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The spiking neural networks (SNNs) are the third generation of neural networks and perform remarkably well in cognitive tasks such as pattern recognition. The spike emitting and information processing mechanisms found in biological cognitive systems motivate the application of the hierarchical structure and temporal encoding mechanism in spiking neural networks, which have exhibited strong computational capability. However, the hierarchical structure and temporal encoding approach require neurons to process information serially in space and time respectively, which reduce the training efficiency significantly. For training the hierarchical SNNs, most existing methods are based on the traditional back-propagation algorithm, inheriting its drawbacks of the gradient diffusion and the sensitivity on parameters. To keep the powerful computation capability of the hierarchical structure and temporal encoding mechanism, but to overcome the low efficiency of the existing algorithms, a new training algorithm, the Normalized Spiking Error Back Propagation (NSEBP) is proposed in this paper. In the feedforward calculation, the output spike times are calculated by solving the quadratic function in the spike response model instead of detecting postsynaptic voltage states at all time points in traditional algorithms. Besides, in the feedback weight modification, the computational error is propagated to previous layers by the presynaptic spike jitter instead of the gradient decent rule, which realizes the layer-wised training. Furthermore, our algorithm investigates the mathematical relation between the weight variation and voltage error change, which makes the normalization in the weight modification applicable. Adopting these strategies, our algorithm outperforms the traditional SNN multi-layer algorithms in terms of learning efficiency and parameter sensitivity, that are also demonstrated by the comprehensive experimental results in this paper.  相似文献   

Biological networks, such as genetic regulatory networks, often contain positive and negative feedback loops that settle down to dynamically stable patterns. Identifying these patterns, the so-called attractors, can provide important insights for biologists to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying many coordinated cellular processes such as cellular division, differentiation, and homeostasis. Both synchronous and asynchronous Boolean networks have been used to simulate genetic regulatory networks and identify their attractors. The common methods of computing attractors are that start with a randomly selected initial state and finish with exhaustive search of the state space of a network. However, the time complexity of these methods grows exponentially with respect to the number and length of attractors. Here, we build two algorithms to achieve the computation of attractors in synchronous and asynchronous Boolean networks. For the synchronous scenario, combing with iterative methods and reduced order binary decision diagrams (ROBDD), we propose an improved algorithm to compute attractors. For another algorithm, the attractors of synchronous Boolean networks are utilized in asynchronous Boolean translation functions to derive attractors of asynchronous scenario. The proposed algorithms are implemented in a procedure called geneFAtt. Compared to existing tools such as genYsis, geneFAtt is significantly faster in computing attractors for empirical experimental systems.


The software package is available at https://sites.google.com/site/desheng619/download.  相似文献   

An efficient algorithm that can properly identify the targets to immunize or quarantine for preventing an epidemic in a population without knowing the global structural information is of obvious importance. Typically, a population is characterized by its community structure and the heterogeneity in the weak ties among nodes bridging over communities. We propose and study an effective algorithm that searches for bridge hubs, which are bridge nodes with a larger number of weak ties, as immunizing targets based on the idea of referencing to an expanding friendship circle as a self-avoiding walk proceeds. Applying the algorithm to simulated networks and empirical networks constructed from social network data of five US universities, we show that the algorithm is more effective than other existing local algorithms for a given immunization coverage, with a reduced final epidemic ratio, lower peak prevalence and fewer nodes that need to be visited before identifying the target nodes. The effectiveness stems from the breaking up of community networks by successful searches on target nodes with more weak ties. The effectiveness remains robust even when errors exist in the structure of the networks.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to examine the efficiency of EUR/USD market through the application of a trading system. The system uses a genetic algorithm based on technical analysis indicators such as Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Filter that gives buying and selling recommendations to investors. The algorithm optimizes the strategies by dynamically searching for parameters that improve profitability in the training period. The best sets of rules are then applied on the testing period. The results show inconsistency in finding a set of trading rules that performs well in both periods. Strategies that achieve very good returns in the training period show difficulty in returning positive results in the testing period, this being consistent with the efficient market hypothesis (EMH).  相似文献   

