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The simple deletion of nucleotides is common in many organisms. It can be advantageous when it activates genes beneficial to microbial survival in adverse environments, and deleterious when it mutates genes relevant to survival, cancer or degenerative diseases. The classical idea is that simple deletions arise by strand slippage. A prime opportunity for slippage occurs during DNA synthesis, but it remains unclear how slippage is controlled during a polymerization cycle. Here, we report crystal structures and molecular dynamics simulations of mutant derivatives of DNA polymerase lambda bound to a primer-template during strand slippage. Relative to the primer strand, the template strand is in multiple conformations, indicating intermediates on the pathway to deletion mutagenesis. Consistent with these intermediates, the mutant polymerases generate single-base deletions at high rates. The results indicate that dNTP-induced template strand repositioning during conformational rearrangements in the catalytic cycle is crucial to controlling the rate of strand slippage.  相似文献   

The hybrid protein consisting of Tte DNA polymerase fragment and mutant Taq DNA polymerase (F667Y) fragment in the ratio 20 : 1 was constructed. Affinity of the modified enzyme (substitutions F669Y, V667I, and S692Q) to ddNTP was two orders higher than that of the wild type enzyme. The modified enzyme was used for sequencing DNA fragment with total deoxyguanosine and deoxycytidine content of 68%. In the polymerase chain reaction, the modified enzyme exhibits properties typical of the wild type Tte DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

With the discovery that organisms possess multiple DNA polymerases (Pols) displaying different fidelities, processivities, and activities came the realization that mechanisms must exist to manage the actions of these diverse enzymes to prevent gratuitous mutations. Although many of the Pols encoded by most organisms are largely accurate, and participate in DNA replication and DNA repair, a sizeable fraction display a reduced fidelity, and act to catalyze potentially error-prone translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) past lesions that persist in the DNA. Striking the proper balance between use of these different enzymes during DNA replication, DNA repair, and TLS is essential for ensuring accurate duplication of the cell's genome. This review highlights mechanisms that organisms utilize to manage the actions of their different Pols. A particular emphasis is placed on discussion of current models for how different Pols switch places with each other at the replication fork during high fidelity replication and potentially error-pone TLS.  相似文献   

We synthesized a set of four biotinylated dideoxynucleosidetriphosphates (biotin-9-ddNTPs) and optimized the reaction conditionsfor non-radioactive cycle sequencing using modified Tth DNApolymerase (Tth) and a chemiluminescent detection system. Theresulting sequencing ladders showed lower background comparedto those with the conventional non-radioactive sequencing methodwhich uses 5'-biotinylated primers, especially when PCR productswere analysed. With our method, DNA sequences can be determinedat any primer positions without preparing 5'-biotinylated primersfor dideoxy chaintermination.  相似文献   

We have determined a 2.6 Å resolution crystal structure of Pfu DNA polymerase, the most commonly used high fidelity PCR enzyme, from Pyrococcus furiosus. Although the structures of Pfu and KOD1 are highly similar, the structure of Pfu elucidates the electron density of the interface between the exonuclease and thumb domains, which has not been previously observed in the KOD1 structure. The interaction of these two domains is known to coordinate the proofreading and polymerization activity of DNA polymerases, especially via H147 that is present within the loop (residues 144–158) of the exonuclease domain. In our structure of Pfu, however, E148 rather than H147 is located at better position to interact with the thumb domain. In addition, the structural analysis of Pfu and KOD1 shows that both the Y-GG/A and β-hairpin motifs of Pfu are found to differ with that of KOD1, and may explain differences in processivity. This information enables us to better understand the mechanisms of polymerization and proofreading of DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

