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Sensitivity to pain and touch was measured in the nipple, areola, and cutaneous breast tissue of prepubertal boys and girls, postpubertal men and nuliparous women before and after delivery. Before puberty there were no differences between the sexes, but after puberty the tactile sensitivity of all areas of the women''s breast was significantly greater than the men''s. Tactil sensitivity of all areas also varied during the menstrual cycle, with maximal sensitivity at midcycle and at menstruation; the mid-cycle peak was absent when the women were taking oral contraceptives. But the most dramatic changes occured within 24 hours of parturition, when there was a great increase in breast sensitivity. This may be the key event for activating the suckling-induced discharge of oxytocin and prolactin and inhibiting ovulation during lactation.  相似文献   

1. Lactose synthetase activity in the rat mammary gland increases during the last day of pregnancy from an essentially zero value. There is a parallel increase of tissue lactose and of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity. 2. Mammary-gland homogenates prepared both before and after parturition hydrolyse the lactose precursors glucose 6-phosphate, glucose 1-phosphate, UDP-glucose, UDP-galactose and also maltose, but not lactose. 3. A role of lactose synthetase as the rate-limiting enzyme for lactose biosynthesis and the possible significance of the hydrolytic activities are discussed with respect to lactogenesis.  相似文献   

Three specimens were taken from mammary glands of rats killed on the 18th and 21st days of pregnancy and on the 1st day of lactation. Ultrastructural features of the tissue were compared among rats within and between the two stages of development. The similarity among specimens from the same rats made feasible a comparison of serial biopsies obtained every 4 hr, starting on the afternoon of the 21st day of pregnancy. From the 18th to the 21st days of pregnancy, a marked increase in the amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum occurred. The alveolar cells of rats killed on both days and in biopsies obtained at 17 and 13 hr before partuirtion contained abundant small lipid droplets and vacuoles containing many protein granules with little clear fluid (stasis vacuoles). Alveolar lumina were distended with secretion by 17 hr before parturition. Between 8 and 12 hr. before parturition, the accumulated protein and lipid were rapidly extruded from the alveolar cells despite evidence of continued biosynthesis. It is suggested that active transport processes are initiated independently of milk synthesis before parturition.  相似文献   

Arachidonic acid is mobilized from fetal membrane phospholipids at parturition leading to increased production of oxytocic prostaglandins which may initiate or maintain myometrial contractions. Phospholipid mobilization requires activation of phospholipase A2 or C, both of which require calcium for activity. The annexins (lipocortins) are a superfamily of proteins which bind to calcium and phospholipids and thereby may alter phospholipase activity through two mechanisms: modulation of intracellular free Ca2+ concentrations or regulation of the accessibility of phospholipids to hydrolyzing enzymes. Using Western immunoblotting with monospecific polyclonal antibodies, annexins I-VI were identified in human amnion and chorion/decidua at term in tissues obtained from patients in labor or not in labor. Each annexin was present in two distinct pools: a pool which only associated with the membrane in the presence of calcium (calcium-dependent pool) and a calcium-independent pool that remained membrane bound in the presence of calcium chelators. Annexin I was present as two species, resolving at 36 kDa and 68 kDa. The total concentration of annexin I in both amnion and chorion/decidua was significantly decreased with labor, while the total concentration of annexin V in chorion significantly increased with labor. The size of individual pools of annexins also changed with labor: the calcium-dependent pool of annexins I and II in both amnion and chorion significantly decreased; the calcium-dependent pool of annexin V increased in chorion; and calcium-independent pools of annexin I in amnion and annexins I, II, and V in chorion significantly decreased with labor. The decrease in total annexin I concentration with labor in amnion reflects a substantial decrease (80-90%) in the pool tightly bound to the membrane in a calcium-independent manner. This striking change distinguishes annexin I as a potential candidate inhibitor which is specifically downregulated at parturition, potentially leading to increased access of phospholipases to substrate phospholipids and increased prostaglandin production at labor.  相似文献   

