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The titres of free amino acids present in the haemolymph of diapausing larvae of the southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella and the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, were examined. High titres of serine were found in the haemolymph of both species. Serine may serve as a storage form of compounds that are required for the synthesis of uric acid and other purines. The high titres of proline found in the haemolymph of O. nubilalis during the fall and winter may contribute to the freezing tolerance of this species. Alanine accumulated in the haemolymph of both species during the winter.  相似文献   

The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) has been a major pest of corn and other crops in North America since its accidental introduction nearly a hundred years ago. Wide adoption of transgenic corn hybrids that express toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis, referred to as Bt corn, has suppressed corn borer populations and reduced the pest status of this insect in parts of the Corn Belt. Continued suppression of this pest, however, will depend on managing potential resistance to Bt corn, currently through the high-dose refuge (HDR) strategy. In this review, we describe what has been learned with regard to O. nubilalis resistance to Bt toxins either through laboratory selection experiments or isolation of resistance from field populations. We also describe the essential components of the HDR strategy as they relate to O. nubilalis biology and ecology. Additionally, recent developments in insect resistance management (IRM) specific to O. nubilalis that may affect the continued sustainability of this technology are considered.  相似文献   

Biological control of a univoltine race of European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), by Trichogramma in Switzerland is currently timed according to repeated, semi‐field observations of the post‐diapause development of the pest at one site. We developed a phenology model with the aims of replacing this costly labour practice and by considering the Swiss landscape. Observations collected over 29 years were used for model calibration and validation. We parameterized a time‐varying distributed delay model based on published laboratory observations of development durations at constant temperatures. The model was driven with hourly temperature recordings beginning on January 1. The calibration of the mean development rates and their variations was based on semi‐field data of larval and pupal development. The model, with its calibrated parameters and their variations, allowed the simulation of mean predictions and prediction intervals. We validated the model predictions of emergence with flight data (obtained via light traps) from several sites in western and northern Switzerland. The simulated mean emergence was 6.9 degree‐days earlier than the observed flight at the calibration sites and only 0.5 degree‐days earlier than the observed flight at other sites. Our simulation of pupation explained half of the variation in emergence time, whereas semi‐field observations of pupation explained three‐quarters of this variation. Our model simulations are not subjected to the local potential biases. Simulation errors from a year with an extremely dry spring were explained by the lack of consideration of humidity by the model. Our simulations provide a valid and less labour‐intensive alternative to observations for timing biological control in the maize‐growing areas of Switzerland and likely other areas of Europe.  相似文献   

The phytophagous insects that damage crops are often polyphagous, feeding on several types of crop and on weeds. The refuges constituted by noncrop host plants may be useful in managing the evolution in pest species of resistance to the Bacillus thuringiensis toxins produced by transgenic crops. However, the benefits of these refuges may be limited because host-plant diversity may drive genetic divergence and possibly even host-plant-mediated sympatric speciation. The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), is the main pest of maize in Europe and North America, where it was introduced early in the 20th century. It has a wide host range but feeds principally on mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L.) and maize (Zea mays L.). O. nubilalis is found on mugwort only in the northern part of France, whereas it is found on maize throughout France. The extent of genetic variation at allozyme markers was investigated in populations collected from the two host plants over the entire geographical distribution of the European corn borer on mugwort in France. Allelic differentiation between pairs of populations and hierarchical analyses of pools of samples from each host plant indicate that the group of populations feeding on maize differed from the group of populations feeding on mugwort. Our results suggest (1) host-plant-related divergent selection at the genomic region surrounding the Mpi locus and (2) limited gene flow between the populations feeding on mugwort and those infesting maize fields. These data indicate that adults emerging from mugwort would not be useful for managing the evolution of resistance to the B. thuringiensis toxins in European corn borer populations.  相似文献   

