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In flies, small silencing RNAs are sorted between Argonaute1 (Ago1), the central protein component of the microRNA (miRNA) pathway, and Argonaute2 (Ago2), which mediates RNA interference. Extensive double-stranded character—as is found in small interfering RNAs (siRNAs)—directs duplexes into Ago2, whereas central mismatches, like those found in miRNA/miRNA* duplexes, direct duplexes into Ago1. Central to this sorting decision is the affinity of the small RNA duplex for the Dcr-2/R2D2 heterodimer, which loads small RNAs into Ago2. Here, we show that while most Drosophila miRNAs are bound to Ago1, miRNA* strands accumulate bound to Ago2. Like siRNA loading, efficient loading of miRNA* strands in Ago2 favors duplexes with a paired central region and requires both Dcr-2 and R2D2. Those miRNA and miRNA* sequences bound to Ago2, like siRNAs diced in vivo from long double-stranded RNA, typically begin with cytidine, whereas Ago1-bound miRNA and miRNA* disproportionately begin with uridine. Consequently, some pre-miRNA generate two or more isoforms from the same side of the stem that differentially partition between Ago1 and Ago2. Our findings provide the first genome-wide test for the idea that Drosophila small RNAs are sorted between Ago1 and Ago2 according to their duplex structure and the identity of their first nucleotide.  相似文献   

The structural flexibility of RNA interference (RNAi)-triggering nucleic acids suggests that the design of unconventional RNAi trigger structures with novel features is possible. Here, we report a cross-shaped RNA duplex structure, termed quadruple interfering RNA (qiRNA), with multiple target gene silencing activity. qiRNA triggers the simultaneous down-regulation of four cellular target genes via an RNAi mechanism. In addition, qiRNA shows enhanced intracellular delivery and target gene silencing over conventional siRNA when complexed with jetPEI, a linear polyethyleneimine (PEI). We also show that the long antisense strand of qiRNA is incorporated intact into an RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). This novel RNA scaffold further expands the repertoire of RNAi-triggering molecular structures and could be used in the development of therapeutics for various diseases including viral infections and cancer.  相似文献   

The in vivo accessibility of the chick embryo makes it a favoured model system for experimental developmental biology. Although the range of available techniques now extends to miss-expression of genes through in ovo electroporation, it remains difficult to knock out individual gene expression. Recently, the possibility of silencing gene expression by RNAi in chick embryos has been reported. However, published studies show only discrete quantitative differences in the expression of the endogenous targeted genes and unclear morphological alterations. To elucidate whether the tools currently available are adequate to silence gene expression sufficiently to produce a clear and specific null-like mutant phenotype, we have performed several experiments with different molecules that trigger RNAi: dsRNA, siRNA, and shRNA produced from a plasmid coexpressing green fluorescent protein as an internal marker. Focussing on fgf8 expression in the developing isthmus, we show that no morphological defects are observed, and that fgf8 expression is neither silenced in embryos microinjected with dsRNA nor in embryos microinjected and electroporated with a pool of siRNAs. Moreover, fgf8 expression was not significantly silenced in most isthmic cells transformed with a plasmid producing engineered shRNAs to fgf8. We also show that siRNA molecules do not spread significantly from cell to cell as reported for invertebrates, suggesting the existence of molecular differences between different model systems that may explain the different responses to RNAi. Although our results are basically in agreement with previously reported studies, we suggest, in contrast to them, that with currently available tools and techniques the number of cells in which fgf8 gene expression is decreased, if any, is not sufficient to generate a detectable mutant phenotype, thus making RNAi useless as a routine method for functional gene analysis in chick embryos.  相似文献   

The rough endoplasmic reticulum isolated from several eukaryotic cell lines can be separated into subfractions. These subfractions possess different properties indicating that they represent separate domains of the endoplasmic reticulum system.  相似文献   

The Fascinating World of RNA Interference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Micro- and short-interfering RNAs represent small RNA family that are recognized as critical regulatory species across the eukaryotes. Recent high-throughput sequencing have revealed two more hidden players of the cellular small RNA pool. Reported in mammals and Caenorhabditis elegans respectively, these new small RNAs are named piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) and 21U-RNAs. Moreover, small RNAs including miRNAs have been identified in unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, redefining the earlier concept of multi-cellularity restricted presence of these molecules. The discovery of these species of small RNAs has allowed us to understand better the usage of genome and the number of genes present but also have complicated the situation in terms of biochemical attributes and functional genesis of these molecules. Nonetheless, these new pools of knowledge have opened up avenues for unraveling the finer details of the small RNA mediated pathways.  相似文献   

