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Each silk gland of Calpodes ethlius consists of five distinct regions: the duct, the green, anterior, middle and posterior regions. Although the gland increases approximately tenfold in length during the larval life, the number of cells remains constant with a concomitant increase in ploidy which is not constant either throughout larval life or in the different regions of the gland. Histochemistry on the glands of the mid-fifth instar larva shows that progressively more mucosubstances are deposited in the lumen, so that while in the distal regions there is only one weakly acidic deposit, this is increased to three more acidic bands in the proximal regions. These bands can be correlated with materials of different electron density. All five regions have characteristic secretory ultrastructure, with prominent secretory vesicles or granules and microvilli. However, the posterior and middle regions have electron-translucent vesicles and relatively short microvilli, while the other three regions have electron dense granules and a more complex, microvillate apical surface. This complexity is greatest in the duct which suggests that it may function in water reabsorption.  相似文献   

The haemocytes of Calpodes ethlius are described with the light and electron microscopes. Five fine structurally distinct types are distinguishable. However only three of these, the granular haemocytes, sphaerule cells and oenocytoids can be positively identified using a series of histochemical stains on smears and on thick sections of araldite-embedded material. The classification is based entirely on the structural features even though several suggestions concerning their function can be made from their fine structure. Intermediates having features of more than one cell type suggest developmental relationships.  相似文献   

Lai-Fook J 《Tissue & cell》1970,2(1):119-138
The fine structure of the developing type 'B' dermal gland, the more common type in fifth instar larvae of Rhodnius, is described. Each gland consists of three cells responsible for secretion of the duct, saccule and secretion product or precursors, and a fourth capsule cell. The cuticular linings of the duct and saccule are secreted and shed synchronously with the cuticle of the body surface. Mechanisms of secretion and discharge are suggested.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of scalariform junctions in the Malpighian tubules of the hemipteran Rhodnius prolixus and the dipteran Aedes taeniorhynchus is described. Both autocellular and intercellular scalariform junctions are illustrated. This is the first report of scalariform junctions in the Malpighian tubules of a dipteran. When combined with previous observations by other authors, the presence of scalariform junctions has now been reported in the Malpighian tubules of insects from five orders, including ametabolous, hemimetabolous, and holometabolous forms. The cell types in which scalariform junctions were found in R. prolixus and A. taeniorhynchus differ in the direction of ion and fluid transport. The cells share the capacity to transport KCl. These same cells also possess morphological features promoting close associations of mitochondria and plasma membranes in the apical region of the cell. The possible role of scalariform junctions is discussed in light of these observations.  相似文献   

An antidiuretic mechanism is proposed for Rhodnius prolixus, whose activity is manifested when the diuretic phase has terminated and is maintained until the insect has fed again. Presumably this mechanism acts at the level of the proximal rectal sphincter and is inhibited by ingestion, mechanical distension of the gut and central disinhibition by decapitation. It is suggested that the antidiuretic activity is maintained by the nervous system and is modified when there is distention of the gut or when the nervous signal is interrupted by decapitation. It is demonstrated that the excretion of urine in R. prolixus is not controlled exclusively by the diuretic hormone, but rather that factors not linked to the haemolymph maintain the insects in a diuretic or nondiuretic state.  相似文献   

