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Summary The fluorescent potentiometric indicator diS–C3-(5) has been used to investigate changes in membrane potential due to assembly of the C5b-9 membrane attack complex of the complement system. EAC1-7 human red blood cells and resealed erythrocyte ghosts—bearing membrane-assembled C5b67 complexes—were generated by immune activation in C8-deficient human serum. Studies performed with these cellular intermediates revealed that the membrane potential of EAC1-7 red cells and ghosts is unchanged from control red cells (–7 mV) and ghosts (0 mV), respectively. Addition of complement proteins C8 and C9 to EAC1-7 red cells results in a dose-dependent depolarization of membrane potential which precedes hemolysis. This prelytic depolarization of membrane potential—and the consequent onset of hemolysis—is accelerated by raising external [K+], suggesting that the diffusional equilibration of transmembrane cation gradients is rate limiting to the cytolytic event. In the case of EAC1-7 resealed ghosts suspended at either high external [K+] or [Na+], no change in membrane potential (from 0 mV) could be detected after C8/C9 additions. When the membrane potential of the EAC1-7 ghost was displaced from 0 mV by selectively increasing the K+ conductance with valinomycin, a dose-dependent depolarization of the membrane was observed upon addition of C8 and C9. In these experiments, lytic breakdown of the ghost membranes was <5%. Conclusions derived from this study include: (i) measured prelytic depolarization of the red cell Donnan potential directly confirms the colloid-osmotic theory of immune cytolysis. (ii) The diffusional transmenbrane equilibration of Na+ and K+ through the C5b-9 pore results in a dose-dependent depolarization of the membrane potential (E m ) which appears to be rate-limiting to cytolytic rupture of the target erythrocyte. (iii) Enhanced immune hemolysis observed in high K+ media cannot be attributed to cation-selective conductance across the C5b-9 pore, and is probably related to the nearequilibrium condition of potassium-containing red cells when suspended at high external K+. These experiments demonstrate that carbocyanine dye fluorescent indicators can be used to monitor electrochemical changes arising from immune damage to the plasma membrane under both cytolytic and noncytolytic conditions. Potential application of this method to the detection of sublytic pathophysiological changes in the plasma membrane of complement-damaged cells are discussed.  相似文献   

The cuticle of C. elegans is a highly resistant structure that surrounds the exterior of the animal(1-4). The cuticle not only protects the animal from the environment, but also determines body shape and plays a role in motility(4-6). Several layers secreted by epidermal cells comprise the cuticle, including an outermost lipid layer(7). Circumferential ridges in the cuticle called annuli pattern the length of the animal and are present during all stages of development(8). Alae are longitudinal ridges that are present during specific stages of development, including L1, dauer, and adult stages(2,9). Mutations in genes that affect cuticular collagen organization can alter cuticular structure and animal body morphology(5,6,10,11). While cuticular imaging using compound microscopy with DIC optics is possible, current methods that highlight cuticular structures include fluorescent transgene expression(12), antibody staining(13), and electron microscopy(1). Labeled wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) has also been used to visualize cuticular glycoproteins, but is limited in resolving finer cuticular structures(14). Staining of cuticular surface using fluorescent dye has been observed, but never characterized in detail(15). We present a method to visualize cuticle in live C. elegans using the red fluorescent lipophilic dye DiI (1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate), which is commonly used in C. elegans to visualize environmentally exposed neurons. This optimized protocol for DiI staining is a simple, robust method for high resolution fluorescent visualization of annuli, alae, vulva, male tail, and hermaphrodite tail spike in C. elegans.  相似文献   

