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Human thymidine phosphorylase (HTP), also known as platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor (PD-ECGF), is overexpressed in certain solid tumors where it is linked to poor prognosis. HTP expression is utilized for certain chemotherapeutic strategies and is also thought to play a role in tumor angiogenesis. We determined the structure of HTP bound to the small molecule inhibitor 5-chloro-6-[1-(2-iminopyrrolidinyl) methyl] uracil hydrochloride (TPI). The inhibitor appears to mimic the substrate transition state, which may help explain the potency of this inhibitor and the catalytic mechanism of pyrimidine nucleotide phosphorylases (PYNPs). Further, we have confirmed the validity of the HTP structure as a template for structure-based drug design by predicting binding affinities for TPI and other known HTP inhibitors using in silico docking techniques. This work provides the first structural insight into the binding mode of any inhibitor to this important drug target and forms the basis for designing novel inhibitors for use in anticancer therapy.  相似文献   

Malaria parasite UIS3 (up-regulated in infective sporozoites gene 3) is essential for sporozoite development in infected hepatocytes. UIS3 encodes for a membrane protein that is localized to the parasite parasitophorous vacuolar membrane in infected hepatocytes. We describe here 2.5-A resolution crystal structure of Plasmodium falciparum UIS3 soluble domain (PfUIS3(130-229)) in complex with the lipid phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). PfUIS3(130-229) is a novel, compact, and all alpha-helical structure bound to one molecule of PE. The PfUIS3(130-229)-PE complex structure reveals a novel binding site with specific interactions between PfUIS3(130-229) and the PE head group. One acyl chain of PE wraps around part of PfUIS3(130-229) and docks onto a hydrophobic channel. We additionally provide new structural and biochemical evidence of PfUIS3(130-229) interactions with lipids (phosphatidylethanolamine), with phospholipid liposomes, and with the human liver fatty acid-binding protein. The direct interaction of PfUIS3(130-229) with liver fatty acid-binding protein most likely provides the parasite with a conduit for importing essential fatty acids/lipids. Therefore, our analyses have implications for lipid transport into the parasite during the rapid growth phases of sporozoites. Given that PfUIS3 is essential for establishment of liver stage infection by P. falciparum, our data provide a new target for abrogating parasite development within liver cells before typical symptoms of malaria can manifest.  相似文献   

The p21-activated kinases (PAKs) are important effector proteins of the small GTPases Cdc42 and Rac and control cytoskeletal rearrangements and cell proliferation. The direct interaction of PAKs with guanine nucleotide exchange factors from the PIX/Cool family, which is responsible for the localization of PAK kinases to focal complexes in the cell, is mediated by a 24-residue peptide segment in PAKs and an N-terminal src homology 3 (SH3) domain in PIX/Cool. The SH3-binding segment of PAK contains the atypical consensus-binding motif PxxxPR, which is required for unusually high affinity binding. In order to understand the structural basis for the high affinity and specificity of the PIX-PAK interaction, we solved crystal structures for the N-terminal SH3 domain of betaPIX and for the complex of the atypical binding segment of PAK2 with the N-terminal SH3 domain of betaPIX at 0.92 A and 1.3A resolution, respectively. The asymmetric unit of the crystal contains two SH3 domains and two peptide ligands. The bound peptide adopts a conformation that allows for intimate contacts with three grooves on the surface of the SH3 domain that lie between the n-Src and RT-loops. Most notably, the arginine residue of the PxxxPR motif forms a salt-bridge and is tightly coordinated by a number of residues in the SH3 domain. This arginine-specific interaction appears to be the key determinant for the high affinity binding of PAK peptides. Furthermore, C-terminal residues of the peptide engage in additional interactions with the surface of the RT-loop, which significantly increases binding specificity. Compared to a recent NMR structure of a similar complex, our crystal structure reveals an alternate binding mode. Finally, we compare our crystal structure with the recently published betaPIX/Cbl-b complex structure, and suggest the existence of a molecular switch.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of IRF-3 in complex with CBP   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The pathogenic bacteria Yersinia are causative agents in human diseases ranging from gastrointestinal syndromes to bubonic plague. There is increasing risk of misuse of infectious agents, such as Yersinia pestis, as weapons of terror as well as instruments of warfare for mass destruction. Because the phosphatase activity of the Yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatase, YopH, is essential for virulence in the Yersinia pathogen, potent and selective YopH inhibitors are expected to serve as novel anti-plague agents. We have identified a specific YopH small molecule inhibitor, p-nitrocatechol sulfate (pNCS), which exhibits a Ki value of 25 microM for YopH and displays a 13-60-fold selectivity in favor of YopH against a panel of mammalian PTPs. To facilitate the understanding of the underlying molecular basis for tight binding and specificity, we have determined the crystal structure of YopH in complex with pNCS at a 2.0-A resolution. The structural data are corroborated by results from kinetic analyses of the interactions of YopH and its site-directed mutants with pNCS. The results show that while the interactions of the sulfuryl moiety and the phenyl ring with the YopH active site contribute to pNCS binding affinity, additional interactions of the hydroxyl and nitro groups in pNCS with Asp-356, Gln-357, Arg-404, and Gln-446 are responsible for the increased potency and selectivity. In particular, we note that residues Arg-404, Glu-290, Asp-356, and a bound water (WAT185) participate in a unique H-bonding network with the hydroxyl group ortho to the sulfuryl moiety, which may be exploited to design more potent and specific YopH inhibitors.  相似文献   

