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Growth/differentiation factor 11 (Gdf11) is a transforming growth factor beta family member previously shown to control anterior/posterior patterning of the axial skeleton. We now report that Gdf11 also regulates kidney organogenesis. Mice carrying a targeted deletion of Gdf11 possess a spectrum of renal abnormalities with the majority of mutant animals lacking both kidneys. Histological analysis revealed a failure in ureteric bud formation at the initial stage of metanephric development in most Gdf11 mutant embryos examined. The metanephric mesenchyme of mutant embryos lacking a ureteric bud was found to be defective in the expression of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (Gdnf), a gene known to direct ureteric bud outgrowth. The addition of Gdnf protein to urogenital tracts taken from Gdf11 null embryos induced ectopic ureteric bud formation along the Wolffian duct. Our studies suggest that Gdf11 may be important in directing the initial outgrowth of the ureteric bud from the Wolffian duct by controlling the expression of Gdnf in the metanephric mesenchyme.  相似文献   

The role of axial structures, especially the notochord, in metanephric kidney development has not been directly examined. Here, we showed that disruption of the notochord and floor plate by diphtheria toxin (DTA)-mediated cell ablation did not disrupt nephrogenesis, but resulted in kidney fusions, resembling horseshoe kidneys in humans. Axial disruptions led to more medially positioned metanephric mesenchyme (MM) in midgestation. However, neither axial disruption nor the ensuing positional shift of the MM affected the formation of nephrons and other structures within the kidney. Response to Shh signaling was greatly reduced in midline cell populations in the mutants. To further ascertain the molecular mechanism underlying these abnormalities, we specifically inactivated Shh in the notochord and floor plate. We found that depleting the axial source of Shh was sufficient to cause kidney fusion, even in the presence of the notochord. These results suggested that the notochord is dispensable for nephrogenesis but required for the correct positioning of the metanephric kidney. Axial Shh signal appears to be critical in conferring the effects of axial structures on kidney positioning along the mediolateral axis. These studies also provide insights into the pathogenesis of horseshoe kidneys and how congenital kidney defects can be caused by signals outside the renal primordia.  相似文献   

SALL1, a causative gene for Townes-Brocks syndrome, encodes a zinc finger protein, and its mouse homolog (Sall1) is essential for metanephros development, as noted during gene targeting. In the embryonic kidney, Sall1 is expressed abundantly in mesenchyme-derived structures from condensed mesenchyme, S-, comma-shaped bodies, to renal tubules and podocytes. We generated mice in which a green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene was inserted into the Sall1 locus and we isolated the GFP-positive population from embryonic kidneys of these mice by fluorescein-activated cell sorting. The GFP-positive population indeed expressed mesenchymal genes, while the negative population expressed genes in the ureteric bud. To systematically search for genes expressed in the mesenchyme-derived cells, we compared gene expression profiles in the GFP-positive and -negative populations using microarray analysis, followed by in situ hybridization. We detected many genes known to be important for metanephros development including Sall1, GDNF, Raldh2, Pax8 and FoxD1, and genes expressed abundantly in the metanephric mesenchyme such as Unc4.1, Six2, Osr-2 and PDGFc. We also found groups of genes including SSB-4, Smarcd3, micro-Crystallin, TRB-2, which are not known to be expressed in the metanephric mesenchyme. Therefore a combination of microarray technology and Sall1-GFP mice is useful for systematic identification of genes expressed in the developing kidney.  相似文献   

The Lim1 gene has essential functions during several stages of kidney development. In particular, a tissue-specific knockout in the early metanephric mesenchyme results in the formation of the earliest nephron precursor, the renal vesicle, but failure of this structure to progress to the next stage, the comma-shaped body. To better understand the molecular nature of this developmental arrest, we used a laser capture microdissection-microarray strategy to examine the perturbed gene expression pattern of the mutant renal vesicles. Among the genes found differently expressed were Chrdl2, an inhibitor of BMP signaling, the proapoptotic factor Bmf, as well as myob5, an atypical myosin that modulates chemokine signaling, and pdgfrl, which is important in epithelial folding. Of particular interest, the microarray data indicated that the Dkk1 gene, which encodes an inhibitor of Wnt signaling, was downregulated ninefold in mutants. This was confirmed by in situ hybridizations. It is interesting to note that Lim1 and Dkk1 mutant mice have striking similarities in phenoytpe. These results suggest that the Dkk1 gene might be a key downstream effector of Lim1 function.  相似文献   

