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Objective To compare health behaviours during pregnancy (smoking and alcohol consumption) and after birth (initiation and duration of breast feeding) between British/Irish white mothers and mothers from ethnic minority groups; and, in mothers from ethnic minority groups, to examine whether indicators of acculturation (generational status, language spoken at home, length of residency in the United Kingdom) were associated with these health behaviours.Design Prospective nationally representative cohort study.Setting England.Participants 6478 British/Irish white mothers and 2110 mothers from ethnic minority groups.Main outcome measures Any smoking during pregnancy; any alcohol consumption during pregnancy; initiation of breast feeding; breast feeding for at least four months.Results Compared with British/Irish white mothers, mothers from ethnic minority groups were less likely to smoke (15% v 37%) or consume alcohol (14% v 37%) during pregnancy but more likely to initiate breast feeding (86% v 69%) and breast feed for at least four months (40% v 27%). Among mothers from ethnic minority groups, first and second generation mothers were more likely to smoke during pregnancy (odds ratio 3.85, 95% confidence interval 2.50 to 5.93, and 4.70, 2.49 to 8.90, respectively), less likely to initiate breast feeding (0.92, 0.88 to 0.97, and 0.86, 0.75 to 0.99), and less likely to breast feed for at least four months (0.72, 0.62 to 0.83, and 0.52, 0.30 to 0.89) than immigrants, after adjustment for sociodemographic characteristics. There were no consistent differences in alcohol consumption. Among immigrants, for every additional five years spent in the UK the likelihood of mothers smoking during pregnancy increased by 31% (4% to 66%) and they were 5% (0% to 10%) less likely to breast feed for at least four months.Conclusions After immigration, maternal health behaviours worsen with length of residency in the UK. Health professionals should not underestimate women’s likelihood of engaging in risky health behaviours because of their ethnicity.  相似文献   



Maternal perception of reduced fetal movement (RFM) is associated with increased risk of stillbirth and fetal growth restriction (FGR). RFM is thought to represent fetal compensation to conserve energy due to insufficient oxygen and nutrient transfer resulting from placental insufficiency.


To identify predictors of poor perinatal outcome after maternal perception of reduced fetal movements (RFM).


Prospective cohort study.


305 women presenting with RFM after 28 weeks of gestation were recruited. Demographic factors and clinical history were recorded and ultrasound performed to assess fetal biometry, liquor volume and umbilical artery Doppler. A maternal serum sample was obtained for measurement of placentally-derived or modified proteins including: alpha fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), human placental lactogen (hPL), ischaemia-modified albumin (IMA), pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and progesterone. Factors related to poor perinatal outcome were determined by logistic regression.


22.1% of pregnancies ended in a poor perinatal outcome after RFM. The most common complication was small-for-gestational age infants. Pregnancy outcome after maternal perception of RFM was related to amount of fetal activity while being monitored, abnormal fetal heart rate trace, diastolic blood pressure, estimated fetal weight, liquor volume, serum hCG and hPL. Following multiple logistic regression abnormal fetal heart rate trace (Odds ratio 7.08, 95% Confidence Interval 1.31–38.18), (OR) diastolic blood pressure (OR 1.04 (95% CI 1.01–1.09), estimated fetal weight centile (OR 0.95, 95% CI 0.94–0.97) and log maternal serum hPL (OR 0.13, 95% CI 0.02–0.99) were independently related to pregnancy outcome. hPL was related to placental mass.


Poor perinatal outcome after maternal perception of RFM is closely related to factors which are connected to placental dysfunction. Novel tests of placental function and associated fetal response may provide improved means to detect fetuses at greatest risk of poor perinatal outcome after RFM.  相似文献   

