal canopy on gammarid amphipods and mysid shrimps. The average range of movements was only 2·2 m2.  相似文献   

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