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The morphology of Blepharisma sinuosum resting cysts and the dynamics of pigmentation at different stages of encystment are presented for the first time. Cyst morphometrics are similar to other Blepharisma species, with three‐wall layers, bacteria surrounding the ectocyst, a conical plug, and wrinkly surface toward the plug in mature stages. The vegetative moniliform macronucleus changes to a horseshoe shape, and at early stages, the cystic cytoplasm is homogeneously pigmented, comprising a contractile vacuole; later, pigments polarize toward the plug, decorate the cortical layer, and become brownish. This work reinforces the potential role of pigment dynamics on cyst biology.  相似文献   

Cysts of an oligotrich ciliate were collected from natural sediment samples in Onagawa Bay, northeastern coast of Japan, and examined for their excystment capability. A high excystment ratio was obtained at lower temperatures of 10 or 15 degrees C; no excystment occurred at 20 degrees C. Excysted vegetative cells were observed after protargol staining and were identified as a new species, Cyrtostrombidium boreale n. sp. The seasonal changes in the vegetative population and sedimentation of newly formed cysts were also investigated in situ. Planktonic vegetative cells were abundant during the cold season from February to May, when the water temperature was lower than 10 degrees C. Mass encystment occurred abruptly just after the seasonal peak of the vegetative population in April. These results indicate that C. boreale is a cold-water species and aestivates during the longer, warm period from late spring to fall.  相似文献   

Abstract Growth rates in 15 clones from the bacterivorous ciliate Uronema and one from Parauronema acutum have been compared under similar culture conditions. Five species were identified on a morphological basis: U. marinum, U. nigricans, U. elegans, P. acutum , and an undescribed form designated here as SWi1 . Intra- and inter-specific distinct growth characteristics were observed. Net cellular production tended to decrease with lower growth rate in different species or morphotypes but increased in those clones belonging to the same species. Growth rate and cell volume were not significatly correlated although mean growth rate increased with mean cell volume. Growth rate was however significantly correlated to the relative variation in cell volume between different growth phases. Estimation of growth rates using different models indicated that the experimental growth rates observed were not significatly different from those expected for the cell volumes. These results indicate how effects of habitat or geographical variability, in this cosmopolitan genus, may account for trophodynamic variation of morphologically similar species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The settling tomite stage of the apostome Hyalophysa chattoni secretes a phoretic cyst wall composed of chitin, mucopolysaccharides, and protein. Within 1 1/2 h after settling, an electron-dense proteinaceous cyst layer (the outer layer) is formed from secretions originating at the base of the kineties and from the thick pellicular layer between the kineties. The inner cyst layer, composed primarily of chitin (acidic and neutral polysaccharides are also present), is secreted across the entire cell surface. Cyst wall formation is completed within 6 h. The fine structure of endocyst secretion resembles stages in the secretion of chitin by fungi, yeasts, and arthropods. A proteinaceous attachment peduncle is secreted to anchor the cell to a shrimp host and is formed by the release of electron-dense secretory bodies from the cell's ventral surface.  相似文献   

Cinetozona pyriformis n. g., n. sp. is a very small scuticociliate recently found in a freshwater artificial pond in Madrid, Spain. This new ciliate is here described using silver impregnation techniques. C. pyriformis bears a girdle of cilia near the equator ot the cell, similar to the genus Urozona Schewiakoff, 1889, while the oral structures resemble those in the genus Cinetochilum Perty, 1852. The ciliate's systematic position is discussed, and its inclusion in the family Cinetochilidae is proposed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Ultrastructural studies of the trophont of the epizooic loricate peritrich, Circolagenophrys ampulla, show that the body conforms to the basic peritrich pattern. The lorica is dome-shaped, and the trophont is joined to it by attachment organelles. A single row of barren aboral kinetosomes is present. In telotroch formation, as cytokinesis proceeds, a band of aboral kinetosomes develops, running posteroventrally in an arc from the base of the epistomial disc. In one instance, postciliary microtubules were seen associated with the kinetosomes of the adoral polykinety in a dividing organism. In the fully developed telotroch there are several distinctive structures. In the midaboral region there is a scopula with numerous barren kinetosomes in the epiplasm underlying the pellicle. Surrounding the rim of the aboral surface is a tripartite fringe which overlies the base of the aboral ciliary girdle. The outer layer of this fringe contains regularly spaced electron-dense striations and the middle region contains microfilaments. The aboral ciliary girdle forms a complete ring. It is composed of diagonal rows of kinetosomes, 8–9 in each row. Striated fibers run between the rows of kinetosomes. They bend at the ends of the rows and continue for some distance below the outer rim of the aboral surface. Running beside each striated fiber is a band of paracrystalline material. Several distinctive structures are associated with the kinetosomes and striated fibers of the aboral girdle. In the telotroch many of the adoral cilia are absent but the adoral kinetosomes are still present. The possible functions of the specializations of the aboral surface in settlement of the telotroch, and the relationship between telotroch formation and the molting behavior of the crustacean host are discussed.  相似文献   

