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Liu HY  Bao AM  Zhou JN  Liu RY 《生理学报》2005,57(3):389-394
目前有关月经周期对睡眠影响的研究结果并不一致,而对月经周期中昼夜睡眠-觉醒及静息-活动节律尚缺乏系统性的研究.本研究旨在观察正常育龄期女性月经周期中睡眠-觉醒及静息-活动昼夜节律的变化.我们采用静息-活动监测仪(actigraphy)和睡眠日志,调查了12个自然生活状态下健康育龄期妇女在月经周期不同阶段,即行经期、围排卵期、黄体早期及黄体晚期中睡眠与活动节律的变化.结果显示,睡眠-觉醒节律参数在四期之间无统计学显著差异;而静息-活动节律方面,所有受试女性静息-活动节律的平均日周期长度为(24.01±0.29)h,并且四期之间无显著性差异.行经期日间稳定系数(interdaily stability,IS)比黄体早期显著增加(P<0.05).黄体早期日间活动开始时间明显较黄体晚期提前(P<0.05);黄体早期的活动峰值时相比围排卵期显著提前(P<0.05).月经周期可以影响静息-活动昼夜节律时相.而总体静息-活动数量与质量未发生显著变化;健康育龄期妇女在月经周期的各阶段中睡眠-觉醒节律亦无明显变异.  相似文献   


Rest-activity circadian rhythm (RAR) is a marker of the circadian timing system. Particular attention has been given to RAR characteristics in cancer diseases. Specifically, alterations of RAR parameters have been found, at different stages of clinical pathway, in breast cancer (BC) patients. No studies to date have analyzed RAR alterations in breast cancer survivors several years after the diagnosis. The aim of this study was to determine RAR by actigraphy in a population of BC survivors at 5 years after the primary diagnosis, and to compare their RAR characteristics with healthy controls. The study sample was 28 women: 15 BC survivors at 5 years from the primary diagnosis (BC-group) and 13 healthy controls (Ctrl-group), matched for age and body mass index. All participants have been monitored for 7 days by actigraphy to evaluate RAR. A statistically significant circadian rhythm (T = 24) was found in all 28 subjects (p < .001). The group analysis revealed a significant RAR both in BC- and Ctrl-group (p < .001). The acrophase was not different between the BC- and Ctrl-group (15:09 vs. 15:01 hr:min in BC- and Ctrl-group, respectively). In contrast, the MESOR (Midline Estimating Statistic of Rhythm) and the amplitude were lower in the BC-group with respect to the Ctrl-group. Indeed, the MESOR was 192.0 vs. 276.4 activity counts in BC- and Ctrl-group, respectively (p < .001), while the amplitude was 167.0 vs. 222.6 activity counts in BC- and Ctrl-group, respectively (p < .001). These results provide the first experimental evidence of alterations in RAR parameters in BC survivors at 5 years after the primary diagnosis. Larger studies with a prospective design are needed to assess the role of RAR in the quality of life and prognosis in BC survivors.  相似文献   


