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The diving capabilities of the Procellariformes remain the least understood component of avian diving physiology. Due to their relatively small size, shearwaters may have high oxygen consumption rates during diving relative to their available oxygen stores. Dive performance in this group should be strongly limited by the trade‐off between oxygen consumption and oxygen stores, and shearwaters could be a good model group for testing predictions of dive theory. Many earlier measurements of shearwater dive behaviour relied on observations from the surface or potentially biased technology, and it is only recently that diving behaviour has been observed using electronic recorders for many of the clades within the family. The diving behaviour of Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus breeding in Wales, UK, was studied on a large sample of birds using time–depth–temperature recorders deployed on chick‐rearing shearwaters in July and August over 3 years (2009–2011). Light availability apparently limited diving as dives only occurred between 04:00 and 19:00 h GMT. All individuals routinely dived deeper than traditionally assumed, to a mean maximum depth of 31 m and occasionally down to nearly 55 m. We compiled all available data for a comparison of the dive depth across shearwater species. There was a positive allometric relationship between maximum dive depth and body mass across Puffinus and Ardenna shearwater species, as expected, but only if samples of fewer than two individuals were excluded. The large intra‐specific range in maximum dive depth in our study illustrates that apparent diversity in diving performance across species must be interpreted cautiously.  相似文献   


The identification of introduced and native predators is important for many conservation studies within New Zealand. Carcasses of Hutton's shearwaters were collected over three field seasons, and where predation was probable, the bodies were autopsied. Paired bites identified stoats as the principal predator of Hutton's shearwater, but also revealed that a feral cat was present within the colony. Stoats killed their prey with a bite to the back of the neck or head, and commenced feeding on the neck or head. Despite the limited number of cat‐killed birds, cats appeared to feed on Hutton's shearwaters differently from stoats, starting on the breast muscles. Harriers and kea left sign that allowed birds killed or scavenged by these native birds to be distinguished from those killed by stoats or cats.  相似文献   

A polymorphism in the sixth complement component (C6) has been investigated by isoelectric focusing. The results indicate that C6 is coded by genes at a single autosomal locus. Six structural alleles have been identified, a null allele is also postulated. Five island colonies of Shearwater were investigated, two alleles C6 A and C6 B predominate in all sites.
The ability of rabbit C5 and C7 to combine successfully with avian C6 indicates the functional sites of these molecules are highly conserved.  相似文献   


Two advantages could be gained by developing multi-species control by aerial baiting. It should assist pest managers to achieve sustainable resource management by improving the efficiency of operations; and it should reduce the likelihood of unwanted ecological side-effects (such as prey-switching) that sometimes follow when pest species are controlled individually. The technology to achieve efficient multi-species control is already well advanced, aided particularly by the refinement of aerial control of possums and by the development of baits for individual species. More effort will, however, be required to develop predictive models for planning the integration of multi-species control with conventional single-species control, and for predicting the ecological effects of such intervention.  相似文献   

The short-tailed shearwater is a colonially nesting, socially monogamous seabird. Little is known about mate fidelity and breeding behaviour in this species because breeding birds are nocturnal on land and spend much of their time within subterranean nesting burrows. Colonial breeding and extended sperm storage create opportunities for extra-pair copulations which may form a significant component of the mating strategy in this species. Multilocus DNA fingerprinting was used to examine the genetic relationship between nestlings and the male and female nest attendants in 83 burrows from two distinct breeding colonies. Genetic analyses identified nine nestlings, approximately equally distributed between the two colonies, that were not related to the attendant pair male in those burrows, implying extra-pair paternity through extra-pair copulations. These results are used retrospectively to discuss the characteristics of extra-pair copulations and extra-pair fertilizations and the implications for estimates of life-time reproductive success in the short-tailed shearwater.  相似文献   


We estimated the change in abundance of sooty shearwater (titi, Puffinus griseus) at six Rakiura Titi Islands, New Zealand, by comparing historical and recent surveys of the density of entrances to breeding burrows. We found evidence that entrance density between 1994 and 2006 was lower than it was between 1961 and 1976. Our overall estimate of the annual rate of change in burrow entrance density is ‐1.0% (95% CI ‐2.3 to ‐ 0.1%). Declines have been slower on four islands where Rakiura Maori maintain a traditional harvest of sooty shearwater chicks ("muttonbirding") compared with three unharvested islands. Density‐dependent population processes may explain this difference: rates of decline have been faster in areas of relatively high initial entrance density, and historically the harvested islands have had lower initial density. There was a strong, apparently linear, relationship between entrance density and chick density on breeding colonies, so changes in entrance density probably do indicate a real population decline. The western side of Taukihepa, the largestof the Titi Islands, first became accessible for muttonbirding with the advent of helicopters in the 1970s, but it is unknown whether this has caused an increase in the number of sooty shearwaters harvested by Rakiura Maori.  相似文献   

Coefficients of variation were used to examine the variability of bill, wing and foot measurements of 11 sexually size dimorphic and seven monomorphic shearwater ( Puffinus ) species, and to investigate the selective regimes that may be acting on these traits. The effects of phylogeny can lead to a lack of statistical independence among interspecies data, so randomization tests were performed in addition to standard statistical approaches, which assume independence. However, the results obtained from the two approaches always agreed. Among the 18 species, bill measurements were significantly more variable than those of the wing or foot; furthermore, bill depth dimensions exhibited the greatest amount of phenotypic variation. Both sexually monomorphic and sexually dimorphic species exhibited the same patterns of phenotypic variation. In the sexually dimorphic species, patterns of trait variation did not differ significantly between sexes. The findings suggest that variation in the bill of dimorphic Puffinus species is not due to sexual selection. More probably, variability among the traits is due to differences in the strength of natural selection, with those traits under strong stabilizing selection (e.g. wing, tarsus and mid-toe) exhibiting reduced variability, as optimum physical dimensions are being selected for.  相似文献   


