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Pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) of Streptococcus pneumoniae has been found to utilize a novel mechanism for anchoring to the bacterial cell surface. In contrast to that of surface proteins from other gram-positive bacteria, PspA anchoring required choline-mediated interactions between the membrane-associated lipoteichoic acid and the C-terminal repeat region of PspA. Release of PspA from the cell surface could be effected by deletion of 5 of the 10 C-terminal repeat units, by high concentrations of choline, or by growth in choline-deficient medium. Other pneumococcal proteins, including autolysin, which has a similar C-terminal repeat region, were not released by these treatments. The attachment mechanism utilized by PspA thus appears to be uniquely adapted to exploit the unusual structure of the pneumococcal cell surface. Further, it has provided the means for rapid and simple isolation of immunogenic PspA from S. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

The beta-galactosidase gene of Streptococcus pneumoniae, bgaA, encodes a putative 2,235-amino-acid protein with the two amino acid motifs characteristic of the glycosyl hydrolase family of proteins. In addition, an N-terminal signal sequence and a C-terminal LPXTG motif typical of surface-associated proteins of gram-positive bacteria are present. Trypsin treatment of cells resulted in solubilization of the enzyme, documenting that it is associated with the cell envelope. In order to obtain defined mutants suitable for lacZ reporter experiments, the bgaA gene was disrupted, resulting in a complete absence of endogenous beta-galactosidase activity. The results are consistent with beta-galactosidase being a surface protein that seems not to be involved in lactose metabolism but that may play a role during pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Systematics and evolution of Malagasy lemurs has been analyzed using morphological characters, fossil evidence, ecological/ethological data, and chromosomal banding patterns. Recent developments in DNA technology have provided evolutionary biologists with additional and powerful tools for making phylogenetic inference. In the last years several studies concerning highly repeated DNA sequences (hrDNA) provided new insights about the systematic relationships among the different species of Lemuridae and Cheirogaleidae. Here, a reconstruction of molecular phylogeny of extant Malagasy lemurs based on the comparison of cytochrome-b mitochondrial DNA sequences is presented. With the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and direct sequencing of amplified DNA fragments, both the phylogenetic range and resolving power of comparative analysis can be extended. These techniques allow to gather sequence data useful to evaluate the pattern of molecular evolution offering opportunities for phylogenetic purposes. A 290-bp fragment of cytochrome-b gene has been amplified and sequenced from the following species:Tupaia glis, Galago alleni, Daubentonia madagascariensis, Indri indri, Varecia variegata, Eulemur fulvus, Eulemur coronatus, Eulemur rubriventer, Eulemur mongoz, Eulemur macaco, Lemur catta, andHapalemur griseus griseus. The phylogenetic trees obtained show the relationships among the Eulemur species and confirm the karyological and hrDNA results of a separated clade forL. catta/Hapalemur. The separation ofVarecia variegata from the other genus of the family Lemuridae is discussed.  相似文献   

Transformation in bacteria is the uptake and incorporation of exogenous DNA into a cell's genome. Several species transform naturally during a regulated state defined as competence. Genetic elements in Streptococcus pneumoniae induced during transformation were identified by combining a genetic screen with genomic analysis. Six loci were discovered that composed a competence-induced regulon. These loci shared a consensus promoter sequence and encoded proteins, some of which were similar to proteins involved in DNA processing during transformation in other bacteria. Each locus was induced during competence and essential for genetic transformation.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae is a common cause of septicemia in the immunocompetent host. To establish infection, S. pneumoniae has to overcome host innate immune responses, one component of which is the complement system. Using isogenic bacterial mutant strains and complement-deficient immune naive mice, we show that the S. pneumoniae virulence factor pneumolysin prevents complement deposition on S. pneumoniae, mainly through effects on the classical pathway. In addition, using a double pspA-/ply- mutant strain we demonstrate that pneumolysin and the S. pneumoniae surface protein PspA act in concert to affect both classical and alternative complement pathway activity. As a result, the virulence of the pspA-/ply- strain in models of both systemic and pulmonary infection is greatly attenuated in wild-type mice but not complement deficient mice. The sensitivity of the pspA-/ply- strain to complement was exploited to demonstrate that although early innate immunity to S. pneumoniae during pulmonary infection is partially complement-dependent, the main effect of complement is to prevent spread of S. pneumoniae from the lungs to the blood. These data suggest that inhibition of complement deposition on S. pneumoniae by pneumolysin and PspA is essential for S. pneumoniae to successfully cause septicemia. Targeting mechanisms of complement inhibition could be an effective therapeutic strategy for patients with septicemia due to S. pneumoniae or other bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

