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Due to the long generation times and high densities, dominant tree species usually did not respond consistently with theoretical predictions to the recent fragmentation. Genetic structures of shrubs and herbs, especially those with low densities, may be more sensitive to forest fragmentation. We studied the genetic structure of a self-compatible subshrub, Ardisia crenata var. bicolor (Myrsinaceae) in a recently fragmented landscape. Ten RAPD primers used for analysis generated a total of 76 bands. We found that A. c. var. bicolor had relatively low species-level (P95 = 63.2%; H = 0.106; Shannon diversity index (SI) = 0.246) and within-population diversity (P95 = 5.3−46.1%; H = 0.026−0.175; SI = 0.032−0.253), and significant population differentiation (GST = 0.445). Significantly positive relationships were found between measures of diversity (P95, H and SI) and the log of estimated population size. No significant relationship was observed between Nei's genetic distance and spatial distance of pairwise populations, indicating no isolation-by-distance. Given most species of forests are shrubs and herbs with short generation times, our observation indicated that distinct genetic consequences of recent fragmentation may be expected for quite a number of plant species.  相似文献   

This study investigates individual flexibility of foraging ants (Pheidole dentata) when the number of nestmates is altered by establishing broodless and queenless colony fragments all originating from a single big colony. Scouts from small groups (5 to 15 ants) behave like solitary foragers. They feed for long periods of time, they return slowly into the nest, and they recruit weakly. The ingested food is distributed by trophallaxis. Scouts from larger (20- to 30-ant) fragments forage more socially. Feeding and return times are short and recruitment is strong. Later the food is always transported into the nest. Two alternative mechanisms are discussed to explain the differences in individual foraging behavior. For the first—individual flexibility—assumptions have to be made about the capabilities of the individual, its work repertoire, and decision making outside the nest. The second mechanism takes into account that ants are capable of perceiving CO 2 concentration differences and that ant groups are more active at higher CO 2 concentrations. The organizational differences at the group level are explained simply by tempo differences in individual ants without making assumptions about individual capabilities.  相似文献   

为了解广东栽培益智(Alpinia oxyphylla)群体的遗传多样性,采用SSR分子标记技术对166份种质的遗传差异进行研究。结果表明,14对SSR引物共检测到88个等位基因,每对引物检测的有效等位基因为1.198~3.279,平均2.599;Shannon多样性信息指数为0.736~1.890,平均1.107。方差分析表明20.87%的变异来自组间,79.13%的变异来自组内。基于主成分分析和遗传结构分析表明,供试166份益智样本可分为4大类群,但没有反映出形态特征的规律性。因此,益智种质资源具有较高遗传多样性,且遗传变异主要发生在群体内,群体间的遗传分化较低,且基于表型性状的类型划分和基于SSR分子标记的聚类未能实现一致性。  相似文献   

Genetic diversity, population structure and interrelationships were investigated in eight populations of the common reed, Phragmites australis, in the Po Plain, Italy, by means of amplified fragments length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs). Patterns of genetic diversity were analysed in relation to size, age and degree of human impact in the wetlands and compared with that of a distant population in Romania. Genetic distances between Po Plain clones and geographically distant clones were measured to determine the geographical extent of the gene pool.  相似文献   

We analyzed the genotypes of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) from three populations in the westernmost part of the species main range. One population was situated at the distribution edge (NE Poland) and the two other (Latvia and Estonia) were located within the main, contiguous range of the species. The aim was to determine if the genetic composition varied among these populations and if there was evidence of isolation among them. Based on microsatellite allele frequencies, we found the allelic richness in Polish lynx to be lower than that in lynx from Latvia and Estonia. We also found significant differentiation among the lynx populations, with the NE Poland population forming a distinct genetic group relative to the two other populations (R ST = 0.15 and 0.22, P < 0.0001). We suggest that genetic differentiation among lynx populations is the result of habitat insularisation that limits gene flow. This finding emphasizes the necessity to consider the lynx genetic differentiation in conservation planning of this species in Poland.  相似文献   

