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The segmented double-stranded (ds) RNA genome of the rotaviruses is replicated asymmetrically, with viral mRNA serving as the template for the synthesis of minus-strand RNA. Previous studies with cell-free replication systems have shown that the highly conserved termini of rotavirus gene 8 and 9 mRNAs contain cis-acting signals that promote the synthesis of dsRNA. Based on the location of the cis-acting signals and computer modeling of their secondary structure, the ends of the gene 8 or 9 mRNAs are proposed to interact in cis to form a modified panhandle structure that promotes the synthesis of dsRNA. In this structure, the last 11 to 12 nucleotides of the RNA, including the cis-acting signal that is essential for RNA replication, extend as a single-stranded tail from the panhandled region, and the 5′ untranslated region folds to form a stem-loop motif. To understand the importance of the predicted secondary structure in minus-strand synthesis, mutations were introduced into viral RNAs which affected the 3′ tail and the 5′ stem-loop. Analysis of the RNAs with a cell-free replication system showed that, in contrast to mutations which altered the structure of the 5′ stem-loop, mutations which caused complete or near-complete complementarity between the 5′ end and the 3′ tail significantly inhibited (≥10-fold) minus-strand synthesis. Likewise, incubation of wild-type RNAs with oligonucleotides which were complementary to the 3′ tail inhibited replication. Despite their replication-defective phenotype, mutant RNAs with complementary 5′ and 3′ termini were shown to competitively interfere with the replication of wild-type mRNA and to bind the viral RNA polymerase VP1 as efficiently as wild-type RNA. These results indicate that the single-strand nature of the 3′ end of rotavirus mRNA is essential for efficient dsRNA synthesis and that the specific binding of the RNA polymerase to the mRNA template is required but not sufficient for the synthesis of minus-strand RNA.  相似文献   

A new procedure has been developed for the synthesis of 3′-amino-3′-deoxyribonucleosides of adenine, cytosine and uracil by condensing the trimethylsilylated bases with peracylated 3-azido-3-deoxyribose derivative. The azido group could subsequently be reduced to amino. The 5′-phosphates of these nucleosides have been prepared and the analogues have been tested for their ability to stimulate the ribosome-catalyzed reaction of 3′(2′)-O-(N-formylmethionyl)adenosine 5′-phosphate with phenylalanyl-tRNA.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to determine the role of acidic ribosomal protein (ARP) phosphorylation in translation. Ribosomes (Rbs) from germinated maize (Zea mays L.) axes had four ARP bands within 4.2 to 4.5 isoelectric points when analyzed by isoelectric focusing. Two of these bands disappeared after alkaline phosphatase hydrolysis. During germination a progressive change from nonphosphorylated (0 h) to phosphorylated ARP (24 h) forms was observed in the Rbs; a free cytoplasmic pool of nonphosphorylated ARPs was also identified by immunoblot and isoelectric focusing experiments. De novo ARP synthesis initiated very slowly early in germination, whereas ARP phosphorylation occurred rapidly within this period. ARP-phosphorylated versus ARP-nonphosphorylated Rbs were tested in an in vitro reticulocyte lysate translation system. Greater in vitro mRNA translation rates were demonstrated for the ARP-phosphorylated Rbs than for the non-ARP-phosphorylated ones. Rapamycin application to maize axes strongly inhibited S6 ribosomal protein phosphorylation, but did not interfere with the ARP phosphorylation reaction. We conclude that ARP phosphorylation does not depend on ARP synthesis or on ARP assembly into Rbs. Rather, this process seems to be part of a translational regulation mechanism.  相似文献   

Dengue virus (DENV) is an ~10.7-kb positive-sense RNA virus that circularizes via RNA-RNA interactions between sequences in the 5′ and 3′ terminal regions. Complementarity between the cyclization sequence (CS) and the upstream AUG region (UAR) has been shown to be necessary for viral replication. Here, we present the solution structure of the 5′ end of DENV type 2 in the presence and absence of the 3′ end. We demonstrate that hybridization between the 5′ and 3′ CSs is independent of the UAR while the 5′ UAR-3′ UAR hybridization is dependent upon the 5′ CS-3′ CS interaction.  相似文献   