As defined by IEEE 802.15.6 standard, channel sharing is a potential method to coordinate inter-network interference among Medical Body Area Networks (MBANs) that are close to one another. However, channel sharing opens up new vulnerabilities as selfish MBANs may manipulate their online channel requests to gain unfair advantage over others. In this paper, we address this issue by proposing a truthful online channel sharing algorithm and a companion protocol that allocates channel efficiently and truthfully by punishing MBANs for misreporting their channel request parameters such as time, duration and bid for the channel. We first present an online channel sharing scheme for unit-length channel requests and prove that it is truthful. We then generalize our model to settings with variable-length channel requests, where we propose a critical value based channel pricing and preemption scheme. A bid adjustment procedure prevents unbeneficial preemption by artificially raising the ongoing winner’s bid controlled by a penalty factorλ. Our scheme can efficiently detect selfish behaviors by monitoring a trust parameter α of each MBAN and punish MBANs from cheating by suspending their requests. Our extensive simulation results show our scheme can achieve a total profit that is more than 85% of the offline optimum method in the typical MBAN settings.  相似文献   

Local access networks (LAN) are commonly used as communication infrastructures which meet the demand of a set of users in the local environment. Usually these networks consist of several LAN segments connected by bridges. The topological LAN design bi-level problem consists on assigning users to clusters and the union of clusters by bridges in order to obtain a minimum response time network with minimum connection cost. Therefore, the decision of optimally assigning users to clusters will be made by the leader and the follower will make the decision of connecting all the clusters while forming a spanning tree. In this paper, we propose a genetic algorithm for solving the bi-level topological design of a Local Access Network. Our solution method considers the Stackelberg equilibrium to solve the bi-level problem. The Stackelberg-Genetic algorithm procedure deals with the fact that the follower’s problem cannot be optimally solved in a straightforward manner. The computational results obtained from two different sets of instances show that the performance of the developed algorithm is efficient and that it is more suitable for solving the bi-level problem than a previous Nash-Genetic approach.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe present study aims to simulate an alarm system for online detecting normal electrocardiogram (ECG) signals from abnormal ECG so that an individual's heart condition can be accurately and quickly monitored at any moment, and any possible serious dangers can be prevented.Materials and methodsFirst, the data from Physionet database were used to analyze the ECG signal. The data were collected equally from both males and females, and the data length varied between several seconds to several minutes. The heart rate variability (HRV) signal, which reflects heart fluctuations in different time intervals, was used due to the low spatial accuracy of ECG signal and its time constraint, as well as the similarity of this signal with the normal signal in some diseases. In this study, the proposed algorithm provided a return map as well as extracted nonlinear features of the HRV signal, in addition to the application of the statistical characteristics of the signal. Then, artificial neural networks were used in the field of ECG signal processing such as multilayer perceptron (MLP) and support vector machine (SVM), as well as optimal features, to categorize normal signals from abnormal ones.ResultsIn this paper, the area under the curve (AUC) of the ROC was used to determine the performance level of introduced classifiers. The results of simulation in MATLAB medium showed that AUC for MLP and SVM neural networks was 89.3% and 94.7%, respectively. Also, the results of the proposed method indicated that the more nonlinear features extracted from the ECG signal could classify normal signals from the patient.ConclusionThe ECG signal representing the electrical activity of the heart at different time intervals involves some important information. The signal is considered as one of the common tools used by physicians to diagnose various cardiovascular diseases, but unfortunately the proper diagnosis of disease in many cases is accompanied by an error due to limited time accuracy and hiding some important information related to this signal from the physicians' vision leading to the risks of irreparable harm for patients. Based on the results, designing the proposed alarm system can help physicians with higher speed and accuracy in the field of diagnosing normal people from patients and can be used as a complementary system in hospitals.  相似文献   

