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Nizatidine is a histamine H2 receptor antagonist which act by inhibiting the production of stomach acid, thereby, finds its application in treating various diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract. Studying albumin–drug interaction is important for understanding the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of therapeutic candidates. In the present work, the interaction of nizatidine with BSA was investigated by employing multi-spectroscopic and computational studies. The formation of BSA–nizatidine complex was characterised by UV-visible and fluorescence based-spectroscopic studies. Steady-state fluorescence demonstrated the static mode of quenching of BSA by nizatidine. The interaction was spontaneous and nizatidine binds to BSA with a stoichiometry of 1:1. Forster resonance energy transfer calculations revealed that there was a high possibility of energy transfer between nizatidine and BSA. The resultant secondary structural change in BSA on the addition of nizatidine was studied by circular dichroism spectroscopy. Moreover, synchronous and three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy was used to determine the conformational changes occurred in the structure of albumin on the binding of nizatidine. Competitive-site marker experiments suggested that nizatidine binds in the Sudlow site II of BSA. Additionally, the effect of β-cyclodextrin as an inclusion compound on the interaction was studied. Furthermore, molecular modelling and simulation studies were performed to corroborate the results obtained above.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE), an α-helix inducer, versus methyl cyanide (MeCN), a β-sheet inducer, on acid-denatured human serum albumin (HSA) using far-UV circular dichroism, intrinsic fluorescence, 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate binding, and acrylamide quenching studies. Interestingly, at pH 2.0, where the recovery and resolution of the protein in reverse phase chromatography is high, its secondary structure remains unchanged even in the presence of very high concentration (76% v/v) of MeCN. Gain of 23 and 34% α-helicity was observed in the presence of 20 and 50% TFE, respectively. At pH 7.3, HSA aggregates in the presence of 40% MeCN, but it remains soluble up to 75% MeCN at pH 2.0. The results seem to be important for HSA isolation and purification.  相似文献   

β2-Glycoprotein I (β2-GPI) is a plasma protein that binds to oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and negatively charged substances, and inhibits platelet activation and blood coagulation. In this study, we investigated the interaction of β2-GPI with a negatively charged lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) in platelet aggregation and blood clotting. Two negatively charged lysophospholipids, LPA and lysophosphatidylserine, specifically inhibited the binding of β2-GPI to oxidized LDL in a concentration-dependent manner. Intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence studies demonstrated that emission intensity of β2-GPI decreases in an LPA-concentration-dependent manner without a shift in wavelength maxima. LPA specifically induced the aggregation of β2-GPI in phosphate-buffered saline, and in incubated plasma and serum, both of which are known to accumulate LPA by the action of lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase and lysophospholipase D/autotaxin. β2-GPI aggregated by LPA did not inhibit activated von Willebrand factor-induced aggregation, and did not prolong the activated partial thromboplastin time in blood plasma, in contrast to non-aggregated β2-GPI. These results suggest that β2-GPI aggregated by the binding to LPA fails to inhibit platelet aggregation and blood clotting in contrast to non-aggregated β2-GPI.  相似文献   

Human serum albumin (HSA) and α-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) (acute phase protein) are the plasma proteins in blood system which transports many drugs. To understand the pharmacological importance of piperine molecule, here, we studied the anti-inflammatory activity of piperine on mouse macrophages (RAW 264.7) cell lines, which reveals that piperine caused an increase in inhibition growth of inflammated macrophages. Further, the fluorescence maximum quenching of proteins were observed upon binding of piperine to HSA and AGP through a static quenching mechanism. The binding constants obtained from fluorescence emission were found to be Kpiperine?=?5.7 ± .2 × 105 M?1 and Kpiperine = 9.3± .25 × 104 M?1 which correspond to the free energy of ?7.8 and ?6.71 kcal M?1at 25 °C for HSA and AGP, respectively. Further, circular dichrosim studies revealed that there is a marginal change in the secondary structural content of HSA due to partial destabilization of HSA–piperine complexes. Consequently, inference drawn from the site-specific markers (phenylbutazone, site I marker) studies to identify the binding site of HSA noticed that piperine binds at site I (IIA), which was further authenticated by molecular docking and molecular dynamic (MD) studies. The binding constants and free energy corresponding to experimental and computational analysis suggest that there are hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions when piperine binds to HSA. Additionally, the MD studies have showed that HSA–piperine complex reaches equilibration state at around 3 ns, which prove that the HSA–piperine complex is stable in nature.  相似文献   