The laminin-binding protein, variously called the 37/67-kDa high affinity laminin receptor or p40, mediates the attachment of normal cells to the laminin network, and also has a role as a ribosomal protein. Over-expression of this protein has been strongly correlated with the metastatic phenotype. However, few studies have investigated the cellular consequence of the ablation of this gene's expression. To address this issue, the expression of the 37/67-kDa high affinity laminin receptor was knocked out with several siRNA constructs via RNA interference in transformed liver (Hep3B) cells. In each case where the message was specifically ablated, apoptosis was induced, as determined by annexin V/propidium iodide staining, and by double staining with annexin V and an antibody directed against the 37/67-kDa high affinity laminin receptor. These results suggest that this protein plays a critical role in maintaining cell viability.  相似文献   

The Akt kinase is a critical effector in growth factor signaling. Activation of Akt driven by the growth factor dependent PI3K (phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase) is coupled to the plasma membrane translocation and phosphorylation of Akt on two sites by PDK1 (phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1) on Thr-308 and by mTORC2 (mammalian Target of Rapamycin Complex 2) on Ser-473. In our study we examined the sub-cellular localization of mTORC2 and identified that this kinase complex predominantly resides on endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Our immunostaining analysis did not show a substantial co-localization of the mTORC2 component rictor with Golgi, lysosome, clathrin-coated vesicles, early endosomes, or plasma membrane but indicated a strong co-localization of rictor with ribosomal protein S6 and ER marker. Our biochemical study also identified the mTORC2 components rictor, SIN1, and mTOR as the highly abundant proteins in the ER fraction, whereas only small amount of these proteins are detected in the plasma membrane and cytosolic fractions. We found that growth factor signaling does not alter the ER localization of mTORC2 and also does not induce its translocation to the plasma membrane. Based on our study we suggest that the mTORC2-dependent phosphorylation of Akt on Ser-473 takes place on the surface of ER.  相似文献   

The HEN1 RNA methyltransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana catalyzes S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet)-dependent 2′-O-methylation at the 3′-termini of small double-stranded RNAs and is a crucial factor in the biogenesis of plant small noncoding RNAs, such as miRNAs or siRNAs. We performed functional and kinetic studies of the full-length HEN1 methyltransferase and its truncated form comprising the C-terminal part of the protein (residues 666–942) with a variety of model RNA substrates. Kinetic parameters obtained with natural RNA substrates indicate that HEN1 is highly catalytically efficient in the absence of any supplementary proteins. We find that the enzyme modifies individual strands in succession leading to complete methylation of an RNA duplex. The rates of methyl group transfer to individual strands of hemimethylated substrates under single turnover conditions are comparable with the multiple turnover rate under steady-state conditions, suggesting that release of reaction products is not a rate-limiting event in the reaction cycle. The truncated protein, which includes conserved motifs characteristic for AdoMet binding, efficiently modifies double-stranded RNA substrates in vitro; however, in contrast to the full-length methyltransferase, it shows weaker interactions with both substrates and is sensitive to base mispairing in the first and second positions of the RNA duplex. Our findings suggest an important role for the N-terminal domains in stabilizing the catalytic complex and indicate that major structural determinants required for selective recognition and methylation of RNA duplexes reside in the C-terminal domain.  相似文献   

Cytyledons of the common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L., were incubated with radioactive amino acids at different stages of seed development. The proteins were fractionated by ion-exchange chromatography, sucrose gradients, and sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. From 16 to 28 d after flowering about 40% of the incorporated radioactivity was associated with the polypeptides of vicilin and 10% with those of phytohemagglutinin.Polysomes were isolated from developing cotyledons 20–25 d after flowering and free polysomes were separated from membrane-bound polysomes. Aurintricarboxylic acid, an inhibitor of initiation in cell-free translation systems, did not inhibit the incorporation of amino acids into in-vitro synthesized proteins, indicating that synthesis was limited to the completion of already initiated polypeptides. Autofluorography of SDS-polyacrylamide gels showed that the two classes of polysomes made two different sets of polypeptides and that there was little overlap between these two sets.Four polypeptides similar in size to the 4 polypeptides of vicilin were made by membrane-bound polysomes and not by free polysomes. Antibodies specific for vicilin bound to those 4 polypeptides. Free polysomes made only polypeptides which did not bind to antibodies specific for vicilin. Antibodies against phytohemagglutinin did not bind to any of the invitro synthesized polypeptides.The membranes to which the polysomes were bound were characterized on sucrose gradients and by electron microscopy. Polysomes recovered from membranes which banded on top of 35 and 50% sucrose synthesized the vicilin polypeptides most rapidly. These membrane fractions were rich in vesicles of rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The ER marker-enzyme NADH-cytochrome-c reductase banded with an average density of 1.18 g/cm3 (40% w/w sucrose) on continuous gradients. These experiments demonstrate that the ER is the site of vicilin synthesis in developing bean cotyledons. Quantitative determinations of several ER parameters (RNA and lipid-phosphate content, NADH-cytochrome-c-reductase activity) show that expansion of the cotyledons is accompanied by a 4-6-fold increase in ER.  相似文献   

