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Summary The ciliary crown and the relationship of the ciliary crown to the underlying axoneme were studied by electron microscopy in cilia from hamster and rat trachea and bronchioles, and rabbit trachea. The ciliary crown is a cluster of 4 to 6 fibrils 35 nm long protruding beyond the plasma membrane at the tips of the cilia. The fibrils are well preserved after tannic acidglutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide fixation and have high contrast with a periodic density of 4.5 nm. They stain relatively weakly with phosphotungstic acid. The surface of the fibrils stains with ruthenium red.The microtubules of the axoneme end in a plate of electron dense amorphous material. A five layered disc occupies the space between the membrane and the amorphous plate at the tip of the axoneme. The plasma membrane can be dissolved with the detergent triton X-100 without loss of the ciliary crown. This indicates that the ciliary crown is composed of transmembranous filaments which are bound to the disc at the tip of the axoneme.Supported by U.S.P.H.S. Research Grant number HL-12650  相似文献   

Regulation of ciliary activity in the mammalian respiratory tract   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A computer-assisted transillumination, photoelectronic technique has been used to measure the beat frequency of cilia of rabbit tracheal cells grown in culture. When ciliated cells are mechanically stimulated with a microprobe the cells respond rapidly by increasing the beat frequency of their cilia. This mechanosensitive response is not limited to the stimulated cell, but is communicated in all directions to neighboring cells. To characterize the progression of this communicated response we used an automated computer-assisted imaging system to examine high-speed films of responding cells. The time it takes for the response to be transmitted between cells is slow (1-3 sec) with each cell responding after a lag-time that is proportional to the distance of the cell from the stimulated cell. We have confirmed that gap junctions are present between cells and that adjacent or non-adjacent ciliated, as well as non-ciliated, cells are electrically coupled. To correlate the mechanosensitive response with intracellular calcium fluxes we have used fura-2, a calcium-specific fluorescent dye, and digital video microscopy. Mechanical stimulation of the cultured ciliated cells, in the presence of extracellular calcium, resulted in an initial increase in intracellular calcium, which was communicated to neighboring cells. Without extracellular calcium, mechanosensitivity of cultured cells was lost and a small decrease in intracellular calcium was observed in the stimulated cell. However, neighboring cells still displayed an increase in intracellular calcium. The time course and general pattern of calcium increase in adjacent cells was similar to the responses in ciliary activity produced by mechanical stimulation. Ciliary beat frequency is also elevated by beta-adrenergic drugs independently of mechanosensitivity. These responses are important because they could provide a dual regulatory mechanism for the control of mucus transport. Adrenergic agonists could provide non-specific control by increasing ciliary activity throughout the airways while mechanosensitivity could provide local control by increasing activity in those regions of heavy mucus load.  相似文献   

Structure and function of mammalian cilia   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
In the past half century, beginning with electron microscopic studies of 9 + 2 motile and 9 + 0 primary cilia, novel insights have been obtained regarding the structure and function of mammalian cilia. All cilia can now be viewed as sensory cellular antennae that coordinate a large number of cellular signaling pathways, sometimes coupling the signaling to ciliary motility or alternatively to cell division and differentiation. This view has had unanticipated consequences for our understanding of developmental processes and human disease.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural abnormalities of respiratory cilia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ultrastructural abnormalities of human respiratory tract cilia have been studied in 33 patients: 21 were adults, 18 with chronic bronchitis, and 12 were children, two with situs inversus. Abnormalities, such as the lack of a few dynein arms or the loss of a peripheral doublet were observed quite frequently in both children and adults. However, congenital abnormalities associated with the "immotile cilia syndrome" were rare and were observed in only three of the children and none of the adults.  相似文献   