Chitosan is a naturally occurring deacetylated derivative of chitin with versatile biological activities. Here, we studied the interaction of chitosan oligomers with low degree of polymerization such as chitosan monomer (CM), chitosan dimer (CD), and chitosan trimer (CT) with human serum albumin (HSA) a major blood carrier protein and α-1-glycoprotein (AGP). Since, HSA and AGP are the two important plasma proteins that determine the drug disposition and affect the fate of distribution of drugs. Fluorescence emission spectra indicated that CM, CD, and CT had binding constants of KCM = 6.2 ± .01 × 105 M?1, KCD = 5.0 ± .01 × 104 M?1, and KCT = 1.6 ± .01 × 106 M?1, respectively, suggesting strong binding with HSA. However, binding of chitooligomers with AGP was insignificant. Thermodynamic and molecular docking analysis indicated that hydrogen bonds and also hydrophobic interaction played an important role in stabilizing the HSA-chitooligomer complexes with free energies of ?7.87, ?6.35, and ?8.4?Kcal/mol for CM, CD, and CT, respectively. Further, circular dichroism studies indicated a minor unfolding of HSA secondary structure, upon interaction with chitooligomers, which are supported with fluctuations of root mean square deviation (RMSD) and radius of gyration (Rg) of HSA. Docking analysis revealed that all three chitooligomers were bound to HSA within subdomain IIA (Site I). In addition, RMSD and Rg analysis depicted that HSA-chitooligomer complexes stabilized at around 4.5 ns. These results suggest that HSA might serve as a carrier in delivering chitooligomers to target tissues than AGP which has pharmacological importance.  相似文献   

Human serum albumin (HSA) participates in heme scavenging, the bound heme turning out to be a reactivity center and a powerful spectroscopic probe. Here, the reversible unfolding of heme–HSA has been investigated by 1H-NMR relaxometry, circular dichroism, and absorption spectroscopy. In the presence of 6 equiv of myristate (thus fully saturating all available fatty acid binding sites in serum heme–albumin), 1.0 M guanidinium chloride induces some unfolding of heme–HSA, leading to the formation of a folding intermediate; this species is characterized by increased relaxivity and enhanced dichroism signal in the Soret region, suggesting a more compact heme pocket conformation. Heme binds to the folding intermediate with K d = (1.2 ± 0.1) × 10−6 M. In the absence of myristate, the conformation of the folding intermediate state is destabilized and heme binding is weakened [K d = (3.4 ± 0.1) × 10−5 M]. Further addition of guanidinium chloride (up to 5 M) brings about the usual denaturation process. In conclusion, myristate protects HSA from unfolding, stabilizing a folding intermediate state in equilibrium with the native and the fully unfolded protein, envisaging a two-step unfolding pathway for heme–HSA in the presence of myristate.  相似文献   

Our study focus on the biological importance of synthesized 5β-dihydrocortisol (Dhc) and 5β-dihydrocortisol acetate (DhcA) molecules, the cytotoxic study was performed on breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) normal human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293), the IC50 values for MCF-7 cells were 28 and 25 μM, respectively, whereas no toxicity in terms of cell viability was observed with HEK293 cell line. Further experiment proved that Dhc and DhcA induced 35.6 and 37.7% early apoptotic cells and 2.5, 2.9% late apoptotic cells, respectively, morphological observation of cell death through TUNEL assay revealed that Dhc and DhcA induced apoptosis in MCF-7 cells. The complexes of HSA–Dhc and HSA–DhcA were observed as static quenching, and the binding constants (K) was 4.7 ± .03 × 104 M?1 and 3.9 ± .05 × 104 M?1, and their binding free energies were found to be ?6.4 and ?6.16 kcal/mol, respectively. The displacement studies confirmed that lidocaine 1.4 ± .05 × 104 M?1 replaced Dhc, and phenylbutazone 1.5 ± .05 × 104 M?1 replaced by DhcA, which explains domain I and domain II are the binding sites for Dhc and DhcA. Further, FT-IR, synchronous spectroscopy, and CD results revealed that the secondary structure of HSA was altered in the presence of Dhc and DhcA. Furthermore, the atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy showed that the dimensions like height and molecular size of the HSA–Dhc and HSA–DhcA complex were larger compared to HSA alone. Detailed analysis through molecular dynamics simulations also supported greater stability of HSA–Dhc and HSA–DhcA complexes, and root-mean-square-fluctuation interpreted the binding site of Dhc as domain IB and domain IIA for DhcA. This information is valuable for further development of steroid derivative with improved pharmacological significance as novel anti-cancer drugs.  相似文献   

The electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of human and rabbit ferriheme-hemopexin complexes at 30oK show an ESR absorption characterized by gx = 1.60, gy = 2.25 and gz = 2.86, characteristic of low-spin ferriheme-proteins. The low-spin nature of the heme-iron in heme-hemopexin is corroborated by the observation of nuclear hyperfine splitting in M?ssbauer spectra at 4.2oK. The similarity of the ESR spectra of ferriheme-hemopexin with those of low-spin cytochromes which coordinate heme via two histidine residues points to a similar coordination mechanism in hemopexin. In contrast, the ESR spectra of the 1:1 and 2:1 complexes of heme with human serum albumin display signals at g = 6.0 and g = 2.0, characteristic of high-spin ferrihemeproteins.  相似文献   

Human serum albumin binding of folic acid and its γ-hydroxamate/carboxylate derivatives was studied by ultrafiltration and spectrofluorimetry, and it was found that the ligands exhibit a moderate binding (KD ~ 2-50 μM), and the folate-γ-phenylalanine represents the highest conditional binding constant towards albumin. This feature may have importance in the serum transport processes of these ligands. Interaction of folic acid and its derivatives with Zn(II) was investigated in aqueous solution to obtain the composition and stabilities of the complexes by the means of pH-potentiometry, 1H NMR and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, together with the characterization of the proton dissociation processes and the hydro-lipophilic properties of the ligands. The formation of mono-ligand complexes was demonstrated in all cases and the contribution of the glutamyl carboxylates to the coordination was excluded. Binding of folic acid and its γ-carboxylate derivatives to Zn(II) via the pteridine moiety is suggested, while the (O,O) coordination fashion of the folate-γ-hydroxamate ligands has importance in their inhibitory activity against Zn(II)-containing matrix metalloproteinases. It was found that the enzyme inhibition of these folate-γ-hydroxamate ligands is mainly tuned by other features, such as the lipophilic character rather than the Zn(II)-chelate stability.  相似文献   


The binding characteristic of anti-platelet drug dipyridamole has been investigated with a transport protein, serum albumin. A multi-spectroscopic approach has been employed, and the results were well supported by in silico molecular docking and simulation studies. The fluorescence quenching of serum albumin at three different temperatures revealed that the mechanism involved is static and the binding constant of the interaction was found to be of the order of 104 M?1. The reaction was found to be spontaneous and involved hydrophobic interactions. Synchronous, 3D fluorescence and CD spectroscopy indicated a change in conformation of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on interaction with DP. Using site-selective markers, the binding site of DP was found to be in subdomain IB. Molecular docking studies further corroborated these results. Molecular dynamic (MD) simulations showed lower RMSD values on interaction, suggesting the existence of a stable complex between DP and BSA. Furthermore, since β-Cyclodextrin (βCD) is used to improve the solubility of DP in ophthalmic solutions, therefore, the effect of (βCD) on the interaction of BSA and DP was also studied, and it was found that in the presence of βCD, the binding constant for BSA-DP interaction decreased. The present study is an attempt to characterize the transport of DP and to improve its bioavailability, consequently helping in dosage design to achieve optimum therapeutic levels.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Binding affinities of flavonols namely quercetin, myricetin, and kaempferol to human serum albumin (HSA) were determined fluorimetrically and the order was observed to be myricetin > quercetin > kaempferol demonstrating structure–activity relationship. Quercetin-coated silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) show higher binding affinity to HSA compared to free quercetin with binding constants 6.04 × 107 M?1 and 4.2 × 106 M?1, respectively. Using site-specific markers it is concluded that free quercetin and that coated on AgNPs bind at different sites. Significant structural changes in circular dichroism (CD) spectra of HSA were recorded with quercetin-coated AgNPs compared to free quercetin. These results were further substantiated by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy where fluorescence life time of the tryptophan residue in HSA–quercetin-coated AgNPs complex decreased to 3.63 ns from 4.22 ns in HSA–quercetin complex. Isothermal calorimetric studies reveal two binding modes for quercetin-coated AgNPs and also higher binding constants compared to free quercetin. These higher binding affinities are attributed to altered properties of quercetin when coated on AgNPs enabling it to reach the binding sites other than site II where free quercetin mainly binds.  相似文献   