Mutants of DNA polymerase I from Thermus aquaticus (Taq) with higher fidelity compared to the wild type enzyme were identified in an earlier study by Summerer et al. (Angew Chem Int Ed 44:4712–4715, 2005). Here, one of these mutants, PLQ (consensus residues 879–881), was analysed using molecular dynamics simulations. This was done by calculating the structures of the ternary complex comprising the enzyme, the DNA primer and template as well as the incoming nucleotide before the chemical reaction for the Watson-Crick and different mismatched base pairings. The results show that the high fidelity of the mutant can be explained partly by different specific interactions between the amino acids of the enzyme and the DNA primer end as well as, in some mismatches, a displacement of the primer relative to the incoming deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate and the catalytic magnesium ion. This displacement is facilitated by reduced steric interactions between the enzyme and the DNA. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We study the effect of the oxidative lesion 8-oxoguanine (8oxoG) on the preorganization of the active site for DNA replication in the closed (active) state of the Bacillus fragment (BF), a Klenow analog from Bacillus stearothermophilus. Our molecular dynamics and free energy simulations of explicitly solvated model ternary complexes of BF bound to correct dCTP/incorrect dATP opposite guanine (G) and 8oxoG bases in DNA suggest that the lesion introduces structural and energetic changes at the catalytic site to favor dATP insertion. Despite the formation of a stable Watson-Crick pairing in the 8oxoG:dCTP system, the catalytic geometry is severely distorted to possibly slow down catalysis. Indeed, our calculated free energy landscapes associated with active site preorganization suggest additional barriers to assemble an efficient catalytic site, which need to be overcome during dCTP incorporation opposite 8oxoG relative to that opposite undamaged G. In contrast, the catalytic geometry for the Hoogsteen pairing in the 8oxoG:dATP system is highly organized and poised for efficient nucleotide incorporation via the "two-metal-ion" catalyzed phosphoryl transfer mechanism. However, the free energy calculations suggest that the catalytic geometry during dATP incorporation opposite 8oxoG is considerably less plastic than that during dCTP incorporation opposite G despite a very similar, well organized catalytic site for both systems. A correlation analysis of the dynamics trajectories suggests the presence of significant coupling between motions of the polymerase fingers and the primary distance for nucleophilic attack (i.e., between the terminal primer O3' and the dNTP P(alpha.) atoms) during correct dCTP incorporation opposite undamaged G. This coupling is shown to be disrupted during nucleotide incorporation by the polymerase with oxidatively damaged DNA/dNTP substrates. We also suggest that the lesion affects DNA interactions with key polymerase residues, thereby affecting the enzymes ability to discriminate against non-complementary DNA/dNTP substrates. Taken together, our results provide a unified structural, energetic, and dynamic platform to rationalize experimentally observed relative nucleotide incorporation rates for correct dCTP/incorrect dATP insertion opposite an undamaged/oxidatively damaged template G by BF.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases insert dATP opposite the oxidative damage product 7,8-dihydro-8-oxodeoxyguanosine (8-oxoG) instead of dCTP, to the extent of >90% with some polymerases. Steady-state kinetics with the Y-family Sulfolobus solfataricus DNA polymerase IV (Dpo4) showed 90-fold higher incorporation efficiency of dCTP > dATP opposite 8-oxoG and 4-fold higher efficiency of extension beyond an 8-oxoG:C pair than an 8-oxoG:A pair. The catalytic efficiency for these events (with dCTP or C) was similar for G and 8-oxoG templates. Mass spectral analysis of extended DNA primers showed >/=95% incorporation of dCTP > dATP opposite 8-oxoG. Pre-steady-state kinetics showed faster rates of dCTP incorporation opposite 8-oxoG than G. The measured K(d)(,dCTP) was 15-fold lower for an oligonucleotide containing 8-oxoG than with G. Extension beyond an 8-oxoG:C pair was similar to G:C and faster than for an 8-oxoG:A pair, in contrast to other polymerases. The E(a) for dCTP insertion opposite 8-oxoG was lower than for opposite G. Crystal structures of Dpo4 complexes with oligonucleotides were solved with C, A, and G nucleoside triphosphates placed opposite 8-oxoG. With ddCTP, dCTP, and dATP the phosphodiester bonds were formed even in the presence of Ca(2+). The 8-oxoG:C pair showed classic Watson-Crick geometry; the 8-oxoG:A pair was in the syn:anti configuration, with the A hybridized in a Hoogsteen pair with 8-oxoG. With dGTP placed opposite 8-oxoG, pairing was not to the 8-oxoG but to the 5' C (and in classic Watson-Crick geometry), consistent with the low frequency of this frameshift event observed in the catalytic assays.  相似文献   