The molecular interactions responsible for nuclear envelope assembly after mitosis are not well understood. In this study, we demonstrate that a peptide consisting of the COOH-terminal domain of Xenopus lamin B3 (LB3T) prevents nuclear envelope assembly in Xenopus interphase extracts. Specifically, LB3T inhibits chromatin decondensation and blocks the formation of both the nuclear lamina-pore complex and nuclear membranes. Under these conditions, some vesicles bind to the peripheral regions of the chromatin. These "nonfusogenic" vesicles lack lamin B3 (LB3) and do not bind LB3T; however, "fusogenic" vesicles containing LB3 can bind LB3T, which blocks their association with chromatin and, subsequently, nuclear membrane assembly. LB3T also binds to chromatin in the absence of interphase extract, but only in the presence of purified LB3. Additionally, we show that LB3T inhibits normal lamin polymerization in vitro. These findings suggest that lamin polymerization is required for both chromatin decondensation and the binding of nuclear membrane precursors during the early stages of normal nuclear envelope assembly.  相似文献   

Abstract. To study whether an electrical potential difference exists across the nuclear envelope or inner nuclear membrane of plant cells, the authors have used an optical probe of membrane potential, the cationic fluorescent dye, DiOC6(3) (MW = 572.5). This dye was microinjected into the nucleoplasm of isolated Acetabularia nuclei (which are still surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm) and its subnuclear localization visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Striking differences, which seemed to be correlated with the developmental stage of the isolated nucleus, were observed. In nuclei isolated from cells at the stage of early cap stage formation, the dye was restricted to the nuclear envelope. In nuclei isolated from cells with intermediate or fully developed caps, there was increased nucleoplasmic staining, and the staining of the envelope was frequently diminished or abolished. In all nuclei, the dye remained within the nucleus after injection. Cytoplasmic staining was only observed when nuclei isolated from cells at the stage of early cap formation were incubated in a hyper- or hypo-tonic medium. Various ionophores, injected before the dye into the nucleoplasm, had no effect on the subsequent nuclear localization of DiOC6(3), although they did rapidly induce nucleolar condensation in nuclei isolated from cells at the stage of early cap formation. The results suggested that the electrical properties of Acetabularia nuclear envelopes or inner nuclear membranes change during cell maturation. Furthermore, the retention of the dye in the nucleoplasm under isotonic conditions indicated that the nuclear pores were not open channels for molecules of this size.  相似文献   

Summary We have measured the potential-dependent light absorption changes of 43 impermeant oxonol dyes with an oxidized cholesterol bilayer lipid membrane system. The size of the signal is strongly dependent on the chain length of alkyl groups attached to the chromophore. Dye molecules with intermediate chain lengths give the largest signals. To better understand the dependence of the absorbance signal on alkyl chain length, a simple equilibrium thermodynamic analysis has been derived. The analysis uses the free energy of dye binding to the membrane and the on-off model (E.B. George et al.,J. Membrane Biol.,103:245–253, 1988a) for the potential-sensing mechanism. In this model, a population of dye molecules in nonpolar membrane binding sites is in a potential-dependent equilibrium with a second population of dye that resides in an unstirred layer adjacent to the membrane. Dye in the unstirred layer is in a separate equilibrium with dye in the bulk bathing solution. The equilibrium binding theory predicts a sigmoidally shaped increase in signal with increasing alkyl chain length, even for very nonpolar dyes. We suggest that aggregation of the more hydrophobic dyes in the membrane bathing solution may be responsible for their low signals, which are not predicted by the theory.  相似文献   

Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) fuse the two membranes of the nuclear envelope (NE) to a pore, connecting cytoplasm and nucleoplasm and allowing exchange of macromolecules between these compartments. Most NPC proteins do not contain integral membrane domains and thus it is largely unclear how NPCs are embedded and anchored in the NE. Here, we show that the evolutionary conserved nuclear pore protein Nup53 binds independently of other proteins to membranes, a property that is crucial for NPC assembly and conserved between yeast and vertebrates. The vertebrate protein comprises two membrane binding sites, of which the C‐terminal domain has membrane deforming capabilities, and is specifically required for de novo NPC assembly and insertion into the intact NE during interphase. Dimerization of Nup53 contributes to its membrane interaction and is crucial for its function in NPC assembly.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the presence of lamin A/C in porcine nuclear transfer embryos and to determine whether lamin A/C can serve as a potential marker for nuclear reprogramming. First, lamin A/C was studied in oocytes and embryos produced by fertilization or parthenogenetic oocyte activation. We found that lamin A/C was present in the nuclear lamina of oocytes at the germinal vesicle stage while it was absent in mature oocytes. Lamin A/C was detected throughout preimplantation development in both in vivo-derived and parthenogenetic embryos. Incubation of the activated oocytes in the presence of alpha-amanitin (an inhibitor of RNA polymerase II), or cycloheximide (a protein synthesis inhibitor) did not perturb lamin A/C assembly, indicating that the assembly resulted from solubilized lamins dispersed in the cytoplasm. In nuclear transfer embryos, the lamin A/C signal that had previously been identified in fibroblast nuclei disappeared soon after fusion. It became detectable again after the formation of the pronucleus-like structure, and all nuclear transfer embryos displayed lamin A/C staining during early development. Olfactory bulb progenitor cells lacked lamin A/C; however, when such cells were fused with enucleated oocytes, the newly formed nuclear envelopes stained positive for lamin A/C. These findings suggest that recipient oocytes remodel the donor nuclei using type A lamins dispersed in the ooplasm. The results also indicate that lamin A/C is present in the nuclear envelope of pig oocytes and early embryos and unlike in some other species, its presence after nuclear transfer is not an indicator of erroneous reprogramming.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2021,56(18):2562-2578.e3
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We have studied the mitotic reassembly of the nuclear envelope, using antibodies to nuclear marker proteins and NPA58 in F-111 rat fibroblast cells. In earlier studies we have proposed that NPA58, a 58 kDa rat nuclear protein, is involved in nuclear protein import. In this report, NPA58 is shown to be localized on the cytoplasmic face of the envelope in interphase cells, in close association with nuclear pores. In mitotic cells NPA58 is dispersed in the cytoplasm till anaphase. The targeting of NPA58 to the reforming nuclear envelope in early telophase coincides with the recruitment of a well-characterized class of nuclear pore proteins recognized by the antibody mAb 414, and occurs prior to the incorporation of lamin B1 into the envelope. Significant protein import activity is detectable only after localization of NPA58 in the newly-formed envelope. The early targeting of NPA58 is consistent with its proposed role in nuclear transport.  相似文献   

We report a distinct microenvironment within the nuclear envelope (NE) in living cells revealed by a spectral shift of the fluorescent dye FM4-64 (N-(3-triethylammoniumpropyl)-4-(p-diethylaminophenylhexatrienyl)-pyridinium 2Br). The dye readily translocated to the NE at physiological temperature where it exhibited enhanced fluorescence when excited at 620-650 nm in contrast to 480-520 nm excitation in the endocytic pathway and in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In vitro data indicated that the dye reveals an enrichment of negatively charged lipids, presumably due to local phospholipid synthesis. Dual-excitation imaging of FM4-64 in relation to lamina-associated polypeptide-1-green fluorescent protein during mitosis suggested that the disassembly of NE preserves microscale lipid complexes in the ER. Convolutions of NE in cancer or primary cells were readily visualized, and killing of tumor cells by T cells was marked by sudden loss of the long-wavelength excited fluorescence in the NE coincident with apoptosis. This report of FM4-64 as the first vital dye sensitive to the NE environment opens new ways for real-time visualization and functional studies of the NE.  相似文献   