Methionine sulphoxide reductases (Msr) catalyse the reduction of oxidized methionine to methionine. These enzymes are divided into two classes, MsrA and MsrB, according to substrate specificity. Although most MsrA and MsrB exist as separate enzymes, in some bacteria these two enzymes are fused to form a single polypeptide (MsrAB). Here, we report the first crystal structure of MsrAB from Streptococcus pneumoniae ( Sp MsrAB) at 2.4 Å resolution. Sp MsrAB consists of an N-terminal MsrA domain, a C-terminal MsrB domain and a linker. The linker is composed of 13 residues and contains one 310-helix and several hydrogen bonds interacting with both MsrA and MsrB domains. Interestingly, our structure includes the MsrB domain complexed with an SHMAEI hexa-peptide that is the N-terminal region of neighbouring MsrA domain. A kinetic analysis showed that the apparent K m of Sp MsrAB for the R -form-substrate was 20-fold lower than that for the S -form substrate, indicating that the MsrB domain had a much higher affinity for the substrate than the MsrA domain. Our study reveals the first structure of the MsrAB by providing insights into the formation of a disulphide bridge in the MsrB, the structure of the linker region, and the distinct structural nature of active site of each MsrA and MsrB domain.  相似文献   

The important human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae was found to absorb factor H, an inhibitor of complement, from human plasma. We identified the gene encoding a novel surface protein, factor H-binding inhibitor of complement (Hic), in the pspC locus of type 3 pneumococci. Unlike PspC proteins in other serotypes, Hic is anchored to the cell wall by means of an LPXTG motif, and the overall sequence homology to various PspC proteins is low. However, the NH(2)-terminal region showed significant homology to the NH(2)-terminal region of several PspC proteins. A fragment of Hic, covering this homologous region, was expressed as a glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein. GST:Hic(39-261) bound radiolabeled factor H and inhibited binding of factor H to pneumococci of different serotypes. Interaction kinetics between GST:Hic(39-261) and factor H were studied with surface plasmon resonance and showed a high affinity binding (K(A) = 5 x 10(7), K(D) = 2.3 x 10(-)(8)). Mutant pneumococci lacking Hic showed no absorption of factor H in human plasma and no binding of radiolabeled factor H, suggesting that Hic is responsible for factor H-binding in type 3 pneumococci. Factor H-dependent inhibition of the alternative pathway was not diminished by the presence of GST:Hic(39-261). In addition, an intrinsic inhibitory effect of Hic is suggested.  相似文献   

CheW and CheY are single-domain proteins from a signal transduction pathway that transmits information from transmembrane receptors to flagellar motors in bacterial chemotaxis. In various bacterial and archaeal species, the cheW and cheY genes are usually encoded within homologous chemotaxis operons. We examined evolutionary changes in these two proteins from distantly related proteobacterial species, Escherichia coli and Azospirillum brasilense. We analyzed the functions of divergent CheW and CheY proteins from A. brasilense by heterologous expression in E. coli wild-type and mutant strains. Both proteins were able to specifically inhibit chemotaxis of a wild-type E. coli strain; however, only CheW from A. brasilense was able to restore signal transduction in a corresponding mutant of E. coli. Detailed protein sequence analysis of CheW and CheY homologs from the two species revealed substantial differences in the types of amino acid substitutions in the two proteins. Multiple, but conservative, substitutions were found in CheW homologs. No severe mismatches were found between the CheW homologs in positions that are known to be structurally or functionally important. Substitutions in CheY homologs were found to be less conservative and occurred in positions that are critical for interactions with other components of the signal transduction pathway. Our findings suggest that proteins from the same cellular pathway encoded by genes from the same operon have different evolutionary constraints on their structures that reflect differences in their functions.  相似文献   

