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The truce between honey bee (Apis spp.) workers over reproduction is broken in the absence of their queen. Queenright workers generally abstain from personal reproduction, raising only the queen’s offspring. Queenless workers activate their ovaries, produce eggs, and reduce the rate at which they destroy worker-laid eggs, so that some eggs are reared to maturity. Reduced policing of worker-laid eggs renders queenless nests vulnerable to worker reproductive parasitism (WRP), and may result in the colony raising eggs of unrelated (non-natal) workers that parasitize it. Queenless colonies of A. florea are heavily parasitized with the eggs of non-natal workers. However, queenless colonies often abscond upon disturbance and build a small comb in which to rear their own male offspring. We investigated three naturally occurring orphaned colonies to determine if they are also parasitized. We show that WRP is present in orphaned colonies, and non-natal workers have significantly higher rates of ovary activation than natal workers. In contrast to experimentally manipulated colonies, in our samples, natal and non-natal workers had statistically equal reproductive success, but this may have been due to the small number of non-natals present.  相似文献   

Abstract The single locus complementary sex determination (sl‐csd) gene is the primary gene determining the gender of honey bees (Apis spp.). While the csd gene has been well studied in the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera), and comparable data exist in both the Eastern honey bee (Apis cerana) and the giant honey bee (Apis dorsata), no studies have been conducted in the red dwarf honey bee, Apis florea. In this study we cloned the genomic region 3 of the A. florea csd gene from 60 workers, and identified 12 csd alleles. Analysis showed that similar to A. mellifera, region 3 of the csd gene contains a RS domain at the N terminal, a proline‐rich domain at the C terminal, and a hypervariable region in the middle. However, the A. florea csd gene possessed a much higher level of nucleotide diversity, compared to A. mellifera, A. cerana and Apis dorsata. We also show that similar to the other three Apis species, in A. florea, nonsynonymous mutations in the csd gene are selectively favored in young alleles.  相似文献   

The dwarf honeybee, Apis florae, is an open nesting honeybee typical to Southern Asia. In the past decades it has been accidentally introduced by man to East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula where the species established sustainable and expanding populations. Recently it has also been introduced to Aqaba and Eilat, where it has also established expanding populations. We here study the genetic structure of this invasive population with nine microsatellite DNA markers to reconstruct the invasion history. The population shows indications of an extreme bottleneck suggesting that it established itself very recently and may have originated from a single introduced colony only. The impact of the species for both apiculture and conservation of biodiversity is discussed.  相似文献   

Hox genes are known to control the identity of serially repeated structures in arthropods and vertebrates. We analyzed the expression pattern of the Hox genes Deformed (Dfd), Sex combs reduced (Scr), Antennapedia (Antp), and Ultrabithorax/abdominal-A (Ubx/abd-A) from the honey bee Apis mellifera. We also cloned a cDNA with the complete coding region of the Antennapedia gene from Apis. Comparison with Antp proteins from other insect species revealed several regions of homology. The expression patterns of the isolated Hox genes from Apis showed that the original expression patterns of Dfd, Scr, and Antp appear between late blastoderm and early germ band stage in a temporal and spatial sequence. Each of them shows up as a belt, spanning approximately two segment anlagen, Dfd in the anterior gnathal region, Scr in the posterior gnathal and anterior thoracic region, and Antp in the thoracic region. Following expansion of the Antp domain in the abdomen as a gradient towards the posterior, Ubx/abd-A expression appears laterally in the abdomen. During gastrulation and in the germ band stage the domains of strong expression do not overlap any more, but touch each other. After gastrulation the borders of the expression domains partly correlate with parasegment and partly with segment boundaries. Laterally, gaps between the domain of each gene may show no expression of any of the genes examined. Received: 30 August 1999 / Accepted: 28 April 2000  相似文献   

Abstract:   Based on identification of collected pollen, in the area of North Khartoum, 21 plant genera (ca. 21 spp.) proved to be the main pollen sources for the honey bee Apis mellifera sudanensis . The imported dwarf honey bee Apis florea exploited 11 of these. The main pollen flow in the study area occurred between early December and late March. This is reflected by the amount of pollen collected by colonies of A. mellifera sudanensis . In spite of observations conducted soon after the introduction of A. florea , which gave hints of competition between the two bee species, further studies showed that A. mellifera sudanensis and A. florea do seem to coexist. This coexistence is based on different daily rhythms of pollen collection. A. mellifera collected pollen of Acacia seyal , date palm, and onions early in the morning (and partly in the late afternoon), while A. florea started pollen collection mostly later in the morning and ended it earlier in the afternoon. But in contrast to A. mellifera, A. florea was collecting pollen all day without interruption, even at very high air temperatures. Niche overlap (concerning the times of visits to flowers) between the two bee species was very low in date palms, and of medium importance in Acacia seyal . But it is remarkable that in total, A. florea is always present in higher numbers than A. mellifera sudanensis , on flowers. The significance of the introduction of A. florea to Sudan for pollination is discussed.  相似文献   