The primary cilium is a microtubule-based organelle that senses extracellular signals as a cellular antenna. Primary cilia are found on many types of cells in our body and play important roles in development and physiology. Defects of primary cilia cause a broad class of human genetic diseases called ciliopathies. To gain new insights into ciliary functions and better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying ciliopathies, it is of high importance to generate a catalog of primary cilia proteins. In this study, we isolated primary cilia from mouse kidney cells by using a calcium-shock method and identified 195 candidate primary cilia proteins by MudPIT (multidimensional protein identification technology), protein correlation profiling, and subtractive proteomic analysis. Based on comparisons with other proteomic studies of cilia, around 75% of our candidate primary cilia proteins are shared components with motile or specialized sensory cilia. The remaining 25% of the candidate proteins are possible primary cilia-specific proteins. These possible primary cilia-specific proteins include EVC2, INPP5E, and inversin, several of which have been linked to known ciliopathies. We have performed the first reported proteomic analysis of primary cilia from mammalian cells. These results provide new insights into primary cilia structure and function.  相似文献   

The presence and localization of high molecular weight microtubule-associated proteins of the MAP 1 class in ciliated cells of porcine and rat respiratory tract was studied by immunoblotting and immunoelectron microscopy. Ciliary shafts of the porcine tracheal epithelium were isolated using a method that minimizes contamination of the preparation by other cellular fragments and fat. Immunoblotting with rabbit antibodies to bulk MAP 1 from hog brain clearly revealed the presence of anti-MAP 1-immunoreactive high molecular weight proteins of the MAP 1 size in these preparations. To localize MAP 1 proteins at the ultrastructural level, rat and porcine tracheal epithelia were embedded in LR White and subjected to immunogold electron microscopy. Anti-MAP 1-immunoreactive material was found at ciliary shafts and basal bodies, but not at basal feet or ciliary rootlets. Interestingly, the necklace region between the shaft and the basal body of the cilium was hardly reactive with anti-MAP 1 antibodies. This may indicate a reduced stability of ciliary microtubules in this region and could be an explanation why ciliary shafts in general break more easily there than elsewhere.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase regulates elongation of mammalian primary cilia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The primary cilium is a non-motile microtubule-based structure that shares many similarities with the structures of flagella and motile cilia. It is well known that the length of flagella is under stringent control, but it is not known whether this is true for primary cilia. In this study, we found that the length of primary cilia in fibroblast-like synoviocytes, either in log phase culture or in quiescent state, was confined within a range. However, when lithium was added to the culture to a final concentration of 100 mM, primary cilia of synoviocytes grew beyond this range, elongating to a length that was on average approximately 3 times the length of untreated cilia. Lithium is a drug approved for treating bipolar disorder. We dissected the molecular targets of this drug, and observed that inhibition of adenylate cyclase III (ACIII) by specific inhibitors mimicked the effects of lithium on primary cilium elongation. Inhibition of GSK-3β by four different inhibitors did not induce primary cilia elongation. ACIII was found in primary cilia of a variety of cell types, and lithium treatment of these cell types led to their cilium elongation. Further, we demonstrate that different cell types displayed distinct sensitivities to the lithium treatment. However, in all cases examined primary cilia elongated as a result of lithium treatment. In particular, two neuronal cell types, rat PC-12 adrenal medulla cells and human astrocytes, developed long primary cilia when lithium was used at or close to the therapeutic relevant concentration (1–2 mM). These results suggest that the length of primary cilia is controlled, at least in part, by the ACIII–cAMP signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The specificity of four monoclonal antibodies, raised against mammalian ciliary axonemes, was determined by both immunofluorescence and immunoblot experiments. Three antibodies reacted with epitopes which are differentially located along axonemal length. Among these, antibody 3.12 recognized an epitope common to different dynein heavy chains, reacted only with tracheal cilia and specifically stained the proximal portion of the ciliary axoneme.  相似文献   

The ciliostatic activity of the chloroform-extractable metabolites of 72 strains of filamentous fungi growing in a liquid medium, on tracheal cilia from 1-d-old chicksin vitro was evaluated. Forty-eight of the investigated strains produced ciliostatic metabolites; 13, 11, 16, and 25% of the strains stopped the movement of cilia after 1, 2, 3, 6 d, respectively. The results are discussed in relationship with chronic bronchitis of people working with mouldy materials, living in mouldy dwellings and with the “sick-building syndrome”.  相似文献   