Several viral infections have been reported to result in more severe disease in pregnant than non-pregnant women, but the relative risks have not been well characterised. This has now been done for Lassa fever in a prospective study of 68 pregnant and 79 non-pregnant women who were admitted to hospital in Sierra Leone with confirmed Lassa fever. Lassa fever was the main cause of maternal mortality in the hospital, accounting for 25% of maternal deaths. Twelve of 40 patients in the third trimester died, compared with two of 28 in the first two trimesters and 10 of 79 non-pregnant women. The odds ratio for death in the third trimester compared with the first two trimesters was 5.57 (95% confidence intervals 1.02 to 30.26). The condition of the mother improved rapidly after evacuation of the uterus, whether by spontaneous abortion, evacuation of retained products of conception, or normal delivery; 10 of 26 women without uterine evacuation died, but only four of 39 women with evacuation died (p = 0.0016). The odds ratio for death with pregnancy intact was 5.47 (95% confidence interval 1.35 to 22.16). Fetal and neonatal loss was 87%. The risk of death from Lassa fever in the third trimester is significantly higher than that in the first two trimesters and higher than that for non-pregnant women, but evacuation of the uterus can significantly improve the mother''s chance of survival.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Metronidazole is an important antibacterial agent commonly used in women of reproductive age. Its use in pregnancy is a reason for concern for women and their health care providers. The objective was to examine the fetal safety of metronidazole. METHODS: The Israeli Teratogen Information Service prospectively collected and followed up 228 women exposed to metronidazole in pregnancy, 86.2% of whom with first-trimester exposure. Pregnancy outcome was compared with that of a control group, who were counseled during the same period for nonteratogenic exposure. RESULTS: There was no difference in the rate of major malformations between the groups (3/190; 1.6% [metronidazole] vs. 8/575; 1.4% [control], P = 0.739). The rate of major malformations did not differ between the groups even after including elective terminations of pregnancy due to prenatally diagnosed malformations (5/192; 2.6% [metronidazole] vs. 12/579; 2.1% [control], P = 0.777). A reduced neonatal birth weight was found in the metronidazole group compared with controls without significant differences in the rate of prematurity or in gestational age at delivery. The mean birth weight was lower in the metronidazole group when comparing the subgroup of term infants. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms that metronidazole does not represent a major teratogenic risk in humans when used in the recommended doses.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the effects on pregnancy outcomes of changing partner between the first two births with having the same partner for both births.Design Prospective population study.Setting Norway.Participants 31 683 women who changed partner between their first two births and 456 458 women with the same partner for both births.Results After adjustment for maternal age and education, interval between births, and decade of birth, the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes for the second birth was higher for women who changed partner between the first two births compared with those who had the same partner for both births: preterm birth (< 37 weeks; relative risk 2.0, 95% confidence interval 1.9 to 2.1), low birth weight (< 2500 g; 2.5, 2.3 to 2.6), and infant mortality (1.8, 1.6 to 2.1). For the first birth, the risk of these adverse pregnancy outcomes was only slightly higher for mothers who subsequently had a second birth with another partner.Conclusion Women who change partner between their first two births are at an increased risk of delivering a preterm, low birthweight baby with an increased risk of infant mortality compared with women who have the same partner for both births.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Corticosteroids are first-line drugs for the treatment of a variety of conditions in women of childbearing age. Information regarding human pregnancy outcome with corticosteroids is limited. METHODS: We collected prospectively and followed up 184 women exposed to prednisone in pregnancy and 188 pregnant women who were counseled by Motherisk for nonteratogenic exposure. The primary outcome was the rate of major birth defects. A meta-analysis of all epidemiological studies was conducted. The Mantel-Haenszel summary odds ratio was calculated for the pooled studies with 95% confidence intervals. A cumulative summary odds ratio was also calculated by combining studies in chronological order. Chi-squared for homogeneity was determined to establish the comparability of the studies. RESULTS: In our prospective study, there was no statistical difference in the rate of major anomalies between the corticosteroid-exposed and control groups. In the meta-analysis, the Mantel-Haenszel summary odds ratio for major malformations with all cohort studies was 1.45 [95% CI 0.80, 2.60] and 3.03 [95% CI 1.08, 8. 54] when Heinonen et al. ('77) was removed. This suggests a marginally increased risk of major malformations after first-trimester exposure to corticosteroids. In addition, summary odds ratio for case-control studies examining oral clefts was significant (3.35 [95% CI 1.97, 5.69]). CONCLUSIONS: Although prednisone does not represent a major teratogenic risk in humans at therapeutic doses, it does increase by an order of 3.4-fold the risk of oral cleft, which is consistent with the existing animal studies.  相似文献   

