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Exposing rat Schwann cells co-cultured with nerve cells to a reconstituted basement membrane induced the formation of myelin segments by Schwann cells. This occurred in a serum-free culture medium in which, in the absence of this matrix, Schwann cells proliferate but fail to differentiate. This reconstituted basement membrane was prepared from solubilized extracellular matrix proteins synthesized by a basement membrane-producing murine tumor. The major constituents of this reconstituted matrix are collagen type IV, laminin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, entactin, and nidogen. The matrix also elicited striking morphological changes in Schwann cells, inducing them to spread longitudinally along the nerve fibers (a necessary early step in the process of ensheathment of nerve fibers). Several observations indicated that the effect of the matrix was exerted directly on Schwann cells and not indirectly through an effect on nerve cells. First, the matrix-induced cell spreading occurred only in areas in which Schwann cells directly contacted the matrix; Schwann cells that were associated with the same nerve fibers but that did not themselves directly contact the matrix did not exhibit spreading. Second, the matrix-induced alteration in Schwann cell morphology was observed in cultures in which the nerve cells were removed. These results provide direct evidence that basement membrane contact induces normal Schwann cell differentiation, and support the idea that Schwann cell differentiation in vivo may be regulated by the appearance of the basement membrane, which normally envelops terminally differentiating Schwann cells.  相似文献   

Peptides derived from extracellular matrix proteins have the potential to function as potent therapeutic reagents to increase neuronal regeneration following central nervous system (CNS) injury, yet their efficacy as pharmaceutical reagents is dependent upon the expression of cognate receptors in the target tissue. This type of codependency is clearly observed in successful models of axonal regeneration in the peripheral nervous system, but not in the normally nonregenerating adult CNS. Successful regeneration is most closely correlated with the induction of integrins on the surface of peripheral neurons. This suggests that in order to achieve optimal neurite regrowth in the injured adult CNS, therapeutic strategies must include approaches that increase the number of integrins and other key receptors in damaged central neurons, as well as provide the appropriate growth-promoting peptides in a “regeneration cocktail.” In this review, we describe the ability of peptides derived from tenascin-C, fibronectin, and laminin-1 to influence neuronal growth. In addition, we also discuss the implications of peptide/receptor interactions for strategies to improve neuronal regeneration.  相似文献   

The terminal differentiation of Schwann cells is dependent on contact with basement membrane. The present study was undertaken to investigate the role of cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) in mediating Schwann cell responses to extracellular matrix contact. Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C-releasable cell surface HSPGs purified from cultures of neonatal rat Schwann cells were subjected to affinity chromatography on immobilized laminin and fibronectin. Binding of the HSPG to both affinity matrices was observed. The strength of the association, however, was sensitive to the ionic strength of the buffer. In 0.1 M Tris-HCl, HSPG binding was essentially irreversible whereas in physiological ionic strength buffer (e.g. 0.142 M NaCl, 10 mM Tris), weaker binding was detected as a delay in elution of the HSPG from the affinity columns. Further studies of HSPG-laminin binding suggested that the binding was mediated by the glycosaminoglycan chains of the proteoglycans. Results of equilibrium gel filtration chromatography provided additional evidence for a reversible association of the HSPG and laminin with a Kd of approximately 1 x 10(-6) M. When Schwann cells were plated on plastic dishes coated with laminin, the cells attached and extended long slender processes. Inclusion of heparin, but not chondroitin sulfate, in the assay medium resulted in partial inhibition of process extension, but at concentrations of heparin which were higher than that needed to disrupt laminin-HSPG association in vitro. Addition of anti-integrin receptor antibodies resulted in more extensive inhibition of laminin-dependent process extension. Anti-integrin antibodies plus heparin essentially totally inhibited laminin-dependent process extension. These results demonstrate that cell surface HSPGs are capable of reversible association with extracellular matrix molecules and suggest that HSPG-laminin interactions play a role in laminin-dependent Schwann cell spreading.  相似文献   