Background: Limited information is available on the relationship between sleep disturbances during nighttime and the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in older nursing-home residents. However, a few reports on the association between the circadian rest-activity rhythm and the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in older residents have been published. The main objective of the present study was to examine the association among the circadian rest-activity rhythm, behavioral and psychological symptoms, and the cognitive function status among older individuals living in facilities. Method: The investigation was conducted from September 2017 to February 2018, and participants were recruited from five nursing homes in Akita prefecture, Japan, after obtaining patient agreement to participate in the study. To measure nonparametric circadian rest-activity parameters such as interdaily stability, intradaily variability, relative amplitude, mean of the least active 5-h period, and mean of the most active 10-h period, Actigraph devices were worn on the participants’ nondominant wrists continuously for seven days. The score or classification of the cognitive status and the severity of the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) were assessed using the clinical dementia rating (CDR) and the dementia behavior disturbance scale (DBD), respectively. The binomial logistic regression model was applied to clarify which kinds of circadian rest-activity parameters predicted the cognitive status in nursing home residents as well as the BPSD outcome. A multi-level model was also used to examine the association between the nonparametric rest-activity parameters and the BPSD outcome explained by the cognitive status among older individuals in facilities. Results: Seventy-seven participants (49 residents with dementia, and 28 residents without dementia) were included in this study. According to the binomial logistic regression analysis after adjusting for covariates, the classification of the cognitive status for older residents was associated with the DBD score (odds ratio, 1.22; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.08, 1.38; p < 0.001), the IS (odds ratio, 0.01; 95% CI, 0.00, 1.00; p = 0.05) and the L5 (odds ratio, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.99, 1.00; p = 0.05). The results of a multi-level model also indicated that the IV at individual-level was significantly associated with the DBD score for nursing home residents, with the CDR score at cluster-level as an explanatory variable. As well, a significant association between the RA at individual level and the DBD score was observed in a multi-level model explained by the CDR score at cluster-level. Conclusion: Of these models, the multi-level model provided grounds for our proposal that the fragmentation or the amplitude of rest-activity parameters might be associated with the outcome of BPSD, considering the cognitive status of older individuals in different facilities. The findings offer practical insight into the prevention of BPSD and the improvement of rest-activity rhythms in rehabilitative care in nursing homes.  相似文献   

Chemotherapy and its associated side effects can induce the disruption of circadian rest-activity rhythm and may have negative consequences on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of cancer patients. In the current study, repeated-measures cross-sectional design was implemented to determine the status of circadian rest-activity rhythm and to assess the HRQoL of newly diagnosed female breast cancer patients those were planned to receive six cycles of chemotherapy. Rest activity and HRQoL were assessed in twenty-five patients during chemotherapy cycles 1st (C1), 3rd (C3), and 6th (C6) immediately after they reported to the outdoor ward of the Regional Cancer Center, Pt. J.N.M. Medical College, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Memorial Hospital, Raipur, India. Wrist actigraphs for consecutive spans of 3–4 days were used to record the rest-activity rhythm, and its parameters were computed with the help of Cosinor Rhythmometry. Quality of life (QoL) parameters were assessed using EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BR23. Results revealed that average scores of all rhythm parameters, such as MESOR, amplitude, acrophase, rhythm quotient, circadian quotient, peak activity, dichotomy index, and autocorrelation coefficient; and all functional scales of QLQ-C30, such as physical, role, emotional, cognitive, and social, and global quality of life statistically significantly decreased with the increasing number of chemotherapy cycles (C1 to C3 and C6). Scores of symptom scales of QLQ-C30, such as fatigue, pain, dyspnoea, insomnia, appetite loss, and diarrhea increased significantly from C1 to C6. Among the QLQ-BR23 scales, scores of sexual functioning, sexual enjoyment, breast symptoms, and arm symptoms significantly decreased, whereas scores of systemic therapy side effects, and upset by hair loss significantly increased across the chemotherapy cycles. We conclude that rest-activity rhythm disrupted and HRQoL of breast cancer patients worsened along the increasing number of chemotherapy cycles. We suggest that along with the treatment protocol, level of disruption of these parameters should be assessed and managed with the proper interventions that prominently include timing of the chemotherapy administration. The latter is pivotal for maintenance of these parameters, which are likely to enhance the physiological ability of patients for better treatment responses and may improve the overall QoL and survival of the patients.  相似文献   

The status and phases of the circadian timing system (CTS) can be ascertained through measuring several biological functions. Of those measurements, rest-activity rhythm is considered as a reliable circadian biomarker to evaluate the function of CTS among oncology population. Its amenable non-invasive monitoring over longitudinal time scale makes it more appropriate and convenient. Its use as reference rhythm for timing the medications is widely accepted in cancer and sleep clinics. Current mini review highlights the present knowledge on different actigraphy devices used for the measurement of circadian rest-activity rhythm. Further, this review presents recent data dealing with the status of circadian rest-activity rhythm in cancer patients and discusses its association with health-related patients’ quality of life. Application of this concept supports that the interventions with abilities to reverse CTS dysfunction in cancer patients might prolong their survival with improved and acceptable level of health-related quality of life.  相似文献   


