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Raak  Norbert  Brehm  Lena  Leidner  Rebecca  Henle  Thomas  Rohm  Harald  Jaros  Doris 《Food biophysics》2020,15(1):32-41

Casein is a group of milk proteins with high nutritional value, and the exploitation of its techno-functional potentials has been investigated for decades. In this study, acid casein powder was dissolved in 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffers with different pH, resulting in casein solutions with pH 5.9, 6.6 and 7.3. During preparation and storage (40 °C) of the samples, casein hydrolysis was observed in size exclusion chromatography and gel electrophoresis. The degree of hydrolysis increased with increasing pH, and treatment of casein with commercial plasmin resulted in similar polypeptides, suggesting that the hydrolysis was caused by residual indigenous plasmin present in the acid casein powder. Most polypeptides could be cross-linked by microbial transglutaminase, except for one particular fraction which appeared at constant intensity in the chromatograms. The stiffness of acid-induced gels as determined in small amplitude oscillatory shear rheology decreased with increasing degree of hydrolysis, and was also lower for cross-linked samples when the preceding casein hydrolysis was more pronounced. Enzymatic cross-linking increased the resistance of casein against plasmin-related hydrolysis, presumably because of the resulting lysine modification. However, one particular fraction of polypeptides was released by hydrolysis in spite of cross-linking, suggesting that they did not contain lysine residues that are susceptible for mTGase. The results indicate that plasmin-related hydrolysis should be taken into account for the application of acid casein or sodium caseinate as additive in food design.


Geobacter sulfurreducens reduced Ag(I) (as insoluble AgCl or Ag+ ions), via a mechanism involving c-type cytochromes, precipitating extracellular nanoscale Ag(0). These results extend the range of metals known to be reduced by Geobacter species and offer a method for recovering silver from contaminated water as potentially useful silver nanoparticles.  相似文献   



Extensive variations in human surfactant protein D (SP-D) levels in circulation as measured by ELISA exist in the published literature. In order to determine the source of these variations, factors influencing the measurement by ELISA were explored.

Materials and Methods

Peripheral blood from healthy individuals was collected into various vacutainers during the same blood draw. Recombinant SP-D was diluted into different matrices and used for a standard curve. Samples were analyzed by capture ELISA using one of two distinct detection antibodies.


The type of matrix had some effects on detection of recombinant SP-D. The type of anticoagulant used and dilution factor had very little effect, except for in plasma collected in EDTA vacutainers. The extent of variation in published values seemed to be due to the ELISA configuration employed, and, in agreement with this, we found that by switching the detection antibody, there was a 50% decrease in the extrapolated SP-D value of serum and plasma samples. Storage of samples resulted in slight changes in measured SP-D levels.


The ELISA configuration employed to measure circulating levels of SP-D has a significant effect on the extrapolated values. In both configurations tested, the use of EDTA as a coagulant resulted in inconsistent values, and we, therefore, suggest the avoidance of this anticoagulant when assaying for SP-D by ELISA. While the demonstrated effects of several factors on measurement of SP-D may not account for all the disparities amongst the previous studies, they stress that variations in methodologies for measuring the same protein can result in very inconsistent results.  相似文献   

Certain strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum produce large quantities of polysaccharide in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) nodules, and nodule polysaccharide (NPS) is different from that produced in culture. A previous survey of field-grown plants showed highly variable levels of NPS among field sites. To obtain clues about the possible function of NPS, we conducted two additional surveys of field-grown plants. The amount of polysaccharide in bulk samples of nodules was not associated with soil type, texture, slope, drainage, or any of the measured soil chemical properties except pH and [Ca]. Correlations with pH and [Ca] were positive and highly significant for two independent surveys involving a total of 77 sites in two years. In a preliminary comparison of high and low levels of Ca supplied to soybean plants grown in silica sand in a greenhouse, a high level of Ca (200 mg of Ca liter-1) increased the NPS level and increased the Ca content of the polysaccharide fraction. B. japonicum isolates from 450 nodules collected at 10 field sites in 1993 were used to form nodules on soybean plants grown in sand culture in a greenhouse in order to examine bacterial phenotype under controlled conditions. Results showed that the NPS level in the bulk nodule sample from any given site was a function of the proportion of nodule occupants that were capable of NPS synthesis. Thus, a higher soil pH and/or [Ca] may positively influence the survival of B. japonicum capable of synthesis of the nodule-specific polysaccharide.  相似文献   

利用纤维素酶从桑葚中提取桑葚多糖,通过单因素实验和L9(34)正交实验研究酶用量、酶解时间、酶解温度对桑葚多糖提取率的影响。实验结果表明:纤维素酶能够显著提高桑椹多糖的提取率,并且提取温度是最重要的影响因素,其次是酶解时间,酶用量在此实验范围内对测定结果的影响最小,提取的最佳工艺条件为:酶解温度45℃,酶解时间150 min,酶用量4.0 mL。  相似文献   