Currently, the growth in capacity demand is still increasing by the emergence of a large number of applications that dramatically increase bandwidth demand and generate a large number of resource requirements in the network. Since the emerging applications require increased bandwidth capacity, the vision of using optical technology in the communication channel, signal processing, and switching fabric is very promising. This article presents an overview of optical switching techniques currently under research investigations. It introduces enabling technologies that have been recently researched and then presents some newly proposed architectures. It describes the SKYLIGHT switch that has been recently developed by the author. The architecture design of the switch is based on a optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) technique. Performance evaluation of the switch fabric based on the analytical evaluation of the code and numerical simulations of the optical components used to implement the system is presented.  相似文献   

Boolean networks have been widely used to model biological processes lacking detailed kinetic information. Despite their simplicity, Boolean network dynamics can still capture some important features of biological systems such as stable cell phenotypes represented by steady states. For small models, steady states can be determined through exhaustive enumeration of all state transitions. As the number of nodes increases, however, the state space grows exponentially thus making it difficult to find steady states. Over the last several decades, many studies have addressed how to handle such a state space explosion. Recently, increasing attention has been paid to a satisfiability solving algorithm due to its potential scalability to handle large networks. Meanwhile, there still lies a problem in the case of large models with high maximum node connectivity where the satisfiability solving algorithm is known to be computationally intractable. To address the problem, this paper presents a new partitioning-based method that breaks down a given network into smaller subnetworks. Steady states of each subnetworks are identified by independently applying the satisfiability solving algorithm. Then, they are combined to construct the steady states of the overall network. To efficiently apply the satisfiability solving algorithm to each subnetwork, it is crucial to find the best partition of the network. In this paper, we propose a method that divides each subnetwork to be smallest in size and lowest in maximum node connectivity. This minimizes the total cost of finding all steady states in entire subnetworks. The proposed algorithm is compared with others for steady states identification through a number of simulations on both published small models and randomly generated large models with differing maximum node connectivities. The simulation results show that our method can scale up to several hundreds of nodes even for Boolean networks with high maximum node connectivity. The algorithm is implemented and available at http://cps.kaist.ac.kr/∼ckhong/tools/download/PAD.tar.gz.  相似文献   

In this paper, a fractional complex transform (FCT) is used to convert the given fractional partial differential equations (FPDEs) into corresponding partial differential equations (PDEs) and subsequently Reduced Differential Transform Method (RDTM) is applied on the transformed system of linear and nonlinear time-fractional PDEs. The results so obtained are re-stated by making use of inverse transformation which yields it in terms of original variables. It is observed that the proposed algorithm is highly efficient and appropriate for fractional PDEs and hence can be extended to other complex problems of diversified nonlinear nature.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a route optimization method to improve the performance of route selection in Vehicle Ad-hoc Network (VANET). A novel bionic swarm intelligence algorithm, which is called ant colony algorithm, was introduced into a traditional ad-hoc route algorithm named AODV. Based on the analysis of movement characteristics of vehicles and according to the spatial relationship between the vehicles and the roadside units, the parameters in ant colony system were modified to enhance the performance of the route selection probability rules. When the vehicle moves into the range of several different roadsides, it could build the route by sending some route testing packets as ants, so that the route table can be built by the reply information of test ants, and then the node can establish the optimization path to send the application packets. The simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm has better performance than the traditional AODV algorithm, especially when the vehicle is in higher speed or the number of nodes increases.  相似文献   

