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Attention to a visual stimulus typically increases the responses of cortical neurons to that stimulus. Because many studies have shown a close relationship between the performance of individual neurons and behavioural performance of animal subjects, it is important to consider how attention affects this relationship. Measurements of behavioural and neuronal performance taken from rhesus monkeys while they performed a motion detection task with two attentional states show that attention alters the relationship between behaviour and neuronal response. Notably, attention affects the relationship differently in different cortical visual areas. This indicates that a close relationship between neuronal and behavioural performance on a given task persists over changes in attentional state only within limited regions of visual cortex.  相似文献   

The activity of a border ownership selective (BOS) neuron indicates where a foreground object is located relative to its (classical) receptive field (RF). A population of BOS neurons thus provides an important component of perceptual grouping, the organization of the visual scene into objects. In previous theoretical work, it has been suggested that this grouping mechanism is implemented by a population of dedicated grouping (“G”) cells that integrate the activity of the distributed feature cells representing an object and, by feedback, modulate the same cells, thus making them border ownership selective. The feedback modulation by G cells is thought to also provide the mechanism for object-based attention. A recent modeling study showed that modulatory common feedback, implemented by synapses with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-type glutamate receptors, accounts for the experimentally observed synchrony in spike trains of BOS neurons and the shape of cross-correlations between them, including its dependence on the attentional state. However, that study was limited to pairs of BOS neurons with consistent border ownership preferences, defined as two neurons tuned to respond to the same visual object, in which attention decreases synchrony. But attention has also been shown to increase synchrony in neurons with inconsistent border ownership selectivity. Here we extend the computational model from the previous study to fully understand these effects of attention. We postulate the existence of a second type of G-cell that represents spatial attention by modulating the activity of all BOS cells in a spatially defined area. Simulations of this model show that a combination of spatial and object-based mechanisms fully accounts for the observed pattern of synchrony between BOS neurons. Our results suggest that modulatory feedback from G-cells may underlie both spatial and object-based attention.  相似文献   

Children are generally masterful imitators, both rational and flexible in their reproduction of others'' actions. After observing an adult operating an unfamiliar object, however, young children will frequently overimitate, reproducing not only the actions that were causally necessary but also those that were clearly superfluous. Why does overimitation occur? We argue that when children observe an adult intentionally acting on a novel object, they may automatically encode all of the adult''s actions as causally meaningful. This process of automatic causal encoding (ACE) would generally guide children to accurate beliefs about even highly opaque objects. In situations where some of an adult''s intentional actions were unnecessary, however, it would also lead to persistent overimitation. Here, we undertake a thorough examination of the ACE hypothesis, reviewing prior evidence and offering three new experiments to further test the theory. We show that children will persist in overimitating even when doing so is costly (underscoring the involuntary nature of the effect), but also that the effect is constrained by intentionality in a manner consistent with its posited learning function. Overimitation may illuminate not only the structure of children''s causal understanding, but also the social learning processes that support our species'' artefact-centric culture.  相似文献   

Marvin M. Chun and Yuhong Jiang (1998) investigated the role of spatial context on visual search. They used two display conditions. In the Old Display condition, the spatial arrangement of items in the search display was kept constant throughout the experiment. In the New Display condition, the spatial arrangement of items was always novel from trial to trial. The results showed better performance with Old Displays than with New Displays. The authors proposed that repeated spatial context help guiding attention to the target location, thus they termed this effect Contextual Cueing. We present three attempts to reproduce this effect. Experiments 1 and 2 were near exact replications of experiments in Chun and Jiang's report, where we failed to obtain Contextual Cueing. Post-experimental interviews revealed that participants used different search strategies when performing the task: an 'active' strategy (an active effort to find the target), or a 'passive' strategy (intuitive search). In Experiment 3, we manipulated task instructions to bias participants into using active or passive strategies. A robust Contextual Cueing Effect was obtained only in the passive instruction condition.  相似文献   

The goal of this review is to introduce a theory of task-driven visual attention and working memory (TRAM). Based on a specific biased competition model, the ‘theory of visual attention’ (TVA) and its neural interpretation (NTVA), TRAM introduces the following assumption. First, selective visual processing over time is structured in competition episodes. Within an episode, that is, during its first two phases, a limited number of proto-objects are competitively encoded—modulated by the current task—in activation-based visual working memory (VWM). In processing phase 3, relevant VWM objects are transferred via a short-term consolidation into passive VWM. Second, each time attentional priorities change (e.g. after an eye movement), a new competition episode is initiated. Third, if a phase 3 VWM process (e.g. short-term consolidation) is not finished, whereas a new episode is called, a protective maintenance process allows its completion. After a VWM object change, its protective maintenance process is followed by an encapsulation of the VWM object causing attentional resource costs in trailing competition episodes. Viewed from this perspective, a new explanation of key findings of the attentional blink will be offered. Finally, a new suggestion will be made as to how VWM items might interact with visual search processes.  相似文献   