The parasite Trypanosoma rangeli develops in the intestinal tract of triatomines and, particularly in species of the genus Rhodnius, invades the hemolymph and salivary glands, where subsequent metacyclogenesis takes place. Many aspects of the interaction between T. rangeli and triatomines are still unclear, especially concerning the development of the parasite in the salivary glands and how the parasite interacts with the saliva. In this work, we describe new findings on the process of T. rangeli infection of the salivary glands and the impact of infection on the saliva composition. To ensure a complete infection (intestinal tract, hemolymph and salivary glands), 3rd instar Rhodnius prolixus nymphs were fed on blood containing T. rangeli epimastigotes using an artificial feeder. After molt to the 4th instar, the nymphs were inoculated with epimastigotes in the hemolymph. The results showed that the flagellates started to invade the salivary glands by the 7th day after the injection. The percentage of trypomastigotes inside the salivary glands continuously increased until the 25th day, at which time the trypomastigotes were more than 95% of the T. rangeli forms present. The salivary contents from T. rangeli-infected insects showed a pH that was significantly more acidic (<6.0) and had a lower total protein and hemeprotein contents compared with non-infected insects. However, the ratio of hemeprotein to total protein was similar in both control and infected insects. qPCR demonstrated that the expression levels of three housekeeping genes (18S rRNA, β-actin and α-tubulin) and nitrophorins 1–4 were not altered in the salivary glands after an infection with T. rangeli. In addition, the four major nitrophorins (NPs 1–4) were knocked down using RNAi and their suppression impacted T. rangeli survival in the salivary glands to the point that the parasite burden inside the R. prolixus salivary glands was reduced by more than 3-fold. These results indicated that these parasites most likely non-specifically incorporated the proteins that were present in R. prolixus saliva as nutrients, without impairing the biosynthesis of the antihemostatic molecules.  相似文献   

The cuticulin layer is defined as the dense lamina (120–175 Å thick in Calpodes larvae, depending upon the stage) forming the outer part of the epicuticle in insects. It completely invests an insect except for the gut and the openings of some sense organs. It is the first layer to be secreted during the formation of new cuticle. The formation of the cuticulin membrane may be a useful model for studying the origin of membranes in general. It arises as a triple layer de novo and is not a modified plasma membrane. Growth is by accretion at the edges of patches of cuticulin which increase in area until they cover the new surface. The triple layer (i.e. three dense laminae) may develop striations about 30 Å apart transverse to the membrane, which perhaps form a sieve allowing small molecules to pass while protecting the cell from enzymes in the molting fluid. A similar porous structure persists in the tracheoles. After the resorption of molting fluid the triple layered structure again becomes obvious and the outermost layer separates from the other two to become what may be the surface lipid monolayer. The surface patterns in cuticle of various sorts probably arise by buckling of the cuticulin layer as it increases in surface area.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) has been widely employed as a useful alternative to study gene function in insects, including triatomine bugs. However, several aspects related to the RNAi mechanism and functioning are still unclear. The aim of this study is to investigate the persistence and the occurrence of systemic and parental RNAi in the triatomine bug Rhodnius prolixus. For such, the nitrophorins 1 to 4 (NP1-4), which are salivary hemeproteins, and the rhodniin, an intestinal protein, were used as targets for RNAi. The dsRNA for both molecules were injected separately into 3rd and 5th instar nymphs of R. prolixus and the knockdown (mRNA levels and phenotype) were progressively evaluated along several stages of the insect's life. We observed that the NP1-4 knockdown persisted for more than 7 months after the dsRNA injection, and at least 5 months in rhodniin knockdown, passing through various nymphal stages until the adult stage, without continuous input of dsRNA. The parental RNAi was successful from the dsRNA injection in 5th instar nymphs for both knockdown targets, when the RNAi effects (mRNA levels and phenotype) were observed at least in the 2nd instar nymphs of the F1 generation. However, the parental RNAi did not occur when the dsRNA was injected in the 3rd instars. The confirmation of the long persistence and parental transmission of RNAi in R. prolixus can improve and facilitate the utilization of this tool in insect functional genomic studies.  相似文献   