The role of GDNF in patterning the excretory system   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mesenchymal-epithelial interactions are an important source of information for pattern formation during organogenesis. In the developing excretory system, one of the secreted mesenchymal factors thought to play a critical role in patterning the growth and branching of the epithelial ureteric bud is GDNF. We have tested the requirement for GDNF as a paracrine chemoattractive factor by altering its site of expression during excretory system development. Normally, GDNF is secreted by the metanephric mesenchyme and acts via receptors on the Wolffian duct and ureteric bud epithelium. Misexpression of GDNF in the Wolffian duct and ureteric buds resulted in formation of multiple, ectopic buds, which branched independently of the metanephric mesenchyme. This confirmed the ability of GDNF to induce ureter outgrowth and epithelial branching in vivo. However, in mutant mice lacking endogenous GDNF, kidney development was rescued to a substantial degree by GDNF supplied only by the Wolffian duct and ureteric bud. These results indicate that mesenchymal GDNF is not required as a chemoattractive factor to pattern the growth of the ureteric bud within the developing kidney, and that any positional information provided by the mesenchymal expression of GDNF may provide for renal branching morphogenesis is redundant with other signals.  相似文献   

The endothelin (Edn) system plays pleiotropic roles in renal function and various disease processes through two distinct G protein-coupled receptors, Edn receptors type-A (Ednra) and type-B (Ednrb). However, difficulties in the accurate identification of receptor-expressing cells in situ have made it difficult to dissect their diverse action in renal (patho)physiology. We have recently established mouse lines in which lacZ and EGFP are ‘knocked-in’ to the Ednra locus to faithfully mark Ednra-expressing cells. Here we analyzed these mice for their expression in the kidney to characterize Ednra-expressing cells. Ednra expression was first observed in undifferentiated mesenchymal cells around the ureteric bud at E12.5. Thereafter, Ednra expression was widely observed in vascular smooth muscle cells, JG cells and mesenchymal cells in the interstitium. After growth, the expression became confined to vascular smooth muscle cells, pericytes and renin-producing JG cells. By contrast, most cells in the nephron and vascular endothelial cells did not express Ednra. These results indicate that Ednra expression may be linked with non-epithelial fate determination and differentiation of metanephric mesenchyme. Ednra-lacZ/EGFP knock-in mice may serve as a useful tool in studies on renal function and pathophysiology of various renal diseases.  相似文献   

While it is clear that the normal branching morphogenesis of the ureteric bud (UB) is critical for development of the metanephric kidney, the specific patterns of branching and growth have heretofore only been inferred from static images. Here, we present a systematic time-lapse analysis of UB branching morphogenesis during the early development of the mouse kidney in organ culture. Metanephric primordia from Hoxb7/GFP transgenic embryos were cultured for 3-4 days, and GFP images of the UB taken every 30 min were assembled into movies. Analysis of these movies (available as )revealed that the UB is a highly plastic structure, which can branch in a variety of complex patterns, including terminal bifid, terminal trifid, and lateral branching. To examine kinetic parameters of branching and elongation, skeletal representations of the UB were used to measure the number of segments and branch points and the length of each segment as a function of time and of branch generation. These measurements provide a baseline for future studies on mutant kidneys with defects in renal development. To illustrate how these quantitative methods can be applied to the analysis of abnormal kidney development, we examined the effects of the MEK1 inhibitor PD98059 on renal organ cultures and confirmed a previous report that the drug has a specific inhibitory effect on UB branching as opposed to elongation.  相似文献   