The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), is one of the most important insect pests in corn, Zea mays L. Transgenic corn cultivars expressing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin provide a promising crop protection strategy against European corn borer; however, management is needed to avoid resistance development of the target pest species. The aim of this work was to establish the baseline susceptibility of different European corn borer populations in Germany to be able to forecast a possible development of resistance at an early stage. To standardize test procedures for future resistance management, the efficiency of Cry1Ab toxins from different suppliers and different production was assessed. Furthermore, two different test methods, surface treatment and the incorporation method, were compared with regard to their practicability and efficiency. Neither method provided significant differences in the baseline susceptibility of populations from different German regions. Overall, the data suggested little differentiation among German populations in terms of their susceptibility to Bt toxin and their genetic background. Future monitoring could therefore use a single European corn borer population as a representative for southwestern Germany. However, toxins from different suppliers and different production batches produced a vast range of LC50 values. Changes because of different toxin batches may be mistaken as a change in baseline susceptibility or even as the start of a resistance development. Thus, it is important throughout insect resistance management that the same toxin batches will be available for baseline susceptibility bioassays and for future tests.  相似文献   

Seven field releases of Trichogramma ostriniae and T. nubilale (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) were made separately and in combination in a sweet corn field to compare the level of parasitism in sentinel eggs of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). The results indicate that the levels of egg parasitism among different release dates differed mainly because of changes in weather and plant architecture within the season. The level of egg parasitism by releasing T. ostriniae alone was found to be 15% higher than that by releasing T. nubilale alone, and 20% higher than by releasing the combination of the two species. Further analyses using the logistic regression model for independent and correlated data indicated T. ostriniae to be more efficient at discovering host egg masses and to have higher levels of egg parasitism than T. nubilale. Mutual interference between T. ostriniae and T. nubilale was the main factor for the lower level of egg parasitism when T. ostriniae and T. nubilale were released together. The results suggest that T. ostriniae is the better candidate for augmentative releases for control of the European corn borer, and the two species should not be released into a corn field at the same time.  相似文献   

In 2001, a self-administered questionnaire was sent to 1000 corn, Zea mays L., farmers in each of five states (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska) to evaluate their perceptions of transgenic corn designed to control the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), and corn rootworms, Diabrotica spp. Respondents returned 1,313 surveys (26.2%). Farmers with small acreages planted a greater portion of their corn (54.5%) with transgenic corn for control of European corn borer than farmers with large farms (39.2%). The majority (75.2%) of farmers use crop rotation to control the corn rootworm. Nine insecticides comprised 92.2% of the commercial soil insecticides used for control of corn rootworm larvae. More than one-third of the farmers in Illinois (33.5%) and Indiana (39.4%) treated first-year corn for corn rootworm, primarily due to western corn rootworm egg laying in soybean, Glycine max (L.). When asked whether they would plant transgenic corn protected against the corn rootworm, 35.0% of farmers responded they would, whereas 40.5% said they were unsure. The two greatest farmer concerns about transgenic corn were the ability to sell harvested grain (59.3%) and additional technology fees (54.8%). Respondents indicated that less farmer exposure to insecticide (69.9%) and less insecticide in the environment (68.5%) were the primary benefits of transgenic corn. Farmers who had no concerns about transgenic corn for rootworm control were more likely to purchase the product (46.8%). The most common refuge-planting options farmers favored were adjacent fields (30.9%) and split fields (29.9%). Farmers (21.1%) observed a yield increase (23.7 bu/ha [9.6 bu/acre]) when using transgenic corn for European corn borer control compared with non-transgenic corn. These data can help in understanding farmers' knowledge and concerns regarding transgenic corn. This information may be of value to guide researchers, extension specialists, and policy makers in designing insect resistance management and integrated pest management programs.  相似文献   