Locke M 《Tissue & cell》1970,2(2):197-223
Tissue responses to the brain and prothoracic glands divide the 5th larval stage of Calpodes into three phases of development, characterized by growth, larval syntheses and pupal syntheses. Tissue specific patterns in the timing of nuclear events fall into one of two categories. In both, the cell number is determined mainly before the 4th to 5th ecdysis. Epidermal cells divide during the second phase coincidentally with an elevated rate of larval cuticle deposition, but in other tissues nuclear replication occurs without division during the first phase so that the cells are polyploid by the time they begin their massive larval syntheses.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(5):711-722
Sheets of the dorsal abdominal integument from fifth instar larvae of Calpodes ethlius (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) were incubated in artificial hemolymph in the presence of [35S]methionine to investigate protein synthesis and vectorial secretion. The epidermis synthesizes and secretes at least 13 polypeptides basally and 15 apically. Two dimensional analysis of proteins labeled in vitro and in vivo showed that (a) most of the polypeptides secreted on apical and basal surfaces are different, (b) in vitro apical secretions are the same as in vivo cuticular proteins, (c) at least four of the basal secretions can be demonstrated in hemolymph labeled in vivo.Antibodies made against whole hemolymph recognized five basally secreted polypeptides and one apically secreted polypeptide both on fluorograms of immunoprecipitates and immunoblots. Arylphorin is secreted from both surfaces. Arylphorin synthesized in vitro has been identified through its precipitation by antibodies to hemolymph arylphorin in epidermis, cuticle and medium. We conclude that insect epidermis has bi-directional secretion. Cuticular proteins are carried to the apical face. A different set of proteins are carried basally to the hemolymph.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(4):561-572
Ligated tubes of Calpodes ethlius (Lepidoptera:Hesperiidae) larval midgut with normal (i.e. apical secretions into the lumen and basal into the hemocel or medium) or inverted orientation (i.e. apical secretions into the hemocoel or medium and basal into the lumen) were incubated in artificial hemolymph in the presence of [35S]methionine to investigate protein synthesis and vectorial secretion. The midgut synthesizes and secretes at least eight polypeptides basally and seven apically. The tissue also synthesizes many other polypeptides that are not released at either surface. Two dimensional analysis of proteins labeled in vitro and in vivo showed that (a) proteins synthesized in vitro are the same as those synthesized in vivo, (b) different proteins are secreted on apical and basal surfaces, (c) in vitro apical secretions are the same as in vivo luminal proteins, (d) at least two of the basal secretions can be demonstrated in the hemolymph labeled in vivo. Almost all basal secretions showed immunological similarity with hemolymph proteins as observed by immunoprecipitation and fluorography. Arylphorin is a main hemolymph protein synthesized by the midgut. Midgut arylphorin has been identified by its precipitation by antibodies to hemolymph arylphorin. We conclude that insect midgut has bi-directional secretion. Luminal proteins (presumably digestive enzymes and perhaps goblet cell luminal contents) are carried to the apical face. A different set of proteins are carried basally to the hemolymph.  相似文献   

Ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg body weight) caused a high mortality in nymphs and adults of Rhodnius prolixus following a single meal in mice sub-cutaneously injected with the drug. This effect was more evident in nymphs of 1st-and 2nd-instar than in older nymphs and adults. Third-instar nymphs presented a high mortality when fed on mice treated with ivermectin 24 and 48 hours previously, while mortality was significantly reduced in nymphs fed on mice treated 72 hours before. Surviving 3rd-instar nymphs did not molt. When adult females were fed once on mice treated for 24 hours with ivermectin there was a considerable reduction in egg production. This inhibition was not reversed by a second feeding on normal mice. We concluded that sub-lethal doses of ivermectin caused toxic effects interfering in the neuro-endocrine control of development and reproduction of this bloodsucking insect.  相似文献   

CECP22 (Calpodes ethlius Cuticular Protein 22 kDa) is a molt associated protein found in the cuticle of C. ethlius larvae and pupae. The mRNA for the CECP22 cuticular protein is expressed in the epidermis and fat body during the intermolt. The protein itself accumulates in intermolt hemolymph, but at molting, when the cuticle is being digested, it is also found in the cuticle of surface integument, tracheae, foregut and hindgut and in the molting fluid. CECP22 exists in two forms. The large form (19.17 kDa, pI 6.2) becomes smaller (16.1 kDa, pI 7.4) by cleavage at the proteolytic cleavage site (position 170) with amidation of the C-terminal. The small, more basic peptide, appears only at molting, first in the cuticle and then in the molting fluid. It is presumed to be the active form of an amidase involved in the earliest stages of cuticle degradation. The inactive form accumulates in the hemolymph during the long intermolt and probably represents an abundant source of precursor enzyme that can be provided to all cuticle containing organs for a precise initiation of cuticle degradation.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that Rhodnius prolixus' eggs and hemolymph are pink due to the presence of the hemeprotein Rhodnius heme-binding protein (RHBP). In the hemolymph it functions as an antioxidant. Nevertheless, its function in eggs has not been determined. Here we present evidence that RHBP is a source of heme for embryonic development. RHBP content decreases during embryogenesis, but the total heme content of eggs remains unchanged. Biliverdin, the product of heme degradation, is not detectable in late embryos. The activity of the heme-synthesizing pathway is low throughout embryogenesis and rises sharply after nymphs' hatching. Heme-radiolabeled eggs were produced and, at the day of hatching, nymphs were dissected. The presence of radiolabeled heme in their carcass is an indication that heme reutilization is occurring. The only animal known to reutilize heme in significant levels is the cattle tick Boophilus microplus, which cannot synthesize its own heme. Diversely, Rhodnius can synthesize its own heme but, in the context of embryogenesis, heme demand seems to be supplied by the programmed release of heme form RHBP. This behavior indicates that in Rhodnius, we might have a highly unusual profile: heme is both synthesized and reutilized.  相似文献   