The plaque-producing properties of Streptococcus sanguis, Streptococcus salivarius, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus mitis and Streptococcus faecalis were investigated in an artificial mouth with continuous supply of nutrient. Attention was focused on the role of salivary factors and sucrose in tooth colonization. Plaque formation by single cultures depended on the ability to produce tenacious extracellular polysaccharide or to cohabit the tooth with an organism having this property. Sucrose was the only essential additive to nutrient broth necessary for plaque formation and could not be substituted by sterile natural saliva. Saliva neither facilitated colonization by Strep. mitis nor prevented colonization by Strep. salivarius as may have been supposed from previous reports.  相似文献   

Biogenetic silica displays intricate patterns assembling from nano- to microsize level and interesting non-spherical structures differentiating in specific directions. Several model systems have been proposed to explain the formation of biosilica nanostructures. Of them, phase separation based on the physicochemical properties of organic amines was considered to be responsible for the pattern formation of biosilica. In this paper, using tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS, Si(OCH2CH3)4) as silica precursor, phospholipid (PL) and dodecylamine (DA) were introduced to initiate phase separation of organic components and influence silica precipitation. Morphology, structure and composition of the mineralized products were characterized using a range of techniques including field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), infrared spectra (IR), and nitrogen physisorption. The results demonstrate that the phase separation process of the organic components leads to the formation of asymmetrically non-spherical silica structures, and the aspect ratios of the asymmetrical structures can be well controlled by varying the concentration of PL and DA. On the basis of the time-dependent experiments, a tentative mechanism is also proposed to illustrate the asymmetrical morphogenesis. Therefore, our results imply that in addition to explaining the hierarchical porous nanopatterning of biosilica, the phase separation process may also be responsible for the growth differentiation of siliceous structures in specific directions. Because organic amine (e.g., long-chair polyamines), phospholipids (e.g., silicalemma) and the phase separation process are associated with the biosilicification of diatoms, our results may provide a new insight into the mechanism of biosilicification.  相似文献   

Bovine serum albumin was selected as a model protein to study the molecular mechanism of interaction between flexible polymer with net negative electrical charge (polyvinylsulphonate and polyacrylic acid) and a non-charged polymer such as poly(ethylene) poly(propylene) oxide (molecular mass 8,400) by using spectroscopies techniques combination: fluorescence emission and circular dichroism. Polyvinylsulphonate and polyacrylic acid interact with the protein due to the coulombic interaction between positive charged protein groups such as amine of lysine and histydine. The poly(ethylene)-poly(propylene) oxide increased the hydrophobic microenvironment around the tryptophan residues. This polymer preserved the secondary and tertiary structure of the protein and did not induce any significant modification in the protein surface area exposed to the solvent.  相似文献   

利用农杆菌渗入法(Agroinfiltration)在植物中瞬间表达重组蛋白的系统,具有高效、安全、简便的特点,是一种重要的生产重组蛋白的方法。概述了Agroinfiltration系统的建立、发展及在生产重组蛋白领域的应用进展;并对影响该系统的技术因素作了深入探讨。  相似文献   

脂肪乳剂理化性质和稳定性的影响因素浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
静脉注射脂肪乳剂是由两种互不相溶的液体(油相和水相)混合而成,是水不溶性药物的良好栽体,可以提高易水解药物的稳定性并且减少各种毒副作用.脂肪乳荆属于热力学不稳定体系,其会表现出各种不稳定的现象如聚集,絮凝,聚结等,最终可能出现相分离.本文就处方、工艺及包装等影响脂肪乳剂理化性质及稳定性的主要因素进行综述.  相似文献   

Abstract: A portion of the neurofibrillary tangles of Alzheimer's disease has the characteristics of cross-linked protein. Because the principal component of these lesions is the microtubule-associated protein tau, and because a major source of cross-linking activity within neurons is supplied by tissue transglutaminase (TGase), it has been postulated that isopeptide bond formation is a major posttranslational modification leading to the formation of insoluble neurofibrillary tangles. Here we have mapped the sites on two isoforms of human tau protein (τ23 and τ40) capable of participating in human TGase-mediated isopeptide bond formation. Using dansyl-labeled fluorescent probes, it was shown that eight Gln residues can function as amine acceptor residues, with two major sites being Gln351 and Gln424. In addition, 10 Lys residues were identified as amine donors, most of which are clustered adjacent to the microtubule-binding repeats of tau in regions known to be solvent accessible in filamentous tau. The distribution of amine donors correlated closely with that of Arg residues, suggesting a link between neighboring positive charge and the TGase selectivity for donor sites in the protein substrate. Apart from revealing the sites that can be cross-linked during the TGase-catalyzed assembly of tau filaments, the results suggest a topography for the tau monomers so assembled.  相似文献   