The diapause biology of the European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübn.), is described based on natural and controlled environment studies of feral and lab-reared ECB's in North Carolina (NC). The diapause response is described as a function of photophase (h of light/day) as well as a function of larval age (instar) at onset of diapause-inducing conditions. A critical photophase of 14.4 h and a critical mean larval instar of 3.3 is found in the lab studies and supported by three years of insectary studies. Seven years of black light trapping of ECB moths in Goldsboro, NC, revealed the likelihood of up to four moth flights/year.Information about the diapause biology of this insect is used to explain both the number of flights and the relative magnitude of the final moth flights. On average, the majority of ECB lineages pass through three generations/year with early maturing ECB's producing a significant and predictable fourth generation. The timing and magnitude of the fourth flight can be partly explained on the basis of the critical photophase and the timing and age structure of previous ECB generations. In most years, the fourth flight is smaller than the third due to the majority of the fourth generation's predisposition towards diapause. However, in at least one case (1977), the fourth flight was unusually large and could be predicted by slight temporal shifts in the previous three flights resulting in the majority of the fourth generation larvae averting diapause. The value of the ECB-diapause interaction as a model system for the explanation and prediction of dynamic phenological events is discussed.
Résumé La diapause d'O. nubilalis Hubn. est décrite d'après des études en conditions naturelles et programmées de souches sauvages ou élevées au laboratoire en Caroline du Nord. La diapause est décrite comme une fonction de la photophase (heures de jour/24 heures) et du stade larvaire au début des conditions inductrices de la diapause. Une photophase critique de 14,4 h et un stade critique larvaire de 3,3 ont été établis au laboratoire après 3 ans d'études en insectarium. 7 ans de piégeage à la lumière noire à Goldsboro, ont montré la vraisemblance de l'existence de 4 vols par an. Les données sur la diapause de cet insecte sont utilisées pour expliquer tant le nombre de vols que l'importance relative des derniers vols. En moyenne, la majorité des lignées ont 3 générations par an, O. nubilalis précoces produisant une quatrième génération conséquente et prédictible. La data et l'importance du 4ème vol peuvent être partiellement expliquées d'après la photophase critique, et la data et la structure en âge des générations précédentes. La plupart des années, le 4ème vol est moins important que le 3ème par suite de la prédisposition à la diapause de la majorité de la 4ème génération. Cependant, dans un cas au moins, en 1977, le 4ème était anormalement important et pouvait être prédit par de faibles changements temporels dans les 3 précédents vols, détournant de la diapause la majorité des chenilles de 4ème génération. La discussion porte sur la valeur du modèle fourni par la diapause de O. nubilalis pour expliquer et prédire la dynamique des évéments phénologiques.

Crops producing insecticidal toxins derived from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are widely planted to manage insect pests. Bt crops can provide an effective tool for pest management; however, the evolution of Bt resistance can diminish this benefit. The European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner, is a significant pest of maize and is widely managed with Bt maize in the Midwest of the United States. When Bt crops are grown in conjunction with non‐Bt refuges, fitness costs of Bt resistance can delay the evolution of resistance. Importantly, fitness costs often vary with ecological factors, including host‐plant genotype and diapause. In this study, we examined fitness costs associated with Cry1F resistance in O. nubilalis when insects were reared on three maize lines. Fitness costs were tested in two experiments. One experiment assessed the fitness costs when Cry1F‐resistant and Cry1F‐susceptible insects were reared on plants as larvae and experienced diapause. The second experiment tested resistant, susceptible and F1 heterozygotes that were reared on plants but did not experience diapause. Despite some evidence of greater adult longevity for Cry1F‐resistant insects, these insects produced fewer fertile eggs than Cry1F‐susceptible insects, and this occurred independent of diapause. Reduced fecundity was not detected among heterozygous individuals, which indicated that this fitness cost was recessive. Additionally, maize lines did not affect the magnitude of this fitness cost. The lower fitness of Cry1F‐resistant O. nubilalis may contribute to the maintenance of Cry1F susceptibility in field populations more than a decade after Cry1F maize was commercialized.  相似文献   

