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In this paper, I examine the disconnect between government and NGO responses to Cyclone Pam, and previous healthy food initiatives in Port Vila, Vanuatu. Decades of nutrition education programs across Vanuatu have urged families to limit their consumption of tinned meat and imported food in favour of locally grown fruits and vegetables. These dietary guidelines call on families to watch their food consumption in order to raise healthy children and avoid serious non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. In spite of these guidelines, the food aid offered after Cyclone Pam, on which many ni-Vanuatu depended, consisted primarily of imported white rice, tinned meat, and instant noodles – foods previously labelled unhealthy in nutrition education campaigns. Humanitarian agencies often envision disaster relief as a short-term intervention. However, the cyclone exacerbated inequality across Port Vila, magnifying socioeconomic disparities and associated food insecurity that existed before the cyclone, forcing many families to rely reluctantly on unhealthy food aid. Drawing on research conducted over several fieldwork trips from 2010 to 2016, I discuss food security and nutrition programs in Vanuatu and how ni-Vanuatu families interpreted disaster relief efforts in the context of existing nutrition programming. I argue that disaster preparedness has not accounted for the values promoted in nutrition education programs, the health needs of the community, or food preferences. I conclude with a call for the creation of culturally appropriate responses to natural disaster relief efforts so as to promote sustainable food security measures.  相似文献   


Oceanic people and places are increasingly labelled as either ‘resilient’ or ‘vulnerable’ to disasters and climate change. Resilience is often described in disaster discourse as a strategy designed to overcome vulnerability by helping communities to ‘bounce back’ in the wake of ‘natural’ disasters. Using ethnographic research conducted with Community Disaster and Climate Change Committees (CDCs) in Vanuatu in the wake of Tropical Cyclone Pam, this paper seeks to problematise disaster responses that see the ‘community’ as a space to be acted upon by outsiders, or where people will respond in a unified way to the challenges of rebuilding after disaster. Using political ecology framings this paper critiques the ideas of resilience that appear entrenched in community-based disaster and climate change adaptation discourse and practice in Oceania. Rather than presupposing resilience or vulnerability, this paper details the dispersal and distribution power and agency amongst individual actors and groups that either supported or manipulated, the distribution of goods by Community Disaster Committees. In this way, it moves beyond the limitations of conceptual framings of resilience in disaster management and climate change into a more considered appraisal of power, by exploring what James Ferguson has termed ‘the politics of distribution’ in the context of disaster.  相似文献   


The establishment and use of community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) groups is now the established route towards conservation in large parts of the Pacific, especially in Fiji. One of the main strengths of CBNRM that is often mentioned is its adaptability to different contexts and to changing objectives among stakeholders, an aspect thoroughly tested by events such as ‘natural’ disasters. This paper is based on 10 months of fieldwork in Kubulau district in Fiji before, during and after Cyclone Winston. It provides an ethnographic account of how this ‘natural’ disaster affected a community and the local CBNRM group. It looks at how this event was experienced and managed by the group, and how the group’s involvement in disaster assistance shifted its role both within and outside of the community, as well as changing its future agenda during the months that followed. We can see in the aftermath of disaster a shift within the group away from the original primary focus on conservation and towards development. The paper provides an account of how the disaster seemingly strengthened the group and the ‘community’ in terms of organisation, knowledge and motivation, but also how it challenged previous norms and exposed weaknesses that are arguably inherent within CBNRM itself.  相似文献   


Tongoa was one of the worst-hit islands in Vanuatu when it was struck on 13 March 2015 by Cyclone Pam, the most severe climatic event recorded in the South Pacific for several decades. Nearly all of the buildings on Tongoa were damaged by winds and flooding. However, exceptional this cyclone might have been, such disruptive events are frequent and widespread on Tongoa Island: landslides, volcanic eruptions, cyclones and droughts all contribute to shaping the universe of its inhabitants. This paper seeks to understand the category of disasta or ‘disaster’ and how it is constituted in the context of Tongoa Island, where there is no vernacular word to express the concept of catastrophe. Disasta is a subjective Bislama term, varying with circumstances, the impact of the phenomenon and the cultural and social identity of the group affected. Is there a threshold with which to measure and define disasters? Reflections from the perspective of an anthropology of nature and an anthropology of disaster reveal how considerations around the notion of catastrophe are closely intertwined with the relationships between people and their environment.  相似文献   

