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Control of DNA replication initiation is essential for cell growth. A unifying characteristic of DNA replication initiator proteins is their distinctive AAA+ nucleotide‐binding domains. The bacterial initiator DnaA assembles into a right‐handed helical oligomer built upon interactions between neighbouring AAA+ domains to form an active initiation complex. Recently we developed a unique cross‐linking assay that specifically detects ATP‐dependent DnaA helix assembly. Here we have utilized this assay to show that two DnaA regulatory proteins in Bacillus subtilis, YabA and DnaD, inhibit DnaA helix formation. These results, in combination with our previous finding that the regulatory factor Soj/ParA also targets DnaA filament formation, highlight the critical importance of regulating DnaA helix formation during the initiation reaction. Moreover, these observations lead us to suggest that DnaA oligomerization may be the main regulatory step of the initiator assembly pathway in B. subtilis, in contrast to the prevailing model of bacterial DNA replication based on Escherichia coli DnaA where ATP binding appears to be the targeted activity.  相似文献   

Glycoconjugate Journal - The severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection displays a wide array of clinical manifestations. Although some risk factors for...  相似文献   

A key regulatory step for serine proteases of the trypsin clan is activation of the initially secreted zymogens, leading to an increase in activity by orders of magnitude. Zymogen activation occurs by cleavage of a single peptide bond near the N-terminus of the catalytic domain. Besides the catalytic domain, most serine proteases have N-terminal A-chains with independently folded domains. Little is known about how zymogen activation affects the interplay between domains. This question is investigated with urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), which has an epidermal growth factor domain and a kringle domain, connected to the catalytic domain by a 15-residue linker. uPA has been implicated under several pathological conditions, and one possibility for pharmacological control is targeting the conversion of the zymogen pro-uPA to active uPA. Therefore, a small-angle X-ray scattering study of the conformations of pro-uPA and uPA in solution was performed. Structural models for the proteins were derived using available atomic-resolution structures for the various domains. Active uPA was found to be flexible with a random conformation of the amino-terminal fragment domain with respect to the serine protease domain. In contrast, pro-uPA was observed to be rigid, with the amino-terminal fragment domain in a fixed position with respect to the serine protease domain. Analytical ultracentrifugation analysis supported the observed difference between pro-uPA and uPA in overall shape and size seen with small-angle X-ray scattering. Upon association of either of two monoclonal Fab (fragment antigen-binding) fragments that are directed against the catalytic domain of, respectively, pro-uPA and uPA, rigid structures were formed.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria is a continual threat to human health, often residing in extrachromosomal plasmid DNA. Plasmids of the pT181 family are widespread and confer various antibiotic resistances to Staphylococcus aureus. They replicate via a rolling circle mechanism that requires a multi-functional, plasmid-encoded replication protein to initiate replication, recruit a helicase to the site of initiation and terminate replication after DNA synthesis is complete. We present the first atomic resolution structures of three such replication proteins that reveal distinct, functionally relevant conformations. The proteins possess a unique active site and have been shown to contain a catalytically essential metal ion that is bound in a manner distinct from that of any other rolling circle replication proteins. These structures are the first examples of the Rep_trans Pfam family providing insights into the replication of numerous antibiotic resistance plasmids from Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative phage and the mobilisation of DNA by conjugative transposons.  相似文献   

The authors have developed a cellular analysis platform, based on encoded microcarriers, that enables the multiplexed analysis of a diverse range of cellular assays. At the core of this technology are classes of microcarriers that have unique, identifiable codes that are deciphered using CCD-based imaging and subsequent image analysis. The platform is compatible with a wide variety of cellular imaging-based assays, including calcium flux, reporter gene activation, cytotoxicity, and proliferation. In addition, the platform is compatible with both colorimetric and fluorescent readouts. Notably, this technology has the unique ability to multiplex different cell lines in a single microplate well, enabling scientists to perform assays and data analysis in novel ways.  相似文献   