Proteins essential for vesicle formation by the Coat Protein I (COPI) complex are being identified, but less is known about the role of specific lipids. Brefeldin-A ADP-ribosylated substrate (BARS) functions in the fission step of COPI vesicle formation. Here, we show that BARS induces membrane curvature in cooperation with phosphatidic acid. This finding has allowed us to further delineate COPI vesicle fission into two sub-stages: 1) an earlier stage of bud-neck constriction, in which BARS and other COPI components are required, and 2) a later stage of bud-neck scission, in which phosphatidic acid generated by phospholipase D2 (PLD2) is also required. Moreover, in contrast to the disruption of the Golgi seen on perturbing the core COPI components (such as coatomer), inhibition of PLD2 causes milder disruptions, suggesting that such COPI components have additional roles in maintaining Golgi structure other than through COPI vesicle formation.  相似文献   

The European corn borer (ECB) Ostrinia nubilalis is a widespread pest of cereals, particularly maize. Mating disruption with the sex pheromone is a potentially attractive method for managing this pest; however, chemical synthesis of pheromones requires expensive starting materials and catalysts and generates hazardous waste. The goal of this study was to develop a biotechnological method for the production of ECB sex pheromone. Our approach was to engineer the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica to produce (Z)-11-tetradecenol (Z11-14:OH), which can then be chemically acetylated to (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (Z11-14:OAc), the main pheromone component of the Z-race of O. nubilalis. First, a C14 platform strain with increased biosynthesis of myristoyl-CoA was obtained by introducing a point mutation into the α-subunit of fatty acid synthase, replacing isoleucine 1220 with phenylalanine (Fas2pI1220F). The intracellular accumulation of myristic acid increased 8.4-fold. Next, fatty acyl-CoA desaturases (FAD) and fatty acyl-CoA reductases (FAR) from nine different species of Lepidoptera were screened in the C14 platform strain, individually and in combinations. A titer of 29.2 ± 1.6 mg L-1 Z11-14:OH was reached in small-scale cultivation with an optimal combination of a FAD (Lbo_PPTQ) from Lobesia botrana and FAR (HarFAR) from Helicoverpa armigera. When the second copies of FAD and FAR genes were introduced, the titer improved 2.1-fold. The native FAS1 gene's overexpression led to a further 1.5-fold titer increase, reaching 93.9 ± 11.7 mg L-1 in small-scale cultivation. When the same engineered strain was cultivated in controlled 1 L bioreactors in fed-batch mode, 188.1 ± 13.4 mg L-1 of Z11-14:OH was obtained. Fatty alcohols were extracted from the biomass and chemically acetylated to obtain Z11-14:OAc. Electroantennogram experiments showed that males of the Z-race of O. nubilalis were responsive to biologically-derived pheromone blend. Behavioral bioassays in a wind tunnel revealed attraction of male O. nubilalis, although full precopulatory behavior was observed less often than for the chemically synthesized pheromone blend. The study paves the way for the production of ECB pheromone by fermentation.  相似文献   

Summary Examinations of living and dead larvalPyrausta nubilalis (Hübner) collected in the field over a four-year period indicate that infections caused byPerezia pyraustae Paillot are widely distributed within populations ofP. nubilalis in Illinois. Observed fluctuations in the incidence of the parasite among living and dead insects collected in various seasons was taken as evidence that the disease interacts with temperature to cause mortality in populations of the host.
Résumé Des examens des larves vivantes et mortes dePyrausta nubilalis (Hübner) collectées dans les champs pendant quatre années consécutives indiquent que des infections parPerezia pyraustae Paillot sont très fréquentes dans les populations deP. nubilalis en Illinois (états-Unis). Les fluctuations observées dans l'incidence du parasite dans les insectes vivants et morts recueillis pendant plusieurs saisons montrent que la maladie est influencée par la température, celle-ci occasionnant la mortalité dans les populations de l'h?te.