新疆塔里木马鹿沙雅种群的生境变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔里木马鹿(Cervus elaphus yarkandensis)沙雅种群主要分布在新疆维吾尔自治区沙雅县和库车县境内。为了评估该马鹿种群的生境现状、变化趋势和变化原因,通过野外实地考察,利用GIS和RS技术,分别解译了当地过去4个年份(1972~2006年)夏季的Landsat TM/ETM+遥感影像,得到了塔里木马鹿生境变化数据:①2006年的农田面积为27082.24hm2,高盖度植被面积22616.25hm2,中盖度植被面积66703.62hm2,低盖度植被面积64470.62hm2,水体面积39735.89hm2,荒漠面积63497.26hm2,沙漠面积40308.45hm2;②过去的34年间农田面积增加了89.2%(12768hm2),高盖度植被面积减少60.1%(34125hm2),中盖度植被面积增加了17.2%(9791hm2),低盖度植被面积增加了37.3%(17520hm2),水体面积减少26.6%(14429hm2),荒漠面积增加6.9%(4123hm2),沙漠面积增加12.6%(4523hm2);③高盖度植被的斑块数量增加了20.9%,平均斑块面积下降了48.3%,最大斑块指数下降了33.3%;景观丰富度并没有变化,但Shannon多样性指数和Shannon均匀度指数分别增加了2.5%;④高盖度植被面积变化分别与当地的人口数量和畜牧存栏数呈显著负相关(r=-1.000),而农田、沙漠和荒漠面积分别与当地人口数量及畜牧存栏数呈显著正相关(r=0.800,r=1.000,r=0.800)。表明塔里木马鹿沙雅种群生境的丧失及破碎化程度较为严重;生境丧失及破碎化是人类活动和自然环境变化共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

Lumholtz's tree-kangaroo (Dendrolaguslumholtzi) is one of two species oftree-kangaroo resident in the tropicalrainforests of north-eastern Australia. Thespecies is confined to the Wet Tropics region,with its distribution centred on the AthertonTablelands. While D. lumholtzi wasexposed to periodic large-scale climaticfluctuations during the Quaternary that haveeffectively acted as natural fragmentationevents, the species is currently under pressurefrom anthropogenic disturbance and habitatfragmentation. This study aimed to assess thelevel of genetic diversity in D.lumholtzi by examining hypervariablemicrosatellite loci and the control region ofmitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in 21 individualsfrom a single 20 ha forest fragment, and from afurther 24 animals collected throughout theAtherton Tablelands. Results suggest that D. lumholtzi has relatively low levels ofgenetic diversity which is uniformlydistributed throughout the Atherton Tablelands;a pattern congruent with data from many othervertebrates endemic to the Australian WetTropics. It is suggested that Pleistoceneclimatic fluctuations, which resulted inlarge-scale rainforest contractions, haveimposed an ancient population bottleneck on theancestral D. lumholtzi population. Theapparent over-riding influence of thesenatural, historical effects on the geneticstructure of D. lumholtzi populations,will complicate attempts to assess the geneticimpact of current anthropogenic habitat lossand fragmentation.  相似文献   

草鱼EST-SSR标记及5个不同地域群体的遗传结构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)脑、肌肉、肝等组织构建cDNA文库,经测序获得unigenes序列45 318个,从中筛选微卫星序列共5 556个,据此设计EST-SSR引物118对,其中19对引物能够扩增出带型清晰且多态性较高的谱带。用这19个EST-SSR标记研究3个长江水系群体(石首、监利和长沙)和2个珠江水系群体(清远和肇庆)草鱼的遗传结构。结果表明,5个群体的平均多态信息含量(PIC)为0.415 4~0.460 4,显示草鱼群体的遗传多样性偏低;平均观测杂合度(Ho)为0.415 8~0.501 3,平均期望杂合度为(He)0.450 6~0.502 8,其中,长沙群体平均期望杂合度最高,为0.502 8,监利群体的平均观察杂合度和平均期望杂合度均最低,分别为0.415 8和0.450 6,即长沙群体的遗传多样性最高,监利群体的遗传多样性最低;对数据进行F-检验,结果表明,群体间的遗传分化程度低。Hardy-Weinberg平衡的卡方检验结果表明,5个群体均一定程度上偏离了平衡;聚类分析显示长沙群体、石首群体与监利群体聚成一支;肇庆群体与清远群体聚成一支,这与草鱼群体的流域分布一致。  相似文献   

