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Park JY  Seong JK  Paik YK 《Proteomics》2004,4(2):514-523
We report here a proteomic analysis of differentially expressed liver proteins of both C57BL/6J (B6, atherosclerosis-susceptible strain) and C3H/HeJ mice (C3H, atherosclerosis-resistant strain), which were fed either control or a high-fat enriched atherogenic diet for eight weeks. We observed differential patterns of plasma lipids between the two strains when both were fed atherogenic diets. That is, although low density lipoprotein cholesterol level was highly elevated in both, the levels of total cholesterol and triglyceride in B6 mice were much lower than those in C3H mice when they were fed atherogenic diets. However, the high density lipoprotein cholesterol level was increased in the latter but decreased in the former. Histopathological observation revealed that more prominent lipid droplets were present in B6 mice than in C3H mice, when they were maintained on the atherogenic diets. Proteomic analysis of liver tissues of these two strains showed that a total of 30 proteins were significantly changed in the livers obtained from both strains after being fed the atherogenic diet. Of these, 14 protein spots including carbonic anhydrase III, senescence marker protein 30 and selenium binding protein 2 were differentially changed only in B6 mice, which was also confirmed in part by Western blotting. An additional 16 protein spots including glutathione S-transferase subclass, apolipoprotein E and chaperonin proteins were changed in both strains. We also identified 28 proteins that were differentially expressed in the livers of both B6 and C3H mice, regardless of diet feeding condition. Of these, 4 protein spots in B6 mice and 11 protein spots in C3H mice were up-regulated. Thirteen strain specific protein spots including antioxidant protein 2, apolipoprotein E and apolipoprotein A-I were also detected in different positions in two-dimensional electrophoresis. These results suggest a clear distinction in differential expression of oxidative stress proteins and lipid metabolism related proteins between the two strains in response to atherogenic diet feeding, which might account for their difference in susceptibility to atherogenesis.  相似文献   

Altered metabolism proceeding seroconversion in children progressing to Type 1 diabetes has previously been demonstrated. We tested the hypothesis that non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice show a similarly altered metabolic profile compared to C57BL/6 mice. Blood samples from NOD and C57BL/6 female mice was collected at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 weeks and the metabolite content was analyzed using GC-MS. Based on the data of 89 identified metabolites OPLS-DA analysis was employed to determine the most discriminative metabolites. In silico analysis of potential involved metabolic enzymes was performed using the dbSNP data base. Already at 0 weeks NOD mice displayed a unique metabolic signature compared to C57BL/6. A shift in the metabolism was observed for both strains the first weeks of life, a pattern that stabilized after 5 weeks of age. Multivariate analysis revealed the most discriminative metabolites, which included inosine and glutamic acid. In silico analysis of the genes in the involved metabolic pathways revealed several SNPs in either regulatory or coding regions, some in previously defined insulin dependent diabetes (Idd) regions. Our result shows that NOD mice display an altered metabolic profile that is partly resembling the previously observation made in children progressing to Type 1 diabetes. The level of glutamic acid was one of the most discriminative metabolites in addition to several metabolites in the TCA cycle and nucleic acid components. The in silico analysis indicated that the genes responsible for this reside within previously defined Idd regions.  相似文献   

Adult mice were fed a choline-deficient ethionine enriched (CDE) diet for 24, 48 or 72 h. They were then fasted for 24 or 48 h prior to sacrifice. All tissues were studied by light and electron microscopy. Animals fed the CDE diet for 24 h exhibited cells with vacuolated cytoplasm, and the accumulation of lipid in these cells was clearly abnormal. Animals fed the CDE diet for 24 h and subsequently a regular diet for 48 h displayed normal hepatocytes, suggesting that the alterations at 24 h were reversible. Following 48 or 72 h of feeding the CDE diet, abundant lipid-laden cells were observed in the hepatic lobules, and at the electron microscope level these cells were undergoing frank degeneration. Evidence indicated that changes after 48 or 72 h were irreversible.  相似文献   

In the present work, we induced obesity in rats with high-energy-starch diet and studied exocrine pancreas response. The zymogen granule (ZG) or purified plasma membrane (PM) from the exocrine pancreas was used for the isolation of the detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs). Based on high content of cholesterol, GM1, the bile salt dependent lipase (BSDL), and GP2 enrichment, the low-density fractions were defined as lipid rafts. Additionally, the rafts vesicles were determined by immunogold labeling with anti BSDL. By combining MALDI-TOF/MS and nano-LC ESI Q-TOF MS/MS proteomic identification we have selected 33 proteins from the lipid rafts which were classified into at least four functional families. Our data suggest that the acinar PM from the diet-induced obesity rats may be organized into lipid rafts, and characterization of rafts proteome can contribute to improve our understanding of food digestion under obesity.  相似文献   