The Bacillus fragment, belonging to a class of high‐fidelity polymerases, demonstrates high processivity (adding ~115 bases per DNA binding event) and exceptional accuracy (1 error in 106 nucleotide incorporations) during DNA replication. We present analysis of structural rearrangements and energetics just before and during the chemical step (phosphodiester bond formation) using a combination of classical molecular dynamics, mixed quantum mechanics molecular mechanics simulations, and free energy computations. We find that the reaction is associative, proceeding via the two‐metal‐ion mechanism, and requiring the proton on the terminal primer O3′ to transfer to the pyrophosphate tail of the incoming nucleotide before the formation of the pentacovalent transition state. Different protonation states for key active site residues direct the system to alternative pathways of catalysis and we estimate a free energy barrier of ~12 kcal/mol for the chemical step. We propose that the protonation of a highly conserved catalytic aspartic acid residue is essential for the high processivity demonstrated by the enzyme and suggest that global motions could be part of the reaction free energy landscape.  相似文献   

High fidelity DNA polymerases maintain genomic fidelity through a series of kinetic steps that include nucleotide binding, conformational changes, phosphoryl transfer, polymerase translocation, and nucleotide excision. Developing a comprehensive understanding of how these steps are coordinated during correct and pro-mutagenic DNA synthesis has been hindered due to lack of spectroscopic nucleotides that function as efficient polymerase substrates. This report describes the application of a non-natural nucleotide designated 5-naphthyl-indole-2′-deoxyribose triphosphate which behaves as a fluorogenic substrate to monitor nucleotide incorporation and excision during the replication of normal DNA versus two distinct DNA lesions (cyclobutane thymine dimer and an abasic site). Transient fluorescence and rapid-chemical quench experiments demonstrate that the rate constants for nucleotide incorporation vary as a function of DNA lesion. These differences indicate that the non-natural nucleotide can function as a spectroscopic probe to distinguish between normal versus translesion DNA synthesis. Studies using wild-type DNA polymerase reveal the presence of a fluorescence recovery phase that corresponds to the formation of a pre-excision complex that precedes hydrolytic excision of the non-natural nucleotide. Rate constants for the formation of this pre-excision complex are dependent upon the DNA lesion, and this suggests that the mechanism of exonuclease proofreading is regulated by the nature of the formed mispair. Finally, spectroscopic evidence confirms that exonuclease proofreading competes with polymerase translocation. Collectively, this work provides the first demonstration for a non-natural nucleotide that functions as a spectroscopic probe to study the coordinated efforts of polymerization and exonuclease proofreading during correct and translesion DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

DNA damage blocks DNA polymerase progression and increases miscoding. In this study, we assessed the effects of specific lesions on Taq DNA polymerase fidelity and amplification efficiency. In the presence of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG), Taq DNA polymerase inserted dCMP and to a lesser extent dAMP. 8-Oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyadenosine (8-oxodA) instructed the incorporation of dTMP and caused a pronounced n-1 deletion not observed in other systems. The presence of an abasic lesion led to dAMP incorporation and n-1 deletions. In addition, we introduce the mean modified efficiency (MME) as a more precise method for determining PCR amplification efficiency of damaged templates. Using this method, we were able to quantify reductions in amplification efficiency of templates containing 8-oxodG (single or multiple), 8-oxodA, or abasic sites. Because the MME method can detect small reductions in amplification efficiency, it may be useful in comparing the extent of damage in environmentally degraded or archival DNA specimens.  相似文献   