An abridgment of a portion of a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois, 1958.  相似文献   

The small-scale dispersal of the European corn borer (ECB) was studied in a release–recapture experiment using reared dye-marked adults. Thereby, six light trap cages were set up across two maize fields at 50-m intervals. In total, 736 marked ECBs were released, of which 10.2% were recaptured together with 212 unmarked naturally occurring adults after a period of 48 h. All marked–released individuals left the release point, with a mean dispersal distance of 195 m. Eighty-two per cent of the recaptured ECBs moved to the second maize field across a ditch and associated shrubs. The spatial and temporal patterns of incidence of naturally occurring ECBs in the traps were consistent with those of the marked moths and showed an inhomogeneous distribution. There was a highly significant relationship between male and female densities in the cages. No ECBs were caught during a period of adverse weather conditions. Dispersal distances may be influenced by plant size, weather conditions during the flight, pheromonal patterns in the field and the timing of the flight.  相似文献   

The European corn borer (ECB, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner) is a major pest of maize in Central Europe. We mapped and characterized quantitative trait loci (QTLs) involved in resistance of maize against ECB damage, compared them with QTLs for agronomic traits, and evaluated the usefulness of marker-assisted selection (MAS) for improving ECB resistance in early maturing European maize germplasm. A total 226 F3 families from the cross D06 (resistant) × D408 (susceptible), together with 93 RFLP and two SSR markers were used for the QTL analyses. For each F3 family we measured the length of tunnels produced by larval stalk mining (TL), stalk damage ratings (SDR), and relative grain yield (RGY) in field experiments, with two replications in two environments in 1 year. The agronomic traits comprised grain yield under insecticide protection (GYP) and manual ECB larval infestation (GYI), the date of anthesis (ANT), and the in vitro digestibility of organic matter (IVDOM) of stover. Estimates of genotypic variance (σ2 g) were highly significant for all traits. Six QTLs for TL and five QTLs for SDR were detected, explaining about 50.0% of σ2 g. Most QTLs showed additive gene action for TL and dominance for SDR. No QTL was found for RGY. The number of QTLs detected for the agronomic traits ranged from two for GYI to 12 for ANT, explaining 12.5 to 57.3% of σ2 g, respectively. Only a single QTL was in common between the two resistance traits, as expected from the moderate trait correlation and the moderate proportions of σ2 g explained. Based on these results, MAS for improving ECB resistance can be competitive when cost-effective PCR-based marker systems are applied. However, it remains to be established whether the putative QTL regions for ECB resistance detected in the population D06 × D408 are consistent across other early maturing European maize germplasms. Received: 20 December 1999 / Accepted: 6 June 2000  相似文献   

Willett CS  Harrison RG 《Genetics》1999,153(4):1743-1751
Examination of sequence variation at nuclear loci can give insights into population history and gene flow that cannot be derived from other commonly used molecular markers, such as allozymes. Here, we report on sequence variation at a single nuclear locus, the pheromone-binding protein (PBP) locus, in the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis). The European corn borer has been divided into three races in New York State on the basis of differences in pheromone communication and life history. Previous allozyme data have suggested that there is a small but significant amount of genetic differentiation between these races. The PBP does not appear to be involved in the pheromone differences between these races. Examination of variation at the PBP locus in the three races reveals no fixed differences between races despite high levels of polymorphism. There also appears to have been considerable recombination in the history of the pheromone-binding protein alleles. Observation of both recombination between alleles and lack of significant nucleotide or insertion/deletion divergence between races leads us to suggest that these populations are either recently diverged or have continued to exchange genetic material subsequent to divergence in pheromone communication and life history.  相似文献   