This study, carried out on mother-infant pairs in obstetric hospitals in Istanbul, was designed to investigate the impact of some maternal parameters on pregnancy outcome as well as to provide information on birth weight, and incidence of low birth weight, preterm birth, and small for gestational age birth. Low birth weight, preterm birth, and fetal malnutrition are among major risk factors influencing perinatal, neonatal, and postneonatal mortality and morbidity. Reported values for prepregnancy body weight and postpartum measurements of stature, weight, mid-upper arm circumference showed that the women in this series did not have caloric undernutrition, while nearly 9% were of low stature. Maternal stature, postpartum body weight, and postpartum weight and height values were found to be important determinants of birth weight. The frequency of preterm births in this series corresponds fairly well with that found in another group of Turkish mother-infant pairs in which gestational age was determined by Dubowitz scoring. In agreement with many previous studies, maternal stature and body weight stood out as important influences on the outcome of pregnancy in this series. Overall, the nutritional state of the mother prior to pregnancy is the most important determinant of birth weight.  相似文献   



Aboriginal women have been identified as having poorer pregnancy outcomes than other Canadian women, but information on risk factors and outcomes has been acquired mostly from retrospective databases. We compared prenatal risk factors and birth outcomes of First Nations and Métis women with those of other participants in a prospective study.


During the 12-month period from July 1994 to June 1995, we invited expectant mothers in all obstetric practices affiliated with a single teaching hospital in Edmonton to participate. Women were recruited at their first prenatal visit and followed through delivery. Sociodemographic and clinical data were obtained by means of a patient questionnaire, and microbiological data were collected at 3 points during gestation: in the first and second trimesters and during labour. Our primary outcomes of interest were low birth weight (birth weight less than 2500 g), prematurity (birth at less than 37 weeks'' gestation) and macrosomia (birth weight greater than 4000 g).


Of the 2047 women consecutively enrolled, 1811 completed the study through delivery. Aboriginal women accounted for 70 (3.9%) of the subjects who completed the study (45 First Nations women and 25 Métis women). Known risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcome were more common among Aboriginal than among non-Aboriginal women, including previous premature infant (21% v. 11%), smoking during the current pregnancy (41% v. 13%), presence of bacterial vaginosis in midgestation (33% v. 13%) and poor nutrition as measured by meal consumption. Although Aboriginal women were less likely than non-Aboriginal women to have babies of low birth weight (odds ratio [OR] 1.46, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.52–4.15) or who were born prematurely (OR 1.45, 95% CI 0.57–3.72) and more likely to have babies with macrosomia (OR 2.04, 95% CI 1.03–4.03), these differences were lower and statistically nonsignificant after adjustment for smoking, cervicovaginal infection and income (adjusted OR for low birth weight 0.85, 95% CI 0.19–3.78; for prematurity 0.90, 95% CI 0.21–3.89; and for macrosomia 2.12, 95% CI 0.84-5.36).


After adjustment for potential confounding factors, we found no statistically significant relation between Aboriginal status and birth outcome.It is generally recognized that Aboriginal women experience poorer birth outcomes than other North American women, including higher rates of stillbirth,1 low-birth-weight infants1,2,3 and prematurity.2,3 Although significant efforts have been made to reduce Aboriginal infant mortality rates, these rates remain higher than for other infants in both Canada4 and the United States.5 Little is known about the reasons for differences in birth outcomes, although social, economic, medical and prenatal care factors have been suggested. Recent publications, based on retrospective analyses of large databases, have confirmed disparities in birth outcomes between Aboriginal and all other groups,3,6,7 but there is a paucity of prospective data. In addition, although the term “Aboriginal” refers to a heterogeneous population comprising First Nations people, Métis and Inuit, there are few comparisons between specific Aboriginal groups or of Aboriginal groups with the general population.We report here the results of a prospective study in a general obstetric population, comparing birth outcomes and known pregnancy risk factors of Aboriginal women with those of non-Aboriginal Canadian women. In addition to well-recognized socioeconomic and reproductive risk factors, we investigated the prevalence of maternal cervicovaginal infections, which have been increasingly linked to prematurity.8,9  相似文献   