Coumarin molecules have biological activities possessing lipid-controlling activity, anti-hepatitis C activity, anti-diabetic, anti-Parkinson activity, and anti-cancer activity. Here, we have presented an inclusive study on the interaction of 8-substituted-7-hydroxy coumarin derivatives (Umb-1/Umb-2) with α-1-glycoprotein (AGP) and human serum albumin (HSA) which are the major carrier proteins in the human blood plasma. Binding constants obtained from fluorescence emission data were found to be KUmb-1=3.1 ± .01 × 104 M?1, KUmb-2 = 7 ± .01 × 104 M?1, which corresponds to ?6.1 and ?6.5 kcal/mol of free energy for Umb-1 and Umb-2, respectively, suggesting that these derivatives bind strongly to HSA. Also these molecules bind to AGP with binding constants of KUmb-1-AGP=3.1 ± .01 × 103 M?1 and KUmb-2-AGP = 4.6 ± .01 × 103 M?1. Further, the distance, r between the donor (HSA) and acceptor (Umb-1/Umb-2) was calculated based on the Forster’s theory of non-radiation energy transfer and the values were observed to be 1.14 and 1.29 nm in Umb-1–HSA and Umb-2–HSA system, respectively. The protein secondary structure of HSA was partially unfolded upon binding of Umb-1 and Umb-2. Furthermore, site displacement experiments with lidocaine, phenylbutazone (IIA), and ibuprofen (IIIA) proves that Umb derivatives significantly bind to subdomain IIIA of HSA which is further supported by docking studies. Furthermore, Umb-1 binds to LYS402 with one hydrogen bond distance of 2.8 Å and Umb-2 binds to GLU354 with one hydrogen bond at a distance of 2.0 Å. Moreover, these molecules are stabilized by hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bond between the hydroxyl groups of carbon-3 of coumarin derivatives.  相似文献   

Enantioselectivity in the burst phase of the reactions of d- and l-p-nitrophenyl α-methoxyphenyl acetates with human and bovine serum albumin was investigated kinetically in pH 7.4 phosphate buffer and at 25 °C. The burst phase was measured under the conditions of excess albumin over the enantiomer. Both albumins reacted with d enantiomer about threefold faster than l enantiomer, mainly due to the catalytic step and not due to the binding step. The reactivity of human serum albumin toward the enantiomers was four- to fivefold higher than that of bovine serum albumin.  相似文献   

The interaction between Meropenem drug and human serum albumin (HSA) has been studied under physiological condition in Tris–HCl buffer solution at pH 7.4 by various spectroscopic (UV spectra, fluorescence spectra, CD spectra), Photo–induced HSA cleavage, and molecular docking techniques. The results of fluorescence titration revealed that the Meropenem strongly quench the intrinsic fluorescence of HSA through a static quenching procedure. Binding constants (Kb) and the number of binding sites (n ? 1) were calculated using modified Stern–Volmer equations. The thermodynamic parameters ΔG, ΔH and ΔS at different temperatures were calculated which revealed that the electrostatic and hydrogen bonding interactions play a major role in HSA–Meropenem association. The distance r between donor (HSA) and acceptor (Meropenem) was obtained according to fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and the alterations of HSA secondary structure induced by Meropenem were confirmed by FT–IR and CD measurements. The molecular docking technique was utilized to ascertain the mechanism and mode of action towards the molecular target HSA indicating that Meropenem was located within the subdomain IIA of protein by electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonds, consistent with the corresponding experimental results. Additionally, Meropenem shows efficient photo–induced HSA cleavage. Our results may provide valuable information to understand the mechanistic pathway of drug delivery and to pharmacological behavior of drug.
  • Research Highlights
  • The interaction of Meropenem with HSA was studied by spectroscopic, photo-induced cleavage and molecular docking techniques.

