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Selective isotopic labeling provides an unparalleled window within which to study the structure and dynamics of RNAs by high resolution NMR spectroscopy. Unlike commonly used carbon sources, the asymmetry of 13C-labeled pyruvate provides selective labeling in both the ribose and base moieties of nucleotides using Escherichia coli variants, that until now were not feasible. Here we show that an E. coli mutant strain that lacks succinate and malate dehydrogenases (DL323) and grown on [3-13C]-pyruvate affords ribonucleotides with site specific labeling at C5′ (~95%) and C1′ (~42%) and minimal enrichment elsewhere in the ribose ring. Enrichment is also achieved at purine C2 and C8 (~95%) and pyrimidine C5 (~100%) positions with minimal labeling at pyrimidine C6 and purine C5 positions. These labeling patterns contrast with those obtained with DL323 E. coli grown on [1, 3-13C]-glycerol for which the ribose ring is labeled in all but the C4′ carbon position, leading to multiplet splitting of the C1′, C2′ and C3′ carbon atoms. The usefulness of these labeling patterns is demonstrated with a 27-nt RNA fragment derived from the 30S ribosomal subunit. Removal of the strong magnetic coupling within the ribose and base leads to increased sensitivity, substantial simplification of NMR spectra, and more precise and accurate dynamic parameters derived from NMR relaxation measurements. Thus these new labels offer valuable probes for characterizing the structure and dynamics of RNA that were previously limited by the constraint of uniformly labeled nucleotides.  相似文献   

NMR-spectroscopy enables unique experimental studies on protein dynamics at atomic resolution. In order to obtain a full atom view on protein dynamics, and to study specific local processes like ring-flips, proton-transfer, or tautomerization, one has to perform studies on amino-acid side chains. A key requirement for these studies is site-selective labeling with 13C and/or 1H, which is achieved in the most general way by using site-selectively 13C-enriched glucose (1- and 2-13C) as the carbon source in bacterial expression systems. Using this strategy, multiple sites in side chains, including aromatics, become site-selectively labeled and suitable for relaxation studies. Here we systematically investigate the use of site-selectively 13C-enriched erythrose (1-, 2-, 3- and 4-13C) as a suitable precursor for 13C labeled aromatic side chains. We quantify 13C incorporation in nearly all sites in all 20 amino acids and compare the results to glucose based labeling. In general the erythrose approach results in more selective labeling. While there is only a minor gain for phenylalanine and tyrosine side-chains, the 13C incorporation level for tryptophan is at least doubled. Additionally, the Phe ζ and Trp η2 positions become labeled. In the aliphatic side chains, labeling using erythrose yields isolated 13C labels for certain positions, like Ile β and His β, making these sites suitable for dynamics studies. Using erythrose instead of glucose as a source for site-selective 13C labeling enables unique or superior labeling for certain positions and is thereby expanding the toolbox for customized isotope labeling of amino-acid side-chains.  相似文献   

The surface dynamics of bacteriorhodopsin was examined by measurements of site-specific 13C–1H dipolar couplings in [3-13C]Ala-labeled bacteriorhodopsin. Motions of slow or intermediate frequency (correlation time <50 µs) scale down 13C–1H dipolar couplings according to the motional amplitude. The two-dimensional dipolar and chemical shift (DIPSHIFT) correlation technique was utilized to obtain the dipolar coupling strength for each resolved peak in the 13C MAS solid-state NMR spectrum, providing the molecular order parameter of the respective site. In addition to the rotation of the Ala methyl group, which scales the dipolar coupling to 1/3 of the rigid limit value, fluctuations of the C–C vector result in additional motional averaging. Typical order parameters measured for mobile sites in bacteriorhodopsin are between 0.25 and 0.29. These can be assigned to Ala103 of the C–D loop and Ala235 at the C-terminal -helix protruded from the membrane surface, and Ala196 of the F–G loop, as well as to Ala228 and Ala233 of the C-terminal -helix and Ala51 from the transmembrane -helix. Such order parameters departing significantly from the value of 0.33 for rotating methyl groups are obviously direct evidence for the presence of fluctuation motions of the Ala C–C vectors of intact preparations of fully hydrated, wild-type bacteriorhodopsin at ambient temperature. The order parameter for Ala160 from the expectantly more flexible E–F loop, however, is unavailable under highest-field NMR conditions, probably because increased chemical shift anisotropy together with intrinsic fluctuation motions result in an unresolved 13C NMR signal.  相似文献   

