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The distribution of deformed wing virus (DWV) in adult female Varroa destructor and in their progeny in relation to the pupal host bee was investigated to evaluate acquisition and transfer of DWV by the mites. The results clearly show that adult female mites regularly act as competent vectors of DWV, however, they do not acquire or transfer virus on all possible occasions. Mother mites may contain DWV while the pupal host remains free from overt infection and both mother mites and mite progeny may not acquire detectable amounts of DWV from an infected host bee. However, a majority of mites feeding on pupae that emerge with deformed wings will contain DWV. The data also demonstrates that both adult and immature mite progeny most likely acquire DWV from DWV-infected host bees and not from their mother mites. Possible explanations for the obtained results are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Reproduction and population growth of Varroa destructor was studied in ten naturally infested, Africanized honeybee (AHB) (Apis mellifera) colonies in Yucatan, Mexico. Between February 1997 and January 1998 monthly records of the amount of pollen, honey, sealed worker and drone brood were recorded. In addition, mite infestation levels of adult bees and worker brood and the fecundity of the mites reproducing in worker cells were determined. The mean number of sealed worker brood cells (10,070 ± 1,790) remained fairly constant over the experimental period in each colony. However, the presence and amount of sealed drone brood was very variable. One colony had drone brood for 10 months and another for only 1 month. Both the mean infestation level of worker brood (18.1 ± 8.4%) and adult bees (3.5 ± 1.3%) remained fairly constant over the study period and did not increase rapidly as is normally observed in European honey bees. In fact, the estimated mean number of mites fell from 3,500 in February 1997 to 2,380 in January 1998. In May 2000 the mean mite population in the study colonies was still only 1,821 mites. The fertility level of mites in this study was much higher (83–96%) than in AHB in Brazil(25–57%), and similar to that found in EHB (76–94%). Mite fertility remained high throughout the entire study and was not influenced by the amount of pollen, honey or worker brood in the colonies. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

世界各地大范围的西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera蜂群损失现象已引起科学界和公众的持续关注。狄斯瓦螨Varroa destructor和蜜蜂残翅病毒(Deformed wing virus,DWV)是西方蜜蜂群中最主要的两大生物威胁。尽管二者侵害蜜蜂均已有较长历史,但直至近十年来的研究才发现两者间的协同效应对蜂群健康的影响远超过其单独作用时所造成的危害:(1)蜜蜂残翅病毒可在狄斯瓦螨体内大量复制,继而进一步传播;(2)狄斯瓦螨的刺吸行为使病毒粒子跨越寄主的生理屏障而直接进入蜜蜂血淋巴;(3)狄斯瓦螨的寄生促使蜜蜂残翅病毒的高毒力毒株在蜂群中优势扩增和盛行;(4)狄斯瓦螨影响蜜蜂个体发育与免疫系统等生理机能,以致降低了蜂群对病毒的抵抗力;(5)蜜蜂残翅病毒对宿主造成的免疫抑制有利于狄斯瓦螨的寄生与繁殖。狄斯瓦螨、蜜蜂残翅病毒和西方蜜蜂间的关系已经成为昆虫外寄生物、病原体与寄主相互作用研究的一个典型模型。本文对近十年该领域的相关研究进行综述,以期为蜂群损失的原因调查以及昆虫寄生虫、病原微生物与寄主间关系的研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The viral levels and immune responses of Italian honey bees (IHB), Russian honey bees (RHB) and an outcross of Varroa Sensitive Hygienic bees (POL) deliberately infested with one or two foundress Varroa were compared. We found that the Deformed wing virus (DWV) level in IHB inoculated with one or two foundress Varroa increased to about 103 or 105 fold the levels of their uninfested brood. In contrast, POL (102 or 104 fold) and RHB (102 or l04 fold) supported a lower increase in DWV levels. The feeding of different stages of Varroa nymphs did not increase DWV levels of their pupal hosts. Analyses of their corresponding Varroa mites showed the same trends: two foundress Varroa yielded higher DWV levels than one foundress, and the addition of nymphs did not increase viral levels. Using the same pupae examined for the presence of viruses, 16 out of 24 genes evaluated showed significant differential mRNA expression levels among the three honey bee stocks. However, only four genes (Defensin, Dscam, PPOact and spaetzle), which were expressed at similar levels in uninfested pupae, were altered by the number of feeding foundress Varroa and levels of DWV regardless of stocks. This research provides the first evidence that immune response profiles of different honey bee stocks are induced by Varroa parasitism.  相似文献   