Objective To determine the relation between intake of seafood in pregnancy and risk of preterm delivery and low birth weight.DesignProspective cohort study.Setting Aarhus, Denmark.Participants8729 pregnant women.Results The occurrence of preterm delivery differed significantly across four groups of seafood intake, falling progressively from 7.1% in the group never consuming fish to 1.9% in the group consuming fish as a hot meal and an open sandwich with fish at least once a week. Adjusted odds for preterm delivery were increased by a factor of 3.6 (95% confidence interval 1.2 to 11.2) in the zero consumption group compared with the highest consumption group. Analyses based on quantified intakes indicated that the working range of the dose-response relation is mainly from zero intake up to a daily intake of 15 g fish or 0.15 g n-3 fatty acids. Estimates of risk for low birth weight were similar to those for preterm delivery.Conclusions Low consumption of fish was a strong risk factor for preterm delivery and low birth weight. In women with zero or low intake of fish, small amounts of n-3 fatty acids—provided as fish or fish oil—may confer protection against preterm delivery and low birth weight.

What is already known on this topic

Long chain n-3 fatty acids in amounts above 2 g a day may delay spontaneous delivery and prevent recurrence of preterm deliveryLarge studies have not been carried out to determine to what extent low consumption of n-3 fatty acids is a risk factor for preterm deliveryThe dose-response relation has not been described

What this study adds

Low consumption of fish seems to be a strong risk factor for preterm delivery and low birth weight in Danish womenThis relation is strongest below an estimated daily intake of 0.15 g long chain n-3 fatty acids or 15 g fish  相似文献   

V Goel  R Glazier  A Summers  S Holzapfel 《CMAJ》1998,159(6):651-656
BACKGROUND: Maternal serum screening is used to assist in the prenatal detection of congenital anomalies. Its use is controversial, and one concern that has been expressed is its psychological effects on women. The authors examined whether this test leads to an increase in anxiety and depression among women who have a false-positive result as compared with those who have a true-negative result or do not undergo testing. METHODS: A prospective cohort study with baseline assessment at 15 to 18 weeks'' gestation and follow-up at 24 weeks'' gestation was conducted. Pregnant women at 8 geographically diverse sites across Ontario were recruited. The main outcome measures were the state portion of the State--Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. RESULTS: Of the 2418 potential subjects 2020 (83.5%) were enrolled and eligible; 1741 (86.2%) completed the follow-up. A total of 1177 women (67.6%) underwent maternal serum screening. No overall adverse psychological effects as a result of testing were found at 24 weeks'' gestation. Women with a false-positive result had a mean increase in anxiety score of 1.6 (95% confidence interval [CI] -1.7 to 4.9), whereas women with a true-negative result had a mean decrease of 1.1 (95% CI -1.8 to -0.3) and those not tested had a mean decrease of 0.4 (95% CI -1.3 to 0.5). The mean depression score increased by 0.5 (95% CI -0.9 to 2.0) in the false-positive group, was unchanged (95% CI -0.3 to 0.4) in the true-negative group and increased by 0.2 (95% CI -1.7 to 1.2) in the not tested group. Of the women who underwent testing, 87 (7.6%) were unsure of their result at the time of follow-up. INTERPRETATION: The results suggest that maternal screening in Ontario is not causing serious psychological harm to women. Communication regarding test results could be improved, since a substantial proportion of women were unsure of their test result.  相似文献   



Since use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) during pregnancy is common, small increases in the risk of birth defects may have significant implications for public health. Results of human studies on the teratogenic risks of NSAIDs are inconsistent. Therefore, we evaluated the risk of selected birth defects after prenatal exposure to prescribed and over-the-counter NSAIDs.