Thomas D. Seeley 《Oecologia》1978,32(1):109-118
Summary The feral honey bee queens (colonies) of central New York State (USA) show a K-type life history strategy. Their demographic characteristics include low early life mortality, low reproductive rate, long lifespan, high population stability and repeated reproductions. Identifying the life history strategy of these bees reveals the general pattern of selection for competitive ability, rather than productivity, which has shaped their societies. Selection for competitive power explains the adaptiveness (compared with alternatives found in many other insect societies) of the large perennial colonies, infrequent but expensive offspring, and efficient foraging which characterize the social organization of these bees.  相似文献   

The dwarf honey bees Apis florea and A. andreniformis are sympatric in southeast Asia. We translocated eight A. florea colonies and four A. andreniformis colonies to an orchard near Sai Yoke, Thailand. After 2 days, we dequeened half of the colonies. Microsatellite genotyping showed that a queenless A. florea colony merged with a queenright A. florea colony, and a queenless A. andreniformis colony merged with a queenright A. florea colony. The inter-specific merger in particular shows that colonies can combine without direct kin benefits, and that colony mergers probably arise through strong queen attraction.  相似文献   

Simulation studies of the task threshold model for task allocation in social insect colonies suggest that nest temperature homeostasis is enhanced if workers have slightly different thresholds for engaging in tasks related to nest thermoregulation. Genetic variance in task thresholds is one way a distribution of task thresholds can be generated. Apis mellifera colonies with large genetic diversity are able to maintain more stable brood nest temperatures than colonies that are genetically uniform. If this phenomenon is generalizable to other species, we would predict that patrilines should vary in the threshold in which they engage in thermoregulatory tasks. We exposed A. florea colonies to different temperatures experimentally, and retrieved fanning workers at these different temperatures. In many cases we found statistically significant differences in the proportion of fanning workers of different patrilines at different experimental temperatures. This suggests that genetically different workers have different thresholds for performing the thermoregulatory task of fanning. We suggest, therefore, that genetically based variance in task threshold is a widespread phenomenon in the genus Apis.  相似文献   

Variability of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the honey bee Apis mellifera L. has been investigated by restriction and sequence analyses on a sample of 68 colonies from ten different subspecies. The 19 mtDNA types detected are clustered in three major phylogenetic lineages. These clades correspond well to three groups of populations with distinct geographical distributions: branch A for African subspecies (intermissa, monticola, scutellata, andansonii and capensis), branch C for North Mediterranean subspecies (caucasica, carnica and ligustica) and branch M for the West European populations (mellifera subspecies). These results partially confirm previous hypotheses based on morphometrical and allozymic studies, the main difference concerning North African populations, now assigned to branch A instead of branch M. The pattern of spatial structuring suggests the Middle East as the centre of dispersion of the species, in accordance with the geographic areas of the other species of the same genus. Based on a conservative 2% divergence rate per Myr, the separation of the three branches has been dated at about 1 Myr BP.  相似文献   

Stinging behavior has been extensively studied in honey bees at the level of the individual, that is, in terms of stimuli that release stinging in adult bees, and in terms of integration of individual behavior into colony defense. Yet very little is known about the physiological basis for this behavior. Using an isolated abdominal preparation factors that influence peripheral control of the sting extension response are analyzed. Results show that:
1.  Electromyogram activity released by severing the ventral nerve cord changed during the first few days of adult life but not later. Abdomens from older bees (nurses, guards, foragers) showed significantly higher EMG activity than newly emerged or 24 h-old bees.
2.  The reflex matured over 5–7 days after emergence as an adult.
3.  Younger bees (24h) had a lower threshold for initiating sting extension than older bees. However, the threshold for initiating the full sting response, i.e., extension and venom pumping, did not differ due to age.
4.  Caste status was not correlated to any of the parameters of sting extension, indicating that any effect of caste on stinging behavior must arise in more anterior ganglia and/or in the brain.

The directional information encoded in the waggle dances of absconding colonies of Apis florea shows how different sites are advertised during decision-making. Colonies of A. florea were observed from the inception of absconding until the swarm settled at a new nest site. The number of waggle dancers at the beginning of the absconding sequence was low, gradually increased and then declined shortly before liftoff. During the last 2 to 0.5?h before liftoff, the dances still indicated different directions. This significantly decreased in the last 0.5?h until only one or two dance directions were being advertised. All colonies reached a near consensus in the last 20 dances before liftoff. The swarm flight path is meandering so the actual distance flown is about twice that indicated by the dances. During the last 3?min the waggle dance in most colonies showed nest target angles that were closely clustered indicating that the final directions advertised were close to the chosen target site. In all absconding/migratory species of honeybees thus far studied, there is a special dance associated with absconding that appears not to select specific destinations but rather a particular direction in search of a new nesting area.  相似文献   

