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Electron capture dissociation (ECD) is a new fragmentation technique used in Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry and is complementary to traditional tandem mass spectrometry techniques. Disulfide bonds, normally stable to vibrational excitation, are preferentially cleaved in ECD. Fragmentation is fast and specific and labile post-translational modifications and non-covalent bonds often remain intact after backbone bond dissociation. ECD provides more extensive sequence coverage in polypeptides, and at higher electron energies even isoleucine and leucine are distinguishable. In biotechnology, the main area of ECD application is expected to be the top-down verification of DNA-predicted protein sequences, de novo sequencing, disulfide bond analysis and the combined top-down/bottom-up analysis of post-translational modifications.  相似文献   

High-throughput protein analysis by tandem mass spectrometry produces anywhere from thousands to millions of spectra that are being used for peptide and protein identifications. Though each spectrum corresponds only to one charged peptide (ion) state, repetitive database searches of multiple charge states are typically conducted since the resolution of many common mass spectrometers is not sufficient to determine the charge state. The resulting database searches are both error-prone and time-consuming. We describe a straightforward, accurate approach on charge state estimation (CHASTE). CHASTE relies on fragment ion peak distributions, and by using reliable logistic regression models, combines different measurements to improve its accuracy. CHASTE's performance has been validated on data sets, comprised of known peptide dissociation spectra, obtained by replicate analyses of our earlier developed protein standard mixture using ion trap mass spectrometers at different laboratories. CHASTE was able to reduce number of needed database searches by at least 60% and the number of redundant searches by at least 90% virtually without any informational loss. This greatly alleviates one of the major bottlenecks in high throughput peptide and protein identifications. Thresholds and parameter estimates can be tailored to specific analysis situations, pipelines, and instrumentations. CHASTE was implemented in Java GUI-based and command-line-based interfaces.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry has become a key technology for modern large-scale protein sequencing. Tandem mass spectrometry, the process of peptide ion dissociation followed by mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) analysis, is the critical component for peptide identification. Recent advances in mass spectrometry now permit two discrete, and complementary, types of peptide ion fragmentation: collision-activated dissociation (CAD) and electron transfer dissociation (ETD) on a single instrument. To exploit this complementarity and increase sequencing success rates, we designed and embedded a data-dependent decision tree algorithm (DT) to make unsupervised, real-time decisions of which fragmentation method to use based on precursor charge and m/z. Applying the DT to large-scale proteome analyses of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and human embryonic stem cells, we identified 53,055 peptides in total, which was greater than by using CAD (38,293) or ETD (39,507) alone. In addition, the DT method also identified 7,422 phosphopeptides, compared to either 2,801 (CAD) or 5,874 (ETD) phosphopeptides.  相似文献   

With simple microbiologic and fluorescent tests, we detected two cases of classic galactosemia, confirmed by specific enzyme assays, in the first 25 000 newborn infants in British Columbia screened for this disorder. The results were equivocally abnormal for another 31 infants, and a second blood sample was requested from each, either for repeat screening or for enzyme assays. The two infants with galactosemia were in hospital with an undiagnosed acute illness and had only a trace of nonglucose reducing substances in the urine when the screening tests were done. Screening for galactosemia fits well with our established programs of screening for phenylketonuria and hypothyroidism and costs less than $1 per infant tested.  相似文献   

In this paper we performed focused analyses of phospholipids by using the data of precursor ion scanning and neutral loss scanning of their polar head groups and fatty acyl moieties for the specific search of categorical phospholipids. By using precursor ion scanning or neutral loss scanning of polar head groups in the positive ion mode, more sensitive identification were obtained than that in the negative ion mode. Precursor ion scanning of carbonic anions in the negative ion mode was also effective to identify molecular species of phospholipids having specified fatty acyl moieties. By using these analytical methods, the detection limits of individual metabolites are going up to 5-20-fold of former conventional methods. The important factor is that by focusing in some limited categories of molecules, detection limit is greatly enhanced, thus minor but important molecules can be detected. Moreover, combination of LC-MS/MS and focused scanning for head group was revealed to be useful to identify very minor molecular species in the focused class of phospholipids.  相似文献   

