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巢湖微囊藻和浮游甲壳动物昼夜垂直迁移的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓道贵  谢平  周琼  杨华 《生态科学》2006,25(1):8-12
2002年10月进行了巢湖微囊藻和几种优势浮游甲壳动物的昼夜垂直变化的研究,结果表明:微囊藻具有明显的昼夜垂直变化现象。白天上层水中的微囊藻密度显著高于下层水中,夜晚逐渐下沉使得下层水中的密度相对高于上层水。微囊藻与叶绿素a、水温、溶解氧和pH等均呈显著的正相关(p<0.01)。几种优势浮游甲壳动物的昼夜垂直迁移存在较大的差异。短尾秀体溞和角突网纹溞白天在下层水(1.5m和2.5m)中的密度较高,夜晚则倾向于在上层水(0m和0.5m)中活动。相反,卵形盘肠溞白天在上层水中密度较高,象鼻溞则在11:00和15:00时各水层中的密度显著高于夜晚。汤匙华哲水蚤和广布中剑水蚤白天倾向于在下层水中活动,夜晚则逐渐迁移到上层水中。许水蚤在夜晚和凌晨3:00时各水层中的密度显著高于白天。中华窄腹剑水蚤昼夜垂直变化不明显。微囊藻与短尾秀体溞密度呈显著的负相关,而与象鼻溞和卵形盘肠溞呈显著的正相关(p<0.01)。  相似文献   

The diurnal dynamics of the vertical distribution of zooplankton was studied in an oligotrophic lake with a high water transparency. Those sedentary species which occupy the upper water layers in waterbodies with low water transparency shift to a border between epy- and metalimnion and stay there during most of the day in Koskovskoye Lake, which has a high water transparency. Active diurnal vertical migrations are characteristic of large organisms. Increased water transparency weakly affects large zooplankters that occupy metalimnial layers in mesotrophic waterbodies. The relationship between the zooplankton’s vertical distribution and the distribution of phytoplankton and fish is analyzed.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distribution of fish and zooplankton in a shallow lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary 1. We performed both a large- and a small-scale echo sounding study on the spatial and temporal distribution of fish (mainly roach, Rutilus rutilus and perch, Perca fluviatlis ), as well as a small-scale study of zooplankton distribution in the small, shallow and eutrophic Lake Hanebjerg in Denmark. In the small-scale study, sampling was conducted in open water as well as in the edge zone immediately outside two different types of vegetation.
2. Fish daytime abundances differed between the northern and the southern parts of the lake and, on a small scale, small fish aggregated in the edge zones during day, preferably outside dense emergent vegetation. Copepods avoided emergent vegetation, while cladocerans showed no habitat preference. Both small fish and cladoceran numbers were found to be higher during night than day.
3. The relative abundance (number per sample) of cladocerans in the edge zone immediately outside vegetation was negatively correlated with the relative abundance of fish in that zone. There was no correlation between cladoceran and fish abundance in open water, or between the relative abundance of copepods and fish.
4. The presence of pelagic piscivores in combination with avoidance behaviour of both fish and zooplankton is a likely explanation for the observed distribution of small fish and cladocerans in Lake Hanebjerg. Both small- and large-scale distribution patterns may be dependent on the type and distribution of complex structure in the lake. Even in a small lake, large-scale patterns may affect the interpretation of small-scale data.  相似文献   

Zooplankton perform diel vertical migration (DVM) to avoid predators at the upper water layer, but often stay in the upper water layer throughout the day seeking food in spite of the presence of predators. This difference in migrating behavior has been explained by differences in environmental conditions or genetic differences. We examined theoretically how nutritious conditions of zooplankton individuals relate to determining different migrating behavior. A simple optimization model, maximizing the population growth rate, demonstrates that zooplankton individuals change their migrating behavior depending on the amount of accumulated energy. Such energy accumulation and its investment in reproduction are repeated every reproductive cycle. Therefore, unless the reproductive cycle is synchronized among individuals, different migrating behaviors will be observed within a population even if no genetic differences exist. Our model demonstrates that such coexistence of the two migrating behaviors is possible in natural Daphnia populations, and suggests that internal conditions of zooplankton individuals may be important as a factor for determining migrating behavior of zooplankton. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that temporal mismatches between interacting populations may be caused by consequences of global warming, for example rising spring temperatures. However, little is known about the impact of spatial temperature gradients, their vulnerability to global warming, and their importance for interacting populations. Here, we studied the vertical distribution of two planktivorous fish species (Coregonus spp.) and their zooplankton prey in the deep, oligotrophic Lake Stechlin (Germany). The night-time vertical centre of gravity both of the fish populations and of two of their prey groups, daphnids and copepods, were significantly correlated to the seasonally varying water temperature between March and December 2005. During the warmer months, fish and zooplankton occurred closer to the surface of the lake and experienced higher temperatures. The Coregonus populations differed significantly in their centre of gravity; hence, also, the temperature experienced by the populations was different. Likewise, daphnids and copepods occurred in different water depths and hence experienced different temperatures at least during the summer months. We conclude that any changes in the vertical temperature gradient of the lake as a result of potential future global warming may impact the two fish populations differently, and may shape interaction strength and timing between fish and their zooplankton prey. Priority programme of the German Research Foundation—contribution 9.  相似文献   