Multiprotein complexes mediate static and dynamic functions to establish and maintain cell polarity in both epithelial cells and neurons. Membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) proteins are thought to be scaffolding molecules in these processes and bind multiple proteins via their obligate postsynaptic density (PSD)-95/Disc Large/Zona Occludens-1, Src homology 3, and guanylate kinase-like domains. Subsets of MAGUK proteins have additional protein-protein interaction domains. An additional domain we identified in SAP97 called the MAGUK recruitment (MRE) domain binds the LIN-2,7 amino-terminal (L27N) domain of mLIN-2/CASK, a MAGUK known to bind mLIN-7. Here we show that SAP97 binds two other mLIN-7 binding MAGUK proteins. One of these MAGUK proteins, DLG3, coimmunoprecipitates with SAP97 in lysates from rat brain and transfected Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. This interaction requires the MRE domain of SAP97 and surprisingly, both the L27N and L27 carboxyl-terminal (L27C) domains of DLG3. We also demonstrate that SAP97 can interact with the MAGUK protein, DLG2, but not the highly related protein, PALS2. The ability of SAP97 to interact with multiple MAGUK proteins is likely to be important for the targeting of specific protein complexes in polarized cells.  相似文献   

By using an original two-step technique (trioxsalen crosslinking/immunoprecipitation) we were able to isolate in a single-stranded form a fraction of mouse DNA enriched in putative Replication Initiation Sequences (RIS). The isolated and purified single-strand fragments were made double-stranded in vitro and were cloned in pUC12 to prepare a confined RIS library. 30 randomly selected RIS inserts were subjected to gel mobility shift assay using nuclear extracts either from dividing, or from quiescent mouse cells. Twelve out of the 30 RIS fragments showed specific binding to proteins present in nuclear extract from dividing cells, while none were retarded by extracts from quiescent cells. RIS12, RIS18 and RIS30 were sequenced and it was found that they were A+T rich and contained different regulatory elements. By using a two step procedure (Heparin-sepharose chromatography/DNA affinity chromatography) we isolated the protein factor that specifically binds to RIS12. It appeared as a double band with apparent molecular masses of 63 and 65 kD.  相似文献   

The Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) is a membrane protein, which catalyzes the counter transport of Na(+) and Ca(2+) ions across the plasma membrane, playing a key role in the maintenance of the intracellular Ca(2+) homeostasis in various cell types. NCX consists of a transmembrane part and a large intracellular loop. The activation of the NCX transport function requires the binding of Ca(2+) to two tandem C2 domains, CBD1 and CBD2, which are an integral part of the exchanger's intracellular loop. Although high-resolution structures of individual CBD1 and CBD2 are available, their interdomain structure and dynamics and the atomic level mechanism of allosteric Ca(2+)-regulation remains unknown. Here, we use solution NMR spectroscopy to study the interdomain dynamics of CBD12, a 32 kDa construct that contains both the CBD1 and CBD2 domains connected by a short linker. Analysis of NMR residual dipolar couplings shows that CBD12 assumes on average an elongated shape both in the absence and in the presence of Ca(2+). NMR (15)N relaxation data of the Apo state indicate that the two domains sample a wide range of relative arrangements on the nanosecond time scale. These arrangements comprise significantly non-linear interdomain orientations. Binding of Ca(2+) to CBD1 significantly restricts the interdomain flexibility, stabilizing a more rigid elongated conformation. These findings suggest a molecular mechanism for the role of CBD12 in the function of NCX.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli endonuclease VIII (Nei) excises oxidized pyrimidines from DNA. It shares significant sequence homology and similar mechanism with Fpg, a bacterial 8-oxoguanine glycosylase. The structure of a covalent Nei-DNA complex has been recently determined, revealing critical amino acid residues which are important for DNA binding and catalysis. Several Fpg structures have also been reported; however, analysis of structural dynamics of Fpg/Nei family proteins has been hindered by the lack of structures of uncomplexed and DNA-bound enzymes from the same source. We report a 2.8 A resolution structure of free wild-type Nei and two structures of its inactive mutants, Nei-E2A (2.3 A) and Nei-R252A (2.05 A). All three structures are virtually identical, demonstrating that the mutations did not affect the overall conformation of the protein in its free state. The structures show a significant conformational change compared with the Nei structure in its complex with DNA, reflecting a approximately 50 degrees rotation of the two main domains of the enzyme. Such interdomain flexibility has not been reported previously for any DNA glycosylase and may present the first evidence for a global DNA-induced conformational change in this class of enzymes. Several local but functionally relevant structural changes are also evident in other parts of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Replication protein A (RPA) is a heterotrimeric, multi-functional protein that binds single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and is essential for eukaryotic DNA metabolism. Using heteronuclear NMR methods we have investigated the domain interactions and ssDNA binding of a fragment from the 70 kDa subunit of human RPA (hRPA70). This fragment contains an N-terminal domain (NTD), which is important for hRPA70–protein interactions, connected to a ssDNA-binding domain (SSB1) by a flexible linker (hRPA701–326). Correlation analysis of the amide 1H and 15N chemical shifts was used to compare the structure of the NTD and SSB1 in hRPA701–326 with two smaller fragments that corresponded to the individual domains. High correlation coefficients verified that the NTD and SSB1 maintained their structures in hRPA701–326, indicating weak interdomain coupling. Weak interdomain coupling was also suggested by a comparison of the transverse relaxation rates for hRPA701–326 and one of the smaller hRPA70 fragments containing the NTD and the flexible linker (hRPA701–168). We also examined the structure of hRPA701–326 after addition of three different ssDNA substrates. Each of these substrates induced specific amide 1H and/or 15N chemical shift changes in both the NTD and SSB1. The NTD and SSB1 have similar topologies, leading to the possibility that ssDNA binding induced the chemical shift changes observed for the NTD. To test this hypothesis we monitored the amide 1H and 15N chemical shift changes of hRPA701–168 after addition of ssDNA. The same amide 1H and 15N chemical shift changes were observed for the NTD in hRPA701–168 and hRPA701–326. The NTD residues with the largest amide 1H and/or 15N chemical shift changes were localized to a basic cleft that is important for hRPA70–protein interactions. Based on this relationship, and other available data, we propose a model where binding between the NTD and ssDNA interferes with hRPA70–protein interactions.  相似文献   

