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The receptor for gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) belongs to the G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), and its stimulation activates extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK). We found that the transactivation of ErbB4 was involved in GnRH-induced ERK activation in immortalized GnRH neurons (GT1–7 cells). We found also that GnRH induced the cleavage of ErbB4. In the present study, we examined signal transduction for the activation of ERK and the cleavage of ErbB4 after GnRH treatment. Both ERK activation and ErbB4 cleavage were completely inhibited by YM-254890, an inhibitor of Gq/11 proteins. Down-regulation of protein kinase C (PKC) markedly decreased both ERK activation and ErbB4 cleavage. Experiments with two types of PKC inhibitors, Gö 6976 and bisindolylmaleimide I, indicated that novel PKC isoforms but not conventional PKC isoforms were involved in ERK activation and ErbB4 cleavage. Our experiments indicated that the novel PKC isoforms activated protein kinase D (PKD) after GnRH treatment. Knockdown and inhibitor experiments suggested that PKD1 stimulated the phosphorylation of Pyk2 by constitutively activated Src and Fyn for ERK activation. Taken together, it is highly possible that PKD1 plays a critical role in signal transduction from the PKC pathway to the tyrosine kinase pathway. Activation of the tyrosine kinase pathway may be involved in the progression of cancer.  相似文献   

PKD is a family of three serine/threonine kinases (PKD-1, -2, and -3) involved in the regulation of diverse biological processes including proliferation, migration, secretion, and cell survival. We have previously shown that despite expression of all three isoforms in mouse epidermis, PKD1 plays a unique and critical role in wound healing, phorbol ester-induced hyperplasia, and tumor development. In translating our findings to the human, we discovered that PKD1 is not expressed in human keratinocytes (KCs) and there is a divergence in the expression and function of other PKD isoforms. Contrary to mouse KCs, treatment of cultured human KCs with pharmacological inhibitors of PKDs resulted in growth arrest. We found that PKD2 and PKD3 are expressed differentially in proliferating and differentiating human KCs, with the former uniformly present in both compartments whereas the latter is predominantly expressed in the proliferating compartment. Knockdown of individual PKD isoforms in human KCs revealed contrasting growth regulatory roles for PKD2 and PKD3. Loss of PKD2 enhanced KC proliferative potential while loss of PKD3 resulted in a progressive proliferation defect, loss of clonogenicity and diminished tissue regenerative ability. This proliferation defect was correlated with up-regulation of CDK4/6 inhibitor p15INK4B and induction of a p53-independent G1 cell cycle arrest. Simultaneous silencing of PKD isoforms resulted in a more pronounced proliferation defect consistent with a predominant role for PKD3 in proliferating KCs. These data underline the importance and complexity of PKD signaling in human epidermis and suggest a central role for PKD3 signaling in maintaining human epidermal homeostasis.  相似文献   

Enabled/Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (Ena/VASP) protein family members link actin dynamics and cellular signaling pathways. VASP localizes to regions of dynamic actin reorganization such as the focal adhesion contacts, the leading edge or filopodia, where it contributes to F-actin filament elongation. Here we identify VASP as a novel substrate for protein kinase D1 (PKD1). We show that PKD1 directly phosphorylates VASP at two serine residues, Ser-157 and Ser-322. These phosphorylations occur in response to RhoA activation and mediate VASP re-localization from focal contacts to the leading edge region. The net result of this PKD1-mediated phosphorylation switch in VASP is increased filopodia formation and length at the leading edge. However, such signaling when persistent induced membrane ruffling and decreased cell motility.  相似文献   