Honey bees collect distinct nutrient sources in the form ofnectar (energy) and pollen (nitrogen). We investigated the effectof varying energy stores on nectar and pollen foraging. We foundno significant changes in nectar foraging in response to changesin honey storage levels within colonies. Individual foragersdid not vary activity rates or nectar load sizes in responseto changes in honey stores, and colonies did not increase nectarintake rates when honey stores within the hive were decreased.This result contrasts with pollen foraging behavior, which isextremely sensitive to colony state. Our data show that individualforaging decisions during nectar collection and colony regulationof nectar intake are distincdy different from pollen foraging.The behavior of honey bees illustrates that foraging strategy(and therefore foraging models) can incorporate multiple currencies,including both energy and protein intake.[Behav Ecol 7: 286–291(1996)]  相似文献   

Abstract. Varroa destructor is a parasitic mite of the honey bee species Apis cerana Fabr . and A. mellifera L. Mature females reproduce on the immature stages of their hosts, producing more viable female offspring on drone hosts than on worker hosts. Thus, immature drones are more likely to be infested with mites than immature workers. To investigate the hypothesis that differences in host chemistries underlie the biased distribution of mites between worker and drone brood, the arrestment responses of mites to solvent extracts of a number of stimuli normally encountered by a mite during its life cycle were measured. Mites were arrested by cuticular extracts of worker and drone larvae obtained at 0, 24 and 48 h prior to the time when cell capping is completed. Mites were also arrested by extracts of worker and drone, brood food and cocoons, and by a blend of synthetic fatty acid esters previously shown to be active in the host acquisition process. In a wind tunnel bioassay, mites were attracted to odours from living fifth-instar worker and drone larvae, but not to volatiles from cocoons, brood food or a blend of fatty acid esters. The sex of the host was not an important factor affecting the behavioural responses of the mites in any assay. We conclude that host kairomones play a role in the host acquisition process, but we found no evidence to support the hypothesis that mites use these substances to differentiate between worker and drone brood.  相似文献   

Virus-like particles, 27 nm in diameter, were observed in extracts of individual Varroa destructor mites and in sections of mite tissue. Application of a purification procedure resulted in virus preparations that were used to prepare an antiserum to detect the virus in individual mites. Immunohistology studies showed that the gastric caecae were heavily infected, whereas no immunostaining could be detected in other mite tissues or organs, like the salivary glands, brain, rectum or reproductive organs. By electron microscopy large aggregates of virus-like particles in para-crystalline lattices were found in cells of the gastric caecae. The particles, reminiscent to picorna-like viruses, occurred mainly in the cytoplasm, whereas some virus particles were sparsely scattered in vacuoles. Occasionally, particles were observed in membrane-bound vesicles or in long tubular membrane structures in the cytoplasm. The accumulation of the picorna-like virus particles in the cytoplasm and the presence of the virus in membrane structures give a strong indication that the virus replicates in the mite.  相似文献   

The parasitic mite Varroa destructor, in interaction with different viruses, is the main cause of honey bee colony mortality in most parts of the world. Here we studied how effects of individual-level parasitization are reflected by the bee colony as a whole. We measured disease progression in an apiary of 24 hives with differing degree of mite infestation, and investigated its relationship to 28 biometrical, physiological and biochemical indicators. In early summer, when the most heavily infested colonies already showed reduced growth, an elevated ratio of brood to bees, as well as a strong presence of phenoloxidase/prophenoloxidase in hive bees were found to be predictors of the time of colony collapse. One month later, the learning performance of worker bees as well as the activity of glucose oxidase measured from head extracts were significantly linked to the timing of colony collapse. Colonies at the brink of collapse were characterized by reduced weight of winter bees and a strong increase in their relative body water content. Our data confirm the importance of the immune system, known from studies of individually-infested bees, for the pathogenesis of varroosis at colony level. However, they also show that single-bee effects cannot always be extrapolated to the colony as a whole. This fact, together with the prominent role of colony-level factors like the ratio between brood and bees for disease progression, stress the importance of the superorganismal dimension of Varroa research.  相似文献   