The dark side of visual attention   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The limited capacity of neural processing restricts the number of objects and locations that can be attended to. Selected events are readily enhanced: the bright side of attention. However, such focal processing comes at a cost, namely, functional blindness for unattended events: the dark side of visual attention. Recent work has advanced our understanding of the neural mechanisms that facilitate visual processing, as well as the neural correlates of unattended, unconscious visual events. Also, new results have revealed how attentional deployment is optimized by non-visual factors such as behavioral set, past experience, and emotional salience.  相似文献   

Dynamic predictions: oscillations and synchrony in top-down processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Classical theories of sensory processing view the brain as a passive, stimulus-driven device. By contrast, more recent approaches emphasize the constructive nature of perception, viewing it as an active and highly selective process. Indeed, there is ample evidence that the processing of stimuli is controlled by top-down influences that strongly shape the intrinsic dynamics of thalamocortical networks and constantly create predictions about forthcoming sensory events. We discuss recent experiments indicating that such predictions might be embodied in the temporal structure of both stimulus-evoked and ongoing activity, and that synchronous oscillations are particularly important in this process. Coherence among subthreshold membrane potential fluctuations could be exploited to express selective functional relationships during states of expectancy or attention, and these dynamic patterns could allow the grouping and selection of distributed neuronal responses for further processing.  相似文献   

Rigidity of a verbal set was compared in three series of experiments: (1) pseudowords were presented at the set-forming stage and were changed for common words at the testing stage; (2) in the same conditions as in 1, an additional task of target localization in the matrix by two distinctive features was introduced; (3) in the additional target localization task, the spatial component was strengthened whereas image recognition component was reduced. The results confirmed our hypothesis about the context-dependence of the rigidity of the visual set. This characteristic substantially depends on a working memory loading and cognitive tasks performed by a subject, in particular, the relationship between the degrees of involvement of the ventral and dorsal visual systems into the cortical processing of sequential verbal and nonverbal visual stimuli. The experimental paradigm can serve as a model for the investigation of the roles of the ventral and dorsal visual systems in the recognition function.  相似文献   

Recent brain imaging studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have implicated a frontal-parietal network in the top-down control of attention. However, little is known about the timing and sequence of activations within this network. To investigate these timing questions, we used event-related electrical brain potentials (ERPs) and a specially designed visual-spatial attentional-cueing paradigm, which were applied as part of a multi-methodological approach that included a closely corresponding event-related fMRI study using an identical paradigm. In the first 400 ms post cue, attention-directing and control cues elicited similar general cue-processing activity, corresponding to the more lateral subregions of the frontal-parietal network identified with the fMRI. Following this, the attention-directing cues elicited a sustained negative-polarity brain wave that was absent for control cues. This activity could be linked to the more medial frontal–parietal subregions similarly identified in the fMRI as specifically involved in attentional orienting. Critically, both the scalp ERPs and the fMRI-seeded source modeling for this orienting-related activity indicated an earlier onset of frontal versus parietal contribution (∼400 versus ∼700 ms). This was then followed (∼800–900 ms) by pretarget biasing activity in the region-specific visual-sensory occipital cortex. These results indicate an activation sequence of key components of the attentional-control brain network, providing insight into their functional roles. More specifically, these results suggest that voluntary attentional orienting is initiated by medial portions of frontal cortex, which then recruit medial parietal areas. Together, these areas then implement biasing of region-specific visual-sensory cortex to facilitate the processing of upcoming visual stimuli.  相似文献   

Brain states: top-down influences in sensory processing   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Gilbert CD  Sigman M 《Neuron》2007,54(5):677-696
All cortical and thalamic levels of sensory processing are subject to powerful top-down influences, the shaping of lower-level processes by more complex information. New findings on the diversity of top-down interactions show that cortical areas function as adaptive processors, being subject to attention, expectation, and perceptual task. Brain states are determined by the interactions between multiple cortical areas and the modulation of intrinsic circuits by feedback connections. In perceptual learning, both the encoding and recall of learned information involves a selection of the appropriate inputs that convey information about the stimulus being discriminated. Disruption of this interaction may lead to behavioral disorders, including schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The cognitive neuroscience of visual attention.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In current conceptualizations of visual attention, selection takes place through integrated competition between recurrently connected visual processing networks. Selection, which facilitates the emergence of a 'winner' from among many potential targets, can be associated with particular spatial locations or object properties, and it can be modulated by both stimulus-driven and goal-driven factors. Recent neurobiological data support this account, revealing the activation of striate and extrastriate brain regions during conditions of competition. In addition, parietal and temporal cortices play a role in selection, biasing the ultimate outcome of the competition.  相似文献   