Abstract Ecological degradation within areas of remnant forest may be amplified if the effects of fragmentation interact with the effects of other environmental disturbances such as wind storms. We used before–after comparisons to assess the effects of Tropical Cyclone Larry on remnant and continuous rainforest in the Wet Tropics uplands of north‐eastern Australia. Vegetation structure was measured 3 years before the cyclone and 6 months afterwards, at eight continuous forest sites and eight remnants (6–37 ha), within 20 km of the cyclone's track. The cyclone caused extensive defoliation, felling and breakage of stems and branches (greatest among the trees >100 cm diameter which had around 50% stem loss), and increased litter and woody debris. Cyclone effects were strongly influenced by a site's spatial position (P = 0.005, 0.001 in multivariate analyses of overall damage). Maximum damage occurred 10–15 km south of the cyclone track, perhaps because of the additive effects of the west‐moving air at the southern eyewall combined with the cyclone's own rapid westward movement. Most fragments were south of the cyclone track, as a consequence of spatially selective deforestation practices, and therefore, showed greatest damage. However, once the effects of spatial position were considered, the independent differences in cyclone effects between fragments and continuous forest were lost (P = 0.23, 0.41 when north‐south distance was included as a covariate in analyses). The expected protection afforded by a continuous forest canopy seems to have disappeared in the face of extremely strong cyclonic winds and down‐draughts. Nevertheless, an interaction between fragmentation and disturbance may yet occur, during the period of post‐cyclone recovery, owing to the effects of landscape context on plant recruitment. For example, there was a higher diversity of exotic seedling germination in fragments, independent of the extent of cyclone damage.  相似文献   

Abstract Severe category 4 Tropical Cyclone Larry, which crossed north‐east Queensland on 20 March 2006, provided a unique opportunity to examine the short‐term impacts of a major disturbance event on the population of a highly mobile threatened species, Pteropus conspicillatus. As we had recorded, the species’ population distribution in colonial roosts (camps) across the region each month for almost 2 years prior to Cyclone Larry, we continued monthly surveying of P. conspicillatus camp‐sites for a year post‐cyclone. Here we report on how P. conspicillatus responded and redistributed immediately after the cyclone, and over the subsequent year. Post‐cyclone, P. conspicillatus typically roosted in smaller camps than pre‐cyclone, suggesting that these animals had largely dispersed to locate available blossoms and fruit. For 6 months after Cyclone Larry, up to 90% of the pre‐cyclone P. conspicillatus population (ca. 250 000) was unaccounted for across the region. Information provided by the general public assisted us in locating six small camps of P. conspicillatus at ‘new’ locations, but contributed little to increase our overall population estimate for the species at this time. After November 2006, the number of P. conspicillatus built up at located camp‐sites until a post‐cyclone peak of 209 000 at the end of the study in March 2007, comparable with the population estimates in March 2005 and 2006. There is no evidence that the cyclone caused significant direct mortality among P. conspicillatus, although there may yet be longer‐term and indirect effects on population size. We suggest that redistribution by P. conspicillatus makes sense ecologically in the face of major habitat disturbance and short‐ to long‐term food resource limitation, and is not unlike the response of other Australian mainland Pteropus species to seasonal changes in food availability.  相似文献   

Abstract Bird surveys were conducted to assess the impact of a severe cyclone on bird communities in three fragments of the endangered rainforest Type 5b on the Atherton Tablelands of far north Queensland. Bird communities were surveyed using timed area searches in three sites in each of the three fragments and were undertaken prior to and following Tropical Cyclone Larry. Cyclone Larry caused short‐term changes in the abundance of some species of birds in Type 5b rainforest fragments. Two weeks after the storm, in two of three fragments surveyed, abundance of the frugivorous wompoo fruit‐dove (Ptilinopus magnificus) and figbird (Sphecotheres viridis) had decreased while the omnivorous Macleay's honeyeater (Xanthotis macleayana) and Lewin's honeyeater (Meliphaga lewinii) decreased in abundance in all three locations. Most insectivorous species increased in some sites and decreased in others following Cyclone Larry. Rapid recovery of bird communities to approximately their pre‐cyclone state after only 7 months appeared to reflect the capacity of species to either modify their foraging behaviour, switch foods, or to move within or between fragments or to other food sources in the landscape.  相似文献   