Captan inhibits DNA polymerases of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic sources. When polymerases were employed in assays with various polynucleotides as template-primer, no specificity in the base sequence of polynucleotide was required for inhibition. Sucrose gradient centrifugation and preincubation studies showed the inhibition was caused by an irreversible alteration of the polymerase. Captan and DNA compete for the same site on the polymerase, thus DNA can serve a protective role in the elimination of captan's action. The pyrophosphate exchange activity associated with the polymerase is not inhibited by captan and the fidelity with which DNA polymerase I copies the DNA template also is not altered by captan treatment.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase δ (Pol δ) is one of the main replicative DNA polymerases in human cells and therefore is a critical determinant of the overall accuracy of DNA synthesis. Here we document the fidelity of a human Pol δ holoenzyme and systematically score the types of mutations that the enzyme generates in a forward mutation assay. We find that human Pol δ is highly accurate, catalyzing less than one nucleotide mis-insertion per 220,000 nucleotides polymerized. Inactivation of proofreading or mutation of a conserved active site residue significantly elevates the frequency of incorporation errors, demonstrating the contribution of both the base selection and proofreading domains to the overall accuracy of synthesis by Pol δ. The highly selective nature of the polymerase active site is also indicated by the stalling of Pol δ upon encountering multiple types of DNA lesions. However, DNA damage is not an absolute block to Pol δ progression. We propose that partial lesion bypass by Pol δ represents a balance between stalling to allow for repair of mutagenic lesions by specialized repair proteins and bypass of damage to allow for successful completion of DNA synthesis by Pol δ in the presence of weakly blocking DNA adducts.  相似文献   

Y-family DNA polymerases catalyze translesion DNA synthesis over damaged DNA. Each Y-family polymerase has a polymerase core consisting of a palm, finger and thumb domain in addition to a fourth domain known as a little finger domain. It is unclear how each domain moves during nucleotide incorporation and what type of conformational changes corresponds to the rate-limiting step previously reported in kinetic studies. Here, we present three crystal structures of the prototype Y-family polymerase: apo-Dpo4 at 1.9 Å resolution, Dpo4-DNA binary complex and Dpo4-DNA-dTMP ternary complex at 2.2 Å resolution. Dpo4 undergoes dramatic conformational changes from the apo to the binary structures with a 131° rotation of the little finger domain relative to the polymerase core upon DNA binding. This DNA-induced conformational change is verified in solution by our tryptophan fluorescence studies. In contrast, the polymerase core retains the same conformation in all three conformationally distinct states. Particularly, the finger domain which is responsible for checking base pairing between the template base and an incoming nucleotide retains a rigid conformation. The inflexibility of the polymerase core likely contributes to the low fidelity of Dpo4, in addition to its loose and solvent-accessible active site. Interestingly, while the binary and ternary complexes of Dpo4 retain an identical global conformation, the aromatic side chains of two conserved tyrosines at the nucleotide-binding site change orientations between the binary and ternary structures. Such local conformational changes may correspond to the rate-limiting step in the mechanism of nucleotide incorporation. Together, the global and local conformational transitions observed in our study provide a structural basis for the distinct kinetic steps of a catalytic cycle of DNA polymerization performed by a Y-family polymerase.  相似文献   

Summary Several bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase mutants have been shown to increase the frequency of spontaneous mutations (Speyer et al. 1966; Freese and Freese 1967; de Vries et al. 1972; Reha-Krantz et al. 1986). In order to determine the molecular basis of the mutator phenotype, it is necessary to characterize the types of mutations produced by the mutator DNA polymerases. We show here that at least one DNA polymerase mutator mutant, mel88, induces an increased number of base substitution mutations compared with wild-type.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases (pols) catalyse the synthesis of DNA. This reaction requires a primer-template DNA in order to grow from the 3'OH end of the primer along the template. On the other hand terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase (TdT) catalyses the addition of nucleotides at the 3'OH end of a DNA strand, without the need of a template. Pol lambda and pol micro are ubiquitous enzymes, possess both DNA polymerase and terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase activities and belong to pol X family, together with pol beta and TdT. Here we show that pol lambda, pol micro and TdT, all possess the ability to synthesise in vitro short fragments of DNA in the absence of a primer-template or even a primer or a template in the reaction. The DNA synthesised de novo by pol lambda, pol micro and TdT appears to have an unusual structure. Furthermore we found that the amino acid Phe506 of pol lambda is essential for the de novo synthesis. This novel catalytic activity might be related to the proposed functions of these three pol X family members in DNA repair and DNA recombination.  相似文献   