Methods and Findings

We used data on 69,929 women enrolled in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study between 1999 and 2006. Data on NSAID exposure were available from a self-administered questionnaire completed around gestational week 17. Information on pregnancy outcome was obtained from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. Only birth defects suspected to be associated with NSAID exposure based upon proposed teratogenic mechanisms and previous studies were included in the multivariable logistic regression analyses. A total of 3,023 women used NSAIDs in gestational weeks 0–12 and 64,074 women did not report NSAID use in early pregnancy. No associations were observed between overall exposure to NSAIDs during pregnancy and the selected birth defects separately or as a group (adjusted odds ratio 0.7, 95% confidence interval 0.4–1.1). Associations between maternal use of specific types of NSAIDs and the selected birth defects were not found either, although an increased risk was seen for septal defects and exposure to multiple NSAIDs based on small numbers (2 exposed cases; crude odds ratio 3.9, 95% confidence interval 0.9–15.7).


Exposure to NSAIDs during the first 12 weeks of gestation does not seem to be associated with an increased risk of the selected birth defects. However, due to the small numbers of NSAID-exposed infants for the individual birth defect categories, increases in the risks of specific birth defects could not be excluded.  相似文献   



Increased fertility rates in HIV-infected women receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) have been attributed to improved immunological function; it is unknown to what extent the rise in pregnancy rates is due to unintended pregnancies.


Non-pregnant women ages 18–35 from four public-sector ART clinics in Johannesburg, South Africa, were enrolled into a prospective cohort and followed from August 2009–March 2011. Fertility intentions, contraception and pregnancy status were measured longitudinally at participants'' routine ART clinic visits.


Of the 850 women enrolled, 822 (97%) had at least one follow-up visit and contributed 745.2 person-years (PY) at-risk for incident pregnancy. Overall, 170 pregnancies were detected in 161 women (incidence rate [IR]: 21.6/100 PY [95% confidence interval (CI): 18.5–25.2]). Of the 170 pregnancies, 105 (62%) were unplanned. Unmet need for contraception was 50% higher in women initiating ART in the past year as compared to women on ART>1 year (prevalence ratio 1.5 [95% CI: 1.1–2.0]); by two years post-ART initiation, nearly one quarter of women had at least one unplanned pregnancy. Cumulative incidence of pregnancy was equally high among recent ART initiators and ART experienced participants: 23.9% [95% CI: 16.4–34.1], 15.9% [12.0–20.8], and 21.0% [16.8–26.1] for women on ART 0–1 yr, >1 yr–2 yrs, and >2 yrs respectively (log-rank, p = 0.54). Eight hormonal contraceptive failures were detected [IR: 4.4 [95% CI: 2.2–8.9], 7/8 among women using injectable methods. Overall 47% (80/170) of pregnancies were not carried to term.


Rates of unintended pregnancies among women on ART are high, including women recently initiating ART with lower CD4 counts and higher viral loads. A substantial burden of pregnancy loss was observed. Integration of contraceptive services and counselling into ART care is necessary to reduce maternal and child health risks related to mistimed and unwanted pregnancies. Further research into injectable contraceptive failures on ART is warranted.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND:Data on the effect of cesarean delivery on maternal request (CDMR) on maternal and neonatal outcomes are inconsistent and often limited by inadequate case definitions and other methodological issues. Our objective was to evaluate the trends, determinants and outcomes of CDMR using an intent-to-treat approach.METHODS:We designed a population-based retrospective cohort study using data on low-risk pregnancies in Ontario, Canada (April 2012–March 2018). We assessed temporal trends and determinants of CDMR. We estimated the relative risks for component and composite outcomes used in the Adverse Outcome Index (AOI) related to planned CDMR compared with planned vaginal delivery using generalized estimating equation models. We compared the Weighted Adverse Outcome Score (WAOS) and the Severity Index (SI) across planned modes of delivery using analysis of variance.RESULTS:Of 422 210 women, 0.4% (n = 1827) had a planned CDMR and 99.6% (n = 420 383) had a planned vaginal delivery. The prevalence of CDMR remained stable over time at 3.9% of all cesarean deliveries. Factors associated with CDMR included late maternal age, higher education, conception via in vitro fertilization, anxiety, nulliparity, being White, delivery at a hospital providing higher levels of maternal care and obstetrician-based antenatal care. Women who planned CDMR had a lower risk of adverse outcomes than women who planned vaginal delivery (adjusted relative risk 0.42, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.33 to 0.53). The WAOS was lower for planned CDMR than planned vaginal delivery (mean difference −1.28, 95% CI −2.02 to −0.55). The SI was not statistically different between groups (mean difference 3.6, 95% CI −7.4 to 14.5).Interpretation:Rates of CDMR have not increased in Ontario. Planned CDMR is associated with a decreased risk of short-term adverse outcomes compared with planned vaginal delivery. Investigation into the long-term implications of CDMR is warranted.