Abstract Cyclone Larry (category 4) was the most severe cyclone to impact on the Wet Tropics bioregion since the devastating 1918 Innisfail cyclone. Based on an analysis of earlier cyclones impacting on this region over the period 1856–2006, it was determined that Larry was a ‘1 in 50 year’ event. This paper provides an overview of the landscape‐scale impacts of Larry on the forest ecosystems of the Wet Tropics region, based on low‐level helicopter surveys 2 weeks after the event. Cyclone Larry has been described as a ‘midget’ cyclone. Severe forest damage only extended about 30 km from the central track of the cyclone while moderate to severe damage extended some 50 km. Moderate to slight canopy disturbance was rarely identified more than 75 km from the centre of the cyclone's track. Beyond 75 km, forest damage was restricted to exposed areas of elevated terrain and in places exposed to strong lee (gravity) waves from the west. The ecological role of cyclones as important disturbance agents affecting the structure and function of forest ecosystems in the region is discussed, followed by an evaluation of likely effects of climate change on cyclone frequency and intensity.  相似文献   


This introduction sets out some of the key themes addressed by the papers in the special issue on ‘Confronting the Naturalness of Disaster in the Pacific’. Disasters are now widely understood not as ‘natural’ phenomena but as events or processes that unfold at the intersection between natural or artificial hazards and human populations. We review some of the effects of the naturalisation of disaster before turning to the ways in which Pacific disasters are defined through government, media and public discourses. These discourses feature their own distinctive accounts of possible forms of agency in the context of disaster, and draw on markedly different frames of reference in attributing cause and blame. Similarly, contrasting temporalities and spatialities are invoked in addressing disasters as bounded phenomena. We conclude with reflections on the nature of responses to disaster in the Pacific in the context of increasingly unstable cultural, economic and environmental grounds for action induced by global climate change  相似文献   

Abstract Cyclones cause profound immediate impacts on tropical rainforest trees, including defoliation, limb loss, snapping of stems and uprooting. Some studies have shown that plant functional traits such as tree size, buttress roots and wood density are correlated with these forms of cyclone damage. On 20 March 2006, Severe Tropical Cyclone Larry crossed the north Queensland coast and proceeded inland across the Atherton Tablelands, impacting the critically endangered Mabi Type 5b rainforest. We investigated the effects of Cyclone Larry on common tree species by categorizing damage to trees as uprooted, snapped, limbs damaged (light, moderate, severe) or upright and estimating levels of defoliation. Damage was then related to functional traits including tree size, presence of buttress roots, wood density, and leaf size and strength. Levels of damage differed between species. Tree size (diameter at breast height) and the presence of buttress roots were not related to damage levels. Wood density was significantly negatively correlated to proportion of trees with snapped stems and significantly positively correlated with the proportion of trees upright with no or light limb damage. Levels of defoliation were significantly related to leaf strength (specific leaf area – SLA) and to leaf width, but not other components of leaf size (area or length) or petiole length. Species with high wood density and low SLA (e.g. Argyrodendron spp.) were found to have high cyclone resistance, the ability to resist damage, while species with low wood density and high SLA (e.g. Dendrocnide photinophylla) exhibited low resistance. However, traits related to low resistance are also those linked to rapid growth and high cyclone resilience, the ability to recover from damage, so it is unlikely that the Mabi forest will experience long‐term changes in floristic composition following Cyclone Larry.  相似文献   


Tropical crops are diverse as to botanical origins and as to function; they have numerous diseases, some of them very damaging. A few characteristic crops and their diseases and causal agents are listed for purposes of illustration. There are several approaches to control of which the cultural, legal and chemical have some uses; by far the most important is by breeding ‘horizontal resistance’ (HR) which is cheapest and ‘environmentally friendly’. Sugarcane is specifically instanced as the best example in the world of outstandingly successful HR breeding programmes; vast areas of a clonal crop are grown in good health without the use of chemical controls.  相似文献   