Summary Two of the commonly used probes for measuring membrane potential—lipophilic cations and the cyanine dye diS-C3(5)—indicated nominally opposite results when tetraphenylarsonium ion was added as a drug to suspensions of metabolizingBacillus subtilis cells. [3H]-Triphenylmethylphosphonium uptake was enhanced by the addition, indicating hyperpolarization, yet fluorescence of diS-C3(5) was also enhanced, indicating depolarization. Evidence is presented that both effects are artifactual, and can occur without any change in membrane potential, as estimated by86Rb+ uptake in the presence of valinomycin. The fluorescence studies suggest that tetraphenylarsonium ion displaces the cyanine dye from the cell envelope, or other binding site, into the aqueous phase.The uptake characteristics of the radiolabeled lipophilic cations were quite unusual: At low concentrations (e.g., less than 10 m for triphenylmethylphosphonium) there was potential-dependent uptake of the label to a stable level, but subsequent addition of nonradioactive lipophilic cation caused further uptake of label to a new stable level. Labeled triphenylmethylphosphonium ion taken up to the first stable level could be displaced by 10mm magnesium ion, whereas86Rb+ uptake was unperturbed. Association of the lipophilic cations with the surface of de-energized cells was concentration-dependent, but there was no evidence for cooperative binding. This phenomenon of stimulated uptake inB. subtilis (which was not seen inEscherichia coli cells or vesicles) is consistent with a two-compartment model with access to the second compartment only being possible above a critical cation concentration. We tentatively propose such a model, in which these compartments are the cell surface and the cytoplasm, respectively.Triphenylmethylphosphonium up to 0.5mm exhibited linear binding to de-energized cells; binding of tetraphenylphosphonium and tetraphenylarsonium was nonlinear but was not saturated at the highest concentration tested (1mm). The usual assumption, that association of the cation with cell surfaces is saturated and so can be estimated on de-energized cells, therefore leads to undercorrected estimates of cytoplasmic uptake inB. subtilis, and hence to overestimates of membrane potential. We describe a more realistic procedure, in which the estimate of extent of binding is based on a mean aqueous concentration related both to the external concentration and to the much higher internal concentration that exists in energized cells. Using this procedure we estimate the membrane potential inB. subtilis to be 120 mV, inside-negative. The procedure is of general applicability, and should yield more accurate estimates of membrane potential in any system where there is significant potential-dependent binding.Work performed while on sabbatical leave from Department of Biology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel.  相似文献   

The P446L mutant Drosophila importin-beta (P446L-imp-beta) has been reported to prohibit--in dominant negative fashion--nuclear envelope (NE) assembly. Along elucidating the mode of action of P446L-imp-beta we studied in vitro NE assembly on Sepharose beads. While Drosophila embryo extracts support NE assembly over Sepharose beads coated with Ran, NE assembly does not take place in extracts supplied with exogenous P446L-imp-beta. A NE also forms over importin-beta-coated beads. Surprisingly, when immobilized to Sepharose beads P446L-imp-beta as efficiently recruits NE vesicles as normal importin-beta. The discrepancy in behavior of cytoplasmic and bead-bound P446L-imp-beta appears to be related to icreased--as compared to normal importin-beta--microtubule (MT) binding ability of P446L-imp-beta. While wild-type importin-beta is able to bind MTs and the binding decreases upon RanGTP interaction, P446L-imp-beta cannot be removed from the MTs by RanGTP. P446L-imp-beta, like normal importin-beta, binds some types of the nucleoporins that have been known to be required for NE assembly at the end of mitosis. It appears that the inhibitory effect of P446L-imp-beta on NE assembly is caused by sequestering some of the nucleoporins required for NE assembly to the MTs.  相似文献   

Integral membrane proteins of the inner nuclear membrane (INM) are inserted into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane during their biogenesis and are then targeted to their final destination. We have used human SUN2 to delineate features that are required for INM targeting and have identified multiple elements that collectively contribute to the efficient localization of SUN2 to the nuclear envelope (NE). One such targeting element is a classical nuclear localization signal (cNLS) present in the N‐terminal, nucleoplasmic domain of SUN2. A second motif proximal to the cNLS is a cluster of arginines that serves coatomer‐mediated retrieval of SUN2 from the Golgi. Unexpectedly, also the C‐terminal, lumenal SUN domain of SUN2 supports NE localization, showing that targeting elements are not limited to cytoplasmic or transmembrane domains of INM proteins. Together, SUN2 represents the first mammalian INM protein relying on a functional cNLS, a Golgi retrieval signal and a perinuclear domain to mediate targeting to the INM.  相似文献   

