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Pavlova  S. V.  Nesterova  T. B.  Zakian  S. M. 《Molecular Biology》2001,35(3):324-330
Genes for four subfamilies of SMC (structural maintenance of chromosomes) proteins have been isolated from the genome of a common vole Microtus arvalis. The high degree of homology between representatives of each SMC protein subfamily of different classes of organisms has been demonstrated. The full-sized copy of a mammalian gene encoding SMC4 protein has been isolated and analyzed for the first time. The SMC proteins enter into the composition of complexes responsible for cohesion of sister chromatids, formation of mitotic chromosomes, recombination, DNA repair, and regulation of gene expression. We discuss the possible participation of the SMC proteins in inactivation of the X chromosome in mammalian females. Common voles of genus Microtusgroup arvalis serve a unique model for the study of the inactivation process.  相似文献   

Light is the main entraining signal of the central circadian clock, which drives circadian organization of activity. When food is made available during only certain parts of the day, it can entrain the clock in the liver without changing the phase of the central circadian clock. Although a hallmark of food entrainment is a behavioral anticipation of food availability, the extent of behavioral alterations in response to food availability has not been fully characterized. The authors have investigated interactions between light and temporal food availability in the timing of activity in the common vole. Temporally restricted food availability enhanced or attenuated re-entrainment to a phase advance in light entrainment when it was shifted together with the light or remained at the same time of day, respectively. When light-entrained behavior was challenged with temporal food availability cycles with a different period, two distinct activity components were observed. More so, the present data indicate that in the presence of cycles of different period length of food and light, an activity component emerged that appeared to be driven by a free-running (light-entrainable) clock. Because the authors have previously shown that in the common vole altering activity through running-wheel availability can alter the effectiveness of food availability to entrain the clock in the liver, the authors included running-wheel availability as a parameter that alters the circadian/ultradian balance in activity. In the current protocols, running-wheel availability enhanced the entraining potential of both light and food availability in a differential way. The data presented here show that in the vole activity is a complex of individually driven components and that this activity is, itself, an important modulator of the effectiveness of entraining signals such as light and food. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

M Sasaki  Y Oki 《Jikken dobutsu》1988,37(1):97-99
Tear proteins were detected by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the vole, Microtus arvalis. The tear proteins were separated to 6 to 8 bands and the bands were divided to three regions on the anodic side. In the adult male vole, a male specific band (Vtp-1) was detected in the first region. The first region of adult female and immature voles contained two specific bands (Vtp-2, 3). In the castrated adult males or adult males injected with estrogen, the male specific hand, Vtp-1, disappeared and Vtp-2 and 3 bands appeared. In all castrated voles, the Vtp-1 band appeared and Vtp-2 and 3 bands disappeared after the administration of testosterone. Thus, sex hormone-dependent proteins are present in vole tears.  相似文献   

A triple synaptomal complex was observed between 3 small-sized chromosomes in 4 spermatocytes closely connected by intercellular bridges, of the common vole (Microtus arvalis L.). Other spermatocytes from the same and from 2 other males had a normal chromosome complement and pairing patterns. This finding was interpreted as the result of a single act of non-disjunction taking place in a spermatogonium. These data suggest that chromosome non-disjunction in premeiotic germ cells can be considered one of the causes of aneuploidy in mammals.  相似文献   

The widespread European vole species Microtus arvalis (Pallas) occurs in the British Isles only on Guernsey and various of the Orkney islands. The traditional explanation for this peculiar distribution has been that the island races are the sole relicts of a previously cosmopolitan form. This idea is not supported by the present study, in which population samples are compared with voles from a number of localities from Continental Europe. Using the frequencies of non-metrical skull variants as genetical markers, it emerged that although the Guernsey population ( Microtus arvalis sarnius ) was virtually indistinguishable from typical German specimens, and therefore likely to be a relict from the time when Guernsey was connected to France, the Orkney populations ( Microtus arvalis orcadensis ) formed a distinct group with affinities more to south Europe than elsewhere. It seems probable that arvalis was brought to Orkney by some of the earliest human colonizers about 4000 years ago, and then radiated to the different islands. It is argued that this manner of peripheral differentiation may be an important method of evolutionary change.  相似文献   