Chemotherapy administration may result in the disruption of circadian rhythms and impairment of quality of life (QoL) of cancer patients. Nevertheless, we have little knowledge on the long-term consequences of chemotherapy and the effects of hospitalization. In the present study, we employed the two-factor repeated-measure cross-sectional design to determine the effects of chemotherapy and hospitalization on rest-activity (RA) rhythm and QoL of breast cancer patients. Initially, we randomly selected 39 inpatients and 42 outpatients, scheduled to receive six cycles of chemotherapy, from the Regional Cancer Center (RCC), Raipur, India. Finally, 30 patients in each group were included in the current study. We monitored circadian RA rhythm and QoL using wrist actigraphy and QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BR23, respectively, during the 1st (C1), 3rd (C3) and 6th (C6) chemotherapy cycles. Results revealed that with the progression of chemotherapy cycles (from C1 to C6), all rhythm parameters, namely mesor, amplitude, acrophase, rhythm quotient (RQ), circadian quotient (CQ), peak activity (PA), dichotomy index and autocorrelation coefficient, significantly decreased in both cancer in- and outpatients. In both groups of patients and during C1–C6, all functional and global QoL measures of QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BR23 significantly decreased and the symptoms significantly increased, except constipation, body image, sexual functioning and future perspectives in outpatients. The hospitalization exacerbated the problems associated with the RA rhythm and the QoL of the patients. In conclusion, the current study highlighted the negative consequences of hospitalization among inpatients, irrespective of the stage of cancer. We, therefore, recommend that cancer patients should be administered with chemotherapy as outpatients. The proposed protocol might have a covert bearing on the expression of better physiological state leading to satisfactory treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

The influence of pupal diapause on adult eclosion rhythm of Delia antiqua was investigated. When non-diapause and diapause pupae were exposed to various photoperiods at 15, 20 and 25 °C, both of them emerged as adults close to the light-on time, but the phase of eclosion varied with photoperiod and temperature. Moreover, there was a significant difference in the eclosion time between non-diapause and diapause pupae; the eclosion peak of diapause pupae was earlier than that of non-diapause pupae. When non-diapause and diapause pupae were transferred to constant darkness (DD) after having experienced LD 12:12 at 15, 20 and 25 °C, both showed circadian rhythmicity in eclosion. Although the free-running period (τ) decreased slightly as temperature increased in both non-diapause and diapause pupae, the latter tended to show shorter τ than the former. This observation suggests that the observed difference in eclosion time in LD cycles between non-diapause and diapause pupae is due to differences in τ.  相似文献   

为了适应地球昼夜更替对机体的影响,哺乳动物进化出了一套内在的适应性计时机制,由此形成了生物钟系统(circadian clock)。昼夜节律作为该系统中的重要部分可与机体的代谢过程同步变化[1]。肠道菌群作为与机体共生的生物群落,在肠道功能方面发挥着重要作用。对肠道菌群的昼夜节律性波动以及与宿主生物节律之间的相互作用进行研究有重要意义。本文将着重阐述肠道菌群昼夜节律与宿主生物节律的相互作用,以及这种相互作用对宿主代谢的影响。  相似文献   

The circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in the Japanese honeybee Apis cerana japonica was studied to determine the involvement of parametric and/or nonparametric entrainment. The rhythm was entrained to a skeleton photoperiod in which a 1-h first light pulse was imposed in the morning along with a second light pulse in the evening, as well as to a complete photoperiodic regime (LD 12:12). However, the timing of peak activity relative to the lights-off in the evening in the skeleton photoperiod was earlier than that in the complete photoperiod. A single daily light pulse in the evening entrained the rhythm, whereas a daily light pulse in the morning allowed free-running as in constant darkness. The free-running period (τ) of locomotor activity in constant light became longer as the light intensity increased. A Winfree's type I phase response curve of the locomotor activity rhythm was obtained using a single 1-h light pulse. The results suggest that both parametric and nonparametric entrainment are involved in the circadian rhythm of individual locomotor activity in this honeybee.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of pinealectomy and blinding (bilateral ocular enucleation) on the circadian locomotor activity rhythm in the Japanese newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. The pinealectomized newts were entrained to a light-dark cycle of 12 h light and 12 h darkness. After transfer to constant darkness they showed residual rhythmicity for at least several days which was gradually disrupted in prolonged constant darkness. Blinded newts were also entrained to a 12 h light/12 h dark cycle. In subsequent constant darkness they showed free-running rhythms of locomotor activity. However, the freerunning periods noticeably increased compared with those observed in the previous period of constant darkness before blinding. In blinded newts entrained to the light/dark cycle the activity rhythms were gradually disrupted after pinealectomy even in the presence of the light/dark cycle. These results suggest that both the pineal and the eyes are involved in the newt's circadian system, and also suggest that the pineal of the newt acts as an extraretinal photoreceptor which mediates the entrainment of the locomotor activity rhythm.Abbreviations circadian period - DD constant darkness - LD cycle, light-dark cycle - LD 12:12 light-dark cycle of 12 h light and 12 h darkness  相似文献   