Intestinal resection, bypass and adaptative postoperative mechanisms developed as a consequence of that surgery, are considered good methods for improving knowledge of gastrointestinal physiology as well as possible effects that the intestine could have on the general metabolism. 50% jejunoileal bypass (BP), 50% proximal (PR) and distal (DR) intestinal resections were performed on rats to compare the influence of resected intestinal segments or bypassed loop localization could exert on different serum lipid parameters. One month after surgery significant increases in total serum cholesterol and cholesterol esters were found. There was no change in free cholesterol. A decrease in triglyceride was observed after distal and proximal resection but no changes after bypass. The cholesterol/phospholipid ratio was increased after resection and after bypass. It has been suggested that the changes in lipid metabolism produced after resections and bypass depend mainly on the loss of absorptive surface rather than on the position of the resected segment. The bypass loop may itself still exert some influence on lipoprotein metabolism, mainly on high density lipoprotein-cholesterol.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented suggesting that the fetolethal properties of diethylstilbestrol (DES) are indirect, mediated maternally through a perturbation of the normal mechanisms of parturition. Oral administration of the compound to Sprague-Dawley rats near Day 18 of pregnancy was shown to delay the onset of parturition, prolong labor, and induce dystocia, with a concomitant large increase in perinatal mortality. Exposure during Days 8-16 was without effect, whereas treatment in the Day 18-20 interval resulted in preterm delivery. Inability to initiate labor at term, accompanied by fetal death, also resulted from the administration of hCG on Days 16-18. The relative incidence of stillbirths in DES-exposed pups was markedly decreased by Caesarean delivery. The average weight of the maternal pituitary gland was not affected by treatment, whereas maternal adrenal glands were 30% larger. Maternal blood levels of corticosterone were not significantly elevated, however. The average number of follicles on Day 21 was significantly reduced by DES, and a histological analysis failed to demonstrate a luteotropic effect of the compound. In dams treated on Days 8-18, serum progesterone was reduced by as much as 60%, and total estrogens were 32% lower than in controls. We conclude that DES acts in the rat to depress the preterm levels of steroid hormones, which leads to a failure of uterine contraction accompanied by placental detachment and fetal death.  相似文献   

The pattern of uterine pressure cycles following oxytocin infusion was evaluated in near-term pregnant rats as a function of dietary zinc. Pressure cycles were monitored by a pressure transducer and polygraph linked to an intrauterine water-filled latex balloon, inserted on d 19 of gestation, in place of the right cranial fetus and its placenta. Oxytocin infusion on d 22 induced labor in all five zincdeficient rats, but the tracings revealed irregular, poorly synchronized, and/or low amplitude patterns, compared to controls. Excessive abdominal straining was required to accomplish fetal emergence in many instances. The results are interpreted as suggestive of diminished gap-junction formation.  相似文献   

1. Pregnant rats were fed either low (less than 1 p.p.m.) Zn or control (40 p.p.m. Zn) diets from day 10 of gestation. They were killed at intervals during the last 96 h preceding the normal time for onset of parturition, and differences in plasma progesterone, oestradiol-17 beta and ovarian 20 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase were assessed. 2. Gestation was prolonged in Zn-deficient rats. 3. Although the preparturient decline in plasma progesterone began at the same time in all groups, at term, plasma progesterone concentration in Zn-deficient rats remained significantly higher than in normal females. 4. Induction of ovarian 20 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity was delayed by about 8 h by Zn deficiency. This delay was not observed if prostaglandin F2 alpha was injected previously. 5. The results suggest a Zn-dependent step(s) in uterine synthesis and/or release of prostanoids.  相似文献   

Parturition in rats is associated with an abrupt and marked increase in myometrial oxytocin (OT) receptor concentrations. In this study, we investigated the role of myometrial OT receptors in the initiation and the process of parturition. We produced chronic OT receptor blockade during the last 3 days of gestation by administration of a specific OT antagonist at 100 micrograms/day and 300 micrograms/day. We also suppressed OT receptor formation by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis with naproxen sodium at 2 mg/day and 5 mg/day. We found that chronic blockade of OT receptors inhibited the uterotonic response to OT in Day 22 and Day 23 pregnant rats in a dose-dependent manner. OT antagonist treatment did not prolong the gestation period. However, the duration of parturition, fetal mortality, and the mortality incidence were increased in rats treated with the high dose of the OT antagonist compared to controls. Naproxen sodium at both dosage levels prolonged gestation by 24 h or longer, doubled the duration of parturition, and markedly increased fetal mortality and mortality incidence. Combined OT antagonist and naproxen treatment produced adverse outcomes similar to that produced by naproxen treatment alone. Myometrial OT receptor concentrations were markedly increased in all rats immediately postpartum, ranging from 210 to 425 fmol/mg protein compared to the 50 to 100 fmol/mg found in Day 21 and Day 22 pregnant rats. Correlation analyses between OT receptor concentrations and various parameters associated with gestation and parturition showed that there was a correlation between low OT receptor concentrations and long gestation period, prolonged parturition, and high fetal mortality rate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of subchronic exposure to organophosphate insecticide Malathion (Fyfanon 50 EC 500 g/l) of commercial grade. It was administered intragastrically by stomach tube in the amount of 1 ml of corn oil containing 100 mg/kg body weight (BW) daily for 32 days. At the end of the experiment, acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE), haematocrit value, haemoglobin content, and blood glucose concentration were estimated. The liver and the skeletal muscle were removed to determine hepatic and muscular glycogen, hepatic proteins and lipids contents. No sign of toxicity was observed until the end of experiment. No significant change in the haematocrit value was observed, in spite of the significant increase in haemoglobin content, which can be considered as an adaptive situation in order to guarantee a good oxygenation in response to pulmonary damage induced following subchronic exposure to organophosphorus compound. Malathion intoxication decreased significantly hepatic proteins and lipid contents that could be associated to liver gluconeogenesis. This result was coupled with a significant decrease in muscular glycogen rate, which indicates a stimulated glycogenolysis in favour of glucose release into the blood until reaching hyperglycaemia. Several studies indicate that hyperglycaemia is temporary, which is probably due to a stimulated glycogenesis that increases hepatic glycogen deposition and return of glucose to control levels, as demonstrated in our study. One possible explanation for these results could be the turnover of glucose by a succession between its release via glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, which involves abnormal hyperglycaemia, and its storage via glycogenesis in subchronic exposure to malation.  相似文献   

