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Adenosine 5′‐triphosphate (ATP) has been regarded as an intracellular energy currency molecule for many years. In recent decades, it has been determined that ATP is released into the extracellular milieu by animal, plant and microbial cells. In animal cells, this extracellular ATP (eATP) functions as a signalling compound to mediate many cellular processes through its interaction with membrane‐associated receptor proteins. It has also been reported that eATP is a signalling molecule required for the regulation of plant growth, development and responses to environmental stimuli. Recently, the first plant receptor for eATP was identified in Arabidopsis thaliana. Interestingly, some studies have shown that eATP is of particular importance in the control of plant cell death. In this review article, we summarize and discuss the theoretical and experimental advances that have been made with regard to the roles and mechanisms of eATP in plant cell death. We also make an attempt to address some speculative aspects to help develop and expand future research in this area.  相似文献   

水杨酸(SA)是植物重要的信号分子,低浓度的SA能够诱导植物的抗病反应,而高浓度的SA导致植物细胞死亡。本文采用500μmol·L-1的SA处理烟草悬浮细胞BY-2,研究了细胞外ATP在SA诱导的细胞死亡中的作用及可能的机制。结果显示,外源ATP可缓解SA诱导的细胞死亡水平的上升。另外,SA导致NADPH氧化酶活性下降,而外源ATP则刺激其活性上升。外源ATP能缓解SA对NADPH氧化酶活性的抑制,且这种缓解作用可被NADPH氧化酶的抑制剂——二亚苯基碘(DPI)所消除。DPI还可部分消除外源ATP对SA所诱导的细胞死亡的缓解作用。上述结果表明,胞外ATP通过刺激NADPH氧化酶活性缓解SA诱导的细胞死亡。  相似文献   

研究了细胞外ATP(eATP)和水杨酸(SA)对烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)叶片的气孔导度(GH2 O)、蒸腾速率(E)、光合作用速率(A)与叶绿素荧光参数[包括PSⅡ潜在最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ光适应下实际光化学效率Y(Ⅱ)、电子传递速率(ETR)、非光化学荧光淬灭(NPQ)和光化学荧光淬灭(qP)]的影响。结果表明:SA能导致A、GH2 O和E的下降,而eATP的处理能缓解SA造成的A、GH2 O和E的下降;但SA未对叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm、Y(Ⅱ)、NPQ、qP和ETR造成显著影响,eATP的加入也未改变SA处理下叶片叶绿素荧光参数的水平。这说明SA能导致光合作用的抑制,而eATP能明显缓解SA对光合作用的抑制,但以上作用可能均和光反应阶段无关。并对其内在机理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Sulphonation of small molecules by cytosolic sulphotransferases in mammals is an important process in which endogenous molecules are modified for inactivation/activation of their biological effects. Plants possess large numbers of sulphotransferase genes, but their biological functions are largely unknown. Here, we present a functional analysis of the Arabidopsis sulphotransferase AtSOT12 (At2g03760). AtSOT12 gene expression is strongly induced by salt, and osmotic stress and hormone treatments. The T‐DNA knock‐out mutant sot12 exhibited hypersensitivity to NaCl and ABA in seed germination, and to salicylic acid (SA) in seedling growth. In vitro enzyme activity assay revealed that AtSOT12 sulphonates SA, and endogenous SA levels suggested that sulphonation of SA positively regulates SA production. Upon challenging with the pathogen Pseudomonas syringae, sot12 mutant and AtSOT12 over‐expressing lines accumulate less and more SA, respectively, when compared with wild type. Consistent with the changes in SA levels, the sot12 mutant was more susceptible, while AtSOT12 over‐expressing plants are more resistant to pathogen infection. Moreover, pathogen‐induced PR gene expression in systemic leaves was significantly enhanced in AtSOT12 over‐expressing plants. The role of sulphonation of SA in SA production, mobile signalling and acquired systemic resistance is discussed.  相似文献   