Currently, the Varroa destructor mite is the most serious parasite of honey bees (Apis mellifera) and has become a nearly cosmopolitan species. The mite not only causes damage by feeding on the haemolymph of honey bees, but it also transmits viruses, which have been implicated in colony collapse disorder. The major research goal has been to breed mite-tolerant honey bee lines in order to reduce the amount of pesticide used, because pesticides can promote the evolution of resistance in mites. In this review, we describe different behavioural traits and genes that may be part of the defence against the Varroa mite. Specifically, we review grooming behaviour, Varroa-sensitive hygiene and the suppression of mite reproduction. A large number of candidate genes have been identified by Quantitative Trait Loci studies, and through gene expression studies their function and effect have been elucidated. Results from the studies discussed can be used in apiary practice.  相似文献   

The present study analyzes the fatty acid (FA) profile of lipids isolated from Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman, a parasitic mite of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.), uninfected and infected worker prepupae of the Carnolian subspecies Apis mellifera carnica Pollmann, and bee bread fed to the worker brood. Significant differences are observed in the FA profiles of lipids isolated from parasites, hosts and bee bread. Parasitism by V. destructor (henceforth, varroosis) induces visible changes in the lipid profile of worker prepupae. In infected prepupae, the percentage of total saturated FAs is lower and the percentage of unsaturated FAs is higher than in uninfected insects. These differences result from significant changes in the percentages of FAs that are most abundant in the evaluated groups (i.e. C16:0, C18:1 9c, C18:2n‐6 and C18:3n‐3 FAs). In mites and in uninfected and infected prepupae, the predominant FAs are oleic acid (41.07 ± 2.26%, 42.79 ± 1.21% and 45 ± 0.20%, respectively) and palmitic acid (22.62 ± 0.87%, 39.48 ± 0.43% and 36.84 ± 0.22%, respectively). Highly significant differences in FA composition are noted between bee bread and worker brood. The results suggest specific mechanisms of FA uptake, accumulation and metabolism in the food chain of this parasitic association, beginning from the food processed by nurse bees for larval feeding, through host organisms (worker brood) to V. destructor mites.  相似文献   

Abstract. One way in which Apis mellifera honey bees resist Varroa destructor is by detection and elimination of nestmates. This study uses behavioural tests and electroanntennography to assess the role of chemostimuli in recognition by honey bees of this acarian ectoparasite. Behavioural tests using living or dead parasites involved observation of honey bee grooming activity (antennation) under controlled conditions in Petri dishes, and removal behaviour (uncapping and elimination of parasitized and unparasitized control brood cells) under natural conditions. Some bees from colonies with both small and large parasite populations showed aggressive behaviour (biting). No difference was observed according to whether the mite was dead or alive. Under natural conditions, bees uncapped more parasitized cells than control cells. Electroantennographic tests were performed to measure sensitivity to various Varroa extracts at three concentrations (10, 20 and 30 Varroa Equivalents). Only 30 Varroa Equivalent methanol extracts made from Varroa collected from brood cells elicited significantly greater antennal response than controls (pure solvent). All three methanol extracts elicited significantly greater antennal response than controls. No response was observed using Varroa extracts made with acetone or hexane. These findings suggest that polar products may act as chemostimuli for recognition of V. destructor by honey bees. Further study will be necessary to determine which polar products are involved in this recognition and assess grooming and removal behaviour using these products.  相似文献   

Parasite host shifts can impose a high selective pressure on novel hosts. Even though the coevolved systems can reveal fundamental aspects of host–parasite interactions, research often focuses on the new host–parasite relationships. This holds true for two ectoparasitic mite species, Varroa destructor and Varroa jacobsonii, which have shifted hosts from Eastern honey bees, Apis cerana, to Western honey bees, Apis mellifera, generating colony losses of these pollinators globally. Here, we study infestation rates and reproduction of V. destructor and V. jacobsonii haplotypes in 185 A. cerana colonies of six populations in China and Thailand to investigate how coevolution shaped these features. Reproductive success was mostly similar and low, indicating constraints imposed by hosts and/or mite physiology. Infestation rates varied between mite haplotypes, suggesting distinct local co‐evolutionary scenarios. The differences in infestation rates and reproductive output between haplotypes did not correlate with the virulence of the respective host‐shifted lineages suggesting distinct selection scenarios in novel and original host. The occasional worker brood infestation was significantly lower than that of drone brood, except for the V. destructor haplotype (Korea) from which the invasive lineage derived. Whether mites infesting and reproducing in atypical intraspecific hosts (i.e., workers and queens) actually predisposes for and may govern the impact of host shifts on novel hosts should be determined by identifying the underlying mechanisms. In general, the apparent gaps in our knowledge of this coevolved system need to be further addressed to foster the adequate protection of wild and managed honey bees from these mites globally.  相似文献   