The investigation of the vertical distribution of the zooplankton community in the temperate Lake Trichonis during four seasons in 2005, showed the existence of vertical segregation among species, ontogenetic stages and sexes within and between the major groups. In each season, the two or three more abundant rotifer species distributed at separate depth layers, while this feature was maintained during the entire 24 h period, since no diel vertical migrations (DVM) were performed. In contrast, the crustacean community, comprised mainly by the calanoid copepod Eudiaptomus drieschi and the cladoceran Diaphanosoma orghidani, showed various patterns of DVM, being more pronounced in spring and summer. Females of E. drieschi distributed deeper than males, while the copepod nauplii were found mainly in the surface layer in all four seasons. Temperature was the most important abiotic factor affecting directly and indirectly the vertical distribution and migration of various species. During stratification, the metalimnion was the most productive layer in Lake Trichonis, having maximum values of dissolved oxygen and low transparency due to high concentration of organic matter and phytoplankton. The DVM patterns of the crustaceans indicate that the metalimnion acts probably as a daylight refuge against predation by Atherina boyeri, which is the dominant planktivorous fish in the lake.  相似文献   

A series of single-factor in situ experiments was conductedin a mesotrophic lake in Brandenburg, North Germany, to studythe predatory impact of Eudiaptomus graciloides (adults, copepodites,nauplii), cyclopoid copepods (adult Diacyclops bicuspidatus,Thermocyclops oithonoides) and daphnids (adult Daphnia hyalina,Daphnia cucullata) on the microbial community (bacteria, autotrophicpicoplankton, flagellates, ciliates). All zooplankton speciestested reduced the ciliate community significantly and ingestionrates were always higher for ciliates in the 20–55 µmsize category as compared to smaller ciliates (10–20 µm).Adult E.graciloides, which exhibited the highest predatory impacton ciliates, differed from cyclopoids and daphnids by theirability to decimate ciliates to very low abundances. Ingestionrates of ciliates by the crustacean zooplankton followed thesequence E.graciloides > daphnids = cyclopoids = copepodites.While top-down control was evident for ciliates, top-down effectsdown to the autotrophic picoplankton and flagellates were mostlyrestricted to Daphnia-dominated treatments. Top-down effectswere never strong enough to produce negative bacterial growthrates. For all zooplankton tested, clearance rates for ciliatesexceeded those for phytoplankton. Besides the potential of thecrustacean zooplankton to influence the structure of ciliatecommunities, ciliates may contribute to the energy demands ofcopepods and daphnids, especially when phytoplankton resourcesare limited.  相似文献   

The abundances, biomass, and seasonal succession of rotifer and crustacean zooplankton were examined in a man-made, eutrophic lake, Lake Oglethorpe, over a 13 month period. There was an inverse correlation between the abundance of rotifers and crustaceans. Rotifers were most abundant and dominated (>69%) the rotifer-crustacean biomass during summer months (June–September) while crustacean zooplankton dominated during the remainder of the year (>89%). Peak biomasses of crustaceans were observed in the fall (151 µg dry wt l–1 in October) and spring (89.66 µg dry wt l–1 in May). Mean annual biomass levels were 46.99 µg dry wt l–1 for crustaceans and 19.26 µg dry wt l–1 for rotifers. Trichocerca rousseleti, Polyarthra sp., Keratella cochlearis and Kellicottia bostoniensis were the most abundant rotifers in the lake. Diaptomus siciloides and Daphnia parvula were the most abundant crustaceans. Lake Oglethorpe is distinct in having an unusually high abundance of rotifers (range 217–7980 l–1). These high densities can be attributed not only to the eutrophic conditions of the lake but also to the detailed sampling methods employed in this study.The research was supported by National Science Foundation grants DEB 7725354 and DEB 8005582 to Dr. K. G. Porter. It is lake Oglethorpe Limnological Association Contribution No. 25 and Contribution No. 371 of the Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc.  相似文献   