Summary Intra-colony demography and life history characteristics of neotropical Africanized and temperate European honey bearaces were compared under simulated feral conditions. Major differences in colony demography were found which nevertheless resulted in some similar reproductive characteristics. European colonies were larger than Africanized colonies, had more rapid initral growth rates of worker populations, showed better survivorship of brood and adult workers, and differed in patterns of worker age distribution. However, both races were similar in the brood and adult populations when colonies swarmed, the frequency and timing of swarming, and the number of workers in prime swarms. The factors most important in determining these colony growth and reproductive patterns were likely worker mortality rates, climate, and resource availability.  相似文献   

Although the common descent of all life has been widely accepted since Darwin's time, new research occasionally provides us with arresting reminders of the unity of evolutionary history. Recent papers by Arendt et al. and Panda et al. provide one such reminder. They illustrate that the two classes of animal photoreceptors, ciliary and rhabdomeric photoreceptors, are likely to share an ancient common ancestor and have been evolving in parallel since their duplication over 600 million years ago.  相似文献   

Asexual reproduction via thelytokous parthenogenesis is widespread in the Hymenoptera, but its genetic underpinnings have been described only twice. In the wasp Lysiphlebus fabarum and the Cape honey bee Apis mellifera capensis the origin of thelytoky have each been traced to a single recessive locus. In the Cape honey bee it has been argued that thelytoky (th) controls the thelytoky phenotype and that a deletion of 9 bp in the flanking intron downstream of exon 5 (tae) of the gemini gene switches parthenogenesis from arrhenotoky to thelytoky. To further explore the mode of inheritance of thelytoky, we generated reciprocal backcrosses between thelytokous A. m. capensis and the arrhenotokous A. m. scutellata. Ten genetic markers were used to identify 108 thelytokously produced offspring and 225 arrhenotokously produced offspring from 14 colonies. Patterns of appearance of thelytokous parthenogenesis were inconsistent with a single locus, either th or tae, controlling thelytoky. We further show that the 9 bp deletion is present in the arrhenotokous A. m. scutellata population in South Africa, in A. m. intermissa in Morocco and in Africanized bees from Brazil and Texas, USA, where thelytoky has not been reported. Thus the 9 bp deletion cannot be the cause of thelytoky. Further, we found two novel tae alleles. One contains the previously described 9 bp deletion and an additional deletion of 7 bp nearby. The second carries a single base insertion with respect to the wild type. Our data are consistent with the putative th locus increasing reproductive capacity.  相似文献   

Queenless honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies are often characterized by the presence of multiple eggs in brood cells. This is surprising because only one egg can be reared to maturity per cell. Moreover, worker honey bees cannot produce many eggs per day. There are several reasons that could explain the presence of multiple eggs in single cells: a) workers cannot control how many eggs they release; in this case we would expect all eggs to be from the same mother; b) excess eggs could be provided as food for the first larva to hatch in the absence of adequate brood care and this would again result in all eggs in one cell sharing the same mother; c) the number of cells available for oviposition may be limiting, obliging workers to lay eggs in cells that already contain eggs, resulting in eggs of mixed maternity. Here we show that the majority of brood cells in queenless colonies contain eggs from multiple mothers. Therefore our results suggest that the presence of multiple eggs in brood cells arises from a limitation on the number of suitable cells available for oviposition. Received 29 September 2008; revised 21 November 2008; accepted 24 November 2008.  相似文献   

为了小蜜蜂Apis florea资源的利用和保护,本论文对其饲养方法及生物学特性进行了研究。在云南省蒙自市,收集野生小蜜蜂8群,对其筑巢、蜂蜜生产、蜂群越冬等饲养方法进行研究,观察并记录饲养过程中蜂群生物学特性。辅助蜂群筑巢过程中,支撑巢脾的树枝距离地面高度在0.6-1.0 m,蜂群较稳定,不易弃巢;利用"巢脾分区切割"的方法生产蜂蜜可以提高产量,减少蜂群分蜂次数;模拟野外筑巢环境,用塑料框和稻草包装,置于日光室的网室内,可有效辅助蜂群越冬。通过对小蜜蜂饲养方法的探索,明确了云南地区小蜜蜂饲养过程中的筑巢高度及科学合理的蜂蜜生产、蜂群越冬方法,为深入研究该种传粉蜂资源的利用与保护提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

Methods for collection and microbiological examination of feces of larval honey bees, Apis mellifera, are described. Feces collected on sterile agar were inoculated onto selective media, some of which were acidified to approximate more closely the pH of larval food and the larval gut. A total of 104 microbial isolates were obtained from fecal collections of 20 larvae, although the feces of 4 of these larvae contained no detectable microbes. Microorganisms isolated in order of frequency were Bacillus spp., Gram-variable pleomorphic bacteria (Achromobacter eurydice?), molds (primarily Penicillia), actinomycetes, Gram-negative bacterial rods, and yeasts. It appears that larvae can become inoculated with microorganisms which are found in adult bees and pollen from ingestion of contaminated food. However, evidence for a constant symbiotic microflora which could contribute significant amounts of biochemicals to larvae is lacking.  相似文献   

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