Joh  Yoonsung  Lee  Kangbae  Kim  Hyunwoo  Park  Heejin 《BMC bioinformatics》2023,24(1):1-21
A cell exhibits a variety of responses to internal and external cues. These responses are possible, in part, due to the presence of an elaborate gene regulatory network (GRN) in every single cell. In the past 20 years, many groups worked on reconstructing the topological structure of GRNs from large-scale gene expression data using a variety of inference algorithms. Insights gained about participating players in GRNs may ultimately lead to therapeutic benefits. Mutual information (MI) is a widely used metric within this inference/reconstruction pipeline as it can detect any correlation (linear and non-linear) between any number of variables (n-dimensions). However, the use of MI with continuous data (for example, normalized fluorescence intensity measurement of gene expression levels) is sensitive to data size, correlation strength and underlying distributions, and often requires laborious and, at times, ad hoc optimization. In this work, we first show that estimating MI of a bi- and tri-variate Gaussian distribution using k-nearest neighbor (kNN) MI estimation results in significant error reduction as compared to commonly used methods based on fixed binning. Second, we demonstrate that implementing the MI-based kNN Kraskov–Stoögbauer–Grassberger (KSG) algorithm leads to a significant improvement in GRN reconstruction for popular inference algorithms, such as Context Likelihood of Relatedness (CLR). Finally, through extensive in-silico benchmarking we show that a new inference algorithm CMIA (Conditional Mutual Information Augmentation), inspired by CLR, in combination with the KSG-MI estimator, outperforms commonly used methods. Using three canonical datasets containing 15 synthetic networks, the newly developed method for GRN reconstruction—which combines CMIA, and the KSG-MI estimator—achieves an improvement of 20–35% in precision-recall measures over the current gold standard in the field. This new method will enable researchers to discover new gene interactions or better choose gene candidates for experimental validations.  相似文献   

Peptide identification by tandem mass spectrometry is an important tool in proteomic research. Powerful identification programs exist, such as SEQUEST, ProICAT and Mascot, which can relate experimental spectra to the theoretical ones derived from protein databases, thus removing much of the manual input needed in the identification process. However, the time-consuming validation of the peptide identifications is still the bottleneck of many proteomic studies. One way to further streamline this process is to remove those spectra that are unlikely to provide a confident or valid peptide identification, and in this way to reduce the labour from the validation phase. RESULTS: We propose a prefiltering scheme for evaluating the quality of spectra before the database search. The spectra are classified into two classes: spectra which contain valuable information for peptide identification and spectra that are not derived from peptides or contain insufficient information for interpretation. The different spectral features developed for the classification are tested on a real-life material originating from human lymphoblast samples and on a standard mixture of 9 proteins, both labelled with the ICAT-reagent. The results show that the prefiltering scheme efficiently separates the two spectra classes.  相似文献   

Current techniques in tandem mass spectrometric analyses of cellular protein contents often produce thousands to tens of thousands of spectra per experiment. This study introduces a new algorithm, named SPEQUAL, which is aimed at automated tandem mass spectral quality assessment. The quality of a given spectrum can be evaluated from three basic components: (i) charge state differentiation, (ii) total signal intensity, and (iii) signal-to-noise estimates. The differentiation between single and multiple precursor charge states (i) provides a binary score for a given spectrum. Components (ii) and (iii) provide partial scores which are subsequently summarized and multiplied by the first score. SPEQUAL was applied to over 10,000 data files derived from almost 3,000 tandem mass spectra, and the results (final cumulative scores) were manually verified. SPEQUAL's performance was determined to have high sensitivity and specificity and low error rates for both spectral quality estimates in general and precursor charge state differentiation in particular. Each of the partial scores is controlled by adjustable thresholds to fine-tune SPEQUAL's performance for different analysis pipelines and instrumentation. This spectral quality assessment tool is intended to act in an advisory role to the researcher, assisting in filtration of thousands of spectra typically produced by high throughput tandem mass spectrometric proteome analyses. Lastly, SPEQUAL was implemented as Java GUI-based and command-line-based interfaces freely available for both academic and industrial researchers.  相似文献   