The characterization of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in hematophagous arthropod vectors in general has been limited, with the exception of the studies in the triatomine Rhodnius prolixus. Heparan sulfate (HS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) were previously identified and structurally characterized in extracts of whole bodies of fourth instar larvae of R. prolixus. Recently, we showed the expression of these two sulfated GAGs in specific body tissues of adult males and females and in embryos of R. prolixus. In the present work, we identified and compared the sulfated GAG composition in specific tissues of adult insects and in embryos of another triatomine species, Triatoma brasiliensis. Sulfated GAGs were isolated from the fat body, intestinal tract, and the reproductive tracts of adult insects and from embryos. Only HS and CS were found in the tissues analyzed. The present results extend the initial observations on the sulfated GAG composition in R. prolixus by showing that these molecules are widely distributed among internal organs of triatomines. These observations may be useful for future investigations aiming to evaluate the possible implication of these compounds in physiological events that take place in a specific organ(s) in these insects.  相似文献   

Six neuron types are distinguished in the pars intercerebralis of the starved fifth instar of Rhodnius prolixus. All neuron types contain electron dense secretory granules derived from Golgi complexes which are of characteristic size and morphology in each type. The neuron types are not thought to represent stages in a secretory cycle. The variety of neuron types described is related to that revealed by staining sections of the same cells with paraldehyde fuchsin. Active synthesis of neurosecretory granules continues throughout starvation and the lysosomal system appears to be involved in the continual degradation of secretory granules. Some of the variations in granule morphology observed may be a consequence of granule fusion and the importance of cytoplasmic events in the development of neurosecretory granules is discussed.  相似文献   

The utilization of dietary lipids was studied in adult females of Rhodnius prolixus with the use of radiolabeled triacylglycerol (TAG). It was shown that (3)H-triolein, when added to blood meal, was hydrolyzed to free fatty acids in the posterior midgut lumen. Subsequently, free fatty acids were absorbed by posterior midgut epithelium and used in the synthesis of phospholipids, diacylglycerol (DAG) and TAG. Phospholipids, DAG and free fatty acids were then found in hemolymph, from where they were rapidly cleared, and label was found in the fat body, mainly associated with TAG. Radioactive lipids, especially TAG and phospholipids, also accumulated in the ovaries. The TAG-lipase activities of posterior midgut luminal content and tissue were characterized by incubation of these samples with (3)H-triolein in the presence of the detergent Triton X-100 and determination of the amounts of released radioactive free fatty acids. Under the conditions employed here, the release of free fatty acids was proportional to the incubation time and to the amount of sample obtained from insect midgut (enzyme source) that was added. TAG-lipase activities were affected by pH and posterior midgut tissue showed optimum activity around pH 7.0-7.5, but the luminal content had the highest activities as pH decreased. Differences in activities were observed according to calcium concentration in the medium. TAG-lipase activities were also affected by the concentration of NaCl and were activated in the presence of increasing salt concentrations. These activities were inhibited by phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride (PMSF). On the second day after blood meal, when digestion is very intense, TAG-lipase activities were maximal and then gradually decreased.  相似文献   

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