In protein NMR experiments which employ nonnative labeling, incomplete enrichment is often associated with inhomogeneous line broadening due to the presence of multiple labeled species. We investigate the merits of fractional enrichment strategies using a monofluorinated phenylalanine species, where resolution is dramatically improved over that achieved by complete enrichment. In NMR studies of calmodulin, a 148 residue calcium binding protein, 19F and 1H-15N HSQC spectra reveal a significant extent of line broadening and the appearance of minor conformers in the presence of complete (>95%) 3-fluorophenylalanine labeling. The effects of varying levels of enrichment of 3-fluorophenylalanine (i.e. between 3 and >95%) were further studied by 19F and 1H-15N HSQC spectra,15N T1 and T2 relaxation measurements, 19F T2 relaxation, translational diffusion and heat denaturation experiments via circular dichroism. Our results show that while several properties, including translational diffusion and thermal stability show little variation between non-fluorinated and >95% 19F labeled samples, 19F and 1H-15N HSQC spectra show significant improvements in line widths and resolution at or below 76% enrichment. Moreover, high levels of fluorination (>80%) appear to increase protein disorder as evidenced by backbone 15N dynamics. In this study, reasonable signal to noise can be achieved between 60–76% 19F enrichment, without any detectable perturbations from labeling.  相似文献   

13C-13C NOESY experiments were performed under long mixing time conditions on reduced human superoxide dismutase (32 kDa, 15N, 13C and 70% 2H labeled). 13C-13C couplings were successfully eliminated through post-processing of in-phase-anti-phase (IPAP) data. It appears that at mixing time m of 3.0 s the spin diffusion mechanism allows the detection of 96% of the two-bond correlations involving C and C. The interpretation was confirmed by simulations. This approach broadens the range of applicability of 13C-13C NOESY spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Isotope labeling by residue type (LBRT) has long been an important tool for resonance assignments at the limit where other approaches, such as triple-resonance experiments or NOESY methods do not succeed in yielding complete assignments. While LBRT has become less important for small proteins it can be the method of last resort for completing assignments of the most challenging protein systems. Here we present an approach where LBRT is achieved by adding protonated 14N amino acids that are 13C labeled at the carbonyl position to a medium for uniform deuteration and 15N labeling. This has three important benefits over conventional 15N LBRT in a deuterated back ground: (1) selective TROSY-HNCO cross peaks can be observed with high sensitivity for amino-acid pairs connected by the labeling, and the amide proton of the residue following the 13C labeled amino acid is very sharp since its alpha position is deuterated, (2) the 13C label at the carbonyl position is less prone to scrambling than the 15N at the α-amino position, and (3) the peaks for the 1-13C labeled amino acids can be identified easily from the large intensity reduction in the 1H-15N TROSY-HSQC spectrum for some residues that do not significantly scramble nitrogens, such as alanine and tyrosine. This approach is cost effective and has been successfully applied to proteins larger than 40 kDa. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Methyl 13CHD2 isotopomers of all methyl-containing amino-acids can be observed in residually protonated samples of large proteins obtained from [U-13C,1H]-glucose/D2O-based bacterial media, with sensitivity sufficient for a number of NMR applications. Selective detection of some subsets of methyl groups (Alaβ, Thrγ2) is possible using simple ‘out-and-back’ NMR methodology. Such selective methyl-detected ‘out-and-back’ NMR experiments allow complete assignments of threonine γ2 methyls in residually protonated, [U-13C,1H]-glucose/D2O-derived samples of an 82-kDa enzyme Malate Synthase G. [U-13C,1H]-glucose/D2O-derived protein samples are relatively inexpensive and are usually available at very early stages of any NMR study of high-molecular-weight systems.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies of ever larger systems have benefited from many different forms of isotope labeling, in particular, site specific isotopic labeling. Site specific 13C labeling of methyl groups has become an established means of probing systems not amenable to traditional methodology. However useful, methyl reporter sites can be limited in number and/or location. Therefore, new complementary site specific isotope labeling strategies are valuable. Aromatic amino acids make excellent probes since they are often found at important interaction interfaces and play significant structural roles. Aromatic side chains have many of the same advantages as methyl containing amino acids including distinct 13C chemical shifts and multiple magnetically equivalent 1H positions. Herein we report economical bacterial production and one-step purification of phenylalanine with 13C incorporation at the Cα, Cγ and Cε positions, resulting in two isolated 1H-13C spin systems. We also present methodology to maximize incorporation of phenylalanine into recombinantly overexpressed proteins in bacteria and demonstrate compatibility with ILV-methyl labeling. Inexpensive, site specific isotope labeled phenylalanine adds another dimension to biomolecular NMR, opening new avenues of study.  相似文献   

High resolution 13C-detected solid-state NMR spectra of the deuterated beta-1 immunoglobulin binding domain of the protein G (GB1) have been collected to show that all 15N, 13C′, 13Cα and 13Cβ sites are resolved in 13C–13C and 15N–13C spectra, with significant improvement in T 2 relaxation times and resolution at high magnetic field (750 MHz). The comparison of echo T 2 values between deuterated and protonated GB1 at various spinning rates and under different decoupling schemes indicates that 13T 2′ times increase by almost a factor of two upon deuteration at all spinning rates and under moderate decoupling strength, and thus the deuteration enables application of scalar-based correlation experiments that are challenging from the standpoint of transverse relaxation, with moderate proton decoupling. Additionally, deuteration in large proteins is a useful strategy to selectively detect polar residues that are often important for protein function and protein–protein interactions.  相似文献   