MDM2 is a regulator of cell growth processes that acts by binding to the tumor suppressor protein p53 and ultimately restraining its activity. While inactivation of p53 by mutation is commonly observed in human cancers, a substantial percentage of tumors express wild type p53. In many of these cases, MDM2 is overexpressed, and it is believed that suppression of MDM2 activity could yield therapeutic benefits. Therefore, we have been focusing on the p53-MDM2 interaction as the basis of a drug discovery program and have been able to develop a series of small molecule inhibitors. We herein report a high resolution NMR structure of a complex between the p53-binding domain of MDM2 and one of these inhibitors. The form of MDM2 utilized was an engineered hybrid between the human and Xenopus sequences, which provided a favorable combination of relevancy and stability. The inhibitor is found to bind in the same site as does a highly potent peptide fragment of p53. The inhibitor is able to successfully mimic the peptide by duplicating interactions in three subpockets normally made by amino acid sidechains, and by utilizing a scaffold that presents substituents with rigidity and spatial orientation comparable to that provided by the alpha helical backbone of the peptide. The structure also suggests opportunities for modifying the inhibitor to increase its potency.  相似文献   

Superantigens are bacterial or viral proteins that elicit massive T cell activation through simultaneous binding to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and T cell receptors. This activation results in uncontrolled release of inflammatory cytokines, causing toxic shock. A remarkable property of superantigens, which distinguishes them from T cell receptors, is their ability to interact with multiple MHC class II alleles independently of MHC-bound peptide. Previous crystallographic studies have shown that staphylococcal and streptococcal superantigens belonging to the zinc family bind to a high affinity site on the class II beta-chain. However, the basis for promiscuous MHC recognition by zinc-dependent superantigens is not obvious, because the beta-chain is polymorphic and the MHC-bound peptide forms part of the binding interface. To understand how zinc-dependent superantigens recognize MHC, we determined the crystal structure, at 2.0 A resolution, of staphylococcal enterotoxin I bound to the human class II molecule HLA-DR1 bearing a peptide from influenza hemagglutinin. Interactions between the superantigen and DR1 beta-chain are mediated by a zinc ion, and 22% of the buried surface of peptide.MHC is contributed by the peptide. Comparison of the staphylococcal enterotoxin I.peptide.DR1 structure with ones determined previously revealed that zinc-dependent superantigens achieve promiscuous binding to MHC by targeting conservatively substituted residues of the polymorphic beta-chain. Additionally, these superantigens circumvent peptide specificity by engaging MHC-bound peptides at their conformationally conserved N-terminal regions while minimizing sequence-specific interactions with peptide residues to enhance cross-reactivity.  相似文献   

Snake venoms contain a number of heterodimeric C-type lectin-like proteins (CLPs) that interact specifically with components of the haemostatic system. EMS16 from the venom of Echis multisquamatus binds to the collagen receptor, integrin alpha2beta1, also known as glycoprotein (GP) Ia/IIa, and specifically inhibits collagen binding. Here we report the crystal structure of EMS16 in complex with recombinant integrin alpha2-I domain that plays a central role in collagen binding. The structure of the complex at 1.9 Angstrom resolution reveals that the collagen-binding site of the alpha2-I domain is covered completely by the bound EMS16. This blockage by EMS16 appears to spatially inhibit collagen binding to the alpha2-I domain. The bound alpha2-I domain adopts a closed conformation, which is seen in the absence of ligand, suggesting that EMS16 stabilizes a closed conformation corresponding to the less active structure of the alpha2-I domain. EMS16 does not directly bind to the manganese ion and residues of the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS) of the alpha2-I domain, suggesting that EMS16 may have the potential to bind specifically to the alpha2-I domain in a metal ion-independent fashion.  相似文献   