Obesity-related cardiac lipid accumulation is associated with increased myocardial oxidative stress. The role of the antioxidant glutathione in cardiac lipotoxicity is unclear. Cystathionine β-synthase (Cbs) catalyzes the first step in the trans-sulfuration of homocysteine to cysteine, which is estimated to provide ~50% of cysteine for hepatic glutathione biosynthesis. As cardiac glutathione is a reflection of the liver glutathione pool, we hypothesize that mice heterozygous for targeted disruption of Cbs (Cbs(+/-)) are more susceptible to obesity-related cardiolipotoxicity because of impaired liver glutathione synthesis. Cbs(+/+) and Cbs(+/-) mice were fed a high fat diet (60% energy) from weaning for 13 weeks to induce obesity and had similar increases in body weight and body fat. This was accompanied by increased hepatic triglyceride but no differences in hepatic glutathione levels compared with mice fed chow. However, Cbs(+/-) mice with diet-induced obesity had greater glucose intolerance and lower total and reduced glutathione levels in the heart, accompanied by lower plasma cysteine levels compared with Cbs(+/+) mice. Higher triglyceride concentrations, increased oxidative stress, and increased markers of apoptosis were also observed in heart from Cbs(+/-) mice with diet-induced obesity compared with Cbs(+/+) mice. This study suggests a novel role for Cbs in maintaining the cardiac glutathione pool and protecting against cardiac lipid accumulation and oxidative stress during diet-induced obesity in mice.  相似文献   

The involvement of both apolipoprotein E (apoE) and mitochondria in lipid metabolism is widely recognized, however there is surprisingly scarce data about the putative mitochondrial action(s) of this protein. The aim of the study was to screen the alterations in liver mitochondrial proteome caused by apoE deficiency. We applied 2DE-LC-MS/MS methodology to investigate the changes in liver mitochondrial protein expression in 6-months old apoE(-/-) mice as compared to C57BL/6J controls. ApoE(-/-), but not C57BL/6J mice developed visible atherosclerotic changes in aorta and mild, diffuse steatosis of the liver. Collectively, 18 differentially expressed proteins were identified in mitochondria, related to apoptosis, antioxidant and detoxifying mechanisms of mitochondria, as well as lipid metabolism and transport. In conclusion, differential proteomic approach revealed several lines of proteomic evidence that mitochondrial function in the liver of apoE(-/-) mice could be altered as a result of overlapping of pathological and compensatory changes in expression of proteins.  相似文献   

Mito N  Kaburagi T  Yoshino H  Imai A  Sato K 《Life sciences》2006,79(11):1056-1061
OBJECTIVE: It is known that immune functions are altered in various ways by obesity. However, changes in the intestinal immune system resulting from obesity remain poorly understood. Oral tolerance is a system that suppresses antigen specific immune responses to orally administrated antigens. The intestinal immune system is intimately associated with the oral tolerance system, that acts to prevent allergic and inflammatory diseases. In this study we investigated the effect of obesity on induction of oral tolerance to ovalbumin (OVA) in an animal model of obesity. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Obese mice induced by a high fat diet and control mice were allowed free access for 3 days to a 1%-ovalbumin (OVA) solution in drinking water. After continuous feeding of the antigen, all the mice were immunized by two intraperitoneal injections of OVA administered 7 days apart. RESULTS: In the control mice, induction of oral tolerance caused an increase in antigen specific IgG1 levels and a decrease in IgG2a levels. In contrast, the IgG1/IgG2a ratio was reversed in obese mice. OVA-specific IL-2 production was suppressed by antigen feeding in both the control and obese mice; however, suppression of OVA-specific IL-10 was observed only in the control mice. Although OVA-specific IgA and IgM were not affected by antigen feeding, the obese groups of mice had significantly lower titers of antibodies. DISCUSSION: These findings suggest that obesity may affect induction of oral tolerance following antigen feeding and that these changes may be related to the inflammatory reaction.  相似文献   