We report the identification of a novel polyomavirus present in respiratory secretions from human patients with symptoms of acute respiratory tract infection. The virus was initially detected in a nasopharyngeal aspirate from a 3-year-old child from Australia diagnosed with pneumonia. A random library was generated from nucleic acids extracted from the nasopharyngeal aspirate and analyzed by high throughput DNA sequencing. Multiple DNA fragments were cloned that possessed limited homology to known polyomaviruses. We subsequently sequenced the entire virus genome of 5,229 bp, henceforth referred to as WU virus, and found it to have genomic features characteristic of the family Polyomaviridae. The genome was predicted to encode small T antigen, large T antigen, and three capsid proteins: VP1, VP2, and VP3. Phylogenetic analysis clearly revealed that the WU virus was divergent from all known polyomaviruses. Screening of 2,135 patients with acute respiratory tract infections in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, and St. Louis, Missouri, United States, using WU virus-specific PCR primers resulted in the detection of 43 additional specimens that contained WU virus. The presence of multiple instances of the virus in two continents suggests that this virus is geographically widespread in the human population and raises the possibility that the WU virus may be a human pathogen.  相似文献   

Summary Nerve fibres displaying immunoreactivity to calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) are abundantly distributed in the respiratory tract of man, dog, cat, guineapig, rat and mouse. Numerous fine, beaded CGRP fibres were seen in the middle ear mucosa, and a moderate supply was found in the ear drum. In the nasal mucosa and in the wall of the Eustachian tube CGRP fibres occurred around blood vessels, arteries in particular. A conspiciously rich supply of CGRP fibres was seen beneath and within the epithelium. In addition, a few fibres were seen in smooth muscle bundles and close to sero-mucous glands. In the tracheo-bronchial wall CGRP fibres were distributed beneath and within the epithelium, in vascular and non-vascular smooth muscle and sometimes close to small glands. A few CGRP-immunoreactive endocrine-like cells were, in addition, distributed in the tracheal epithelium of cat, rat and mouse. The trigeminal, spinal and nodose ganglia, studied in rats and guinea-pigs, harboured numerous CGRP-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies. The cervical sympathetic ganglia were devoid of immunoreactive neuronal perikarya. Surgical and chemical (6-hydroxydopamine treatment) sympathectomy did not affect the number and distribution of CGRP fibres. The distribution of CGRP fibres in the respiratory tract suggests that CGRP may take part in sensory transmission. In addition, CGRP may affect the regulation of local blood flow, smooth muscle tone and glandular secretion.  相似文献   

Bacterial and viral upper respiratory infections (URI) produce highly variable clinical symptoms that cannot be used to identify the etiologic agent. Proper treatment, however, depends on correct identification of the pathogen involved as antibiotics provide little or no benefit with viral infections. Here we describe a rapid and sensitive genotyping assay and microarray for URI identification using standard amplification and hybridization techniques, with electrochemical detection (ECD) on a semiconductor-based oligonucleotide microarray. The assay was developed to detect four bacterial pathogens (Bordetella pertussis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Chlamydia pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae) and 9 viral pathogens (adenovirus 4, coronavirus OC43, 229E and HK, influenza A and B, parainfluenza types 1, 2, and 3 and respiratory syncytial virus. This new platform forms the basis for a fully automated diagnostics system that is very flexible and can be customized to suit different or additional pathogens. Multiple probes on a flexible platform allow one to test probes empirically and then select highly reactive probes for further iterative evaluation. Because ECD uses an enzymatic reaction to create electrical signals that can be read directly from the array, there is no need for image analysis or for expensive and delicate optical scanning equipment. We show assay sensitivity and specificity that are excellent for a multiplexed format.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are key antigen-presenting cells central to the induction of primary immune responses. Despite the prevalence of respiratory disease in sheep and the increasing use of the ovine lung as a model for human disease, ovine respiratory tract DCs (RTDCs) have not yet been characterized. Using single and double immunocytochemical staining, expression of a number of potential DC markers (MHC class II, CD1b, SIRPalpha, and CD205) by ovine RTDC populations has been determined. MHC class II staining revealed widespread populations of DCs either adjacent to respiratory airway epithelium or within the lung parenchyma. CD1b was expressed by a small subpopulation of both airway and parenchymal RTDCs. Expression of SIRPalpha was limited to a small subpopulation of airway RTDCs but was absent from the lung parenchyma. CD205 was widely expressed by airway RTDCs but expressed only by a small subpopulation of parenchymal RTDCs. In addition, the majority (87%) of parenchymal CD205+ cells exhibited a non-DC-like morphology and did not express MHC class II, suggesting that these single CD205+ cells were not DCs. Phenotypic differences between airway and parenchymal RTDCs may be related to functional differences between the two populations.  相似文献   