【目的】研究锌离子缺乏对肺炎链球菌的影响,找到其适应性生长机制。【方法】以肺炎链球菌为模型,利用加锌和不加锌的培养基对细菌进行培养,收集细胞蛋白,采用双向凝胶电泳,结合金属亲和层析和质谱技术鉴定差异表达蛋白,进而通过生物信息学分析蛋白质相互关系,从中找到细菌适应锌离子匮乏条件的关键代谢通路和蛋白。【结果】测定了在限制培养条件下肺炎链球菌的最适生长浓度,建立了锌离子调控蛋白双向凝胶电泳图谱,鉴定到了96个差异表达蛋白斑点,共67个差异蛋白,其中32个表达下调,35个表达上调,锌离子调控蛋白的作用可能主要体现在糖代谢、核酸代谢、氧化还原作用、辅助蛋白质翻译、合成及折叠等方面。建立了锌结合蛋白的差异表达图谱,鉴定到了10个差异表达蛋白斑点,共7个差异蛋白,其中1个表达下调,6个表达上调。锌离子结合蛋白的作用可能主要体现在应对压力、蛋白质折叠和转运、氨基酸代谢等方面。【结论】肺炎链球菌主要通过调控碳水化合物代谢和核酸代谢等多个代谢通路来应对宿主锌金属离子匮乏的环境,从而使自身能够存活并对宿主形成感染。本研究为揭示细菌在宿主环境,特别是金属离子匮乏条件下的适应性生长机制提供理论基础。  相似文献   

A new insertion sequence (IS1381) was identified in the genome of Streptococcus pneumoniae R6 as an 846-bp segment containing 20-bp terminal inverted repeats and flanked by 7-bp direct repeats. The three sequenced copies of this element have two overlapping open reading frame (ORF) genes named orfA and orfB. However, significant variations between individual copies were found, suggesting that inactivating mutations have occurred in an original single ORF. Accordingly, the consensus IS1381 element derived from the comparison of the three available copies should contain a single ORF sufficient to encode a basic protein of 267 amino acids which exhibited high similarity to the putative transposases of ISL2 from Lactobacillus helveticus and of IS702 from the cyanobacterium Calothrix sp. strain PCC 7601. A minimum of five to seven copies were detected by hybridization experiments in the R6 genome. In remarkable contrast with the two previously reported pneumococcal insertion sequences, several copies of IS1381 have been detected in all of the clinical isolates tested so far. Interestingly, Streptococcus oralis NCTC 11427 (type strain), a close relative of pneumococcus, does not contain this element, but its occurrence in the type strain of Streptococcus mitis (NCTC 12261) suggests that this species has exchanged DNA with S. pneumoniae directly or through an intermediate species.  相似文献   

A comparative hybridization protocol was used to isolate a small segment of DNA present in the Streptococcus pneumoniae type 19F strain SSZ but absent from strain Rx1, a nonencapsulated derivative of the type 2 strain D39. This segment of DNA is a 1,747-bp insertion sequence, designated IS1202, flanked by 23-bp imperfect inverted repeats and containing a single open reading frame sufficient to encode a 54.4-kDa polypeptide. A 27-bp target sequence is duplicated at either end of the element. IS1202 is not related to any of the currently known insertion elements and is the first reported for S. pneumoniae. Although found predominantly in type 19F strains in up to five copies, it has also been shown to be present in the chromosomes of pneumococci belonging to other serotypes. One of the four IS1202 copies in the encapsulated strain SSZ is located 1,009 bp downstream of the dexB gene, and transformation studies reveal that it is also closely linked to the type 19F capsular polysaccharide synthesis (cps) locus.  相似文献   

