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A study was made of morphological, cultural, biochemical properties and antigenic structure (by O-antigen) of 59 strains isolated in group acute intestinal affection of children at the pioneer camp. By the combination of biochemical properties (31 tests) all the cultures isolated were referred to Providencia alcalifaciens of biotype 7. Serological typing with the aid of experimental diagnostic agglutinating O-sera showed these strains to be referred to serological group O2. Identity of the O-antigen of the isolated cultures to the standard O2 strain was confirmed by the results of cross reactions of agglutinin absorption. The results of bacteriological and clinico-epidemiological studies offered a possibility of regarding the isolated Providencia alcalifaciens of serological group O2 as the causative agents of the group intestinal disease in children.  相似文献   

The genus Providencia consists of eight species of opportunistic pathogenic enterobacteria that can cause enteric diseases and urinary tract infections. The existing combined serological classification scheme of three species, P. alcalifaciens, P. stuartii, and P. rustigianii, is based on the specificity of O-antigens (O-polysaccharides) and comprises 63 O-serogroups. Differences between serogroups are related to polymorphism at a specific genome locus, the O-antigen gene cluster, responsible for O-antigen biosynthesis. This review presents data on structures of 36 O-antigens of Providencia, many of which contain unusual monosaccharides and non-carbohydrate components. The structural data correlate with the immunospecificity of the O-antigens and enable substantiation on a molecular level of serological relationships within the genus Providencia and between strains of Providencia and bacteria of the genera Proteus, Escherichia, and Salmonella. Peculiar features of the O-antigen gene cluster organization in 10 Providencia serogroups and biosynthetic pathways of nucleotide precursors of specific monosaccharide components of the O-antigens also are discussed.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic genomes can usurp enzymatic functions encoded by mobile elements for their own use. A particularly interesting kind of acquisition involves the domestication of retroviral envelope genes, which confer infectious membrane-fusion ability to retroviruses. So far, these examples have been limited to vertebrate genomes, including primates where the domesticated envelope is under purifying selection to assist placental function. Here, we show that in Drosophila genomes, a previously unannotated gene (CG4715, renamed Iris) was domesticated from a novel, active Kanga lineage of insect retroviruses at least 25 million years ago, and has since been maintained as a host gene that is expressed in all adult tissues. Iris and the envelope genes from Kanga retroviruses are homologous to those found in insect baculoviruses and gypsy and roo insect retroviruses. Two separate envelope domestications from the Kanga and roo retroviruses have taken place, in fruit fly and mosquito genomes, respectively. Whereas retroviral envelopes are proteolytically cleaved into the ligand-interaction and membrane-fusion domains, Iris appears to lack this cleavage site. In the takahashii/suzukii species groups of Drosophila, we find that Iris has tandemly duplicated to give rise to two genes (Iris-A and Iris-B). Iris-B has significantly diverged from the Iris-A lineage, primarily because of the "invention" of an intron de novo in what was previously exonic sequence. Unlike domesticated retroviral envelope genes in mammals, we find that Iris has been subject to strong positive selection between Drosophila species. The rapid, adaptive evolution of Iris is sufficient to unambiguously distinguish the phylogenies of three closely related sibling species of Drosophila (D. simulans, D. sechellia, and D. mauritiana), a discriminative power previously described only for a putative "speciation gene." Iris represents the first instance of a retroviral envelope-derived host gene outside vertebrates. It is also the first example of a retroviral envelope gene that has been found to be subject to positive selection following its domestication. The unusual selective pressures acting on Iris suggest that it is an active participant in an ongoing genetic conflict. We propose a model in which Iris has "switched sides," having been recruited by host genomes to combat baculoviruses and retroviruses, which employ homologous envelope genes to mediate infection.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster is one of the most widely used model systems in biology. However, little is known about its associated bacterial community. As a first step towards understanding these communities, we compared bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequence libraries recovered from 11 natural populations of adult D. melanogaster. Bacteria from these sequence libraries were grouped into 74 distinct taxa, spanning the phyla Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes, which were unevenly spread across host populations. Summed across populations, the distribution of abundance of genera was closely fit by a power law. We observed differences among host population locations both in bacterial community richness and in composition. Despite this significant spatial variation, no relationship was observed between species richness and a variety of abiotic factors, such as temperature and latitude. Overall, bacterial communities associated with adult D. melanogaster hosts are diverse and differ across host populations.  相似文献   