Although it is well known that the pyridine nucleotides NAD and NADP function inside the cell to regulate intracellular signaling processes, recent evidence from animal studies suggests that NAD(P) also functions in the extracellular compartment (ECC). Extracellular NAD(P) [eNAD(P)] can either directly bind to plasma membrane receptors or be metabolized by ecto-enzymes to produce cyclic ADP-ribose and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate, and/or may ADP-ribosylate cell-surface receptors, resulting in activation of transmembrane signaling. In this study, we report that, in plants, exogenous NAD(P) induces the expression of pathogenesis-related ( PR ) genes and resistance to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola ES4326. Chelation of Ca2+ by EGTA significantly inhibits the induction of PR genes by exogenous NAD(P), suggesting that exogenous NAD(P) may induce PR genes through a pathway that involves Ca2+ signaling. We show that exogenous application of NAD(P) causes accumulation of the defense signal molecule salicylic acid (SA), and induces both SA/NPR1-dependent and -independent PR gene expression and disease resistance. Furthermore, we demonstrate that NAD(P) leaks into the plant ECC after mechanical wounding and pathogen infection, and that the amount of NAD(P) leaking into the ECC after P. syringae pv. tobacco DC3000/ avrRpt2 infection is sufficient for induction of both PR gene expression and disease resistance. We propose that NAD(P) leakage from cells losing membrane integrity upon environmental stress may function as an elicitor to activate plant defense responses. Our data provide evidence that eNAD(P) functions in plant signaling, and illustrate the potential importance of eNAD(P) in plant innate immunity.  相似文献   

以烟草BY-2悬浮细胞为材料,探讨了胞外ATP对壳聚糖引起的活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)水平和苯丙氨酸解氨酶(phenylalanine ammonia-lyase,PAL)活性变化的影响。结果表明,5~20μg·mL-1壳聚糖处理导致了烟草悬浮细胞细胞内ROS水平逐渐增加;壳聚糖也导致了PAL活性的增加,其活性在15μg·mL-1壳聚糖处理下达到峰值,此后有所降低。10~40μmol·L-1外源ATP处理未引起烟草悬浮细胞内ROS水平和PAL活性的显著变化。细胞外ATP水平则随壳聚糖浓度的增加而逐渐下降。本文进一步分析了细胞外ATP对壳聚糖引起的ROS水平和PAL活性变化的影响。结果显示,外源施加20μmol·L-1ATP可以有效降低壳聚糖诱导的烟草悬浮细胞ROS水平上升,同时外源ATP也明显减缓了壳聚糖所诱导的PAL活性的上升。上述结果表明,细胞外ATP水平能够影响壳聚糖引起的ROS水平和PAL活性的变化。  相似文献   

Extracellular ATP dose dependently stimulated 45Ca2+ influx even in the presence of nifedipine, a Ca2+ antagonist that inhibits voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel, in osteoblast-like MC3T3-E1 cells. ATP stimulated arachidonic acid release and the synthesis of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). However, the ATP-induced arachidonic acid release was significantly reduced by chelating extracellular Ca2+ with EGTA. On the other hand, ATP induced DNA synthesis of these cells in a dose-dependent manner in the range between 1μM and 1 mM. The pretreatment with indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, suppressed both ATP-induced PGE2 synthesis and DNA synthesis in these cells. The inhibitory effect by 50μM indomethacin on the DNA synthesis was reversed by adding 10μM PGE2. These results strongly suggest that extracellular ATP stimulates Ca2+ influx resulting in the release of arachidonic acid in osteoblast-like cells and that extracellular ATP-induced proliferative effect is mediated, at least in part, by ATP-stimulated PGE2 synthesis.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a ubiquitous gram-positive bacterium that can cause superficial to serious systemic infections in animals and humans. Here we report the development of a plant infection model to study the pathogenesis of this bacterium. Three global regulatory mutants, RN6911 (agr-), ALC 488 (sarA-) ALC 842 (sarA-/agr-) and an alpha-toxin mutant defective in biofilm formation (DU1090) which are attenuated in animal pathogenesis, were also attenuated in their ability to infect plants, suggesting that these regulators that mediate synthesis of virulence factors essential for animal pathogenesis are also required for plant pathogenesis. Further, using Arabidopsis plants altered in defense responses such as the transgenic lines NahG [defective in salicylic acid (SA) accumulation], and 35S-LOX2- (defective in jasmonic acid production and hyper-accumulator of SA), and mutants ics1 (depleted in SA accumulation), and npr1-1 (non-expressor of pathogenesis-related protein) we show that resistance of Arabidopsis to typical plant pathogens and the animal pathogen S. aureus is conserved and is mediated by SA. The data presented here suggest that Arabidopsis thaliana resistance to S. aureus is mediated either by a direct effect of SA on the pathogen, specifically one that affects the attachment/aggregate formation on the root surface and reduces the pathogen's virulence, or by SA-dependent, NPR1-independent host responses.  相似文献   