Papillomaviral infection causes both benign and malignant lesions and is a necessary cause of cervical carcinoma. Replication of this virus requires the replication initiation proteins E1 and E2, which bind cooperatively at the origin of replication (ori) as an (E1)2-(E2)2-DNA complex. This is a precursor to larger E1 complexes that distort and unwind the ori. We present the crystal structure of the E1 DNA binding domain refined to 1.9 A resolution. Residues critical for DNA binding are located on an extended loop and an alpha helix. We identify the E1 dimerization surface by selective mutations at an E1/E1 interface observed in the crystal and propose a model for the (E1)2-DNA complex. These and other observations suggest how the E1 DNA binding domain orchestrates assembly of the hexameric helicase on the ori.  相似文献   

Summary N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NG) induces certain classes of multiple mutations in yeast at high frequency. By selecting for mutation at one locus (his4 or leu1) one frequently obtains double mutants where another mutation to temperature sensitivity has also been induced. This multiple mutagenesis exhibits a considerable specificity: for mutation at one particular locus there is a high chance that another mutation will be found in the same cell at one of a restricted number of other loci. For any given locus (e.g. his4) there is a spectrum of sites at which temperature-sensitivity mutations are coinduced. This spectrum differs for different loci, such that the spectrum of sites co-mutating with leul differs completely from that for sites co-mutating with his4. This NG-induced co-mutation is interpreted in terms of NG acting to enhance mutagenesis at sites of simultaneous DNA replication within the cell. The results so obtained indicate a very strict control over the order and timing of gene replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and it is suggested that it is now possible to use NG double mutagenesis to try and locate origins of replication in yeast.  相似文献   