Alport syndrome (AS) is an inherited type IV collagen nephropathies characterized by microscopic hematuria during early childhood, the development of proteinuria and progression to end-stage renal disease. Since choosing the right therapy, even before the onset of proteinuria, can delay the onset of end-stage renal failure and improve life expectancy, the earliest possible differential diagnosis is desired. Practically, this means the identification of mutation(s) in COL4A3-A4-A5 genes. We used an efficient, next generation sequencing based workflow for simultaneous analysis of all three COL4A genes in three individuals and fourteen families involved by AS or showing different level of Alport-related symptoms. We successfully identified mutations in all investigated cases, including 14 unpublished mutations in our Hungarian cohort. We present an easy to use unified clinical/diagnostic terminology and workflow not only for X-linked but for autosomal AS, but also for Alport-related diseases. In families where a diagnosis has been established by molecular genetic analysis, the renal biopsy may be rendered unnecessary.  相似文献   

Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) cannot completely guarantee good performance of traffic sources such as video streaming. To improve the network performance, this study proposes an efficient engineering solution named Wireless-to-Ethernet-Mesh-Portal-Passageway (WEMPP) that allows effective use of wired communication in WMNs. WEMPP permits transmitting data through wired and stable paths even when the destination is in the same network as the source (Intra-traffic). Tested with four popular routing protocols (Optimized Link State Routing or OLSR as a proactive protocol, Dynamic MANET On-demand or DYMO as a reactive protocol, DYMO with spanning tree ability and HWMP), WEMPP considerably decreases the end-to-end delay, jitter, contentions and interferences on nodes, even when the network size or density varies. WEMPP is also cost-effective and increases the network throughput. Moreover, in contrast to solutions proposed by previous studies, WEMPP is easily implemented by modifying the firmware of the actual Ethernet hardware without altering the routing protocols and/or the functionality of the IP/MAC/Upper layers. In fact, there is no need for modifying the functionalities of other mesh components in order to work with WEMPPs. The results of this study show that WEMPP significantly increases the performance of all routing protocols, thus leading to better video quality on nodes.  相似文献   


A notation is introduced and used to transform a conventional specification of the non-bonded force and virial algorithm in the case of periodic boundary conditions into an alternative specification. The implementation of the transformed specification is simpler and typically a factor of 1.5 faster than a conventional implementation. Moreover, it is generic with respect to the shape of the simulated system, i.e. the same routines can be used to handle triclinic boxes, truncated octahedron boxes etc. An implementation of this method is presented, and the speed achieved on various machines is given. Essence of the new method is that the number of calculations of image particle positions is strongly reduced during non-bonded force calculations.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop an efficient optimization algorithm for solving canonical correlation analysis (CCA) with complex structured-sparsity-inducing penalties, including overlapping-group-lasso penalty and network-based fusion penalty. We apply the proposed algorithm to an important genome-wide association study problem, eQTL mapping. We show that, with the efficient optimization algorithm, one can easily incorporate rich structural information among genes into the sparse CCA framework, which improves the interpretability of the results obtained. Our optimization algorithm is based on a general excessive gap optimization framework and can scale up to millions of variables. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm on both simulated and real eQTL datasets.  相似文献   

To avoid the numerical errors associated with resetting the potential following a spike in simulations of integrate-and-fire neuronal networks, Hansel et al. and Shelley independently developed a modified time-stepping method. Their particular scheme consists of second-order Runge-Kutta time-stepping, a linear interpolant to find spike times, and a recalibration of postspike potential using the spike times. Here we show analytically that such a scheme is second order, discuss the conditions under which efficient, higher-order algorithms can be constructed to treat resets, and develop a modified fourth-order scheme. To support our analysis, we simulate a system of integrate-and-fire conductance-based point neurons with all-to-all coupling. For six-digit accuracy, our modified Runge-Kutta fourth-order scheme needs a time-step of t = 0.5 × 10–3 seconds, whereas to achieve comparable accuracy using a recalibrated second-order or a first-order algorithm requires time-steps of 10–5 seconds or 10–9 seconds, respectively. Furthermore, since the cortico-cortical conductances in standard integrate-and-fire neuronal networks do not depend on the value of the membrane potential, we can attain fourth-order accuracy with computational costs normally associated with second-order schemes.  相似文献   


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