Nielsen et al., [2001: Curr Biol 11:529-533], based on studies in Drosophila, have proposed that beta tubulin in axonemal microtubules must contain a specific acidic seven amino acid sequence in its carboxyl terminus. In mammals, the two betaIV isotypes (betaIVa and betaIVb) contain that sequence. In order to test the application of this hypothesis to mammals, we have examined the expression of beta tubulin isotypes in four different ciliated tissues (trachea, ependyma, uterine tube, and testis) using isotype-specific antibodies and indirect immunofluorescence. We find that betaIV tubulin is present in all ciliated cell types examined, but so is betaI tubulin. Taken together with recent studies that show that betaI and betaIV tubulin are both present in the cilia of vestibular hair cells, olfactory neurons, and nasal respiratory epithelial cells, we propose that both betaI tubulin and betaIV tubulin may be required for axonemal structures in mammals.  相似文献   

Cilia play an essential role in protecting the respiratory tract by providing the force necessary for mucociliary clearance. Although the major structural components of human cilia have been described, a complete understanding of cilia function and regulation will require identification and characterization of all ciliary components. Estimates from studies of Chlamydomonas flagella predict that an axoneme contains > or = 250 proteins. To identify all the components of human cilia, we have begun a comprehensive proteomic analysis of isolated ciliary axonemes. Analysis by two-dimensional (2-D) PAGE resulted in a highly reproducible 2-D map consisting of over 240 well resolved components. Individual protein spots were digested with trypsin and sequenced using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). Peptide matches were obtained to 38 potential ciliary proteins by this approach. To identify ciliary components not resolved by 2-D PAGE, axonemal proteins were separated on a one-dimensional gel. The gel lane was divided into 45 individual slices, each of which was analyzed by LC/MS/MS. This experiment resulted in peptide matches to an additional 110 proteins. In a third approach, preparations of isolated axonemes were digested with Lys-C, and the resulting peptides were analyzed directly by LC/MS/MS or by multidimensional LC/MS/MS, leading to the identification of a further 66 proteins. Each of the four approaches resulted in the identification of a subset of the proteins present. In total, sequence data were obtained on over 1400 peptides, and over 200 potential axonemal proteins were identified. Peptide matches were also obtained to over 200 human expressed sequence tags. As an approach to validate the mass spectrometry results, additional studies examined the expression of several identified proteins (annexin I, sperm protein Sp17, retinitis pigmentosa protein RP1) in cilia or ciliated cells. These studies represent the first proteomic analysis of the human ciliary axoneme and have identified many potentially novel components of this complex organelle.  相似文献   

Actin is an ancient cytoskeletal protein that plays many essential roles in cell motility. In eukaryotes, its gene belongs to a highly conserved gene family, while the protein is also a member of an actin superfamily comprising various kinds of actin-related proteins (Arps). A ciliate, Tetrahymena, has a unique conventional actin. Data from the TIGR Tetrahymena genome project and our own research suggest the existence of 12 actin-like sequences: four conventional actins, two of Arp4, one each of Arp1, Arp2, Arp3, Arp5, and Arp6, and a novel actin-related protein, tArp. We cloned the entire cDNA sequences of Tetrahymena Arp2 (tArp2), Tetrahymena Arp3 (tArp3), and tArp for the work described herein. In phylogenetic analyses, tArp was not included in any Arp subfamily. Unlike other known Arps, tArp localizes in cilia, and its expression was upregulated after deciliation. To see the precise localization of tArp, cilia were fractionated and analyzed using specific antibodies. tArp was observed preferentially in the "outer-doublet" fraction, while actin was found in the "crude-dynein" fraction. In immunoelectron microscopy, most of the gold particles were found either on the outer-doublet or central-pair microtubules. These results suggest that tArp is a ciliary component and that it has a unique function in the formation and maintenance of cilia.  相似文献   

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