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In 2010, the largest part of the Steller sea lion breeding community on Tyuleniy Island was located on the harem rookery of northern fur seals, which occupied the eastern beach, as well as on the western side of the island, which was free of fur seals. At the culmination of harem activity on June 29, 26.5% of the animals at the age of 1+ concentrated on the eastern beach and 41.1%, on the western beach in the daytime. However, 52.3% of the pups were born on the eastern beach and only 30.4% were born on the western beach. Pups were also present on the capes: 9.1% of the pups were observed on the northern cape and 8.2% on the southern cape, while the main population on these sites consisted of non-harem bulls, bachelors, and young animals. At the peak of harem activity, the number of females per one harem bull was 13.1 at sites 1 to 3 of the eastern beach and each of them, on average, had 1.05 pups; on sites 7–12 there were, respectively, 9.1 females and 1.42 pups per female, and on the western beach, 21.7 females and 0.64 pups. The resulting abundance of sea lions on Tyuleniy Island in 2010 exceeded 1500, which was almost ten times as many as their number in 1989. A total of about 100 bulls, 60 harem bulls, 1000 females, and 700 pups were recorded there. Half-bulls and young animals amounted to one-third of the entire population. Meanwhile the overall sex ratio at the culmination of harem activity was 11.5 females per one bull and 18.8 per one harem bull. About 75% of the females belonged to the parous group. The mortality rate among newborns reached 5.4%. No mortality was observed in adults. As many as 133 previously branded Steller sea lions were found and 109 of them (81.9%) were immigrants. Among immigrants, 29% were branded individuals of reproductive groups from the Kuril Islands, 54% were from the Iony Islands, 16% were from the Yamsky Islands, and about 1% were from Kamchatka. Four-year-old individuals predominated among the branded immigrants (23.8%). The oldest Steller sea lion (21 years of age) was one that was branded on the Srednego Islands in 1989. The rate of marked animal return from 175 pups that were branded on Tyuleniy Island the year before was 13.8%.  相似文献   

Population subdivision into behaviorally cohesive kin groups influences rates of inbreeding and genetic drift and has important implications for the evolution of social behavior. Here we report the results of a study designed to test the hypothesis that harem social structure promotes inbreeding and genetic subdivision in a population with overlapping generations. Genetic consequences of harem social structure were investigated in a natural population of a highly polygynous fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae), in western India. The partitioning of genetic variance within and among breeding groups was assessed using 10-locus microsatellite genotypes for 431 individually marked bats. Genetic analysis of the C. sphinx study population was integrated with field data on demography and social structure to determine the specific ways in which mating, dispersal, and new social group formation influenced population genetic structure. Microsatellite data revealed striking contrasts in genetic structure between consecutive offspring cohorts and between generations. Relative to the 1998 (dry-season) offspring cohort, the 1997 (wet-season) cohort was characterized by a more extensive degree of within-group heterozygote excess (F(IS) = -0.164 vs. -0.050), a greater degree of among-group subdivision (F(ST) = 0.123 vs. 0.008), and higher average within-group relatedness (r = 0.251 vs. 0.017). Differences in genetic structure between the two offspring cohorts were attributable to seasonal differences in the number and proportional representation of male parents. Relative to adult age-classes, offspring cohorts were characterized by more extensive departures from allelic and genotypic equilibria and a greater degree of genetic subdivision. Generational differences in F-statistics indicated that genetic structuring of offspring cohorts was randomized by natal dispersal prior to recruitment into the breeding population. Low relatedness among harem females (r = 0.002-0.005) was primarily attributable to high rates of natal dispersal and low rates of juvenile survivorship. Kin selection is therefore an unlikely explanation for the formation and maintenance of behaviorally cohesive breeding groups in this highly social mammal.  相似文献   

A management procedure was developed for a harem breeding colony of rhesus monkeys to reduce trauma-related injuries and deaths resulting from the periodic removal of pregnant monkeys for research and their subsequent return to the population. Lower morbidity and mortality rates, a reduced mean conception interval, and a higher mean conception rate occurred when monkeys were maintained in permanent harems to which returning females were reintroduced compared to new social groups formed from aggregates of unfamiliar animals.  相似文献   