Cesarean delivery is the most common inpatient surgical procedure in North America,1,2 where rates often exceed World Health Organization recommendations (10%–15% of deliveries).3 Given the financial and resource implications of cesarean deliveries on health care systems, the contribution of cesarean deliveries on maternal request (CDMR) to rising cesarean section rates is of ongoing interest. Women may prefer CDMR for many reasons, including scheduling convenience, anxiety regarding labour pain, perceptions that the quality of obstetrical care is better for women who have cesarean deliveries, and concerns about possible urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction after vaginal delivery.47 Challenges in characterizing the epidemiology of CDMR include the lack of internationally accepted case definitions and inconsistencies in documentation that hinder meaningful comparisons across jurisdictions.811 In Canada, the prevalence of CDMR has been estimated at 2% of cesarean deliveries,12 but robust contemporary data are lacking.The benefits of vaginal delivery are well known and include a lower risk of transient tachypnea of the newborn, newborn exposure to the vaginal microbiome, shorter maternal hospital stays and lower risk of complications associated with abdominal surgeries. The findings of 1 Canadian study suggest that midpelvic operative vaginal delivery is associated with a greater risk of severe birth and obstetric trauma than cesarean delivery.13 Evidence on the risks and benefits of CDMR is sparse, and existing data are inconsistent.1419 Analyses are frequently limited by inadequate case definitions and unaddressed confounding from baseline maternal and neonatal factors.4,11 Professional organizations in the United States, Canada and Europe do not recommend CDMR over vaginal delivery.11,2022 Patient counselling is suggested to inform patients of pain management options, and of potential benefits and harms related to cesarean deliveries. However, obstetrical care providers often accede to patient preferences, given the ethical imperative of patient autonomy. 2327 Contemporary, high-quality observational studies leveraging robust population-based data are required. Our objective was to evaluate the trends, determinants and outcomes of CDMR compared with planned vaginal delivery using an intent-to-treat approach.  相似文献   

