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The mode of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) inheritance was investigated in the genus Larrea (Zygophyllaceae) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of cpDNA fragments using three pairs of chloroplast universal primers. A total of 20 F(1)s from interspecific crosses among five different taxa in the section Bifolium was examined. Twelve F(1)s were from six crosses between L. cuneifolia (4x) and L. divaricata (2x) (Peru or Argentina) or L. tridentata (2x or 4x). Eight F(1)s were from two sets of reciprocal crosses between L. divaricata (2x) (Argentina) and L. tridentata (2x). Length polymorphism was observed in all three regions of cpDNA that separated L. cuneifolia parents from L. divaricata and L. tridentata parents and in one of the three cpDNA regions that differentiated L. divaricata (Argentina) parents from L. tridentata (2x) parents. In each case, it was the paternal cpDNA marker that appeared in the F(1) individuals. This was further confirmed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the amplified cpDNA fragments. Larrea may be the fifth genus reported in angiosperms with a paternal bias in cpDNA transmission. Possible mechanisms that may result in paternal cpDNA inheritance were briefly reviewed. Based on the observed uniparental paternal inheritance of cpDNA, restriction analysis of the three cpDNA regions and previous cytogenetic studies, L. divaricata was probably the maternal progenitor of L. cuneifolia.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of organelle DNAs in loblolly pine was studied by using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Chloroplast DNA from loblolly pine is paternally inherited in pitch pine x loblolly pine hybrids. Mitochondrial DNA is maternally inherited in loblolly pine crosses. The uniparental inheritance of organelle genomes from opposite sexes within the same plant appears to be unique among those higher plants that have been tested and indicates that loblolly pine, and possibly other conifers, must have special mechanisms for organelle exclusion or degradation or both. This genetic system creates an exceptional opportunity for the study of maternal and paternal genetic lineages within a single species.  相似文献   

Organelle inheritance in intergeneric hybrids of Festuca pratensis and Lolium perenne was investigated by restriction enzyme and Southern blot analyses of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). All F1 hybrids exhibited maternal inheritance of both cpDNA and mtDNA. However, examination of backcross hybrids, obtained by backcrossing the intergeneric F1 hybrids to L. Perenne, indicated that both uniparental maternal organelle inheritance and uniparental paternal organelle inheritance can occur in different backcross hybrids.  相似文献   

Two chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) regions exhibiting a high frequency of intra- or inter-species variation were identified in 12 accessions of the genus Medicago. Restriction maps of both regions were prepared for alfalfa, and the probable nature of the events causing the DNA differences was identified. Specific DNA fragments were then cloned for use in identification of variants in each region. Two each of M. sativa ssp. varia and ssp. caerulea and one of six M. sativa ssp. sativa single plants examined possessed cpDNA heterogeneity as identified by screening extracts for fragments generated by the presence and absence of a specific Xba I restriction site. Three plants of M. sativa ssp. sativa, two of each of sspp. varia and caerulea, and three M. scutellata were also examined for single-plant cpDNA heterogeneity at a hypervariable region where differences resulted from small insertion-deletion events. A single M. scutellata plant with mixed cpDNAs was identified. Sorting out was seen when one spp. sativa plant with mixed plastid types identifiable by the Xba I restriction site difference was vegetatively propagated. This indicated that the initial stock plant was heteroplastidic. Controlled crosses will be required in order to test whether heteroplasmy results from chloroplast transmission in the pollen and to examine the dynamic of sorting out. However, heteroplasmy is apparently not a rare situation in Medicago.Contribution No 88-547-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattan.  相似文献   

If chloroplasts purified on sucrose step gradients are treated for 10 min at 4°C with 2 M NaCl, followed by a 1000-g centrifugation, nuclear DNA contamination is reduced 1.5 to 3 fold as estimated by densitometry.  相似文献   

Summary Plastids are plant cellular organelles that are generally inherited from the maternal parent in the angiosperms. Many species exhibit biparental inheritance of plastids, but usually with a predominantly maternal influence. In contrast to this, we report strong paternal inheritance of plastids in reciprocal crosses of alfalfa, Medicago sativa, by following restriction fragment length polymorphisms for plastid DNA in two normal green plastids. Mitochondrial inheritance remained exclusively maternal.  相似文献   