The reproductive behavior of two captive harem breeding groups of golden monkeys was observed over one mating season and compared to non-seasonal reproductive behavior. Observation of over two thousand sexual interactions suggests that 1) females were responsible for 95% of all sexual solicitations (proceptive behavior), of which the typical pattern was prostration, while males were responsible for only 5%; 2) 17% of female solicitations were interrupted by another female; 3) 52% of female solicitations resulted in mounting by males; 4) the frequencies of solicitations and receipt of mounts and ejaculations varied greatly among females; 5) the frequency of ejaculations, the ratio of ejaculations to mountings, and ejaculation patterns were different between two males, and 6) the golden monkey is a seasonal breeding animal.  相似文献   

Based on cross-sectional and longitudinal data collected in 1967–1988 by various observers, male reproductive success was studied in the Hanuman langurs of Jodhpur, India. The harem-structured social organization ensures a high degree of paternity certainty. Births occur throughout the year, with significant peaks and minima in March and November, respectively (n =398).The interbirth interval averages 16.7 months (n = 114).The duration of harem residencies varies between 3 days and ≥ 74.0 months, with a mean of 26.5 (n = 64). Harem holder replacements occur during all months of the year. No male achieves residency in more than one troop, suggesting that residency is associated with a distinct peak in the resource holding potential of a given male. Reproductive success among males varies considerably. Male mortality is high due to migration and intrasexual competition, leading to an adult sex ratio of 1:4.9. It is estimated that one-quarter of all adult males will never gain harem residency. Conceptions achieved outside harem residencies are so rare (4.7%) that a viable low-risk strategy, opting for longevity instead of harem residency, is unlikely. Tenure length has a stronger influence on male reproductive success than harem size because interbirth intervals are significantly shorter in small harems than in larger ones. It is assumed that females in one-male breeding structures compete for sperm and that such competition is more intense in larger harems.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and large-scale climate phenomena are widely implicated as causing decline in animal populations. I examined how both factors contributed to a precipitous decline in an Ontario red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) population using 16 years of data collected between 1974 and 1995. The decline was manifested as an almost 50% reduction in mean harem size, which reduced the opportunity for sexual selection threefold. Regional hay production, which should affect recruitment into the study population, also declined substantially. Correlation between blackbirds and hay may be coincidental, however, because annual changes in harem size were not associated with annual changes in hay production. This study coincided with an unprecedented positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Changes in harem size were correlated with winter NAO index values, suggesting that winter mortality contributed to the population decline. Positive correlation between harem size change and male return rates also supported the winter mortality hypothesis. Continued declines will cause this blackbird population to change from socially polygynous to socially monogamous. Study of red-winged blackbird winter ecology is needed to identify the proximate causes of mortality, whereas breeding studies can explore the consequences of relaxed sexual selection.  相似文献   

To test whether exposure to dichlorvos vapors for treatment of mouse ectoparasites resulted in temporary cessation of breeding, we exposed harem breeding groups of mice to varying concentrations of dichlorvos vapors and examined the effects of exposure on litter frequency and litter size. All exposure levels resulted in decreased plasma cholinesterase concentrations in treated mice for up to 10 days following the completion of exposure. Litter frequency and size were unaffected by dichlorvos exposure, and gestation times were not prolonged. Therefore, treatment with dichlorvos vapors during breeding did not affect reproduction in exposed mice.  相似文献   

Variation in reproductive success among adult red deer stags was related to harem size, and the duration and timing of breeding access. All three factors were affected by dominance (fighting success) during the rut. The number of hinds using a stag's rutting area and the duration of individual rutting activity also affected breeding access. Dominance rank in bachelor herds, which may affect access to hinds conceiving after the rut, was correlated with rank in the preceding but not the following rut.  相似文献   