In a prospective study of 196 consecutive single births a significant increase in serum bilirubin concentrations was found in infants born after low amniotomy induction and oxytocin infusion compared with those born spontaneously. This relationship was not dose-dependent and may have been associated with artificial interruption of pregnancy rather than the oxytocin itself. Infants delivered after spontaneous labour accelerated by oxytocin showed no such increase. The hormonal surge at the spontaneous onset of labour may affect fetal enzyme induction, but other factors, such as methods of infant feeding and oral contraceptive use, were found not to be significant.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the miscarriage rate in a cohort of pregnant women and the final outcome of pregnancy. DESIGN: Two year prospective community study. SETTING: Women registered with four semirural practices at one health centre. SUBJECTS: 626 pregnant women from a population 21448, 5140 of whom were women aged 15-44 years. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Vaginal bleeding and outcome of pregnancy. Results: 76 of the 89 women with an unwanted pregnancy requested a termination. In the 550 ongoing pregnancies bleeding occurred before the 20th week in 117 (21%), and 67 (12%) ended in miscarriage. The risk of miscarriage was not significantly increased after a miscarriage in the previous pregnancy (11 (15%) women had miscarriage v 55 (12%) women who had not had miscarriage) who had previously had a live birth). Of the 117 women with bleeding, 64 were not admitted to hospital by the general practitioner; 42 of these women had an ultrasound examination at the health centre and 19 subsequently miscarried at home. In hospital 41 of 46 women who miscarried had evacuation of the uterus. CONCLUSIONS: Bleeding occurred in one fifth of recognised pregnancies before the 20th week and over half of these miscarried. Treatment of women with miscarriage at home means current statistics on miscarriage in Britain are missing many cases.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been associated with prostate cancer (PCa) risk and tumor aggressiveness in retrospective studies. To assess the value of genotyping in a clinical setting, we evaluated the correlation between three genotypes (rs1447295 and rs6983267[8q24] and rs4054823[17p12]) and prostatic biopsy outcome prospectively in a French population of Caucasian men. Five hundred ninety-eight patients with prostatic-specific antigen (PSA) >4 ng/mL or abnormal digital rectal examination (DRE) participated in this prospective, multicenter study. Age, familial history of PCa, body mass index (BMI), data of DRE, International Prostate Symptom Score (I-PSS) score, PSA value and prostatic volume were collected prospectively before prostatic biopsy. Correlation between genotypes and biopsy outcome (positive or negative) and Gleason score (≤6 or >6) were studied by univariate and multivariable analysis. rs1447295 and rs6983267 risk variants were found to be associated with the presence of PCa in univariate analysis. rs6983267 genotype remained significantly linked to a positive biopsy (odds ratio [OR] = 1.66, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.06-2.59, P = 0.026) in multivariable analysis, but rs1447295 genotype did not (OR = 1.47, 95% CI: 0.89-2.43, P = 0.13).When biopsy outcome was stratified according to Gleason score, risk variants of rs1447295 were associated with aggressive disease (Gleason score ≥7) in univariate and multivariable analysis (OR = 2.05 95% CI: 1.10-3.79, P = 0.023). rs6983267 GG genotype was not related to aggressiveness. The results did not reach significance concerning rs4054823 for any analysis. This inaugural prospective evaluation thus confirmed potential usefulness of genotyping PCa assessment. Ongoing clinical evaluation of larger panels of SNPs will detail the actual impact of genetic markers on clinical practice.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the influences on birth weight of maternal smoking during pregnancy across generations.Design Intergenerational cohort study.Participants Members of the 1958 birth cohort and their offspring and mothers.Setting England, Scotland, and Wales.Main outcome measure Birth weight.Results Information on grandmothers'' smoking during pregnancy was available for 9028 singleton offspring of 4302 female cohort members. Assuming heritable transmission through the intergenerational association, grandmothers'' smoking was predicted to result in a 34 g reduction (95% confidence interval -41 g to -28 g) in the birth weight of grandchildren. Random effects models showed a negative association between grandmothers'' smoking and birth weight of grandchildren (β regression coefficient -24 g, -50 g to 3 g), but this effect was eliminated after adjustment for maternal smoking (0 g, -26 g to 26 g).No association was evident among the offspring of non-smoking mothers (n = 6105; 14 g, -17 g to 46 g), and after adjustment for maternal birth weight, adult height and body mass index, grandmothers'' smoking was positively associated with the birth weight of grandchildren (45 g, 10 g to 80 g).Conclusion Deficits in mothers'' birth weight attributable to their mother smoking was not evident in the grandchildren.  相似文献   

Bone formation and loss are related to the strain imposed on bone by muscle forces. Bone mineral content (BMC) and lean mass (LM) of fetal lambs was determined at day 140 of pregnancy in 8 groups of ewes, which were of either large or small body size, on either high (ad libitum) or maintenance pasture intake from day 21 of pregnancy, or carrying either singletons or twins. BMC and LM (using DXA scanning) of fetal hindquarters/spine were corrected to leg length. BMC and LM were less in twin than singleton groups (P < 0.001). Large ewes on high intake produced single fetuses with a (group mean) BMC/LM ratio that was higher (P < 0.002) than that in fetuses of large ewes with singletons on maintenance intake or twins on either high or maintenance intakes, the ratios of which were not different. In single fetuses from small ewes on high intake, the BMC/LM ratio was higher than those from small ewes with singletons on maintenance intake or twins on either high or maintenance intakes, the ratios of which were not different. The ratio was not different in singleton fetuses of ewes on high intake, whether they were large or small. Different fetal environments resulted in a given amount of muscle being associated with a higher or lower bone mass. Dietary intake during pregnancy was more important than maternal size in affecting the ratio. We conclude that intrauterine environmental factors may be important in determining bone mass postnatally, and possibly later in life.  相似文献   

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