1. In some shallow lakes, Daphnia and other important pelagic consumers of phytoplankton undergo diel horizontal migration (DHM) into macrophytes or other structures in the littoral zone. Some authors have suggested that DHM reduces predation by fishes on Daphnia and other cladocerans, resulting in a lower phytoplankton biomass in shallow lakes than would occur without DHM. The costs and benefits of DHM, and its potential implications in biomanipulation, are relatively unknown, however. 2. In this review, we compare studies on diel vertical migration (DVM) to assess factors potentially influencing DHM (e.g. predators, food, light, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH). We first provide examples of DHM and examine avoidance by Daphnia of both planktivorous (PL) fishes and predacious invertebrates. 3. We argue that DHM should be favoured when the abundance of macrophytes is high (which reduces planktivory) and the abundance of piscivores in the littoral is sufficient to reduce planktivores. Food in the littoral zone may favour DHM by daphnids, but the quality of these resources relative to pelagic phytoplankton is largely unknown. 4. We suggest that abiotic conditions, such as light, temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH, are less likely to influence DHM than DVM because weaker gradients of these conditions occur horizontally in shallow lakes relative to vertical gradients in deep lakes. 5. Because our understanding of DHM is rudimentary, we highlight potentially important research areas: studying a variety of systems, comparing temporal and spatial scales of DHM in relation to DVM, quantifying positive and negative influences of macrophytes, focusing on the role of invertebrate predation, testing the performance of cladocerans on littoral versus pelagic foods (quantity and quality), investigating the potential influence of temperature, and constructing comprehensive models that can predict the likelihood of DHM. Our ability to biomanipulate shallow lakes to create or maintain the desired clear water state will increase as we learn more about the factors initiating and influencing DHM.  相似文献   

From surveys made in 1962–1963, 1973–1974, 1979–1996 at two Stations in Lake Donghu, a shallow eutrophic water body near Wuhan, P. R. China, the authors, derive long-term changes in species composition, standing crop and body-size of planktonic crustaceans. The species number decreased from the 1960s to the 1990s. The cladocerans dropped from 46 (1960s) to 26 (1980s) to 13 (1990s); the copepods decreased from 14 (1960s) to 10 (1980s) to 7 (1990s). From the mid-1980s on, the dominant crustaceans also changed: Daphnia hyalina and D. carinata ssp. were replaced by Moina micrura and Diaphanosoma brachyurum at Stations 1 and 2, respectively; Cyclops vicinus replaced Mesocyclops leuckarti.Densities and biomass of Cladocera decreased markedly after 1987. Annual average densities and biomass of cladocerans were statistically differences between 1962–1986 and 1987–1996 (P > 0.01). Annual average densities of Daphnia (Station 1 + Station 2) were negatively correlated with fish yield .Since the 1980s, annual average body length of Cladocera and Calanoida decreased, while annual average body length of Cyclopoida increased. In the same years, average body length of copepods was lower during May–October than during January–April and November–December.A 12-yr data analysis showed annual average concentration of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) to be negatively correlated with annual average density of Daphnia, whilst lake transparency was positively correlated with annual average densities of Daphnia. The results imply that, since Daphnia feeds efficiently on phytoplankton, it could decrease concentration of Chl-a, and enhance water transparency.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) and koaro (Galaxias brevipinnis) larvae in the limnetic zone of Lake Coleridge were determined using a high-frequency (200 KHz) echosounder. Planktonic bully larvae first appeared in appreciable numbers in January. By February, they formed a scattering layer between depths of 12 to 24 m during the day, where they achieved a maximum density of 0.59 fish m-3. Larger (> 18mm) fish migrated to the littoral zone and densities declined to < 0.01 fish m-3 by July, when remaining larval fish occupied greater daytime depths. Their vertical distribution during the day appeared to be influenced mainly by light levels and water temperatures. Larvae grew more slowly (0.12 mm d-1) than in more productive North Island lakes, and were also present in lower densities for a more restricted period of time. Koaro larvae first appeared in November and December and were found in low numbers (< 0.01 fish m-3) in summer at depths of 10 to 26 m. Salmonid production in the limnetic zone is probably limited by the small size and relative scarcity of forage fish present.  相似文献   