Previous reports indicated the presence of both gangliosides and sialidase in the nuclear envelope (NE) of primary neurons and the NG108-15 neural cell line. GM1, one of the major gangliosides of this membrane, was shown to be tightly associated with a sodium-calcium exchanger in the inner membrane of the NE and to potentiate exchanger activity. GD1a was the other major ganglioside detected in the NE and, like GM1, occurs in both inner and outer membranes. A subsequent report indicated the presence of sialidase activity in the NE without specification as to which of the two membranes express it. The present study was undertaken to determine the nature and locus of this activity within the NE of two cell lines: NG108-15 and SH-SY5Y. Western blot analysis of the separated membranes revealed occurrence of Neu3 in the inner membrane and Neu1 in the outer membrane of the NE. Moreover, sialidase activity at both sites was shown capable of catalyzing conversion of endogenous GD1a to GM1.  相似文献   

Summary The vacuolar equilibrium potential of the lipophilic cation TPMP+ (triphenyl methyl phosphonium) in the giant algaeChara australis andGriffithsia monilis was directly measured. The TPMP+ equilibrium potential was approximately 100mV less negative than the measured vacuolar electrical potential. Thus TPMP+ does not act as a probe of the vacuolar electrical potential and appears to be extruded against an electrochemical gradient. Measurement of the plasmalemma equilibrium potential of TPMP+ showed that extrusion of TPMP+ apparently occurred at both the tonoplast and plasmalemma inChara and at the plasmalemma inGriffithsia. It is concluded that TPMP+ cannot be used as a membrane potential probe inChara orGriffithsia.  相似文献   

The effects of in vitro and in vivo modifications of nuclear envelope lipid on DNA leakage and on ATP-stimulated RNA release from isolated rat liver nuclei were investigated. The modifications included corn-oil feeding of the animals to alter the fatty acid composition of the lipids, phospholipase treatment of the isolated nuclei, and extraction of the total lipid with Triton X-100. Significant changes in lipid composition and approximate order parameter values of the spin-label 5-doxylstearate resulted, but there was no significant effect on RNA transport rate. It was concluded that the nuclear envelope lipid does not play any important part in nucleocytoplasmic RNA transport in mammalian liver.  相似文献   

Although A-type lamins are ubiquitously expressed, their role in the tissue-specificity of human laminopathies remains enigmatic. In this study, we generate a series of transfection constructs encoding missense lamin A mutant proteins fused to green fluorescent protein and investigate their subnuclear localization using quantitative live cell imaging. The mutant constructs used included the laminopathy-inducing lamin A rod domain mutants N195K, E358K, M371K, R386K, the tail domain mutants G465D, R482L, and R527P, and the Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome-causing deletion mutant, progerin (LaA delta50). All mutant derivatives induced nuclear aggregates, except for progerin, which caused a more lobulated phenotype of the nucleus. Quantitative analysis revealed that the frequency of nuclear aggregate formation was significantly higher (two to four times) for the mutants compared to the wild type, although the level of lamin fusion proteins within nuclear aggregates was not. The distribution of endogenous A-type lamins was altered by overexpression of the lamin A mutants, coexpression experiments revealing that aberrant localization of the N195K and R386K mutants had no effect on the subnuclear distribution of histones H2A or H2B, or on nuclear accumulation of H2A overexpressed as a DsRed2 fusion protein. The GFP-lamin fusion protein-expressing constructs will have important applications in the future, enabling live cell imaging of nuclear processes involving lamins and how this may relate to the pathogenesis of laminopathies.  相似文献   

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