NEMO is essential for activation of the NF-κB signaling pathway, which is regulated by ubiquitination of proteins. The C-terminal leucine zipper of NEMO and its adjacent coiled-coil region (CC2-LZ) reportedly bind to linear ubiquitin chains with 1 μM affinity and to Lys 63-linked chains with 100 μM affinity. Here we report the crystal structure of the CC2-LZ region of mouse NEMO in complex with Lys 63-linked di-ubiquitin (K63-Ub2) at 2.7 Å resolution. The ubiquitin-binding region consists of a 130 Å-long helix and forms a parallel coiled-coil dimer. The Ile 44-centered hydrophobic patch of ubiquitin is recognized in the middle of the NEMO ubiquitin-binding region. NEMO interacts with each K63-Ub2via a single ubiquitin-binding site, consistent with low affinity binding with K63-Ub2.

Structured summary

MINT-7262681: NEMO (uniprotkb:O88522) binds (MI:0407) to Ubiquitin (uniprotkb:P62991) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7262667: Ubiquitin (uniprotkb:P62991) and NEMO (uniprotkb:O88522) bind (MI:0407) by X-ray crystallography (MI:0114)  相似文献   

Synaptic targeting of GluR-A subunit-containing glutamate receptors involves an interaction with synapse-associated protein 97 (SAP97). The C-terminus of GluR-A, which contains a class I PDZ ligand motif (-x-Ser/Thr-x-phi-COOH where phi is an aliphatic amino acid) associates preferentially with the second PDZ domain of SAP97 (SAP97(PDZ2)). To understand the structural basis of this interaction, we have determined the crystal structures of wild-type and a SAP97(PDZ2) variant in complex with an 18-mer C-terminal peptide (residues 890-907) of GluR-A and of two variant PDZ2 domains in unliganded state at 1.8-2.44 A resolutions. SAP97(PDZ2) folds to a compact globular domain comprising six beta-strands and two alpha-helices, a typical architecture for PDZ domains. In the structure of the peptide complex, only the last four C-terminal residues of the GluR-A are visible, and align as an antiparallel beta-strand in the binding groove of SAP97(PDZ2). The free carboxylate group and the aliphatic side chain of the C-terminal leucine (Leu907), and the hydroxyl group of Thr905 of the GluR-A peptide are engaged in essential class I PDZ interactions. Comparison between the free and complexed structures reveals conformational changes which take place upon peptide binding. The betaAlpha-betaBeta loop moves away from the C-terminal end of alphaB leading to a slight opening of the binding groove, which may better accommodate the peptide ligand. The two conformational states are stabilized by alternative hydrogen bond and coulombic interactions of Lys324 in betaAlpha-betaBeta loop with Asp396 or Thr394 in betaBeta. Results of in vitro binding and immunoprecipitation experiments using a PDZ motif-destroying L907A mutation as well as the insertion of an extra alanine residue between the C-terminal Leu907 and the stop codon are also consistent with a 'classical' type I PDZ interaction between SAP97 and GluR-A C-terminus.  相似文献   

Kim HM  Park BS  Kim JI  Kim SE  Lee J  Oh SC  Enkhbayar P  Matsushima N  Lee H  Yoo OJ  Lee JO 《Cell》2007,130(5):906-917
TLR4 and MD-2 form a heterodimer that recognizes LPS (lipopolysaccharide) from Gram-negative bacteria. Eritoran is an analog of LPS that antagonizes its activity by binding to the TLR4-MD-2 complex. We determined the structure of the full-length ectodomain of the mouse TLR4 and MD-2 complex. We also produced a series of hybrids of human TLR4 and hagfish VLR and determined their structures with and without bound MD-2 and Eritoran. TLR4 is an atypical member of the LRR family and is composed of N-terminal, central, and C-terminal domains. The beta sheet of the central domain shows unusually small radii and large twist angles. MD-2 binds to the concave surface of the N-terminal and central domains. The interaction with Eritoran is mediated by a hydrophobic internal pocket in MD-2. Based on structural analysis and mutagenesis experiments on MD-2 and TLR4, we propose a model of TLR4-MD-2 dimerization induced by LPS.  相似文献   