Corneal epithelium removed from underlying extracellular matrix (ECM) extends numerous cytoplasmic processes (blebs) from the formerly smooth basal surface. If blebbing epithelia are grown on collagen gels or lens capsules in vitro, the basal surface flattens and takes on the smooth contour typical of epithelium in contact with basal lamina in situ. This study examines the effect of soluble extracellular matrix components on the basal surface. Corneal epithelia from 9- to 11-d-old chick embryos were isolated with trypsin-collagenase or ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, then placed on Millipore filters (Millipore Corp., Bedford, Mass.), and cultured at the medium-air interface. Media were prepared with no serum, with 10% of calf serum, or with serum from which plasma fibronectin was removed. Epithelia grown on filters in this medium continue to bleb for the duration of the experiments (12-14 h). If soluble collagen, laminin, or fibronectin is added to the medium, however, blebs are withdrawn and by 2-6 h the basal surface is flat. Epithelia grown on filters in the presence of albumin, IgG, or glycosaminoglycans continue to bleb. Epithelia cultured on solid substrata, such as glass, also continue to bleb if ECM is absent from the medium. The basal cell cortex in situ contains a compact cortical mat of filaments that decorate with S-1 myosin subfragments; some, if not all, of these filaments point away from the plasmalemma. The actin filaments disperse into the cytoplasmic processes during blebbing and now many appear to point toward the plasmalemma. In isolated epithelia that flatten in response to soluble collagens, laminin, and fibronectin, the actin filaments reform the basal cortical mat typical or epithelial in situ. Thus, extracellular macromolecules influence and organize not only the basal cell surface but also the actin-rich basal cell cortex of epithelial cells.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple and unique strategy for identifying cell surface and extracellular matrix molecules produced by chondrocytes. Our strategy comprises two methods, retrovirus-based signal sequence gene trapping and culturing of Swarm rat chondrosarcoma chondrocytes. After infection with a retrovirus vector and isolation of hygromycin-resistant clones, trapped genes could be easily identified by the 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (5' RACE) method. Furthermore, the treatment of isolated clones with gadolinium chloride enabled us to determine whether the trapped gene expression was dependent on the state of chondrogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

Neural cells secrete diverse molecules, which accumulate in the extracellular space and form the extracellular matrix (ECM). Interactions between cells and the ECM are well recognized to play the crucial role in cell migration and guidance of growing axons, whereas formation of mature neural ECM in the form of perineuronal nets is believed to restrict certain forms of developmental plasticity. On the other hand, major components of perineuronal nets and other ECM molecules support induction of functional plasticity, the most studied form of which is long-term potentiation. Here, we review the underlying mechanisms by which ECM molecules, their receptors and remodeling proteases regulate the induction and maintenance of synaptic modifications. In particular, we highlight that activity-dependent secretion and activation of proteases leads to a local cleavage of the ECM and release of signaling proteolytic fragments. These molecules regulate transmitter receptor trafficking, actin cytoskeleton, growth of dendritic spines, and formation of dendritic filopodia.  相似文献   

The prototype extracellular matrix glycoproteins had been identified on the basis of their activity in promoting cell adhesion and spreading. Recently, more and more evidence is accumulating that the reverse effect of extracellular matrix proteins, namely the inhibition of cell adhesion and spreading, may be equally important for proper cell function during morphogenesis and development. Several anti-adhesive proteins have been described and their mechanisms of action are being investigated.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLR) are among key receptors of the innate mammalian immune system. Receptors of this family are able to recognize specific highly conserved molecular regions (patterns) in pathogen structures, thus initiating reactions of both innate and acquired immune response finally resulting in the elimination of the pathogen. In this case every individual TLR type is able to bind a broad spectrum of molecules of microbial origin characterized by different chemical properties and structures. Recent data demonstrate the existence of a multistep mechanism of the TLR recognition of the pathogen in which, in addition to receptors proper, the involvement of different adapter molecules is necessary. However, functions of separate adapter molecules as well as the principles of formation of a multicomponent system of ligand-specific recognition are still not quite understandable. We describe all identified as well as possible (candidate) adapter TLR molecules by giving their brief characteristics, and we also propose generalized possible variants of the TLR ligand-specific recognition with involvement of adapter molecules.  相似文献   