Complex molecular changes associated with early stage human heart disease are poorly understood and prevent the development of effective treatments of human cardiac disease. Relatively minor structural changes in early disease may accompany some conditions such as arrhythmias. Our objective was to determine if significant proteomic changes occur in heart tissues in the absence of structural pathology. We used a proteomic "pipeline" based on Ciphergen SELDI-TOF/MS, gel electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF/MS. The kyphoscoliosis (ky) mouse carries a mutation in a putative transglutaminase causing a primary skeletal muscle disease. The ky protein is expressed usually in skeletal and cardiac muscle but its absence from the ky heart causes no structural pathology making it a good model of "occult" heart disease. We discovered 20 statistically validated biomarkers discriminating ky from normal hearts, one cardiac troponin-I was reduced by 40% in ky hearts. A 17% deficit was confirmed subsequently by Western blot. Thus, the proteome of ky hearts was abnormal, giving support to our contention that this SELDI-based analytical approach is capable of making a significant contribution to the analysis of complex proteomic changes in early stage human heart disease.  相似文献   

The pancreas is a heterogeneous organ mixed with both exocrine and endocrine cells. The pancreas is involved in metabolic activities with the endocrine cells participating in the regulation of blood glucose, while the exocrine portion provides a compatible environment for the pancreatic islets and is responsible for secretion of digestive enzymes. The purpose of this study was to identify pancreatic proteins that are differentially expressed in normal mice and those with diet-induced type 2 diabetes (T2DM). In this study, C57BL/6J male mice fed a high fat diet became obese and developed T2DM. The pancreatic protein profiles were compared between control and diabetic mice using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Differentially expressed protein "spots" were identified by mass spectrometry. REG1 and REG2 proteins, which may be involved in the proliferation of pancreatic beta cells, were up-regulated very early in the progression of obese mice to T2DM. Glutathione peroxidase, which functions in the clearance of reactive oxidative species, was found to be down-regulated in the diabetic mice at later stages. The RNA levels encoding REG2 and glutathione peroxidase were compared by Northern blot analysis and were consistent to the changes in protein levels between diabetic and control mice. The up-regulation of REG1 and REG2 suggests the effort of the pancreas in trying to ameliorate the hyperglycemic condition by stimulating the proliferation of pancreatic beta cells and enhancing the subsequent insulin secretion. The down-regulation of glutathione peroxidase in pancreas could contribute to the progressive deterioration of beta cell function due to the hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The prevalence of obesity is increasing globally, and obesity is a major risk factor for metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Previously, we reported that oral administration of homobrassinolide (HB) to healthy rats triggered a selective anabolic response that was associated with lower blood glucose. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of HB administration on glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity, body composition, and gluconeogenic gene expression profiles in liver of C57BL/6J high-fat diet-induced obese mice. Acute oral administration of 50-300 mg/kg HB to obese mice resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in fasting blood glucose within 3 h of treatment. Daily chronic administration of HB (50 mg/kg for 8 wk) ameliorated hyperglycemia and improved oral glucose tolerance associated with obesity without significantly affecting body weight or body composition. These changes were accompanied by lower expression of two key gluconeogenic enzymes, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and glucose-6-phosphatase (G-6-Pase), and increased phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase in the liver and muscle tissue. In vitro, HB treatment (1-15 μM) inhibited cyclic AMP-stimulated but not dexamethasone-stimulated upregulation of PEPCK and G-6-Pase mRNA levels in H4IIE rat hepatoma cells. Among a series of brassinosteroid analogs related to HB, only homocastasterone decreased glucose production in cell culture significantly. These results indicate the antidiabetic effects of brassinosteroids and begin to elucidate their putative cellular targets both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Alcoholic steatohepatitis (ASH) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) are common liver diseases in the United States. ASH and NASH occur more frequently in women than in men, and liver injury is also more severe in women. The role of estrogens in ASH has been well established, but their role in NASH has received relatively little study. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of estrogens in methionine-choline deficient diet (MCDD)-induced steatohepatitis in mice. The degree of steatohepatitis was evaluated in males and in intact and ovariectomized females that were fed MCDD for 4 weeks, and in females that were fed MCDD containing tamoxifen. Hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections of livers showed marked steatohepatitis in all experimental groups. Compared to the control group, markers of hepatocyte injury such as aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), and liver triglyceride levels increased significantly in males and in intact and ovariectomized female mice that were fed MCDD. Also, it was interesting that levels of AST and ALT increased much more in the MCDD + tamoxifen group than in the MCDD group. In female mice fed MCDD, hepatocyte proliferative and apoptotic indices increased slightly compared to mice that were fed a normal diet. Based on these results, it can be concluded that MCDD-induced steatohepatitis is comparable in male and female mice, and that ovariectomy or antiestrogen treatment had no protective effect in MCDD-induced steatohepatitis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial coupling efficiency is pivotal in thermogenesis and energy homeostasis. Here we show that deletion of cyclophilin D (CypD), a key modulator of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, demonstrated resistance to diet-induced obesity (DIO) in both male and female mice, due to increased basal metabolic rate, heat production, total energy expenditure and expenditure of fat energy, despite increased food consumption. Absorption of fatty acids is not altered between CypD(-/-) and wild-type mice. Adult CypD(-/-) developed hyperglycemia, insulin resistance and glucose intolerance albeit resistant to DIO. These data demonstrate that inhibition of CypD function could protect from HFD-IO by increasing energy expenditure in both male and female mice. Inhibition of CypD may offer a novel target to modulate metabolism.  相似文献   