为了解海南岛油茶(Camellia oleifera)种质资源的遗传多样性,采用SRAP分子标记,对海南岛油茶主要分布区的31个居群进行了遗传多样性和亲缘关系分析。结果表明,海南岛油茶资源的遗传多样性低,物种水平的多态性百分率(PPB)为98.30%,Nei’s基因多样性(H)为0.222 8,Shannon信息指数(I)为0.353 8;居群水平的PPB=40.96%,观测等位基因数(Na)为1.409 6,有效等位基因数(Ne)为1.237 1, H=0.138 5, I=0.208 3,这与海南岛油茶丰富的表型多样性水平不一致。海南岛油茶资源遗传分化较大,居群间基因交流有限,不同居群间的遗传分化指数(Gst)为0.380,基因流(Nm)为0.813 91。遗传变异主要发生在居群内,有38.05%的变异存在居群间,61.95%存在于居群内。遗传距离为0.022 6~0.276 4,平均为0.107 7,居群间的亲缘关系较近。UPGMA聚类分析表明,在遗传距离为0.11处,可将31个油茶居群聚为6类,表现出明显的行政区域性,而与地理距离关系不大。因此,海南岛油茶资源遗传多样性低,亲缘关系近可能导致自交或近交不亲和,可能是海南油茶林分花量大而结实低的主要内在原因。  相似文献   

为了解枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica)叶片性状和单果质量的遗传多样性及其相关性,对‘宁海白’与‘大房’杂交组合的F1群体(123株)的7个叶片性状与单果质量进行相关分析。结果表明,叶片的长度、宽度、厚度和叶柄长度及单果质量5个性状在后代中均呈现连续性较好的正态分布,其中单果质量、叶片的长度、宽度和厚度呈趋小遗传趋势,叶柄长度呈趋中变异趋势。F1杂交群体叶面形态主要以“稍皱”为主,叶片形状以“椭圆形”为主,叶基形状以“楔形”为主。单果质量与叶柄长度、叶片长度、叶片宽度、叶片厚度均表现出极显著的正相关性。因此,叶柄长度可考虑作为早期筛选大果优株的参考指标之一。  相似文献   

The striped mullet, Mugil cephalus, is an economically important species for both aquaculture and commercial fisheries in China. In this study, the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was employed to analyze population genetic diversity and genetic distance between different populations with the aim of elucidating the population structure and gene flow of M. cephalus along the coast of China. A total of 230 fragments with 150–500 bp were identified from 118 individuals by five AFLP primer combinations. The polymorphic loci within populations varied from 46.52% to 64.78%, with an average of 53.91%, and the average heterozygosity from 0.1829 to 0.2282, with an average of 0.2074. The UPGMA phenograms of 118 individuals were constructed based on Dice similarity coefficients and four clusters were recognized. AMOVA analysis revealed that 60.7% of genetic variations were within populations and 39.3% between populations. The estimated genetic distance (φST) value over all polymorphic loci across the six populations was 0.393 (p < 0.0010), indicating a strong population structuring. The pairwise φST value ranged from 0.1112 to 0.5358, with an average of 0.3693. The population pairwise gene flows (average Nm = 0.73) are low. In addition, the result of the Mantel test showed that there was a significant correlation between geographic and genetic distances (r = 0.5434, p = 0.0050). It was speculated that there exist at least four distinct geographic populational subdivisions of M. cephalus along the Chinese coast. This research has provided new molecular data which will aid our understanding of the genetic structure of this species.  相似文献   

Redfin culter (Culter erythropterus) is a small lethic freshwater fish and widely distributed in the adjacent lakes of the Yangtze River of China. Five microsatellite loci were applied to investigate the genetic variation and population structure of redfin culter from seven lakes in the middle-and-lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The gene diversity was high among the populations (H > 0.9), the average number of alleles among seven populations was low with a range from 2.00 to 3.87. The mean observed (H O) and expected (H E) heterozygosity ranged from 0.111 to 0.419 and from 0.162 to 0.750, respectively. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium expectation were found in 50% of the total locus-population combination tests in which heterozygote deficits were apparent. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that the percentage of variance among and within these populations were 6.18 and 93.82, respectively. The Fst values (0.062, P < 0.001) among studied populations indicated that there were significant genetic differentiations among redfin culture populations from the scattered lakes with different connections to the Yangtze River. These results are useful for the evaluation and conservation of small freshwater fishes. The factors that may be involved in low intra-population polymorphism and the pattern of the population genetic structure of redfin culter from the Yangtze River were discussed. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: C. Sturmbauer  相似文献   

Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng., commonly known as curry leaf plant, is found in the different hilly regions of India. In the present study, fifty-nine accessions representing eight wild populations of M. koenigii were analyzed using thirteen ISSR primers. A total of 152 bands were amplified, out of which, 136 were polymorphic corresponding to 89.47% polymorphism across the accessions. The pairwise population genetic distances were calculated for all the populations that varied from 0.05 to 0.13 between the populations of M. koenigii. AMOVA and Nei’s genetic diversity analysis revealed higher genetic variations within populations than among the populations. The clustering of populations in the dendrogram was not in congruence with geographical affiliations. The results indicate that the ISSR method is sufficiently informative and powerful to estimate the genetic diversity in M. koenigii populations. As M. koenigii is an important wild plant genetic resource, therefore, information on genetic variability might be a potential source as breeding material for development of commercially valuable traits in M. koenigii plants.  相似文献   