Three aspects of size selective feeding by the scuticociliate Cyclidium glaucoma were studied in continuous cultivation systems. Firstly, grazing-induced changes in abundance, biomass, and size structure of a bacterial community were investigated. Secondly, we studied possible grazing-protection mechanisms of bacteria as a response to permanent presence of the predator. And finally, we were looking for potential feedback mechanisms within this predator-prey relationship, i.e., how the ciliate population reacted to a changed, more grazing-protected bacterial community. The first stage of the cultivation system consisted of the alga Cryptomonas sp. and the accompanying mixed bacterial community. These organisms were transferred to two second stage vessels, a control stage without ciliates and a second one inoculated with C. glaucoma. After the first week, the abundance of bacteria in the latter decreased by 60% and remained stable until the end of the experiment (65 d), whereas bacterial biomass was less affected (393 mg C L-1 during days 0-7, 281 mg C L-1 afterwards). The mean bacterial cell volume doubled from 0.089 mm3 to 0.167 mm3, which was mainly due to increasing cell widths. During the whole investigation period formation of colonies or filaments was not observed, but we found a clear feedback of ciliates on bacterial size. An increase in bacterial cell volume was always followed by a decline of the predator population, resulting in a yet undescribed type of microbial predator-prey relation. Literature and our own data on the optimal food size range grazed by C. glaucoma showed that bacterial cell width rather than length was responsible for that observed phenomenon. Finally, we suggest that uptake rates of spherical latex beads give only limited information on truly ingestible prey volumes and that prey geometry should be considered in future studies on size selective feeding of protists.  相似文献   

应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳酶化学技术显示,腹毛目纤毛虫膜状急纤虫(Tachysoma pellionella)休眠包囊和营养细胞中乳酸脱氢酶、α磷酸甘油脱氢酶、醇脱氢酶、细胞色素氧化酶、葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶、过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶等7种同工酶的酶谱组成有明显差异,并且在休眠包囊中其同工酶成分少、活性低,部分同工酶酶谱表现出趋于简单的趋势。ATP酶、苹果酸脱氢酶和谷氨酸脱氢酶等3种同工酶在休眠包囊与营养细胞中有相同的酶谱,但在休眠期包囊酶的活性低于营养期细胞。  相似文献   