Mysis relicta was sampled intensively along a depth profilein Lake Snåsavatnet using benthic trawls and verticalnet hauls. Samples were made around 12.00 and 24.00 h in May,June, August and September 1984. The light regime and temperaturewere also recorded. Mysis relicta showed a size-dependent diurnalvertical migration and seasonal benthic horizontal migrationbetween shallow and deep areas. The young individuals left themarsupium in spring while the adults were staying benthic inshallow areas. As they grew in size the young individuals changedhabitat, migrating into the pelagic zone and the deeper benthicareas. Mysis showed a bimodal vertical distribution patternon our deepwater station, with one density peak in the watercolumn and another along the bottom both day and night betweenMay and September. The bimodal distribution pattern is discussedin relation to the light regime and an asynchronic verticalmigration model. The density of Mysis was low in the pelagiczone compared to the shallow benthic area throughout the samplingperiod. Together with the difference in distribution patternin the pelagic and benthic zones, this may influence the distributionpattern of salinonids which seek Mysis as a food item in LakeSnåsavatnet.  相似文献   

1. The fish fauna of many shallow Mediterranean Lakes is dominated by small‐bodied exotic omnivores, with potential implications for fish–zooplankton interactions still largely unknown. Here we studied diel variation in the vertical and horizontal distribution of the crustacean plankton in Lake Vela, a shallow polymictic and eutrophic lake. Diel sampling was carried out on three consecutive days along a horizontal transect, including an open‐water station and a macrophyte (Nymphaea alba) bed. Since transparency is a key determinant of the predation risk posed by fish, the zooplankton sampling campaigns were conducted in both the turbid (autumn) and clear water (spring) phases. 2. In the turbid phase, most taxa were homogeneously distributed along the vertical and horizontal axes in the three consecutive days. The only exception was for copepod nauplii, which showed vertical heterogeneity, possibly as a response to invertebrate predators. 3. In the clear water phase, most zooplankton taxa displayed habitat selection. Vertically, the general response consisted of a daily vertical migration (DVM), despite the limited depth (1.6 m). Horizontally, zooplankters showed an overall preference for the pelagic zone, independent of the time of the day. Such evidence is contrary to the postulated role of macrophytes as an anti‐predator refuge for the zooplankton. 4. These vertical (DVM) and horizontal (macrophyte‐avoidance) patterns were particularly conspicuous for large Daphnia, suggesting that predation risk from size‐selective predators (fish) was the main factor behind the spatial heterogeneity of zooplankton in the spring. Thus, the difference in the zooplankton spatial distribution pattern and habitat selection among seasons (turbid and clear water phases) seems to be mediated the predation risk from fish, which is directly related to water transparency. 5. The zooplankton in Lake Vela have anti‐predator behaviour that minimises predation from fish. We hypothesise that, due to the distinct fish community of shallow Mediterranean lakes, aquatic macrophytes may not provide adequate refuge to zooplankters, as seen in northern temperate lakes.  相似文献   

J. Easton  M. Gophen 《Hydrobiologia》2003,491(1-3):91-100
Diel vertical migration (DVM) behaviour is a predator avoidance mechanism observed within many zooplankton species in the presence of zooplanktivorous fish. A 24-h survey was carried out in June 1998 to investigate diel variation in the vertical distribution of fish, zooplankton and phytoplankton (chlorophyll) in Lake Kinneret, Israel. Fish revealed diel variation in vertical distribution but had no spatial overlap with zooplankton, and consequently no apparent influence on zooplankton dispersal. Zooplankton revealed some diel variation in distribution being affected by thermocline and oxycline position and movement of the internal the internal seiche wave. Cyclopoid species closely follow the movement of the seiche wave implying that, due to their greater motility, they are following conditions that are suitable to them. The Cladocera species and small rotifers only partly, which may be part of their phototaxic behaviour. Physical forces like convection, horizontal and vertical forcing probably have a role in contributing to a homogeneous distribution of the plankton by preventing stratification or interfering with the more motile zooplankton which may be attempting to migrate.  相似文献   