In tobacco and other Solanaceae species, the tobacco N gene confers resistance to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), and leads to induction of standard defense and resistance responses. Here, we report the use of N-transgenic tomato to identify a fast-neutron mutant, sun1-1 (suppressor of N), that is defective in N-mediated resistance. Induction of salicylic acid (SA) and expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes, each signatures of systemic acquired resistance, are both dramatically suppressed in sun1-1 plants after TMV treatment compared to wild-type plants. Application of exogenous SA restores PR gene expression, indicating that SUN1 acts upstream of SA. Upon challenge with additional pathogens, we found that the sun1-1 mutation impairs resistance mediated by certain resistance (R) genes, (Bs4, I, and Ve), but not others (Mi-1). In addition, sun1-1 plants exhibit enhanced susceptibility to TMV, as well as to virulent pathogens. sun1-1 has been identified as an EDS1 homolog present on chromosome 6 of tomato. The discovery of enhanced susceptibility in the sun1-1 (Le_eds1-1) mutant plant, which contrasts to reports in Nicotiana benthamiana using virus-induced gene silencing, provides evidence that the intersection of R gene-mediated pathways with general resistance pathways is conserved in a Solanaceous species. In tomato, EDS1 is important for mediating resistance to a broad range of pathogens (viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens), yet shows specificity in the class of R genes that it affects (TIR-NBS-LRR as opposed to CC-NBS-LRR). In addition, a requirement for EDS1 for Ve-mediated resistance in tomato exposes that the receptor-like R gene class may also require EDS1.  相似文献   

During evolution, plants have developed sophisticated ways to cope with different biotic and abiotic stresses. Phytohormones and secondary metabolites are known to play pivotal roles in defence responses against invading pathogens. One of the key hormones involved in plant immunity is salicylic acid (SA), of which the role in plant defence is well established and documented. Plants produce an array of secondary metabolites categorized in different classes, with the phenylpropanoids as major players in plant immunity. Both SA and phenylpropanoids are needed for an effective immune response by the plant. To successfully infect the host, pathogens secrete proteins, called effectors, into the plant tissue to lower defence. Secreted effectors can interfere with several metabolic or signalling pathways in the host to facilitate infection. In this review, we will focus on the different strategies pathogens have developed to affect the levels of SA and phenylpropanoids to increase plant susceptibility.  相似文献   

Extracellular NAD and ATP: Partners in immune cell modulation   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Extracellular NAD and ATP exert multiple, partially overlapping effects on immune cells. Catabolism of both nucleotides by extracellular enzymes keeps extracellular concentrations low under steady-state conditions and generates metabolites that are themselves signal transducers. ATP and its metabolites signal through purinergic P2 and P1 receptors, whereas extracellular NAD exerts its effects by serving as a substrate for ADP-ribosyltransferases (ARTs) and NAD glycohydrolases/ADPR cyclases like CD38 and CD157. Both nucleotides activate the P2X7 purinoceptor, although by different mechanisms and with different characteristics. While ATP activates P2X7 directly as a soluble ligand, activation via NAD occurs by ART-dependent ADP-ribosylation of cell surface proteins, providing an immobilised ligand. P2X7 activation by either route leads to phosphatidylserine exposure, shedding of CD62L, and ultimately to cell death. Activation by ATP requires high micromolar concentrations of nucleotide and is readily reversible, whereas NAD-dependent stimulation begins at low micromolar concentrations and is more stable. Under conditions of cell stress or inflammation, ATP and NAD are released into the extracellular space from intracellular stores by lytic and non-lytic mechanisms, and may serve as ‘danger signals–to alert the immune response to tissue damage. Since ART expression is limited to naïve/resting T cells, P2X7-mediated NAD-induced cell death (NICD) specifically targets this cell population. In inflamed tissue, NICD may inhibit bystander activation of unprimed T cells, reducing the risk of autoimmunity. In draining lymph nodes, NICD may eliminate regulatory T cells or provide space for the preferential expansion of primed cells, and thus help to augment an immune response.  相似文献   