越冬期是蜂群损失最主要的阶段.通过比较分析45个意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica蜂群在繁殖越冬蜂前的狄斯瓦螨Varroa destructor寄生率和病毒感染情况、越冬表现及越冬期存活蜂群的病毒感染情况等,探究与越冬期蜜蜂健康紧密相关的影响因素.结果表明,繁殖越冬蜂前蜂群的狄斯瓦螨寄生率与蜜蜂...  相似文献   

The European honey bee (Apis mellifera) is a highly valuable, semi-free-ranging managed agricultural species. While the number of managed hives has been increasing, declines in overwinter survival, and the onset of colony collapse disorder in 2006, precipitated a large amount of research on bees’ health in an effort to isolate the causative factors. A workshop was convened during which bee experts were introduced to a formal causal analysis approach to compare 39 candidate causes against specified criteria to evaluate their relationship to the reduced overwinter survivability observed since 2006 of commercial bees used in the California almond industry. Candidate causes were categorized as probable, possible, or unlikely; several candidate causes were categorized as indeterminate due to lack of information. Due to time limitations, a full causal analysis was not completed at the workshop. In this article, examples are provided to illustrate the process and provide preliminary findings, using three candidate causes. Varroa mites plus viruses were judged to be a “probable cause” of the reduced survival, while nutrient deficiency was judged to be a “possible cause.” Neonicotinoid pesticides were judged to be “unlikely” as the sole cause of this reduced survival, although they could possibly be a contributing factor.  相似文献   

The enzyme spectrum of an ectoparasitic mite of the honeybee,Varroa destructor (Anderson and Trueman) was studied usinga semi-quantitative method, especially designed for complex samples which havenot been purified. Exopeptidases and phosphatases are shown present. Achitinaseand enzymes able to transform carbohydrates are also present with a largerange in the intensity of the reaction. The role of the chitinase can berelatedto the supply of nutritional needs or/and the piercing and sucking behaviour ofthe adult parasite. Chitinase activity could be one factor influencing thebalance between the parasite and its host.  相似文献   

蜜蜂具有很高的生态价值和经济价值,对农业生产帮助巨大。然而,狄斯瓦螨Varroa destructor寄生给西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera蜂群造成重大损失,对蜜蜂健康构成严重威胁,因此,狄斯瓦螨的防治变得尤为紧要。虽然化学防治是防治狄斯瓦螨常用且有效措施,但仍存在许多缺点,如造成蜂产品污染、导致蜂螨产生抗药性等。另一方面,培育抗螨蜂种被证明是可持续的狄斯瓦螨防治方法。瓦螨敏感卫生行为(Varroa sensitive hygiene, VSH)是蜜蜂重要的抗螨性状之一。本文从狄斯瓦螨的生活周期、对蜜蜂的危害、蜜蜂抗螨行为、瓦螨敏感卫生行为调控和遗传育种等方面进行综述,为狄斯瓦螨防治和抗螨蜂种选育提供参考。  相似文献   

Honey bees are exposed to a number of damaging pathogens and parasites. The most destructive among them, affecting mainly the brood, is Varroa destructor. A promising approach to prevent its spread is to breed for Varroa-tolerant honey bees. A trait that has been shown to provide significant resistance against the Varroa mite is hygienic behaviour, a behavioural response of honey bee workers to brood diseases in general. This study reports the development of a 44K SNP assay, specifically designed for the analysis of hygienic behaviour of individual worker bees (Apis mellifera carnica) directed against V. destructor. Initially, 70,000 SNPs chosen from a large set of SNPs published by the Honey Bee Genome Project were validated for their suitability in the analysis of the Varroa resistance trait 'uncapping of Varroa-infested brood'. This was achieved by genotyping of pooled DNA samples of trait bearers and two trait-negative controls using next-generation sequencing. Approximately 36,000 of these validated SNPs and another 8000 SNPs not validated in this study were selected for the construction of a SNP assay. This assay will be employed in following experiments to analyse individualized DNA samples in order to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) involved in the control of the investigated trait and to evaluate and possibly confirm QTL found in other studies. However, this assay is not just suitable to study Varroa tolerance, it is as well applicable to analyse any other trait in honey bees. In addition, because of its high density, this assay provides access into genomic selection with respect to several traits considered in honey bee breeding. It will become publicly available via AROS Applied Biotechnology AS, Aarhus, Denmark, before the end of the year 2011.  相似文献   

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