通过对甘草属乌拉尔甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)、光果甘草(G.glabra)、胀果甘草(G.inflata)及其人工杂交种组合G.uralensis♀×G.glabra♂、G.glabra♀×G.uralensis♂、G.uralensis♀×G.inflata♂、G.inflata♀×G.uralensis♂共68份材料的核基因ITS序列、叶绿体rbc L、mat K、trn H-psb A基因的序列分析,探讨了甘草属叶绿体DNA遗传方式。结果表明:(1)亲本种和人工杂交种ITS序列长度均为614 bp,其中34份人工杂交种ITS序列存在4处变异位点,且人工杂交种均检测出来自父本、母本ITS序列相同位点碱基的叠加,检测率为100%。(2)亲本种与人工杂交种的叶绿体基因rbc L、mat K、trn H-psb A序列长度相同,共有4处变异位点,人工杂交种在变异位点处的碱基与其相对应的父本碱基一致率高达97.1%。以上结果说明,该研究获得34份人工杂交种为100%杂交成功的F_1子代,核基因ITS序列可用于甘草属杂交种的遗传鉴定;甘草属叶绿体rbcL、mat K、trn H-psb A基因具有父系遗传特性,推测甘草属质体的遗传方式主要表现为父系遗传,这种质体遗传方式的发现为甘草属杂交种和遗传多样性研究提供了新的认识,也为杂交种的亲本鉴定提供分子依据。  相似文献   

Summary The comparison of EcoRI patterns of chloroplast DNAs (ctDNAs) from five species of the genus Pelargonium and from 16 cultivars and varieties of Pelargonium zonale hort. demonstrates a remarkable inter- and intraspecific ctDNA (plastome) variation. The plastome of the P. zonale varieties could be differentiated into groups I, II and III. Reasons for this variation seem to be: occurrence of numerous spontaneous plastome mutations, intense hybridisation by gardeners and breeders, and biparental plastid inheritance.Crosses of P. zonale varieties with different ctDNA types lead to the direct evidence on the molecular level of biparental plastid inheritance and plastid sorting-out in F1-hybrids.  相似文献   