Throughout an organism's lifetime, resources are strategically allocated to many different functions, including reproduction. Reproduction can be costly for both sexes; females produce nutrient‐rich eggs, whereas males of many species produce large and complex ejaculates. In capital breeding insects, nutrients are mainly acquired during the larval period, yet allocation decisions impact the reproductive fitness of adults. The present study examines the effect of larval dietary nitrogen on both male and female reproductive traits in the European corn borer moth Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner, whose adults do not feed and whose males transfer a large, nitrogen‐rich spermatophore. One day post‐eclosion, O. nubilalis adults reared on one of three different diets (3.0%, 1.6%, or 1.1% nitrogen) are mated and two experiments are undertaken: one to measure nitrogen and carbon content of male ejaculates, and the other to determine female fecundity and fertility. Although male larval diet does not alter the percentage nitrogen content of adult somatic tissue, males reared on the higher nitrogen diet (3.0%) produce spermatophores with increased nitrogen relative to somatic nitrogen. Furthermore, females raised on the 3.0% nitrogen diet receive spermatophores with lower carbon : nitrogen ratios and thus more nitrogen. Overall, females lay more eggs as their larval dietary nitrogen increases, although they lay fewer eggs when their mates are raised on the higher (3.0%) nitrogen diet. This suggests that O. nubilalis females may use male‐derived nitrogen not to supplement egg production, but rather for somatic maintenance. Overall, the present study furthers our understanding of how larval diet can affect adult fitness in Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

Pheromone trap types and within-field trap locations were compared for their effectiveness in monitoring the flight activity of European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), and its relationship to egg mass density and crop damage in sweet corn in central Maine from 1995 to 1996. The use of both 3:97 Z:E-11-tetradecenyl acetate and 97:3 Z:E-11 tetradecenyl acetate pheromone blends confirmed that European corn borer in central Maine is attracted to both pheromone lure types. European corn borer moths were captured predominantly with the E-lure type than with the Z-lure type in both years. The Scentry Heliothis trap was more effective than the Multi-Pher trap, but similar to the pheromone-baited water pan trap for monitoring European corn borer flights. With the Scentry Heliothis trap, the grassy border and 1st corn rows were the best locations for moth capture during the early flight period, but during the peak flight period, traps located in the middle of the field caught the most moths. Corn damage was recorded before moth captures in some sites and before egg mass counts in others, indicating poor efficacy of traps for early flights. Significant and positive correlations were found between moth captures in the midfield location and egg mass counts, and corn leaf damage, and between egg mass counts and corn leaf damage. However, low coefficients of variation suggest that pheromone trap captures were not good predictors of European corn borer leaf damage in sweet corn.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) stalk lodging is breakage of the stalk at or below the ear, which may result in loss of the ear at harvest. Stalk lodging is often intensified by the stalk tunneling action of the second-generation of the European corn borer (2-ECB) [Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner)]. Rind penetrometer resistance (RPR) has been used to measure stalk strength and improve stalk lodging resistance, and quantitative trait loci (QTL) have been identified for both RPR and 2-ECB damage. Phenotypic recurrent selection (PS) increases the frequency of favorable alleles over cycles of selection. Several studies have indicated that marker-assisted selection (MAS) is also a potentially valuable selection tool. The objective of this study was to compare the efficiency of PS versus MAS for RPR and 2-ECB. Marker-assisted selection for high and low RPR was effective in the three populations studied. Phenotypic selection for both high and low RPR was more effective than MAS in two of the populations. However, in a third population, MAS for high RPR using QTL effects from the same population was more effective than PS, and using QTL effects from a separate population was just as effective as PS. Marker-assisted selection for resistance and susceptibility to 2-ECB using QTL effects from the same population was effective in increasing susceptibility, but not in increasing resistance. Marker-assisted selection using QTL effects from a separate population was effective in both directions of selection. Thus, MAS was effective in selecting for both resistance and susceptibility to 2-ECB. These results demonstrated that MAS can be an effective selection tool for both RPR and 2-ECB resistance. These results also validate the locations and effects of QTL for RPR and 2-ECB resistance identified in earlier studies.Communicated by D. Hoisington  相似文献   

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