The fine structure of the sapropelic ciliate Saprodinium dentatum is described based on phase-contrast microscopy, silver-staining techniques, cryo-fracture scanning electron microscopy, and thin sections. The study concentrates on a detailed analysis of the somatic cortex and the oral ciliature of this highly asymmetric, laterally compressed ciliate. The cell shape is dominated by a number of site-specific spines and the curving course of 10 somatic kineties (SK 1–10). The SK, composed of dikinetids, show an intrakinety differentiation that seems characteristic for other odontostomes as well. The anterior segment of the SK is mostly ciliated, followed by a non-ciliated segment in which the kinetosomes lack all typical fiber systems. Except for SK 4–6, the posterior segment is ciliated again, forming the spine kinetics associated with particular caudal spines. The anterior segment of SK 3 through SK 7 form the frontal band, which together with the two frontal kineties constitutes the main locomotory organelle for a ciliate that creeps on the substratum. A short kinety with inverse polarity, not seen in earlier light microscopical studies, was observed near the oral spine. We made particular effort to find a logical explanation for the observed association of the SK with the various caudal spines. The oral ciliature consists of nine adoral organelles located in a tripartite oral cavity. The absence of a paroral ciliature together with the position of the cytostome anterior to the adoral organelles may be the result of rotational movement of the oral apparatus during the evolution of these bizarre ciliates. Results are discussed with special reference to the phylogenetic relationship of the Odontostomatida to the Heterotrichida and no conclusive answer was found in this first electron microscopical study of an odontostomatid ciliate.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Using hydrofluoric acid, scanning electron microscope-assisted X-ray microanalysis, and energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy, we present the first definite proof of biomineralized silicon [(SiO2)] n in a ciliophoran protist, Maryna umbrellata , a common inhabitant of ephemeral pools. In the trophic specimen, the amorphic silicon (glass) granules are accumulated in the anterior half of the body. When entering the dormant stage, most glass granules are excreted to form the surface cover of the globular resting cyst. Most likely, the silicon granules are synthesized in vesicles of the Golgi apparatus. First, nanospheres with a size of 20–40 nm are formed in a fibrous matrix; they grow to be spongious complexes, eventually becoming amorphous glass granules with an average size of 819 nm × 630 nm. In the transmission electron microscope, the silicon granules show the characteristic fracture pattern of glass known from many other silicon-bearing organisms. A literature survey suggests that silicon is very rare in ciliates. The fine structure and genesis of silicon granules in M. umbrellata are very similar to those of other organisms, including vascular plants and animals, indicating a common mechanism. Light perception and protection against mechanical stress and predators might be functions of the silicon granules in M. umbrellata . The palaeontological significance of glass cysts in ciliates is also discussed.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of the hypotrich ciliate Uroleptoides longiseries, isolated from sandy soil beside the Yellow River, Suide, Yulin, Shaanxi Province, China, was investigated using protargol staining. The main events during binary fission are as follows: (1) the long frontoventral row is formed by a single anlage; (2) five frontoventral‐transverse cirral anlagen are formed in primary mode; (3) only the posterior part of the parental adoral zone of the membranelles is renewed; and (4) the oral primordium of the opisthe is formed intrakinetally. This is the first detailed record of all stages of morphogenesis for Uroleptoides. We also provide the first record of the small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequences for U. longiseries. Phylogenetic analyses based on the SSU rDNA sequences data show that Uroleptoides longiseries clusters with U. magnigranulosa with moderate to high support which together form a clade with Orthoamphisiella breviseries. These three species share the morphogenetic feature of the long frontoventral row being formed by a single anlage.  相似文献   

The live morphology, infraciliature, and morphogenesis of a new oxytrichid ciliate, Notohymena apoaustralis n. sp. collected from a freshwater pond in Qingdao (Tsingtao), China, were studied in vivo and after protargol impregnation. Notohymena apoaustralis n. sp. is characterized as follows: undulating membranes in Notohymena‐pattern; cortical granules yellow‐green, grouped around the marginal cirri and dorsal bristles, and in short irregular rows elsewhere in the cell; single contractile vacuole positioned at anterior 1/3 of the body length; two macronuclear nodules and one micronucleus; about 39 adoral membranelles; 18 frontoventral transverse cirri in typical Oxytricha‐pattern; one right and one left marginal row, almost confluent posteriorly; dorsal ciliature in typical Oxytricha‐pattern; 8–10 caudal cirri arranged in three rows, one each at the posterior end of dorsal kineties 1, 2, and 4, indistinguishable from marginal cirri in life. The morphogenetic process in N. apoaustralis n. sp. is consistent with that of the type species, Notohymena rubescens Blatterer and Foissner, 1988. Phylogenetic analyses based on small subunit rDNA sequence data suggest a sister relationship between N. apoaustralis n. sp. and Paraurostyla weissei, which cluster in a clade with Rubrioxytricha ferruginea.  相似文献   

A new saline hypotrich, Hypotrichidium paraconicum n. sp., found in coastal waters near Hong Kong, China, was investigated with emphasis on its living morphology, infraciliature, ontogenesis, and phylogenetic position. A body that is pyriform, with a posterior end that is twisted helically toward the left, a distinct tail and a dark colour, characterizes H. paraconicum n. sp. The buccal cavity is prominent and the cortical granules, which are scattered or sparsely distributed, are colourless, round, and about 1 μm in diam. The contractile vacuole is near the left middle of the cell and there are one or two frontal cirri, four meridional rows and five or six cirral rows which exhibit a left‐handed spiral and which are distributed in the posterior portion on both sides. Three dorsal kineties are distributed in the anterior portion of the dorsal side. In our molecular phylogenies, based on SSU rRNA gene sequences, the position of H. paraconicum n. sp. is rather poorly resolved, providing some indication of a relationship with Neokeronopsis aurea and Rubrioxytricha ferruginea, which fall into the assemblage of oxytrichids (s.l.).  相似文献   