Summary The plastid DNAs of the species Daucus carota (ssp. sativus, libanotifolia, gingidium), D. maximus and D. muricatus were compared by restriction enzyme analysis. A number of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were observed. As expected from taxonomic data the degree of plastid DNA homology between D. carota and D. maximus is significantly higher (97%) than between D. carota and D. muricatus (70%). On the basis of RFLPs of plastid DNA the mode of plastid inheritance in interspecific crosses between D. muricatus and D. c. sativus was analysed. The results clearly indicate paternal plastid inheritance. Thus Daucus is the second genus among angiosperms transmitting predominantly male plastids.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphisms between Larix leptolepis and Larix decidua were identified in heterologous hybridization experiments, using wheat mitochondrial DNA probes specific for atp9, coxI, nad3/rps12, and orf25. Analysis of eight individuals of each reciprocal hybrid of these two species revealed that mitochondrial DNA was maternally inherited. Furthermore, sequences homologous to wheat orf25 were also identified in Larix gmelini, Larix siberica, Larix olgensis, and Larix laricina, as well as Ginkgo biloba, Picea mariana, Picea glauca and Pinus contorta.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment analysis was used to study the inheritance of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) in F1 progeny from crosses between Lens culinaris ssp. orientalis and L. culinaris ssp. culinaris. Twenty-five combinations of 11 restriction enzymes and three heterologous probes from Petunia hybrida cpDNA were used to screen six accessions of L.c. culinaris and one accession of L. c. orientalis for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). No variation in cpDNA was observed within the subspecies L. c. culinaris, but the L. c. orientalis accession was unambiguously distinguished from all six L. c. culinaris accessions by two RFLPs. Of ten F1 progeny from L. c. orientalis x L. c. culinaris crosses, nine had only maternal cpDNA restriction fragments but one F1 plant inherited cpDNA fragments from both parents. Nuclear DNA inheritance was biparental in all ten F1 progeny.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of chloroplast (cp) DNA was examined in F1 hybrid progenies of two Populus deltoides intraspecific controlled crosses and three P. deltoides × P. nigra and two P. deltoides × P. maximowiczii interspecific controlled crosses by restriction fragment analysis. Southern blots of restriction digests of parental and progeny DNAs were hybridized to cloned cpDNA fragments of Petunia hybrida. Sixteen enzymes and five heterologous cpDNA probes were used to screen restriction fragment polymorphisms among the parents. The mode of cpDNA inheritance was demonstrated in progenies of P. deltoides × P. nigra crosses with 26 restriction fragment polymorphisms of cpDNA differentiating P. deltoides from P. nigra, as revealed by 12 enzyme-probe combinations, and in progenies of P. deltoides × P. maximowiczii crosses with 12 restriction fragment polymorphisms separating P. deltoides from P. maximowiczii, as revealed by 7 restriction enzyme-probe combinations. In all cases, F1 offspring of P. deltoides × P. nigra and P. deltoides × P. maximowiczii crosses had cpDNA restriction fragments of only their maternal P. deltoides parent. The results clearly demonstrated uniparental-maternal inheritance of the chloroplast genome in interspecific hybrids of P. deltoides with P. nigra and P. maximowiczii. Intraspecific P. deltoides hybrids also had the same cpDNA restriction fragments as their maternal parent. Maternal inheritance of the chloroplast genome in Populus is in agreement with what has been observed for most other angiosperms.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) from plants contains numerous fragments of mitochondrial origin. In the present study, the association between RAPD bands and previously recognized mitochondrial polymorphism in a Larix population was used to identify fragments of mitochondrial origin and to develop PCR-based mitochondrial DNA markers useful to study phylogeny in larches, Larix sp. (Pinaceae).  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the evolution of conifer species, we constructed a physical map of the chloroplast DNA of sugi, Cryptomeria japonica, with four restriction endonucleases, PstI, SalI, SacI and XhoI. The chloroplast genome of C. japonica was found to be a circular molecule with a total size of approximately 133 kb. This molecule lacked an inverted repeat. Twenty genes were localized on the physical map of C. japonica cpDNA by Southern hybridization. The chloroplast genome structure of C. japonica showed considerable rearrangements of the standard genome type found in vascular plants and differed markedly from that of tobacco. The difference was explicable by one deletion and five inversions. The chloroplast genome of C. japonica differed too from that of the genus Pinus which also lacks one of the inverted repeats. The results indicate that the conifer group originated monophyletically from an ancient lineage, and diverged independently after loss of an inverted repeat structure.  相似文献   

Summary A restriction endonuclease fragment map of sugar beet chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) has been constructed with the enzymes SmaI, PstI and PvuII. The ctDNA was found to be contained in a circular molecule of 148.5 kbp. In common with many other higher plant ctDNAs, sugar beet ctDNA consists of two inverted repeat sequences of about 20.5 kbp separated by two single-copy regions of different sizes (about 23.2 and 84.3 kbp). Southern hybridization analyses indicated that the genes for rRNAs (23S+16S) and the large subunit of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase were located in the inverted repeats and the large single-copy regions, respectively.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis was conducted on chloroplast DNA restriction site variation in 34 genera of grasses (familyPoaceae), including 28 genera from subfam.Pooideae (representing tribesAveneae, Brachypodieae, Bromeae, Meliceae, Poeae, Stipeae, andTriticeae) and representatives of three other subfamilies,Arundinoideae, Oryzoideae, andPanicoideae. Analyses of all 34 genera always distinguishedPooideae as monophyletic, regardless of which nonpooid genus functioned as outgroup; six separate analyses of all 28 pooid genera, each including one of the six nonpooid genera as outgroup, resolved five identically-constituted clades withinPooideae (in four cases), or (in the other two cases) yielded results that were less well resolved, but not in conflict with those of the other four analyses. The four best-resolved analyses distinguishedMeliceae as the earliest diverging lineage withinPooideae, andStipeae as the next. Above the point of divergence ofStipeae is a dichotomy between supertribeTriticodae (including tribesBrachypodieae, Bromeae, andTriticeae), and a clade comprisingPoeae andAveneae. The analysis supports some tribal realignments, specifically the assignment ofBriza, Chascolytrum, Microbriza, andTorreyochloa toAveneae, andArctagrostis, Catabrosa, andSesleria toPoeae. The analysis also suggests that the pooid spikelet (i.e., glumes shorter than lemmas and florets two or more) is plesiomorphic inPooideae, and that spikelets with one floret, and those with glumes longer than the first lemma, each have evolved more than once withinPooideae. Results also indicate that small chromosomes and chromosome numbers based on x=c. 10–12 are plesiomorphic withinPooideae. Alternative states of these characters (chromosomes large, chromosome numbers based on x=7) are interpreted as synapomorphies or parallelisms of clades that includeTriticodae, Aveneae, andPoeae. Lanceolate lodicule shape may be a synapomorphy of the clade that includesStipeae, Triticodae, Aveneae, andPoeae, and loss of lodicule vascularization a synapomorphy of the entirePooideae.  相似文献   