  • The secondary structure of protein has been changed upon the interaction with Meropenem.

  • Subdomain IIA of the HSA is found to be the main binding site for Meropenem.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Xiaojun Wei  Qian Wang  Chang Liu 《Proteomics》2022,22(5-6):2100058
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) has been one of the most common perfluorochemicals, which are globally pervasive contaminants that are persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic, and have adverse impacts on human health. The highest concentration of PFOA occurs in the blood, where it strongly binds to human serum albumins (HSA). Thus, a method to reverse the HSA-PFOA binding is critical to help facilitate the faster elimination of PFOA from the body to minimize its toxicological effects. Inspired by the remediation effect of cyclodextrin (CD) to PFOA through host-guest interactions, herein, by elucidating inter-molecular interactions using a nanopore sensor, we demonstrated in vitro reversal of the binding of PFOA to HSA using γ-cyclodextrin (γ-CD). The competition behavior for the complexation of PFOA between HSA and γ-CD was discussed in combination with in situ nanopore current recording and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) characterization. The present work not only demonstrates the potential therapeutic application of γ-CD for PFOA removal from human blood, but also provides an emerging method for investigating interactions between organic compounds and proteins.  相似文献   

Summary The crosslinking effects of formaldehyde, -hydroxyadipaldehyde and glutaraldehyde have been compared by various techniques. Using a micro-Ouchterlony technique with an aldehyde treated bovine serum albumin-rabbit anti-bovine serum albumin system it was found that glutaraldehyde prevented precipitin line formation except at very high titres of antibody. The effects of formaldehyde and -hydroxyadipaldehyde were less marked. Cellulose acetate electrophoresis of aldehyde treated bovine serum albumin showed an increase in mobility compared with the untreated protein. Starch gel electrophoresis of aldehyde fixed liver slices showed no protein loss after glutaraldehyde fixation whereas the other aldehydes permitted proteins to be extracted. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the aldehyde treated bovine serum albumin showed a little change in mobility after formaldehyde and -hydroxyadipaldehyde treatment and a little polymer formation. Glutaraldehyde on the other hand produced much polymer. These findings were confirmed by gel filtration with Sephadex G-200. Intermolecular crosslinking with glutaraldehyde was dependant on the aldehyde concentration.  相似文献   

Journal of Biological Physics - The quality and strength of drug and albumin interaction affecting the drug-free concentration and physiological activity are important issues in pharmacokinetic...  相似文献   

Dopamine--hydroxylase has been purified from human serum. The amino acid composition has been determined and found to be similar to that of the enzyme purified from human pheochromocytoma. Human serum dopamine--hydroxylase is a glycoprotein, containing 13.11 g carbohydrates/100 g protein. Individual sugar determinations showed the presence of fucose, galactose, glucose, mannose,N-acetylglucosamine,N-acetylgalactosamine andN-acetylneuraminic acid.  相似文献   

Gaucher disease is a lysosomal storage disorder caused by deficiency of human acid β-glucosidase. Recent x-ray structural elucidation of the enzyme alone and in the presence of its inhibitor was done, which provided an excellent template for further studies on the binding of substrate, product and inhibitor. To draw correlations between the clinical manifestation of the disease driven by point mutations, L444P and L444R, and the placement and function of putative S-binding sites, the presented theoretical studies were undertaken, which comprised of molecular dynamics and molecular docking methods. The obtained results indicate the D443 and D445 residues as extremely important for physiological functionality of an enzyme. They also show, although indirectly, that binding of the substrate is influenced by an interplay of E235 and E334 residues, constituting putative substrate binding site, and the region flanked by D435 and D445 residues. Figure The binding of an arbitrarily chosen structure of glucosylceramide (A), conduritol-β-epoxide (B), glucose (C) to the active site D443/D445 (A1, B1, C1) and E320/E340 (A2, B2, C2) of the wild-type structure of human acid-β-glucosidase. A1, B1, C1 blue mask represents the residues D443-D445; red mask represents the residue D444; A2, B2, C2 blue mask represents loop1 (Ser345-Glu349) and loop2 (Val394-Asp399), whereas red mask the residues E235 and 340  相似文献   

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