A new peritrichous ciliate, Zoothamnium palmphlatum nov. spec., was collected from an estuary in Yantai, China. It was investigated, using both live observation and silver staining. The new species can be identified by a palm‐shaped colony consisting of highly developed and alternately arranged secondary branches, a double‐layered peristomial lip, and an infundibular polykinety 3 composed of two parallel kinetosomal rows. Phylogenetic analyses of the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequence show that Z. palmphlatum clusters with other members of the family Zoothamniidae. Furthermore, the comparison of primary and secondary SSU rDNA structures indicates that Z. palmphlatum is distinctly different from its morphologically similar species (93.2–97.0% in sequence similarity) in combination of H10 and H31 regions. Although Zpalmphlatum shares highest sequence similarity with Zoothamnium mucedo (98.9%), the new species has distinctly different structures in the H11, H12, H18, and H31 regions compared to Z. mucedo, which indicates that sequence similarity may not determine the similarity of the secondary structure.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A species of peritrich that attaches to gills of the skate, Raja erinacea , was identified by its original describer as a member of Caliperia , a genus characterized by having a noncontractile skeletal rod within the arms of its cinctum and by not having the cinctal arms bonded to one another at their tips. Our observations of the living ciliates confirmed by protargol impregnation and electron microscopy revealed that their cinctal arms are linked by a bouton and that the cytoskeletal structure within them has the fine structure of a myoneme. These characteristics place this peritrich unequivocally in the genus Ellobiophrya and it is thus renamed Ellobiophrya brevipes (Laird, 1959) n. comb. Clumps of epithelial cells clasped by the cincta of E. brevipes show damage at their bases but not on their luminal surfaces. The known species of Ellobiophrya are compared for significant structural differences that separate species of this genus.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Synhymeniida is characterized both by a band of somatic dikinetids, the synhymenium, extending across the surface of the cell and by a ventral cell mouth lacking specialized feeding cilia but subtended by a well-developed cyrtos. The synhymeniids have been hypothesized to be members of the class Nassophorea but our previous ultrastructural study of the synhymeniid genus Zosterodasys did not show any clear synapomorphies that would permit definitive placement in the Nassophorea or as a sister taxon to any of the other ciliate groups possessing a cyrtos. In the present study, simultaneous analysis of morphological and small subunit rDNA molecular data indicates that the Synhymeniida are sister to the class Phyllopharyngea and that this clade is, in turn, sister to the remaining Nassophorea, although this result is sensitive to dataset inclusion and alignment parameters. While this suggests that taxa with a ventral cyrtos might be united into a named taxon (e.g. resurrecting the Hypostomata), additional data are needed to reach a definitive conclusion.  相似文献   

Although Cladophora species frequently appear in brackish environments, their genetic diversity, phenological patterns and physiological properties have not been well investigated in these environments. Cladophora is distributed throughout Mikata‐goko, an area consisting of five coastal lakes that are directly or indirectly connected to the sea, resulting in a salinity gradient ranging from fully marine to freshwater. To elucidate genetic and ecological variation in Cladophora, we monthly compared ribosomal internal transcribed spacer sequences of Cladophora specimens across six study sites characterized by different salinity regimes for a year. A total of 12 ribotypes were detected and assigned to six species, four of which were restricted to the marine habitat. Ribotype I of C. vagabunda (L.) Hoek was distributed in high‐salinity brackish waters (mean salinity ≤13 psu; maximum salinity ≤31 psu), whereas C. vagabunda ribotype II and C. glomerata were abundant in low‐salinity brackish waters (mean salinity ≤5 psu; maximum salinity ≤10 psu). Although Cladophora albida (Nees) Kütz. and C. glomerata (L.) Kütz. were collected during all four seasons, C. laetevirens (Dillwyn) Kütz., C. oligocladoidea Hoek and Chihara, C. opaca Sakai and C. vagabunda displayed marked seasonal variation. Culture experiments revealed that optimal salinity conditions for vegetative growth vary among ribotypes collected from different salinity regimes, suggesting that Cladophora distributions are controlled by ribotype‐specific ecophysiological adaptations. In contrast, temperature optima and tolerance were similar among ribotypes showing different seasonalities, and thus their phenologies may be controlled by other environmental factors or biotic conditions, such as reproductive maturity and spore germination.  相似文献   

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