为了解四川核桃(Juglans)种质资源的遗传多样性,利用RAD二代测序技术对42份核桃良种资源进行测序,分析其遗传结构和遗传多样性。结果表明,共获得70G clean data,Q30平均为96.3%,并获得160 309个多态性SNPs。聚类、遗传结构和主成分分析结果高度一致,42份种质资源聚为两大类,基本反映了两个原始祖先血统,即普通核桃类(AJR,33份)和泡核桃类(AJS,9份),两类群具较高的遗传分化(FST=0.285),且分类与地理位置分布和种群相关;且修正了‘威薄01’、‘白龙1号’和‘石棉巨核’3个品种的类群认定。AJS和AJR类群中分别有9和14个良种为纯血统且亲缘关系较远,而其余的良种均为两个血统的混杂。42个核桃良种资源的核苷酸多样性[Pi(π)]和期望杂合度(He)分别为0.029和0.286,表明这些资源具有丰富的遗传多样性,相对于AJR类群,AJS类群的杂合率(He)与核苷酸多态性更大,而SNP数更少,AJS遗传多样性更丰富。这些为四川的核桃种质资源保存和杂交育种研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为了探讨立地条件对极小种群野生植物大树杜鹃的种子萌发和种群自然更新的作用机制,该试验对大树杜鹃鲜叶、枯叶和植株冠幅下不同距离(0、2、5和10m)的森林凋落物以及林下苔藓等浸提液对其种子萌发的影响,以及自毒与森林凋落物的化感作用对大树杜鹃种群自然更新的影响进行分析。结果表明:(1)大树杜鹃鲜叶和枯叶浸提液对种子萌发均具有抑制作用,但枯叶浸提液对其种子萌发率和萌发的抑制强度较小;而种子萌发率和萌发指数均随鲜叶浸提液浓度增加而显著降低,当鲜叶浸提液浓度为10%时,种子萌发率仅为8%,表明大树杜鹃具有较强的自毒作用。(2)大树杜鹃植株冠幅下不同距离的森林凋落物对其种子的萌发具有化感作用,但不同距离的影响不同;距离冠幅5m的凋落物对其种子萌发的抑制作用最强,在该距离下的凋落物浸提液浓度为2%时大树杜鹃种子萌发率和萌发指数分别显著降低为77.33%和21.35,较对照分别显著降低18.32%和20.5%。(3)大树杜鹃林下苔藓对大树杜鹃种子萌发有一定的抑制作用,但作用并不明显。研究认为,大树杜鹃具有较强的自毒作用,可能进一步影响其种群自然更新;森林凋落物对大树杜鹃种子萌发具有一定的化感抑制效应,推测立地条件可能会通过影响其种子萌发而进一步影响种群的自然更新。  相似文献   

Species richness and composition of the Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) were studied in larch (Larix kaempheri [Lamb.] Carrière) plantations, secondary forests, and primary forests. In addition, the effects of forest management practices, such as thinning and long rotation, were examined in the larch plantation. The species richness of Chrysomelidae was higher in the larch plantation than in the secondary forest or in the primary forest. Among the larch plantations, the species richness in old-aged plantations was higher than that in middle-aged plantations. The composition of the beetle assemblages in the larch plantation differed from that in the secondary forest or in the primary forest. Exosoma akkoae (Chujo), Batophila acutangula Heikertinger, and Calomicrus nobyi Chujo were caught with a bias toward the larch plantation. Longitarsus succineus (Foudras) and Sphaeroderma tarsatum Baly were caught more in the secondary forest and the primary forest, respectively. More B. acutangula and S. tarsatum were caught in stands where their host plants occurred at higher rates. Species richness of understory plants was an important factor for chrysomlid species richness, and frequency of host occurrence affected the number of individuals of leaf beetles examined. It seems that forest types and forest management practices affect host plants as well as Chrysomelidae, and that these effects on the host plants also influence chrysomelid assemblages.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and structure of five natural populations of Caragana microphylla from the Inner Mongolia steppe were estimated using AFLP markers. Five pairs of primers generated a total of 312 bands among 90 individuals, with percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) being 63% at the population level and 76% at the species level, respectively. The genetic diversity within populations was correlated significantly with the soil N:P ratio. AMOVA analysis revealed high genetic variations within populations (95.5%). The estimated number of migrants per generation (Nm) was 10.72, indicating a high level of gene flow among populations. There was no significant correlation (r = 0.36) between genetic distance and geographical distance. These results were discussed in terms of eco-geographical variations among populations, together with the life history traits and breeding system of the species. The knowledge obtained may have important implications for better conservation and wise use of the vegetation dominate by C. microphylla.  相似文献   