Abstract Severe Tropical Cyclone Larry damaged a large swathe of rainforest to the west of Innisfail in north‐eastern Queensland on 20 March 2006. Within the path of the most destructive core of the cyclone were sites previously established along human‐made (powerlines and highways) and natural (streams) linear canopy openings for a study of edge effects on adjacent rainforest plant communities and associated microclimates. Vegetation damage and understorey microclimate parameters were measured 6 months after the passage of Cyclone Larry and compared with results before the cyclone. We examined the spatial patterns of vegetation damage in relation to natural and artificial linear clearing edges and the vegetation structural factors influencing these patterns as well as resulting alterations to microclimate regimes experienced in the rainforest understorey. Vegetation damage was spatially patchy and not elevated near linear clearing edges relative to the forest interior and did not differ between edge types. Vegetation damage was influenced, albeit relatively weakly, by structural traits of individual trees and saplings, especially size (diameter at breast height, d.b.h.) and successional status: tree damage was greater in pioneer species and in larger trees, while sapling damage was greater in canopy tree species than in understorey tree or shrub species. Changes in the understorey microclimate mirrored the degree of damage to vegetation. Where vegetation damage appeared greater, the understorey microclimate was brighter, warmer, drier and windier than below less‐damaged areas of the forest canopy. Overall, understorey light availability, wind speed and the diurnal ranges of air temperature and vapour pressure deficit increased dramatically after Cyclone Larry, while pre‐cyclone edge gradients in light availability were lost and temperature and vapour pressure deficit gradients were reversed.  相似文献   


Culture, by its very nature, is always at risk of change – whether through transformation, destruction or redefinition. So how might culture be said to be particularly at risk in the context of ‘natural’ disasters, and how are disasters ‘naturalised’ or incorporated under the terms of different cultural regimes? An earlier focus on the impacts to built or tangible heritage is increasingly being balanced by a concern for the transformations wrought by disasters in the intangible heritage of communities. Through the recent event of Cyclone Pam in 2015, and a case study of the World Heritage site of Chief Roi Mata’s Domain (CRMD), we explore the ways in which repetitive natural hazards have shaped culture and tangible and intangible forms of heritage in Vanuatu. We focus in particular on the issue of cultural transmission at CRMD and its relationship to natural hazards through the device of a ‘disaster biography’. Risk can also carry with it the prospect of opportunity, and our paper seeks to understand how opportunity might be present in post-disaster reworkings of culture and heritage.  相似文献   

Coordinating and integrating mental health topics into emergency preparedness planning is a critical step for ensuring effective response to the psychological issues connected with trauma. In order to remedy the current lack of integration, potential response providers must receive effective mental health preparedness training. The current study provided mental health preparedness training to public health and allied health professionals in Kansas and assessed the impact of the training on perceived mental health preparedness knowledge. Participants included 157 potential first and secondary responders from public health and allied fields who attended one of 10 training presentations on mental health emergency preparedness. Pre- and post-presentation, participants responded to six Likert-scale questions about their perceived knowledge of topics and level of mental health preparedness. Questions addressed common psychological responses to disaster or terrorist events, stress reactions of specific populations, psychological resiliency, mental health preparedness integration, and level of agency preparedness. Post-training, participants reported statistically significant (p<0.001) increases in perceived level of knowledge on all topics. Participants were also significantly more likely (p<0.001) to report that their agency could respond to the mental health issues related to a disaster or emergency. The current study provides data about gaps in practitioner knowledge regarding mental health preparedness in Kansas. While the self-report nature of responses is a limitation, these findings serve as the first step toward producing and implementing effective mental health preparedness information and training on a wide scale.  相似文献   