The diel variations in feeding behaviour and vertical distribution were determined for ten species of a tropical fish community in a shallow SE Sri Lankan reservoir. The fish community consisted of two introduced exotic tilapias and eight indigenous riverine species including five cyprinids, one clarid, one hemiramphid and one gobid. Multi-mesh gillnets dividing the water column in six depth strata were set with a six-hour interval throughout four 24-hour periods. The study of the diel variation in feeding behaviour was based on analysis of catch data, gut contents and gut fullness per setting time. The diel variation in vertical distribution was determined per species for each of the six depth-strata. Feeding behaviour and vertical distribution differed significantly among species and for most species throughout the 24-hour period. Feeding behaviour and vertical distribution were correlated. The status of whether or not a fish is feeding determines if the trophic and spatial resource dimensions are interrelated. Resource partitioning along the spatial dimension may reduce exploitative competition at the time of feeding, whereas it may limit interference competition or predation during non-feeding periods. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Cerbin  S.  Balayla  D. J.  Van de Bund  W. J. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,494(1-3):111-117
Groundwater is a major influence on the hydrological, chemical and thermal regime of chalk streams in the southern U.K. However, little is currently known about the nature of the sediment delivery system within these chalk stream systems, even though sediment-related problems have been increasingly cited as a cause of habitat degradation and of declining salmonid stocks. To address this knowledge gap, suspended sediment fluxes were monitored at 4 sites within the Hampshire Avon catchment between February 1999 and August 2000. Maximum suspended sediment concentrations ranged from nearly 45 mg l–1 to 260 mg l–1. Over the study period, annual suspended sediment loads ranged from 644 to 6215 t yr–1 and annual specific sediment yields ranged from 1.4 to 12.5 t km–2 yr–1. The results show that, relative to other U.K. rivers, the study chalk streams are characterised by low suspended sediment concentrations and loads and less episodic behaviour.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the alternative quantitative sampling approach and if it was possible, by using this method, to elucidate temporal variations concerning the composition, vertical distribution, and abundance of the motile epifaunal community. The study was performed on a vertical rocky bottom in Gullmarsfjorden on the Swedish west coast. Quantitative sampling was performed at four depths (2, 6, 10 and 15 m) on three occasions (19 June, 23-24 July and 23 September 1996) by means of a water jet powered suction sampler (venturi principle). In total, 53 macrofaunal taxa were found, of which 29 taxa occurred on all sampling dates. Significant vertical zonation patterns were recorded in July and September, but not in June, with amphipods, polychaetes, and echinoderms (mainly Asterias rubens) as the most important contributors to these patterns. A temporal variation in the faunal assemblage also occurred. Species abundance was significantly different between the sampling dates at 2, 6 and 10 m, but not at 15 m. The abundance was higher in July and September than in June. Species with the highest observed differences in abundance were juvenile Asterias rubens, abundant in July, while juvenile shrimp, especially Thoralus cranchii, and some amphipods, especially Microdeutopus spp., increased in abundance in September. This sampling approach was highly effective, and the high abundance and diversity of the motile epifauna indicate that these species play an important role in hard-bottom communities.  相似文献   

The efficiency of a cantilevered bridle net was tested in comparisonwith a Wisconsin net and a pumping system to sample zooplanktonorganisms in three water layers (epi-, meta- and hypolimnion)of three Canadian Shield lakes. Variations among samplers werecompared to variations due to within-lake vertical distributionof zooplankters and among lake variations. For each lake andwater layer, we also assessed the efficiency of the three methodsaccording to the catches of zooplanktonic taxa. The highestpercentages of variation were generally due to lake or water-layereffects; interaction between sampling gears and water layerswas above 50% for most taxa, except cladoceran. Sampling methodsexplained more variation than the lake effect for some zooplanktontaxa, indicating that using different sampling devices couldpotentially alter the among-lake variation interpretation ofzooplankton abundance. The pumping system captured higher densitiesof animals per taxa than the cantilever and the Wisconsin nets.The cantilever net generally captured mobile taxa more efficiently(Polyarthra vulgaris, copepods, Daphnia sp., Diaphanosoma brachyurumand chaoborids) than the Wisconsin net and the pumping system,but its efficiency varied among water layers.  相似文献   

The pelagic amphipod, Hyalella montezuma, migrates vertically into the surface waters at twilight in Montezuma Well, Arizona, USA despite the absence of fish predators or thermal stratification. We suggest that a persistent, dense, neustonic algal assemblage may provide a food resource incentive for the twilight ascent.  相似文献   

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