The Potato II (Pot II) family of proteinase inhibitors plays important roles in the constitutive and inducible defense of plants against predation by a wide range of pests. The structural basis of inhibition by a multidomain Pot II family inhibitor was revealed recently by the structure of the ternary complex between the two-headed tomato inhibitor-II (TI-II) and two molecules of subtilisin Carlsberg. Here we report the 2.15-A resolution crystal structure of the unbound form of TI-II that reveals significant conformational flexibility in the absence of bound proteinase molecules. The four independent copies of unbound TI-II in the asymmetric unit of the unit cell display a range of different conformations when compared with the bound form of the inhibitor, most strikingly in the orientations of the inhibitory domains and in the conformations of the reactive site loops. One of the two linker segments (residues 74 to 79) between the two domains as well as the adjacent beta-strand in Domain I (residues 80-85) is well ordered in all four copies of the unbound inhibitor, even though this region appeared to be disordered in the structure of the ternary complex. Conformational flexibility seen in the reactive site loops of unbound TI-II suggests a mechanism by which the inhibitor can balance the need for tight binding with the need for broad inhibitory function.  相似文献   

DNA replication must be tightly controlled during each cell cycle to prevent unscheduled replication and ensure proper genome maintenance. The currently known controls that prevent re-replication act redundantly to inhibit pre-replicative complex (pre-RC) assembly outside of the G1-phase of the cell cycle. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been a useful model organism to study how eukaryotic cells prevent replication origins from reinitiating during a single cell cycle. Using a re-replication-sensitive strain and DNA microarrays, we map sites across the S. cerevisiae genome that are re-replicated as well as sites of pre-RC formation during re-replication. Only a fraction of the genome is re-replicated by a subset of origins, some of which are capable of multiple reinitiation events. Translocation experiments demonstrate that origin-proximal sequences are sufficient to predispose an origin to re-replication. Origins that reinitiate are largely limited to those that can recruit Mcm2-7 under re-replicating conditions; however, the formation of a pre-RC is not sufficient for reinitiation. Our findings allow us to categorize origins with respect to their propensity to reinitiate and demonstrate that pre-RC formation is not the only target for the mechanisms that prevent genomic re-replication.  相似文献   

SV40 origin auxiliary sequence 1 (aux-1) encompasses T-antigen (T-ag) binding site I and facilitates origin core (ori-core) activity in whole cells or cell extracts. Aux-1 activity depended completely upon its sequence, orientation and spacing relative to ori-core. Aux-1 activity was lost either by inserting 10 base pairs between aux-1 and ori-core or by placing either orientation of aux-1 on the opposite side of ori-core. Reversing the orientation of aux-1 in its normal position actually inhibited replication. Easily unwound DNA sequences that stimulate yeast or E. coli origins of replication could not replace aux-1. Aux-1 did not affect bidirectional replication. Replication remained bidirectional even when aux-1 was inactivated, and deletion of aux-1 did not affect selection of RNA-primed DNA synthesis initiation sites in the origin region: the transition from discontinuous to continuous DNA synthesis that marks the origin of bidirectional replication occurred at the same nucleotide locations in both wild-type and aux-1 deleted origins. These results support a model for initiation of SV40 DNA replication in which T-ag binding to aux-1 (T-ag binding site I) facilitates the efficiency with which T-ag initiates replication at ori-core (T-ag binding site II) without affecting the mechanism by which initiation of DNA replication occurs.  相似文献   

Proteins ensure their biological functions by interacting with each other. Hence, characterising protein interactions is fundamental for our understanding of the cellular machinery, and for improving medicine and bioengineering. Over the past years, a large body of experimental data has been accumulated on who interacts with whom and in what manner. However, these data are highly heterogeneous and sometimes contradictory, noisy, and biased. Ab initio methods provide a means to a “blind” protein-protein interaction network reconstruction. Here, we report on a molecular cross-docking-based approach for the identification of protein partners. The docking algorithm uses a coarse-grained representation of the protein structures and treats them as rigid bodies. We applied the approach to a few hundred of proteins, in the unbound conformations, and we systematically investigated the influence of several key ingredients, such as the size and quality of the interfaces, and the scoring function. We achieved some significant improvement compared to previous works, and a very high discriminative power on some specific functional classes. We provide a readout of the contributions of shape and physico-chemical complementarity, interface matching, and specificity, in the predictions. In addition, we assessed the ability of the approach to account for protein surface multiple usages, and we compared it with a sequence-based deep learning method. This work may contribute to guiding the exploitation of the large amounts of protein structural models now available toward the discovery of unexpected partners and their complex structure characterisation.  相似文献   

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