The present results suggest that laminin-1 and 3 are localized in the specialized Schwann cells of Pacinian corpuscles, in spite of incomplete deposition of the basal lamina on the surface of their cytoplasmic processes. In addition, laminin-3 is concentrated and probably function as a stop protein not only in the neuromuscular junction, but also in the specialized Schwann cells enveloping the dendritic zone of the afferent axon. No significant changes of immunostaining for both laminins and their integrin receptors following denervation of Pacinian corpuscles indicate that their synthesis is independent to afferent axon as a prerequisite for successful reinnervation.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to investigate extracellular matrix (ECM) and mucin binding of selected bacterial isolates with probiotic features in comparison with commercially used probiotic bacteria. METHODS AND RESULTS: ECM molecules were immobilized in microtitre plates (mucin and fetuin) or on the surface of latex beads. Porcine mucin was bound by all 13 probiotic strains tested with important inter-strain differences; however, fetuin binding was similar (weak) for all 14 strains tested. Strongly positive (three) binding of bovine fibrinogen was expressed by strains from fermented food (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, L. casei Shirota and L. johnsonii La1) as well as by L. casei L.c., Lactobacillus sp. 2I3 and by L. plantarum LP. The other strains expressed moderate (2) or weakly positive (1) binding of bovine fibrinogen. Strongly positive (3) binding of porcine fibronectin was observed only with two strains; however, all other strains also bound this molecule. Bovine lactoferrin was bound to a higher extent than transferrins. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Some animal strains (at least L. casei L.c. and Lactobacillus sp. 2I3) are comparable with the commercially used strains with respect to their ECM binding ability. As this feature is important for probiotic bacteria to be able to colonize intestine, these strains should be considered for their wider use in fermented feed (or probiotic preparations) for animals.  相似文献   

Neurons regulate Schwann cell genes by diffusible molecules   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Mouse-hatched blastocysts cultured in vitro will attach and form outgrowths of trophoblast cells on appropriate substrates, providing a model for implantation. Immediately after hatching, the surfaces of blastocysts are quiescent and are not adhesive. Over the period 24-36 h post-hatching, blastocysts cultured in serum-free medium become adhesive and attach and spread on the extracellular matrix components fibronectin, laminin, and collagen type IV in a ligand specific manner. Attachment and trophoblast outgrowth on these substrates can be inhibited by addition to the culture medium of an antibody, anti-ECMr (anti-extracellular matrix receptor), that recognizes a group of 140-kD glycoproteins similar to those of the 140-kD extracellular matrix receptor complex (integrin) recognized in avian cells by CSAT and JG22 monoclonal antibodies. Addition to the culture medium of a synthetic peptide containing the Arg-Gly-Asp tripeptide cell recognition sequence of fibronectin inhibits trophoblast outgrowth on both laminin and fibronectin. However, the presence of the peptide does not affect attachment of the blastocysts to either ligand. Immunoprecipitation of 125I surface-labeled embryos using anti-ECMr reveals that antigens recognized by this antibody are exposed on the surfaces of embryos at a time when they are spreading on the substrate, but are not detectable immediately after hatching. Immunofluorescence experiments show that both the ECMr antigens and the cytoskeletal proteins vinculin and talin are enriched on the cell processes and ventral surfaces of trophectoderm cells in embryo outgrowths, in patterns similar to those seen in fibroblasts, and consistent with their role in adhesion of the trophoblast cells to the substratum.  相似文献   

Syndecans are type I transmembrane proteins having a core protein modified with glycosaminoglycan chains, most commonly heparan sulphate. They are an ancient group of molecules, present in invertebrates and vertebrates. Among the plethora of molecules that can interact with heparan sulphate, the collagens and glycoproteins of the extracellular matrix are prominent. Frequently, they do so in conjunction with other receptors, most notably the integrins. For this reason, they are often referred to as “co-receptors”. However, just as with integrins, syndecans can interact with actin-associated proteins and signalling molecules, such as protein kinases. Some aspects of syndecan signalling are understood but much remains to be learned. The functions of syndecans in regulating cell adhesion and extracellular matrix assembly are described here. Evidence from null mice suggests that syndecans have roles in postnatal tissue repair, inflammation and tumour progression. Developmental deficits in lower vertebrates in which syndecans are eliminated are also informative and suggest that, in mammals, redundancy is a key issue.  相似文献   

We have determined the ability of Streptococcus mutans cells to bind to extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules and fibrinogen. S. mutans cells were found to bind fibronectin, laminin, collagen type I, and fibrinogen. An isogenic S. mutans strain with a defect in the expression of the major surface protein of S. mutans, antigen I/II, possessed a reduced ability to bind fibronectin, collagen, and fibrinogen but not laminin, suggesting that antigen I/II contributes during pathological processes to the interaction of S. mutans cells with fibronectin, collagen type I, and fibrinogen.  相似文献   

Cell surface receptors for extracellular matrix components.   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  

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