本文介绍植物C4光合途径形成的发育、光照、CO2浓度、温度和湿度等因素的调节,以及C4途径建立的分子调控的研究进展。  相似文献   

A polysaccharide-rich substance isolated from black currant, named cassis polysaccharide (CAPS), was partially digested with β-galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae and its immunostimulatory activity was investigated. The in vitro cytokine-inducing effect of CAPS on RAW264 cells was gradually decreased along with lowering of the average MW of CAPS. In vivo, partially digested CAPS with a mean MW of approximately 20,000 showed the most potent antitumor activity against Ehrlich carcinoma in mice.  相似文献   

Evaluation of biomass crops for breeding or pricing purposes requires an assay that predicts performance in the bioenergy conversion process. Cell wall polysaccharide hydrolysis was compared for a dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment at 121°C followed with cellulase hydrolysis for 72?h conversion assay (CONV) with in vitro rumen microflora incubation for 72?h (RUMEN) for a set of maize (Zea mays L.) stover samples with a wide range in cell wall composition. Residual polysaccharides from the assays were analyzed for sugar components and extent of hydrolysis calculated. Cell wall polysaccharide hydrolysis was different for all sugar components between the CONV and RUMEN assays. The CONV assay hydrolyzed xylose-, arabinose-, galactose-, and uronic acid-containing polysaccharides to a greater degree than did the RUMEN assay, whereas the RUMEN assay was more effective at hydrolyzing glucose- and mannose-containing polysaccharides. Greater hydrolysis of hemicelluloses and pectins by CONV can be attributed to the acid hydrolysis mechanism of the CONV assay for noncellulosic polysaccharides, whereas the RUMEN assay was dependent on enzymatic hydrolysis. While CONV and RUMEN hydrolysis were correlated for most polysaccharide components, the greatest correlation was only r?=?0.70 for glucose-containing polysaccharides. Linear correlations and multiple regressions indicated that polysaccharide hydrolysis by the RUMEN assay was negatively associated with lignin concentration and ferulate ether cross linking as expected. Corresponding correlations and regressions for CONV were less consistent and occasionally positive. Use of rumen microbial hydrolysis to characterize biomass performance in a conversion process may have some limited usefulness for genetic evaluations, but such assays would be unreliable for biomass pricing.  相似文献   

Poor consistency of the ice thickness from one area of a cryo-electron microscope (cryo-EM) specimen grid to another, from one grid to the next, and from one type of specimen to another, motivates a reconsideration of how to best prepare suitably thin specimens. Here we first review the three related topics of wetting, thinning, and stability against dewetting of aqueous films spread over a hydrophilic substrate. We then suggest that the importance of there being a surfactant monolayer at the air-water interface of thin, cryo-EM specimens has been largely underappreciated. In fact, a surfactant layer (of uncontrolled composition and surface pressure) can hardly be avoided during standard cryo-EM specimen preparation. We thus suggest that better control over the composition and properties of the surfactant layer may result in more reliable production of cryo-EM specimens with the desired thickness.  相似文献   

重组蛋白在中国仓鼠卵巢细胞中高效表达的影响因素   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
高效表达重组蛋白 ,对于生物制药意义重大。大多数药用蛋白是糖蛋白 ,中国仓鼠卵巢细胞 (Chinesehamsterovarycell,CHO)是目前重组糖基蛋白生产的首选体系。影响外源蛋白在CHO细胞中表达的因素很多 ,从CHO细胞表达体系、表达载体系统、外源基因、表达细胞株的加压扩增与筛选、细胞大规模培养等方面对CHO高效表达加以阐述 ,同时提出存在的问题和未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

This study investigated physicochemical properties of soy soluble polysaccharide (SSP) and pectinase-hydrolysed soy soluble polysaccharide (PH-SSP) from okara, the residue from soy milk production, and their influences when used as a fibre source in oil-in-water (o/w) emulsions. Although pectinase hydrolysed only the carbohydrate fraction in SSP, it resulted in the self-association of PH-SSP to the large-size aggregates. When PH-SSP was added to liquid emulsion containing 3.33% (w/v) rice bran oil and 3.75% (w/v) heated soy protein, it regulated the contents of protein in serum phase, sediment phase and at oil–water interface. The types and contents of soy proteins in the serum phase and sediment phase could be manipulated by pre-heating of soy proteins at 80 °C for 30 min and the addition of PH-SSP. The presence of PH-SSP (0–6% w/v) induced different distribution of proteins to the sediment phase and subsequent in vitro protein digestion in the emulsion. Overall, this study proposed the means to design the distributions of proteins in different phases of o/w emulsion for different degrees of oil release, emulsion stability and protein-polysaccharide coacervation during the course of in vitro peptic and tryptic digestion.  相似文献   

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