In the early kidney development, a simple epithelial tube called ureteric bud is derived from the intermediate mesoderm and undergoes a complex process of growth and terminal bifid branching. The branching of the ureteric bud is achieved by different cellular behaviors including cell proliferation and chemotaxis. In this paper, we examine how the branching morphology depends on different physical or chemical factors by constructing a cell-based model to describe the simple tube branching in the early kidney development. We conclude that a proper balance between growth speed of epithelial sheet due to cell proliferation and cell mobility due to chemotaxis is necessary to realize the development of normal Y-shaped pattern. When cell proliferation is fast compared to chemotaxis, kinked pattern is formed, and when cell proliferation is slow, bloated pattern is formed. These are consistent with experimental observations in different morphological anomalies of mutants. We show that the different branching patterns are accurately predicted by growth-chemotaxis ratio.  相似文献   

In search of guiding principles involved in the branching of epithelial tubes in the developing kidney, we analyzed branching of the ureteric bud (UB) in whole kidney culture as well as in isolated UB culture independent of mesenchyme but in the presence of mesenchymally derived soluble factors. Microinjection of the UB lumen (both in the isolated UB and in the whole kidney) with fluorescently labeled dextran sulfate demonstrated that branching occurred via smooth tubular epithelial outpouches with a lumen continuous with that of the original structure. Epithelial cells within these outpouches cells were wedge-shaped with actin, myosin-2 and ezrin localized to the luminal side, raising the possibility of a "purse-string" mechanism. Electron microscopy and decoration of heparan sulfates with biotinylated FGF2 revealed that the basolateral surface of the cells remained intact, without the type of cytoplasmic extensions (invadopodia) that are seen in three-dimensional MDCK, mIMCD, and UB cell culture models of branching tubulogenesis. Several growth factor receptors (i.e., FGFR1, FGFR2, c-Ret) and metalloproteases (i.e., MT1-MMP) were localized toward branching UB tips. A large survey of markers revealed the ER chaperone BiP to be highly expressed at UB tips, which, by electron microscopy, are enriched in rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi, supporting high activity in the synthesis of transmembrane and secretory proteins at UB tips. After early diffuse proliferation, proliferating and mitotic cells were mostly found within the branching ampullae, whereas apoptotic cells were mostly found in stalks. Gene array experiments, together with protein expression analysis by immunoblotting, revealed a differential spatiotemporal distribution of several proteins associated with epithelial maturation and polarization, including intercellular junctional proteins (e.g., ZO-1, claudin-3, E-cadherin) and the subapical cytoskeletal/microvillar protein ezrin. In addition, Ksp-cadherin was found at UB ampullary cells next to developing outpouches, suggesting a role in epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. These data from the isolated UB culture system support a model where UB branching occurs through outpouching possibly mediated by wedge-shaped cells created through an apical cytoskeletal purse-string mechanism. Additional potential mechanisms include (1) differential localization of growth factor receptors and metalloproteases at tips relative to stalks; (2) creation of a secretory epithelium, in part manifested by increased expression of the ER chaperone BiP, at tips relative to stalks; (3) after initial diffuse proliferation, coexistence of a balance of proliferation vs. apoptosis favoring tip growth with a very different balance in elongating stalks; and (4) differential maturation of the tight and adherens junctions as the structures develop. Because, without mesenchyme, both lateral and bifid branching occurs (including the ureter), the mesenchyme probably restricts lateral branching and provides guidance cues in vivo for directional branching and elongation as well as functioning to modulate tubular caliber and induce differentiation. Selective cadherin, claudin, and microvillar protein expression as the UB matures likely enables the formation of a tight, polarized differentiated epithelium. Although, in vivo, metanephric mesenchyme development occurs simultaneously with UB branching, these studies shed light on how (mesenchymally derived) soluble factors alone regulate spatial and temporal expression of morphogenetic molecules and processes (proliferation, apoptosis, etc.) postulated to be essential to the UB branching program as it forms an arborized structure with a continuous lumen.  相似文献   