 ARF GAP是重要的细胞内物质转运调节分子 .最近 ,在人胎肝 c DNA文库中发现一种新基因 ,其编码的氨基酸序列与大鼠的 ARF1 GAP有 32 %同源性 ,故将其命名为“ARFGAP1”.对ARFGAP1进行功能研究 ,利用分子克隆技术构建绿色荧光蛋白 (GFP) - ARFGAP1融合基因表达质粒 (p EGFP- C1 - ARFGAP1 ) ,经脂质体转染将其导入 COS- 7细胞瞬时表达 ,利用绿色荧光确定ARFGAP1的亚细胞定位 .结果显示 ,ARFGAP1位于细胞质部分 ,表达量高时 ,在核周高尔基体区聚集呈团块状或颗粒状 .构建真核表达质粒 pc DNA3.1 /myc- His- ARFGAP1 ,在 COS- 7细胞中表达 ,并用 ARFGAP1和分泌型碱性磷酸酶 (SEAP)真核表达质粒共同转染 COS- 7细胞 ,发现ARFGAP1在细胞中过表达能部分抑制 SEAP的分泌 .结果证明 ,ARFGAP1对细胞的物质转运和分泌功能有调节作用 .  相似文献   

Polycystin-2 (PC2) is a TRP-type, Ca2+-permeable non-selective cation channel that plays an important role in Ca2+ signaling in renal and non-renal cells. The effect(s) of the cAMP pathway and kinase mediated phosphorylation of PC2 seem to be relevant to PC2 trafficking and its interaction with polycystin-1. However, the role of PC2 phosphorylation in channel function is still poorly defined. Here we reconstituted apical membranes of term human syncytiotrophoblast (hST), containing endogenous PC2 (PC2hst), and in vitro translated channel protein (PC2iv). Addition of the catalytic subunit of PKA increased by 566% the spontaneous PC2hst channel activity in the presence of ATP. Interestingly, 8-Br-cAMP also stimulated spontaneous PC2hst channel activity in the absence of the exogenous kinase. Either stimulation was inhibited by addition of alkaline phosphatase, which in turn, was reversed by the phosphatase inhibitor vanadate. Neither maneuver modified the single channel conductance but instead increased channel mean open time. PKA directly phosphorylated PC2, which increased the mean open time but not the single channel conductance of the channel. PKA phosphorylation did not modify either R742X truncated or S829A-mutant PC2iv channel function. The data indicate that the cAMP pathway regulates PC2-mediated cation transport in the hST. The relevant PKA site for PC2 channel regulation centers on a single residue serine 829, in the carboxyl terminus.  相似文献   

The non-receptor tyrosine kinase c-Abl is activated in response to DNA damage and induces p73-dependent apoptosis. Here, we investigated c-Abl regulation of the homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 2 (HIPK2), an important regulator of p53-dependent apoptosis. c-Abl phosphorylated HIPK2 at several sites, and phosphorylation by c-Abl protected HIPK2 from degradation mediated by the ubiquitin E3 ligase Siah-1. c-Abl and HIPK2 synergized in activating p53 on apoptotic promoters in a reporter assay, and c-Abl was required for endogenous HIPK2 accumulation and phosphorylation of p53 at Ser46 in response to DNA damage by γ- and UV radiation. Accumulation of HIPK2 in nuclear speckles and association with promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) in response to DNA damage were also dependent on c-Abl activity. At high cell density, the Hippo pathway inhibits DNA damage-induced c-Abl activation. Under this condition, DNA damage-induced HIPK2 accumulation, phosphorylation of p53 at Ser46, and apoptosis were attenuated. These data demonstrate a new mechanism for the induction of DNA damage-induced apoptosis by c-Abl and illustrate network interactions between serine/threonine and tyrosine kinases that dictate cell fate.  相似文献   