Vibrios are bacteria of marine and estuarine origin that can cause human diseases, such as cholera, and also affect aquatic organisms. The impact of storm-driven changes in salinity and suspended particulate matter (SPM) on cultivable Vibrio counts (CVC) and distribution in Karnaphuli estuary, Bangladesh, was compared before and after a strong cyclone in mid May 2007 and after a monsoon landslide a month later. CVC were higher (~103 colony forming units—cfu/ml) at estuary’s mouth (salinity 20–15 parts per thousand, ppt) and steeply declined landwards. CVC and their proportion of total aerobic bacteria were highest after the cyclone and also increased after the landslide, likely due to higher SPM loads. The cyclone did not significantly change previous fecal coliform abundance, contrasting with the ten times increase after the landslide. Sewage input enhanced CVC near the point sources. CVC and salinity correlated highly significantly at salinities <10 ppt; however, at higher values dispersion increased, probably due to the effect of sediment resuspension on CVC. Cyclone or heavy rainfall-mediated turbidity changes jointly with salinity gradients can significantly influence abundance and distribution of estuarine vibrios. Extended salt intrusion and higher turbidities in tropical estuaries by stronger and more frequent storms and deforestation-derived erosion could favor Vibrio growth, with increasing risks for aquatic resources and human health in the coastal zone.  相似文献   

Abstract Severe tropical cyclones greatly modify habitat of arboreal folivores by destroying forest canopy, reducing structure and complexity and defoliating remaining trees. We hypothesized that forest modification following severe Cyclone Larry would stress arboreal folivores of the Family Pseudocheiridae and be reflected in increased home ranges and a decrease in body condition. We conducted 19 pre‐cyclone and 24 post‐cyclone spotlighting surveys at a site with severe cyclone damage, and 18 post‐cyclone surveys at a site with minor damage. We detected a greater number of lemuroid, Hemibelideus lemuroides and green, Pseudochirops archeri, ringtail possums as these possums remained in the severely damaged canopy and forest edge. In contrast, Herbert River ringtail possums, Pseudochirulus herbertensis, were detected in smaller numbers. We radio‐tracked eight P. herbertensis before the cyclone, following two of these and nine new animals after the category 4 cyclone. No significant post‐cyclone alteration in home range area or span was recorded in data pooled across the two sites or in limited post‐cyclone data at the severely disturbed site, but a greater variability in home range was observed after cyclone (pooled across sites: 1.72 ± 0.77 ha; 197 ± 47 m) than before the cyclone (1.35 ± 0.30 ha; 196 ± 23 m). In contrast, pooled pre‐ and post‐cyclone home range areas and spans were larger at the severely‐disturbed site (2.08 ± 0.56 ha; 231 ± 32 m) than at the site with minor damage (0.68 ± 0.11 ha; 114 ± 25 m), suggesting resources were more widely spread at the former site. Post‐cyclone home ranges were also larger at the severely damaged site (severe: 3.33 ± 1.36 ha, n = 3; minor: 0.52 ± 0.07 ha, n = 4). Condition of P. herbertensis (mass/tail length) did not differ significantly pre‐ and post‐cyclone or between less and severely disturbed sites. These results and observations of breeding after cyclone suggest that possum populations may be resilient to severe cyclone damage under the relatively wet conditions experienced post‐Cyclone Larry.  相似文献   

The discriminatory racial and other non‐democratic provisions which feature in the new constitution of the ‘Sovereign Democratic Republic of Fiji’ have been justified by the regime, at least superficially, on the grounds that they are essential for the protection and enhancement of indigenous Fijian rights and interests. This justification is underscored by two further related, claims which serve to promote the view that western democratic principles and practices are unsuitable to Fiji's political environment. First, the nature of Fiji's plural society is said to constitute a prima facie barrier to the peaceful conduct of western‐style democratic politics. Secondly, it is claimed that the 1970 Constitution of Fiji represented the imposition of essentially alien values on a pre‐existing ‘traditional’, and more legitimate, political framework. The purpose of this article is to evaluate these claims and to demonstrate that the new constitution is, in most respects, an instrument of Fijian chiefly domination.  相似文献   