When non-diapause and diapause pupae of Deliaantiqua were exposed to various thermoperiods where thermophase (T) was 25 °C and the cryophase (C) was 15 or 20 °C (TC15 or TC20) in constant darkness (DD), the majority of both types of flies emerged before the rise in temperature. Eclosion time was delayed at the lower cryophase temperature. Moreover, there was a significant difference in the time of adult eclosion between non-diapause and diapause pupae; diapause pupae eclosed earlier than non-diapause pupae. When the two types of pupae were transferred to a constant low temperature (15 or 20 °C) after having experienced TC15 or TC20 12:12 h, they showed circadian rhythmicity in eclosion. The free-running period (τ) of the eclosion rhythm changed after transfer to constant low temperatures in both non-diapause and diapause pupae, suggesting that this change represents a transient cycle until the temperature-sensitive oscillator is coupled again to the temperature-insensitive pacemaker. However, diapause pupae tended to show a shorter τ than non-diapause pupae. This observation suggests that the difference in adult eclosion time under thermoperiodic conditions between non-diapause and diapause pupae is related to their different τ s.  相似文献   

Poor sleep quality or sleep restriction is associated with sleepiness and concentration problems. Moreover, chronic sleep restriction may affect metabolism, hormone secretion patterns and inflammatory responses. Limited recent reports suggest a potential link between sleep deprivation and epigenetic effects such as changes in DNA methylation profiles. The aim of the present study was to assess the potential association between poor sleep quality or sleep duration and the levels of 5-methylcytosine in the promoter regions of PER1, PER2, PER3, BMAL1, CLOCK, CRY1 CRY2 and NPAS2 genes, taking into account rotating night work and chronotype as potential confounders or modifiers. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 710 nurses and midwives (347 working on rotating nights and 363 working only during the day) aged 40–60 years. Data from in-person interviews about sleep quality, chronotype and potential confounders were used. Sleep quality and chronotype were assessed using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire (PSQI) and Morningness–Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ), respectively. Morning blood samples were collected. The methylation status of the circadian rhythm genes was determined via quantitative methylation-specific real-time PCR assays (qMSP) reactions using DNA samples derived from leucocytes. The proportional odds regression model was fitted to quantify the relationship between methylation index (MI) as the dependent variable and sleep quality or sleep duration as the explanatory variable. Analyses were carried out for the total population as well as for subgroups of women stratified by the current system of work (rotating night shift/day work) and chronotype (morning type/intermediate type/evening type). A potential modifying effect of the system of work or the chronotype was examined using the likelihood ratio test. No significant findings were observed in the total study population. Subgroup analyses revealed two statistically significant associations between a shorter sleep duration and 1) methylation level in PER2 among day workers, especially those with the morning chronotype (OR = 2.31, 95%CI:1.24–4.33), and 2) methylation level in CRY2 among subjects with the intermediate chronotype, particularly among day workers (OR = 0.52, 95%CI:0.28–0.96). The study results demonstrated a positive association between average sleep duration of less than 6 hours and the methylation level of PER2 among morning chronotype subjects, and an inverse association for CRY2 among intermediate chronotype subjects, but only among day workers. Both the system of work and the chronotype turned out to be important confounders and modifiers in a number of analyses, making it necessary to consider them as potential covariates in future research on sleep deficiency outcomes. Further studies are warranted to explore this under-investigated topic.  相似文献   