实验以大鼠胰腺β细胞为研究对象,采用荧光测钙和全细胞膜片钳膜电容测量技术,研究 ATP 对胞内钙离子信号和细胞分泌的影响,并初步探讨了其作用机制 . 实验表明:胞外 ATP 刺激通过动员细胞内 thapsigargin 敏感的钙库 Ca2+ 释放,使大鼠胰腺β细胞内的游离钙离子浓度显著升高,细胞外的 ATP 信号对β细胞胰岛素分泌有双向调节作用,其一,主要通过降低去极化引起的钙电流而对β细胞胰岛素分泌产生较弱的抑制作用,其二,细胞在静息状态下, ATP 通过动员胞内钙库的 Ca2+ 释放使胞浆中的钙离子浓度显著增加,触发β细胞强烈分泌胰岛素 . ATP 的这种双向调节可能对胰岛素分泌的精确调控具有重要的生理意义 .  相似文献   

Extracellular ATP (ATPo) is capable of inducing different events on cells through receptor activation. The effect produced by ATPo was studied in the cell line K562 and its multidrug resistant (MDR) counterpart, Lucena 1. Lower ATPo concentrations (1 mM and 2.5 mM) led to high 3H-thymidine incorporation but no increase in cell number. Similarly, the cell cycle profile indicated an increase of cells in S phase and a decrease in G1 and G2, suggesting that the cells did not duplicate their DNA content. Higher doses of ATP (5 mM and 10 mM), as well as UTP (5 mM) and the P2X7 agonist BzATP, were cytotoxic. However, no expression of P2X7 receptors could be detected by Western Blot nor were the cells permeabilised by ATP, suggesting that pore formation was not involved in cell death. Both ecto-ATPase and ecto-5′-nucleotidase activity could be demonstrated at the surfaces of K562 and Lucena 1 cells, the latter presenting a higher ecto-5′-nucleotidase activity. Adenosine induced cell death at lower concentrations (2.5 mM) on both cell lines. Furthermore, an increased number of dead cells could be observed when 5 mM Adenosine was used compared to the same concentrations of ATPo. It still remains to be elucidated the nature of the receptors involved in the induction of cell death in these cells.Both authors have contributed equally for this article.  相似文献   

Extracellular ATP dose dependently stimulated 45Ca2+ influx even in the presence of nifedipine, a Ca2+ antagonist that inhibits voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel, in osteoblast-like MC3T3-E1 cells. ATP stimulated arachidonic acid release and the synthesis of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). However, the ATP-induced arachidonic acid release was significantly reduced by chelating extracellular Ca2+ with EGTA. On the other hand, ATP induced DNA synthesis of these cells in a dose-dependent manner in the range between 1μM and 1 mM. The pretreatment with indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, suppressed both ATP-induced PGE2 synthesis and DNA synthesis in these cells. The inhibitory effect by 50μM indomethacin on the DNA synthesis was reversed by adding 10μM PGE2. These results strongly suggest that extracellular ATP stimulates Ca2+ influx resulting in the release of arachidonic acid in osteoblast-like cells and that extracellular ATP-induced proliferative effect is mediated, at least in part, by ATP-stimulated PGE2 synthesis.  相似文献   

Plants activate disease resistance responses when they recognize pathogen-derived molecules (elicitors). Frequently, recognition results in a hypersensitive response (HR), which is characterized by local host cell death at the infection site. Here we describe a genetic engineering approach to generate an HR in plants, whether or not an invading micro-organism produces a recognized elicitor. To that aim we created transgenic tobacco plants in which the pathogen-inducible promoter of the hsr203J gene from tobacco controls the expression of the popA elicitor gene from Ralstonia solanacearum. Because PopA itself also induces the hsr203J promoter, transgenic plants rapidly accumulate the bacterial elicitor in the pathogen infection sites. The elicitor becomes converted in plant tissues into its fully active derivatives PopA1-PopA3, showing that the previously observed processing events are not dependent on the bacterial type III secretion system. The outcome of induced PopA accumulation is a localized HR and a high degree of resistance of the transgenic plants to an oomycete pathogen. The system is functional in hybrids between different tobacco varieties, and we show that the engineered resistance, but not the associated cell death, is dependent on the salicylic acid signalling cascade. Although the approach is powerful in generating oomycete resistance, the induced HR might affect plant health. Its application thus requires a careful selection of individual transgenic lines and trials with various pathogens.  相似文献   

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