DJ-1 is an oncogene and also a causative gene for familial Parkinson disease. DJ-1 has various functions, and the oxidative status of cysteine at position 106 (Cys-106) is crucial for determination of the activation level of DJ-1. Although DJ-1 requires activated Ras for its oncogenic activity and although it activates the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway, a cell growth pathway downstream of Ras, the precise mechanism underlying activation of the ERK pathway by DJ-1 is still not known. In this study, we found that DJ-1 directly bound to the kinase domain of c-Raf but not to Ras and that Cys-106 mutant DJ-1 bound to c-Raf more weakly than did wild-type DJ-1. Co-localization of DJ-1 with c-Raf in the cytoplasm was enhanced in epidermal growth factor (EGF)-treated cells. Knockdown of DJ-1 expression attenuated the phosphorylation level of c-Raf in EGF-treated cells, resulting in reduced activation of MEK and ERK1/2. Although EGF-treated DJ-1 knock-out cells also showed attenuated c-Raf activation, reintroduction of wild-type DJ-1, but not C106S DJ-1, into DJ-1 knock-out cells restored c-Raf activation in a DJ-1 binding activity in a c-Raf-dependent manner. DJ-1 was not responsible for activation of c-Raf in phorbol myristate acetate-treated cells. Furthermore, DJ-1 stimulated self-phosphorylation activity of c-Raf in vitro, but DJ-1 was not a target for Raf kinase. Oxidation of Cys-106 in DJ-1 was not affected by EGF treatment. These findings showed that DJ-1 is a positive regulator of the EGF/Ras/ERK pathway through targeting c-Raf.  相似文献   

Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is amplified in ∼15–20% of human breast cancer and is important for tumor etiology and therapeutic options of breast cancer. Up-regulation of HER2 oncogene initiates cascades of events cumulating to the stimulation of transforming PI3K/AKT signaling, which also plays a dominant role in supporting cell survival and efficacy of HER2-directed therapies. Although investigating the underlying mechanisms by which HER2 promotes cell survival, we noticed a profound reduction in the kinase activity of a pro-apoptotic mixed lineage kinase 3 (MLK3) in HER2-positive (HER2+) but not in HER2-negative (HER2−) breast cancer tissues, whereas both HER2+ and HER2− tumors expressed a comparable level of MLK3 protein. Furthermore, the kinase activity of MLK3 was inversely correlated with HER2+ tumor grades. Moreover, HER2-directed drugs such as trastuzumab and lapatinib as well as depletion of HER2 or HER3 stimulated MLK3 kinase activity in HER2+ breast cancer cell lines. In addition, the noted inhibitory effect of HER2 on MLK3 kinase activity was mediated via its phosphorylation on Ser674 by AKT and that pharmacological inhibitors of PI3K/AKT prevented trastuzumab- and lapatinib-induced stimulation of MLK3 activity. Consistent with the pro-apoptotic function of MLK3, stable knockdown of MLK3 in the HER2+ cell line blunted the pro-apoptotic effects of trastuzumab and lapatinib. These findings suggest that HER2 activation inhibits the pro-apoptotic function of MLK3, which plays a mechanistic role in mediating anti-tumor activities of HER2-directed therapies. In brief, MLK3 represents a newly recognized integral component of HER2 biology in HER2+ breast tumors.  相似文献   

The Ras family of small GTPases function in a wide variety of biological processes as “molecular switches” by cycling between inactive GDP-bound and active GTP-bound forms. Di-Ras1 and Di-Ras2 were originally identified as small GTPases forming a distinct subgroup of the Ras family. Di-Ras1/Di-Ras2 mRNAs are detected predominantly in brain and heart tissues. Biochemical analysis of Di-Ras1/Di-Ras2 has revealed that they have little GTPase activity and that their intrinsic guanine-nucleotide exchange rates are much faster than that of H-Ras. Yet little is known about the biological role(s) of Di-Ras1/Di-Ras2 or of how their activities are regulated. In the present study we found that endogenous Di-Ras2 co-purifies with SmgGDS from rat brain cytosol. Size-exclusion chromatography of purified recombinant proteins showed that Di-Ras2 forms a high affinity complex with SmgGDS. SmgGDS is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor with multiple armadillo repeats and has recently been shown to specifically activate RhoA and RhoC. In contrast to the effect on RhoA, SmgGDS does not act as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Di-Ras2 but instead tightly associates with Di-Ras2 to reduce its binding affinity for guanine nucleotides. Finally, pulse-chase analysis revealed that Di-Ras2 binds, in a C-terminal CAAX motif-dependent manner, to SmgGDS immediately after its synthesis. This leads to increased Di-Ras2 stability. We thus propose that isoprenylated Di-Ras2 forms a tight complex with SmgGDS in cytosol immediately after its synthesis, which lowers its affinity for guanine nucleotides.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) confers acute, preconditioning-like cardiac resistance to ischemic injury in a protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent fashion. One of the downstream targets of PKC is the gap junction protein connexin-43 (Cx43). We thus examined the effects of FGF-2 on Cx43 phosphorylation at specific PKC sites in the adult heart. Rat hearts perfused ex vivo for 20 min with an FGF-2-containing solution displayed increased levels of phosphorylated 44-45 kDa Cx43, assessed by western blotting. In addition, FGF-2 significantly upregulated phosphorylation of the PKC target serines 262 and 368 on Cx43 at intercalated disks, assessed using phosphospecific antibodies in immunolocalization and western blotting assays. Our data show that FGF-2, administered by perfusion, can alter the phosphorylation status of Cx43 at cardiomyocyte intercalated disks, and suggest a link between phosphorylation of Cx43 at specific PKC sites and FGF-2 cardioprotection.  相似文献   