In Japanese quail, we can observe the circadian rhythm of feeding activity in constant conditions, especially in birds from selected lines. In order to try to test the importance of melatonin as hormonal output for the circadian system, we gave a 24-h period cycle of exogenous melatonin to some of these birds when they were free running. We used castrated males firstly in order to cancel the known effect of steroids on circadian organisation. Secondly, as castrated birds generally expressed a very short periodicity, it allowed us to check induced synchronisation more easily. We maintained ten castrated males in constant dim light. We divided the experiment into five successive phases. The birds received a 24-h period cycle of melatonin (M phase) or of control solution with only the alcoholic solvent (C phase) as a drink. Before and after each one of these two phases, we gave water continually to drink (W1, W2 and W3 phases). Thus, the successive phases were W1-M-W2-C-W3. We measured intake of liquids and plasma melatonin concentrations to check melatonin ingestion. We automatically recorded individual feeding activity by infrared detectors, and analysed this by spectral analysis. At the beginning of the experiment, eight birds showed a rhythmic feeding activity, with a mean period of 22.9 +/- 0.2 h, and the two others an arrhythmic circadian activity. During the 24-h period cycle of exogenous melatonin, for the rhythmic birds, the circadian period became approximately 24 h (23.9 +/- 0.2 h), the inactive phase corresponding to the period of melatonin availability. During the W2 and C phases, the circadian period was similar to that expressed during the W1 phase. Moreover, when birds only drink water, we found a significant positive relationship between the clarity of the circadian rhythm and the ratio, between the melatonin level of the inactive phase and that of the active phase. These facts support the hypothesis of the role of this hormone in the regulation of the circadian system, at least for feeding activity, in quail.  相似文献   

When pupae of Delia antiqua were transferred to constant darkness (DD) from light-dark (LD) cycles or constant light (LL), the sensitivity to light of the circadian clock controlling eclosion increased with age. The daily rhythm of eclosion appeared in both non-diapause and diapause pupae only when this transfer was made during late pharate adult development. When transferred from LL to DD in the early pupal stage, the adult eclosion was weakly rhythmic in non-diapause pupae but arrhythmic in diapause pupae. However, the sensitivity of the circadian clock to temperature cycles or steps was higher in diapause pupae than in non-diapause pupae; in the transfer to a constant 20 degrees C from a thermoperiod of 25 degrees C (12 h)/20 degrees C (12 h) on day 10 after pupation or from chilling (7.5 degrees C) in DD, the adult eclosion from diapause pupae was rhythmic but that from non-diapause pupae arrhythmic. In a transfer to 20 degrees C from the thermoperiod after the initiation of eclosion, rhythmicity was observed in both types of pupae. The larval stage was insensitive to the effect of LD cycle initiating the eclosion rhythm. In D. antiqua pupae in the soil under natural conditions, therefore, the thermoperiod in the late pupal stage would be the most important 'Zeitgeber' for the determination of eclosion timing.  相似文献   

Quality of life (QoL) is estimated from patients scores to items related to everyday life, including rest and activity. The rest–activity rhythm reflects endogenous circadian clock function. The relation between the individual rhythm in activity and QoL was investigated in 200 patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Patients wore a wrist actigraph (Ambulatory Monitoring Inc., New York, NY) for 3–5 d before chronotherapy, and completed a QoL questionnaire developed by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (QLQ-C30) plus the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. The rest–activity circadian rhythm was characterized by the mean activity level (m), autocorrelation coefficient at 24h (r24), and the dichotomy index (I<O), a ratio between the amount of activity while in and out of bed. The distribution of the rest–activity cycle parameters and that of QoL scores was independent of sex, age, primary tumor, number of metastatic sites, and prior treatment. Both the 24h rhythm indicators were positively correlated with global QoL score as well as physical, emotional, and social functioning. Negative correlations were found between m, r24, or I<O and fatigue, appetite loss, and nausea. The rest–activity circadian rhythm appeared to be an objective indicator of physical welfare and QoL. This analysis suggests that circadian function may be one of the biological determinants of QoL in cancer patients.  相似文献   