Infestation of larvae of Drosophila melanogaster by both Leptopilina boulardi and L. heterotoma (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae: Eucoilidae) varies according to within-population genetic variations in the hosts. L. heterotoma larvae thrive better than L. boulardi and developmental success of both parasitoids varies according to the host's genotype. Crowding in hosts improves success rate of both species, that of L. boulardi then being equal to that of L. heterotoma.
Résumé Les résultats de l'infestation des larves de D. melanogaster par les Cynipides Leptopilina boulardi et L. heterotoma varient selon le génotype des hôtes et leur état nutritionnel. L'analyse génétique de la population hôte par la méthode des lignées isofemelles montre que le degré d'infestation (pourcentage de larves effectivement parasitées dans des tests standidardisés) varie significativement entre lignées. Le taux de succès du développement parasitaire (pourcentage d'hôtes parasités fournissant un parasite adulte) est plus élevé chez L. heterotoma que chez L. boulardi et varie fortement entre lignées d'hôtes. Les variations chez les deux parasites sont corrélées.La sous-alimentation des larves parasitées augmente le succès du développement des deux parasites et celui de L. boulardi devient alors égal à celui de L. heterotoma.La réponse à l'infestation par les deux Cynipides n'est pas uniforme au sein de la population hôte et varie en fonction de l'abondance des ressources nutritionnelles de ce dernier.

Young Choi 《Genetica》1977,47(2):155-160

Lazzaro BP  Sackton TB  Clark AG 《Genetics》2006,174(3):1539-1554
Insects use a generalized immune response to combat bacterial infection. We have previously noted that natural populations of D. melanogaster harbor substantial genetic variation for antibacterial immunocompetence and that much of this variation can be mapped to genes that are known to play direct roles in immunity. It was not known, however, whether the phenotypic effects of variation in these genes are general across the range of potentially infectious bacteria. To address this question, we have reinfected the same set of D. melanogaster lines with Serratia marcescens, the bacterium used in the previous study, and with three additional bacteria that were isolated from the hemolymph of wild-caught D. melanogaster. Two of the new bacteria, Enterococcus faecalis and Lactococcus lactis, are gram positive. The third, Providencia burhodogranaria, is gram negative like S. marcescens. Drosophila genotypes vary highly significantly in bacterial load sustained after infection with each of the four bacteria, but mean loads are largely uncorrelated across bacteria. We have tested statistical associations between immunity phenotypes and nucleotide polymorphism in 21 candidate immunity genes. We find that molecular variation in some genes, such as Tehao, contributes to phenotypic variation in the suppression of only a subset of the pathogens. Variation in SR-CII and 18-wheeler, however, has effects that are more general. Although markers in SR-CII and 18-wheeler explain >20% of the phenotypic variation in resistance to L. lactis and E. faecalis, respectively, most of the molecular polymorphisms tested explain <10% of the total variance in bacterial load sustained after infection.  相似文献   

Population structure concerning P element activity was investigated in two natural Drosophila populations. These populations are very different as far as in the viability spectrum is concerned. In one population, the Raleigh, United States population, genetic loads related to viability have been kept at a fairly high level. In the other population, the Nagasaki, Japan, population, the genetic loads tend to be stable at very low levels. In the Raleigh population it is estimated that on the average 4 copies of intact P elements that possess transposase activity exist in the genome. On the other hand only 0.7 complete copies are estimated to exist in the genome of the Nagasaki population. Heterogeneity in the P element copy number and significant positive linkage disequilibrium among occupied sites were detected in the Raleigh population. Our results, with some evidences which indicate that high mutation rate was caused by the P element, suggests that the large genetic loads in the Raleigh population are caused by the rapid invasion of P element in this population.  相似文献   