ICAT, inhibitor of beta-catenin and T cell factor, or Ctnnbip1, is a negative regulator of the Wnt signaling pathway that interferes with the interaction between beta-catenin and T cell factor. Some ICAT-deficient (ICAT-/-) embryos exhibit unilateral or bilateral renal agenesis. In this study, we investigated developmental processes in the ICAT-/- kidney. ICAT was highly expressed in both the ureteric bud (UB) and the surrounding metanephric mesenchymal (MM) cells in the metanephros of embryonic day E11.5-E13.5 wild-type (ICAT+/+) mouse. In the E12.5-ICAT-/- metanephros, UB branching was delayed, and a T-shaped, bifurcated UB was frequently seen; this was never seen in the E12.5-ICAT+/+ metanephros. More apoptotic MM cells were detected in the ICAT-/- metanephros than in the ICAT+/+ metanephros. These results suggest that the loss of ICAT gene function causes the arrest of UB branching and the apoptotic death of MM cells, resulting in renal agenesis.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans in the form of heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPG) are required for normal kidney organogenesis. The specific roles of HSPGs and CSPGs on ureteric bud (UB) branching morphogenesis are unclear, and past reports have obtained differing results. Here we employ in vitro systems, including isolated UB culture, to clarify the roles of HSPGs and CSPGs on this process. Microarray analysis revealed that many proteoglycan core proteins change during kidney development (syndecan-1,2,4, glypican-1,2,3, versican, decorin, biglycan). Moreover, syndecan-1, syndecan-4, glypican-3, and versican are differentially expressed during isolated UB culture, while decorin is dynamically regulated in cultured isolated metanephric mesenchyme (MM). Biochemical analysis indicated that while both heparan sulfate (HS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) are present, CS accounts for approximately 75% of the glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in the embryonic kidney. Selective perturbation of HS in whole kidney rudiments and in the isolated UB resulted in a significant reduction in the number of UB branch tips, while CS perturbation has much less impressive effects on branching morphogenesis. Disruption of endogenous HS sulfation with chlorate resulted in diminished FGF2 binding and proliferation, which markedly altered kidney area but did not have a statistically significant effect on patterning of the ureteric tree. Furthermore, perturbation of GAGs did not have a detectable effect on FGFR2 expression or epithelial marker localization, suggesting the expression of these molecules is largely independent of HS function. Taken together, the data suggests that nonselective perturbation of HSPG function results in a general proliferation defect; selective perturbation of specific core proteins and/or GAG microstructure may result in branching pattern defects. Despite CS being the major GAG synthesized in the whole developing kidney, it appears to play a lesser role in UB branching; however, CS is likely to be integral to other developmental processes during nephrogenesis, possibly involving the MM. A model is presented of how, together with growth factors, heterogeneity of proteoglycan core proteins and glycosaminoglycan sulfation act as a switching mechanism to regulate different stages of the branching process. In this model, specific growth factor-HSPG combinations play key roles in the transitioning between stages and their maintenance.  相似文献   

Glomeruli comprise an important filtering apparatus in the kidney and are derived from the metanephric mesenchyme. A nuclear protein, Sall1, is expressed in this mesenchyme, and we previously reported that Trb2, a mouse homolog of Drosophila tribbles, is expressed in the mesenchyme-derived tissues of the kidney by microarray analyses using Sall1-GFP knock-in mice. In the present report, we detected Trb2 expression in a variety of organs during gestation, including the kidneys, mesonephros, testes, heart, eyes, thymus, blood vessels, muscle, bones, tongue, spinal cord, and ganglions. In the developing kidney, Trb2 signals were detected in podocytes and the prospective mesangium of the glomeruli, as well as in ureteric bud tips. However, Trb2 mutant mice did not display any apparent phenotypes and no proteinuria was observed, indicating normal glomerular functions. These results suggest that Trb2 plays minimal roles during kidney and mouse development.  相似文献   

Nephron number in the mammalian kidney is known to vary dramatically, with postnatal renal function directly influenced by nephron complement. What determines final nephron number is poorly understood but nephron formation in the mouse kidney ceases within the first few days after birth, presumably due to the loss of all remaining nephron progenitors via epithelial differentiation. What initiates this event is not known. Indeed, whether nephron formation occurs in the same way at this time as during embryonic development has also not been examined. In this study, we investigate the key cellular compartments involved in nephron formation; the ureteric tip, cap mesenchyme and early nephrons; from postnatal day (P) 0 to 6 in the mouse. High resolution analyses of gene and protein expression indicate that loss of nephron progenitors precedes loss of ureteric tip identity, but show spatial shifts in the expression of cap mesenchyme genes during this time. In addition, cap mesenchymal volume and rate of proliferation decline prior to birth. Section-based 3D modeling and Optical Projection Tomography revealed a burst of ectopic nephron induction, with the formation of multiple (up to 5) nephrons per ureteric tip evident from P2. While the distal–proximal patterning of these nephrons occurred normally, their spatial relationship with the ureteric compartment was altered. We propose that this phase of nephron formation represents an acceleration of differentiation within the cap mesenchyme due to a displacement of signals within the nephrogenic niche.  相似文献   