The effect of feed composition on nitrogen-fixing activity of the symbionts living in the digestive tract of sibling vole Microtus rossiaemeridionalis was experimentally studied. In the control, the rodents were allowed to select any of three feeds: protein-rich, protein-free with low cellulose content, and protein-free with high cellulose content. The voles consumed the food in a proportion corresponding to 16% of protein and about 6% of cellulose. Exclusion of the protein-rich food considerably increased cellulose consumption (up to 12%) and digestibility (from 35 to 64%). The changes in the consumed feed composition were reflected in localization of nitrogenase activity in the digestive tract: the control level of nitrogen-fixing activity in the cecum was three times that in the proventriculus, while an inverse proportion was observed in the experimental groups. In all cases, the colon was the major locus of nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

湖南等三地区东方田鼠遗传特性的分析比较   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
用染色体G带核型分析、生化位点、随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)标记等方法,对湖南洞庭湖湖滨、宁夏青铜峡市农田和黑龙江伊春市金山屯草甸3个地区的东方田鼠遗传特性进行了分析。结果表明,湖南和宁夏地区东方田鼠染色体数均为2N=52,黑龙江东方田鼠染色体数则为2N=42;生化位点结果显示3个地区的东方田鼠均呈遗传非均一性;湖南、宁夏和黑龙江鼠的个体间RAPD遗传距离分别为0.244(0.143—0.353)、0.226(0.161—0.294)、0.541(0.357—0.692)。湖南和宁夏两地区鼠种群间的遗传距离为0.367,湖南和宁夏鼠杂交一代与其亲代的RAPD遗传距离在0.310以下;但黑龙江鼠与湖南和宁夏鼠种群问的遗传距离分别为0.619和0.633。总的表明,3个地区的东方田鼠均呈遗传非均一性,但湖南与宁夏鼠在染色体、生化位点和RAPD标记等方面都具有相似性,并可杂交,而黑龙江鼠与其它两地的鼠不能杂交,且黑龙江鼠在遗传特性方面与前二地鼠有很大差异,因而后的“种”级分类地位值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

In captivity, Orkney voles Microtus uruulis orcudensis show an activity pattern that consists of regularly alternating periods of rest and activity with a periodicity of about 2.8 hours. Captive voles kept under ambient conditions are equally active day and night at all times of the year. Free-living voles also show a regular short-term rhythm of activity but in addition the partition of activity between day and night varies seasonally. At two sites on Orkney Mainland cyclic variation in diurnality with a period of 12 months were recorded. Although surface activity occurred during both the day and night throughout the year, day activity predominated, particularly during the winter months. The cycle appeared to be synchronous at the two study sites.
Seasonal variation in diurnality appeared to be associated with population density and due largely to the proportion of juveniles in the population. Given the 12-month cycle of diurnality found in the Orkney vole, phase relationships with photoperiod are likely to be consistent between years. This may explain why populations of this subspecies do not appear to undergo multi-annual population cycles.
Despite intense levels of predation by raptors, including the short-eared owl which switches between nocturnal and diurnal hunting, Orkney voles exhibit a relatively simple and highly predictable cycle of diurnality. This cycle is unlikely therefore to have evolved as a means of preventing predator specialization with respect to time of day, season or year.  相似文献   

The broad autosomal polymorphism in form obscurus of common voles Microtus arvalis from the Transcaucasian region that is associated with the variation of subtelocentric chromosome pair 5, as well as the mechanism and evolutionary significance of this polymorphism, are discussed. Based on the morphological analysis of heterozygotes for chromosome pair 5 after differential G-, C-, and Ag-NOR-banding and on the measurements of homologues, the following conclusion has been made. The occurrence of the acrocentric chromosome 5 is the result of a double chromosomal rearrangement: a pericentric inversion and a duplication of the chromosomal material. The mutation has been found throughout the entire territory of Armenia. In spite of such a wide distribution, the mutation frequency in populations is extremely low. Neither a definite pattern of geographic distribution nor a clinal variation was found for this mutation. This mutation is likely to occur independently in different M. arvalis populations and is apparently neutral. Homozygotes for chromosome pair 5 are described for the first time.  相似文献   