Maintenance of whole body cholesterol homeostasis is determined in part by the liver. Thus, changes in expression of hepatic parameters important in the regulation of cholesterol metabolism may play key roles in determining how homeostasis is maintained. The expression of hepatic lipoprotein uptake systems was studied during development using as a ligand very-low density lipoproteins rich in apolipoprotein E that had been obtained from hypercholesterolemic adult rats. These lipoproteins can serve as ligands for cell surface receptors recognizing apolipoproteins B and/or E. Uptake was lowest in freshly isolated fetal rat hepatocytes, increased substantially in hepatocytes from neonates and was intermediate in those from adults. Binding of these lipoproteins to liver membranes prepared from fetal, neonatal, suckling, weaned and adult rats was lowest in fetal preparations, while those from suckling, weaned and adult livers behaved similarly. Numbers of binding sites in neonatal liver membranes were similar to those in adult, but showed a different affinity. On the basis of this data, the ability of hepatocytes to recognize and remove apolipoprotein B/E-containing lipoproteins from the plasma appears to be a function of the differential expression or regulation of lipoprotein-uptake systems during development.  相似文献   

Bilateral lesions of the pelvic nerve (BLPN) result in dystocia, but the processes which control this effect are not fully understood. Plasma progesterone, relaxin, and luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations were measured in blood samples taken in the morning (AM) and evening (PM) of Days 20-23 of gestation from rats with BLPN or sham neurectomy. Ten of 11 sham-operated control animals delivered their entire litters by Day 23 of gestation, but animals with BLPN did not complete parturition by Day 23 when they were sacrificed. Progesterone concentrations were greater in rats with BLPN than in sham-operated rats on Day 20 PM and Day 21 AM, but hormone concentrations declined to minimal values by Day 22 in both groups. Relaxin concentrations were greater in rats with BLPN than in sham-operated rats on Day 21 PM. Thereafter, relaxin concentrations decreased to reach minimum values on Day 23 in both groups. LH concentrations were low throughout the period of study in rats with BLPN; however, a postpartum LH surge was detected in all sham-operated animals. Data from this study indicate that the pelvic nerve does not control parturition by modulating serum relaxin and progesterone concentrations; however, these data suggest that impulses carried by the pelvic nerve influence ovarian secretion of these hormones. In addition, these data indicate that the pelvic nerve transmits stimuli from the cervix to the hypothalamus to facilitate the postpartum LH surge.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) produced by 15 days pregnant rat myometrium, by parturient rat myometrium and myometrium plus endometrium were measured in vitro. The results showed that the PGs produced by parturient myometrium were higher than these obtained during mid-pregnancy. Myometrium with endometrium released more PGs than myometrium alone, and the addition of arachidonic acid (AA) at 10 DM did not show any significant effect. Exogenous progesterone or estradiol-17b at a concentration of 1 Dmol had no effect on parturient uterine PG secretions.  相似文献   

A hypothesis of Mason & Kodicek [(1970) Biochem. J. 120, 515-521] that esterified nicotinic acid in niacytin from cereals is a precursor for trigonelline was investigated in rats. Single oral doses of niacytin resulted in the excretion of trigonelline in urine but only in rats that were niacin-deficient and were fed a cereal diet. These animals were found to have an abnormally permeable intestine, which allowed the uptake of molecules not usually absorbed. Orally administered synthetic [14C]nicotinoyl[3H]methylcellulose was shown to be absorbed by niacin-deficient rats on a cereal diet and [14C]trigonelline was excreted in urine. These data indicate that dietary cereal induces a permeability defect in the intestinal mucosa of niacin-deficient rats, which allows the uptake of macromolecular niacytin. The nicotinoyl pyridine nitrogen atom is then methylated and slow hydrolysis releases trigonelline from the macromolecule.  相似文献   

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