We have calculated three-dimensional maps from images of myosin subfragment-1 (S1)-decorated thin filaments and S1-decorated actin filaments preserved in frozen solution. By averaging many data sets we obtained highly reproducible maps that can be interpreted simply to provide a model for the native structure of decorated filaments. From our results we have made the following conclusions. The bulk of the actin monomer is approximately 65 X 40 X 40 A and is composed of two domains. In the filaments the monomers are strongly connected along the genetic helix with weaker connections following the long pitch helix. The long axis of the monomer lies roughly perpendicular to the filament axis. The myosin head (S1) approaches the actin filament tangentially and binds to a single actin, the major interaction being with the outermost domain of actin. In the map the longest chord of S1 is approximately 130 A. The region of S1 closest to actin is of high density, whereas the part furthest away is poorly defined and may be disordered. By comparing maps from decorated thin filaments with those from decorated actin, we demonstrate that tropomyosin is bound to the inner domain of actin just in front of the myosin binding site at a radius of approximately 40 A. A small change in the azimuthal position of tropomyosin, as has been suggested by others to occur during Ca2+-mediated regulation in vertebrate striated muscle, appears to be insufficient to eclipse totally the major site of interaction between actin and myosin.  相似文献   

RAPD markers were used to study variation among 20 taxa in the genus OROBANCHE: O. alba, O. amethystea, O. arenaria, O. ballotae, O. cernua, O. clausonis, O. cumana, O. crenata, O. densiflora, O. foetida, O. foetida var. broteri, O. gracilis, O. haenseleri, O. hederae, O. latisquama, O. mutelii, O. nana, O. ramosa, O. rapum-genistae and O. santolinae. A total of 202 amplification products generated with five arbitrary RAPD primers was obtained and species-specific markers were identified. The estimated Jaccard's differences between the species varied between 0 and 0.864. The pattern of interspecific variation obtained is in general agreement with previous taxonomic studies based on morphology, and the partition into two different sections (Trionychon and Orobanche) is generally clear. However, the position in the dendrogram of O. clausonis did not fit this classification since it clustered with members of section TRIONYCHON: Within this section, O. arenaria was relatively isolated from the other members of the section: O. mutelii, O. nana and O. ramosa. Within section Orobanche, all O. ramosa populations showed a similar amplification pattern, whereas differences among O. crenata populations growing on different hosts were found. Orobanche foetida and O. densiflora clustered together, supporting the morphological and cytological similarities and the host preferences of these species.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among 20 elite wheat genotypes were studied using microsatellite markers and pedigree analysis. A total of 93 polymorphic bands were obtained with 25 microsatellite primer pairs. Coefficient of parentage (COP) values were calculated using parentage information at the expansion level of 5. The pedigree-based similarity (mean 0.115, range 0.00-0.53) was lower than the similarity assessed using microsatellite markers (mean 0.70, range 0.47-0.91). Similarity estimates were used to construct dendrograms by using the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA). Clustering of genotypes in respect of marker-based similarity revealed two groups. Genotype PBW442 diverged and appeared as distinct from all other genotypes in both marker-based and pedigree-based analysis. The correlation of COP values with genetic similarity values based on microsatellite markers is low (r = 0.285, p < 0.05). The results indicate a need to develop wheat varieties with a diverse genetic background and to incorporate new variability into the existing wheat gene pool.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae open reading frame SP1492 encodes a surface protein that contains a novel conserved domain similar to the repeated fragments of mucin-binding proteins from lactobacilli and lactococci. To investigate the functional role(s) of this protein and its potential adhesive properties, the surface-exposed region of SP1492 was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified to homogeneity, and partially characterized by biophysical and immunological methods. Circular dichroism and sedimentation measurements confirmed that SP1492 is an all-beta protein that exists in solution as a monomer. The SP1492 protein has been shown to be expressed by S. pneumoniae and was experimentally localized to its surface. The protein functional domain binds to mucins II and III from porcine stomach and to purified submaxillary bovine gland mucin. It appears to be one of the very few unambiguous pneumococcal adhesin molecules known to date. A hypothetical model constructed by ab initio techniques predicts a novel beta-sandwich protein structure.  相似文献   