An habituated group of wild patas monkeys was observed in Kenya for 550 h in 1984. Observations were made primarily during an interval that, as previous studies at the same site had demonstrated, coincided with the annual mating and conception periods. Earlier field studies of patas at other sites had reported that heterosexual patas groups had only a single resident adult male and that mating was harem-polygynous. At the Kenya site, by contrast, as many as six males were simultaneously resident and mated in the group during the conception period. Males adopted a variety of tactics to gain access to receptive females, ranging from opportunistic mating to attempts at sequestration that resembled consort behavior in other cercopithecoids such as savanna baboons and rhesus macaques. Aggressive competition for access to females took place among the males, although the number of completed copulations per male did not bear a positive relation to agonistic dominance rank. For patas monkeys, harem polygyny is only one available option within an overall mating system that is best described as a form of promiscuous polygyny, especially during periods when conception is most likely.  相似文献   

Breeding chronology, harem structure and changes in male harem dominance were studied at Stranger Point, Isla 25 de Mayo/King George Island, principally by extensive field census work during the 2003 breeding season. Males were individually identified and their size estimated by using a photogrammetric method. Peak female haul out for the population occurred on 31 October, when a total of 276 females were observed along 7 km of coastline, distributed in ten harems with a median size of 16 females. Overall sex ratio and harem sex ratio for the breeding population were 1:6.7 and 1:10.6, respectively. A total of 33 males were identified associated with harems. Male size conferred an advantage in terms of dominance hierarchy, since dominant males (4.91±0.15 m) were significantly longer than subordinate males (4.63±0.19 m). Harems were dominated by an average of 4.5 (range 2–7) different males during the breeding season. Elephant seals at Stranger Point breed in very low density aggregations. The main breeding events in this population occurred later than at other breeding sites, which agrees with previous observations in the area. Male movement among harems suggests that differences in mating success among males could be achieved through their different behaviours.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of Parentage in a Band of Captive Hamadryas Baboons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The male leaders of free-ranging harem groups of hamadryas baboons are believed to mate exclusively with the female members of their harems, which typically contain no more than 2–3 females. Using no-parent parentage exclusion analysis (PEA) we identified the paternity of 25 offspring born in a captive band of hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) containing five adult males, each with a stable harem of about five females. Nine of 13 microsatellite (SSR) loci known to be highly polymorphic in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) were successful in identifying the sires of all but two offspring without knowledge of the dams' genotypes, and we were able to determine the sires of all offspring when the dams' genotypes were considered. Mating success of the males ranged between 2 and 7 offspring and bore no clear relationship to the males' ages, ranks or the number of females in their harems. The males sired 7 of the 25 offspring with females outside their own harems, with higher-ranking males exhibiting greater success monopolizing access to females in their harem than lower-ranking males did. More surprisingly, the females assigned as the dams of 14 of the 25 offspring could be unequivocally excluded from parentage. The identity of the true dam could be determined for each of these 14 offspring using single-parent PEA and was uncorrelated with the ranks of these offsprings' sires and whether the offspring were born to dams outside the sires' harem groups. The combined effect of this extraharem mating and kidnapping was that only 12 of the 25 offspring were raised within their sires' harem groups. A second group of hamadryas baboons of identical structure exhibited the same high incidences of infant kidnapping and mating outside the harem group. It is unclear whether these behaviors provide an adaptive advantage or represent aberrant behavior resulting from captivity or other circumstances.  相似文献   