Recent comprehensive survey data from multiple New Zealand offshore islands were combined with demographic population models to produce the first formal estimate of the total population of sooty shearwaters within New Zealand territory. We estimated the total population over 1994–2005 to be 21.3 (19.0–23.6) million individual birds in the New Zealand region. This population consisted of 12.8 (12.0–13.6) million adults, 2.8 (2.5–3.1) million chicks, and 4.4 (4.2–4.7) million breeding pairs. Breeding sooty shearwaters were concentrated primarily around the southern islands of New Zealand, with 53% breeding in the Titi Islands surrounding Rakiura (Stewart Island). Rakiura Maori muttonbirders were estimated to harvest 360 000 (320 000–400 000) sooty shearwaters per year, equivalent to 18% of the chicks produced in the harvested areas and 13% of chicks in the New Zealand region. Overall, 11% of the chicks within the Titi Islands live on unharvested ground. Systematic and widespread surveys of breeding colonies in South America are needed before a reliable global sooty shearwater population estimate can be calculated.  相似文献   


We studied the parasitoids of three insect seed predators of the mast-seeding genus Chionochloa spp. (snow tussocks) at Mt Hutt, New Zealand. Megacraspedus calamogonus (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is parasitised by four species, three Hymenoptera (Zealachertus tortriciphaga [Eulophidae], Diadegma sp. [Ichneumonidae] and Dolichogenidea sp. [Braconidae]) and one Diptera (Uclesiella sp. [Tachinidae]). Diplotoxa similis (Diptera: Chloropidae) is parasitised by Callitula sp. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Eucalyptodiplosis chionochloae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is parasitised by two Hymenoptera, Gastrancistrus sp. (Pteromalidae) and Zelostemma chionochloae (Platygastridae); all three species have extended diapause. Overall parasitism was 68.5% in M. calamogonus, 1% in D. similis, and 41% in E. chionochloae. Such parasitism in M. calamogonus and E. chionochloae may reduce seed predation in Chionochloa and alter the selective benefit of mast seeding (predator satiation) to the plant. However, seed predation is still high at many sites, so some of the seed predators and parasitoids may be food-limited (bottom-up regulation).  相似文献   

A polymorphism in the sixth complement component (C6) has been investigated by isoelectric focusing. The results indicate that C6 is coded by genes at a single autosomal locus. Six structural alleles have been identified, a null allele is also postulated. Five island colonies of Shearwater were investigated, two alleles C6 A and C6 B predominate in all sites. The ability of rabbit C5 and C7 to combine successfully with avian C6 indicates the functional sites of these molecules are highly conserved.  相似文献   

Abstract: We investigated the precision and accuracy of an infrared burrowscope for detecting sooty shearwater (Pufffinus griseus) chicks at 13 plots from 3 islands in southern New Zealand in 2003. We partially excavated burrows systems to reveal the entire burrow contents after 2 teams of observers had prospected all burrow entrances. Accuracy was similar between islands and observer teams at approximately 85%. The majority of the inaccuracy stemmed from failure to detect some chicks. Logistic regression modeling identified 4 burrow characteristics occurring between the entrance and the nest-site that influenced detection of burrow occupants. Detection was lower at nest-sites further from burrow entrances, in burrows with a high rate of burrow division, and in burrows with a high level of curvature. There was a positive relationship between the interaction of rate of division and curvature and detection of chicks. Distance from the burrow entrance was the only parameter that could be reliably used as a predictor of detection rate, so a reduced model containing only this variable was constructed to correct for burrowscope bias. The correction factor performed well on The Snares and Bench Island where predicted bias was very similar to observed levels (within 5%), but bias was overestimated on Putauhinu by up to 19.1%. Consistent bias, lack of damage to burrows from excavation, and the successful application of a correction factor all indicate the value of further testing burrowscope accuracy on other burrow-nesting seabird species.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Nysius huttoni White is endemic to New Zealand and an important pest of wheat and brassica crops. To provide critical information for pest forecast, management and quarantine inspection, we investigated the effect of day length on the growth, development and reproductive diapause of this pest under a series of photoperiodic regimes: 16 : 8, 14 : 10, 12 : 12 and 10 : 14 h [light : dark (L : D)]. Long day lengths [16 : 8 and 14 : 10 h (L : D)] promote a continuous lifecycle while short day lengths [12 : 12 and 10 : 14 h (L : D)] slow up the growth and development, prolong the pre-mating period, and induce the reproductive diapause. The absence of oviposition for approximately 30 days is recognized as the criterion for N. huttoni reproductive diapause definition. When all life stages are kept under the short day length conditions, only 60–73% of females enter reproductive diapause; if the exposure to short day lengths starts in late instar nymphs, 100% of females enter reproductive diapause. If only adults experience short day lengths, does diapause incidence fall in between, with up to 26% of females laying a few eggs before entering diapause. The critical photoperiod for the induction of reproductive diapause falls between 13.3 : 10.7 and 13.5 : 10.5 h.  相似文献   

We present morphometric data for the pink-footed shearwater (Puffinus creatopus) from both Chilean breeding colonies on Isla Mocha and Juan Fernández: weight, total length, wing length, tail length, head length, three bill and three tarsus size measurements and length of middle toe. Significant differences were found for most measurements between males and females as well as between birds from the two different breeding localities. In general, males were bigger than females, and birds from Juan Fernández were bigger than those from Isla Mocha. Geographic differences most likely reflect some kind of ecomorphological adaptation. Some variables, especially the total length of head, seem to be useful for sex determination in the field.  相似文献   

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