Data are presented demonstrating that the presence in vivo of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (3',5'-AMP) causes a rapid depletion of glycogen storage material in the cellular slime mold. The effect of adenosine 5'-monophosphate (5'-AMP) is twofold, stimulating both glycogen degradation and synthesis. In pseudoplasmodia, cell-free extracts appear to contain at least two species of glycogen phosphorylase, one of which is severely inhibited by glucose-1-phosphate and another which is only partially inhibited by this hexose-phosphate. In some cases, 5'-AMP partially overcomes the inhibition by glucose-1-phosphate. Data presented here also indicate the existence of two forms of glycogen synthetase, the total activity of which does not change during 10 hr of differentiation from aggregation to culmination. During this period there is a quantitative conversion of glucose-6-phosphate-independent enzyme activity to glucose-6-phosphate-dependent activity. It is suggested that one effect of 3',5'-AMP is closely related to enzymatic processes involved in the rapid conversion of glycogen to cell wall material and other end products accumulating during sorocarp construction.  相似文献   

The nucleotide context surrounding stop codons significantly affects the efficiency of translation termination. In eukaryotes, various 3′ contexts that are unfavorable for translation termination have been described; however, the exact molecular mechanism that mediates their effects remains unknown. In this study, we used a reconstituted mammalian translation system to examine the efficiency of stop codons in different contexts, including several previously described weak 3′ stop codon contexts. We developed an approach to estimate the level of stop codon readthrough in the absence of eukaryotic release factors (eRFs). In this system, the stop codon is recognized by the suppressor or near-cognate tRNAs. We observed that in the absence of eRFs, readthrough occurs in a 3′ nucleotide context-dependent manner, and the main factors determining readthrough efficiency were the type of stop codon and the sequence of the 3′ nucleotides. Moreover, the efficiency of translation termination in weak 3′ contexts was almost equal to that in the tested standard context. Therefore, the ability of eRFs to recognize stop codons and induce peptide release is not affected by mRNA context. We propose that ribosomes or other participants of the elongation cycle can independently recognize certain contexts and increase the readthrough of stop codons. Thus, the efficiency of translation termination is regulated by the 3′ nucleotide context following the stop codon and depends on the concentrations of eRFs and suppressor/near-cognate tRNAs.  相似文献   

Genotoxic agents that cause double-strand breaks (DSBs) often generate damage at the break termini. Processing enzymes, including nucleases and polymerases, must remove damaged bases and/or add new bases before completion of repair. Artemis is a nuclease involved in mammalian nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), but in Saccharomyces cerevisiae the nucleases and polymerases involved in NHEJ pathways are poorly understood. Only Pol4 has been shown to fill the gap that may form by imprecise pairing of overhanging 3′ DNA ends. We previously developed a chromosomal DSB assay in yeast to study factors involved in NHEJ. Here, we use this system to examine DNA polymerases required for NHEJ in yeast. We demonstrate that Pol2 is another major DNA polymerase involved in imprecise end joining. Pol1 modulates both imprecise end joining and more complex chromosomal rearrangements, and Pol3 is primarily involved in NHEJ-mediated chromosomal rearrangements. While Pol4 is the major polymerase to fill the gap that may form by imprecise pairing of overhanging 3′ DNA ends, Pol2 is important for the recession of 3′ flaps that can form during imprecise pairing. Indeed, a mutation in the 3′-5′ exonuclease domain of Pol2 dramatically reduces the frequency of end joins formed with initial 3′ flaps. Thus, Pol2 performs a key 3′ end-processing step in NHEJ.  相似文献   

Previous publications showed that a covalently closed circular (CCC) Rts1 plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that confers kanamycin resistance upon the host bacteria inhibits host growth at 42 degrees C but not at 32 degrees C. At 42 degrees C, the CCC Rts1 DNA is not formed, and cells without plasmids emerge. To investigate the possible role of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) in the action of Rts1 on host bacteria, Rts1 was placed in an Escherichia coli mutant (CA7902) that lacks adenylate cyclase or in E. coli PP47 (a mutant lacking cAMP receptor protein). Rts1 did not exert the thermosensitive effect on these cells, and CCC Rts1 DNA was formed even at 42 degrees C. Upon addition of cAMP to E. coli CA7902(Rts1), cell growth and formation of CCC Rts1 DNA were inhibited at 42 degrees C. The addition of cAMP to E. coli PP47(Rts1) did not cause inhibitory effects on either cell growth or CCC Rts1 DNA formation at 42 degrees C. The inhibitory effect of cAMP on E. coli CA7902(Rts1) is specific to this cyclic nucleotide, and other cyclic nucleotides such as cyclic guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate did not have the effect. For this inhibitory effect, cells have to be preincubated with cAMP; the presence of cAMP at the time of CCC Rts1 DNA formation is not enough for the inhibitory effect. If the cells are preincubated with cAMP, one can remove cAMP during the [(3)H]thymidine pulse and still observe its inhibitory effect on the formation of CCC Rts1 DNA. The presence of chloramphenicol during this preincubation period abolished the inhibitory effect of cAMP. These observations suggest that cAMP is necessary to induce synthesis of a protein that inhibits CCC Rts1 DNA formation and cell growth at 42 degrees C.  相似文献   