We have investigated levels of genetic diversity within and among seven remnant populations of Caesalpinia echinata Lam., an endangered species found as fragmented populations in three major areas around the coastal regions of Brazil. Using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genetic markers, we detected levels of within-population genetic diversity ranging from 0.092 to 0.163, with the lowest values generally being found in the smallest populations. Estimates of between-population genetic differentiation were strongly correlated with geographical distance (r = 0.884, p < 0.001), which,along with a neighbour-joining phylogenetic analysis, strongly suggested high levels of genetic isolation by distance. Over half (62%) of the total genetic diversity was partitioned between populations, further highlighting the genetic distinctness of individual populations. Taken together, these results suggest that fragmentation has led to an increase in population differentiation between fragments of C. echinata. These formations will be of great value in the development of conservation plans for species exhibiting high levels of genetic differentiation due to fragmentation, such as indication of conservation unit size, which populations should be chosen as priority in conservation plans and which samples should be introduced in areas with a low number of individuals of brazilwood.  相似文献   

Bouteloua gracilis (blue grama grass) native populations have been shown to be highly variable, however the genetic basis of this variability has not been well established. Determining the extent of genetic variability within and among plant populations have important repercussions for the management and conservation of species, and in particular for those subjected to intensive use such as forage plants. Using RAPD, this study was undertaken to investigate the genetic variability of four B. gracilis native populations developed in three grasslands and one shrubland at the southernmost part of the North American Graminetum in México. Significant differences in grass aboveground production were found among the study sites, while considerable genetic variation within each of the four blue grama populations evaluated was detected. The molecular analysis, based on 55 individuals, revealed a total of 108 scorable repeatable bands, with 99 of them being polymorphic (overall polymorphism= 91.7%). Within every population each individual was genetically distinct and no population-specific bands (fixed marker differences) were identified. Pair-wise Φ ST comparisons indicated that the four blue grama populations examined were significantly different in their genetic constitution (P<0.001). AMOVA revealed that most of the genetic variation detected in Bouteloua gracilis was explained by intra- (88.53%), rather than by inter-population (11.47%) differences. UPGMA based on the Φ ST values indicated that the blue grama population collected from the shrubland displayed the RAPD profiles that most differed among the study sites. Possible causes of these results could reside on intensive grazing reducing, and proper management conserving, the forage production and genetic diversity of blue grama native populations. Our results are consistent with previous studies analyzing population genetic variation in outcrossing grasses and, in particular, with ecological and cytological evidence for a high genetic variability in native populations of B. gracilis. The implications of our findings and prospective studies to be undertaken using molecular tools in the study of blue grama biology and ecology are discussed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)凋落叶分解能够明显干扰受体植物的生长、生殖、光合生理和活性氧代谢。该研究继续采用盆栽试验,探讨了不同量[0(对照)、25、50和100g]的香樟凋落叶添加到土壤(10kg/盆)中对受体植物辣椒(Capsicum annuum)及其土壤氮营养状况的影响,外源氮(尿素)输入对凋落叶分解的交互作用,以及凋落叶分解效应的产生是否因为其较高的C/N比而导致微生物争氮。结果显示:(1)各剂量(25~100g/盆)凋落叶处理下,辣椒幼苗硝态氮、可溶性蛋白和全氮含量均在至少2个月内大幅显著降低。(2)土壤硝态氮与辣椒硝态氮、全氮间均具有极显著的协同下降趋势;土壤微生物生物量氮则在总体上高于对照,而土壤全氮和铵态氮的响应较小。(3)施氮不仅使辣椒各氮组分和土壤硝态氮含量整体提升,还使凋落叶分解在这些指标上的抑制作用显著减弱。(4)香樟凋落叶的初始C/N为125.61±4.89,其在土壤中分解48~137d后的C/N始终远高于Hodge假说指出的可导致微生物争氮的临界值,但经过分解120d和135d的凋落叶添加到土壤中并不抑制辣椒的生长。研究认为,香樟凋落叶分解初期可能释放了不利于土壤硝化过程的物质,造成土壤硝态氮匮乏,以致受体植物的氮素吸收和积累减少,而凋落叶较高的C/N比及土壤微生物争氮并非主导因素。  相似文献   

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