Six Mongolian gerbils were studied for 8-10d while housed in separate cages in a 12:12h light-dark (L-D) cycle (lights on at 07:00h). Recordings of body temperature, heart rate, and spontaneous activity were made throughout. The temperature and heart rate rhythms were “purified” to take into account the effects of activity, and then the rhythm of temperature was further purified to take into account other masking influences (“non-activity masking effects” or NAME,). The methods employed in the purification processes involved linear regression analysis or analysis of covariance, the latter using functions of activity and NAME as covariates. From these methods, it was possible to obtain not only an estimate of the endogenous component of the temperature rhythm but also a measure of circadian changes in the sensitivity of temperature to masking effects.

Even though all purification methods removed many of the effects of spontaneous activity from the temperature record, there remained temperature fluctuations at the L-D and D-L transitions that appeared to be independent of activity. The NAME was of only very marginal value in the purification process. Comparison of the purification methods indicated that the linear methods were inferior (both from a biological viewpoint and when the results were compared mathematically) to those that allowed the rate of rise of temperature due to increasing amounts of activity to become progressively less. The sensitivity of temperature and heart rate to the masking effects of activity showed a circadian rhythm, with sensitivities in the resting phase being greater than those in the active phase. These findings are compatible with the view that thermoregulatory reflexes are induced by spontaneous activity of sufficient amount, and that there is a circadian rhythm in the body temperature at which these reflexes are initiated and in their effectiveness.  相似文献   

B. Novak  H. Greppin 《Planta》1979,144(3):235-240
The microelectrode technique was used to follow oscillations in membrane potential in mesophyll cells of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) during exposure do different photoperiodic conditions. Both high-frequency oscillations and circadian variations were observed. The circadian rhythm was imposed on the period of high-frequency oscillation during short days as well as in continuous light: The free-running period was 25.2 h. The average period of high-frequency oscillation increased from 7.64 min in the dark to 19.95 min in the light within several minutes after dark to light transition. This period length coincides with the established period length for oscillations in the redox potential in the chloroplast suspensions of spinach.Abbreviations CL continuous light - SD short day - MP membrane potential  相似文献   

Summary Evidence presented in this paper indicates that a robust circadian rhythm in the frequency of neural activity can be recorded from the central nervous system of intact cockroaches, Leucophaea maderae. This rhythmicity was abolished by optic lobe removal. Spontaneous neural activity was then used as an assay to demonstrate that the optic lobe is able to generate circadian oscillations in vitro. These results provide direct evidence that the cockroach optic lobe is a self-sustained circadian oscillator capable of generating daily rhythms in the absence of neural or hormonal communications with the rest of the organism.Abbreviations CNS central nervous system - DD constant dark - LD light/dark cycle - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - ZT Zeitgeber time  相似文献   

In farm animals, salivary cortisol has become a widely used parameter for measuring stress responses. However, only few studies have dealt with basal levels of concentration of cortisol in pigs and its circadian rhythm. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of ambient temperature and thermoregulatory behaviour on the circadian rhythm of salivary cortisol levels in fattening pigs. Subjects were 30 fattening pigs of different weight (60 to 100 kg), kept in six groups in an uninsulated building in pens with partly slatted floors. Saliva samples were taken every 2 h over periods of 24 h at different ambient temperatures at two times in winter and four times in summer. Thermoregulatory behaviour was recorded in the same 24-h time periods. The effect of time of day, body weight, ambient temperature and behaviour on the cortisol level was analysed using a mixed-effects model. Two peaks of cortisol levels per day were found. This circadian pattern became more pronounced with increasing weight and on days where thermoregulatory behaviour was shown. Mean cortisol levels per day were affected by weight but not by thermoregulatory behaviour. From our data, we conclude that long-term variations in cortisol concentration may be influenced by increasing age and weight more than by the respective experimental situation. In assessing animal welfare, it seems more reliable to consider the circadian pattern of cortisol concentration instead of only one value per day.  相似文献   

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