Plasma concentrations of free fatty acids are increased in metabolic syndrome, and the increased fatty acids may cause cellular damage via the induction of oxidative stress. The present study was designed to determine whether the increase in fatty acids can modify the free sulfhydryl group in position 34 of albumin (Cys34) and enhance the redox-cycling activity of the copper-albumin complex in high-fat diet-induced obese mice. The mice were fed with commercial normal diet or high-fat diet and water ad libitum for 3 months. The high-fat diet-fed mice developed obesity, hyperlipemia, and hyperglycemia. The plasma fatty acid/albumin ratio also significantly increased in high-fat diet-fed mice. The increased fatty acid/albumin ratio was associated with conformational changes in albumin and the oxidation of sulfhydryl groups. Moreover, an ascorbic acid radical, an index of redox-cycling activity of the copper-albumin complex, was detected only in the plasma from obese mice, whereas the plasma concentrations of ascorbic acid were not altered. Plasma thiobarbituric acid reactive substances were significantly increased in the high-fat diet group. These results indicate that the increased plasma fatty acids in the high-fat diet group resulted in the activated redox cycling of the copper-albumin complex and excessive lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

Faecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) is considered as a promising technology to fight against obesity. Wild boar has leanermuscle and less fat in comparison to the domestic pig, which were thought to be related with microbiota. To investigate the function and mechanism of the wild boar microbiota on obesity, we first analysed the wild boar microbiota composition via 16S rDNA sequencing, which showed that Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were the dominant bacteria. Then, we established a high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity model, and transfer low and high concentrations of wild boar faecal suspension in mice for 9 weeks. The results showed that FMT prevented HFD-induced obesity and lipid metabolism disorders, and altered the jejunal microbiota composition especially increasing the abundance of the Lactobacillus and Romboutsia, which were negatively correlated with obesity-related indicators. Moreover, we found that the anti-obesity effect of wild boar faecal suspension was associated with jejunal N6-methyladenosine (m6A) levels. Overall, these results suggest that FMT has a mitigating effect on HFD-induced obesity, which may be due to the impressive effects of FMT on the microbial composition and structure of the jejunum. These changes further alter intestinal lipid metabolism and m6A levels to achieve resistance to obesity.  相似文献   

Men have a statistically higher risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disease than premenopausal women, but the mechanisms mediating these differences are elusive. Chronic inflammation during obesity contributes to disease risk and is significantly more robust in males. Prior work demonstrated that compared with obese males, obese females have reduced proinflammatory adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs). Given the paucity of data on how sex hormones contribute to macrophage responses in obesity, we sought to understand the role of sex hormones in promoting obesity-induced myeloid inflammation. We used gonadectomy, estrogen receptor–deficient alpha chimeras, and androgen-insensitive mice to model sex hormone deficiency. These models were evaluated in diet-induced obesity conditions (high-fat diet [HFD]) and in vitro myeloid assays. We found that ovariectomy increased weight gain and adiposity. Ovariectomized females had increased ATMs and bone marrow myeloid colonies compared with sham-gonadectomized females. In addition, castrated males exposed to HFD had improved glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and adiposity with fewer Ly6chi monocytes and bone marrow myeloid colonies compared with sham-gonadectomized males, although local adipose inflammation was enhanced. Similar findings were observed in androgen-insensitive mice; however, these mice had fewer CD11c+ ATMs, implying a developmental role for androgens in myelopoiesis and adipose inflammation. We concluded that gonadectomy results in convergence of metabolic and inflammatory responses to HFD between the sexes, and that myeloid estrogen receptor alpha contributes minimally to diet-induced inflammatory responses, whereas loss of androgen-receptor signaling improves metabolic and inflammatory outcomes. These studies demonstrate that sex hormones play a critical role in sex differences in obesity, metabolic dysfunction, and myeloid inflammation.  相似文献   

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