The high-throughput nature of proteomics mass spectrometry is enabled by a productive combination of data acquisition protocols and the computational tools used to interpret the resulting spectra. One of the key components in mainstream protocols is the generation of tandem mass (MS/MS) spectra by peptide fragmentation using collision induced dissociation, the approach currently used in the large majority of proteomics experiments to routinely identify hundreds to thousands of proteins from single mass spectrometry runs. Complementary to these, alternative peptide fragmentation methods such as electron capture/transfer dissociation and higher-energy collision dissociation have consistently achieved significant improvements in the identification of certain classes of peptides, proteins, and post-translational modifications. Recognizing these advantages, mass spectrometry instruments now conveniently support fine-tuned methods that automatically alternate between peptide fragmentation modes for either different types of peptides or for acquisition of multiple MS/MS spectra from each peptide. But although these developments have the potential to substantially improve peptide identification, their routine application requires corresponding adjustments to the software tools and procedures used for automated downstream processing. This review discusses the computational implications of alternative and alternate modes of MS/MS peptide fragmentation and addresses some practical aspects of using such protocols for identification of peptides and post-translational modifications.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that quantitative and qualitative differences in amyloid beta (Abeta ) peptides may be implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease. New evidence seems to support the existence of a dynamic equilibrium between Abeta peptide in the brain and peripheral blood circulation. The quantitation of Abeta in the blood may allow the development of the potential value of Abeta peptides as a biomarker in the development of Alzheimer's disease. In this communication, quantitation of Abeta peptides using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry in a linear ion trap mode is presented. RP-HPLC was performed using a Waters Xterra MS C8 column (3.0 mm x 150 mm). Abeta(1-40) peptide was eluted using a gradient elution program. Eluate from the RP-HPLC column was split to both the UV detector and electrospray ionization MS source. The product ion scan was performed in a linear ion trap mode utilizing the transition of a multiply charged molecular ion of Abeta(1-40) to a singly charged product ion. The detection limit of 31.25 ng in column load using a 3.0-mm-diameter conventional C8 column was achieved. The Abeta(1-40) standard calibration curves show excellent linearity from 34 ng to 2500 ng Abeta(1-40) of column sample load. The product ion scan enhances sensitivity 10 times compared with the best previously achieved by a single-quadrupole instrument in the selective ion monitoring mode. Moreover, the product ion scan of Abeta(1-40) provides superior selectivity and specificity, which is very important in the quantitation of Abeta(1-40) in a complex biological matrix.  相似文献   

The positive and negative ion fast atom bombardment (FAB) mass spectra and fast atom bombardment collisionally activated decomposition (CAD) spectra of a series of nucleosides and two dinucleotides are reported. The nucleosides studied are substituted forms of guanosine, adenosine, nebularine, tubercidin, uridine, and related pyrimidines. The FAB and CAD data both contain similar information. The CAD spectra are found to provide some structural information not found in the FAB mass spectra. Tandem mass spectrometry also allows emphasis to be put on weak fragments which are either not observed in the FAB mass spectrum or are lost in the matrix ion signals.  相似文献   

A study of mono- and dinucleotides by utilizing negative ion fast atom bombardment (FAB), metastable decomposition of (M-H)- species, and collisionally activated decomposition (CAD) of (M-H)- species is reported. Data were obtained for several complete series containing the standard nucleosides (guanosine, adenosine, cytidine, thymidine, and uridine): the 3'- and 5'-monophosphate mononucleotide series for both ribo- and 2'-deoxyribomononucleotides, all possible combinations for the 3'(-)----5'-ribodinucleotides, and all possible combinations of the 3'(-)----5',2'-deoxyribodinucleotides. The metastable and CAD spectra provide more information than the FAB mass spectra. The (M-H)- ions of all dinucleotides decompose either as metastable ions or upon collisional activation to eliminate BH (B = base) preferentially from the 3'- rather than the 5'-terminus. Isomeric dinucleotides can be distinguished on the basis of this fragmentation. To establish the identity of the base at the 5'-terminus, collisional activation is preferred. By comparing relative abundances of BH elimination observed, the inherent basicities of the nucleoside base anions can be inferred to be C- greater than A-, T-, greater than G-.  相似文献   