Patterns of inheritance of the chloroplast genome in Passiflora were analyzed by examining the progeny from both interspecific and intraspecific crosses. Artificial crosses of field-collected material were performed in greenhouses at The University of Texas at Austin. DNA from fresh leaf material was analyzed by Southern blot techniques to identify the donor of the chloroplast genome. Initially, single progeny were analyzed for 11 crosses; two intraspecific crosses demonstrated maternal inheritance, whereas the nine interspecific crosses had paternal inheritance. Subsequently, the donor of the chloroplast genome was determined for multiple progeny in seven crosses. Passiflora oerstedii × P. retipetala showed strict paternal inheritance in all of 17 progeny. A series of five crosses and backcrosses between P. oerstedii and P. menispermifolia demonstrated strictly paternal inheritance. Finally, when 15 progeny were analyzed for the P. costaricensis × P. costaricensis cross, 12 of the 15 showed maternal inheritance, whereas the remaining three were biparental. Interestingly, all interspecific crosses had primarily paternal inheritance, whereas all intraspecific crosses had primarily maternal inheritance. The implications of heteroplasmy on phylogenetic analyses of chloroplast DNA are discussed.  相似文献   

Paternal inheritance of mitochondria DNA in sheep was discovered by examination of 152 sheep from 38 hybrid families for mtDNA D-loop polymorphisms using PCR-RFLP, amplification of repeated sequence somain, and PCR-SSCP of the D-loop 5' end region of a 253 bp fragment. Our findings have provided the first evidence of paternal inheritance of mtDNA in sheep and possible mechanisms of paternal inheritance were discussed.  相似文献   

The isolation of chloroplast DNA fromChlamydomonas reinhardtii requires the efficient separation of this AT-rich genome from the GC-rich nuclear genome by density-gradient centrifugation. We describe a simple and efficient method for separating these DNA fractions by using a sodium iodide gradient in combination with the DNA-binding dye, bisbenzimide. The yield of chloroplast DNA is close to the theoretical maximum and the DNA is suitable for restriction enzyme analysis and cloning. This method is applicable to the isolation of AT-rich plastid genomes from other organisms and may be appropriate as a general method for separating species of DNA that differ in their AT/GC ratios. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were used as markers to determine the transmission of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) in poplar crosses. The plant material studied included individual trees ofPopulus trichocarpa, P. maximowiczii xtrichocarpa, P. maximowiczii xnigra, and offspring from controlled crosses between these trees. RFLPs were identified by direct observation of stained restriction fragments, as well as by molecular hybridization with heterologous cpDNA probes. Analysis of the restriction fragment patterns in the parents and their progeny showed only the patterns of the maternal tree in the progeny, while no paternal type was found. These results provide clear evidence of a maternal mode of chloroplast inheritance in the poplar clones studied.  相似文献   

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