Harem formation and mate selection were studied in the pheasant in order to determine the advantages of territorial harem defence polygyny to the two sexes. We investigated the factors affecting harem size and the advantage to a female in remaining with one territorial male during breeding.
Female group size declined during late March and early April as females moved from large overlapping ranges into smaller, more widely dispersed breeding ranges. The proportion of female groups accompanied by males increased during this period.
Some males had a disproportionate share of females. Settled females were monogamous but, because a female's nest was generally outside the male's territory, her home range was larger than his territory.
Harem members were usually from the same winter group. Harem size was not related to territory quality in terms of food supply or nesting cover. Females were loyal to one male in more than one year even if his territory position changed. Older, territory-owning males had more females, both adult and immature, than males with newly-established territories. Harem size was not correlated with territory size.
We conclude that the mating system of the pheasant is based on mate guarding which protects females not only from the risk of predation or injury, but also from excessive energy expenditure incurred through being chased by other males. When escorted by a territorial male, females spent three times as much time feeding, one-fifth as much time running, and one-tenth as much time alert, as they did when not guarded.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA diversity was studied at four loci in six natural populations of the tsetse fly Glossina pallidipes from Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Kenya, and Ethiopia. Single-locus diversity varied from 0.39 at 12S to 0.65 at COII. A total of 32 haplotypes was found with a mean of 6.4 +/- 2.9 per locus. To study breeding structure, diversity at two loci, COII and 16S2, was evaluated in 18 populations sampled from an area of approximately 1,611,000 km2 and in three laboratory cultures. Twenty-six haplotypes were detected at the two loci and mean haplotype diversity over all natural populations was 0.63. A high degree of population subdivision was detected within and among the Ethiopian and Kenya populations. The Zimbabwe and Zambia populations showed much less variation and differentiation than the northern populations. A population in Mozambique showed high levels of haplotype variation and affinities closest to populations in eastern Kenya, some 1700 km to the north. Analysis of variance of haplotype frequencies showed that 51.5% of the total lay within populations, 13% among populations within five nested groups, and 35.5% among the five groups. Wright's FST was 0.485, Nei's GST was 0.33, and Weir and Cunningham's theta = 0.45. Ecological data show that G. pallidipes is highly vagile. The large amount of genetic differentiation may be explained by genetic drift that occurred in scattered, relict populations during the rinderpest panzootic of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  相似文献   

The development of social structures of the vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) was studied in small groups in a captive colony over a period of 30 months. The membership of individuals in the main group and the development of group formation were evaluated by the coherence index. The main group of the vampire colony consisted of several adult females, their infants and one harem male. All members of the main group showed relatively high coherence indices, while the coherence index of adult males, except the harem male, was 0. The females and young in the main group formed a very stable group in comparison to the adult males. The young males left the main group at 20–27 months of age and formed temporary bachelor groups. The harem males changed during the study in the period from 1 to 20 months. They exhibited territorial behaviour and made vigorous attempts to approach the main group within the bounds of their roosting areas, whilst also keeping out intruders.  相似文献   

Colonies of the greater sac-winged bat, Saccopteryx bilineata, consist of nonterritorial males and males that defend harem territories in which females roost. The traits of nonterritorial males that define their success in harem take-overs are so far unknown. We predicted that the time nonterritorial males spent in the colony and their proximity to harems would be important factors. We temporarily removed harem holders from a colony of 60 greater sac-winged bats on consecutive days and observed which of the nonterritorial males took over the harem. To test for consistency of results, we repeated the experiments in some of the territories. In a second set of experiments, we removed both the harem holder and the corresponding usurper from the first experiment. On average, usurping males preferred territories with a large harem over territories with a small harem and they belonged to groups of males who spent the daytime near the corresponding harems. Usurpers in the second experiment were present in the colony for a shorter time than usurpers in the first experiment. Overall, the results support the hypothesis that nonterritorial males form overlapping peripheral groups for harems and that they live in a hierarchy according to their tenure in the group. Group membership and hierarchy seemed to be the factors that determined whether a male occupied a vacant harem. Hence, instead of floating, the pattern of harem succession in greater sac-winged bats is best described by queuing of nonterritorial males for access to a harem. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

STEVE ZACK 《Ibis》1986,128(2):214-233
Grey-backed Fiscal Shrikes Lanius excubitorius were studied over a 2j year period near Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Grey-backs are cooperative breeders, with group sizes ranging from two to II. Only one pair breeds per group, with all other group members aiding in the rearing of young. The study population ranged from 64 to 79 individuals that occurred in from 13 to 16 groups. Non-breeding helpers made up to 66% of the population, with male helpers being more numerous overall than females. The annual survival rate was 65%, with no differences detected between the survival of males and females, or of breeders and helpers. Only male helpers were observed to acquire breeding status within the natal territory. Some female helpers acquired breeding positions in territories adjacent to their natal territories. Group territorial displays occurred throughout the year but were most pronounced prior to breeding during rainy periods. Reproductive success was very low, with only 14.5% of the recorded breeding attempts leading to fledged young. Large groups (four or more birds) had greater reproductive success than small groups, but many factors other than, or in addition to, group size may have influenced this pattern. The breeding male contributed the most food to the incubating female and to the nestlings. Male helpers and the breeding female contributed more to nestlings than did female helpers. Observations on the post-fledging period indicate that socialization and establishment of dominance may be of importance in group-living species living in a restricted ecological and social setting.  相似文献   