For larger proteins, and proteins not amenable to expression in bacterial hosts, it is difficult to deduce structures using NMR methods based on uniform 13C, 15N isotopic labeling and observation of just nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs). In these cases, sparse labeling with selected 15N enriched amino acids and extraction of a wider variety of backbone-centered structural constraints is providing an alternate approach. A limitation, however, is the absence of resonance assignment strategies that work without uniform 15N, 13C labeling or preparation of numerous samples labeled with pairs of isotopically labeled amino acids. In this paper an approach applicable to a single sample prepared with sparse 15N labeling in selected amino acids is presented. It relies on correlation of amide proton exchange rates, measured from data on the intact protein and on digested and sequenced peptides. Application is illustrated using the carbohydrate binding protein, Galectin-3. Limitations and future applications are discussed.  相似文献   

K-Ras is a key driver of oncogenesis, accounting for approximately 80% of Ras-driven human cancers. The small GTPase cycles between an inactive, GDP-bound and an active, GTP-bound state, regulated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors and GTPase activating proteins, respectively. Activated K-Ras regulates cell proliferation, differentiation and survival by signaling through several effector pathways, including Raf-MAPK. Oncogenic mutations that impair the GTPase activity of K-Ras result in a hyperactivated state, leading to uncontrolled cellular proliferation and tumorogenesis. A cysteine mutation at glycine 12 is commonly found in K-Ras associated cancers, and has become a recent focus for therapeutic intervention. We report here 1HN, 15N, and 13C resonance assignments for the 19.3 kDa (aa 1–169) human K-Ras protein harboring an oncogenic G12C mutation in the GDP-bound form (K-RASG12C-GDP), using heteronuclear, multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Backbone 1H–15N correlations have been assigned for all non-proline residues, except for the first methionine residue.  相似文献   

A simple isotope labeling approach for selective 13C/15N backbone labeling of proteins is described. Using {1,2-13C2}-pyruvate as the sole carbon source in bacterial growth media, selective incorporation of 13Cα-13CO spin-pairs into the backbones of protein molecules with medium-to-high levels of 13C-enrichment is possible for a subset of 12 amino acids. The isotope labeling scheme has been tested on a pair of proteins—a 7-kDa immunoglobulin binding domain B1 of streptococcal protein G and an 82-kDa enzyme malate synthase G. A number of protein NMR applications are expected to benefit from the {1,2-13C2}-pyruvate based protein production.  相似文献   

The conformational dependence of 13C chemical shift values of RNA riboses determined by liquid-state NMR spectroscopy was evaluated using data deposited for RNA structures in the RCSD and BMRB data bases. Results derived support the applicability of the canonical coordinates approach of Rossi and Harbison (J Magn Reson 151:1–8, 2001) in liquid-state NMR to assess the sugar pucker of ribose units in RNA. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Poor chemical shift referencing, especially for 13C in protein Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) experiments, fundamentally limits and even prevents effective study of biomacromolecules via NMR, including protein structure determination and analysis of protein dynamics. To solve this problem, we constructed a Bayesian probabilistic framework that circumvents the limitations of previous reference correction methods that required protein resonance assignment and/or three-dimensional protein structure. Our algorithm named Bayesian Model Optimized Reference Correction (BaMORC) can detect and correct 13C chemical shift referencing errors before the protein resonance assignment step of analysis and without three-dimensional structure. By combining the BaMORC methodology with a new intra-peaklist grouping algorithm, we created a combined method called Unassigned BaMORC that utilizes only unassigned experimental peak lists and the amino acid sequence. Unassigned BaMORC kept all experimental three-dimensional HN(CO)CACB-type peak lists tested within ±?0.4 ppm of the correct 13C reference value. On a much larger unassigned chemical shift test set, the base method kept 13C chemical shift referencing errors to within ±?0.45 ppm at a 90% confidence interval. With chemical shift assignments, Assigned BaMORC can detect and correct 13C chemical shift referencing errors to within ±?0.22 at a 90% confidence interval. Therefore, Unassigned BaMORC can correct 13C chemical shift referencing errors when it will have the most impact, right before protein resonance assignment and other downstream analyses are started. After assignment, chemical shift reference correction can be further refined with Assigned BaMORC. These new methods will allow non-NMR experts to detect and correct 13C referencing error at critical early data analysis steps, lowering the bar of NMR expertise required for effective protein NMR analysis.  相似文献   