Hymenoic acid (1) is a natural compound isolated from cultures of a fungus, Hymenochaetaceae sp., and this structure was determined by spectroscopic analyses. Compound 1 is a novel sesquiterpene, trans-4-[(1′E,5′S)-5′-carboxy-1′-methyl-1′-hexenyl]cyclohexanecarboxylic acid. This compound selectively inhibited the activity of human DNA polymerase λ (pol λ) in vitro, and 50% inhibition was observed at a concentration of 91.7 μM. Compound 1 did not influence the activities of the other seven mammalian pols (i.e., pols , γ, δ, ε, η, ι, and κ), but also showed no effect even on the activity of pol β, which is thought to have a very similar three-dimensional structure to the pol β-like region of pol λ. This compound also did not inhibit the activities of prokaryotic pols and other DNA metabolic enzymes tested. These results suggested that compound 1 could be a selective inhibitor of eukaryotic pol λ. This compound had no inhibitory activities against two N-terminal truncated pol λ, del-1 pol λ (lacking nuclear localization signal (NLS), BRCA1 C-terminus (BRCT) domain [residues 133–575]), and del-2 pol λ (lacking NLS, BRCT, domain and proline-rich region [residues 245–575]). The compound 1-induced inhibition of intact pol λ activity was non-competitive with respect to both the DNA template-primer and the dNTP substrate. On the basis of these results, the pol λ inhibitory mechanism of compound 1 is discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding behavioral differences between intraspecific genotypes of aquatic animals is challenging because we cannot directly observe the animals underwater or visually distinguish morphologically similar counterparts. Here, we tested a new monitoring tool that uses environmental DNA (eDNA), an assemblage of DNA in environmental water, to specifically detect Japanese native and introduced non‐native genotypes of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Lake Biwa, Japan, and estimated differences between the two genotypes in the use of inland habitats. We monitored the ratios of native and non‐native single nucleotide polymorphism alleles of a mitochondrial locus of common carp in a lagoon connected to Lake Biwa for 3 years using eDNA. We observed seasonal dynamics in the allele frequency showing that the native genotype frequency peaked every spring, suggesting that native individuals migrated to the lagoon for spawning and then returned to the main lake, whereas non‐native individuals tended to stay in the lagoon. The estimated migration patterns corresponded with the estimates of a previous study, which were based on commercial fish catch data. Our findings suggest that eDNA‐based monitoring can be useful tool for addressing intraspecific behavioral differences underwater.  相似文献   

Numerous template-dependent DNA polymerases are capable of catalyzing template-independent nucleotide additions onto blunt-end DNA. Such non-canonical activity has been hypothesized to increase the genomic hypermutability of retroviruses including human immunodeficiency viruses. Here, we employed pre-steady state kinetics and X-ray crystallography to establish a mechanism for blunt-end additions catalyzed by Sulfolobus solfataricus Dpo4. Our kinetic studies indicated that the first blunt-end dATP incorporation was 80-fold more efficient than the second, and among natural deoxynucleotides, dATP was the preferred substrate due to its stronger intrahelical base-stacking ability. Such base-stacking contributions are supported by the 41-fold higher ground-state binding affinity of a nucleotide analog, pyrene nucleoside 5'-triphosphate, which lacks hydrogen bonding ability but possesses four conjugated aromatic rings. A 2.05 A resolution structure of Dpo4*(blunt-end DNA)*ddATP revealed that the base and sugar of the incoming ddATP, respectively, stack against the 5'-base of the opposite strand and the 3'-base of the elongating strand. This unprecedented base-stacking pattern can be applied to subsequent blunt-end additions only if all incorporated dAMPs are extrahelical, leading to predominantly single non-templated dATP incorporation.  相似文献   

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