Acyl-CoAs are intermediates of numerous metabolic processes in eukaryotic cells, including beta-oxidation within mitochondria and peroxisomes, and the biosynthesis/remodeling of lipids (e.g. mono-, di-, and triglycerides, phospholipids and sphingolipids). Investigations of lipid metabolism have been advanced by the ability to quantitate acyl-CoA intermediates via liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometric detection (LC-ESI-MS/MS), which is presently one of the most sensitive and specific analytical methods for both lipids and acyl-CoAs. This review of acyl-CoA analysis by mass spectrometry focuses on mammalian samples and long-chain analytes (i.e. palmitoyl-CoA), particularly reports of streamlined methodology, improved recovery, or expansion of the number of acyl chain-lengths amenable to quantitation.  相似文献   

When aminophospholipids with only saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids esterified to the glycerol backbone were labeled with isotopically enriched N-methylpiperazine acetic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester reagents, it was found that they could be readily detected as N-methylpiperazine-amide-tagged aminophospholipids using a precursor scan of the stable isotope reporter ion (m/z 114-117) formed by tandem mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry. However, it was found in the current study that these precursor ion scans are not useful in determining the changes of aminophospholipids with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) esterified to the glycerol backbone due to the presence of interfering ions in the reporter ion region. Therefore, a method was developed using tandem mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (MS(3)) to obtain reporter ion ratios that were not distorted by interfering ions present in the collision-induced dissociation spectra of nontagged aminophospholipids with PUFAs. This new MS(3) method for N-methylpiperazine- amide-tagged aminophospholipids was used to examine the fate of diacyl, ether, or plasmalogen glycerophosphoethanolamine (GPEtn) species after exposure of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes to A23187 and granulocyte macrophage-colony-stimulating factor/formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine stimuli, which can induce eicosanoid biosynthesis, to follow those GPEtn molecular species which were the source of arachidonic acid released. Upon stimulation of the human polymorphonuclear leukocyte, it was found that the abundant arachidonoyl GPEtn plasmalogen molecular species were uniquely reduced in relative content compared to ether or diacyl species and this subclass of GPEtn may be a source of the arachidonic acid converted to leukotrienes by the 5-lipoxygenase pathway activated in this cell.  相似文献   

Cross-linking technology combined with tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS) is a powerful method that provides a rapid solution to the discovery of protein-protein interactions and protein structures. We studied the problem of detecting cross-linked peptides and cross-linked amino acids from tandem mass spectral data. Our method consists of two steps: the first step finds two protein subsequences whose mass sum equals a given mass measured from the mass spectrometry; and the second step finds the best cross-linked amino acids in these two peptide sequences that are optimally correlated to a given tandem mass spectrum. We designed fast and space-efficient algorithms for these two steps and implemented and tested them on experimental data of cross-linked hemoglobin proteins. An interchain cross-link between two beta subunits was found in two tandem mass spectra. The length of the cross-linker (7.7 A) is very close to the actual distance (8.18 A) obtained from the molecular structure in PDB.  相似文献   

Next to the identification of proteins and the determination of their expression levels, the analysis of post-translational modifications (PTM) is becoming an increasingly important aspect in proteomics. Here, we review mass spectrometric (MS) techniques for the study of protein glycosylation at the glycopeptide level. Enrichment and separation techniques for glycoproteins and glycopeptides from complex (glyco-)protein mixtures and digests are summarized. Various tandem MS (MS/MS) techniques for the analysis of glycopeptides are described and compared with respect to the information they provide on peptide sequence, glycan attachment site and glycan structure. Approaches using electrospray ionization and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) of glycopeptides are presented and the following fragmentation techniques in glycopeptide analysis are compared: collision-induced fragmentation on different types of instruments, metastable fragmentation after MALDI ionization, infrared multi-photon dissociation, electron-capture dissociation and electron-transfer dissociation. This review discusses the potential and limitations of tandem mass spectrometry of glycopeptides as a tool in structural glycoproteomics.  相似文献   

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