Gene expression analysis during liver stage development of Plasmodium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The complex life cycle of malaria parasites requires significant changes in gene expression as the parasites move from vector to host and back to the vector. Although recognised as an important vaccine and drug target, the liver stage parasite has remained difficult to study. One of the major impediments in identifying parasite gene expression at the liver stage has remained the large number of uninfected hepatocytes relative to the number of infected hepatocytes in the liver after sporozoite inoculation. This article describes several of the approaches that have been utilised to overcome this difficulty in rodent models of malaria. While significant progress has been made to identify genes that are expressed during liver stage parasite development, a great deal more work remains to be done.  相似文献   

Differentiation is the process by which tissues/organs take on their final, physiologically functional form. This process is mediated in part by the silencing of embryonic genes and the activation of terminal, differentiation gene products. Mammalian kidney development is initiated when the Wolffian duct branches and invades the overlying metanephric mesenchyme. The newly formed epithelial bud, known as the ureteric bud, will continue to branch ultimately differentiating into the collecting duct system and ureter. Here, we show that Hoxb7-Cre mediated removal of β-catenin from the mouse Wolffian duct epithelium leads to the premature expression of gene products normally associated with the differentiated kidney collecting duct system including the water channel protein, Aquaporin-3 and the tight junction protein isoform, ZO-1α+. Mutant cells fail to maintain expression of some genes associated with embryonic development, including several mediators of branching morphogenesis, which subsequently leads to kidney aplasia or hypoplasia. Reciprocally, expression of a stabilized form of β-catenin appears to block differentiation of the collecting ducts. All of these defects occur in the absence of any effects on the adherens junctions. These data indicate a role for β-catenin in maintaining cells of the Wolffian ducts and the duct derived ureteric bud/collecting duct system in an undifferentiated or precursor state.  相似文献   


In Arabidopsis thaliana, cell fate in developing ovules is determined by the action of the homeodomain factor BELL1 (BEL1) and of the MADS-box factors SEEDSTICK (STK), SHATTERPROOF1 (SHP1) and SHP2. The analysis of the bel1 and the stk shp1 shp2 mutants revealed that the functional megaspore is formed, however, it does not proceed into megagametogenesis. In the bel1 stk shp1 shp2, quadruple mutant megasporogenesis does not take place. In this article we describe a detailed morphological analysis of the quadruple mutant, and we discuss the possibility that BELL1, STK, SHP1 and SHP2 not only control integument identity determination and development, but that they might also play a role during megasporogenesis.  相似文献   

Tbx18 has been shown to be essential for ureteral development. However, it remains unclear whether it plays a direct role in kidney development. Here we addressed this by focusing on examining the pattern and contribution of Tbx18+ cells in the kidney and its role in kidney vascular development. Expression studies and genetic lineage tracing revealed that Tbx18 is expressed in renal capsule, vascular smooth muscle cells and pericytes and glomerular mesangial cells in the kidney and that Tbx18-expressing progenitors contribute to these cell types. Examination of Tbx18/ kidneys revealed large reduction in vasculature density and dilation of glomerular capillary loops. While SMA+ cells were reduced in the mutant, PDGFRβ+ cells were seen in early capillary loop renal corpuscles in the mutant, but fewer than in the controls, and further development of the mesangium failed. Analysis of kidney explants cultured from E12.5 excluded the possibility that the defects observed in the mutant were caused by ureter obstruction. Reduced proliferation in glomerular tuft and increased apoptosis in perivascular mesenchyme were observed in Tbx18/ kidneys. Thus, our analyses have identified a novel role of Tbx18 in kidney vasculature development.  相似文献   

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