On quotidian basis, living beings work out an armistice with their microbial flora and a scuffle with invading pathogens to maintain a normal state of health. Although producing virulence factors and escaping the host's immune machinery are the paramount tools used by pathogens in their “arm race” against the host; here, we provide insight into another facet of pathogenic embitterment by presenting evidence of the ability of enteric pathogens to exhibit pathogenicity through modulating metabolic homeostasis in Drosophila melanogaster. We report that Escherichia coli and Shigella sonnei orally infected flies exhibit lipid droplet deprivation from the fat body, irregular accumulation of lipid droplets in the midgut, and significant elevation of systemic glucose and triglyceride levels. Our findings indicate that these detected metabolic alterations in infected flies could be attributed to differential regulation of peptide hormones known to be crucial for lipid metabolism and insulin signaling. Gaining a proper understanding of infection-induced alterations succours in curbing the pathogenesis of enteric diseases and sets the stage for promising therapeutic approaches to quarry infection-induced metabolic disorders.  相似文献   

Genetic variation of Drosophila melanogaster natural populations   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Genetic variation at 59 gene loci coding for enzymes (50) and larval proteins (9) has been studied in sympatric populations of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans from insular and continental origin. The average number of alleles per locus, the mean proportion of polymorphic loci and the mean heterozygosity are similar both within and between species. There are however some significant differences between D. simulans populations in the genotypic frequencies for four polymorphic loci.  相似文献   

Maternally transmitted endosymbiotic bacteria of the genus Spiroplasma associate with numerous insect species, including the genus Drosophila. Among the Spiroplasma strains associated with Drosophila, several manipulate their host??s reproduction by killing the male offspring of the infected females. Although the male-killing mechanism is not well understood, previous studies of non-native strains transferred to D. melanogaster (strain Oregon-R) indicate that the male-killing strain achieves higher densities than two non-male-killing strains. Whether this pattern of higher male-killing strain densities occurs in other host-symbiont strain combinations is not known. Herein, we used quantitative PCR to examine infection densities of one non-male-killing strain native to D. hydei (Hyd1), and two male-killing strains; one native to D. nebulosa (NSRO), and one native to D. melanogaster (MSRO; recently discovered), upon artificial transfer to D. melanogaster (strain Canton-S). Infection densities were examined at four weekly intervals in adult flies, across three consecutive generations following artificial transfer. Infection densities of the non-male-killing strain were significantly lower than those of the two male killers immediately after adult emergence. At later time points, however, the non-male-killing strain (Hyd1) is capable of proliferating to densities similar to those of the two male-killing strains (NSRO and MSRO) in D. melanogaster (Canton-S). We also examined the effect of co-infection by the heritable bacterium Wolbachia, on Spiroplasma densities and male-killing ability. Wolbachia had little to no effect of Spiroplasma densities, but the male-killing ability of MSRO was lower in the presence of Wolbachia. Generation post-infection had little effect on Spiroplasma densities, but affected the male-killing ability.  相似文献   

Recent findings concerning Drosophila melanogaster intestinal pathology suggest that this model is well suited for the study of intestinal stem cell physiology during aging, stress and infection. Despite the physiological divergence between vertebrates and insects, the modeling of human intestinal diseases is possible in Drosophila because of the high degree of conservation between Drosophila and mammals with respect to the signaling pathways that control intestinal development, regeneration and disease. Furthermore, the genetic amenability of Drosophila makes it an advantageous model species. The well-studied intestinal stem cell lineage, as well as the tools available for its manipulation in vivo, provide a promising framework that can be used to elucidate many aspects of human intestinal pathology. In this Perspective, we discuss recent advances in the study of Drosophila intestinal infection and pathology, and briefly review the parallels and differences between human and Drosophila intestinal regeneration and disease.  相似文献   

Majority of fly laboratory strains is infected with Wolbachia, intracellular rickettsial-type symbiotic bacteria widespread in various organisms including insects and nematodes. To make the matter worse, I found that certain antisera used for fly immunocytochemistry can recognize Wolbachia bacteria in addition to their own antigens, due to impurity in the antisera generated against the recombinant fusion proteins frequently used as antigens. Thus, combinatorial use of contaminated antisera and Wolbachia-infected flies can result in serious misinterpretations, which can be avoided by curing laboratory strains of Wolbachia.  相似文献   

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