For a wide range of proteins of high interest, the major obstacle for NMR studies is the lack of an affordable eukaryotic expression system for isotope labeling. Here, a simple and affordable protocol is presented to produce uniform labeled proteins in the most prevalent eukaryotic expression system for structural biology, namely Spodoptera frugiperda insect cells. Incorporation levels of 80 % can be achieved for 15N and 13C with yields comparable to expression in full media. For 2H,15N and 2H,13C,15N labeling, incorporation is only slightly lower with 75 and 73 %, respectively, and yields are typically twofold reduced. The media were optimized for isotope incorporation, reproducibility, simplicity and cost. High isotope incorporation levels for all labeling patterns are achieved by using labeled algal amino acid extracts and exploiting well-known biochemical pathways. The final formulation consists of just five commercially available components, at costs 12-fold lower than labeling media from vendors. The approach was applied to several cytosolic and secreted target proteins.  相似文献   

We present here a set of 13C-direct detected NMR experiments to facilitate the resonance assignment of RNA oligonucleotides. Three experiments have been developed: (1) the (H)CC-TOCSY-experiment utilizing a virtual decoupling scheme to assign the intraresidual ribose 13C-spins, (2) the (H)CPC-experiment that correlates each phosphorus with the C4′ nuclei of adjacent nucleotides via J(C,P) couplings and (3) the (H)CPC-CCH-TOCSY-experiment that correlates the phosphorus nuclei with the respective C1′,H1′ ribose signals. The experiments were applied to two RNA hairpin structures. The current set of 13C-direct detected experiments allows direct and unambiguous assignment of the majority of the hetero nuclei and the identification of the individual ribose moieties following their sequential assignment. Thus, 13C-direct detected NMR methods constitute useful complements to the conventional 1H-detected approach for the resonance assignment of oligonucleotides that is often hindered by the limited chemical shift dispersion. The developed methods can also be applied to large deuterated RNAs.  相似文献   

Carbonyl 13C′ relaxation is dominated by the contribution from the 13C′ chemical shift anisotropy (CSA). The relaxation rates provide useful and non-redundant structural information in addition to dynamic parameters. It is straightforward to acquire, and offers complimentary structural information to the 15N relaxation data. Furthermore, the non-axial nature of the 13C′ CSA tensor results in a T1/T2 value that depends on an additional angular variable even when the diffusion tensor of the protein molecule is axially symmetric. This dependence on an extra degree of freedom provides new geometrical information that is not available from the NH dipolar relaxation. A protocol that incorporates such structural restraints into NMR structure calculation was developed within the program Xplor-NIH. Its application was illustrated with the yeast Fis1 NMR structure. Refinement against the 13C′ T1/T2 improved the overall quality of the structure, as evaluated by cross-validation against the residual dipolar coupling as well as the 15N relaxation data. In addition, possible variations of the CSA tensor were addressed. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Performance of 18 DFT functionals (B1B95, B3LYP, B3PW91, B97D, BHandHLYP, BMK, CAM-B3LYP, HSEh1PBE, M06-L, mPW1PW91, O3LYP, OLYP, OPBE, PBE1PBE, tHCTHhyb, TPSSh, wB97xD, VSXC) in combinations with six basis sets (cc-pVDZ, aug-cc-pVDZ, cc-pVTZ, aug-cc-pVTZ, IGLO-II, and IGLO-III) and three methods for calculating magnetic shieldings (GIAO, CSGT, IGAIM) was tested for predicting 1H and 13C chemical shifts for 25 organic compounds, for altogether 86 H and 88 C atoms. Proton shifts varied between 1.03 ppm to 12.00 ppm and carbon shifts between 7.87 ppm to 209.28 ppm. It was found that the best method for calculating 13C shifts is PBE1PBE/aug-cc-pVDZ with CSGT or IGAIM approaches (mae?=?1.66 ppm), for 1H the best results were obtained with HSEh1PBE, mPW1PW91, PBE1PBE, CAM-B3LYP, and B3PW91 functionals with cc-pVTZ basis set and with CSGT or IGAIM approaches (mae?=?0.28 ppm). We found that often larger basis sets do not give better results for chemical shifts. The best basis sets for calculating 1H and 13C chemical shifts were cc-pVTZ and aug-cc-pVDZ, respectively. CSGT and IGAIM NMR approaches can perform really well and are in most cases better than popular GIAO approach.
Graphical Abstract Mean absolute errors for 1H and 13C chemical shifts and computational times of neutral toluene molecule with aug-cc-pVDZ basis set and CSGT approach



Stimulus Response Experiments to unravel the regulatory properties of metabolic networks are becoming more and more popular. However, their ability to determine enzyme kinetic parameters has proven to be limited with the presently available data. In metabolic flux analysis, the use of 13C labeled substrates together with isotopomer modeling solved the problem of underdetermined networks and increased the accuracy of flux estimations significantly.  相似文献   

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