Three fibrillar collagen mRNAs, alpha1(I), alpha2(I), and alpha1(III), are coordinately upregulated in the activated hepatic stellate cell (hsc) in liver fibrosis. These three mRNAs contain sequences surrounding the start codon that can be folded into a stem-loop structure. We investigated the role of this stem-loop structure in expression of collagen alpha1(I) reporter mRNAs in hsc's and fibroblasts. The stem-loop dramatically decreases accumulation of mRNAs in quiescent hsc's and to a lesser extent in activated hsc's and fibroblasts. The stem-loop decreases mRNA stability in fibroblasts. In activated hsc's and fibroblasts, a protein complex binds to the stem-loop, and this binding requires the presence of a 7mG cap on the RNA. Placing the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of collagen alpha1(I) mRNA in a reporter mRNA containing this stem-loop further increases the steady-state level in activated hsc's. This 3' UTR binds alphaCP, a protein implicated in increasing stability of collagen alpha1(I) mRNA in activated hsc's (B. Stefanovic, C. Hellerbrand, M. Holcik, M. Briendl, S. A. Liebhaber, and D. A. Brenner, Mol. Cell. Biol. 17:5201-5209, 1997). A set of protein complexes assembles on the 7mG capped stem-loop RNA, and a 120-kDa protein is specifically cross-linked to this structure. Thus, collagen alpha1(I) mRNA is regulated by a complex interaction between the 5' stem-loop and the 3' UTR, which may optimize collagen production in activated hsc's.  相似文献   

The nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway, present in most eukaryotic cells, is a specialized pathway that leads to the recognition and rapid degradation of mRNAs with premature termination codons and, importantly, some wild-type mRNAs. Earlier studies demonstrated that aberrant mRNAs with artificially extended 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) are degraded by NMD. However, the extent to which wild-type mRNAs with long 3′-UTRs are degraded by NMD is not known. We used a global approach to identify wild-type mRNAs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that have longer than expected 3′-UTRs, and of these mRNAs tested, 91% were degraded by NMD. We demonstrate for the first time that replacement of the natural, long 3′-UTR from wild-type PGA1 mRNA, which encodes a protein that is important for cell wall biosynthesis, with a short 3′-UTR renders it immune to NMD. The natural PGA1 3′-UTR is sufficient to target a NMD insensitive mRNA for decay by the NMD pathway. Finally, we show that nmd mutants are sensitive to Calcofluor White, which suggests that the regulation of PGA1 and other cell wall biosynthesis proteins by NMD is physiologically significant.  相似文献   

The heat-stable antigen (HSA) is a costimulatory molecule for T-cell activation. Its expression is strictly regulated during lymphocyte development and differentiation. Recent studies using HSA-transgenic mice have demonstrated that this regulated expression is critical for normal development of T and B lymphocytes. However, the mechanisms that control the expression of HSA are largely unknown. HSA mRNA is comprised of a 0.23-kb open reading frame and a 1.5-kb 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR). The function of the long 3′UTR has not been addressed. Here we investigate the role of the 3′UTR of HSA mRNA. We show that a 160-bp element, located in the region of nucleotides 1465 to 1625 in the 3′UTR of HSA mRNA, promotes RNA degradation and that this effect is neutralized by a 43-bp fragment approximately 1 kb upstream of the negative cis element. Both positive and negative cis elements in the HSA mRNA are distinct from other sequences that are known to modulate mRNA stability. These results provide direct evidence that the interplay between two novel cis elements in the 3′UTR of HSA mRNA determines cell surface HSA expression by modulating its RNA stability.  相似文献   

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