Here, we show that the expression of the Golgi-localized serine-threonine kinase protein kinase D3 (PKD3) is elevated in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). Using an antibody array, we identified PKD3 to trigger the activation of S6 kinase 1 (S6K1), a main downstream target of the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling pathway. Accordingly, PKD3 knockdown in TNBC cells led to reduced S6K1 phosphorylation, which was associated with impaired activation of mTORC1 at endolysosomal membranes, the accumulation of the mannose 6-phosphate receptor in and the recruitment of the autophagy marker light chain 3 to enlarged acidic vesicles. We further show that PKD3 depletion strongly inhibited cell spreading and proliferation of TNBC cells, identifying this kinase as a potential novel molecular therapeutic target in TNBC. Together, our data suggest that PKD3 in TNBC cells provides a molecular connection between the Golgi and endolysosomal compartments to enhance proliferative mTORC1-S6K1 signaling.  相似文献   

Abstract: Membranes of the secretory vesicles from bovine adrenal medulla were investigated for the presence of the endogenous protein phosphorylation activity. Seven phosphoprotein bands in the molecular weight range of 250,000 to 30,000 were observed by means of the sodium dodecyl sulphate electrophoresis and autoradiography. On the basis of the criteria of molecular weight, selective stimulation of the phosphorylation by cyclic AMP (as compared with cyclic GMP) and immunoprecipitation by specific antibodies, band 5 (molecular weight 60,300) was found to represent the phosphorylated form of the secretory vesicle-bound tyrosine hydroxylase. The electrophoretic mobility, the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of cyclic AMP in presence of Mg2+ and Zn,2+ respectively, and immunoreactivity toward antibodies showed band 6 to contain two forms of the regulatory subunits of the type II cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, distinguishable by their molecular weights (56,000 and 52,000, respectively). Phosphorylation of band 7 (molecular weight 29,800) was stimulated about 2 to 3 times by Ca2+ and calmodulin in the concentration range of both agents believed to occur in the secretory tissues under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Protein kinase D (PKD) has been implicated in the regulation of cell shape, adhesion, and migration. At the leading edge of migrating cells active PKD co-localizes with F-actin, Arp3 and cortactin. Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) activates PKD and recruits the kinase to the leading edge, suggesting a role for PKD in actin remodelling. In support of this, PKD directly interacts with F-actin and phosphorylates cortactin in vitro. Interference with PKD function by overexpression of a dominant negative PKD or by PKD-specific siRNA enhanced cell migration, whereas cells overexpressing PKD wild type displayed reduced migratory potential. Taken together, these data reveal a negative regulatory function of PKD in cell migration.  相似文献   