We analysed the polygynous mating system of the bat Saccopteryx bilineata using behaviour observations and genetic data on 11 microsatellite DNA loci. Basic social units in S. bilineata are harem groups that consist of single males and up to eight females. Colonies comprise several harem groups, and the composition of colonies and harems is often stable over several reproductive seasons. The combination of parentage exclusion and likelihood-based parentage assignment in this study produced detailed parentage information for a large colony of S. bilineata. Reproduction occurred mostly within the colony (17% extra-colony paternity), but social associations in harems within the colony did not represent reproductive units (70% extra-harem paternity). The latter finding was consistent over three reproductive seasons. Spatial association of the roosting sites of males and females could not explain parentage patterns in the colony. Even though intra-harem paternity was less frequent than expected, it contributed significantly to reproduction of harem males. On average, the number of offspring sired by a male with females in his harem territory increased significantly with harem size, which corresponds to the higher energetic investment that is related to the maintenance of large harems. However, extra-harem paternity was not correlated with a male's harem size or intra-harem reproductive success. This suggests that individual preferences of females rather than male traits associated with the ability to defend large harems are most likely to cause the detected differences between social association and genetic mating system.  相似文献   

To determine across-year patterns in plasma testosterone (T) and corticosterone (B) levels in free-living birds, we took blood samples in the same 2-week breeding period during 4 consecutive years from territorial male red-winged blackbirds. We used our data to test predictions of the "challenge hypothesis" of T secretion and also to examine hormonal correlations with age, breeding experience, breeding density, and reproductive success. Average T and B levels across years were not significantly different. Within individuals, T levels between years were, in general, highly variable. T levels of males with territories in high-density breeding areas were significantly higher than those of males with territories in low-density areas. T levels were positively correlated with harem size and there was a trend for males with high T levels to fledge more offspring. We found no relationships between T and B levels and male age or breeding experience. Some results of the study were consistent with the predictions of the challenge hypothesis. This study constitutes one of the few examinations of across-year patterns in circulating hormone levels in wild populations.  相似文献   

We analysed variation at 14 nuclear microsatellite loci to assess the genetic structure, relatedness, and paternity of polygynous Jamaican fruit-eating bats. A total of 84 adults captured in two caves exhibited little genetic differentiation between caves (FST = 0.008). Average relatedness among adult females in 10 harem groups was very low (R = 0.014 +/- 0.011), providing no evidence of harem structure. Dominant and subordinate males shared paternity in large groups, while dominant and satellite males shared paternity in smaller groups. However, our results suggest that male rank influences paternity. Dominant males fathered 69% of 40 offspring, followed by satellite (22%) and subordinate males (9%). Overall adult male bats are not closely related, however, in large harem groups we found that subordinate and dominant males exhibited relatedness values consistent with a father-offspring relationship. Because dominant and subordinate males also sired all the pups in large groups, we propose that their association provides inclusive fitness to them.  相似文献   

Understanding patterns and motivations for social spacing greatly illuminates the structure and internal dynamics of given groups or social systems. The highly social, polygynous greater sac-winged bat, Saccopteryx bilineata, represents an excellent model for social spacing analysis, since the choice of individual roost-sites within a day-roost constitutes an enduring, often repeated decision about relative proximity to conspecifics. Day-roost colonies consist of one or multiple harem groups, each with several females and a single male. Additionally, non-harem males without females may be present. A social-distance–time-budget metric revealed that harem males, females, and non-harem males differed significantly in their respective spatial associations while roosting. Harem males and females were most closely associated, with harem males located at the center of harems instead of at the borders. Non-harem males associated significantly closer with one another than with harem females that they were trying to access. The signaling modality mediating social interactions depended on the respective social distances between communicating bats. Our results suggest a concentric social organization based around harem males, which may select roost sites in closest possible proximity to females to enhance courtship signal strength. This constitutes an interesting deviation from the normative form of harem maintenance, patrolling borders, in mammals.  相似文献   

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