Translin is a nucleic acid binding protein that has been implicated in regulating the targeting and translation of dendritic RNA. In previous studies, we found that Translin and its partner protein, Trax, are components of a gel-shift complex that is highly enriched in brain extracts. In those studies, we employed a DNA oligonucleotide, GS1, as a probe to label the complex. Translin has also been identified as a component of a gel-shift complex detected using an RNA oligonucleotide probe, derived from the 3' UTR of protamine-2 mRNA. Although we had assumed that these probes labeled the same complex, recent studies indicate that association of Trax with Translin suppresses its RNA binding activity. As these findings challenge this assumption and suggest that the native RNA binding complex does not contain Trax, we have re-examined this issue. We have found that the gel-shift complexes labeled with either GS1 or protamine-2 probes are "supershifted" by addition of Trax antibodies, indicating that both are heteromeric Translin/Trax complexes. In addition, cross-competition studies provide additional evidence that these probes label the same complex. Furthermore, analysis of recombinant Translin/Trax complexes generated by co-transfection of Trax with Translin in hEK293T demonstrates that they are labeled with either probe. Although recombinant Translin forms a homomeric nucleic acid binding complex in vitro, our findings indicate that both Trax and Translin are components of the native gel-shift complex labeled with either GS1 or protamine-2 probes.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi)‐based technology has emerged as a potential tool for controlling insect pests, however, previous studies found that the efficiency of RNAi in Bactrocera dorsalis was variable. In nature, insects often meet various challenges, such as pathogen infections, extreme temperatures, lack of nutrition and heavy metals. To better understand the association of the stressors with efficiency of RNAi, in the current study we tested the expression of three core genes, dicer2 (Bddcr2), r2d2 (Bdr2d2) and argonaute2 (Bdago2), of the small interfering RNA (siRNA) pathway of B. dorsalis upon various stressors. Our results showed that all three genes were upregulated by the infection of invertebrate iridescent virus 6, which suggested a function of the siRNA pathway against viral infection. The loading of FeCl3 could also increase the expression of Bddcr2. The treatments of Escherichia coli, extremely high (40°C) and low (0°C) temperatures, as well as starvation, could negatively influence the expression of Bddcr2 and/or Bdago2. In total, our results showed that various stressors could influence the expression of core components of B. dorsalis siRNA pathway. This highlights further speculation on the RNAi efficiency upon these stressors. Considering the complexity and variation of RNAi efficiency in different conditions, these results provide initial aspects in possible environmental stressors to influence the activity of the siRNA pathway, but the real impact of RNAi efficiency posed by these stressors requires further studies.  相似文献   

Previously, we found that silencing suppression by the 2b protein and six mutants correlated both with their ability to bind to double-stranded (ds) small RNAs (sRNAs) in vitro and with their nuclear/nucleolar localization. To further discern the contribution to suppression activity of sRNA binding and of nuclear localization, we have characterized the kinetics of in vitro binding to a ds sRNA, a single-stranded (ss) sRNA, and a micro RNA (miRNA) of the native 2b protein and eight mutant variants. We have also added a nuclear export signal (NES) to the 2b protein and assessed how it affected subcellular distribution and suppressor activity. We found that in solution native protein bound ds siRNA, miRNA, and ss sRNA with high affinity, at protein:RNA molar ratios ~2:1. Of the four mutants that retained suppressor activity, three showed sRNA binding profiles similar to those of the native protein, whereas the remaining one bound ss sRNA at a 2:1 molar ratio, but both ds sRNAs with 1.5-2 times slightly lower affinity. Three of the four mutants lacking suppressor activity failed to bind to any sRNA, whereas the remaining one bound them at far higher ratios. NES-tagged 2b protein became cytoplasmic, but suppression activity in patch assays remained unaffected. These results support binding to sRNAs at molar ratios at or near 2:1 as critical to the suppressor activity of the 2b protein. They also show that cytoplasmically localized 2b protein retained suppressor activity, and that a sustained nuclear localization was not required for this function.  相似文献   