The generality of parietal involvement in visual attention.   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
E Wojciulik  N Kanwisher 《Neuron》1999,23(4):747-764
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to determine whether different kinds of visual attention rely on a common neural substrate. Within one session, subjects performed three different attention experiments (each comparing an attentionally demanding task with an easier task using identical stimuli): (1) peripheral shifting, (2) object matching, and (3) a nonspatial conjunction task. Two areas were activated in all three experiments: one at the junction of intraparietal and transverse occipital sulci (IPTO), and another in the anterior intraparietal sulcus (AIPS). These regions are not simply involved in any effortful task, because they were not activated in a fourth experiment comparing a difficult language task with an easier control task. Thus, activity in IPTO and AIPS generalizes across a wide variety of attention-requiring tasks, supporting the existence of a common neural substrate underlying multiple modes of visual selection.  相似文献   

Knowledge or experiences are voluntarily recalled from memory by reactivation of their neural representations in the association cortex. Mnemonic representations of visual objects, located in the ventral processing stream of visual perception, provide the best indication of how neuronal codes are created, organized and reactivated. Associative codes are created by neurons that have the ability to link the representations of temporally associated stimuli. Recent experiments suggest that not only bottom-up signals from the retina but also top-down signals from the prefrontal cortex can trigger the retrieval of associative codes, which may serve as a neural basis for conscious recall.  相似文献   

Roelfsema PR  Tolboom M  Khayat PS 《Neuron》2007,56(5):785-792
Our visual system imposes structure onto images that usually contain a diversity of surfaces, contours, and colors. Psychological theories propose that there are multiple steps in this process that occur in hierarchically organized regions of the cortex: early visual areas register basic features, higher areas bind them into objects, and yet higher areas select the objects that are relevant for behavior. Here we test these theories by recording from the primary visual cortex (area V1) of monkeys. We demonstrate that the V1 neurons first register the features (at a latency of 48 ms), then segregate figures from the background (after 57 ms), and finally select relevant figures over irrelevant ones (after 137 ms). We conclude that the psychological processing stages map onto distinct time episodes that unfold in the visual cortex after the presentation of a new stimulus, so that area V1 may contribute to all these processing steps.  相似文献   

Our understanding of how the visual system processes motion transparency, the phenomenon by which multiple directions of motion are perceived to coexist in the same spatial region, has grown considerably in the past decade. There is compelling evidence that the process is driven by global-motion mechanisms. Consequently, although transparently moving surfaces are readily segmented over an extended space, the visual system cannot separate two motion signals that coexist in the same local region. A related issue is whether the visual system can detect transparently moving surfaces simultaneously or whether the component signals encounter a serial 'bottleneck' during their processing. Our initial results show that, at sufficiently short stimulus durations, observers cannot accurately detect two superimposed directions; yet they have no difficulty in detecting one pattern direction in noise, supporting the serial-bottleneck scenario. However, in a second experiment, the difference in performance between the two tasks disappears when the component patterns are segregated. This discrepancy between the processing of transparent and non-overlapping patterns may be a consequence of suppressed activity of global-motion mechanisms when the transparent surfaces are presented in the same depth plane. To test this explanation, we repeated our initial experiment while separating the motion components in depth. The marked improvement in performance leads us to conclude that transparent motion signals are represented simultaneously.  相似文献   

The profusion of progress during the past twenty years in identifying neural correlates of selective attention within the visual system has left open the question of how visual representations are biased to favor target stimuli. Studies aimed at specifying the mechanisms that can be causally implicated in the control of visual selective attention have only recently begun in earnest. Employing both the psychophysical and the neuroanatomical data, recent neurophysiological experiments in monkeys and neuroimaging studies in humans are converging on the neural circuits that provide the source of at least some forms of attentional control signals.  相似文献   

Ozaki TJ 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e20079
Previous effective connectivity analyses of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have revealed dynamic causal streams along the dorsal attention network (DAN) during voluntary attentional control in the human brain. During resting state, however, fMRI has shown that the DAN is also intrinsically configured by functional connectivity, even in the absence of explicit task demands, and that may conflict with effective connectivity studies. To resolve this contradiction, we performed an effective connectivity analysis based on partial Granger causality (pGC) on event-related fMRI data during Posner's cueing paradigm while optimizing experimental and imaging parameters for pGC analysis. Analysis by pGC can factor out exogenous or latent influences due to unmeasured variables. Typical regions along the DAN with greater activation during orienting than withholding of attention were selected as regions of interest (ROIs). pGC analysis on fMRI data from the ROIs showed that frontal-to-parietal top-down causal streams along the DAN appeared during (voluntary) orienting, but not during other, less-attentive and/or resting-like conditions. These results demonstrate that these causal streams along the DAN exclusively mediate voluntary covert orienting. These findings suggest that neural representations of attention in frontal regions are at the top of the hierarchy of the DAN for embodying voluntary attentional control.  相似文献   

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