把棕色田鼠或沼泽田鼠暴露于同种个体底物(个体饲养箱内的锯末)1h,不同组别的田鼠在间隔15min、30min、60min后,记录对暴露过的熟悉底物和另一个陌生底物的访问、嗅闻、挖掘等社会探究行为(每组在每一个时间间隔只试验1次),统计分析发现,田鼠在暴露于同种异性底物,然后间隔不同的时间后,总是倾向于选择熟悉同种异性底物;田鼠在暴露于同种同性底物,然后间隔不同的时间后,总是倾向于选择陌生同种同性底物;棕色田鼠在暴露于同性底物1h,然后间隔60min后,对陌生的同性底物有明显多的探究行为,但沼泽田鼠在同种情况下却没有表现出这种选择倾向。在暴露底物1h,然后间隔60min后,雌性田鼠比雄性田鼠表现出更明显的选择倾向。以上结果表明不同种类和性别的田鼠对气味表现出不同的识别模式。这种差异可能表明不同种具有木同的社会组织、生态和生活史对策。  相似文献   

Fifteen paired fossil populations of Microtus arvalis and Microtus agrestis from southwestern Europe have been analysed from a morphological and morphometric point of view. The sites under consideration are located in the northern Iberian Peninsula and southern France, from the Middle Pleistocene to the end of the Late Pleistocene. The aim of this study is to stress once again the importance of keeping these two species separated in the fossil record in order to recognize specific trends of evolution and divergence and to obtain more precise information on palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental conditions. It was possible to observe remarkable intraspecific differences between Middle and Late Pleistocene populations of both species. Furthermore, in synchronic co-specific populations from the Late Pleistocene, climatic and geographic conditions seem to exert a major influence in shaping intraspecific changes in dental pattern.  相似文献   

The genetic structure and demography of local populations is tightly linked to the rate and scale of dispersal. Dispersal parameters are notoriously difficult to determine in the field, and remain often completely unknown for smaller organisms. In this study, we investigate spatial and temporal genetic structure in relation to dispersal patterns among local populations of the probably most abundant European mammals, the common vole (Microtus arvalis). Voles were studied in six natural populations at distances of 0.4-2.5 km in three different seasons (fall, spring, summer) corresponding to different life-history stages. Field observations provided no direct evidence for movements of individuals between populations. The analysis of 10 microsatellite markers revealed a persistent overall genetic structure among populations of 2.9%, 2.5% and 3% FST in the respective season. Pairwise comparisons showed that even the closest populations were significantly differentiated from each other in each season, but there was no evidence for temporal differentiation within populations or isolation by distance among populations. Despite significant genetic structure, assignment analyses identified a relatively high proportion of individuals as being immigrants for the population where they were captured. The immigration rate was not significantly lower for females than for males. We suggest that a generally low and sex-dependent effective dispersal rate as the consequence of only few immigrants reproducing successfully in the new populations together with the social structure within populations may explain the maintenance of genetic differentiation among populations despite migration.  相似文献   

The basic mating system of the prairie vole, Microtus ochrogaster,consists of monogamous breeding units comprised of one reproductivefemale and male and their offspring. Most surviving young remainat the natal nest; those that do so normally remain non-reproductive.Of 281 total breeding units monitored in free-living populations50.2% were monogamous. Twenty-seven percent consisted of a singlereproductive female that apparently has lost her mate. Theremaining22.8% of the breeding units included two or more unrelated adultsmales and/or females (=‘complex’ breeding units).In general, monogamy was the predominant type of breeding unitat the highest (>100 adults/ha) as well as at low (>20adults/ha) population densities. There was no consistent relationshipbetween the number of residents of a breeding unit and populationdensity. Significantly more young females remaining at the natalnest became reproductive at high rather than at low populationdensities (77.1 and 17.6%, respectively). Monogamy was prevalentduring the winter as well as during the other seasons; however,there were significantly more complex breeding units duringthe winter than during other seasons. Breeding unit size wassignificantly larger during the winter than at other seasons.There was no difference in the proportions of breeding unittypes or the number of residents of a breeding unit during breedingand nonbreeding seasons. Increased breeding unit size appearsrelated to low temperatures and associated physiological stressesduring the winter rather than to population density.  相似文献   

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