Abstract Intense cyclones might be expected to adversely affect populations of arboreal mammals, either directly or as a consequence of the destruction of food resources and other key habitat elements. However, such impacts have rarely been quantified. The present study examined the response of five species of arboreal folivorous marsupials to Severe Cyclone Larry at nine sites in upland rainforests of the Atherton Tableland, north‐east Australia. Sites were originally surveyed for folivores in 1995–1997, and then resurveyed in 2006, 6–8 months after Cyclone Larry had traversed the region. All sites showed evidence of structural damage to vegetation, but overall damage levels (assessed in terms of canopy cover, damage to trees, basal area of dead trees and volume of woody debris) decreased from east to west across the study region. The detectability of rainforest possums increased after the cyclone. For the most commonly observed species, the proportion of individuals observed >5 m from survey transects was correlated with the amount of structural damage to vegetation. To avoid confounding changes in detectability with changes in abundance, only observations close (<5 m) to transects were used to estimate folivore abundance before and after the cyclone. On this basis, there were no significant differences between pre‐ and post‐cyclone abundance estimates for any folivore species. Further, changes in folivore abundance after the cyclone were not correlated with damage to vegetation across sites. Cyclone Larry does not appear to have caused a catastrophic loss of key habitat resources for marsupial folivores at the sites surveyed. The high degree of folivory practiced by marsupial folivores may help make them resilient to cyclone impacts. These conclusions are more robust for three commonly observed folivore species (Hemibelideus lemuroides, Pseudochirulus herbertensis and Trichosurus vulpecula johnstonii) than for two less frequently encountered species (Pseudochirops archeri and Dendrolagus lumholtzi).  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2018,24(8):3820-3836
The response of primary (PF) and secondary (SF) rainforests to cyclones has broad implications for servicing fauna and the resilience of forest functions. We collected fine‐scale data on the reproductive phenology of plant communities in Fijian PF and SF in 12 monthly surveys before and after Cyclone Tomas (2010). We generated a resource index from the reproductive loads of 2218 trees and 1150 non‐trees (>190 species) and trunk and stem diameter to assess patterns in resource abundance for nectarivores and frugivores (hereafter NF resources). We aimed to determine (i) whether species richness of NF resources differed between forests; (ii) the patterns of resilience of NF resources at community level in both forests after a cyclone; and (iii) the effect of response on NF resources for plant‐servicing bats (Pteropodidae). In 12 months preceding the cyclone, NF resources were greater in PF trees; non‐tree resources fluctuated and were greater in SF. Lower species richness of NF resources in SF indicated that fewer opportunities exist there for exploitation by a diverse fauna. More resources were available for bats in PF. In 12 months following the cyclone, PF flowers and fruits, and SF fruits specifically used by pteropodid bats decreased for trees. Non‐tree resources were especially susceptible to the cyclone. No universal pattern of decline was associated with the cyclone; instead, some NF resources declined and others were resilient or responded rapidly to a post‐cyclone environment. Both PF and SF demonstrated resilience at the community level via increased flower survival (PF) and rapid flower production (SF). Reduced species richness of NF resources in SF will compromise future resilience and response to disturbance, including for threatened pteropodid bat species. These findings are critical for long‐term management of forests, given predicted increases in cyclone frequency and intensity associated with anthropogenic climate change.  相似文献   


Based on long-term doctoral fieldwork on bush fires in New Caledonia, this paper aims to explore the double assumption that bush fires were shaped as a public issue through specific categorisations of human and natural elements, and that this work resulted in negative outcomes as far as the environment is concerned. This paper will address the question of mediation between human agency (colonial history, population distribution and development choices) and the production of ‘bush fires’ as an event category and as a ‘public problem’ calling for a policy solution. More specifically it will address the validity of the definition of bush fires as a ‘disaster’. While this phenomenon is both a discursive creation rooted in colonial imagination and a consciously forgotten strategy used by administrators and settlers to control land and dominate indigenous people, its growing importance today is related to the emergence of environmental concerns. However, one must not forget other issues obscured by the smoke of bush fires, namely a declining cattle farming sector and its lasting environmental impacts on drought (also considered a ‘natural disaster’ in New Caledonia by inhabitants, local administrations and scientists) and biodiversity loss. Addressing this issue leads to more general questions about the manner in which policy-makers, naturalists and environmentalists conceptualise and morally address environmental (natural and man-made) phenomena through time in a colonial/postcolonial setting.  相似文献   

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