Lactoperoxidase-catalysed surface iodination and sucrose-gradient ultracentrifugation were used to investigate the structure of human complement component C1. 1. Proenzymic subcomponents C1r and C1s associated to form a trimeric C1r2-C1s complex (7.6 S) in the presence of EDTA, and a tetrameric Clr2-C1s2 complex (9.1 S) in the presence of Ca2+. Iodination of the 9.1 S complex led to a predominant labelling of C1r (70%) over C1s (30%), essentially located in the b-chain moiety of C1r and in the a-chain moiety of C1s. 2. Reconstruction of proenzymic soluble C1 (15.2 S) from C1q, C1r and C1s was partially inhibited when C1s labelled in its monomeric form was used and almost abolished when iodinated C1r was used. Reconstruction of fully activated C1 was not possible, whereas hybrid C1q-C1r2-C1s2 complex was obtained. 3. Iodination of proenzymic or activated C1 bound to IgG-ovalbumin aggregates led to an equal distribution of the radioactivity between C1q and C1r2-C1s2. With regard to C1q, the label distribution between the three chains was similar whether C1 was in its proenzymic or activated form. Label distribution in the C1r2-C1s2 moiety of C1 was the same as that obtained for isolated C1r2-C1s2, and this was also true for the corresponding activated components. However, two different labelling patterns were found, corresponding to the proenzyme and the activated states.  相似文献   

Blood clearance of Streptococcus pneumoniae by C-reactive protein   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
C-reactive protein (CRP) has long been known to be an acute phase protein associated with infection and various forms of tissue damage. Recent studies have shown that human CRP can be used to passively protect mice from lethal infection with Streptococci pneumoniae. In this study we have undertaken a detailed examination of the ability of human CRP and rabbit CRP (CxRP) to mediate the blood clearance of pneumococci in mice. We have shown that the optimal activity of these acute-phase proteins requires a functioning complement system, and it can take place even in the xid mouse, which has virtually no naturally occurring anti-pneumococcal antibody in its serum. These studies provide additional evidence that CRP may play a protective role in pneumococcal infections, and it may help postpone the development of fatal levels of pneumococci in the blood, long enough for an effective anti-pneumococcal antibody response to be generated.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the Acetogenium kivui surface layer (S-layer) has been determined to a resolution of 1.7 nm by electron crystallographic techniques. Two independent reconstructions were made from layers negatively stained with uranyl acetate and Na-phosphotungstate. The S-layer has p6 symmetry with a center-to-center spacing of approximately 19 nm. Within the layer, six monomers combine to form a ring-shaped core surrounded by a fenestrated rim and six spokes that point towards the axis of threefold symmetry and provide lateral connectivity to other hexamers in the layer. The structure of the A. kivui S-layer protein is very similar to that of the Bacillus brevis middle wall protein, with which it shares an N-terminal domain of homology. This domain is found in several other extracellular proteins, including the S-layer proteins from Bacillus sphaericus and Thermus thermophilus, Omp alpha from Thermotoga maritima, an alkaline cellulase from Bacillus strain KSM-635, and xylanases from Clostridium thermocellum and Thermoanaerobacter saccharolyticum, and may serve to anchor these proteins to the peptidoglycan. To our knowledge, this is the first example of a domain conserved in several S-layer proteins.  相似文献   

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