We report the 2.1 A crystal structure of the core G protein domain of the unusual Rho family member RhoE/Rnd3 in complex with endogenous GTP and magnesium. Unlike other small G proteins, RhoE, along with two other proteins Rnd1/Rho6 and Rnd2/RhoN, does not hydrolyze GTP. The main reason for this is the presence of serines in the positions equivalent to Ala59 and Gln61 in Ras. The structure shows that there are still water molecules in similar positions to the waters thought to be involved in the hydrolysis reaction in other G proteins. The structure suggests three not necessarily exclusive explanations for the lack of hydrolysis. The lack of the conserved glutamine raises the energy of the transition state inhibiting hydrolysis. The serines may restrain the waters from moving closer to the GTP, a step that is required to attain the transition state. They also stabilize the GTP-bound conformation of switch II and could prevent conformational changes required during hydrolysis. By superposition of the RhoE structure on structures of Rho family proteins in complex with binding partners, we make predictions on RhoE interactions with these partners.  相似文献   

The calmodulin-binding domain of myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS), which interacts with various targets including calmodulin, actin and membrane lipids, has been suggested to function as a crosstalk point among several signal transduction pathways. We present here the crystal structure at 2 A resolution of a peptide consisting of the MARCKS calmodulin (CaM)-binding domain in complex with Ca2+-CaM. The domain assumes a flexible conformation, and the hydrophobic pocket of the calmodulin N-lobe, which is a common CaM-binding site observed in previously resolved Ca2+-CaM-target peptide complexes, is not involved in the interaction. The present structure presents a novel target-recognition mode of calmodulin and provides insight into the structural basis of the flexible interaction module of MARCKS.  相似文献   

Human RNase MRP ribonucleoprotein complex is an essential endoribonuclease involved in the processing of ribosomal RNAs, mitochondrial RNAs and certain messenger RNAs. Its RNA subunit RMRP catalyzes the cleavage of substrate RNAs, and the protein components of RNase MRP are required for activity. RMRP mutations are associated with several types of inherited developmental disorders, but the pathogenic mechanism is largely unknown. Recent structural studies shed lights on the catalytic mechanism of yeast RNase MRP and the closely related RNase P; however, the structural and catalytic mechanism of RMRP in human RNase MRP complex remains unclear. Here we report the crystal structure of the P3 domain of RMRP in complex with the RPP20 and RPP25 proteins of human RNase MRP, which shows that the P3 RNA binds to a conserved positively-charged surface of the RPP20-RPP25 heterodimer through its distal stem and internal loop regions. The disease-related mutations of RMRPP3 are mostly located at the protein-RNA interface and are likely to weaken the binding of P3 to RPP20-RPP25. Moreover, the structure reveals a homodimeric organization of the entire RPP20-RPP25-RMRPP3 complex, which might mediate the dimerization of human RNase MRP complex in cells. These findings provide structural clues to the assembly and pathogenesis of human RNase MRP complex and also reveal a tetrameric feature of RPP20-RPP25 evolutionarily conserved with that of the archaeal Alba proteins.  相似文献   

Deregulated expression of members of the IAP (inhibitor of apoptosis) family has been identified in a wide variety of neoplastic cells, and synthetic IAP antagonists represent a promising novel class of chemotherapeutic agents. Early work focused on the ability of these compounds to block the caspase-inhibitory function of XIAP (X-linked IAP). However, recent studies have shown that IAP antagonists, although primarily designed to target XIAP, trigger ubiquitin-mediated degradation of two related proteins, c-IAP (cellular IAP) 1 and c-IAP2, and through this process potentiates the death of tumour cells via autocrine cellular-signalling pathways. In this context, the relative contribution of XIAP as a target of this class of compounds is unclear. In the present study, we examine the involvement of XIAP using a recently described synthetic IAP antagonist, AEG40730, and through comparison of a human XIAP-depleted tumour cell line with its isogenic wild-type control line. Treatment with nanomolar concentrations of AEG40730 resulted in the loss of both XIAP and c-IAP1 proteins, albeit with different kinetics. Although XIAP-deficient HCT116 cells retained some sensitivity to external apoptotic stimuli, the results suggest that IAP antagonists, such as AEG40730, exert their apoptosis-enhancing effects through XIAP in addition to the c-IAPs. These results indicate that IAP antagonists can target multiple IAPs to augment distinct pro-apoptotic signalling pathways, thereby revealing the potential for these compounds in cancer therapy and underscoring the promise of IAP-targeted therapies.  相似文献   

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