The strength and duration of extracellular dopamine concentrations are regulated by the presynaptic dopamine transporter (DAT) and dopamine D2 autoreceptors (D2autoRs). There is a functional interaction between these two proteins. Activation of D2autoRs increases DAT trafficking to the surface whereas disruption of this interaction compromises activities of both proteins and alters dopaminergic transmission. Previously we reported that DAT expression and activity are subject to modulation by protein kinase Cβ (PKCβ). Here, we further demonstrate that PKCβ is integral for the interaction between DAT and D2autoR. Inhibition or absence of PKCβ abolished the communication between DAT and D2autoR. In mouse striatal synaptosomes and transfected N2A cells, the D2autoR‐stimulated membrane insertion of DAT was abolished by PKCβ inhibition. Moreover, D2autoR‐stimulated DAT trafficking is mediated by a PKCβ‐extracellular signal‐regulated kinase signaling cascade where PKCβ is upstream of extracellular signal‐regulated kinase. The increased surface DAT expression upon D2autoR activation resulted from enhanced DAT recycling as opposed to reduced internalization. Further, PKCβ promoted accelerated DAT recycling. Our study demonstrates that PKCβ critically regulates D2autoR‐activated DAT trafficking and dopaminergic signaling. PKCβ is a potential drug target for correcting abnormal extracellular dopamine levels in diseases such as drug addiction and schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The short and long isoforms of the dopamine D2 receptor (D2S and D2L respectively) are highly expressed in the striatum. Functional D2 receptors activate an intracellular signalling pathway that includes a cAMP-independent route involving Akt/GSK3 (glycogen synthase kinase 3). To investigate the Akt/GSK3 response to the seldom-studied D2S receptor, we established a rat D2S receptor-expressing cell line [HEK (human embryonic kidney)-293/rD2S]. We found that in HEK-293/rD2S cells, the D2/D3 agonists bromocriptine and quinpirole significantly induced Akt and GSK3 phosphorylation, as well as ERK1/2 (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 1/2) activation. The D2S receptor-induced Akt signals were profoundly inhibited by the internalization blockers monodansyl cadaverine and concanavalin A. Activation of the D2S receptor in HEK-293/rD2S cells appeared to trigger Akt/phospho-Akt translocation to the cell membrane. In addition to our cell culture experiments, we studied D2 receptor-dependent Akt in vivo by systemic administration of the D2/D3 agonist quinpirole. The results show that quinpirole evoked Akt-Ser473 phosphorylation in the ventral striatum. Furthermore, intra-accumbens administration of wortmannin, a PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase) inhibitor, significantly suppressed the quinpirole-evoked behavioural activation. Overall, we demonstrate that activation of the dopamine D2S receptor stimulates Akt/GSK3 signalling. In addition, in vivo Akt activity in the ventral striatum appears to play an important role in systemic D2/D3 agonist-induced behavioural activation.  相似文献   

For a long time, protein transport into the extracellular space was believed to strictly depend on signal peptide-mediated translocation into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. More recently, this view has been challenged, and the molecular mechanisms of unconventional secretory processes are beginning to emerge. Here, we focus on unconventional secretion of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2), a secretory mechanism that is based upon direct protein translocation across plasma membranes. Through a combination of genome-wide RNAi screening approaches and biochemical reconstitution experiments, the basic machinery of FGF2 secretion was identified and validated. This includes the integral membrane protein ATP1A1, the phosphoinositide phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2), and Tec kinase, as well as membrane-proximal heparan sulfate proteoglycans on cell surfaces. Hallmarks of unconventional secretion of FGF2 are: (i) sequential molecular interactions with the inner leaflet along with Tec kinase-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of FGF2, (ii) PI(4,5)P2-dependent oligomerization and membrane pore formation, and (iii) extracellular trapping of FGF2 mediated by heparan sulfate proteoglycans on cell surfaces. Here, we discuss new developments regarding this process including the mechanism of FGF2 oligomerization during membrane pore formation, the functional role of ATP1A1 in FGF2 secretion, and the possibility that other proteins secreted by unconventional means make use of a similar mechanism to reach the extracellular space. Furthermore, given the prominent role of extracellular FGF2 in tumor-induced angiogenesis, we will discuss possibilities to develop highly specific inhibitors of FGF2 secretion, a novel approach that may yield lead compounds with a high potential to develop into anti-cancer drugs.  相似文献   

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