SID-1 is a transmembrane protein that mediates systemic RNA interference in Caenorhabditis elegans. Here we show that the mammalian SID-1 homologue FLJ20174 localizes to the cell membrane of human cells and enhances their uptake of small interfering RNA (siRNA), resulting in increased siRNA-mediated gene silencing efficacy. This is the first demonstration to show that overexpression of a membrane protein enhances siRNA internalization in mammalian cells. This observation raises the possibility of enhancing the efficacy of RNA interference.  相似文献   

RNA silencing is a conserved eukaryotic pathway in which double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) triggers destruction of homologous target RNA via production of short-interfering RNA (siRNA). In plants, at least some cases of RNA silencing can spread systemically. The signal responsible for systemic spread is expected to include an RNA component to account for the sequence specificity of the process, and transient silencing assays have shown that the capacity for systemic silencing correlates with the accumulation of a particular class of small RNA. Here, we report the results of grafting experiments to study transmission of silencing from stably transformed tobacco lines in the presence or absence of helper component-proteinase (HC-Pro), a viral suppressor of silencing. The studied lines carry either a tail-to-tail inverted repeat, the T4-IR transgene locus, or one of two different amplicon transgene loci encoding replication-competent viral RNA. We find that the T4-IR locus, like many sense-transgene-silenced loci, can send a systemic silencing signal, and this ability is not detectably altered by HC-Pro. Paradoxically, neither amplicon locus effectively triggers systemic silencing except when suppressed for silencing by HC-Pro. In contrast to results from transient assays, these grafting experiments reveal no consistent correlation between capacity for systemic silencing and accumulation of any particular class of small RNA. In addition, although all transgenic lines used to transmit systemic silencing signals were methylated at specific sites within the transgene locus, silencing in grafted scions occurred without detectable methylation at those sites in the target locus of the scion.  相似文献   

The small RNA world of plants   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

RNA interference (RNAi) can achieve sequence-selective inactivation of gene expression in a wide variety of eukaryotes by introducing double-stranded RNA corresponding to the target gene. Here we explore the potential of RNAi as a therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) caused by mutations in the Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) gene. Although the mutant SOD1 is toxic, the wild-type SOD1 performs important functions. Therefore, the ideal therapeutic strategy should be to selectively inhibit the mutant, but not the wild-type SOD1 expression. Because most SOD1 mutations are single nucleotide changes, to selectively silence the mutant requires single-nucleotide specificity. By coupling rational design of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) with their validation in RNAi reactions in vitro and in vivo, we have identified siRNA sequences with this specificity. A similarly designed sequence, when expressed as small hairpin RNA (shRNA) under the control of an RNA polymerase III (pol III) promoter, retains the single-nucleotide specificity. Thus, RNAi is a promising therapy for ALS and other disorders caused by dominant, gain-of-function gene mutations.  相似文献   

Summary ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake into isolated pancreatic acinar cells with permeabilized plasma membranes, as well as into isolated endoplasmic reticulum prepared from these cells, was measured using a Ca2+-specific electrode and45Ca2+. Endoplasmic reticulum was purified on an isopycnic Percoll gradient and characterized by marker enzyme distribution. When compared to the total homogenate, the typical marker for the rough endoplasmic reticulum RNA was enriched threefold and the typical marker for the plasma membrane Na+,K+(Mg2+)ATPase was decreased 20-fold. When different fractions of the Percoll gradient were compared,45Ca2+ uptake correlated with the RNA content and not with the Na+,K+(Mg2+)ATPase activity. The characteristics of nonmitochondrial Ca2+ uptake into leaky isolated cells and45Ca2+ uptake into isolated endoplasmic reticulum were very similar: Calcium uptake was maximal at 0.3 and 0.2 mmol/liter free Mg2+, at 1 and 1 mmol/liter ATP, at pH 6.0 and 6.5, and free Ca2+ concentration of 2 and 2 mol/liter, respectively. Calcium uptake decreased at higher free Ca2+ concentration.45Ca2+ uptake was dependent on monovalent cations (Rb+>K+>Na+>Li+>choline+) and different anions (Cl>Br>SO 4 2– >NO 3 >I>cyclamate>SCN) in both preparations. Twenty mmol/liter oxalate enhanced45Ca2+ uptake in permeabilized cells 10-fold and in vesicles of endoplasmic reticulum, fivefold. Calcium oxalate precipitates in the endoplasmic reticulum of both preparations could be demonstrated by electron microscopy. The nonmitochondrial Ca2+ pool in permeabilized cells characterized in this study has been previously shown to regulate the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration to 0.4 mol/liter. Our results provide firm evidence that the endoplasmic reticulum plays an important role in the regulation of the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration in pancreatic acinar cells.  相似文献   

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